HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1911-04-20, Page 9, 4 • 4 Cate* tlitsmaplisecord ApPli SOW VD • "•-•• , • five you have any doubt. Sir, sato-what rent ef Ithees to wear thio Erring, just etep in end take a look et onr handsome Spring linea and oat your Mind at ease, We'Ve the Latent • Word In Shoes of the Beet flakes. Button, Laved and Blucher style. Pet, Celt and Gun Metal leathers. The new high Toe and high Arch. effect—$4, $4,50 and, $15. Their let, us show you the seasem's new Oxfords,‘ Black or Tan Lealitere. I " In getting your feet into a pair of Shoes WE Li ASSIST.'rffil thaa. flt you perfectly, and, then wdl guar- antee you satisfaction *until the 1brish. 4010,41440440%, $ OUR $ WALL PAPER Nilf.o8TOOK is a collection o ewsier/1 and e - e exteltaive variety SlirP411114081y, line in ifia eemplete- Pees. Every praCtical and meritr, orlon& sort nod, On Oztent aa inviting field fori seleet400. cerativa exeeflence is its feature and it has the additional chi= of perfectly proper pri?se. If teresitaid come and see and tell us if we have not gathered wisely and weil. p [Brussels, Tapestry auol �o1 Carpets • W. D., FAIR CO, Often Chealiest – Always the Best CLINTON New Spring Slioes Fred. Jackson's ,There never has been in hanacifi so many Beautifin Stylish Shoes es there are at the present day and people have never been so exacta ing in their requirements, Our preparations for the present Spring trade are•such that aye feel we are in a position to satisfy the demands of the most fastidr- ,, Our Ladies' department comprises the latest productions of the best makers, In the Men's lines we are specially complete. The Children's lines are the choicest we ever had. Repair Department in full swing—Try us. • ' FRED. JACKSON ••••••14.44.4444$44•••••••••••••••••••••• • • . • • a During the next.month. almost every family in the town • and country will be needing some new shoes. It may be tine shoes or coar- se shoe's, large shoes or small shoes, one.pair ora dozen but no matter what your needsyou will find it has paid you well if you investigate . • our special offerings during the next few weeks,. . • • • • ALSO A NUMBER OF CLEARING LINES AT WONDERFULLY LOW'PRICES: • , - Don't miss these— . • Mieses heavy school shoes:, sizes : ato 2. Worth alnipst double this price To clear . . ............. . . . • 69c Woman's fine Donigola. Kid shoes. All new ityles. Odd lines and broken sizes. Regular $2.25 to $2.75 To clear choice 1.98 Boys Fine Slioes•--Sizets 110 12, 13, Several broken lines worth up , - to $1.35 To clear . . . . . , 98e • Also dozen's of other elearing lines at wonderfully IoW pricep. Very Special: --Don't fail to get a pair of .our Men s :Box Calf Shoes. ra$2.50 shOe foe $198 Rugs:—Some specral offerings in Rugs and Linoleuine for *next week • SMALL PROMS BROS. IBss • •• ' •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • P MSTEEL MORE era** 41••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.***1140e J. B Hoover , Nelson Ban A,.. DOLLAR, DOWN • • is often an ilium- ination as big as ; the sun. There's I no place in town where o n e'y down." goes furth- er than it does 1.4 ; right lzere. • Ak CHINA CLOSET .1 Or dresser bougI 4r pot easli taIrom oto. present , st k noialAba„, t you se Aelsewhere, look like thirty n bargains galore we" , arering jot now in out entire furniture stock. • The cheapest spot In !Woo County to buy all kinds riattigh' „ HOOV e. IntltiNT.L'IMIltlfi vqjzinz,A„.x. zxx4,2nowelte I ••••••••••4444.041•44.4414.0.41.41440104004i4ftellto 44. *MHO ti Mr. R. Irwin , was in Exeter on Good Friday. Mrs. W. Ross visited Exeter friend over Baster. ' Miss Emma Levis spent Easter with Exeter friends. Bliss Sippes was in Exete•r with fri- ends on Good Friday. Miss Madeleine Yates visited with • friends in Berlin during the holi- days. a Miss 'Luella Wallcinshatis spent .a fe* dap with Brucefield friends during the holiday ,time. , Miss Olive Haidand L Pronto was the' guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Harland over Sunday. ' Miss Dello O'Neil of . Toronto ha's beenvisiting at her home hi flown during the holiday season. Miss. Mabel Dunforci• was up •from Stfarkord to spend the Eaatier vaear . tion art the parental Name. Miss D. Memel was the 'guest ofher uncle, Mr. George Brownlee, of, Spa - forth, during the holidays. Mr. and 3iIrs, A. J. Morrish and Miss Bessie spent Sunday in God- erich as • guests of: gra and Mrs. J. Connolly. . Mesees. Hugh Grigg, Moleons Bank, London, and ,Roy Grigg, Bank of Montreal, Gederich, we home over the holiday., ' . • • Miss 'Nita Francis, Miss Annie Snel- grove. and Mr, Jack Irak of Lon - •don visited over Sunday ;at the home of Mr, and Mrs. V. A. Irwin. Mrand Mrs A Gundse, Ingersol, are the guests of Maim' and mrs, Connie. Mr. Gundry will toniorow evening address the Club on "From Darwin .to Burbank." ' Mr- J. H. Lowery, Principal in the Holmesville school, is in Toronto this week attending the meeting of the 0.E.A: as the representative of the West Huron Association. glee Jennie Taylor .end the two • lit- tle. daughters • ef Mr. and Mrs. bur Mantling of London, who have .been • very ill with pneturonia, are :now considered out of danger • and, in a fair way to. recovery. Mr, 'Thos. Hawkins went to . Luck - now on Monday roe accept a posi-- tion with a. tinsmithing firm,. He • is ,with second of aur citizens' to lo- cate at .Lucknow in a -week, Mr. S. • Rathwell being the first. plias Jean Stevenson, youngest daugh- ter 'of Mr. and Mns. Duncan Steven- son, went to Toronto yesterday to • .take a position at Simpsoe's as stenographer. She is a graduate of. the Clinton Business College. Kisses .11elen Ford of Queens', King- ston, Kate, of the teaching staff Of Alma College, St. Thoznas, and Wil- la of Durham, are spending the holi- day season with their parents, Rev, and Mrs. Ford cif Wesley parsonage. Messrs. John Whiddon, David ' Tough and Jame Campbell wore in town Monday attending a 'meeting of the Hume Presbytery an the represen- ' •tatives Of St. Andrew's church, • Bayfield, and presented a call to Rev. Mr. McFarlane of Banks. • Mr, Geo. 'Thompson and bride have been 'visiting dining the past weer the former's brother, Dr. Thomn- son. Mr. Thompson has been locat- ael at Cupar, Sask., for sonic time but has spent the past winterin the east and was only last week mar- ried. Mr. and -Mrs. Thompson in- tend going west about the first of the month. ' • Mrs. James Young of Pine. River, Brum county, spent a few days of the past week in town visiting ter mother, . Mrs. E. Moore, 'and otther members of the family. Mr. 'Young has had Marge of the mis- sion at Pind River the past year and tad been doing such good work that he has been asked to remain another year. MX. Stewart Ross', 'who* has been tita- chiag in Wentworth county, spent the' holidays at his barna ill town. Mr. Bert Johnston. son of Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Johnston of town,. who has been teaching at Mt. Foretii, has taken a school in Wentworth Count, also, and will be almost next door neighbor to Mr, Rots, Huron boys are in demand all right. lefr, it,talter Holmes earao up from To:rent° Thug:4day evening, on Vert. day took Irart the Gun ,''Club *hoot at Exetcr,.dgpti1 Monday entafils Mtited nUmiroas friends in to andf lle has a geed poittfon on the Stkr but has about deckled to retire'frent newspaper Work to engage in another railing Which promise* mere raldadvaii4- nicht. AT eLEARINO num. 444.4•44.4444,44.1,444..44444.444.04404.4.44,4444.4444,40rpt We are going eut of pie4carpets for good and want to turn thjs department into cash soon as possible, hence this great Slaughter Sale, Now is your chalice to buy a bright new carpet when the house-cleaning season is here, ,.. . . ...., • $1.35 Brussels Carpet ' $1.05 5 good patterns in the best quality of Brussels two tone ef- fects. green and red, small and large designs, puitable for par- lors and dining mouse. Reg $1,85, Sale price $.05. $1.25 Brussels Carpet 98c , 8 pieces Brussels carpet; all new Patterns in green, red and . fawn grounds, splendid wearieg quality: Reg $1.25, Sale price 98e ' 50O Tapestry Carpet 390 3 only neat patterns in Tap- estry carnet, all aped designs and colorings, reg floe, nide price 39c .. • • , 750 Tapestry Carpet 65c 5 pieces. Tapestry carpet, all good colorings and patterns. splendid wearing quality, floral designs in green, red and fawns. Reg 75c, Sale price 0 5e. ,, 85e Tapestry Carpet 69e ' 4 pieces Tapestry Carpet, green and red, grounds tiara! designs, suitable for Mirlors, dining rooms or bed rooma halls or stairs. Reg 85c, Sale price 69c , 902 Tapestry Carpet 72c 2 pieces Imperial Tapestry, best quality, one green and one and, grounds se!en chain of roses reg 90e, Sole prices 72c. 75e Wool Carpet 65c 4 pieces 2 ply wool carpet, all good pattern?, suitable for bed rooms or dining roorne will give splendid weer, reg 75c. eale price 05c, . ,. 90c Wool Carpet 72c 8 piece two and a half ply wool carpet, suitable for all rooms, splendid patterns and Colorings on either sid 0 _1 a aery set viceable carpet. reg 90e, Sale price 72c. 25c Jap Matting 20c 5 pieces .Tap Matting for bed rooms. good patterns and color- mace reg 26e, Sale price 20e. Lace Curtains We are showing the largeet range of lace curtains 'it has ev- er been our pleasure to disPlaaa You will find the very lateet de- siges here from 25c up to $5. Madras Curtains The Madras Cartaining by the yard, come in a large range of coloringe and designs and we invite your inspection. Priem run from 190 up. Tapestry Curtains Door Pannels Door Mitts Carpet Sweepers • n a. aprices % ' 1 T e 1 We are showing a Splendid range of Brussels, Tapestry and. Velvet Ruge bs alio 111101011MS td2ttas,t) t3ulbilastizteaptrlepees,i prices. Linoleums and oil cloths in all AT TBE MEN'S STORE Ready Wade Clothing Ordered Clothing Fuirniskings NEW SPRING READY-MADE CLOTHING The New Spring Ready -Made Clothing for Men and bo ye are now 'in stock and they comprise the very latest styles, workmanship and wearing qualities, and obtainable at prices that bear the closest. scrutiny. Shrewd buyers tell us -that we sell the cheapest in town. Remember, we give you The NEW SPRING SUITINGS are here, 5 percent. effThe New Spring Importations of suitings, pantings and cciatings are now in stock waiting your inspection. We A for spot cash on all ordered use nothing but the very best of liningn and we are turning or ready-made clothing. out better ordered clothing than ever. 'We guarantee lit, style and workmanship. r • BUTTER AND EGOS TAKEN AS CAH. MIC4- 0A.E31-1 SIT012,M • • • AVW depat,„--witeip- L -.71c) oz:vs• •-414.._.dearew L.12V T CLAP About People You Know. Mrs. John. Kelly has moved to 'God - Miss Flora. Hanes spent the holiday in Straieord. Miss Ruby • Ir'Win was in Lendco, a couple or days this yteek. Mr. James Hoivron was home from Stratford foo a feiw days, - Mr. and ,grs. William Graharri visited Brucefield friends over Sunday. Misses Muriel and Etihel Washington of Auburn are spending the holidays at Woodlands Farm. • Misses. Hattie and Jennie Trick are with friend's at London and Tiled- ' fond for the holidays. Mr; James Finch, Jr., spent Good Friday with his panaros, 111r. and Mrs. J. Finch, of town. Mr. W. lH. Hellyar. and Master Jahn spent the holidays Niagagra Falls guests of the lady's siker, Miss Pearl Finch and ARM Cora Mn-Guirea spent Easter holidays with the latter's undo An Brume's.. • Mos. Simpson, and Mrs, Chambers • spent Beater Monday In Seaforth, _combining business with pleasure. Mr. J. 0, Barber and daughter; (Hedy% :cf Orillia visited his sister, • Mrs, S. C. Rabhwell, on Tuesday,. •Mr, W. 13. Taylor of Toronto, Univer- sity, son of Mayor Taylor, spent .the Baster vacation at his home in ts()."Kearns went tn Blyth today to attend a meeting of the directors of the Wonian's Institute for the del- toid. Mr. and Ms. C. E. Dowding- . were guests over Easter of 'Counter Trea- surer and Mrs. Parker, Owen Sound. Mrs. A. Hooper went to Exetea Sat- urday to wait upon ker mother, Mrs. it Atkinson, Who continues very ill, - J. V, Field or,ozofdock was a guest front Saturday nail Monday at the hoine of Mr. anal/frt. J. E. Cantelon. Miss M. Thompson a the Jacvson'Co. leaves on Friday for teaming* for ;an extended visit atter which -is, she expects to take a position in To to. Mr. Jas. Milinfir 46 ttxtit 011 llor for Saskatchewan, • Whew be ex : poets to spend the summer Wilting after some real hIstate which he owns out there. . Mr. and Mrs. W. Everton have- Mov- ed frolm Goderich to Clinton:. Mrs. J. Walkinshaw was, the' guest of Winghant friends over Easter. Mrs. 1. Brownlee viaited Michigan friends over the Easter holidays. Miss Olive Cooper of Toronto spent the holidays at her home in 1,0Yrir. Mr. and Mrs J Pinch spent later with their son George in Flint, Mich. Mrs, T. E. Hay of Listowel is the guest of her, d_aughter, Mrs, G. M. Yates'. w • Master Fred, Pugh hat been speedingthe holidays with London friends. Mr. Bert Irwin of Vinemoirni visited his aunt, Mrs. Thos. Kearna, ovea ' Sunday. ' Mr. and Mrs., J. C. Arniour .• and family spentpe Seater time With Goderieh frie ds. Mr E,J. Jenkins, B.A., of Toronto spent the Eastertide at' his home, W9odlands 'Farns, Huron Road. IiXu Jas.,Twitchell was in Stratford last week for a short visit with his brother, Mr. Arthur Twitchell. • Mr. Robbie L. Lawson retuened to Potrolia oti Monday afternoon af- ter %lending Easter at his hone in town. Miss Bessie .Gottsehalk visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs, 8. Gotts- chalk, of Sealoath during the East- er vacation. Mr. Walter Jackson of 13rantford was itt town (Nor the holiday, the guests of his paants, Mr. and Mrs. John Jackson. Mr. J. 'D. Kennedy returned to De-: twit yesterday atter a tem; days visit with his parents, Mr. and :Mrs. D. B. Rennedy. Mr. and Mal Jos. 11usha and non, Ed - wand of St. Glair, Mich., hare been visiting Mrs. Glazief, Sr., and oth- er friends in Clinton. Mr. John. Peckibt has returned-irom a three months visit with relatives in Montreal and 'district. On his way back he went up to, arry Sound to see his son, Mr,, TM't reekitt. Mr. John Shaw was in Goderick Mondet of this week itel: had* wed Mat with snob old' Ifiehda as W. Prondleot M, A. and D. Macdonald, Clerk of the Surrogate Coma, The News From Lonciesboro What might Bayo proved 'a serious accident happened Tuesday afternoon while Mr. J. D. Melville was driving along the llth con. The shaft of bis rig broke arid the horse bewail? frigh- laned and ran for a short distance before John could stop it, which he did by rimming it into the fence. • Miss :''Jean Bruce of Clinton spent Easter- at her home here, . • • • . Mr. Edward Manning continues very 19w, We hope for a weedy recovery. lylise Richmond spent. Sunday ab hes home near B,yth. Mies Gertrude Reeb of Port Col- borne is spending the Easter holi- days with her sister, Mrs. (Rev.) W 7i, Pearcy. • Miss Aye of Kintore was a guest at the parsonage over the Easter holidays; Mr. Bat. TOwnseed spent Sunday and Monday with Waterloo and Brantford friends. Mr. John and Mrs. W. T, Brunsdon eperit Sunday with London friends. Mrs. John Lasham spent a feW days this week with London friends. Mr. W. G. Beaton of Zue:ch n?ent a few days this week in the vicinity visiting old friends. , Mr. L. 'H. Pin -e°, who lias been in the 0.1'. R. employ with a bridge and building gang, hes severed his connection with that comalony and will leave shortly for Torearto where be will 'engage in house carpentering, work. Messrs. Howard of Ooderich and Prank Lee of Mount Forest spent Mr. CI. Hooper of Exeter spent a Miss Z. Whitley of Gerrit was home over Sunday, Miss MMcCoo1 of Toronto spent a few days ender the+ parental roof atal also accompanied by her sister, Della, spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs, J. L. Awde of Wingbam. Mime L. and R, Young of Bram*. ford spent Easter at Albeit home here. • iMrs. n. Waters of London spent a few 'dais with her parents, Me. and Mrs. Wm. Riley. 'We are pleased to learn that Mrs. Win, Riley, 301010.x Ivo -suffering eta an attii4 bronahlitis, is re- ering. '8 day with uburn friend*. iss ilamptoir sPehtm41astcr 1 Mrs. T. it. Cole' was in Waterloo as.' few .days this Week Mr. J. O. Lounsbery. spent a few ; • : daye•at her borne in Delbi. The English, Iris , Scot hr night; I • li e ' given Wider the auspices of , the, Ladies' Aid of the Presbyterian church proved a groat et/meas. The. weather and roads being as. favorable brought people Mara far and near, so, many in fact that the (lurch was. taxed to the limit of it's capapita to give all a chance to hear ;the Pre - gramme , whilst the entrance into the - - Forester's hallo where the Engtisle flesh and Scotch tes.'l was served, re- sembled most. of all a swarm of bees. 'working for entrance% into their new' hive., ' Though petiole& nasi required in the wait, it wan 'amply repaid .. -, when a place was gained . . at ' the tables which were, pe wail Set and decorated. The Englisinnaa by in- stincil made way to the table Where the red, white and blue predominat- ed and in the centre of which Steels 's- e, union jack. The Irishman's . we z t was taken at once by the table se out in green and white and "" aa reminded of Erin's Isle by shamrocks. and Liish flags. The Scolehmen's heart was made glad while he satisfi- ed his hunger in lull view of the de- corations in plaid. Six of the fair- • est of our neighborhood served .eaell. table wider the direction of a hea waitress, all of whom Weise dress in 'white With kerchiefs,aprons a of their tables. The progr caps corresponding, with the colors. consisting of English, Irish „ mat Scotch numbers was very enjoyable. Short addresses we* given by .Rev, Messrs. Small of Blyth and Oster- hout. Others Who assisted on the programme were t Mr. A. n. Car* sir Goderieh, Prot, and Mrs, G. Camp bell, Mrs. Hoover,' Mrs. Chown, Miss- . J. Wilson, Mita McRae, M. Saund- ers, Mr. II, Alexander. Mr. Montle, and Mr. McKenzie of Clinton, Mrs. (Dr.) Sloan, Miss B. trogden, !Miss M. Elliott, Mr. B. AllentMr. 'We/1- 10eAlienno,beltittot Missesiiweotittino. ilitietvitiritygr: t tie and; Gladys Grainer; Masters Chas. Knox and Dennis Roheton. Altogether it was a most/ enjoyable evaiing, Mom Losideshoro news page 4..