HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1911-04-27, Page 3t
r -
April 217th, Ott
QUR .:
0 0
Is a collection of newneca and re-
finemmt. An extensive variety
surpassingly, fine in it complete-
ness. Every practical and merit-
orious sort' and its extent offers
an inviting field fon selection. Do-
corativs excellence is its
and it has the additional
of perfectly proper prices.
terested come and see and
If in -
tell us
if we have not gathered wisely
and well.
Often Cheapest - Always the Best
Dn. Gaudier was in Toronto a few
days lase week.
Miss Jean McTaggart returned to
Havergal on Monday.
Miss Isabel Gunn spent a few days
in London last week.
Mrs. Ken. Chowen is vatting friends
at Guelph for a fortnight.
The Misses Watt and Miss Walker
were in Seaforth on Saturday.
Mrs. A. Shier and Master Albert
spent a few days in London last
Messrs. McTaggart and W. Brydone
were in Toronto Tuesday and Wed-
Rev. J. E. Ford preached in the
Mettodiat church, Mitchell, on Sun-
day last.
Mrs. Ilowsrn, who has been indis-
posed for some little time, is now
improving nicely.
Little Miss Lizzie Bunsch of Sea -
forth was she guest for a few days
of her aunt, Mrs. B. Kaiser.
Mr. Aaron Snider and Mr. J. B.
Heagy of Preston visited Mr. and
Mrs. John Snider on Tuesday.
Major Combe left on Tuesday for
Montreal and disteict in the 1w.
terests of the Knitting Company.
Miss Mae Rance returned to her dut-
ies on the teaching staff of Moul-
ton College, Toronto. on Tuesday.
Mrs. Milne, after an extended visit;
with relatives at Canfbridge Springs
Penna., returned to town lash week.
Mrs. J. II. Haake of Kincardine
spent Easter holidays in town vis-
iting her sisters, Mrs. J. Hewitt
and Mrs. A. Shier.
Mr. James Wallis of Bayfield was
in town Tuer.lay on the way to
visit his daughter, Mrs. John Gar-
rett of near Londesboro.
Miss Effie Snowden of Hoimesville
was in town a day or two last
wee'{, a guest all Wesley parsonage
and of Miss Beatrice Greene.
Misses Kate and Willa Ford left on
Monday after a weeks' holiday at
home, the formes to Alma College,
Se. Thomas, the latter to Durhaan.
Roy Dewar returned to Clinton after
spending his Easter holidays at
his home in Stanley. His chums
are glad to see his smiling face
Mr. T. Jackson, Jr., returned yes-
' terday from his trip to the Coast.
Ile did it in record time this sea-
son but as usual accomplished a
large amount of business.
Mr. and Mrs. James Tucker will
sail for England on 111ay 5th by the
steamer Royal George of which Mr.
W. Jackson is the local agent.
They will be absent+ two months.
Mrs. McKie. of London, who will ad-
dress meetings today in the Meth-
odist churches in the interest's of
the W. C. T. U. will be the guest
of Mrs. George Levis while in
Misys Aknes and Dixie Fair, little
daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Jas.
Fain, came home Monday from St.
Mary's, where they had spent a
week with their aunt, Miss M.
creat Month Ending Sale
Saturday and Monday will be great bargain days at this store. Every article mentioned in
this advertisement is a genuine money saver and it will pay you well to pay a visit during these
two sale days. Dress goods, prints, muslins, ginghams, side combes, straw hat shapes, flowers,
whitewear, etc., at greatly reduced prices.
50c Dress Goods 25z.
12 pieces Dress Goods in black.
blue, green and light grey check
tweed, all pure wool. Reg 5
Sale price . .......... ....
12i & 15c Embroidery 9c
300 yds White Lawn Embroid-
ery, two to seven inches wide,
dainty designs, fine quality. Reg
121c and 15c, Sale price tIc
Muslins 10c.
23 pieces Fancy Dress Muslins
in all the popular colorings. Reg
25c, Sale price 10c
Prints 8c per yd,
25 pieces good heavy Print,
splendid wearing quality, 31
inches wide in light and dark
colors, Sale price . Sc
Millinery Flowers.
75 bunches of Flowers, assort-
ed blooms. Reg. 75c to $1.25,
your choice at 25c each.
Millinery Flowers.
50 bunches of Flowers, assort-
ed blooms and colors, spays. etc
Reg. $1.50 to $2.50, choice during
sale SOc
12ic Ginghams 10e.
10 pieces Ginghams, small and
large checks, black and white,
blue and white, pink and white,
also stripes in all the popular
shades. Reg 12ic, Sale price 10c
Straw Shapes.
About 30 Straw hats in white
and colored straws, new shapes
and styles. Reg $1.25 up to
$2.50, choice 50c
Samples of Whitewear
A ,traveller's sample set of
white Cambric and Lawn ap-
rons, skirts and waists, ell mar-
ked down to lees than wholesale,
12i Crash Towelling 10c
100 yds good heavy Crash Tow-
elling with or without border,
splendid wearing and washing
quality. Reg 12ic, Sale price 10c
25c Side Combes.
About. 3 doz. Side and Back
Combes in browns and blacks.
Reg. 25c, Sale price l ,c
Muslins 15c,
20 pieces Muslin Dress Goods.
notwo alike, dainty designs and
colorings. Reg. 25c and 35c,
Sale price I5c
Brussels and Tapestry Carpets at cost and Iess to clear.
Ready Made Clothing Ordered Clothing
The New Spring Ready -Made Clothing for men and
boys are now in stock and they comprise the very latest
styles, workmanship and wearing qualities, and obtainable
at prices that bear the closest. scrutiny. Shrewd buyers
tell us that we sell•the cheapest in town.
Remember, we give you
5 percent off
The New Spring importations of suiting', pantings and
coatings are now in stock waiting your inspectigQn. We
for spot cash on all ordered use nothing but the,very beet of linings and we are'turning
or ready-made clothing. out better ordered clothing than ever. We guarantee fit,
style and workmanship. .
About People You. Know.
Mr. A. J. Morrish
on Tuesday.
Mr. James Terry of Toronto was
frown this week.
Miss KataMcCourt has returned
her school at Parkhill.
Rev. Mr. Livingst'an of Mitchell was
the guest while in town of Mr. and
Mrs. W. J. Moore.
Miss M. Cluff left on Saturday for
Walton to resume her duties as
principal of the Public school.
Mr. Reber Archibald, bars'ste'r, of
Winnipeg has been the guest during
the past week of his sister, Mrs.
Mr. R. A. Downs has taken the
agency of the Prudential Life In-
sura,nce Company for Clinton and
Rev. and Mrs. R. A. Miller and
little daughter Margaret of Auburn
wore guests on Monday last of Mr.
and Mrs. Will. Wheatley.
was in Toronto
Misys Delle and Hazel O'Neil have
returned to 'Corontn afP'r spending
thein holidays in town. Mise Dolle is
on the Public school teaching staff,
Miss ilazel is a student at the
Mn. .John Emmerton, who has been
confined to the house foe several
weeks owing to illness, is now able
to walk up town again. Itis
many friends are pleased it) see
him improving.
Misses Lila and Eileen Hoover roe
turned the beginning of the week to
Toronto, the former to her duties
on the, teaching staff of Havergal
College, the latter to her studies at
the Conservatory.
Rev. .1. V. Parke of Amhersthurg was
in town on Saturday. He came up
to he with his sister, Miss Mary
Parke, who is very ill at the home
of her sister, Mrs. W. H. Elliott,
Bayfield Road. Mr, Parke was for-
merly rector of St. Paul's church
and has many friends in and about
The following members of the local
Masonic Lodge attended a meeting
of the Gode'r.ch Lodge on Tuesday
evening : Dr. Ball, W. .J. Tozer, C.
E. Dowding, E. McLean, Dr. Shaw,
J A. Ford, .1. Biggins, II. E.
Rorke, .1. Taylor. .J. II. Kerr, W.
A. Mc('onnell, A. .T. llolloway, G.
L. Walker and Dr. Axon. The first
degree was exemplified by the
Clinton officers.
While in St. Catherines at Easter,
Master Lloyd Rice' was sworn in
as a "Boy Scout" and so far as
known, has the honor of being the
first+ Boy Scout in Clinton.
Mr. Robert Stevens left on Tuesday
for. London where he will work at
his trade as carpenter. His run
Ilasry will also engage as builder
instead of his former occupation as
M Hill l 1 f t yesterday f t r
The News From Londesboro
Mr. A. A. Alexander of Montreal was I Rev. W. T. Perarcv spout a 'cw
in town over Sunday. • • . J days Vhis week ate, h's Loire in i or -
Mrs. and Mrs. John. Lasham, . l:o'i. Toronto.
desboro, Were. in gown yesterday. j Mrs, W. G. Coombs arrived home
Clarence and Roy Finch, `sons .of Mrs.
E. Finch, have been visiting relat-
ives near Brussels.
Mits. B. Finch is at he's paretital'hame Miss Reeb, :pent ','':rides
in Morris towna`iip owing bsista', the ill- sista .Clinton friends.
Hess of her father, Mo. Abel Brad- • Mrs. R. Adams' was ;in Clinton ..n
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. ,Robb. returned Tuesday.
Dr. Allison is hivin: his house,re-
paired this week.
Mr. John Nett, Mrs. J. Rabeltc,n
.and Mr. E. Manning are having their
houses. shingled with metallic sluing -
from a very pleasant visit with Ieis.
her sister, Mrs. T. J. Poulton of : Miss M: •
Caldwell 'attended the fun -
Cleveland, Ohio. eral of her aunt in Palmeast'on this
Mrs. J. 13, IIeagy of Preston is, week.
spending a few. days as the guest Mr. D. C'antolon shipped a car of
of her brother and Wife, Mr. and potatoes on Monday. Thy' . price was
Mrs. John Snider. 10e per bushel,
Saturday of last we* :ser a short
vi,,it with her daughter, Mrs. Merritt
of 'London.
Mrs. Poart.y, ac. or:'at.iri3 by her
last week from a visit of ' some)
days with relatives at Clifford in
Bruce county. •
Mrs. Walter King has just returned
Ms. J. H. O'Neil of Brucefic'id is wor-
king up business through this dis-
trict and the sopthern part of the
country for the Federal Life Assur-
ance Co,
Mr. G. W. Nott returned . yesterday
from Elgin County whore he cap-
tured a Firsts and Sweepstakes
with his horse "Baron Wallace" an
imported Clydesdale. •
Mr. T. M. Southcott, editor and
manager of the Exeter Times, was
in town Saturday. He was ac -
r. Hiram f r e yes er ay a e - companied by his brothe_w, Earl, al -
noon for Saskatoon. Sank., but his so of the Times stafr:
ultimate dtjstinat!ion is atoll further
west. He expects to return to Messrs. Porter, Coats, Walker and
Clinton in a few months. Miss Hill Hawkins of Gode'ricli were in town
rematins here for a couple of weals
or so longer.
Mr. Karl Wilken, son of Mr. t and
Mrs. A. , Wilken of town, who went
west a few weeks ago, •has secured
a good position with Mess•R3. Peek
& Co., a large gent's furniti'iing
house 'in Vancouver. He is much
pleased with what he has; already
seen of the Ccast Province.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Meadows of Rock-
wood are guests of the, lady's cousin,
Mrs. J. . G. Medd. They are on
their honeymoon trip, the wedding
having taken place yesterday. Mr.
Meadows is one of the best known
runners in Canada and has partici-
palled in menT of the leading
on Friday afternoon la:•nt and at-
tended the meeting of the Club on
Friday evening to hear Mr. A.. P.
Gundry's address on "Evolution,"
Messrs. N. J. Labhau and N. Cadieux,
the lesraes of the S. IL Smith] stock
faint, were joined by their fam.ilie:s
last week. Those who have met
the lessees :Ave that the place
appears to be in very capable
Mr. Harold Steep, son of 'fir. .'ns.
Steep, who has been in the west
for some little time, is no'v at
home; and, we :egret to ',af, is not,
in the' hest of health. It is hoped
that the careful attention which be
is receiving will soots ;restore him
to his wonted vigor. )
Mr. John Johnston has taken the
contract of putting up the fence
around the parsonage grounds.
Mr. George Bedford of 'Hillside,.
Colorado,. arrived Saturday night
and will spend some time in thin- •
vicinity with his sisters • below! leav-
ing for England. •
Miss Lillie Lee has commenced go-
ing to Clinton Collegiate.
Mr. Samuel Woodman commenced
gathering eggs this week for Gunns,
Ltd., of Wingham,
Mr. R. G. Smith started on the
road with the butcher cart on
The regular meeting of the Womr
en's Institute will be held next-
extThursday afternoon at the home of
Mrs. M. 'Brown, wh.'a a full atten-
tterdance is requested as the election of
officers will take place,
Mr. M. ,Armstrong loaded a car el
cattle Saturday of last week.
Hullett Township
Mr. George Carbcrt has bought • a
horse from Mr. James Brown.
Miss Tessio. Lamb. assisted by eth-
er young ladies of the vicinity, gave
in•ot4 enjoyable dance in -the vacant
house belonging • to Martin and Frank
Reynolds on Friday evening. Among
the many present . were people fiern
Blyth, McKillop and Clinton...
Mr. Martin Reynolds met with a
nasty accident last week, being kick-
ed in the face by a cow.
Miss Mary McIntosh, accempaniei
by hen little neice, Mary Anastatia
McIntosh, of St. Augustine, is vis-
iting among friends in the vicinity.
Tile order 'for the china fon the
Chateau Laurier, the- new Grand
Trunk hotel at Ottawa! has been
awarded to the Theodore Haviland
Company of IAntogos. France. This
china tis of a very handsome and un-
ique pattern, and will be the best
that can .be turned nut by this well
known Company, and includes Regu-
lar Service, Banquet Service,. Palm
or Tea Roonr .Service and a.
De Lux sell for use in the Royal There 7vas a debate in tie British.
Suite. Commons on home rule.
Mils, Samuel Pollard and chlldrou
of Blyth called on friends in the vil-
lage last week.
Mr. Wm, Staniey.pf folmesville vitt-
ited his daughter,, Mrs. D. Tudor, ,a
Tuesday last.
Master Alfred Glazier of Stapht-
ton spent the Easter holidays . tits
guest of his uncle, Mr. Pollard,
Miss Ma5gie and Master Georg).
Riley yisfted their aunt, Mrs. IS
moge of Walton, recently.
Mr. Edwin •Britton' was called is
Kinstead, Sask., owing to the seriouri
illness of his mother. Ile left oa
Monday afternoon. We trust that he
may find her improved.
We are load to learn that Misses •
Gertie Campbell and Edna Taylor sus-
cessfully, pasttsd their recent Normal`
Fred. Ltpard and his two daug'h-
ters were- drowned in Lake $imcop•
The chargee against the Chairmias; •
of the St. Catharines License Com-
missioners, brought by Commissioner
Hudson, are to be investigated.