HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1911-04-20, Page 4+r r 0 WST 'ASS ORAS' W&UTM SCENES WE& TICK SO ►nA 4r• irlaie4rasi Will Not `t'al4 Many iRasswt +bugle- t " at .: M4mb.0r4 Of c0ngrpi400" R44pan# $0 1414 'isrte x'11{+, tip the k�t W'lrr�m,ipap.. lo%W" ss * 10146 Of Pastor--Araftinq tea , fair* Man's Map �#+r+w Nattttanati[t#os Life •...,,,. �.0,. hJA al5 to iiia:ileDalitu Canada 1 epteluaber, juin or to they alas _ a ,O were two hundred new wm- q# request for ono hundred inclieos era housed at the Winnipeg Immigra.- Human 070111 W- de by Rev. Dr.' Her - of they ?Duke of Cuti<naught, k1rtY 1>aal decided to abandon hta tion mall„ one. evening a short time . .ago. They proceeded the next day to 'varigtm bort Sytnonf his s2row act Q� Christ Church tthndral rather Wit- Proposed trip during •thq summer up g 1!b M aCltenkaie River to rhe Arctic points. The guests ware of six o It r seven different d creptnationalities— led the members of Xoutreal'0 inset french poesan.tsi of Alsace, Rubn. fashionable congregation. Ians,. Poles, Rollaudersi Russian Ger- mans, and Germans. Tile rotunda of Dr, Symonds, explained that a very difficult operation was to be perform. the C.I'.It. ryas A place Of Many ria- ed -Within a few daps at the General tuna .and :several races. Within a ray A111" of thl>rt f t Hospital''. William Tbomod two Wes �utm li+ ewe-Rsw4 BifttMW Win$s. For Tea You C1^4 It Is the Whop Truth Briefly Told• 'It is t1W R on `tor tlxo enormous Sales of No' V, S,T EA Over 2 Million Packages Bald Wegkly,' The looms of Mr. air+cl� lM N. 'T, go. ; ar—o � ` Xurara N 1,00don Bond, Mwala, was Y1NA . tli4 some of ie nappy *,,*at on Wsdatss• , da eyouing qf' last week, when thasir oil y daught4r, Una P"xi, was uasttsd in xD4Jrla9s to Ur. W. J. Aitchison, formarlpp� of Wilughom but now a, teal. tlapt Of lilarala, Tba bride, alto was attended by Miss Mauda 8axtsr of swish, Vroro a beacaialug gown of ' white ;face embroidery and carraied a, :r re � o t # � wbi to r + h: r • Who, o a as aeppApcc��rted by Mr. Chester �Lo> mau'ot Windsor, .Av IntlWats friend. It was Just 8.300*lockwhen the brill - al party entered the :parlar. which was Ga mm y ee were represented ago #ell .on a red hot stays sit his house of lilendellahon ti wedding pink lend .white tastily decorated with, carnations and roses, scnid Eha strains the white, S,ellow and blain: races. ilii while Attempting to fix A. stove pine. dins march play- Ralsiy w ed h Y Mise Leila 1►iacAt ins: rhe tLlolderr Scully the t fixe one seat a big, pleasanttaeecl :negro lIe wAs terribly burned, olid the dac- ---------.. 4p nuptiaiiinot wastiea bey, W. H, oat amid his luggage; a little way off, tars now declare that only a new skin Ba pastor a the Gentaral i? alae« plant, is:s ^vary woortamwi two Galiaians, in their gcCd hats wi h can save the 'malls life. T t ...- .. __ .. lliethodist church, in the resence of 3'e°Ple Rather it itr uayzlah nodded crowns and turned -up brims,.' Dr. Symondsi. said On hundred THE INDIANASA.S1UDEN} ARE THE-COLONIE6RRR G N about tiftgnftheinvitedgpests, duringtbo-summor. Xow le, 7 nodded Axid gesticulated; acid, on a Square inches were required, ids ache .-_ : A T? dt the conclusion of the car hawvsluablaitisiadyai P Ron. George 1J, :Foster, spealcl� at ceremony a+r bench facing these, were a row of. far thirty members of the congre98- Avoratpls Attendance is Higher .in, Un, 'the Roils of England banquet To n . floe wedding party adjourned tat and risagoueraitonia. flliinamen, cloth caps tilted forward tion to volunteer each to part with a t, t r dipingrecon whore� ,ijint dto Lila aa�'tl'pT ;ud deaf }' over their braided aril kiigtted ueuea; gr0tnized: Northwest egiriessed the view that rho col nie%SupperY g Parisi t}iisrcot q pieaq of their skin three inchesa cane arra becoming too arroga11t. F]e d:d was served after which the used each year In, the, famous 111 their eyes a curious; blank leant, and one inch wide, uqt think file pversGas dnmiiii0us u'lY weddedcouple received cougrat. remedy, perana,,This$act likeEive races were seen, cheek -b • ovvl berm sit th t cohe next da fifteen mein,_ ' In the report which has just teen Mations of those present. The pica everybody a qn, one short bench, At ono cud. a e g sgatl n bad volun issued: by the Departmont of Indian elite were many and beautiful, showing p 7 y uses eratus,fosre�srarbi. ' y ` toered tai corvtributo toward as nebr � the gti eskeem in which the bride and , blac -hatiltive forward, Aso i n S bandy e, g ! skin for Thomas. Affairs, the statistics of attauft ee at held by their friends in �- Indian schools allow that our nee. In- Pockets, ggarnia and his legs stretched: (It$- ' .than pupils in the Western provincelt. f The graotn's, lit to the bridesmaid nsols,tely out before him; before him ' �' t Bras »w ruby ring, to the nes& tna an Alsatian wrote laboriously ori a attend school =oro steadily than do ; • , ii L ourolled .Indian fiup#ls #n the Vastoixi. t"r peari.stick pin. Mr. Harry ingrain has bees appai7st•. Piece of note -paper spread on the back w+. ed ceneuti enumerator for Renaall. of the seat; next to him :two Polauders Provinces* Ontario lies ZrgSS Pupils Those #ronin a distance who attended . Mr. Walter Hnbkirk, who has bee ` tallied .ttrtlmAtedly'; next these again, a enrolled, British. Columbia Y,986, and the wedding were. Mrs. Wm. Aitch the west during kae est ear * int fait mulatto 'woman lolled sleepy eyed, 0•• Maultoba, Northwest provinces, etc.,. son mother of th�e_� ���rsrnom, and brothel•, turned to town P v , bas rs- ' her bundle JULher lap; and, at file ? have 4,149. Ontario, it will be noted. Thomas ; ►ins• �Vm« Biatah ar Worn in co f d and mhection• with tbo build, other end of the bench, a Swiss boy had an average attendance of euroired r?aug ter of W1n haw, and Mr.,' and ing of't1le new hotel and other ail -. and Indian papne of 52.67 Per .cent„ while Mie. Elwin Muto and >Mliss I) 1# h logs recent! burns • is d tfi& RDCC i,I;ENCY, KARL GEtEi( toil sat aide. by side, ,for stair ' . ' ' British Oolumb.a• Ase 63.87 per cent. �li"ton. e B t of lilies. Jesaiy d, is BginK oR, i Dad' to look at they last two, for ufiere But Saskatchewan maintains an aver' in Calgary xor eomeaa' who lies beery; were tears ilii ,the. girl's odes and the Amid showers of lice the ha g y time, 'came h4eis, P Y last week on account Of this, ill beer emntronda11ce of 80.81 per cent: of. couple left, reside at 30B Nvrtb tresre of r and thence around through $e- imp ceaselga;Isir and tenderly. Pressed N lmenE of x,261, and iKanitobae lee �ol 'her father, t BRaAaboe- Thi 8traitri Victoria arg Qisiran amen 'Thruiser her e as;r 6rotTine int. against his cheek. \` average is 6$.41 per cent. of 1768 a q. Avenue, Sarala, ont, bla . Duncan Blair Mc]yw►au died fin t4 y r . n sister, said the ) rolled pupils. The imorganiz d Victoria hospital, l oadon, last weed:. ' • IoO+ Vie. trip hod ioeQn mbrde,, but his Linguist from the Tmigigrat#oat dfilces, . ' Qtotchers in this respect, for: wtih .an f4xtiaeacy has ',famll Deceased was. a putt held iii- biglt eaa, concluded that hq y attaaliment was very strong ;w�d"niat be able to: finish this second among the Swiss:' enrolment of 162 Indian pupils in five a qualities. Trip through: the Canadian hinterland 00ools•—ithxee of which Are boarding , teemed for his ptany fin �i11llaE l leave&. a�rtar ge.i'awily to mourn, his de - 'e to.Garry oui the usual, arrange- schools —the average attendance is ectQn Q h��l up TRAM era was under . e ditr-.. Met at .hexing the departing Gomer• FIRST TH ROUGH TRAt'N 86.42 per cent. Probably the boarding Mr, val►in Williams.o# Bnffatci a ant r i' # the Masonic brethren, the P Reeigious services being conducted by� and Industrial schools. aro responsible A couA)e t)f weeks with hie parents, v, McL, Spiith•, interment oole cloy Getiertil oasis the incoming rover- ..: _ for the better average, for in Ontario I+ir. an$ Mrs, J. A. V(7illiams, urs' qa the Alla:tic, there are nine of these schools slid 78 The fare -neve t a place iaa il,zeter cemetery. Tile propoa:ed visit of his Excellency #;rant Portiarid, Me., t4.. Edmonton,- day , schools. Alberta. mAlntains a encs of the yEtrange a! Association Deis abandoiied. Indies has also bees . PrgteatIng IMmigrantsr high average attendance of 76 a? to file West. cent, with 988 ce per' #n session thio weep .in the lglveagel- M Pupils enrolled In kION, GEORGE F04TER nisi church here, The first Grand Trunk. tram bound Ne`w Brunswick. there are nine 'day I,astweek the south Huron iSiuie, On Cr ireditt direct from"ca rigid 1 Me., to L?idmon- schools, and the average AttQndanar�• terial•Associatlon met it , Hl �i1f LSU �LJ�i�, ton ; Alto-, carried r?6 Welsh pen le at 222 Indian u ils :i the Evan- • Mc, Frank Sims underwent ala P p D was 60.81 psi►+ ,. nation have the power to make iii#ei+ gelishI church. Ten. ministers were in aeration forappendicitis "--- far: the West, The party .wad in cent. Prince Edward Island h Such. power w l attendance. The e e . in i onden as. national al treakies. Su qu d L rayinerr were en. last week and is' doing nicely. charge of Mr, R„ Courtney, Loiidou, aollta da school with 42 u ils e : C rte nl tend towards tertaitied toluncheon t h s Is for Aatlrre, Rresu. tl�gtion of Ou�daor England, rolled, y� a pupils n 1Nir: Poster said the it selfishness. b v a the liarsonage. The !Ladies' Aid of Zion Evangelical Work—Much•Bulidin is #d be , d . , er can attendance was f e sp it of Ioyalty to y Rev. Mrs.. G}ischter. ehu rib have contributed aver twenty - lie Building Mr. Cauitney sal these prospective .- 18, or 42.86 per cent.. Tile tots! • the. Empire and the glory of th Mr, D. Schell held to desfr . e en a old oy two of five dollars to the China famine fund. Oona -±t abox Report, settlers have conal enable capital .and RI V. FA`i'HER $URKi;' ralmppt in In@ion schools f r. t flag moat be inculcated itt th theboreeslatel chi a to the : o he year a minds. y AA d e west, The W. M. S. held their anrin%f. they intend to take up land, IDditor of the Cat'lialic ne ster. Torori+ wits 10,625, and the r n bf our youth.. owing their battered co ditio s 4 Pe Ce Cage o f G n n an convention in the Methodist church oiR . ._. • ., Tke, Labor Gdi ette's review of � lz Mr_' x J. M:.Ctailc of the On art Im-, to, who was in the ltmell tit in to average attendance 62.86 Per cent. r .. arrival. They were va.iaable animals g e al! Ca a• D e t. fo,. and the saes is eonse Thursd�_�ny heat. dustrial condltioniilis as ,;follows,— migration Department announced that. controvorsy aver tris- Ne Temere 4e nad quentlp heavo. Mr. �vm o rt ai't: _ .- An old soldier who had R dgins of -.the 12th, Goa. The outlook iaa for.an lie resume-. ' l? y .of , twenty-eight Scotch and cree„ pawned his. Hon. A. G, McKay, leaden ° oi? the g t 1Vgrtli of En la medals and lost the tickets, ..was, o o roan in o McGillivray has purchased•from_ c a �tlon of outdoor vr!eik'- on tAo opening. g nidi farmers,• each, with --»- � 1 single xnatCh-cutting machine fs s, at APs the Propipciai I,egislat- Etrai er Willesden, granted an order far th ore, addresse a mos . ., h dames ,ane hundred spree of "orf spy#ng, in vlew of the mane Large ,;1,0.00 to 2ii{Op0 and over, to invest in capable of; cutting 10,000,000 matches e R s meetly ir1 the Iapd recove of lila g . He has now a farm of one hunk contracts under, wa or contemplates Ontario:land, .would arrive the ,next STRINGENT AUTO LAW a,day. Property. tgwnhallonMondayevening of last red and. flftvacres. .Jas a ' in railway Construe Ica.' building; and week.' • Hon. J.. S..Duff, 1%1 11 of� -, go west civic improvements, That immigration Agricul we ek w S dg' . to ture:for Ontario,. lin Matiltal�a"s New Code Re ,,, ment is opening puR;h pronounced , , Pressed. upon Regulating the Nle. Clark 'and 'h'is. 'dtibordlnates file #%uranin of motor Cars . �e i probably y. aetirit and p „ mine of a. heavy y, � 'gives tri 0 f' R ,. • year. dosiMbilitY- `of exereisiug particular ---+ The total nuiabar'af trasie":disputes .alertness, to prevent• Intending British The amendments proposed •n - �*, c' A^ ,�*� • "'f .. r�cirted to haps licca f;in `e�xlstence'iki invosfors in Ontario•: farms. laying out P P i the ; :. , - •, r - .�'"� automobile law of Manitoba are fairly' tRasada during 5'ttbrrtiary: woe's#x; being ,their:raoney; before, they.11ad' become •?'v f' two less than in January,-anif'six leas k0qun#ntec with- conditions, in this pro• drastic.. In place of the present Iiceiise Wh.0 Wki I: B,e,, I,'" thea in b'ebruarq;-*106,. About ,Bili. ;v as. It was desira;ble;that,such per- fee:. of. $5 the. future license will b0 � ` ~; r ° * ,+""� i � r �► 7 > • wYr1 �J y e fEtmi.s. and, 2,184enpl►Lofes iw r8 is sons' should look around the country based' upon horse-paweri the. $5 ren Ra'ce wed in these disputes •three firma and become conversant w#th� the prices main#ng for all vehicles of twenty=five ► • ' r c• W sad 1.067 employee ha*hi . been 4n, . of land and m; thoda. ,of farming be» borate -power or, less; between $5 and_ volled In .new Alaiiutee;: g fore they located themselves o p land: 35 h tl fixed a 1 w �•++��• 3,Drdustrial actilaelaitsratscsurriilg:; 264' -•-.=:--==,.-. •P• e` fee is i>F t :$10; from $.5 to 50 h: 15• and 60' h. a `:' in, 1�ividuad work p0oplo in. Adst: llu r- P - P- . nd shave "• thi Ing the month of F' h ,RAILWAY EXTENSIU`N S2 To Becure's chauffeur's license 1 a a'' 7 � ; e ruar7'� 191 ,were the applicant must be twenty-one �r to the D+martmeast of! -Lab.6r: e 4ears of age and supply proof -that• lie, tliaive, 8# were fatasl nd 180 result Contract Let fee 7L1Q Miles by the Al-AtLias passed `a. satiaflotory examine- - est is aetioua inlurfti, Ia %ddltIon ber•ta, Central tion. In case oP acs#dent y examine f0ar fatal accidenktr *&e ro': �rted. as 4ibltity :ler east upon the owner al-- billwing taken plied, v1do#� tW M6 lin-, The cantraet 6i -106 m ilea of. rail. ' though he , niaT not; be the . drivor. gi:>ni+ng of ins cekrii, lbtoarmiztion not. way . grading and bt ltastiug on ':the Stringent provisions deal with joy. q . mean •been received .#iy, fire de ra4t Aliierta Cwntral railway, 64 miles west riders acid tampering, with autos with. aititrtt before February,'.1013c' of :Red- Deem and 36 Vi tea emit, has out: the consent of owners. No engine lit tree preceding f c"W;Littre w6re been awarded . , to J'anse> : Me- Is to b tOttal and tion -fatal' c tt e left in motion while "standing F►c lde tt; re- i3annid & :Co., .b Prbaldent* Jo o e• '..t� y Zia. ,T. n tb,e hig)iwAy. Chains and a, totes metals e• of.86ffi, : la 'ebruary, Chief Engineer J. 'Grant are only, • to be used on tires a 41 '• ^ >vhen 1 . " /try'►,%` alil 1 �j. 4, tilers were 41»'#ettaid and 11;6 noa- McGregor.,d '.The; .price Is 02G;000 a there. iai'iGe or snow or the pave�te n �. ho mile,' a total. of. $5:,500,000; The varork ares slippery. Drivers moat slow down accddea a total of EE7. T - 'gilrtvtrtry f Wet . ledd t reported. in ` was first specified to be completed by when , passing street cars letting oft i • ,��\l . , ° V100 than is the pt+eoeding ii4onth Athe end. of August; but. an extension , passengers, and must also, slow dower g. , . And. of fifteen days is in ,the- Contract. At to six miles .per hour at oroas rbade . ..ill smote than is Rebruars; 1911. The' first the• company had decided to build in the country, ttasttLer of aaii�tstal-accidepLts reported .only::84 miles of tills dump, but 'flee Februwi,. 1011: was 2i leas than in hundred will he ..finished this aea3soa �It• ptt�eeaic m4iit; and l6 Lena than ready for s3teel. THEY BROW FINE SED '' r iii ftbiusry, 1910. Altogether there The papers war 'si ed 'a f "?MGt'e 10 leas induaWail accidents ren peg. This line is eaching out toward v ' 1►adted in °February,` 1411, than. in the the Brareau coal• fields and 'is getter- Good* Quality of That Found an Primes. 1iih r3dtng mqu'th;'and 27 more than in ally considered as A sgbs#dlary line to• Edward island the sating inontli of the preceding year.: the C:P.R. system. Three: seed fairs were held on DOUKHOSORS BUY LAND Prince Edward island this 9ear,'whtlst A NEEDED RAILWAY 'Thb Doukhobor colony at Nelson three years ago there was only one. + has further extended its territory by So much importance Is attached " pu acing' from Devine Brothers the. these that on t*o os;daglons :the Island ', \ t ++' 1�°� i�� i�t����,w.•:•,:��`ar \ ��al`\ �� , Ta Connect Georgian Bay Towns—Aid •Krell -known Manhart ranch on Kbo:te. Legisiature:,adjOumed in. order that ' t;7' j:;t�1t} { O ,l �r1 f tts);;4Z�:\i`�1� ;;;1•� y ` � `tit�� l l\ As9cbd 'of Groveriement' nay' River; opposite Terry's, This the members could attend and 'deliver Q '� la({�`1 �1 `'1��;4t ;l` .�1,,.,, Att•1t� \ r ,yti�, 1111 ll� •lf�d i 1\k • ~ property -is a>lout fifty, acted in .extent; addresses- at these -fairs. Judges from - - ' ,t �),r i• �„ \\ l,` citizens frdm Owen Sound, South- of which some ten acres are cleared the to pronauneci the is, a7d amptnn, Collingwood, and Orillia are and about, five acres are planted in seead, to 11s, unsurpassed, for quality in c Urging. the Government to'give aid in trees. The the. Dominion. A Shipment or seleet:d a �(`� tUyi,al,.r,,t,,i, )I • bearing fruit .price. ,was • . p �I�r ;►,S(J � ' •� �l i, ai ir6m•Southam ton'$12/000. r rlkyl;'tit\•';t�``t� ee{iilding a railway p seed cake, sold. to the .geed Govern' through Owen Sound, Hesford.. Thorel eirerrt Aasoelation: at Quebec, rea;Ij� d` Ii ?� 01, <f it ljjti y burp and Collingwood to Orllpa �, r ; y ' „ , ninety cents per bushel, °'i ! •. �, � It } \ Tbej+ ask the Government .for the J � i4b Ff' %;E yi il SJ tJ �j r�GJ� �yy�Srl H/Jlrr�rf �usual .grant of $3,200 per mile of rail - ;.0• . to be built where it is not paraI= r,0 "(! : �J f rJxu�• /, • t ..:;i I a line already existing. F r orf: ; t , ry , 1,,,/ y�NJ , tr di n+j' eddy- a ..This `t ,/ ,,,,., %:., k, :t...,Y,... g• , >, f�, , , (�. ,-,,. f Are Y+nur Rad»ie s' •t: .-- irf e1peat6da will amount t0 about • � $100000 in. A%flet/, r/yiJ,N,rt{;rJ �n, s/, rrJ rl��, � d d ' .,., ij .Y: rr �/rr�'Irrr:l:ll4a3Fl•;xy?�/Y,;rb; notkli�g Propeik.�. : .. 11..a,:. I, The need #ora railway',Cbnnea in a,• yJ...,1,;r'r.;,ryr�Jn"r!;,.•., g (,. f, fel.. r ltd It Will Pa 4 , (,, j rj S,f y You Well to tlolre Serb r.:these ports ou.r•Lake Hurbii and the l �;,,r!''/.•( r J There's ,e r, / 1 i g . r , ,�„ F . r. a � been a lot of guessing abouf Al tie tgvin has atede�rovould olid ,HN ;,,, ; :rheumatism,and 'rheumatic `pains gene>~- J / l; , J r'J -: 4 n,be d • gPeatlY benefitted li• #t• At be n 1 .i F J , % ally+but you ea cad Sure that httle y present. �,'f tSr(1;x , in' ; — „ lr� .:.,ys Y',�;hy:J;;.'r:,. F ,�.,•.,, pa across your, back Cslmie from de � Mite Only direct means of travel be. ! ••� 'G,rJ?dl;l f�r; jr!'Fy ���r Creased kidney actions r �----.,..,� � •• ' t1reen :Owefi Sound -arid Meaford is by: •'S�(; '�� k r�,• yx�'•f//ri1,�;:rl The kidney duty l ]Acca •in',tAe' mer or by. stage. In. u,! ;` ,,. ; y(fJ/!;(�, take out Y is to filter the•blood -„ �• r/ r % t the life fiurities Collected b la" r' to' g'o brrani from Owen sound rr,4,,.gr,JS' rr ,r (jrfr:, // f�/%J r A the returning blood stream -•do it jugliGeaigian < like absorbent Cotton irt'a funnel filters it is neeesg4ry to go •nil the. way;, the impuritiesfeom polluted water,- tp sronto and bs1 lc. l u. When the kidneys are not working. you l.% /rr.. are bound for one of two cours s—Di Ever The Canadian X'a4cif�c Railway Corn• e a, din Western ray las an equal charms to ai>atey nnay be asked tii`itnd make either s (� ; • J% ;� bates and $right's Disease or k'heuma ` to build the line or •to> tate over and b° 4fhr/;4; ' : tism,itwlbaga and Sciatica. 7'he for- . win in c o� rate..ileb link, afttir t. #s built. A F , / y ;k ,' incl' +course is usually fetal, and the latter these hc�, JNJ;r ; >l rid ,( yC�b�`] pons�r�tharn�ssd tea vvtho Cb r 1 aobtained. for u r ^,,y rr;/! siw2ys paitifnf, but you need not have!�.�".�: oarie: . charter ha;t already lyes J„ either, as they both can be easil re? �* vented, y P- cent l �v irr'�!C`+ .; r. e NJ Jf,/V NF k r h „(y, X- PN N d �"�•" dOMPLETINO NtW MiL:I, J �H4<7l +rn ! r 1'I per he very best_ prescrip'On for all kid- y!'ti t rJt; 'iiey.trotilStes is Nyat's Stone Root Coin- eoent re to indlaate that the /�t/,rF [rA z r r %� Co.;,`, ,�� i ! N r / F f ry' J r ;y r rJ ! p6aud. It... is na "Patent" medicines � - � - le. - ht"Mill#ng' a recent con, r/I/F1'�,r JJ4 s 1. ;J ` ! rfr;:h/r !�!N.' but a scientific prescription co e`' ..fi�e 4 ��y �yp 'bot, g�.� y� the �+ �y ; ketlon which comprises both the N `^,l id./i'� /riri;Jk, t yilF G%ilhY !.,' f3f S'tbflerabt 13tre p` i Ptl9Cd p% ►J4"�., V its he I: ot, o;Vll�les Vii Ir.L a cartons o Ie f� 5'.}�l, r ,r 3 MSI 7 1J ,119r'it , 1 juniper ( ! ! f r to j pe and other y •Shaw Miff ansl the Maple I;eaf remedies of roved value. More than "our Milld, has made very steady pro r'� �l,S , r ' '2r f ,l4 !"y;/�+ r 4�,/%'n ; : that, it has bean ` :�'�„! ,. J r'y %'r,�Q, � proved by thousands p Y x`4/',r,, yw G orf , fl��a�• who have had lad telief from its use. Show, the managing director Of ther.�l( ,! r . ss• A report ' #rani:• 14Ii`r HedIe ( g .?,. ates bathing quite so miserable, as; oonariany, to thy. dieatgrri, stated. that : the' dragging results of sick 'kidneys, t the progresa madcr on the new large . Yqu are trieeing with your own future Snfl and elevator . RENJAWN WEsTWOOD when ou neglect ; . 'p►liiClt the company �' elect sa simple a Precaution, Is erecting, at l?ort C06fthe ''would Of Toronto, President -of . the British• 41 a p easaut horse treatment with Nyalrn result in the Cbuiparij, befni ble to CVeloorAo Leaguo, an aaso,eiation $tone Root Compound When results axe 6110rate this entire' plant at tilkV!�iolut which rntekoa the wyy stnooth for to certain. i Iry :Pune next. 11 inairy a now -comer :to Canada, It sbothes bladder irritation, given► ' +4 - CA�'CHY CONUN6 'UMS You rest and eoinfort At night, and:okktti .., a opCe Mot* eti o w. The lddtec fivesbfe. "+ Make, T d Y , fid bladder are � ` W 1lresld{iiits tit bhe i#(irtireas�zatn z�.'c•: I depetidebt,ui 6d -Orel onoxher, .and N� ►s k glril7 aSI1#ettkelikel satlt #tn 1lltd et fo6lild Moot A t_ C nd iait pxrtiCutatly � ��A�f`x� L tion lit flhmiltan ro#nplainecl to the "'” MAIZE asses xnor if rholemlol�its that t+lzi<Xd bra>rt bolo endrtlxs 1a ,. esigued to hdo >~ m 1kll,' ">�-�•• � ,rd t:f L"dtit5'6l cif, ; tliayg�cetue ... � .: - ;� . lr �,Z1o1,11E ,�'. What do YOU see People drink Broth etr" lighting ire Attic 'nsiObothood. Sold- and oustant by W, 'S. A, other "Cereal. if you Will try 1t ,fou •ill .4Wee 1t iii t, t � ., 1ritht•,�••your eyes. Colziies,.:, : W. A. 'te to ! lite tasted. itpl n` f oir W110111 dries A dhip beat the wind,f r Olt ', �lrin It serfs l►CZ6t'tl iti. . CihatmrirOtiii d ti'ibi>lach 8rld f.ivtl: B 1909 T U H "' ORDER �ASCORNPLAKES1 , What fan the be 4ddte for toulry7 'abldtrs ae tiOU �natura -lit driving all t _00446 of I uttatt. impuritim out of t,ho liy`ttlems WA111:149 ttrei y ' r*,x What Is tlxb ,fit thitlg foto ,* ia#. anwing the orga" 6106 6 bads► to ,. . a freaa rind regular' eondll�ii�lt sial tit- fr ' Mew r � 11''f�� r�4�Cl�l '� i����������� �:�'��" ,�"�'��" �� li'� . ' hft1 # sold strength. Shcit by all . „d,.,.>~.Kw+ • .�..` ` ilii orrs, s for 640h a r►da y amom m yr�arr� N