HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1911-04-13, Page 88 Footwear' limit of most perfect Shoe building. MQDERATF PHIESJA1WAYS Dont wait until the last minute to kele t yours Easter 'Footwear. Oomue now while the lines of sixes are full and the picking is good. Footwear was never *ore beautiful Our Spring dis- play shows the best and choicest Foot- wear the world pro- duces. High or Low cut models for Men, for Women and f or Chil- dren, that are the Men's Shoes *2 to ♦0 Women's shoes 1.50 to *4 Boys' and girls' 1.35 to *3 Every line of Footwear is in t'he bloom of Spring freshness and now is the best time to make selections. J. Twitchell t?Son ..--001111010° CLINTON Ne;sIiin Sftoes AT Fred. Jackson's There never has been in Canada so many Beautiful Stylish Shoes as there are at the present day and people have never been so'exact- ing in their requirements. Our preparations for -the present Spring trade are such that we feel we are in a position to satisfy the demands of the most fastidi- ous. Our Ladies' "department comprises thelatest productions of'the best makers. • In the Men's lines we .are specially complete. The Ohildren's lines are the choicest weever had. Repair Department: in full swing -Try us. FRED. JACKSON: I1111112111110• •♦N♦N*Ni♦NN♦♦♦N♦♦N♦N*'N♦**♦♦NN♦♦N♦ Z SpeeiaI Shoe Price • During the next month, almost every .family in the' town and ,� country will be needing. some new shoes. It may be. tine shoes or coat- - • •♦ se shoes. large shoes or small shoes, one pair or a dozen but no matter what your needs you will find it has paid you ' well if you investigate our special offerings during the next few weeks. ALSO A NUMBER OF CLEARING -LINES AT WONDERFULLY LOW 'PRICES. 10 Don't miss these . ♦. • • • ♦ • Misses heavy school shoes, .sizes 11 to 2. Worth almost double this • • price To clear . • 69c ♦ • Woman's fine Dongola'Kid shoes, All new Styles. Oddlines and ♦ .• broken sizes. Regular $2.25to.$2.75To clear choice 1,98 Boys Fine Shoes—Sizes 11, 12,13, Several broken lines worth up ' Z to $1.35 To clear 98e• '2 • Also dozens of other clearing lines at wonderfully low prices. le ile Very Special:' --Don't fail to get a pair of our Men s Box Calf Shoes. a $.,2 .SU shoe for. •. 2 for next . iS • 1•' 2. • ♦ Rugs:—Some specunl offerings in Rugs and Linoleums • week. MALL MORE U ♦ B IN aT PRdF S M. S ESS ROS i♦♦*♦♦**♦**♦♦NN♦**♦♦ *♦♦♦N♦♦♦♦N*♦♦♦N♦*♦♦ Nr**N*s•Nfa•wNr•NN••••••NN'N/►•N'tr•N•••N• J. B Hoover Nelson Ball • A. DOLLAR DOWN is " often an ilium- inatio:t7j as big as t the . sun. There's no place in town where "money down" goes furth- er than. it does i right here. • A CHINA CLOSET : or dresser bought for tsPat a te irom our present t stock maks what you see elsewhere, look like thirty ce nis It's bargains galore we're re ofler ln t:04 DOW In ,i. . our entire 'furniture stock. r`? The Cheapest spot hi Huron County to bay ail kinds of furtplture, t • � Hoover biT.i Ba11 t FerRZtir,rtiZtiti A.N'3t) Z>VM13.10tOlt19 • tai i4 **:♦f •4•1!♦ ii r►Its**♦t►♦if.N*♦ti►N •,q OUi WALL PAPER STOOK O 0 Is a collection of newness and re- ' 1inemtnt. An extensive variety surpassingly, fine in its complete- nese. Every praetioal and merit- orious sort and itis extent offers, an inviting held font selection. De- corative excellence is its feature and it has the additional charm of perfectly proper prime. If in- terested come and see and tell us ff we have not gathered wisely and well. Clinton Nev Record Ws Q. FAIR 00, Often Cheapest — Always the Best t1U1?MA li 1 Ilttt�P'tt'gN"4 ll+lllp dee fim- Arr. John Sell, 13elgrave, is visiting M'r. D. N. Watson to day. Miss Lizzie Salkeld of 'Goderich in the guests of Miss Jennie Trick. Mr, James Flynn left on Monday to resume his position at Wilkie', Sask. Miss . Hattie Holloway is spending the Eastertide with London friends. M:. • Ronald Ross is Home from this University, Toronto, for 'Plie holi- deys. Miss. Mien Boweri; of Ingersoll is at present the guest+ of her oousineMrs. Jas. Doherty. . Miss Ruby Irwin was off duty • several days last week owing to an attack of tonsilitis. • Mr. J. 13, • Kennedy• is expreted home -frost. Det'roie to spend Easter at the, parental -home. Mrs. Moggridge, having rented httr house, purposes going l o Toronto fon the summer. . - Mr. W. Duncan and Master Jack Mc-. Caughny visited in Brussels fro2n Saturday to Monday. :Miss Mary Beatings of. Wingham vis- ited Mr. and Mrs. Hartley on Fri- day and Saturday last: .• Miss Lucy Stevens will .Speed .the Easter e holiday' with her sister, Mrs. I. Taylor,- London. Psencipal 'A.. F. Gundry of Strathroy will - address The Club on the even- ing,• of'.Friday of next week. Miss. Mae Rance of the teaching staff of MoulU,tn. College, • -Toronto, is home for the Easter vacation.. Mrs. A. J. Taylor returned to her Borne in. Toroht'o on Saturday atter a fortnight:►'' visit with Mn... W. 'Jackson. Mr. Allister McEachnrn'of the Bank of Montreal staff, Ilamilton, has been spending a holiday at -his home hi town. Mr. D. B. Kennedy has been ill for the past . month; but a host of friends will be glad to :learn that`' he is, now improving Mr. hl'ilfrici Stevenson, book-keeper • 'for Sherlock & Manning, ' -J.cndon, visited .at the parental' house in Mown last. week,. - Mrs. 11.13. •Chant and Mr. • and Mrs. John Rice and.' son, . LToyd,, • will spend ' the Eaa''ar holidays lee -St. Cathas.ines and Galt. Mr.. and Mrs: W. Cantelon left to- day, the former -to visit with a son in Toronto, the latter in Mitchell with her daughter. Miss Lizzie Sullivan returned to her home in. Kingsbi dgc •-on .Wednesday after taking a stenographer's` course the x+ in • taClinton on I3ua.ness e , College: If you have visitors. • at your home • it is buil a. courtesy you, owe. thein to have their names appear lin The News -Record's Personal Columns. Mit; Jean McTaggart came up yester- day from 1•o_ontu for oyer the holt- .Mr. da it ` s..T oder . 'VI cTaggartt i,, c+s- pected tomo::ow from the R. M. C. Kin st . g on . . Maxtor Douglas 13a11 has been confined Ilo the house the past week follow- ing a slight operation to his throat, Stem which he Masi now almost en- tirely recovered, ' Meese". Warren Finch,'son of Mr.' and' Mrs. Jas,- Finch, and Jas: Finch, son of lir. and Mrs, E. Finch, have gone to Stratford, where they have .i el - SCetl re � d PoSIS .ons.. Mr. Will. .Ilarland has been chosen by Cerin+ Maple Leaf as its delegate to the Iiggh Court wbich meets hi To- ronto in June. Organizer Keys will' be the recond delegate. Mr. Thos. Hawkins •has accepted a position in 'Lucknow. In baseball circles in particular will Tommy be missed for he has been manager of • the team and its mainstay. Mrs. Raba Iioward • tetueeed to her home in Blyth on Thursday lase after spending some little irme with' her old friend, Mrs. Allenson, who still continues very ill.. Mr. Jas. Butte!' went west a couple of weeks ago with a carload of hor- ses for Mr. C,. J. Wattle. Be t..tur- se o1 ned last week and left again on it another a l.cid. Tuesday with carlend. Miss Banda, accomlpanied by )Geer' neice, little Miss Beryl Cooper, and Miss Dora Nrice. leftthis twitting n g to spend . Easteu in Toronto. Miss Price purposes going to Vancouver. Mrs. Ales. Taylor and Miss Taylor, aylor, who have been fin London for sonde months, theguests of the fa :t cr's daughter, Mrs. Wilbur Manning, are both ill, the former with pneumon— ia. The little twin daughters ot Mr. and Mrs. Manning are also ill. Clinton friends many of the family hope soon to bear rri- port+s of their reoovery.. .,... . ..• . April 1310,1911 Brussels, Tapestry and Woo 1 Carpets AT ing CLEARING PRICES We are going out of piece carpets for good and want to turnthis department into cash soon as possible, - hence this great Slaughter Sale, Now is your chance to buy a bright new 6arpet when the house-cleaning season is here. $1.35 Brussels Carpet $1.05 5 good patterns in the hest quality of Brussels two tone ef- fects, green and red, small and large designs, suitable for par- lors and dining rooms. Reg $1.85, Sale price $.05, $1.25 Brussels Carpet 98e 8 pieces Brussels carpet, all new patterns in green, red and fawn grounds, splendid wearing • quality. Reg $1 25, Sale price 98e 50c Tapestry Carpet .39c 3 only neat patterns in Tap- estry carpet, all good designs and colorings, reg 60e, Sale price 39c 75c Tapestry Carpet 65c 5 pieces. Tapestry carpet, all. good colorings and ,patterns, splendid wearingquality, floral designs in green, red and fawns. Beg 75c, Sale price 65c. 85c Tapestry Carpet 69c 4 pieces Tapestry Carpet, green and red, grounds floral designs, suitable for parlors, dining rooms or bed roams,•, halls or stairs. Reg 85c, Sale pt ice 89c 902 Tapestry Carpet 72c 2 pieces Imperial Tapestry, best quality, one green and nue red, grounds with •chain of roses reg 90c, Sale prices 72c. • 75c Wool Carpet 65c 4 pieces 2 ply wool carpet, all good patterns, suitable for bed rooms or dining rooms will give splendid wear, reg 75e. sale price 05e. 90c Wool Carpet 72c Spieces two anda half ply wool carpet, suitable for all rooms, splendid patterns and colorings on either side, a very serviceable carpet, reg 90e, Sale price 72c. 25c Jap Matting 20c 5 pieces Jap Matting for bed rooms, good patterns and color- ings, reg 25e, Sale price 20c, Lace Curtains We are showing the largest range of lace curtains it has ev- er been our pleasure to display. You will find the very latest de- signs here from 25c up to $a. Madras Curtains The Madras Curtaining by the yard, course in a large range of colorings and designs and we invite your inspection. prices run from 19e up. Tapestry Curtains Door Pannels Door Matts Carpet Sweepers all prices • We are showing a splendid range of Brussels, Tapestry and Velvet Rugs Rugs aLinoleiuns inpries. I inoleums and : widths at unbeatable prices. - AT THE MEN'S STORE Ready Hade Clothing Ordered Clothing 1 Furnishiiigs NEW SPRING READY-MADE CLOTHING Remember, we give you The NEW SPRIN(x SUITINGS are here, The New Spring Ready -Made Clothing for men and percent, offThe New Spring importations of suitings, pantings and boys are now in stock and they comprise the ver y latest. coatings are now in stock waiting. your inspection: We styles, workmanship and wearing qualities, and obtainable fol spot cash on all ordered use soloing but the very best of linings and we are turning out better ordered clothing than ever: at prices thatbear the closest scrutiny. Shrewd buyers or ready-made clothing, We guarantee fit, telt us that we sell the cheapest in town: style and workmanship: BUTTER ANO E.GGS.TAKEN :AS CASIJ. T MS 331x- 0 L E 1-1 Brio '. About People Yolu : Know.. .Miss zlagan,- fornicaiy o•f tpwn, was ' the guest last :: week of Mrs. (Dr.) Gunn. • Mr.. ,5. C. Rathwell leets on. Monday .fer Lucknow where lie has taken a situation. •Mr. .14: I : D. Cameron spent Sunday in Toronto, the guest of his sister, Mrs. St. John. •-• ' Mr, Ewart •Greig of Toronto is spend- ing the Eastertide in town the guest ofhis aunts, Mrs. T. Jackson, JN. Misses Agnes .and gn I i ;1'z abeUh Cidl rg leavetoday for'Torcnto, where thee intend . spending . the I:astee vaca- tia n. Mr. and Mrs. 'B. ,7 Clibbings, Mrs: Treleaven and Miss ,Wiltise will go; to .Stratford this evening to -hear the 'Sheffield Choir. . Mr, Fred: Mutch. is again on -duty at. flarland's after. a: eevees. attack of • rheumatism. • Ile .had a hard time of it and lost considerable avoirdu- pois, but his good nature is just as apparent. . ,a ,, ever. pP a 1VIr. Wm. Steep, Mr. p, .by R. • Cree, was in Dublin on Monday delivering a horse which he bad sold foci $300; "Billy" always keeps good heare horses s o whencares to sale it i ti a make a s P a top-notch is , price. • Y Mr. and Mrs. Frank Waddell and lit- tle daughter aa:ivod en Tuesday from Cheshire, England, and will live at Stapleton, Mr. Waddell hav- ing awing taken employment at the Salt Block. Be was engaged at farming in the old land. ,F Mrs. George Trowttill has been the guest for the past couple c+t weeks or her dautiter, Mrs.John1n Inglis at Dundas. Mrs. 7 rowhill is just convalescing after a very severe and it is the ill- ness 11- n ss hoe' of her ratan e p y friends that she may rapidly ewe over ee- over her usual good health. Mr. and Mrs. John Itapson have tak- en up tt) ir abode in ,Clinton, and are now at home in t4ieiit cosy'cot- loge C )ct- nage on Joseph 5t. They were resi- tfor a great many of Iltillrtt nun Y y andhave h ve ahast of friends who wish them happiness now thatthey have retired d farnhle aetevitios that aro inseparable from liter on the farts. On behalf of our citizens The News -Record bids them welcome to Clinton. Mr: II.' hill wall a Jurytnan at the :aaizeS' this week. • Mr, C. Brown, Woodstock, . of the loc- al firm of Tozer ee Brown, isin • town this week. ' .Mr. . Wm: hiclntosh of St. Augustine carne down last 'Thursday, to ati;.rcnd the Spring hair. Master Charlie T1utmpain has been ill - `elle. past week,. but is now . able tti -bit around •again.:' Miss Mach"arlanc t:f Stanley returned last week from a trip -to 'Old Scot- land. She ,want' in company with friends, ±a:r ty oifour, , .they were absent _some Months'and hada .very *pleasant time, Mr: and lure. Frank . Wilson of Orillia are visiting friends en town acid vi- cinity. Mr. Wilson has 'been in po0.4 health for sortie time and underwent an operation but is, , now getting back to his old.form again. • Mr. j: J. Ward of Woods'ock was in town Monday. flaying taken a poi' i t i - s on sl travelling salesniatt for the Till!sonburg Packing Company, he is - energetically pushing trade through the western part of the pro- vince, Misses Leila and Eileen hoover and Bezel O'Neil, thr.two latter stud- ents at the Conservatory of Music, the former of the teaching staff of liavergal College, came up from To- ronto on Tuesday for the Faster holidays. Mr. Cordon Cuninghame returned on. Tuesday from a trip south. Be. left about Feb. let in company with Mr. Cuba, Frank Kidd for Cuba, and after a visit of six weeks'n q so at the home ' of the latter in th t. is n a i le •:f r. perenni- al summer, visited several weeks with friends in Washington gtcn and New York. Needless {o say the trip was thoroughly enjoyed, Mr. Kidd will remain in 'Cuba for a time att least Ma. ,las. C. Leitliwaitia of Gode.rieh was a visitor to town last week. tie nott - n i our rite is o be see in midstqt so often as once was the case, , but that was in the old days +when he owned a One farm on the, Maitland_ Tn. l)dnries township. Jas.s. i us I' oithwa tr was a riahold name e up in that corner of tihe township ,. tc r stringof every to hint- the latch t haust' in the community will always hang out, • The News From Londesboro :1 meeting for . the purpose of • or -Mrs. Ross of Blyth spent ,Friday of • • ganizing a baseball team • will • be Iast .week with _friends in the vii- . held in J. U. Loutishory' s shore • . on lags. S aturday evening. All f 0 inarested,are re luestr'd to be present. Mrs... (Dr.) 5 -loan. was the rea:pient of a fine (iourlay piano lase week. • Will .1VIcArt'hur )tit last week for (loderieh from which' place he purpos- es sailing on tite lakes• as in former. years. r 11r. Allison, whohas � been M t "ill for. the past week. is, we. ' are pleased to learn, improving.. ' .:'Sm i of Meth was a Rev. J, I Small 1 ) Y •it themanse Monday. �t5 lir at m t .on Rev. J: II. Osterhout an family rc'ttn'iied on Tuesday • after a week's visit with London • friends. Mr. George Thompson is in Croder- ich serving- as jitlyrnan at the assiz- es now in SCS:R.on. The sawmill closed down Monday after a euecessfulrun of four weeks. Mr. Rohl;. Young has commenced work on the G.T.R. section herr.. Miss le. Patterson of Auburn spent Sunday with her friend, V, • Breit - waits. Mrs. Ja.s. Cott and Miss t'utt of I3ls home to vis ted at tele . h dei of Mrs. W. Coombs on Friday. Mrs. John Weymouth of Myth spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. • F. Johnstton hers. Mr. J. • C. Hutton . returned to Tor- onto on Tuesday, • . • ''Mrs. Chas. Watson entertained . a number of thei.+ friends Friday even- ing of last weak. The Londesboro Threshing Syndic. - ask; of which R. Carter is pi'. sidenti and C. dam.- ;secretary, A � car t has al- ready Y, 1 really selected tee 'staff for • next sea- son's. operations. -Mr. .John • Note will be engineer with Mears. Thomas C''ous,':is and Albert Radford as assie- tanto. "Thie.does not, some .a big` seaff for so •completo an outfit, but. the machine is a sell -feeder with all the most modern titnti•;sayers. .All • Neat seems . necessary ist to start the engine and pile in the • sheaves. ' The annual meetr:ng of the S. nisi- j. �. held y Ica.., was on Tuesday of last week with Mr. John Brigham in the chair. - The News -Record leads fair Landes- koro news. Mr. •Matt. Maine has been. busy for some time t e maki n g barn timbe z at whit% he is an expert. lie has a big season's .i:,as s w rk o ahead s 'i s completing. , • all the arrangements so that when he begins on the framing that he may push it ahead with all osgible speed P p Mullett Happenings Miss Lizzie Lacey at Stratford Nor - n,$1 was the guest of Mr. and . Mrs. John Shannahati on Sunday. Me. John Shannahan has sold the team which won first prize in the heavy draft at the Clinton Fair Itt' a price Ghat was very satisfactory to ld whichwe + him, but are( not ai liberty beet to here divulge, Mr. Shannahan has since bought another pair of good ones, Mr. Charlie .Stewart's matcher pair ofgraycelts won ttr reddi it - bon bon in theNeuralnu purpose class -at Clinton Spring Fair anti eltird place in the gray special. This is nottoo bad for a ,pair .of green colt% not three -years -old yet. More Ituifett news page 4. • fttr. and Mrs. 'John Manning will take up their abode in the village of Auburn where trt� havepurchased a house, Wherever they may locate,. their very many friends extend best' wishes for inose in the much happiness years whist stretch along into 11t& futureWe willhe sorry to pare with' them, but will always esteem it a pleasure to • meet again. outwith • t r.,d has r Bert Nott a DI. I ti.„horsy enginit -thetette home engine is made use of to distinguish it from a inrx i n and will cut woodd for Mr. Win- MeC of .h. grain 0 u airo and crush ,Part of Pitt town - that p .ht Its inP and o a ship. Beer can rush along the work at' a . great ratzt. 13y the way, he bought a horse from Mn. John Man* nine; the other day at a good pries. see'r:.... ntdl ete'.:n.:;:'%„5E• .t, 4