HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1904-09-08, Page 1/i WI\GRAM • TIlo'IES. in • VOL XXXIII.--NO.: 1700. Fall Suitings AND Overcoatngs. E have just received a full W l stock of all our Fall Suitiugs and Qvercoatings, and we are now prepared to fit you out better than we have ever done in the past. Our Clothes are always good in quality, style and fit; and if you have traded somewhere else and got disappointed it's doubly to your in- terest to come here, where we deal in satisfaction and can satisfy the most critical. Your Suit to Order We will make you a snit to order from $12,00 up, and you will not leave our tailor shop without receiving en- tire satisfaction. HATS ! HATS ! The Brown Felt is King You may be in doubt about what yon should wear this Fall. Take a pointer from our despatches, which tell of the popularity of the Brown Hat the wbole world over. Shirts ! Shirrs ! We have just opened up some of the nicest Shirts you ever saw, and you will mies it if you do not have one of them Prices $1.00 and $1,26. Always a pleasure To show you our goods. Hoffluth Bros. Clothiers and Gents' Furnishers. MARRIAGE LICENSES nteued by Manx PATEnsoN, No; 23 Victoria street. Winttham, Ont. No witnesses required. DOMINION BANK WINOHAM Capital paid up, $3,000,000 Reserve Fund and Undivided profits $ 3,474,000 Farmers' Notes discounted. Drafts sold on all points in Canada, the united States and Europe, SAVINGS DEPARTMENT—Interest allowed on deposits of $1 and upwards, end added to principal 30th June and 31st December each year. D. T. EEPB3JRN, Manager. R. Vanstone, Solicitor. BANK OF HAMILTON WINCHAM. OApital paid np, $2,229,980.00. Reserve Fund, $2,000,000.00. Total Assets, $24,718,618.07. President— HON. Wet. ChasON. Vice -President and General Manager—J.'rukNnuz L. DiliE'CTOEs Cyrus A. Biro., John Proctor, A.B. Lee, John S. HHendrie, Gee. Rutherford. inspeoter—E. M. WATSoz . i�Mvliigga '.flank—lions 10 to 8;" Saturday, 10 to 1. DePosits of 51 and tip*ardsreoeived, in- terest allowed, and oomnuted on the Beth No- vember and Blet May each year and added to principal. Special l5eDoeits also reoeived at current rates of interest. Drss'te en Great Britain and the United Steres Bought and bold. Travellers are notified that theBank of Naan- nton and its Branches issue Circular Rates of National Provincial Bank of England, Limited, which dun bo cashed without ohltrge iyr tron.. bit in rimy part ofthe World. li W. CQ .DODIA Agbni Dfd*1N 011' tit ROLIeDUSiSolicitors. WINGITAM, • ONTARIO. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1004, PICKL1NC SPICES...... We have the purest and best that can be procured anywhere. Give us a trial and be convinced. R. A. Hutcheson ■ GROCERIES AND CROCKERY Goods delivered promptly. Phone 50 ,Who Wants a Farm ? I have over 9,000 acres of choice farm lands for sale, in 60, 75, 100 160 and 200 acres, lots in Kinloss, Greenock, `Bruce, Kincardine, Enron and Ashfield 'Townships. Good lands with good buildings to be sold cheap on posy terms. Also a good sawmill for sale, almost for a song. Also a good blacksmith shop (dwelling in con- nection) doing a good business, for Bale cheap. A hotel doing good business forsale cheap. Also a wagonshop, A general store with large trade, live village. Also a Inrge amount of money to loan at 5 per cent. For further par- ticulars apply to J, A. MacKENZIE, Insurance Aeent, Rolyrood. FARMS FOR SALE. J I have just had listed a largo number of first. class farms, which for location and convenience of every description cannot be beaten. Now these farms Are for sale at a very rea- sonable figure, and I ask the intending purchas- er of a farm to come and see mo, and I will show him as good farms for the money as he can buy anywhere in the country. Remember, I do not take farms to sell at an exorbitant price. If I do not think they are worth what isnsked for them I will have no. thing to do with them. It isproperty that will sell that I want, and that is what I have got. C. J. MAGUIRE Real Estate and Business Transfer Agent, Y ANsTONE BLOOli. • WINGHAM, ONT. GENERAL LOCAL NEWS. Governor -Gen Speeding over the about thirty miles a section of the trans west -bound, havin Minto, Governor -G and the vice -regal p freight qp a siding Indian Head, short' Thursday night, Milli seriously injuring the rag in Wreck. rails at a rate of hour, the second ontinental express, on board Lord neral of Canada, ty, crashed into a ht Sintaluta, near before midnight g five persons, and same cumber. Another big sale on, of long black plumes, at Mrs, Green's. Come early and'get the snaps. Buy yonr snit at Maxwell's and he will keep it pressed for you, free of charge. Ontario's The Dominion met at Toronto, o 75 members were p on the outlook fox were very bine. last year's crop is t the Government estimate at 9,000,01 has appeared and of the crop has de more than 8,000,00 heat Crop. filers' Association Thursday. About esent. Their reports wheat in Ontario bout one-third of ieir estimate. Since eport, placing the 0, was issued, rust entity and quality riorated se that not can be expected. o Settlers' Low Rates West. Via the Chicago and North Western Railway, every day from Sept. 15th to Oct. 15th Settlers' one-way e e a second-class w y tickets at very low rates from Chicago to points in Utah, Montana, Nevada, Idaho, Oregon, Washington, California; also to Victoria, Vancouver, New Westminster, Rossland and other points in the Koote• nay district. Correspondingly low rates front all points in Canada. Fall partic- nlars from nearest ticket agent, or B. H. BENNETT, General .Agent, 2 East King street, Toronto, Ont. To Which S 1 Legacy Go? When Alex, Mc died he left at es of which he direct° "Free Presbyterian in conneotion With. ian Ohuroh in Sco church in Canada with these, the ex to Osgoode l-Xall There is a "Free bf Scotland." Th council decision di over of the propert byterian Churoh to Scotland has oainpli *mitt of Lucknow ate of $6000, $5000 should puss to the Church in Canada, he Free Presbyter. and," As there is no r Scotland conceding enters have appealed r an interpretation, resbyterian Church recent imperial privy gcting the handing of the 'United Pres., jie'tee °hurdh of gated matterb, Wear Oreer's Shoes and Rubbers ° Wingham t, wo of Wingham' ars, 3lIiss N. Diusle Oorbontcl, attended t went at St. Matthew during the past w splendid showiaagefin the Ladies' Handi- cap both young radia : won so that they played together in t.: finals, when„Aires Corbould won from iss Dinsley. Seore 6-1, 6-.-4, In the : Ladies' levitation Singles, Miss Diney won from Miss Oorbould, and Mis: Corbould also lost to Miss Greer. T young ladies are to be highly compli nted on their excel- lent playing in the Toronto tournament. les Win. lady tennis play - and Miss Gretta e Tennis Tourna. Lawn in Toronto ek and made a The Detro The cheapest and this section this se Saturday of this w tura trip from God "Greyhound” of th The return fare fro ioh is ouly $1.15, take regular inornin ham, connecting at train to Goderiel Wingham TI3ri s spe Goderich on--`iktonda steamer from Detroi oardiue, Wingham a tions, See advt. on particulars. t excursion, best excursion from on will be held on k, in the $1.00 re - rich on the steamer, White Star Line, Wingham to Goder- d passengers will train from Wing- linton with special . Returning the ial train will leave night on arrival of , running, to Rin- d intermediate eta- uother page for full The best outfit of ,chool supplies can be seoured at Com 's BooR Sroltx, A number of well-bred two-year-old feeding steers for sale cheap. Apply to D. STEWART. Labor Da Holiday. Monday last—La or Day—was pretty generally observe as a holiday by Winghaniites and t e day was a very quiet one iu town The townspeople spent the day in v rious ways. Lawn bowling.—Two ri ks from Harriston 'and two from Sea rtli spent the day in Wingham, At ie end of the play the two Harriston inks were four up and the two Seafort rinks one up. We have been unable t get the names of the players and scor s.—Quite a number from here attended he Catholic picnic at Teeswater. A t wn baseball club won from Teeswate by a score of 10 to 8 Piper McDonal furnished' music at the picnic. —Not few of our toanee people spent the da fishing and "fish yarns" were in orde • on Tuesday morn- ing. A number of x ll g ce eat black bass were brought to to n. HOUSE To RENT,—Good comfortable house to rent, with all conveniences. Apply to R. VANsToNE. WANTED, AT ce E.—A good strong boy to learn the p1 . bing and tinsmith- ing. Apply to J. Burt+ & SON. Judgment as Reserved, The drai nage ca e, evidence in which was taken at Wigham early in July, and which was journed till August 31st, came up Wenesday of last week for argument at t e court house in God- erroh, before Ju.3. B. Rankin, of Chatham, official drainage referee for the Province. E. . Dickinson for the plaintiff, Isaac F rend; R. Vaustone, Wingham, for th defendant township of Morris, and W. Proudfoot K. C., for the defendant to ship of Grey. The court opened at 10 . in. and argument was concluded onl in time tb allow Judge Rankin tole: •eon the 3 p.m. train The action was bro ht by Mr. Farrend to recover damages rom the township concerned, for ha ing constructed a drain, which remove the water from the plaintiff's farm and ade an old water power of his of no valve. Judgment reserved. You are not going to plrt back that carpet and furnitne vi out re -papering the room, are you? is house-cleaning season is wall paps season too. Choice assortment at Cooper's. Succumbed to his Injuries. In our issue of Aug. 24th, we referred to the injuries sustained by Wm. Green, who fell headforemost into the hold of the barge Mott at Wiarton, the door leading to it having been carelessly left open. Though the left side of his skull was smashed and abscesses formed on his brain, he lived till Sunday, Aug. 28th. He was given prompt and contin- ued medical assistance, but his injuries were beyond human aid. Deceased had been a resident of Chesley for 17 years. tie was°a teamster for JOS. Wilkinson and tos. Biette, moving to Tara when 13iette & Co. laought the sawmill proper- ty there. Of late years he has been working at Shallow Lake and it is only recently he became a sailor. no wits born in Bentfnok Tp. 38 years ago• De- eeteted was **brother oflklr. Chas. Green; Of this town, who attended the funeral at Ohebley last week. A Leading, S The Forest City Bus baud College of Lando one of the most areIiabie practical training soh Last year oyer two bun tended this college and now holds a good positi under the personal mann J. W. Westervelt for Westervelt is looked upo among Business College being ex -president of Educator's Association well as president of the Colleges of Ontario, Linz poi, ess and Short- ie recognized as progressive and is in Canada. red students at• every graduate It has been outwit of Mr. 7 years. Mr, as a leader en in Canada, The Business Canada," as ederal Business ted. New school books a plies—the latest: and bes d school sup- -at COOPER S. Ontario Gam For the guidance of the following items are Ontario game laws:—D Dec, 15th; geese and s to May 1st in the folio and hare—Sept. 15th to ants and plover—Sept. prairie fowl—Sept. 15t quail—Nov. 1st to 30th Oct. 16 to Deo. 18th; sn —Sept. 15th to Dec. 15 indicate when the game hunted or killed; both closing dates are includ No person not=resident Ontario may hunt or animal or bird in Ontari procured a non -reside killing of quail has be Ontario until Novembe killing of deer in the Br three years. Laws. o9al sportsmen 'toted from the cks—Sept. lot to ane—Sept. 15th ing year; grouse ec. 15th; pheas- 5th to Dec. 15th; to Dec. 15th; wild turkey— e and woodcock These dates mentioned may e opening and in each season. d domiciled in Ni any game, without having license. The prohibited in 1905, and the e Peninsula for THAT DRESS GOODS SALE! Never was there offered to the ladies f Huron and Bruce such an opport ' y. Slaugh- tering the most fasbiona a of Dress Goods right NOW.. If you want one, three or five Dresses it will pay you to drive 25 miles to King's. G. E. KING. Died in Hay Tow ship. The death took place on unday, Ana. 28th, of an aged and m oh respected lady in the person of. Mrs. lacy McDon- ald, relict of tin/late Jam McDonald, of Hay township, at the a. ranted age of 78 years, 10 mouths and 20 days. The immediate cause of deat was heart failure. She has been thr ughout her life favored with remarkabi good health, and it is only since old age .vertook her .that she has been at all uu ell. Up to a few hours previous to her eath she was in her usual good health. She, with her husband, who precleoe ed her some years, had been for many years residents of Hay township. She leaves a grown up family. Th : funeral took place on Tuesday from o residence of her daughter, Mrs. Joh. Gould, to the Exeter cemetery and w largely attend- ed.—Exeter Advocate. Deceased was mother of Mrs. Win. ,: oore, of town, and Mr. John McDonal of Whitechurch, Mrs. Moore and Mr. e cDonald attended the fuueral at Exeter Conundrum.—What s it that grows as well in the spri • in the fall, and vice versa? An ver.—Cooper's wall paper business. Low Rates to the West via Great Northern Ry. Effective (daily) Sept er 15th to October 155th, inclusio 1904. Cheap one way second cies colonist tickets will be on sale fr tri 1 stations in Ont- ario to all points the line of the Great Northern Railway in Montana, Idaho, Oregon, Washington, also Victoria, Van- couver, Westminster, Rossland, Nelson and other points in British Columbia. For full particulars as to rates, time of trains, also berth rates in Tourist Sleeper, also literature on application to Chas. W. Graves, District Passenger Agent, 10 King St. East, Toronto, Ont. ANTISEPTIC foot Powder THE BEST YET For sore, tired, tender, aching, sweating or swollen feet. Gives instant relief. 12 Powders in bot{, - 15c. Walton McKlljhon DRUGGIST. Her door to Post Mee. TOWN The September m Town Council was chamber cm Mo Mayor Vaustone in Armstrong, T. Bell present. The minutes of 1 and adopted. A petition was r art and others for Road at Frances st Cones. T. Be11 and was left over till ne Rev. Dr. Gundy, and John Kerr Council and prase fifty ratepayers as light be placed at t and John streets, deputation that a would be of decid people worshipping Baptist Churches. to visit the turner o close of the meetin themselves as to th The finance tom folio wing accounts: 0,P.R, Co., rent scales site, 1903-4, Forest City Paving for streets. UNCU . eting of Wingham eld in the council ay evening with be chair and Couns. D. Bell and Greer t meeting were read d from J. G. Stew. crossing on Diagonal eet. Oa motion of D. Belt the matter t meeting. essrs, Wm. Fessaat peered before the ed a petition from ug that an eleetric o corner of Minnie t was urged by the ight at this corner advantage to the t the Methodist and he council deoided these streets at the in order to satisfy necessity of a light. ittee considered the of weigh 1904.5, • .. $ 4 00 Co., earth H. B. Elliott, adv , . A. Sanderson, teas lug $3 80; watering streets ;7.00 Jas Nelson, labor, s reets ... , A. Young, iuspecti . g sidewalkes eto Jos. Gowdy, labor, streets 0. A. Campbell, su.. Board of Health , Bell Tel. Co., erro iu charge.., G.N.W. Tel. Co., essage..... P. Fisher, rent of O. drawer. Van Vanuorman, alary W. J. Mallagh, s: ary. R. Rankin, salar J. B. Ferguson, e lary and post- age Wm. Guest, sale y for August. Accounts of F and C. A. Camp certified to. On motion Armstrong the r It Was moved Bell, that John collector of taxa provided he furn —Carried. On ` motion o Armstrong. By- passed confirm' collector. On motion Armstrong, an treasurer in fav for the balance Council adjou 3.50 4.60 70.80 ;1.75 72.00 2.40 6.75 .10 .25 2 00 42,00 16.00 5.67 46.00 Railway Rate The Western Fair held from Sept. 9t Grand Trunk Railwa ial rates and trains. $2.25, with a special going ou September speoial traiu will le= a. on on Septombe turning this special dou for Wingham tickets valid retur to London. t London will be to 17th a the is provr g spec - he ru fare is $1.75, good 3th and 15th. A e Wingham at G 30 13, 14 and 35, ret- rain will leave Lon - 11 o'clock p.na, All ng until Sept. 10th. r CARETAKER WANTED—Applicat for the position of caretaker f• the Wingham Public Soh oolw•11b eceived up to Monday, Septeitber 1' . . Duties to commence at once. 5• 'ormation as to duties required may be obtained from the undersigned, J. 3. 1-1o31rrir, Chairman, F Attractions fo Fall Fair. Wingbam's Fall Fair this year will be one of the best ever he berry Agricultural Soei attractions for this year of any previous year, a two good speeding co man's driver road race, rape, the Mounted T Special Attractions meeting on Saturday engage a high-class V Toronto, who will giv in front of the grand entertainment in the Sept. COth. The ente vide an abundance songs, dancing, short is a new feature in W meet with success. will furnish music at quiry for prize lists hibitors are expeetecl The directors and c 10.00 at work in their en rest City Paving Co., fair of 1904 the bes 11 were held over to be ham and the people supply of amusemei Couns. D. Bell and attractions being p port was adopted. and programs will y Couns. Greer and D. days, giving full in Groves be appointed neighbors to meet y at a salary of $40.00• h satisfactory security. fair days. All inten confer a favor on the Couns, T. Bell and l ing their entries as aw No. 616, 1904, was g the appointment of by the Turn- ty. The list of is far in excess d will include este, a gentle- ouble hitohing opers, and the ommittee at a ight decided to devllle Co. from an entertainment and and also an pera House on tainment will pro- f amusement in farces, etc. This ngham and should he Citizens' Band the fair. The en., growing and ex- rom distant points. mittees are hard avor to make the ever held in Wiug- hould have a good t iu the long list of vided. Large bills; printed in a few rmation. Tell your u in Wingham on ing exhibitors will Secretary by mak- arly as possible. Remember the dates are Thursday and Friday, Septemh. - 29th and 30th. Prize lists and info mation may be had from the Seeretar H. B. Elliott, at the TIMES office. $1 A YEAR IN ADVANCE f Couns. T. Bell and der was drawn on the rofthe School Board f the levy, for 1904. ned. W ANTED,—S • eral giris wanted to learn the millin ry business. Apply to MIes BOYD. /arranging R -Opening Services. ' The Wingham ranging to have ou Sunday, Octo due notice of the of minister who will be given in work on the ohm Zoing ahead as ra interior decoratio most completed, is expected in Wi and will be imme . lately placed in posi- tion. The new ls,ded stained glass will be hare before t e end of the month. The Presbyteria . congregation will have a beautiful ancomfortable place of worship when all the alterations are completed Presbyterians are ar- e re.opening services r 9th, if possible, but orrect date, and name ill preach the sermons future issue. The h improvements are idly as possible. The s and repairs are al- nd the new pipe organ gham in few days, FOR SALT:.—Park lots 42 and 43 in the. Wingham Town Plot. Possession given this fall. For terms, apply to R. S. Campbell, on the premises, or Box 94, Mildmay, or at the TnuEs office. Pretty Sept; mber Wedding. A very pretty 'edding took place at high noon on We•• esday, 7th inst., at the home of Mr. a d Mrs. Thos. Greg- orry, Centre scree r Wingham, in the presence of about 3• guests, the immedi- ate relatives of the when their eldest one of Wiugham's ladies, was married bell, of Winnipeg, ham. At the ap beautiful strains o played by Miss Em entered the drawin her father. She 1 prettily gowned in over taffeta, trim and sequins, an. tulle veil caught and carried a sho roses. She Was Georgia Dulmag gown of cream carried a boq Phyllis Johns ni flower girl, in her ing a basket of pi D. Campbell, brot as groomsman. 11 bride and groom, daughter, Miriam, to Mr. W. A. Camp - formerly of Wing -1 luted hour, to the the wedding marsh ly Gregory, the bride room, supported by oked very beautiful, ilk crepe de cbene, ed with Seed pearls wore the customary ith orange blossoms, er briquet of bridal attended by Miss , who wore a pretty orepe de chene and et of pink roses. e a charming little hite silk dress, carry - k carnations. Mr. J.. er of the groom, ectad Rev, Dr. Gundy per - 11 ost popular young formed the tnarr age Ceremony. The bride received ma presents. The gr was a beautiful with mink trimm maid a pearl crest left on the aftern. foe a short woddi Niagara Falls, be future home in friends will wishf bell a large me. prosperity in the- metrOpolis. y beautiful and costly om's gift to the bride "ersian Lamb jacket gs, and to the bride5- n.taiinvia couple, , tour to Toronto and ore leaving for their innipeg. Numerous r Mr. and Mrs. Oamp. are of Happiness and home in the Western Unreserved au ion sale of piano and household furnit re, Saturday Sept. 10th at 2:30 p.m. at t residence of Mr. W. W. Inglis, Shntr st., Wingham. See list of articles el • ewhere in this iue. Residence for sa = or rent. Appy to W. W. Inglis. Mr. W. Glenn Campbell, or, anist and musical director of Willis esbyterian Church, Clintou,and,ho i well-known throughout Huron ou ty as a very efficient teacher of itriio forte, Pipe - organ, and all branch of musical theory will visit Wingham n Wednesday of each week for the purpose of giving in- structions in the above subjects. Persons desiring to study with Mr. Campbell will find him at Hotel Bruuswick,where time and terms may be arranged. HEADACHES may be caused by derang- ed stomach, overworked nerves, or several other causes ; but the majority are From Defective Eyesight Experience has taught ns that we can cure nine out of every ten by PROPERLY FITTED GLASSES. A11aMCCaII& Co. LIMITED, Druggists and Opticians WINGIAM, - ONT. LARGEST Al D B ES T IN WESTERN ONTARIO % CENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT. This popular institution has an excellent reputation for strictly high grade work. Our graduates are in great demand. Enter this month if possible. Magnificent Catalogue free. ELLIOTT & McIACHLAN PRINCIPALS. Dates of Fall Fairs. Wingham Sept. 29 80 Toronto..... ... Aug. 29 -Sept. 10 p London ..... ...... •Sept. 9-17 Exeter ................. " 19 Palmerston ....... .... " 20-21 Harriston . " 22-23 Teeswater.. ....... " 27-25 Goderich " 27-28 Stratford " 27-28 Ripley -2748 Listowel.... " 28 29 Fordwich October 1 Lucknow . " 4-5 Clifford , Brussels Blyth Dungannon Muncey tt 16 ,. ,. ., 4.3 6-7 11-12 13.1.4 10.20 A Schio Shoe Sale We have a large and splendid assortment of Sehool Shoes for Boys and Girls of all sizes and ages. School commences this week and we want to do an immense Sohool Shoe businest during the coming week. In order to stimulate the School trade and to give our patrons some Unusual Bartains in School Shoes We shall, during the next two weeks, offer all our School Shoes at Cut Prices. There is nothing the matter with the Shoes—they're new and the best that money can buy. Don't Miss This Opportunity To buy splendid School Shoes for less than their actual value. You know our reputation for selling the best of Footwear— so bring in all the Children and fit them with School Shoes, during our Sale. The prices tun as follows: - 85c, 95c, $1.25 up to $1.50. W. j. GREER The Shoe Man.