The Clinton News-Record, 1911-05-04, Page 22 Clinto* News-Rtearoni May 4a, have You - Broken Out e Io your face covered with pimples, blotches or rash? Poor condition of your blood will cause these facial disfigurements at this season of the year. A good medicine ,for your blood will clear your complexion like magic. Of the many blood purifiers wo sell.R all Mood Tabs lots arcs oimbtedly the most e aro familiar with e form of this; remedy and know what et -Will do. It pure. lies and enriches the blood, builds up the entire system and impartsa healthy color to cheeks and lips. Sold with the Rcxall guarantee. Per package, 50c. W. S. R. HOLMES THE STORE To 1bc FarMers 1pequiring good substantial _footwear to resist spring wet and mud we desire to draw your attention to the fact that we have several pair boots of our own make. tippers most- ly hand stitched and we are prepared to give you good value for your money. Give us a call and see for yourself when at the Fair. W. H. Watts & Son OPPOSITE POSTOFFICE X)X XXXXXX X,XXX X CENTRA. STRATFORD. ONT. A LARGE SCHOOL, A GOOD SCHOOL, THE BEST. X • X This school has a continental X reputation for high grade work X and for the success of its stud - X mica We have three depae...- X ments,—Comanercial, Shorthand X and Telegraphy. Ambitious X young men and women should X st'ncl at once for our large fro+ X catalogue. Write for it at once X and see what our graduates are X doing. X This is a good time of the' X X year/for- you to entor our class - X me. / Students are entering each X week. Commence your courd:• at x. X rY . X once. - X X X "4- D. A. MO, ACHL AN, Principal. X X X xxxx xxxxxrxxxXxxx Pr-CTRE SEED mothy' $7.00 d Clover -$8.50- $9 ifa • $14.00 ke 1$10.00 Core -ad , eed r ,u ori dy &MoLAW The Bcsl C ' IF YOU WANT TlIBEST COAL AND PROM1'1F DEL1V- ERY SECURE YOUR SUP- PLY FROMU PL S. ORDERS LE T AT DAVIS Its ROWLAND'S HARDWARH' STORE PRIOMPTLY AT - ...TENDED TO. ' • J. W. Stevenson THE LABEL TELI'.S '1'I•IE TALE. Naas-Recir subseribere have n the pasw; few weeks, but till mote who have not yet The time is now ripe, it is eta accepted tithe. The label er p, ser tells th? tohr story. ,'ead :uron County News Gathered for News -Record Readers 16 Years Agu From The News•Record of May 1st 1$95.. Clinton. May 1st, 1895. Contractor Cooper expectsto com- mence •1tae mason: work et the House of Refuge today J. Miller put in. the new pump last week. Mr. D. A, Forrester will put in a50 acres of flax this spring and :has seeding well under way. Miss Couch and Mess McMurray of Clinton spent a few days with town friends. Mitchell Recorder. There was a good -attendance ;et the annual meeting of the Lawn Ten- nis ,Club on Monday, evening. New ofiicees were elected as follows: President, J. P, Tisdall, Viper, W. Jackson.. Secretary, W. Brydone. Treasurer, D: L. McPherson. Commit') e, G. D. McTaggart, H. C. Brewer, D. A. Forrester. At the adjourned vestry meeting of St. Paul's church on Monday even- ing Messrs. W. Jackson, W . W Fa', ran and G. Emmerson tate added. to the Finance committee and C. J. Stewart elected vestry clerk, The matter of pew rents and lighting the church by electricity was discussed and the finance committee instructed to ascertain the cost of the latter. Mr. Peter Cantelon. Jr., han pu:t chased the, Townsend lots on the cor- ner of Princess and Shipley streets and intends erecting a brick residence the coming season. At the, last meeting of the Clinton Star Lodge I.O.G.T: the, following of - eters were elected : C.T., J. W. Moore. V.T., Miss Barge; P.C., D. Stevenson.. Rec.-Secretary, D. Smith. Fin. -Secretary, 'G. Rogers. Treasurer, Miss S. Moore. ' Chaplain, A. J. Cooper. . Marshall, Jas. Fosirar. Guard, Miss L. Betts. Outside Senflnei, j. Cook. The lodge meets every Friday night. Visitors and new members cordially invited. A large and enthusia'stic • meeting of the Tennis and Cricket, 'Club was hold in the Rattenbury House on Friday; evening last for the purpose ' of re -or- ganization. Mr. M. D. McTaggart oc;' cupied tee chair: After the reading of the Sec. -Treasurer's report the following officers were elected : •`• Hon. -President, D. Ai Forrester. Hon.-Vicei, W. Jackson. • President, Geo. D. McTaggart. Vice, II. B. Combe. Sec.-Treasu:te R. .T. McDonald. Executive Committee, L. J. Ken- nedy, J. A. Hartt. Dr. Shaw. A monster entertainment is'to be held at once, at which all local. talent wil be asked to assist. Only a 'sniait• admission fee will be charged. but a bumper house is expected. An ':en ter:ainnwnt committee was appointed consisting of Messrs. T. Jackson, Jr.. E. R. Hodgens and A. T. Cooper. The Cricket and Tennis Club will. have a large membership this :year great intee st seems so be taken in . this sport. i Blyt'fi. May J.st, 1895. On Wednesday last a small frame house belonging to Mr. Jas. Dodds, situated just north of the village, was destroyed by fire. The firemen had some difficulty Keeping the flam- es from spreading to other buildings, there being a strong wind blowing from they south. • The farmett/ in this. section ate '. a- bout through with their seeding.. Our football club is' practising nightly in the park..• Rev. T.: E. Higley purchased . nice driver oneday Igst weeek fiiir. Densted Bros. r v' MayS 1 9a Tlolmes ills 1 t, 8 • Quarterly meeting service will be, held Sunday morning . conducted by the 'pastor. Therewill be 'a prepara- tory service en Saturday evening conductedbY the criuce t•trran of the r: distric i' t Rev..t.nem. W.Holmes. The Royal Templars intend giving an entertainment in June. Mr. J. Davidson. mayor of Steal - ford, and father of,Mrs. A, E. Fear, paid the village a flying visit one day last week. The cheese factory is pttegrereing as fast as can be expected. The masons will .complete their work in a few days', and the roof is already partial- ly erecesd. • 13ayfield. May 1st, 1895, Miss Mary Walwin lefts on Monday for Detrcfta after spending two months with her mother here. . Mrs. T. J. Marks visited friends in Seaforth last week. Rev. Mr. Johnston' ofl'roiated in St. Andrew's church last Sabbath. Reeve Burns has hien assured by the Government that the harbor im- 'peovements will be made and that the chief engineer will be sent up immediately. P. W. (ttJ t'LPtR, PAINTER, Al)IN PAPER, HANGER. 'All work guar: - antlered satisfactory. Prices reason g, able. Residence nearly opposite Collegi ttr lnsicltu'ird. J_ Mt% R. McLeod of Seaforth is open- Seaforth. { Winghafej Ok e the su mer. Miss Southgate, who has spent some ing a barber sop er for m- ing Angus McLeod. a pioneerof the 4th line, Kinloss, passed away after several months' illness, on Thursday of last' weak, at the advan- ced age of 87. 'The funeral to Kin- loss Cemetery, took place on. Satur- day. Mr. McLeod is survived lay his artier an life, who. though• advanced in years, is still active, and by two t sons, who lived on the farm with him, Miller's Worm Powders make the childa:n healthy. For sale by J. E. Hovey, druggist, Clinton. Blyth Miss Rogerson, who has been spend- ing a three months vacation at home, returned to Toronto last week, Mrs. J. Mills and daughter have moved into their palatial home at the south end of the village... Mr. R. E. Waugh and wife of •Strat- ford, and at one time G. T. R. freight agent here, visited Mr, and Mrs. J. G. Emigh here last week. Mr. Wm. Mason and son. Gordon, visited friends at Mitchell last week. Miss Alma Cook has been taken on as assistant in the Blyth Mural Tele- phone office. The St George Club entertained their friends to a Euchre Party and dance one evening last week. There were a number in attendance from Auburn and an enjoyable time was had. Mt', John Moss, who has been living here for a number of years, has decid- ed to leave town. and he and his wife are going to reside in East Wawanosh, near where their old homestead was. Mr. Percy Stedman, who is a (x. T, R. operator at Hamilton, and at one time worked at the O.P,R. station here,:visited his aunt, Mrs Spafford, and other friends in town last week:' Mr. J. Joynt, principal of the school here, attended the meeting of the One tario Educational Association in Tar- anto recently. The Epworth League of the Method- ist church entertained the members of the Christian Endeavor of the Presby' terian church in the school room of the church Tuesday eveningof last week, when a very pleasant time was spent. One of the .oldest residents of Col- borne Township passed away on April 23rd, in the person of Elton Low, relict of the late James Howatt, at the ad- vanced age d=vanced'age of 82 years and 7•. months. The funeral took place to Ball's ceme-. Dungannon, •• Miss Clara Mc Whinney of Goderich spent a few days last Week with her sister, Mrs. W. Mole. 'Mrs. Chas. ()Haien.. and Miss M. Ryan visised frienda atChesley. Miss Olive.Crawford was visiting in London last • week. Miss Frank McLean of Lucknow was at her borne here last week. . Mrs. W. McClure visited 'friends in Goderich recently. Mrs. R. Henderson ' and daughter visited the fennel -as brother in, :oron to.• VT. C McCullpch of Sparta called on friends here recently. - Oecil Treleaven of Toronto. vi;;ited tit his home teat week. Miss H..' Z. M. 'Whyard' of Guelph spent her holidays at -Orchard Holme.. Mr, and' Mrs. G. Woods of Goderich were.spending a few dee-sr-with friends here. Mrs. John' Johnston has returned from .her visit to friends in Clinton: • The many friends -of Mrs. Pentland will be pleased to hear that she is re covering 'from her recent illness. 'The officers, teachers. and •members of the adult Bible class of the. Method ist church spent• a social evening at the parsonage recently.. Miller's Worm,' Powders for sallow' skin; old or young. Fcx sale by . J. E. Hovey. Druggist. r 'Grey Township The officers of flora; Woman's Mis. sionary Society are. :—Pie;,ident, Mrs. K. Pearson ; Vice, .President,. Mrs. L. Frain ; •:Rec-Secretary, Miss .Jennie Hogg.; Cot. Sect:etar•y, Miss Lottie Jackson ;Treasurer , Miss Lizzie Hey a us; Systematic Giving. Secreterv. Mrs. Joe. Ames. There are 15 member, arid, the branch.' is called the 'Sara, Wright Society after a organizes, Mrs. Gurdon Wright, of London. Wedne:; d.iy afternoon the ladies met at the home of Mrc.A.hrown and had as their guests Mrs. Sparkling, District Organ izer, of Winghani and Mrs. S. S. Cole, President of Ethel Branch. J. M. Hutchinson, Lot 34, Con. 12 has letsed bie farm to Daniel •M c ir n and is moving Alberta. They n g to have resided. here 11 • years and. have proved themselves good neigh- bor:r.We wish them well in the West aril hope to see thein ' back to Grey again. Mis. Jrssie Bateman and children have gone to Teeswater locality where the former has a position ars assistant housekeeper. Misses M. and L. McIntosh, left last week for Milestone, Seek. They go to join their brother. Peter McIntosh, who is engaged at farming. Loids l' 4 r l3teaes had the misfortune to he severely hurt. one day, while eugsg- edin rumilng his 01 chard. While stand ing AU a lice it, suddenly nroke and he tell to the ground. He was badly bruised and received. a severe injury inwardly and is under medical treat merit. The box social held at Roe's church Tuesday evening last week was a en jrayahl, affair and netted the Fur ward Movement about 87..10. Program con slated of solo by Mrs. A. Brown ; duets by Miss Lottie Jackson end .1 no. Pry ,, ens, and Miss Lizzie Bryaris "'vMiss Jackson : recitations by Mite a ;e, of Ethel, end Misses Maggie rare and li.MatryJohnston. Chair "acceptably tilled by Mr. L. Frain. Huls Tactor, of Town visiting t, her uncles I 15th con. W and Mrs. Da bleat' were w.' r; hitefi 'Muse months with. New York friends, has returned home. Dr. H. E. Fisher left lastweek for his future home iii Toronto. Mr, Robt. Bell has purchased a fine new marathon auto. Mr. F. 0, Broadfoot of New York visited at hisold home here prior to going to Vancouver, The anniversary services in connec- tion with the Seaforth Presbyterian church will be held on Sunday, May 10th. and willbe conducted by Rev. Mr. McPherson of Chalmers' church, Toronto. As a student, Mr, McPher- son actedas assistant in. the Presby terian church, and his former friends will be pleased to have this opportua ity to hear him again. One of the first settlers of this neigh horhood passed say on April 18th, in the person of Mr, Henry Winslow of the Huron Road. Mr. Winslow was born in Ireland in 1818 carne to this country and settled in Hibbert in 1849 on the farm where be lived to the day of his death, Mr. Wiaslow will long he remembered in this part of the country as an enthusiastic Orange- man, a splendid type of farmer and a kind and genial neighbor. • Zurich • Rey. A. D. Gischl'er closed a very pleasant and successful five year pits torate in the Evangelical church on. Sunday last. He goes to Milverton. His successor is Rev. G. F. Brown of Walkerton, brothel' of Mr. Jacob Brown of the Goshen Line. One evening last week the friends and adherents of the Evangelical church gathered at thehome of Mr. Cyrus Schoch and, in appreciation of his valuable 'Cervices in connection with the choir andin other church work, presented him with a handsome gift and anaddress expressive of their high esteem and. regard. A' pleasant social time was spent after the presen tation. Mr. Fred. Kibler of Listowel, form erly of this place, has sold his shoe business and intends going to Van couver. He attended the Conference here last week' and renewed former acquaintances. . Midland ratepayers •voted. in `favor of taking Hydro -electric power,_ The beautiful cantata, "Bethlehem will be presented by the young people of the Baptist church tomorrow even. ing in the town hall,, Many friends will regret to hear that Ex•Mayor Thos. tvergory has been confined to his borne for some time through illness. Mr. J, C. Leckie left last week for Calgary, Alberta, but Mrs. Leckie and. family will remain here for the sum- mer. . Miss Struthers has gone to spend the summer in Owen Sound. Jos, Guest of Buffalo has been re- newingacggaiutanceships in town. Ed. Bradwin of Toronto spent a few days with his parents in tow.. Mr. A. J. Nicholls, the baker has had his delivery wagon repainted. which adds to its smart appearance. Mr. and. Mrs; Jos. Carruth are retur- ning to town after residing in, Orillia. They will live with Mrs. parruth's father, Mr. L. McLean, who Is iu a feeble condition, Mr. Carruth has secured employment in the Bell fac- tory. Mr. C. A. Barber, who has been spending the past few weeks visiting with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas.. Barber: left last week for his home in Pilot Mound. Man. Miss Edith White of Brantford was a visitor at Mrs. J. J. Elliott's over Sunday week and delighted the con- gregation of St. Andrew's church at the morning service with her beauti• ful rendition"The Gift.' John Mason launched his gasoline yatch on the Maitland on Wednesuay. The new queen of the Maitland is des- ignated the "Leila" and she is as pretty as her name, Belgrave Mr. Joh. McGill 'and Miss 0. M Will' 90 4 laI n natteC de ! d the Haines•. Haines wedding in . WIngharn ' last week. Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Williamson and son Harvey at: Toronto spent their Easter holidays with the former's,. sis- ter, Miss Cora Williamson. The hest cure for Eczema is Mil- ler's Compound :Iron. Pills. 5.0 doses. 25 •centra. For Salo by J. E. Hovey, Druggist.• "' A Native of L''linton, but who has lived . for several years in Mexico, gives an inter- esting account of the rebellion in that ceuntru.. • • In. November of last year, while the writer was in the city or. Puebla, which lies about seventy.flve miles south- east of this Capital, there :occurred a bloody conflict between &number of Maderis:s (followers of the revolution- ary leader Iriaderu) and the police. This coftict may be said to have been the commencement of the revolution now taking place. in Mexico. The circumstances leading up to the Puebla disorders were the following ; Francis- co I. Madero ,leader of the epeesiu ron rind defeated candidate for the presi• deuey. delivered. some • speeches in Puebla. and while there : rustle ' the .acquaintance of Aquiles Serdan, a mat; with pronounced democratic tendeu-' cies. Serdan was then ,appointed by Madero the leader of his part yin that. ' city. After Madero had neeu released from the pi ison where he was confined for a time for alleged seditious utter- ances, he took refuge in the United States, and :from, ther e: he conducted an aactive.coi're:potrdence with follow- ers of his in many parts of the Repub. tic of Mexico. Among these was, as has been• stated, Aquiles Serdan, of Puebla. Arrangements were made'• by the Maderists for a general uprising against the Government. and Sunday,. the 20th of last November, wins the• d•ey agreed upon for the beginning of this revolutionary movement. The police of Puebla became suspicions of Serdan, and a search of his house was ordered by the authorities. The order was given the Chief of Police on the evening of November 17th, and the next morning, Friday; and but two days before the day set for the general uprising, the Chief, .accompanied by a few policerririn, applied for admittance at Serdan's house. This was 8 o'clock. in the moaning.. They knocked' at .t be door,. which was opened without delay. 'The Chief of Police, Assistant 'Chief, and too police entered ,the patio, or inner courtyard, • of the _house, and. were snaking preparations to. search the house itself,when i hey' were filed upon by sora of the Mitderists who were cccealed within. The Chief and one policeman were instantly killed; the other policeman succeeded in es caping.. and the Assistant Chief was taken prisoner, bound, and locked up in one of tu the rooe , The police who escaped hutried to • the nearest station to give the alarm. APlateen of police was rushed to the spot, but upon entering the street leading to Serdan's house the police- men were eget by a fusillade of atiotc from the roof. The Made' bits, armed with Winchester rifles and sheltered by the low well running around the flat roof of the house, had a great ad- vantage over the police in the street below. After a number of the pollee had been ki;led and wounded, the authorities called out the regular tronps and the."rurales," er mounted police, a few companies of which were barracks in Puebla. Then the bat- tle began. The rebels numbered about twenty ; the troops were about four hundred in all, However, only a small portion of the Government forces could be employed against the rebels, for the reason that these, from their position on the housetop, dominated the street in front of the house, which could not have been rushed without a large loss of life" on the part of the soidiers. Moreover, the rebels were well supplied With dynamite bombs, Which they hurled (torn the root when. over an attempt was made to approach the ouse. A Som the fighting had gone on ,for r Idlers climbed into ighbcrring churches, frits of vantage they a hot fire down onto 'e house. The wall rebels bed al'tetered ren of no use as at le by one they were ed. Thus, after the. +d for nearly four ds of shots had been re t ebels' side sod. denly ceased, . and the soldiers' advan- red along the street towards the house. The door. was forced. open, and the troops entered the courtyard.. They foundsome of the rebels on the roof, some in the rooms of tine house, and some lying in the courtyard—all dead or badly wounded. Serdan's wife, smother and sister were discovered in one of the inner monis, the former be. ing wounded in the at in. But .Set din himself, the leader, could not be found. When questioned, • the womensaid Hatt he had succeeded in escaping from the house before the soldiers entered. Thedead and. wounded' rebels were retries ed tram.the house, the women • were tinker to the.penitentbuy, and a guru d of soldiers and police was left in the house,' it being suspected. than borne of the rebels might. have hidden themselves in snore part of.it. An un- derground passage leading away from the house was found, and it was believ- ed that S.er'dan and some of his men were within it. As it turned rout after- wards, this passage was nothing mot than an excavation made years before for a sewer connection, and' no one Was within it. The soldiers were afraid 'to venture into the passage, which 'would be certain ''death if : therebels were waiting there ; so the tire' depart - Went was called .in, and the firemen pumped water. into the excavition• for _hours, hoping to drown out the rebels. Night came, and the watch continu- ed. The flying bullets of the 'day's fighting had cut the electric . light wires and a friend of the writer,'arm electrical engineer, ' wits called in to repair the damage; In passing through one of the•'tech oems on the ground floor, he noticed'thaat the woirderefloor' of the roma; rang hollow rs he stepped upon it.' He drew the aattention of -the officer in charge to the fact, but no special attention was paid to what ie said: The wiring was repaired arid.t electric;light turned m, The soldiers had left the house,: and a few pollee - men were on guard. They were si• - ting_in the diniiig.rootn, half dozing, at 2 o'clock iii the iitor•nilnig, when it noise in the' adjoining a tend ruin • beds caro Made there start to Ltieir feet.' A teen �arp- peared in the doorway, wii'Im a revolv- er in his hand. It 'cats Se! den. • •'l'm Serdan,". he ;.aid in te. weak voter "don't scoot I +ice it self h. � up."But, one of the policemen, fearing.that Ser- den wculdoa, nfirt ewr Ii Iris revolver, shoth'mr dead.d. Thus ended Ir : 'i l e t rat uprising against the Govern weir t, and thus begrtrr the revolution now raging in this country, • The writer visited the house a few deysat'trr the bloody events just nate rated. It .wars Addled with Bullets. and blood stains were to beesen on all sides, The whole place showed clearly the terrible storm of bullets to which it had been exposed. But the most interesting thing tu, A be sew en there as Serdan's hiding place, few hoards had been pried up from the throe of the house, and the earth below had been reproved, leaving an excavation, like aa grave. sna just the Smit of a crratrr's body. Serdan had crept into this hole before the soldiers entered the house and bad been coveted up by the wont. en, who bad teplaaced the boards and had drawn a rug over the placer; end there he had lain OD hiss bank,. unable.. to move and hardly sable to breathe frit fourteen hours! 'Think of the agony the man must, have suffered 'dtudng thri" apparently intermilralalt' DOM sI 'rte cramped position t the fear of delee- tiou and death at, any moment, as the soldiers tramped over his hiding. place ; and the anxious wonder lug its to the manner in which mseapn etiulal be trr,ade. At. length, its they early morning, the prolonged silence no doubt made Serdan imagine drat lm wag alone in the house, and, lifting up the boards whish covered trine, he :. Ir ecounmtergered, tofretotlr'tiis livinyasg+ gte ltad';tve tto err. tihert hoped, but death j WY,4 Il. C,; <�y off lcxico, Aptil 20; 1011. .41111111111111111111111.1 Spring Debility i Is due,to the debilitating weather otthe season and to the impure,. impoverished, deviteblzee condition of the blood caused by too close coni flnernent, too little outdoor air and exercise, ti, heavy diet during the winter, It Is cured by the greet constitutional rernedl Hood's Sarsaparilla which effects its wonderful cures, not simply bemuse it apntafas saaaparlU but because It combines the utmost remedial melees of mesa itis twerp different Ingredients. There Is no real sabatitate for Hood's h3arasparil gauged to buy any preparation said to be "lust as good," yen may be sure Is interior, coats less to make, and yields the dialer a larger profit. X* noses' Exeter Harold Ramsay, grandson of Mrs. Ramsay of town, has succeeded in passing his examination as mining en gineer at Queens University, Kings ton. Mrs. D. Johns, who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. C. Adams, in .Oat gory, visited Mrs. Goodison in Sarnia before returning home. ' Richard Hill of Stephen sold a horse Peat, week to Mr. M. Doyle of Exeter for $245.00. The Bank of Commerce building will be commenced right away. Built of red brick, ' blocked with stone and floored with marble, it will he one of the most up to date bank buildings in Oneida. Mrs. Wm. Cudmore left last week on a trip to Vancouver to visit a broth er she has not, seen for twenty five years, and two children, who are rest dents of the Sunset City. She will pro badly be away several mouths. Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Seawright left last week for Essex where Mr Sea wright has Secured a good position. Miss Nina Carling left Monday for several weeks' visit in Brantford and Toronto. Mr. Gen. Moir left last, week to visit in Detroit. Grand Rapids and Traverse (ity, Mich. Traverse City is Mr.,Moir's old home, ' The many friends of Mr. Al. McDon old wilt he pleased to learn that he is improving. Mrs. Monroe, who spent the winter in England and • for the past several weeks has been visiting in Toronto, has returned to town. Miss Janet Brown and her mother leave . next week for the west. They will vrsit_Mrs. Fred. Knight for a cou. ple of months,. Mn'. John Walper, clerk with Jones and May, has resigned his position arid and has accepted a similar one at Har row. ' Hernial!. Messrs. Pete Lamont and Gibb Dick each took a car of stock to Terence) last week. . The Bowling Club is having a. hand. sonic new fence put aroitnd their green. (Ardmore has had a staff of Masons at work on E. Rannie's new store. 'If rushedas cantern'mlated, the store' will be completed by the end of June.. • Tbe yoyng 'men of the Methodist church have 'organized a baseball club and' the _ Presbyterian boys also con template forming a club. Mr. 'Richard. Horsley of Clinton has moved to town and occupies the cot tage owned ny the late Mi's. Moir. Dr. James. Bell has returned from' H irr isburgh,. Penn,; where he practis ed through the winter. He was called. k Morris Township Robert Bosnian Sundayed mcc at Milrert Tellars, 1st line. Miss Eleanor Patterson of Wi spent a few days recently at th of her grandparents, 1st line, Mrs. John Owens, of leelgr saber daughter, Mrs. Henry of Bluevale, last week. Adam Ishister, principa chaster public school; s holidays at his parental line. Miss Bessie Bradyocic a of Fordwich, and Fran Charlton. New Ontario, home of the latter's slat T. Bell. John. Douglas, 8th I' Morris, after an este the State of Washing railroading. He will Summer here. S Mr. and Mrs, Washington, quaintances on years since they lug those years t come owing to the illness v' seat d g t his truth g cal., Mrs:.: en lv Miss.Fells of th 1 The Wolman gainduek , Mich., y Millers t! ripPowders • Cu • tri Mer rhe La m sale by J. . , re. For !the Afnrry—Lanrb y J:'. Hote,y, druggist, dlia- William Moffat, loll. of Tur•nberry, die home in Ralston, year. The deceased The .Australian Labor M;inistr lias•. 'theisl he decd.Mof Ministry ane; left this seraion sustained a `seriout, defeat. I'fo ' Iowa. lacy but f hay c_IC' re:_t • 1 Artistic Bedroom ' Furl] AT CHELLEW'S' With the IrirrnenseAssor•trnent displayed in our large she selection of .appropriate furnishings for any Bedroom, shot ditlitult. Mahogany, Circassian Walnut, Quarter Cut Oak Enamel are all represented. Hygienic Bedding made, aped order, Cotton't'elt Mattress, Mixed Mattress, Feather Pillows etc,, rade of pure material, under•:S:i.nitar•y conditions. Prices • • °y.. Y•.{.,4'e:'•;•e64:,,y-4.N$.•:a�•rt�a^'-'1�.i.14x.,..s ,,' t, • J H. CHELLEW. Furniture and Undertaking Phone No. 8 Night and "AAW :MltAA VwrwrrrrVVVVVVVYVVAAAN1nv Our flotto.This Year is The Bes ro •tile precise, exact time to the second; you find the Counter Watch on the job any tim allay : or night. In all the world there is n better, few if any equal, it etiomes in and 25y ear eases fitted with a Counter M hent from $15 up. We sell it to you with understanding that it will do exactly as we you or you get another watch. Oh yes safe for us to do this as a Counter Wats disappoints. Yon Can Rely ON A COUNTER WATCH matter how necessary it is for you to k .ie