The Clinton News-Record, 1911-04-27, Page 2Hem* .Naws-Record
April 27th,191.1
!lease You 9
ellen Out e
Is your face covered with
pimples, blotches or rash? Poor ,
condition of your blood will
cause these facial disfigurements ".
at this season of the year. A
good medicine for your blood
will clear your complexion like
Of the many blood purifiers
wo sell Rexall Blood Tab,
lets aro undoubtedly the most
effective. Wo are familiar with
the formula of this remedy and
know what it will do. It puri:
flea and enriches the blood,
builds up the entire system and
imparts a healthy color to cheeks
and lips. Sold with the Resell
guarantee. Pcr package, 50c.
To the Farmers
Huron County News Gathered
for News -Record Readers
requiring. good substantial
footwear to resist spring Wet
-end mud we desire to draw
your attention to the fact that
we have several pair boots of
our own make. Uppers most-
l►y, hand stitched and we are
prepared ' to give you good
value for your money. Give
Frail and see for yourself
when at the Fair.
�lll.H„Watts & So
Morris Township.
A Miss. Gertrude Duvall SinelS Fa'.wr
with hit+^ cousin at Pa' me: leve
Miss Maud Jackson r.p''n, raster
with her sister Alien Carrie, at
From The News•Record of
April 24th 1895.
Clineen, April 2 rth, l i : 5.
Last week the business thorough-
fares of Clinton were scraped and
fully c+ie hundred and fifty loads of ac-
cumulated dust and rubbage removed.
The result is that now the streets
could nob bein a much bettor con-
The musical services in .St. Paul's
chuiiah last Sunday was by request a
repeat of thae given on Easter .Sun-
The military, ball in the town hall
last Friday evening was one of the
most fashionable events of 'rho sea-
son. The affair was under the aus-
pices of Liq t• -Col Welson, and offic-
ers of the 32rd Battaleien, hero
were about one 'hundredguests pre-
sent from, Godeeich, Seaforth, Blyth,
Exeter, Brussels, London, Stratford,
Wingham, Hamilton and town. The
costumes on this •occanuon were very
pretty and showed great baste and
admirable judgments on the "parte of
the fair sex. The partonesseet were:
Mr:►, Ferran, Mrs. G. D. Mctaggart,
Mrs. Rance, Mrs: Mel'hee:ian, MI s.
Tisdall, Mrs. R. Ransford, Mre. Wise-
man, Mrs. Gilroy, Mrs. W. Jackson.
Stewards: Surgeon Holmes, Capt.
Wilson, Major Wilson, Capt. Young,
Major Varcoe, Capt. Williams, Major
Jordan, Capt, Beck, Capt. Rance,
Capt. Hays, Capte. Combo, . Lieut.
Shaw, Hon. Secretary Lieu ;. M. D.
x x
This school has a continental i e
reputation for high grade work X
and for the success of its stud- X
amts. We have three depart- X
meats,—Commercial, Shorthand X
and TeI'egraphy. Ambitious X
young men and women should X
send at once for our 1,arge fre3 X
catalogue. Write; for it at once X
and see what our graduates arc X
doing. X
This is a good time of the X
year for you to enter our class- X
t's. Students are entering each X
week, Commence your courio at ►C
once. X
D. A McLACHLAiv, Principal. X
Timothy $7.00
Red Clover $8.50— $9
Alfalfa $ 14.00
Alsike $10.00
Feed Corn and Seed
Grain on hand.
si Coal
Ailsa Craig.
Misses Ruby Clegg of
Irene, of Troy, were
Mrs. James Shedden has 1
Tuckorsmi•i'h. April 24th, 1895+
Mu. B.. Bull in renewing oldfriend-
ships around, here. He is a brat'her
of Mrs. G. Watters and it. is 'some
thirty years 'since they last met. -
Mr. Thos. Wattere is home froth,
Denver, 'Col., having peen mile 1 ltct e
by they death of •his brother Herbert',
Miss Maty . Townshend is:visiting
friends in London. •
Mrs. Jas. Broadfoot has gone on a
visit to. her daughter in Kansas;
Miss Sarah Watters of Dakota . is
home . at present. .
Hickson and
home for the Easter holiday at home. -
Mr. R. Robertson, of Toronto, %vas
Grey Township Brucefleld.
Miss Marr.l:e Cardiff res vi•ji+,io„ at W. D. Swan attended the annual
Gorrie. meeting of the W.F.A. held in Wood -
John McAllister, of '1':ee:onto-. coat.- stock on Good Friday and reports a
bined business and plea.i'ire ie -a, visit large attepdattce.
t Gray ,recently. The Brucetield Hovers- are once
Miss Jean Armstrong spent i lie m'e're to take part in the Intermedi-
`etre I an Easter visitor at
.ere non's 7th Cott:
the doctor's care with. a very ser
ate series, with Brussels, New Dun-
dee and Tavistock in the adjoining
district's and Seaforth en the home
Mrs. 1 . leek—el- ejects*
The "Rovers" are much pleased t
Mr, M. Hutchineon has purebeeed a see S.eafoeth once more enter the gat -
it acre farm from Thos. Vod:len. ev of the W.F.A. and wish them
Pr':ce is said to be 51800, every succus during the coming sea-
Mr. Reid and Miss Margaret Me- 'son.
Cullough," of Teeswater, visited re- Now that the warm weather has
I centtly wit* Olive and Mrs. Herding- t set in le is up to the ``Rovers" to
way, 10th con. get out and practice. Call to mem-
Mr. J. P. McIntosh was a juror at ere if you will last season's events,
the assizes in Goderich and was one and for+ lack of the latter think of
c,f the twelve who had to deal with the nareew escape from being put
the Jardine case. out of tthe running in the battle of
Messrs. Russell Wheeler,of South- tis , o the
lvew Dundee, Don .t lot h b
ampton, and Sidney Armstrong, of case this year. Be up and doing.
Hamilton Normal School, have been Show your ability from the start.
enjoying the holidays at theta respect- practice makes pea'.eet and without
ive homes. I this the silverware can never reach
The 100 acre grass farm owned- by this burg.
John McAllister, Toroz►to, btying Lot
18, Con. 4, Grey township, has been
sold to James Pearson, or this town-
ship, for $2700.
attack of la grippe. o
Miss Lizzie Ferguson, who isteach
frig at Niagara -on -the -Lake, was
hornet tau the holidays,
Mrs. F. Davis and da'ts'ltter of Tcr-
one>, were Easter visitors at the
home or S. Walker'.,, 6th linea
Ashton Morrison, of Hanover, is a
visitor with Elston and Silos. C erL•ill,
5th line. The latter ,is a sister to
Mr. Morrison.
Rev. R. S. Baker, B. A. of Tees—
water, occupied the pulpit ed the
Jackson church Sabbath and gave a
good dio,oursc.
Mrs. Robt. Forrest and son Archie.
of Brantford, and Miss .:3ouch, of
Seafortie, - were visit':ng tiler. father,
Mr. Robt. Souch, who has bees
an invalid for a long period.
We are sorry to hear that :Miss
Grace Ferguson, a nurse-i.t-t+ralning
at Niagara' Falls hospital, has been
ill with typhoid fever. 1:Ieu .-uother
went to wait on her.
It is said a scot': or more of Rural
telephones will be install,+l i.: Mor-
ris. this spring.
Dungannon,- April 24th, 1895.
Mr. Wm. Shackleton, of Crewe was
anarried toe Miss -Curran .'n •Wt.I.',ie stlay
of last week.
Mr. R. West,has sold his farm on
the 4th - con. of Ashfield to Mr. 'Geo:
Mr. S. Pentland is nc-w'in. the.,inac-
hine business in thn village'..
S. W. Echlin will, shortly a ineve
to Ridgetown,.• where he has pur-
chased a bu'Siness.
The Rev. Dr. Potts r}iil
in the Methodist church in ,r_ uimxy:
next. •-
Rev: Mr. , :Turnbull . ot', Goderich
held a missionery service to St. Paul's
church last Sabbath. -
Dr. McGillicuddy : has purchased
the handsome -residence of Mr. S.. W.
Rowe on Main street. '
Mr. •V4°m. Jacobi has sold his resid-
encein the. noteee end to Mr. - Moses
Amy of Stephen. --Possession will
not be given t::Iti1 autumn,
:Messrn•. J. 'Grigg, H. E. Huston
and Principal • Weidenhamaner were in
Toronto, last weak attending the meet-
ing oil the Educational As:.)ciation. ;
Mr. S. W. Rowe has severed his
firmof Rowe
with the
coh• o..taaz
and Aithinson and has purchased .e
furniture and - undertaking - business in
I Wallaceburg, - whore the family will
remove .in. a few weeks: .
The rc-openingservices in• connect-
ion with James .street church
tor Sundayand 1ast were well attend
ed and very interest':ng, ' Repairs
land improvements at -a cosh of about.
four thousand dollars have been made.
Mr. Albert S,pencer has • -one to
. g .
the west. •
Mr. Garvey Acheson' has accepted a
position in the office of, W.' Allen
' Young's wholesale jewellery 'store,
Mr. and Mrs. J. E.-Stanbury have
been co a trip to. New .York' with a
partly of Toronto. friends.
Well people . do not worry • •''.. eke
Miller's Compound Iron . Pills and be.
we'll. 5 doses . -for a quarter.
For Sale by J. E. • Hovey, Druggist.
j. ' l. Stevenson
A Statement- of Facts Backed by a.
Strong Guaratdne.
guarantee complete relief to- suf..)We gtua.ra
ferers -from constipation. In ev�
cry case where we fail we will sup
ply the medicine free. -
Rexall Orderlies .are a gentle, ef-
foetive, . dept'adable and safe
Theo re-es+tallish nature's function
in a quiet, easy wap.: They do ' not
cause any - inconveasience, gvi ping, or
nausea. They: are so pleasant to
take and work ;,) easily, • that • they
may be taken by any one at, any
time,. They thoroughly'tom'- up .the
wholo sys9nm' t'ohealthy activity,
Rcttall Orderlies are unsurpassable -
and ideal for. the use of children; old
folks and delicate 'persona. We caner
not too highly recoenm'Yk•i them
to all .sufferers from any forin ofcon-
stipation and itce attendant mils.
'thee, len, 25c. Rs:metnbc'r, you Can
obtai-n fexall Remedies in this com-
munit'y 'only at our •were --The Rex -
all St13re, W. S. R: elol,nea.. .
St. 'Helens. . •.
Miss . Mima Rutherford of S'ontie-
nmpten spent her Eaeter hell -
days at her home here.,
Miss Emma Woods of \\'ingh,uit
Business College was ' home for her
Easter holiday..
Mr: and. Mrs.` T. L. Jobb, of Wing -
ham arc, visitiing their .- daughter, Mrs.
Henry Woods, who has been ill lexe-
ly buil-s'improying. • '.
Mr.; William ' John Irwin of the
2nd- Co -n, of ..Kinloss visit,'d around•'
St. Helen's 'on Sunday last.
Miss Winnifred Woods s p en t
her Easter holidays with friends • in
: Ktincardi nee.
Mr. and . Mrs.' James - Mitchell of
'Throat.) are .\visitin.g./the latter's pato
ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Webster. a
Miss Colina Clark and Mr. i?ttrnin
Phillips of 'Goderich Collegiate spent
their Easter holidays at' horire.
Miss Cretta 'Webb and her brother
Johnny were home from Wingham
High school. `
Mrs. II. Thurlow and Miss' Mabel.
are visiting friends in Winena'n rt
Mrs. William J. Todd :.pent Easi-
er Sunday with friends in Wingham,
Mr. John Patterson, wholeft for
the west' 'three .weeks •ago 1$ . r'i,n:e
again as the doctor advised hint ; to
Many News-Recird subscribene have
wed in the past few weeks, but
are still more who hate not yet
, so. The time le now ripe, it is
sed the accepted time. The Mabel
on your paper tells the whole' etory.
Slow does yeure read ? -
The "Rovers" football and hockey
teams . of last season journeyed to
Clinton on Saturday Past; and while
there visited the photograph gallery.
Sample's of the photos will be placed
on exhibition in the show window of
Varna W. Scott Le Co. and tlaose'feeling ctei
inclined may leave their orders there.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Peck of The many friends of Mr. Hugh Aik-
London spent the Easter holiday at enhead were sorry to learn that he
the home of the former's father, :mets with a very painful accident on
Mr. Henry Peck. Friday last. We hope for a speedy
Miss M, McDougall of Bayfield vis- recovery.
ftcrd• friends en Seaforth ro.enbly, Mies Jessie Gemmell has returned
Mrs. A. D.' Andereen and children from vielt':ng friends in .Toronto, and
of Wyoming visited ather old .home Pa"ts. '
All Spring Blood Diseases
and: Ailments
Possesses medicinal merit Peculiar to Itself and has
an unequaled record of cures, Take it this spring,
Get it today. Sold by all druggists everywhere.
Tuckersmith Township
The death occurred on Friday morn-
ing last at' the home of her son -in -
flaw, Mr. James Dallas, 2nd con., .of
Elizabeth Carnbes, rt':iet of the late
Robert Hunter, or iKinloss, Bruce
Mrs. Hunter was born in England
nearly seventy-two years ago, and.
came to this country early in life.
The family settled in the vicinity of
Blyth, where one sister, Miss Com9ieor
still resides, The subject of this
thetch was married 1,'o Mr. Robert.
Hunter of Kinloss, where t'mey lived
for many yea'r3. Mr. Hunter died
several years ago and on the mar—
riage of her only daughter - to Mr.
James Dallas of Tuckersmith, some
teen years ago, she' came lb reside
with them.
The deceased lady had been infail-
ing health for same time and her
ailment took a more serious form a
fe-w weeks age', since whichtime she
suffered considerably until death re-
leased her.
duriing the holiday. , Miss Mamie' Swan see. ` t",;: hole- +
Miss M. Peek of Seaforth- is at day with relatives at Westminster.
present visiting hem 'homer, Mtss,Laura Sawe:r, eshere. spending ,the
Miss :