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The Wingham Times, 1904-09-08, Page 3
rain izl the Stomach, Diarrhea, Dysentery, �.. Cholera _. gorb 1s, Cholera infanuu t, Seasickness, and all binds of Summer Corn. plaint aro quickly cured by taking' Dr. Fowler's Extract of gild Strawberry. 1'1' h . �r It has been used by thousands for nearly sixty years --and we have yet to hear a complaint about its action. A few doses have often cured when all other remedies have failed. Its action is Pleasant, Rapid, Reliable and -Effectual.. Dr. Powwler's Extract of Wild Strawberry lathe original fowl Complaint. Cure. Refuse Substitutes, They're Dangerous. aA a o.st distressing and fatal accident occurred at t lintub, ou Wrrineteloy af- tercoun ot Met aeek, Ltheu J, 11Ir.Uer- 2no4, a brakeman we the G. T. It., was instantly kilitd, Tho unfortunate nxun was coupling ears, when, In some way, the pin slipped, and he got between tett coupling of the two oars, and the pin went completely through hint, killing him instantly. He was about twenty. eight years of age, and bad been on the road ailout u year. He leaves a wife and one child, who live in Stratford, The parents of the unfortunate fellow live in Mitchell. ABM fF"rTE SECU '' F TYI Genuine artr e s Jt_ Pills. '1' Must Dear Cicinaturo of Sea Fee -Shrine ,:"rapper Wow. Tory 1a,aa1I enc: as easy to take as r a4'ar.. FOR HEADACHE., F©n DIZZINESS. ren BILIOUSNESS. FOE TORPID LIVER. 7OlI CONSTIPATION. FOR SALLOW SKIN. FOR THECW PLEXION OE7V1 144277 PiteRWW¢�{pMATtI:, G si Ps'elyT'9egeSaAle./v/��,--., CURE SICK HEADACHE. CARTEKS ITT1.E WEIR PI LLS, • 01..11.1.0=1010 OMNI. $0 YEARS' f EXPERIENCE TRADE MARitS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS dna, Anyone sending a sketch and description Sun° gytekiy ascertain our opinion free whether as invention is probably notentnhlo. Communica Roils strictly confidential. Handbook= Patents sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents. Patents taken through Munn ,h Co. receive special notice, without charge, in the Scientific JImerican. A handsomely ilthrtrsted weekly, remote r1, culation of any scientific journal. Terms. $P a year; f ur mOathst, `FL Sotd.byatt nowsdeatc'rn MUMN & Co.36tBroadway, New Yard Demon 01100. t9:, it ur .. W.odils,,tnn.• IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE • IN THE TIMES THE WEATHER FOR SEPTEMBER Prof. Hicks Promises Much Higher Temperature During the First Hall: of the Month, --- Bee. lie 1t. Rieke, of St. Louis, hats isstnotj Jlis foteeasts for the seventh 41 tesptentber from ern,„air' tttc a1I'pended U tAti ;.ora teeet lt:. A overseer/ storxns period begin, ring the last two days In August, isle4 Itiat into i11i, let nod and slays of Dnp, tc.n bar, etryrms bulv:znt'• moved into ce'n'tral! to ]:stent parts by the 1st an i 2nd Highet1 baroirnuter, west- erl ' gales ,and change to tomb cozier west fol:ow totem) these tlis'turbanees: The .storm poteod beginning ext the 4tit and (:standing to the 10th ia'oat= isoi to bring xurany prolteed end€e- ver* perturh'ttians. At ,'east five (see t'tonoan Ott causes wilt help to i ieturb litartli's rneteorolegiert r' ernents at Otte gime—the Blood in conjunction with earth and in ra'rigen, the Vul a t torus, tea 2lerattry Equinox. the Valets disturb.,: cu (tndt Ole greatly inereaeed tcension of Berth's utttuni- tat equinox. Tee disturb)neea at this time viii almost ''ertainly he ug- gruv-tted in charaoler and er,:longtd, with itosaibly vary' alight intermit - eon, into and thrcubh the renctionary storm per:ori central cn the lith vett 12th, The %1'con be;ng at row toad in perigee Oa the U.h and on the et leativi egw.tt0r ou elle 10th, tee (hent.` Lcr pie longed sled ,Violem't diet uaIli Inoes inio the llth kind 12th are -unusually gi^ialt. During the early stages of them, gmer.11 disturbances as excessively' hell teineerat ate, er heated term, is sure to antes`` its appearance over n.,•yst parts of the cctl;vtry, provided teat West 1.ndet• storttls, with mice mitt atop b %'0'W trict .IeL'ressious do not come promptly cut of the south setts, tottebtng our gulp end s uth At -I [antic States. • Wo prediet that Weems:toy, the 7. h to eatu;day Ilia 10.h, w. 11 b;:ntr a ce. cid(sd crisis aholvL) •' the c iuocti. u .t q hurriaanca• of ;real;,; extent and vio- 1 encu are ne•,tr, if no� sweeping our c)oL1thern coasts, er that: pbenome ai heal over the interior, crovcriltg the gteuter part of. 'tile eetratry evil] he, cui.ir,'inal•irrg in• love barometric, that.4 der storms ''and .rossible tcrna•doza in many II ee3. If. 1.'u ., i a;.e1 cud nit r:.. ud b.u•tttrotrio (t0j 1:e'ssione road] cur south co sots cadet en this period, vary cool northerly' wends tviil flow southward` over sift central anti west- ern tetatca, followed by ' banking w'nds—” that is,sl.it1in,g fio'tt e•s. to north, nortb-'vest and west—attended 1,•,' `lever.]. days of cote], persistent octet ;etas. Vie believe that the ego tior:el cyclones' and hurricance w 11 d•ol:ry their approach to cttr eau:tho n, coasts teat; enough t o eau o a •suvero heated tcxm outing the timet he If of the =math, or 'irate se -1 yore star -iris ou and tcu:)hing the 11th stet) leth. 'Earth;gtrrtt1.1' ane' volcanic pl:enomeue will be reported •frm oar - Imre parts or the gL.,ba ori and about. tee Oth. If vary taw hexameter and ogl i/so'r:ta I hurricanes 1 cacti the eoutlictn co:lets awn states at this time, northerly currents will induce ni:arked boreal conaitems' over west- ern and central vete tions, bringing frosts to north-western ..tatte,s riot far from: the 12th (to 1511. The next rcguler s.o'•m per'o.1 cx-J ;ends from the 10,th to the :,)1st. Tiris period was coveieu, as els) tiro prev:ons periols, by the Mercury equinox .and by/ the Earth's autuns- nel.ncjuirioX,near its central data area iattlU1 ee.. ',Chose who have etudieu teat' forecasts dui':ng p'. at years, c:.ac-, »..ring* the pllenotinon.,t of maitre be psrS'stent aret intelligent obscrvrtion wall know that the chances for omen-. . o,,ttal lturricortos in the eolith will be tatercatse :.1•t this time, if shah have ROI made their appeoennee at meet - cuss par:ols. If sued have tiroit.iiy., lapproaolled, reaoliing our part cf the globe, they wall be less probable at tLr ,and subsequent' Seatteuiber per rods. In the Sntettre of things, we are. not at the seaa:otl when, the vast elec- tiie,al and magnetic faro(` aro gener- ated in abnormal: intensities, out cj whjeh the greats myrtle/eat cyclones are develoiped, If thee3 forces are - dellye(t they increase, in otmiulativc� energy and show themselves at later! 1ti::riods+. Hence it II careful, obaerv- inyi' etudonts et these forecasts away know that the real trrobab:iities are'. for each September storm period, b:-4 ltkj We11 n,ssarndt that et least; one great ectuincetin 1 perturba,tiotlr will rush ter from tho equator tlur:.ng tli`s month and cxpevss itkeif in many atorans and 'gales over beth land a .and out. Otto of thefse great West India, cy elopes or hurricane,st leas the life, tixtie ot more that etre ordinary ]storm ported, so tliaut'-they often approach the southern Coast of our eott'tineut,' it, a wandering sort of way, .teeat et, in:a' rrtciny day'ttr'' Dot they faecal,, did, reneivpd energy at the centres Of the regal tr stor)n peleols, 1vs eking their' gt'eatest tJuva,stat'on en It.tlr hoot end Meese nine times' ext ten, daring tliette rcguitr retie1s, Whtttev r chorale(. of *AortY♦e ere 18 prslgrras iltieing the Pokeo'l 10th to 21st, annetle that 181 h Lo Wodneed ty the 21rst, %tell brim. the +ettl.txtiatuting oriels of the Tcried. 1L an teluieoctirsl hurrirane, or trsyelono, is in progress its the gtttt, or k+sljactint tva•ier'% stmt does a ;rt reach, the etauthorn touts befnre It i att- xrpal (.srLa ,nt to lea fol., in violent Gate O. h get to at hitt } t tsve;atY'.feet boars of n. on o. a 11t s 24 alt. .tee of tee ,sej,teauber perturbations. w,instever ,Zen etoct;r at ether periods is aituest stertain to founts a decided, it not vio- tn1 crests ot this lune, "this to al.* roost/tor time when' sur srntc, votaafia and meteoric ptsenomentt `vii( b) re- ported ftotn runny' extrerges of the `'idles. In r' very" probability a ruses - mg lsicth b'lr'oaneter, viotant inau•th- westerly gales, end Chuntio to utmost tee t, welt retread ovytm the et:Metre from tivi north -`vest ci ebbe. st(:rms of r4h ieri*d aitl glue mace ladle i.fgl barometric urea, putel,itig cie.e bahine ,bone A regal tr 'Vuleat ti stoma per:otl ig *entre! no the, 20th, extending erorg the 27th, twor or three dues into Oc, lcibar, As tot eater this pe io 1 the barometer sv:11 fall, the temperature will ag.tin Thu, to quite warm end: scattering storms will he advancing eastward over the cuttntr7 abut the 2Utft and 80th. In ain we eave said about lite•probaa dtility of hurl ineues, and high emsinoe,. tint storms end gales its September, we must not ba understotd as fore. rs »tin4 things cut of . ilio erdinery. Ve mean to ,such ihrngs, We do say that stomas of decided energy will be perfecter xtatu:al but titers s. to Iva,g in the 'isitroiiganic col Lek to excite fears of wore then ordinary pbenem- one. As we so often soy—an ordinary et est I -1(t a cyclone, by greet, etre- rice. i,t 1 burn( toe — things always to ba exp ted in greater or test eso tensity in i'"ep 'amb^.r—ir•e .not to be rem reed IgIvi1,v A ant' time. ;To tLosics Who, are exposed to their fury (,specially where wind, .;nd t1aiter cora bitted :'re. 10 bo enccun•tcred, no warning ellouIit seism' untimely or Sensat'onu1. No ere slleuld be elnrir-I ed at the probability of such disturl:-1 asnces, and if the proper precautions are taken, nal 'the proper watchful- 1 neer txeroisscd, the dreadful list' et cases 1 i"s and la s o; rr per" y, xni;ht ' ba reduced to a.'lmost notbng, .41. 13* @93".3 Bears tile �Thu Kinn You Have Alway: Be aP • eignature of , The Proper Amount ofSieep. Axo t p p r amount )ant of sleep is, of course. absolutely essential to continued good health, but if dietetic habits are correct it is a matte+r which will regulate itself. If a rule is needed one will follow nater ally after the fact that almost everyone feels languid on waking and is difposed to take another nap, no matter how long he has been sleeping. This a morbid sensatinu 11 hich it would take too long to explain here. It is enough to say that lack of sleep should be made up it pos sjhle, at the beginning and not at the end. The best general rule is to rise at a given hour every morning, whether tired or not, and go to fed when sleepy. The 1)aby's Troubles. The greatest sufft,:ing of childhoorl is caused by ecz'-That, soald head, °hall, g or Direr fortes of sltiu irritation or ernp- tima. Because of its extraordtuary soothing, healing power Dr. Chase's Ointment js of inestnnablo value in the home where there are small children'. No mother who has learned the scores of ways•in which Dr. Chase's Ointment can /reused svould think: of beiug with- out it in the house. Reflections of a Bachelor. A girl can be terribly ugly without ever discovering it. When a man dresses poorly it is it sign he pays bis tailors' bills. A man can get very fond of any biota girl that won't marry bins, Cold weather saves many people from freeziug by not going out in it. When a woman sets out to marry a man he is as bad as married already. Women are so naturally smart it is queer they can never learn to think. Every woman considers herself the grated prize in a matrintauial lottery. No matter how rich a man is he snot peots the probity of everybody who is richer. When a girl treats a roan as if she were very muck interested in him it is a sign she isn't. A girl can fall in a hammock or out with equal ease according to the direr. tion the nian is, The gooney market interests a man al. most as niuclr as the market money in. terests a woman. You can never make a girl believe that it isn't any "Safer" to climb up h ladder than down. --New "York Press. A Thamesford'lassfound a package of love letters that had been written to her mother by her father before they were married.` The daughter saW she could, have some sport, and read then] to her mother, substituting her own name far that a her mother, and a fine young fel- low from the stave mill for her father. The mother jumped tip and down in her ch fr, shifted her feet, terribly disgusted, and forbade leer daughter having any. thing to der with >t young Man who would write such sickening, nonsensical stiff to a girl. When the young lady handed the letters to het mother to read that house became so still you could hear the grate growing in the bank yratt& Aro just what five weak, net'voug, run down Woman needs to. make her strong and welt. They cure those feel. ings ofsrnotheringand sinking that conte en at times, make the heart beat strong and regular, give sweet, refresh- ing sleep and banish head- aches and ner- vousness. They infuse new We and energy into dispirited,J►ealtle Shattered women who have come to think there is no cure for them, They cure Nervousness, Sleeplessness, Nervous Prostration, Brain Fag, Fount and Dizzy epees, Liotlessness, After Etlects of La Grippe and Fever, Anaemia, General Debility and alt troubles arising from a run -clown system. P 1°. 500, tier boa. or $ for $L23 alt] dru$d lsts or ms.t d by VIZ T. MILIiVRN Co., I.3MITED. Toronto, Ont. AS YOU MAKE T. To the prPaather life's a sermon, To the joker it's a jest: To the unser life is money, To the loafer lite is rest. To.the lawyer life's n flea]. To the poet ltfte's it SOPA;; To the the doom. 1ttres n patient That needs treatiueut right along, To the soldier life's a battle. To theteacher li Ws a school; Lift's a "good thing" t•, tiib grafter, I 'a a failure totem tool. T. the man It the (entitle Ltfeet tt lout; end rteavy;;rade; Itis a gamble to the gatublr•r, Tu iht) ntercbalm hfe's a trade. Life'sa picture to the artist, To the renal ItYe'sa t'rou't; Life perhaps is bus a bar(lru To the neon beneath the hod. Life is lovely to the ]over, To the player hte's a play; Lite tufty be a load of Iran hie To the man upon the dray. Life is but a long vecatioe To the man who loves his work; Life's an everiasttrg etl't)rr To shun duty 10 tete uhtik. To thehose . v St b1 8 rat e t ( i14n to dr Ltfe'e a story ever new: Lire is what we try to make it— Brother, wbat is life to you? Iajs r, Chicago Record -Herald. SUNSHt•NE, {Captain Cl!INV fOre,.) I never like to see a ntau serastllu' with the (letups, ,'Cause in the /RRme o' life he doosu't al- ways, moth ,le, 1rutees; But I nate always en eon ,Ili it free (tett As takes hies dost', and Opin s the Lord it isn't :Illy W U .$. I There ain't on nae' o' kickir,' anti swearhe at yew, luck Ye.tt(t,:'t cure*'t't Ow irola id.. tl).e)11.'1) y011 eau drown a duck, • Remember when h"u.•nth she load your suffering head is bow -(1 That Gori'll sprinitL, sun.hiue in the trail of every ' loud. If yon "8110811 see a Tenets -man with • trashy'` 111)g nutnrlen. And lookut' likes he 'Meet have a friend in tall the world, Go up and slap hint nn the hack, and boiler -How 11' you de?" And grasp his easel se ]eerie he')1 know he has a friend in yen Then ax hint what's )t•hnrtit.' bit), Rud laugh Itis cores /twee. And tell hitt that the tiarlrest night 18 juste"fore the clay; Don't talk in graveyerd palaver, bet say it right out lond. That God'li sprinkle sunshine its the trail of every cloud. This world at best is but a hash of pleas ore and of paint Some days aro brignt and Sunny, and some nra sloshed with rain; And that's just how it anent to be, for wheel true clouds roll by We'll know just how ret 'preciate the bright and so,ilin'skc; So leach to rtrke it as it cotu•'s, and tdote'r sweat at ell•- neer.•.. Because this Lord's (pinion doesn't co. ineide with totter; But always keep re enherin', when cares your life eeshronel. That God has lots of sant-Igoe to spill behind the cloud. To tho Weary Dyspeptic, We Ask This Oueetiont Why don't you remove that weight at the pit of the Stomach? Why. don't roti regulate that variables *ppettte, anct condition the digestive organs so that it will not be necessary to starve the stomach to avoid distress after eating? The first step is to regulate the bowels. For this purpose Burdock Blood bitters Iso No Zgoal.. It acts promptly and effectually tend petnaanentlq cures all derangements et nigeitiott, ORIGIN OF srCK 1i3.trtar }SHOT WHILE AT THE PIANO 11"4"6 c,cmfwaY 'kites Ius►poxed to Colon 1 roe:► no 01100pw. ttoit le ('oraislt Moe*. J .1 believe that the origin of the, ex- ' Girl Fatally wounded Ste p. pre»titre bit of slang '].tellers' play lie found In the very lowest tom) of ecett• t)tttiou any member of tate unman ram follows," 1V. 1 f, Robinson states, ""Between 11`oruisioy's and $t.liel(rt's, in Cornwall, is an uwlergrouu4 canal eonnoeting the lower levels of the coal lines at 11'urrarsli'y's with' the sur•t'ntce station at tit. Helen's which lettuce a great neat of money for the wins QWlrers in handling the coal, wbleb is simply loaded on the barges In the mines and transported by the canal under the nruuntttlns to the harbor at St. Helen's. When the canal 1185 tete• vise(], boweiet', ]row to Provide for lot:ourotion for these barges was a prole - lett]. , "il:ules ctatitin't be used, and there were circumstances whlelt made steamimpossible, but an inrentiva genius finally solved the riddle by suggesting that cross pieces of timber be placed along the root of the canal, which was very low, unci meg could Ile on their backs on top of the Ioaded barges and 'lick" the vessel along, After the barge was once started this was found to be feasible, The iuen could easily keep the load in motion by the hearts suggested, and it Imo ever since been In use. There is no question about the low grade of this sort of wore., and even the men who follow it are eon:stautly 'kieking' around the villages where they live. They were J.uown at he minceofficial- ly as 'kickers' because of their' work, and their vocal complaints, continually indulged In, cause(. every one at 11'orntsley's or St. Helen*, no matter what their station or employment, who indulged in complaints to be called 'kickers.' I presume teat the origin of the word, as we use it, Is et 1 what I have suggested."" Girl d . DUTCH SUPERSTITIONS. If tete lire goes out on New Years eve trouble is foreboded. If you wall( backward, the errand you are bound on at the time will fatal. To prevent cramp wear an eelskin garter about the left leg below the knee. To cure warts rub a black snail over thein, but the snail must afterward be liupaled on a rose thorn. The first person to enter your house ou New Year's day will, if he be light behest, bring Lad luck to you; If dark hatred, good rock, • . To test your sweetheart's ]humor I make him stir the tire. If he stere it to a hearty Llaze he is good humored. If he makes it smoke and fade he is hard to live with. If tt lock of your hair burns bright and long you will have a happy life of seventy years or more, but if it burns weaj.ly and soon goes out your life will be bout sad and short. mistaken rdentity. The wearied Hitt hunter pushed long and persistently at the button labeled "Janitor." The house bore a sign stat- ing that there were apartments to rent. The janitor was evidently absent from his Dost of duty, as there wall 120 '. response to her repeated ringing. Disheartened, the seeker for a home was about to tarn away when the door• � father While Flaying al His Request, eIs:eago, Ana. 40. —Whets tee:tied el, the piano playipg an air which he b.•d requested, Augusta Guth, «7 years old,. wash . and p.ob;l.lf fatally wt waded. l is t night by her stepfather, Lawrence i.eats,ch.Turning, L^ntseb fired :a but. , i'` into 'Edward Meetler•, the 1nI'a £iaattete t4n(l then cos:emitted slieltio by stcot;nw hianstlf thrtuo1u the hsirt Thc' tragedy which was the ;+nitnina. Coo of an infatuation for the git i on :he part of, her stepfather, took i,'t;)sq • its the I,,entsah home, 21 Aubart street ; Moeller, who is 21 years old, evert at 1020 Helton street. Both 1St .s .43 ink and Moeller were taken to St, Joseph's hospital where they were or. crated on. At midnight it was said rho young w'ontap was stili olive. Iter 1.:ancco was not dangerously wound. ed; M:a,s Guth was seated at 'the piano la rhe leerier of her benne and her sweet- ttwtrt sae cm the SOLO- nearby when Lontsce entered the room. The young ttutxt.tn Was going for a, walk with ,1 ciler but the tattier caked her tet pJ„.y once more. The shooting fel- Jested. Lcnttch was inter al to Mrs Antonia. Cult fifteen years ago, The daughter Augusta, was then 4 y eaas cel When she was 15 .nor stepfather showed s ens of preference for her. Accordiug .o Mrs. Lentsch, its told her many gone` ; "You arc too old and tat and ugly, Why don't you die ,so Augusta and tee scan get .married?” ;)Viten he found teat 'Miss Guth :ivo:ded him, I.entseh is said to have extended les ebu,a 1.0 her, many titres a lova, eaiag Irl r :i f. and il a 1 f rein; het to leave home, wliicli •sha did a wt ek ago Sdto welt. to th s h...m;• o. h r sit ter, Mrs. Henry Fe. t r, 5:,8 Wieland street, but yesterday altteracoo, at 1141 stepfatLer's u:gent request r1 turn. _a. Lentsch, through tris girl's n•o tolazus 1 r ihtt be. wouldu ld tt ereafter treat her ell right. li., n also' said he none(' withdraw his objtatiens to her 1limedialt01yr Atter Otos then girt and likelier. #ltay boa from the Jsouy,, but the girl 4.Js1 sloe melted the sinew:ttk. Pear , txrwever, that her lather would tuella low tb:'m. 71toelier. dcapite+ his etvey injury, Viclied Icer ill) and tarried bar to the hoofs of August Auher't, 1'Tort1 Western aveauw, a b1 Ok away. Aubert called his v lfe, and the tufo your propla were affect 443 roueltre>,fi wh:Jr Aubert ran to Tartu'` -Grove, tk black.,routh, ,and called,Off%eers ween. so; acid Connor, ot the town ball pa. l:ce station, Who w:ta'e statiot ed, there. M itsnrwhlte, Lenfseh bad turned the revolver on himself, 1113 ,was taken to the Alar lin Brothe -s' Respit.al, but when- he was p11eed on the operating labia he was found tpfox dead, SCOTCH ORPHANS FOR ONTARIO 311i, D. J. FINDLA`i", 01+ SCOTLAND. WILL BILING OUT LARGE f, T"ART'XIN TIIn FALL, (Toronto NaW») D. J. Findlay, a prominent Scotch. ph'l.tnthropis.t, ie in ,lis city en, a m* stoat toarrange for bringing crit to rrlana.da, a large p)zmbar of Scotch, or* ph.atn bays , . , , Mr. Eindl.ty is a trustee of the Quarries Orphans' Blame of .``'.cotiond, wech up till two ye.trs ago tent cut boys to a receiving home, which is situated at Brookville. The late ler, Quw'rier, head of tiie institution, ceased doing to, however., owing to oertaLn objections to the Ontario Act which governed the Immigrant children. Since his death a short tinea ago the trustees have racotsidet;-: ed true lnatt r, and have dee,dsb Long., ply to t1t.i Ontario °overatneet for permission to resume the sending of the boys to this country. Mr. Find. 1 iy has :tva.,ite(1 on the Premier and. Mr. 1. J. Kelso, with satisfactory re- sults, andeis .now arranging to bring, a I trge party out in, the fall. 11ir, Kel o con iron` his.statement at the children are of ax goad elaes, and will develop into excellent citizens. n as opened from the inside and a rj bright faced boy of about seven years was disclosed. IIe looked wonderingly fit the visitor, who asked: "What kind of an apartment is there for rent here?" A look of mingled dl.;gust and scorn slowly overspread the youngster's face. IIe surveyed the questioner front head to foot and finally said with an ag- grieved air: "Say, I ain't the janitor." Why Titer smiled. Brother .Jones \Cas noted for his long and laborious prayers. and altheu '.t the good people of the .buret res:)cet- ed ]lint they were not at all pleased , to 110111' kens pray in meeting. The new minister was not aware of Broth- er .Jones unpopularity as a prayer," so he had Ito hien lvhy a Rosie of amusement passed over the congrega- tion when, after a hymn had been sung, he sold, "Brother .Jones will lead ns in prayer." and in a fervent tone add- ed, "anal may (god help us." lVitnt tt Contained. Antllysis of the water of 011 artesian well bored. in n southern state showed that it contained n large proportion of IN THE LAND OF ryS P P 0 FRT, LAITY e The GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY ANNOUNCES LOW ONE - WAY COLONIST RATES Sept. 15 to Oct. 15, 1904 TO From St. Pani. Front Chicago. Hinsdale, Mont $15.00 $28.00 Chinook, Greet Falls, Helena. Butte, Anaconda, Kalispell, Mout., and inter- ' 20.00 30.00 mediate stations t Libby Creek, Mont., Spokane, Wenat• I thee, Walla Walla, Wash: Pendleton • 22.50 30.50 and Umatilla, Ore., The Kootenait Seattle, Tacoma, Portland, Vancouver, I Victoria, Puget Sound points; Ash. t 25.00 33.00 land, Oregon, and intermediate points MAX BASS, F. X. WHILTNEBIr. General Immigration Agent, Gen. Pass. and Ticket Agent, 220 50. CLARK ST., CHICAGO, ILL. ST. PAUL, MINN. ammoi110. rack Zell, a (slopes] reel- r,��,, ,��, ,�&11016W �.o,11,,�lietA1,�,i,,,vit,y� 4 ,�,,r dent of the town. spoke of the' hatter 113 111 this Wise to g drfiunttrr whose grip sr 6e :ts "toting" from the station:$ " e's got er artillery well here, ass' las' week day done scandalized de wa- tab au' fours' it piton Rill er hydro- phobia." Wouldn't finite Prices. "011, dot d could get a job In de leg - isle -Mei" exclaimed Brother I)iefeny. "S'httt would you be willing to work for?" settle one naked. 'etvo' J, stth," was the reply, "I wottklnl't charge a cent mo' den de yuther leglslaturs." It Disagreed With Her. "I told you it wouldn't do to melte Willie's teacher to dinner as long as I have to do my own cooking." "Why. what luippened t," "She whipped Willie this Morning," Lettintt ,Him 1, 's'e, "I'd 'willingly die for you." "'your income Blies with yon, aloes it not?" "Theft den't'e—i okt8toti Pool', •t1 ' London, September 9th to 17th, 1904 ENTRIES CLOSE 8th SEPTEMBER A NEW $10,000 DAIRY BUILDING Improvements all along the litre. Exhibits unsurpassed. ATTRACTIONS THE B11ST Y7 T.—Kitamura's Celebrated Jap Troupe of 10 People, The Flying >:Ianvards, and the best Gymnasts, Acrobats, and other specialties that money can procure. Five Evenings ot Fireworks, concluding eaoh evening with a roenailo roptesentation of the to BOMBARDMENT OF PORT ARTHUR," A holiday opting none should miss. • Special e2tcursions over all lines of travel. 1?ot• all information, prize lists, etc., address LT. -COL" W. M. GAR'TSHORE, .1. A. NELL S, President. Secretary t' '"111,6/0 !''4''►' ,, iw'%4114, 641