HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1911-04-20, Page 7V __ .y, R CAW" Nom--Roewa Akhil SM, 1911 fto" that enol s ss' t t7se it to make floors bright and. smooth as �lrxass M L, F1.0oROLAZZ comes In rine of Bandy pine, Uttl0 and easy to keep clean, (soap and water won't hurt big: Choose amore 17 ender ing colors in solid eugmel--• L Floorglaze).. ]Doesn't get cracky ; doesn't aeveushades in Lacs that inti show scratches,, lasts amazingly and holds xts tate ,hardwoods exactly --and Transparent for natural iln- beauty, i;, ' 46es paint or, varnish or Stain. isu, M.14 F'1oP%Iazewou't fade Renovate your Whole house with M I., Floorglaze and is weather-proofgo use it on outdoor work .as well as for a - at small cost—a gallon ,.coag 500 SgUare feet, indoors. Has a hundred uses about your home -- ASIC your ' Apply it yourself to. -day. and it wAl be dry to- dealer, or get new from up direct, Imperial Varnish morrow morning. Oct X L Floorglaze now. color co,, Ltd.; Toronto, o*t _ _ ...... RQommleuded ant sold by R" Roland, Clinton. The striking Goal-minera or weatera ECK A GOOK TREKKER SUBSTANTIAL GAINS Canada have applied for a, Board ed Concitatioa. • Prince Alsxand'or Is a Most • Enthusi- Are Noted In 6plld1119 Permits of the astir Soldier Chief Canadian Citive—Van- couver is: Lending. 114AIR U'ROWS THIN Prince Alexander of Teck, who has "- 'Use Parisian. Salle in TWO anal accepted the chairmanship of the 11iid• Fewer loeses tban were ,noted in the dlesex Hospital, and will in that capa- • previous month, And a substantial. im- Prevent Baldness. city continue the good work' which provement as compared with the. cor-- If yous hair. is growing tirinaer Us brother, the late Prince Francis responding period of last year, is the of Teck, initiated, is a keen soldier. summary of Construction's report in and thinner .and: causing you, anxiety He.passed from Eton and Sandhurst brief for building operations carriedgo to W. $" R. H01me:, to -dap and.: Into the 7th Hussars, and gaw active out in twenty-three representative .get. a large bottle of PaeMion Sage service—first in the Matabele, 'War Canadian cities during the month of fon only 50 centra. It+ is- such a de• . of 1$96, and subsequenily,'fn company February, .Permits issued in then ldghtful and refreshing dressing tib,' With . III$,. two brothers, in the last twenty-three centres amounted to ou will like to use ib regularly.. 13oor Wit; which )brot ght him men44n $4,051,958,. as against' X3,000,127 'in the y lit despatches and a D,8.0, flare is a same month of last year, which repre- Parisian Sagd- is guaranteed to pitliy . pearpicture of the Prince, sents an average of gain of $4. per stop falling hair and itching scalp, to drawn by one who 'net hien casually cent.. eradicate dandruff and makO the hair dtirilag the war: "Tall, strongly Ottawa dropped behind to the ex- lustrous and- radiant. or money back. 'bait, everlastingly youthful, and keen, tent of 33 per cent., and Fort. William f once travelled half a day wits} him, and London registered respective de-. T1 er0 is nothing` lust as lWoi as not knowing who bq was, and, asIs creases of 21 and 36 per Bent, On the Parkidan Sage. See you get the pbLeik. usual when cazrpaibntrs meet, we other' hand, Toronto has .a total of age which -coutains the girl'wiith the fought this war train Talana to Past- $969,590, which is 18 per cent. better Aubusa Hair, deberg and Pieter's 1:1111. Then 1. than her.correspondlu Amount; Ham- learued how earnest a, soldier .the ' Ilton doubled her previous figures' by Prince is: and how thoroughly, wedded undertaking work aggregating in cos ,o his profession. 17Ie is a good trait- $75,450; and Windsor and. Brantf.:rc: The Democuts progosa tO furthsc (ler, and a good camp.near-, too." succeeded in surpassing their former extend the barift revision ip;0gL1&=. mark to the extent of 614 per cent. and' 180 per cent. In order named.. In - the West a marked onward movement LOIN. TO LIVE LONG. was - in evidence on practically all ■ With healthy kidneys, one has a sides. Vancouver not only surpassed Rt r the mullion mark, -but again has the good; chance to live Ionfg, but'. Weak: highest totalfor the month registered Rf kidneys. Aillict old age .with great ; in -the Dominion. While less pro discomforts. The back becomes bent' nounced from an investment stand as Q am and lame, xhcramati�,ni is chromic, .c�ye- point, Victoria's total of $A.82,940, rb- sight fails and presenting a gain of 20 per cent.,r` Make'.a re alar meal too frequent pi shows excellent progress, and as much g can be said regarding the `total of Ca.- time habit of this involun,taty . gory '.($333,660), and the, amount .of' passages off `Abe Winnipeg '($432,500), both of, which re- ; palate -tempting urine cause em , Elect a most . satisfactory ' and . whom beVera l.3 barrassmsnt by some•condition. Edmonton; also; with g dap and logs �' again of 187• per cent.,• notesa sub. , stantial upturn; Regina Is ahead' b -y • Aw. of . sleep at 104 per cent.; and Moose Jaw t2¢115 or ! . Right. a gain of 27 per cent. Booth's Kid Without the figures of Montreal, th . net' Pills bring >lew .strength 'to old Eastern section would be, rather.elim.h Backs and nick r lief to weakened kid- represented. Montreal, however, i� e Sued permits .amounting to $642,428, net's. They banish backach© and rheu- as compared with. :$274,0$0 'In Pebruar: A L Z matic pain, regulate tho bladder and of last year, and has the third largest urine. total in•th.e list. ' Bootli's Kidney Pills aro for sick' "- ^"`�'�''' ".. "Absolutelypure,mild,melloW kidneys In old or young .and ars BIG LTOYtSS IN cAI.G.RY' and delicious. It guaranteed . by. -the proprietorci, The HarroWs Stores, London, Fng., 'a i;' R. T. Bobth Co. Ltd.,, Fort -Brie, . erect 4 building at ralgwry, +at;R.. a nourishes, and is Oat. 'Sold everywkere 50c, 1tox. Free an expenditlure of $1,500,000 furor espeeMygoodfor trial sent an `.request. will be startPd at on^ a ca ON, b^,ilr; ' staple who dont ing, and it will. b: complotad a:s.sp,tpd ily as possible_ sleep tivell. Order EPIGRAMS FROM. NOVELISTS some to -day.. in Have you never observed that if M ebuscientiously • iiegiect to do 1011 ' At all work it somehow manages to get dont Every family and' especially those vithout you?—%lenry Aariand.Whoreside in the country slxoold be �ers Civilization ;Weans universal civility find to be civil to .everybody argues providdd at all times with a bottile ;rt:at power, of telling lies.--B-6t of. Chamberlain's, Liniment. There -is ,lifilpctts, no telling when it may Abe, wanted "in lRFiations, as somebody said, are tl• case of an accident or emergency. It A e ;reg able acc;uaintan ... s .nahc tc n. is most excellent in all cases of rhou LABA it i. a 'by Providence.. Bt,t it Is • no sing ona's temper about what t'. maatisbi, `sprains and bruises. Sold by OF LONI)ON, CANADA ay; it only plcas..s tbem.—Richt, all dealers. agot. - cam• liow exquisite in life is the art ,act seeing many things, wnd of forg ing many that . have b�len seellr ,amts Lane AlIcn. Invest your spare cash lit There is nothing in life worth ma: Huron and Erie Debentures and '.ng a. secreteof—exespt one's. ineomn - get 4, per cent, per annum. inter- \ —Seton Merriman. est instead of the 3 per cent. \ Truisms, whether they... ire in th allowed' on Savings . Accounts. depths of thought or on the surfae.. are at any rate the' p2arls of expe'ri The security , is guaranteed bzt once.—George. Meredith. Assets of "Over $1000,000. Huron and Erie Debentures are. issued WHAT THEY WANTED for .sums .of. $100 and upward; for terms of one year, or longer. With hisses and groans an auditinbe Write 1°or Debenture Booklet, greeted what hail been hoped �rbuld - which gives full particulars, prove. the great scene of a new drama. All hope of success was at .an end. "It's hard to tell what .the public Wants;' murmured the heart broken playwright standing in the wings with the manager. ' "It's easy enough to tell. in this case" said the manager, grimly. "it wants its money back' 'DE FOR AGED PET0PL � Old Folks Should be, Careful in Their' , Seleoii:on of Itegulative Idedicilic. Assets over - raid -up Capital - $1,900,000 We have a safe, dependable and Reserve. $1,800,000 / altogether ideal remody that is par Erie Loan Y & iiicularly adapted to the requirementst i SavingsCompany ( r of aged people and persons of w`+ k Incorporated 1864. who. tdn Richmond tos paton or other boweldisorders. We � 366 TabSt ,S, Vima, 24 are so ceittainthat it will reliv _ these eoinplataW and give absolute satiataotloa in every partstcular that we otter it with our personal guar -Pik g i anted that it shall cost the u$60 nu- gills B0 8 » , thing if it tails to subslin trate aur claims, This ten;•exly is caltod Rexall Urdt�rlies. $3.05 � ITVRhl' ' sling l trt-nglfes have a soothing-: ANTED healing, stxeng't+tteiting•,tunic•and ret' b`itUV[ CLINTON, (�1V'C. ulaiive action upon, the bowels. r �t0-y remove all irritation, dryness; flus fiftg cent� torr admission to steness and Weakness, xhe� restore "Canadian National IlOrss Shdw.'s bl,e�;bowels and tLaWlatb Ot mot* igaoteoautsen anlidkehectLnn+ar be ' S.TEADY WOPK`ickots 5d'd going A nl 5th a�. �� �, Rethiru limit ;>7an 1st, loll. a t+ak+vn pp ti without incoitven-iCiCJQ,'�%V!(ill�► , ''' fence, D not 04W boy griping nsu- LOW 11AT>i�S id T WEST. sea, diarrhadar excessivd Mowenesp, of Ask nearest Cirai,d '1`ri>a,k Alteat iiaffnlarice .fir otlielr disagrd bte a 1 1 ; Sr +r reef, price Mo. anal 10c. "d 0011 ' �; ttbiruU at 11opeseakers» s+ and Settlers at sun tntr rr`--Tho Hexalt 'Store'. W.excunions�, or addresm A. H. Duff, o', H. R. llbiniree, I)nrugttat, ' Cli it n i t , 04P. A., Toronto. " 1