HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1911-04-13, Page 2z. Clinton thews-Reebi rd Huron County News Gathered J April 1 th, .191, ll for News-PRecord Readers Sarsaparilla , Seafolrth Greg Towoship. ) x¢telr r Miss Maude Thompson, who, Lias Hiss Myrtle Huiidt<rson of i{iileard- Mr. it. I'I. Pickard and son, ellen,i< Medicine 16 y A The Ideal Spring MNM c ne been visiting her home! in McKillop, Baer, has been visiting her sister, Mrs. and Air. and Moi. J. F. Sparling of has r.tuivned to Vancouver I3. C. David Carson of Ilenfrvn. i+ae Thames ltoad left+ last week for Alterative and Tonic Jean Govenlock, who has 1Xaie, eldest daughbzlr of , , Mr. Fiuibishcr, Sisk, Sisk - ; +.r If= YOU ? From The Newa-Recoard of been on the (teaching, waft' of. the Pub Charles Love underwent' an opera- .�It. Cheater ` iiarvcy, Aiiss I:birel Pleasant t0 take, agreeable i i { ra lr:c ,school for some time ,has seve><.d tion lash week from which good re- Harvey and Mr.Frank Itgake leftsPurifies li aGt on, positive !1a effect. i Broke t April 14 til X890, the blood strengthens ' her .cannecti.oik and has accepted a pqs- sults are expected. last weOc for the west'. The young, g heads the nerves, builds up the '"' S� your taco covered with Clinton, April 10th, 1895. .it}on at Windsor, She will. assume Frank Davidson has been home froin men, go to take poaltions,, Mr; Iia'- whole system.. • Get it today. Sold b all druggist.-,, ' Pimplcs,blotcheaorrash? Pocr 1 her new duties at Easter. Brighton on a visit. lie is taller in vey at flarwoll, bean.. and Mr, Y y ggla � " condition of your blood will The twelfth of April will tie, Good Mr. J. Tyroman and his daughtdr, the Metropolitan Dank there. Rooke at, Calgary, Alberta. Miss-- causethese facialclisfigurenients F411day and a glut=val holiday, I'Ilrs. J. E•. I3es;t and her two children,has-returned, John Botz its Virginia Harvey will visit at Harwell fol, a Say Lung, presiden* of u, Chinese Onta>rY s i at this reason of the year.A lir. C.. hale holds the+ Gun. Club's have gone to Vancouver B. C, vncQrd afft.r attending it • funeral of his hath- time, society, was !murdered In Winnipcg, O Population rood riodicizo for your blood silver trophy for April. � they int'.nd to -reside in future. er, tbo late Philip Botz. Mro, Phillips., and two -daughters of : According to the report of the w}ll clear yet:: compic:: o like ;Messrs. A. J. Taylor of Toronto, The Maple Leaf orchestra was Miss R. 1iclJaili is ma ro D - . t' and sis yrs f i Mr. I':. G. Porter :1z. I), has again t g rep a Ontg- r.lagic. Canadian PaSsen sex ;1 fait' of the .• hA f m e London, too her o- r been nominated b the West hast+' i;ia BNtriau of Indu�,ti+:es (+lie+ rural or 1 ' O£ the man• blood uriRcr>1 b g pleasantly entex:aln i at @,to home trait, Where silo was for several ears 'Phillip:+, organist of James streets Y 'ng township papulation (if hc+ t County ! P Chicago, ,Milwaukee & St. Paul Rail- of Mr. and .Vies. %I. Gelb, one even- Y l; C:onsvrvattives. n �t,o sell RexatY iiloocl Tezb� way, and D. J. liiintc+r, western � anti will bo housekeeper her bio- church, have moved to town., and for 180J was 31,065, while: in 19U8 ib tet aro undoubtedly the most • , + � Ing last work, A Pleasant feature *her on his farm on the lath con. will+ occupy part of Mr, Mantles house' 'Thi• contract for tlie, n +w ( was 30,824. The towns and villa es of, freight agent of P.tc Allan Line of 1'was idle•• showering of Miss Whit';, I On Wednesday of last week Harold which is a double one. >. br a Ila + is + �a(�bce Pine count bad a combined o ul• bion• i effective. We are familiar with SLeim.,'.tips, were it fawn last week, idg s been awarldr.d to ,.tea St. Y p p a the formula cf taxa remedy pad , , one of the members, who is about t0 M r:tzies passed away after an illness The gentic=n were the guests of RIs. leave Scafortit. I �. _._ Lawrence Bridget Company, In 1909 of 11,3.73,- an increase of 27, ;(enow w:xat it veli do., it puri- of several months. Iii, was in hiw wl:tile the one city (C'hathani) had a Puri - Doc and e..ichco the blood, W. Jackson, and formed a high op- _ Seaforth had anoKier. serious fire 125th year and w4v the eldest son of inion of Clint+an as a trade .een.tre, Doe-toi+s and druggist's . pronounce nTxs• Alex. I)emerta. was very sev- Population of 10,220, a loss oI 8 from bu:iCs up the entire syscert ant The Collegiate it Public cit Tuesday morning of last week, Tile Tato James lienzirr. -, v ae * Tile f! ul•as f lri arts a healthy color to g e an i tib c schools when theaent+T•re roof and upper, st•at'tv/, Edward Armstrong, Afflld� ,� Compound Iron Pills' the boat c ' ly burned by the little on of her i or 1908. P ry m ng, a on the market. I+'ox sale b J. I?. cook store, and her little son was Taking the provinau;is a, whole, ti►v innd lips. Sold with the Rcxall close tomorrow for tile. B4ster boli- of ilio Scott block was: destroyed. Irmident of the 14th Pon. of C ray , ) fatale burned. figures guarantee. Pc: packare, 50c. days, Part of the upper store was uso:i � Dovey, Druggist, Clinton. Y grabs show that+ the dchm-ke Ili rc ' It) is hard :'a rein;rn�bcu a ' season ' p y township,. died an lVrdne+day of bast r a , ..rural noptilar:on was checikc�d Mtix(�(i by Mr. Alec. Nilson as a stock room, week, aged 63 years. Tbu internment years ago.. ThJ London Free Pross when there was so much ice and k I says; -Tile± stat�ijtics shgw that t+t1e+ W S R HOLM�S all ae which stock was buxned 'fila cicereasei began twenty, years ago at least. In 1890 tite tatwnship populti- . U}on of Owliario was 1,117,533. In trice nest titres ytears it decreased- br ovt:r 21,000, than rose again, reaching its next 111-ghes;' point in 1896-7" Frani, these t'wo years, in which it luimained• almost stationary,. the:drop vas stca-, (ty until 1907, wheat Lite rural popula- tion. am;ountod to 1,043,658 Slut' Then it: bas bean increasing an averaga of three thousand,a year, In that saltie period r t � • 1i tVt.n . • t rs n Y ea I ) 1 the population of the towns 'and vil- Iagas has increased front 375,2.11. ill 1890 i•) 515,078 in 1909, every , yc+ar showing an increase except 189`2, when them was a temporary lull. The growth of cities has been even more markt•.i. From. 424,770 in 1890, Pile urban population has increased to 725,120 in 1909, t+ae last year of roe- ord, and there has' not been ti sittgic� Year in twat twent+y which ,has iiot shown. all incr(aa.'. 'faking the population of tier pias -- ince as a Aholo the to -tial in 1890. pas 1,917,544 which- in twenty year,( eras• increased to 2,289,438, i;kth 1892 and 189$ as the only years showing a dgt� crease. It inust' be reinc+mbeivad tha''f% in thc.s ! twenty years Old. Ontario eras i each yda-r sent thousands. of ben be -it man to se'RIc+.the West and only with- in Vie last year or so • has 'tfiis eonlgrztioit shown .anti • tendency tt) halt. T}iaP it is bcin halted is bccQni- j }ng more evident evory day, tete opens }ng - up of Nicir On•t+a.rin having offered STRATFORD. OfitT. in Scaforth, h.die, an.alter,iativc+ and elrovelaptnent: at $ X lfilliatn Watson has: been.laid tip bomb havin •a tendeftc• to hold t+1xe X A I,ARCTP. SCHOOL, ][ with a .severe attack of .]'a• grippe. The hockey boys. gave a concert' in, B6lgtraV'e firs. ,Taitua tl'IcCltuohep and •family !; f S pp the opera house on alta evening,of the of . Adelaide have been visiting friends Mr. Waldbrl As'tot. nas purchased Ontatio-born population, X A GOOD SOHOOL, X ;Mt. J. M. Beniderson shipped a ca -r- J. Vancamp has enraged with John Mile Sunda Observer, a Brit.sh Un- 1. borse show,.whicii was quito,a sue here. Y X TiIT: BEST. ?C load of potatoeU'an Tuesday. 14r. ;isms t.on drover, .far ci ht anontlis• The following is tt)c, rcpoi•.' for Mar. iottist joultial: : X cess. Hiss Iva .Dodds of t+own, :Visaj g, g ;C. McClelland is also handling thrl same Eva Ctithbcr bf Toronto and bile well- A numbor• of Ptiglishmen ha a>- of S; S. No. 1:1 'Staple •, . Tlic! nam- 1 I'raiupt relief in all r,:iscs of throat • This school has a continental K article, The price paid was 35 mints y President Taft *last ivoc?c sent his , known oat';srtainor. Eddie Pigggtii, rived and taken Cositian.., a•rouad es' are arrang9d in"order of merit• nitrsagr cit Canadian rr+�i)rocit+• to and lung,tro.uble if you use Chamber - X reputation for high grade work X .per. bushel, y' `Earn}.he d the, here' f 1 y• lafn's C'.ouFh Rcniedy. Pleasant tti program. >th class--Jda •1IcB(ath 1, fisher , X and for the success of its stud- X .Wr. James Rath w•ho..formerly .. re. !f is said that Dan. Gedkdes will be , c ' Congriss. X c'tLba. VV'c .have three de r`- sided near here and was well and Fav- During the.cvening RCevo Greig ,i Iola RaLhkc:l. take, soothing anis healing In c�Tect. na Y d e ntitl iced watches to ttrc t,..a;a conn&,ted with Mr. A. 'Taylor in the Sr. 4th Royal -11et;lyniout, )lei- �. +Sold by all dealers: X nu nts-Contimerciai Shorthand X orabl known was on the 3rd inst. rece� +' I ' Y boys, <yti behalf afth� ei':zens; in r. c- nostoflice store: vine _Maelymont, Ido. 12atltwcl7.; X and TePegraphv. Ambitious X .univ0d. in, marriage. to• Hiss Hill ' of Air. and Mrs. e 'very fatuil and especially t , ognition of their fine.Dlaying.,last sea- . Gorge 'Taylor, OrvaC Jr. 4th--Jossio :C ollino, Anna_Iiood, Y Y P y. .hose R young men and wnn)en should X klulle ' +, .Our best Nvtshes arta ho C+:iy P:. who : reside . i `.tile unt:•r y g mon Taylor and Mrs. li, .Clark left last+ Jam,*s Calkins: n cq y . shoolti be � : ptit I3rii illi C" tunihia C3ovgrnntcut i X sc! td at once for our largo fra.t' X tendered, week for• Cal ar ; Alberta. .. providetd. at alt times With h a bot'•tle I Y C a X catalogue. tiV'rit for i o Sr; .3rd-Gract, ltciss,. :I aw rence:., f Chamberlain's, pall half a million dollars .in easel j g t r t at once Y Jelin flrmgP_on�, is able to be out . o Linintcttt. There is �. , Wasmann, Ella Thompson. 1ta fhb Indian Owners cif the, rc )crvi X an -:see what our graduates are Z e again after an.attack of cr •si Blas. ,••t _ no telling when. it play be wanted in X New life for a _civartor. Aliller' + y n Jr:_ 3.rcf-Cees l Johnston, ,Anna I i„ ci s icljo}Hing Victoria. 'i'ht• Indians arc dgin'g.• X Summerhill, April 10th, (905 ,. The congregation af. Knox :Church e2 I udse i4Ic.C1 moot.. off an accident or emergency'. It alio igen anew reserve. Co, Iran I ills: For sale by. ' Q y is most eXec+iletit in,all cases of rhau- X This is a good tdaiie of f11C X Clinton.gave Geo. Taylor a gold.heaiiU3 ,cane.. Jx, Lnd-Eliticr Makin$: Rosccc_Os�.. &ir. !Vlore . n ''ewe i ii i resigned Ji ear for yoti to entrx our class- X, Mr. Thomas..Mason .It.. rias !u+;t.'lit •J • 1� Bovey, druggist•,. Cif t4 1+ t h{ Y �� c and iMirs. Tay:.or a. }ialf`dorcn. silvcyr born.*, Belle Collins.'. niatfsm, sprains incl bruises. :Solei by as .member for Northei.st Cork Ili the X tr. Student,; are (n -Wring each X two is'l'e h_rds of cattle eat:ly il,c knives .before their dcpar!aro for t.be, > all ticalers, , X weak. Com,tnance your couro! at K last drove consiste+J af,evcr - thirty. , .2nd .Part -Norma Ilood,. Gracie British I arliament+. y west as a ni.ninder of the long and Cooper.'' X once. l' he+ad. 1tr, Mason is .quite a popular wtllgham pleasant a�etations w0a them as ofTic- 1sIxartr-t�'. J: 1Ia'�Cy,.1ti. J. 12oss. y -- -� �- X X. buyer>, c•rs in Hno church congregation. The bolt s. c+llcrs iii the • montfil Q (1 X I). A. McLACHLAN, Principal. >xl Mrs. Cioorge Mcl,.aughlin fell on tot. Mrs. J M.C. Guire' of Lucknow, form p YFURNITUREs'VAiiPETti7 ANO 'iueX bud of a 1)rajecting board while; get,- •'rly of ttringliam, visited its Town .re spelling matches were. 5th --Lola Iiatdivvell.—�-' X \ .l' \ Y ?: 1 X X tX Y X Y X \ 1 faig.'ini+a a :;lc'igh on .Thursday and cantly. Killer'H Grip,Powders , , ' CLARK 11•.lade In Scotland 2 3. and - broke .hr:+r collar bone. The lady, Was Mr. J. C . Lackie has returned from: C Cure, For _Si. hir'.t VI McClvanont. , an . 4 yds Wide. - Thatnesv}he ,and pu_r sale. by. J., H. Hovey, dteaggist; Clin- Jr. 4th—Anna Bond. LINOLEUMS Block and doral Patterns. 40c, ,45e; 54c also severely bruised by file fall> , poses leaving for tun. The J. O; G.'T. Lodge held an open -t'he west shortly.'ii 3rd-Graciei Itossa per square.yard. Pv � r Mr. Ford, of Johannesburg%, 'South Jr. 3rd -Coen Johns.an. ire M:ng 'on ttednesday• evening, which INGRAM Reversible Patterns,. all wool and a and Widep was fairly'° well attended. The de: Africa, brother of. Mr. Thomas Ford 2nd --libels Collins.. � y bate "desolvc+d That Mate :world. is of Wingham, with his wiftc and fa -m- Morris Township CARPET slid 7.7c, 85c $1,0, per'yard. . getting be!tb:r,'.' -� lois de:+a}Bed in favor ilk have beep visiting in i• iwn. . They res, Velvet Squares, Brussels Squares, Tapestry Squares I)ou�in}on Squares, of the afCirmativc. Mr. Frank 31ell- are iii their rya to British C'oluni- Owing to inability tt) go on-. '.with Rugs. , S E E D ' Y g y Stavileg Township y 1 vecn acted as chairman during the bia, • . the�.Jlu-ray-Latilb drain colitimet', the Quality the Best. r er Pores. Moderate. 3 as Axtuinist debatr� and oras ably assisteJ b the iV1r: A. G. I.udloiv of 13rantford wis Ou'uractor, 'Thomas Alcock of .Grey, The following is the rcpor'� of S. S., Y has. notifled .the• council and. that body leo,: 9 for the mon,Si of, Match T1Ynoi;h $7.00 iNiessr i. F.pliraim 13u1:S" and John " }tt town =lay:+ wVe in connr!c!:oa with Y _ . Ja His O H "` LL EW Is now calling for now fenders. Sn 4th class --•Bary Jant Me. ers Leach. There was etalsc'r s tnusical• pro=' lila sale of•titca property of his, sister, � � Y . Red Clover $$:SO— 9 OddwdlL Nicholson, ,Flare MeB Ae: rani, the laft Alrs. Coad. Alfalfa •1'i OO g ' tier. Jahn Ahason Itis ,purcha t!.h:' a` Sr. 3rd --1 nunantiel lloycir;.' Jacob '�-'"�� ala LST ' ^- • . , Lorne Manson, Furnituro and U . Moyer,. nd ©.LV moi. I gasoline, yacht for usP nn' lite 'tubi. I?ungani►�D, ertaking Phone No. 8 NiN1ght and Suhday •Alsike $1 O.00. 'Phis "fs file first cr ft of itri kind Cori Jr: 3rd -Albert l+tinlay, I;oy 1Ic- Le'adbury The wild geese are reported to be A!Jde, Clara Zapfc.' _ Feed Corn and. Seed brough;n to W1 ghf nr, -,Sr-r -Glad• s Douglass, 'earl �Mrw' w rwwwwlNwtiW1IVV Iii ,I. L. lwde -intends building doing injury to thL fall Wheat, Wher, 3 d y D g, , I t Crain on hand. Mrs. IGiT::+an and daughter`, 11Css f !* a > Bateson, Airs. Scott and little son of , new House this coming sutimier. Tic. is tber rifle club , Moyer, Clarcncc Parke. Detroit aro' visitiu the Cotmer's si:!t. is having the house which he recent- J• A. Mallou•gh of 'Nest' Wawanosh Jr. gad-Jo�bn AMoyo., L;illic tiley- Our f"IottO This Year i5 The Best Yet g rd r:.i Mat last - tars Ada; Xai;na, a er, Mrs. Fred. Scarlett. 1y purchased on Leopold stret,+:i toxo � Year ha com;:ne�neca ; FORD&MeLEOD 'Mr s...Nesb.itt of List+awel Meas been dgtvn and will build upon the site. seeding at l,:tisti two week3 earlier . Jr. fart a- Ada Myers, I.Iarpey the+, gtti3st of hcY. mother,, Mrs. Kenny. Mr. Chari;•; Barber of Pilots Mq+and, than Wits. Moyer, Sarah I;rh. r` Mr..,Watson 01'. Knox, Toronto, prm- Jr. ,Patti a--Herbla AIoyor,. Laura �d� Mrs Vi it-liam' ' McGavin Jr, attended Man., bias been visiting his parents Rel riled iti l.rski"nc church on, Sunda Oesch, Gordon Zirk, the funeral oC Iter aunt at' StafYa. in tgtc°li, AIt. and �+ r, Charles .Bar- S •' 'I"hc ivany, fri:+ods of Mrs. W. Ii. her, ..-•:.. Part 1st• --Mary Ciingt.+rich, Joico - • McGavin will be sorry to bear of the Mcssrs, Cleorgo Oliver. J. I1. Mitch- Oesclt, Carol ilicCl}ncbcT. ON A COUN'T'EI�'WATCH. I'1`. GROWS II';LJIt. T Bsuddoa death of her brother, .John, ell, M. It. Beckwith and 11, M lel- vvito had been a t't>sident of the u�r,%' iott have be:ii elected delogaLhs 4a the I Il:.re Are Facts Wo VParit �'qu To o matter i)O',V IIeCe3S8r it 1S toryou Por sovoral. years. Scor,s,":r:•i high Court to br. held in ti 1'+rove at, Our Risk" lir. liobarley I3tt:1, managing direr= nom necessary y t0 d of tor of the pre ()rise, exact time to the second, you Will IF YOU WANT T11P, 13EST *- T ii4r. t. I•ianson has told hi,., hotel �# "93ar Hair�Tonic (has t grownihairt�on heart fa:ture London Times die, I heads that' were once Wild, . Of course A niovv.mvat }tl on fns! in WAshiti fixturont and lea.):rd his hotel for a •. g' find the Counter Watch, on the job an time of COAL AND PROMPT DCL1V- Your tcngue is coated. ; , ,; in none of these rasa, wore the hair ton to offer Canada prefortutial toll. � Y term of five years i.) tier, Boyle; eat . ]DRY SECURL � OUIt swr- Your breath is foul, of Dundalk; Mr, IIanson bas, not roots dead, nor had the scalp . takc'.i rates( }u this Panama canal. day Or night. In all the World there is notb. IActilachos come and go. been twoying good health for same cit a glared, sbin•y.appearanw, Airs. Alex. Detnamis, Ale second . PLY FROM US. 'These symptoms show than your time acid will probably take a trip Rexall "93'' Hair Tunic acts scion- vietini of the , L.'oriiwti.li stove explo- zg better, few if any equal. it 00mes in 20 ORDERS LT•:F'L' Alt aAVI�S stoiliaell is .the trouble. To, venlovo west. I tillcally, destroying the germs whick sfon is 'lead. ' i!`ic cause I" the first tlung, and The Band mlicert given an 'Friday ; are usually responsible for baldrics:., and 2`5 year case6 fitted with a Counter XloVe- Av ROWLAND'S HARDWARE: Chamberlain's Stoma(di amid Liver ca,ening was a great success, tbt) ; it penv'rates i+a the. roots of tete il'AIIZ 'BE'AUTII"IXII. 'Tablets will do that. Ma,sy, to take program by:ng an excellent one. The! hair, stimulating and nourishing them Ment fro.ln $15 lip. We sell it to you Witt! the STORE PROMPTLY ATl and most effective. Sold by all dead- ' pracer:l:� atrtountt+d �,) $�i5 wl i:cli will It ts, a -most pleasant toilet nty:.cysi.ty,-•Il.efineci• li'attien (lir •World- ... orld-� .,,TENDED TO. ers, to uwd to purchase new music. , is del Mbaly perftitmed, and will not -Overt Use i:r:.. understanding that it will do exactly ;els we tell Drarrboaa should br. cared without . y � u i , .. i4I: <►corge ;►Jantn,t�s is honk .again ,gni or p!ornianent'.y stain flirt hair. Every woman knows thab there! is. , loss of time, and by medicate+ wl(deb aft!' spending !:te wint .r in the ;state i t'ie wan:' you to Ret a bottle of nothing so' good foi+hair Intl scall)' you or you get another watch, Oh yes it 111: C4 like Chamberlain's Colic, C kol&ra of California. Ilox`all "93" Voir Tcnie and uta It trouble as 1?a7isi.an :4age. If Paris- "�. ( . and Diarrhota. Rtinimies not one euro • . safe for tis to do this RS ft CoUtiter Watch iieye J. W. 1+t1���%Q����. Y . Air. and Mrs, Williamst1 f}liarts last their as directed. If it dors no4 relir?ve tan Sago is used two or three time!; a ' proiniptly but, produces no unpleas- litV..e. daughter la.M.week. L*uetllilon-'Pgalp irritation, removc'riandruff,, pro- week it will keel,) the scalp, Clean laid is ant a,ftuti effet;ts, It tsrvor fails and is wa,t the cause of dPAt11, vent the hair from falling out and nine and retngve daitdrtiff. Its makes disappoints. THE' L.113MsL TI<:LLS T I: is plaxsant and safe, to take. Sold by It, J, Tindall A:, Son have sold t+hKifl prasiot;' an inereasel growth of tho hair lustrous.an4i fluffy, and keeps., 'Tt L IIL TALE. y. all dealers, grocet+y business, to Mr, I',zta Bart, bait', and in every wav give entire .it from falling out. • Itecird subscribei'a have who itook po,isesslen last wick, satisfaction, simply cone back and 'Wo urge every woman who 1) t Many I� epos `'�'�''�''' [V �"'� UN j� renewed in file past fr,Cv wrr*ks, but `Tho High School boysbave organiz- M:t11 us, and without, rluos:tion or 'Iuxurinnt hair tk) go to IV, S. Y�f • • �.i/V�»a•� .•k+ there are still m6ro who have not yet F. W, C UTLE'll, PAINTN'R AND ed their football club forai.+'te season formality vvr will hand back to you R, Horlmes today atid. gots a large; - - - - - gonG so. The time is nota ripe, it is PAPE'lli IIAN(1ER. 1171 work guar-..an;l ares g(tinR elle+ uftr,r the Iicxig1) cvt•:y penny yell paid its to)r it. 7'wtii all cent bo":lc of 1)airlsian Sale. indeed the► aeceptrd timd. Tito We) , an'+uwti satistae:)rv. 1)ricos rrasou- Cup nowheld'v Li,+'+owe'l, They In, sizes, 1a0e., and- $1.00. Sold only at W. S,. It. LlolmeA guaitint,20s ft to Jeweler Issuer Marriage Licenses win your paper tells the+whole+ 9.ory, able. (residence ticarly opposite con(tdoO of whining the )nuq this the Itexall Store, W. 5, It. 11olnries,. cure dand0alf, falling hair and itching !do* does yours reads t'ollegiate, InsN;tu �., ycax. t"li.nton. scalp, or money batik. �.,��y,� y� My �, AO%^, straw on, filo ground in April a there ,- too p act, in i+lie Raman Catholic ,,.bond fiat' was. occupied by Dr. Fish- ! c+emotery in Morris townsbip., Zurich TETE STOF is t+ais year. And }Tr looks at time (,r� dentist, Mr. F, Holnisted, barris- Tito Shine fariu of 100 acres on lila of writing as it it would be, impossible tcir, and Edge ,!a Guttoridge, con- 12th con. has be�'n purchased b.y Dr. Mrs. David Schnell and fat ally left to commence work on the farms for I las'' •week for Vicir new bom,e4 at Ali - - some while the ground floor was Shine of Mo�nktan. The purchaser will time, ra coma, The niglitis con- occupied b W. R. Smith,. grocer, and c+rdeen, Sask. n• y illus wine into possession of the ltorito. tinue, cold, the theravomoter for the Alex. Wilson drugs. and- books. All 11ir, and Mrs. J. Horner of the. 14th g of his childhood. past week Having been below the frog- those were heavylosers from smok(a ; coli. or IJay have returned from a vis - 'k The hourie of Mr. and 1Ir:!. John zing point almost every night. and. water. The prompt action of t+:►c i it to. Det+reit.. Kixkconnell of this towns�}:tip was the Last, Wednesday considerab3e c+.. ,e- firemen prevb;ited much mare serious Mr: incl Mrs. Jacob Sararas have scene of festivity on Wednecstlay even- was cauued by the:+ report that' damage. , runovtv;l to M0!liell, g Ing of last wetck wltc'u their rides, there was a mad dog in town. The hiss �1 es SmiVi has returned Mrs. F. Bossenbcrry has returned to daughter, Miss isabeilo was unit>�•d in report was; as far as we can make, from a visit with 14}tt bell rvIatives. her hent, in Berlin, after a visit . of AND OTHERS marriage with Frederick Caldwell of ouU, only. too trite. The dig, Came Aira. Charles Layt+an wasi called 1ia the lith con.. f liulirtt; .,�s a�'�t'ral weekswith frion�ds and r,lat- from t�:ic London Road dirc+ction, but c , ••y y Wedding 17arch was played by �Z is r Lyes here+ requiring good substantial Detroit rcwtn" b the serious }llness ; ; ioot�vear to resist spring vet no one knows from what place, and of her .mot'her-. Mary Caldwell, Aster of th;.+ grooM, Mr.'and Mrs., Cecil Marshall h e Iicr_ ! g snapped at! and bit (:very dog in its 1%iss Delta IIai,i; -and Mr. Gordon lin' were recent yisitars ivith filo far sold mud.we desire to draw course. It ds said that.* sonic. four- Brown, two Seaforth young, ' eopIv, alit principals took their places under mar's sister, Mrs, Tl, Zeller of toxvti. Mien -dogs }n town were bitten, Chief . Y g' p + an evor�,reen arch in the;. parlor, the your attention to the fact that Were recc+:it•ly married In Wingham+.. bride being given awav . by lien father, we have several pair boots .Of Wheatley, Weigh -master Welsb and :' Th-, rcimains of �F)dibh,. Youngest Misses Jcnsio and Clara, sisters ' of Doc Blaekall followed the animal out daughtcm of ' Mr.'and Mrs. Alexander the bride,' were plaids of honolt, Rev: . srucefield. *ur own make. Uppers most- on tete Huron Road and later. in • the Broadfootl. of Aioosejaw, who died '-in. Mx. Lundy. of Walton. perforimr'd the ry hand stitched and we are day the Dae shot it on. the 'Telephone' Febriia.ry, gYery brought home : 'last' oeromony, in the, presence of forty 11'ilson J, Lit!:ry lc+.t last tiv(�zk for prepared to t►ive you Cod' 'Road. The Mayor and Health Officer week for intermciib in. Maitlandbaric C'alg+ary, Alberta. ,The best wishes o y g •. Immediately issued a proclamation or- ' guests,: 'lhe bride wore ,a . becoming �ralue for our money. Give Y cemetery, Thv funeral took . place costume -o@. Whitt+mull and car. -led brims of the, eom.m:uaity went with slim. �' y Bering all clogs that lead come in con- frail -,Kie home of her grandmoblici, dal roses. After heart con ratwula- us a call and see for yourself tact wii).i the supposedly mad dog Uri. .T, 'i;. Broadfoot. Y g when at file Fair. to lie clos:'3 up for a perdod of seven tions were over, f+he party, sat down On April 5th at the home of the to well spread tablce, where ample lKlppen wd=ks. 11i(s bride's father, in.illcI{illop, Elie justice was . (Ione. Mr.. and Mrs, A o understand' the figures. re(lutred. marriage took place of Esther T-ie'le+n, Caldwell have taken tip housekcop}ng We have to chronicle rae loss of W. H. Watts � ion for street w=ata:ing tiittS season will daughter of Mr. Robt+. Beattie `to Ion'• U+vo more of. our •oun 'man to Cholie sorn'(Ntlting aver$<;00. g + file grooms farm near I.ondrsboro young OPPOSITE POST'O1='PICS Mr. 14m1, Scott of S aaforth. Rev- 1). � to which they are followed. by the nest. C!hariie, Diasdade -and J illiani 1lr. Adam Cantelon, a pioneer. of 'Carswell performed *he cerm,xtuny, on- Atkinson' IOU on Tuesday of last week the . Mawhsbip of Goderich•, died s.ud_ 1 grind wishes o[ a very wide 'circle of y r y initiu'diafe 'beat}yes tieing prr.sent.; friends,, for Brandon wherry tho formers . bro-. denly oil ' Friday horning last. lie Hiss Aileen Scott played itae wedding t•her Cieorgt ha;� :rrsidt'd fQx saina X K yNOX V X X X X X X X ?y. X X X liad been ill only a f('w : days. lr+i n a .music., The bride .worts a, charining years. X X severe cold. Death was dui f+, heart gown.. of white :silk and camle+d white ; , , Guy Caldwell has sold .his farm on fail'urc. carnations. Two little �niecos: actoJ I Miller s Ftorm. Powders curt, f,i•.i in Mile 2nd con. to W. C':: Shitoat • for Mac CEp1R t children. For sale by J• L. Hovey, sirtii of $7,200. (quite a niAmhor of as Plower girl:;.: druggist•, Clinton, After a brief hancwnioon P:dp lir. change�'havc t+akcm. Dlaou in far pro- liviii;rave - April 10th, 1895.. acid Mrs Scott will take up. residence peri- the last two months around 9 b s