HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1911-04-13, Page 1■1;
. o...?. -8 2nd Year CLINTON, ONTARI99 'X UVRSDAY, APRIL 13th, I91I '
Gla nloU to • oat the eve of a.a industrial bo4M., XYery good citizen -will help it aloe , _
ne yU�' a vc"xy 1►leasertb birthday part' and Mr. John Anderson of Hanover way y
( The Teachers' conventrion which The Arm will hold service in the Hanging in Mr. .S, rasttld's Shap Is
*ff�(V,01710'Jnilting was held at the homgit of ,tlfxS. in town, on Monday. He wants to w.lia. to have been held in Brussels, S. A. hall ever 7
B s Y hursday and Sat- the carcass of a spring lama whicLt
a CIC Jas. Mann, staplwhe on Thursday buy a fi£t the,'
farm and having hgae 4.i an May 4th anti 5th has, on account urday evening at 8 ()'clock, Sunday divased at about n and
afternoon last, when an enjoyable, inuclr of thea good q.ualk otr Huron of Mr..Robb s dsiatli been postponed senvices at 3 o'clock and 7 o'clock 'It cam one hundred pounds,
e from the Trewart�ha homes-
'.. _� You'll have a time-piecsi t;mp was spent by, a number of hes land came down to see #pr 'irimself, I -Ie to October whcua; it will )nett' in P. m. read at Holmesville.
you can rely on, �'V,hether lady frieeads. - , found the soil, buildings +aads c+;°. SeaYcrth.
' , All are cordially inviti:(i to thus.- "COMPLETE you buy a handsome geld all right but' placm of the size are few COMPLETE IN EVERY WA3 ."
f+., .
` one oran inexpensive nickle , THE LOCAL MARKET. ALWAYS OBLIGING•, � meetings where they will be made
. ► a / F and far bvtweern so he did noo makes Mr. Ilei bei+) J.
�" . "'p r were$ here it ra guaranteed Wheat 77e. a pu::chase—not on IYIonda mo.,t welcome.
,Bowman, Berlin,
. gy m fir . botlrby the makers and ossa- Y anyway. Messrs. Lock and Robed Cree � aro •
.n, Peas 68c to 73c. having their draying allisf gvi+rhaulc+d GOOD HORSES, municipal `ea�gtne,er and water commis-.
selves. ANOTHER PIONEER GONE. signer in Ale "Biggest. Town in Cali•
Oats 28c to 30c. -
IF i! QU WANT TOMAKE A iia that it 'will look as good as new. On Tueala a carload of horstls l ada," was in Clinton on Thwviday,
Eggs 15c t4 16c. On Tue relay a t+alt+gram was rraceived Thai "Cree boys" ars firsit class dray- y Wallacelast ba seer our ivaterw9rks sant an.
�g GIFT Barley 500 to 55c.. frons Souris, Man., whhich •brought they mien, being al s ram t and oblip taught by Mr. itllof London for p .(
t i 1. , Butter, 19c t'0 200. sad news to Miss Tills y P p b his. 13. C. market was ciluipped from especially the de(';) well pump,,. as Ber•
4 That is both handsome and Live Hos to McCartncoy Ing and doing up their work w}t'h Clfntan si�ation. Its included uxchas- g
ifi. and Mr. Ad. McCart: y � p lin iathinkin Of Putting down sevKa
useful, one that will remind Hogs, t+hc;ia Father M 10 of town )that despatch. Thais+ patrons tbirik they cats frons. the following : Lon Ander_ al' ot'a filmilar kind. Mr. Bowman ,
the receiver of you mauy A BUSINESS CHANGE.. + r• John. McCartney, are'O,K.
I : i �; tirrres every day, buy one of had tihat morning .passrrtC fro l'fa un- son, GodexiCli township, 1 ; ;John Prnsscd himself as very Rauch pleased
r - t; over watches. Nickle, silver, tb dea-t1h. r , MANY HAPPY RETURNS, • ,Shannahan and Jock Scott, Iiullett, wit+ our system which he thottglr#
- v ° i - ,+�.e�R,�y: filled and solid old cases to Harland' Bros. nava di:,rased of the a span each • J. Dale C. AloGro °OMPIC1t+e in every w
' $ • J" S workshop end of their business, that Ther remains arcs now .an their way + goy a1'•
a, choose from. P east and are, ex e y Boma in the township . of Lo an and T. 41e;4tillara, sante townshi ,
is tht+ tinsm1thilrg and plumbing, . to A >c��d t0 arar:vo to Perish count on• the 10th f g p' 1 THI, N'I+,W RECTOR.
R. S. Byam: and J. A. S1053 -r of night and the funoral t+0 %kei lace y' 4 April, each; T. Archibald and T. Colson, 1
P 1860, Mr. J. H. Wasman, on Monday each. The horses were+ all superior Rev. C', I' Jenkins, M.A., B.p.,
11-f ft 641 Stratford who take possession next k`riday a£te:+loonfa+am .the residence passed anothez milestone. Firrtt see- animals, Lou Anderson's 18ifs send
WFI,k, . Of Mr. and Mrs. f1..8. Hjanlf1y� Lon- P professor in, Ifuron College, London,
The Metssrs, Harland came 1U Cl}n- don Road, ing tbo light of day just �outsidp the, geldin
ll afr J g paatticularly so, has been appointed rector of St,
• Mr, Mee—aptte bounds 4f this Bounty his whole ljfe Paul's Church and enters u
ton with ta?it+fr garland in the early y first saw tlio light Pon the du.
0.0 day in Ireland on lVZtly 5th, X830, hair? been spent, within a compara- DOING WELL. ties ail once though. tine. family will.
fifties, rk W. n Harlandfa,h-carnal as lively sham distance, of C untpn not move to Clinton until the close
•feweler and Optician - - - citttfQn woodworking and faA a, fury pears was when but a child the, family camp to Messrs. Cook and Steep r° tiet- I.
in the employ of Mr. lied. RombaIl. this county and sixt+y ycarc+ a o the fh've years, in lane: Town . Plot Of P p p of the college term. It is under•; iaod
Y Grey, Clomp seventetrn at Bluevale and ors al ),lie ltora io bowling alley the salary has been raist,d $2C�7 mak-
Subse,111ently, for a couple of years ha subject of this memorial. h+ccftch local►. for the past five 0.-s so in thi +. town, land all the sift+rations on their new ing fit $1200 and frac, +--si
—" - -'".__. - _--�� carried on business in Oampanv wit+:a Qel in this district. , premises, one, door east of The Topic i dance,
Mr, Lanp and an the dissolute}on of t' o' a tilnC+ afLar his marriage tie An amort arts san and obliging he has Mr. Jeakins has the .reputation of
w� along list of satisfi'ud patrons and °ffiee, completed last week and were g• a splendid the flint he+ Went across to tht� � Stat',) livt+d in I.Iullett, then upon the Malt open for bu aiaress 0.m Saturday,bein p ndid preacher and thus goc+d
T ROYAL BANK of CANADA -of Ohio. On June,.24th, 186?, he came P bcingw endowed with cainanon sense people of fit. Paul's are eong'+attilat-
lane! con. in Goderich township and . Their new stand has .betty tom •lc{tel
I. back to.help celebratt,, isle Dainiri- about forty years ago settled upon and a kindly manner, he has a great' P. Y Ing themselves on bein0 able Yo sae
many friends -here and he,:,�abouts renovated and presents a clean neat cure, him.
ion's 11-14A birthday and wwls persuad- ho 7th cola, of tho latttrr township- includin + The News -Record, who wistb appearance which is a, cretdith i'o, the
INCORPORATED it8s3S►. ed by his brother,. Mr. John Harland, _Abouts ten year;; ago fie disposed 'of g two* young gentlemen in posscf•ision .--. LORD'S DAY WEEK.
to the £sissy and moved iiitso IIolmc;tv?lie lama Many IIappp Returns of the, Day.: Petr°lea Topic. The above refers to
Capital Paid Up . . $6,200,000: join, Itlini•. in busincfss, To all in_ '
Reserve and Undivided Profits $4,400.,000. tents and purposes United Canada's whc ret his lift) Partatdr died • some fou:+ . A GOOD GAME,OI+' CARPP;T BALL.• a couple of 011ntonions and the frdends Con;ridaring what a boon ilii+ Sab-
Total Assets . $92,000,0.00 first biirthday was also that of the years ago. Since then lie has lived . hern -are pleased ito see. that • thv bath is to our world, the General
HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL. . firm of Harland Bros. which has con- among' members of his famdly, for tae At the close' of the business session are doing well. p Com,mit'kp • have; aleanged that tt
t4hued unbroken all the:,7 year:,. Past cauplu+ of years witch his daugli- of Clinilon Carrie; ii'oOilmen ' of the tv c+ak should b.tt .set+ apart prrarly;, to
17SBranches and G,rrespofndentsthroughout the World. At firs'bthoy were, located iwa bull_ tar;` ;,Mrs. D. Isaac., ati SO11.0, wht+re 1,orld, a pleasant and .exciting' itIOVINGS,` be known as "Lord's Day Wc+;1k"
ding whdch stood next thea block in his death took place. game of. earpt+J balls was played rumctame in April. This year i0 alls
Which Cantef'.on'Bros, do business but Thu surviving rne,mbefr:f of the tam, by ssitim chosen by Messrs. + Cottle A short time ago Mr. George $01- on April=23rd ifo April -30th- and alt
ily are : Mrs. D, Isaacs and Mrs, R., and 13011. In the. firsti game; Cottle's ton of Kingston took a Position in iCte the utinistrrs of 11a4+ g4s a1 in Canada
Interest allowed on Savin accounts.
Courteous trent- in 1868 _ the+y moved aciioSs to . U ae p
Saving block' fn, which they have ever sinee ltatehell; Souris, Man,, Mrs. G.' B, lasso was down si7c_ shots, so : in the fa,min factory and on Friday last his have been net':fled,.: and. are in.
Hanle London ,Road • Mi second the t family. arrived,. • They bavo taken up to ,
went accorded to all customers, carried an an 'exten:r}v0. trade in all. p+ , , nose fn Dc y Venit in 'to win. R. Car. preach a s.+„naon on one of these
lines of hardware, tinsnaithing, and t'roit� Tillie ants Adam In Clinton and On was boWIing a great game buy, t+he}r resddenco, .in -Mr, W, G, Smyth's Sundays. As secretary of our . Clin- •
13111 Sloaaian place on Victoria• strait.—Fuad. Hay- iwn branch I call ;r atlas. attention to
R E MANNING Manager - Clinton Branph. `Plumbing. George' to A,Od•dstock. Y got sotts_�ed' down t+o• his
' g They purpose, of course, continuing Thore is also coo , aT:iving sis;tar work and beat r1ouben out of many a ward and Cecil Cooper'have, . exchang- the matter, and respectfully ask thalf t.
"�� thefir big stare a;, usual. ,Mrs, Henry Cook of Souris, and it good shot: Bell, the old. sttindhy, ed psaces.of abode, Cs,cil having an Sunday, tyhe 30th, sermons may be
. is . a coincidend • that the day befo:4', was also playing a good game but -Vie- bought the c rage which, Fred. has preached and envelopes distr}buArd for'
t; col
THE SCHOOL FAIR: , had ren1C d, -James 1VTcNtiil. has mov- t1
A_ Mr. McCartney s death Mr. and. Mrs.. Creasy, with his true+ English blood, ae annual offering. .Envelopeo will
Thai world is• progre;isfng, certain) Cook were to have c,alebratu d t+h0ir played is whirlwind of a game and ckl Mary street house; 'Mrs, No- bripplied in due Dime. J, Greeiae<' . ;
to his
y' diamond Wedcf.ng, kept Betl. guessing where the "Kitty" ble having bought the cotstage htr'has
The MGLSU111S BANK learning; new arils better ways of do- was. G' 1Vi,r occupied an Joseph sitrt•et.-1LTr. I'`oxb- '°"-�
ing things. If the coming men and Mr. McCartney was a life Iong menr- ts, the t+xpert piano=ma-
ber of the lxethodist Church 'and was ker, proved that he) is also an expert es`' the new coal, merchant, has.rented A
Wtymen are, not bctI. W,r fitftod to flake at carpet bowling, but 7. Wit'; pt,}1e Mrs. Mogridgc,'a house an.: Ontar,. Additional Local. News pages
INOORPORATED 1855. - the res -sties of life thaay those ail politics a staunch : (;'onservative. He , .
science .workman at. itT(rKenzie s fat stre>ei+. . .
4 and 8:
Capital Paid up $(),000,000 Best Fund - $4,400;000 wlio are now shouldtrring the burdens was a man.of integrity, much. respe0- .
then it will bt+Uma ��,� .say, '`Thrr. old teal .by those who knew him. _. 1".cry, sho,wed.that, lie,. could do some -
Has 78 Branches. In. Canada Ways are bc')t', , scientific playing, too, for by . his cur $s I.
ONT, �ST.. CITURCIT. . . vus and draws he boat It itts.oirt. of do not believe the heavy . y.oung horses
and Agents and Correspondents in. all the principal cities, All this 'is appropos of,the ".School . .
in the world. Fair;"' held during the afternoon, '.of 'Oil tiSunday'last Rev,'J. I-- J. ,Bill- several good shots. Barney Cook, .
who. is. noted for his aceurac shown at/the Fair here in,Clin oift .toAW aU
A GFF RA L Fi P K1P G f t 1TFES .TRANSACTED ` Monday, Thuesday and Ntedra:t+;day-of yard o£ Ilensatl prs+achtyd ,ntnrning'an'd yin •fir .
.. this tOk. Tlic+ idea is sometfain evening' to largo and appreeiais?ve arid- ing• cannon shots, wary right -in ii:ae,• .
g could be equalled anywhere on this con -
SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT new' iii etintforr and wars a sug;gesfticn iPncea. the .enols, .rendered Syrtis- Baine, but CoUtIL, with a date +n1:naI.
of hi,:ncipai IIai�tley, who is'ever musical selections at each service.. tion to win ?f possible,; was right. at- ' ��
#er him and k; ;at him dawn a lath~ tinent.
AT ALL BRANCHES. thinking out fiirtprovements in'. school Thu, annual busincii� meeting of ilial -�tjr. $an Ste!' SeCTP.tar , Clydesdale
work. A�, xegard:t the number .of par- Fj,'pw°rih Leaguc'`yas,held oiu lionday; .below level, f Sangster, • y y
. Interest allowed at Highest Current Rate. p .
. t,nts and oidaers w}ao asttcsnsled tho .evening . and wa:s well a,15:tM d1.. :Che With ono end to play 1+iae score Was Association and: Editor of Canadian,.
Clinton fair was a greati suecn�ss,,. and i.1l Was .Pastor OCctipir;I the chair and' coaigrar even on flit round I�sritement gait Farm. .
n Branch C. E. Dowding, Managee also a success' as. regards the r�9iihit,, tu1.lated . the young people -on t+he pre- high ati this polo,• but-C.ott+le '.and
Thoso who have child.; n, atten:ling .sperop:l condition of .the socic,ty. -The VFatt won out by t,wo shots, making . � r'
�.___—._ _ __ then Public .wliool Have some 'sort of Pa+a"�pect,s for rho. ccinaiaig year . are their side up two shots; on thr round;. 5o far as the Weather was concern- i llyrt'le farm. JudgEr Bright eras great- .
an idea; of, Course (:.f what' the are most i,ncouraging. . Following are : the This was pronounced by .all to be ed, and as coniparod with others, the i ly taken with the) Fair and said :
. eiri 10. i% : , tli ,ir , Y offlcurs elecUod :� one of the pleasantest' and most, ex- Clinton Spring Fair wa;;r fairly fortu- `'During all my .years of judging from?' •
P Y ag. c time epees w3tile .,. g
- tthore but r' Iron. PreAdent, I 0.v. T., W Cos •s. citing; g�aincri ever , lavol b the W. nabs. Very true,, Oid Sol didn't shine, ilia •11 tl .11 . to t1hc Y'ar;ifie I have no
a stroll t.arougli the diff- , I cn P Y
erect rooitaa on one of the afL.rnoons President, llrs:. A. ,i,. l'Icllurira 0 :1�'s• but sae has born tilos ly invisible. so ver st:ri sgc}i. Iaxl;c';classes of. heavy
Y fa'r: this montdi .: .the air, however, fillies and, geldings and of such: a .
GET ��� FOR.'when the Nair was in progress .lvould lr,t Vice, hlx:+: It. i3. C'arte ,. Vt' , S I:I' t '
' S• . . . . . ` , - 2nd,.tidee, Mis�s'1)ell(i Taylor. - .. .1^ L , CIIi 1101T. . _ Fara warni.and'whem the rain did. fall duality as must, be a -source of:pride -
give nlica5a a very much eteaist,r idea, 3r T1C a T ib dies. so .gently ancf ifi was, not until • to .this count . - From ghat+ I - have .
and to , those not in a position to _ d Vice, illiss Rena I icl.ett. Re,t. T. .M. •Sn(,wdc'u. of llolriii�s- p
EASTER 9 Atli )'ice C. V.I De.Wi . Coscia:r. Wille r�tache<I a 'clear and f rci , late in the afternoon :that .spectators sewn today I 'must say, ilia,' all the
r fa. know much about thr Work such. a ' y. good st
s'.Iroll would 511t: Vice (junior T,oaguc, Supt.)- sernion.poil-Sunday morning last, Iii w01'u much inconveniouced thcr�eb lack haat not 0Ibe-tia taken out;
... prove a,revelation. In
s sus \, c,acli :rc m, the work of thea .pupils 'Mxs: • (Rev.) t,'osu+ns. tho evening Mr. ,L L.A. A'..Iryvin oecup- Tho attendance was probably double . of Huron." Judge Brigh,; is �presfi- .
We ve made great prepara� . , ,
�x :: ' tion for our r was on .exhibition, such a:•, drawing Iloc:.SeCrefuiry,' lrlfl>u h •Trick. sed the pulpits .and delivered a. wv 1- that of la.it yuan and was drativn• from dent of flit. Cly desdala Association;
y Easter Outfitting I ma 8rawin Cor.-Sazretar ltliss IiatftIe, .Judd, thou ht.out discourse, a lange.area. Every eoi'aiar and the I :,.Dr. Ti4ud:ed a o£ Landon was the L
—we've the best of everything. P� g, water color paint+ ng, - y, g g
The rule that everybody . must ' ,penmanship, ariilanicole, .e,1„. Givin ,'Trefasu•rer, Miss Ellima Picket't.. , (in _Mc.nda evonin thci Lea gu centro of llull'ett was, i! ,prcoanted. Al- .judge of light horses and � m!ost' cap-
adpear in sometking new on it as an unotiicial opinion the exhib 1?ianisi+, i4.f ss Clara IIoltzhaue:,. etih 'was a d•+ a e nib most eatery four'h man seemaf»d .to be ab?u one, tatl. In. heavy horses .. the •
)Jastc� Sunday, ' ,. g n .r i 1 t d}yeti}on of sad
r ;day, is .becoming ition was an cacellent one.. 1-ae Wor1c Assis taut; Miss 1.lva • Wiltm.. Good' C i,'izcnsl>i do art�nt nt from St'anlry. 1 uckersmftlt farmers classes wore, so very largo, and so eve , +;
Jy> mere .firmly established each , 4 -editors
g 11 L ' ear. las a whole was good; some of it was , • Adam McMurray, . holt], debate, "Rasofved, that womansilo-t were her by, the scow, .Colborne and oaly •ma'�hod Haat itt was proposed tri _
y I . I an,cat . 'artf:stir:. Some .of tt:ie .wall,; Fisher. uld be iveaa that! f:,anchisa :,, wa;, the Watwanoshes s art down its bent give Judge Biiglatt the Dr's assist•
If you are not in heed of cane � colors. and'the ma s were worth tiexif Monday evening tele mcnt}ll g sl iekmc,n, .while :there Was uot, a Iiia,. ante but alae latitdr .rather. de•,murred.,.
P y or Y -salts, • Tho elf}i,mntnve way ably ]teal .
i of our hnndsc>rne. Spring Salta especial ntentr_on. Of ver e'r,aecial y meeting will be laeid:.Rev. , . .. Goderich-townsh} but had sever- sa Ing that'the hoavics were Mr.
iiiissionar p y
or Overcoat.-, allow us to •call ; Y by hiss Florencef C.tannmglaatnu, ,,ho ,. ,
fnt+erest!, alrfo.was the work of tlaty Dr, Stewart is expt+.tecl't+o give ail vas su' oiled b 11i.,; Crce:f i+ al roprr.i_ntatr:ves among thy, .crowd .Bright s specialty and it would bra
our attention to.our line of Psi y . r r_ ,,ml
I 3 y I two junior roams. The teachers -seem add and the r� will he (a"3,'r fear.4 :1Tiss Clark, `The negative ' was lea I lav; which liners the streetf, . all aftea.-ioon. wall 'to let h4in finish his work.
to be mal(ing up a, far as por,;ible far ores' .of int' rust in tonne+coon tali?i .. 'trang;ers from outside lace.+ were r associate.+ editor of
the . r rani. 'Clan ffrri n -+ , y; ll.r. stay p Mr. San , .
I 'lir. R'. Ir�tin supporit.d b t; ,tc
I lack of.a ltindergartendepartmunti, p og .o g wall be, in..C.aaatolon and lir, Ti, I : Mann?n^, impressed by the piogiesr+igo appear- Canadian i�arm, �Torontrc+,, attended •
.' Hats and Haberdashery and <Nrmc of the paper and other behalf of1..tht Forward novenuot. I+, , '`', ante of ttlau farme +; of Huron as seen t+'a'i and ex rr ysc d l:riiasuilf as
f I ach side presented the}r argtunc its ih, i ai . p
i work by the primary rooms, and the. ApP10Priatc •ICaste,r serpices7 will be well, :r:iowing•soine re arat�ion a ifi C'lintan last .Tlnii ;day. greatly pleased wit'la . tfie �vholt) c!tihi� . ,
'room just above It, wa(, indeed inker- held on Sunday. Rev: T. M. Snowdon reads 'wit and es P P (.'Cho Seed (Ic a,rtment w• itioc but, more articularl the (rt '
,, y especially in the case p . , s good but b p Y
. . , esting, One. could not, help think will proach in the morning,. the past- of Ray -Cantelon, somt) Owers of ora- of Cour t+ doers not attract acy':bin tYigs of heavy horses. "Why,” said lie, • .
.1 I
ing; as one exan�inerl. the Work• and Or .)laking tV,iVI.S. anniversary servie scar The ci a I' P. like the attentio that
h t liv s "cess, and i;r usver class full buts rite
I.y Jb
g s, 1V iss M. .'Rudd and n a tr tock Y Y Y
;! chatted wi'•th arae eourte,�us and . pain us at.Tiolmesville. The choir twi}l rOn- 14le�srs, II. % kCo doers. Farinerrs though, who �x t, to art! ovc,rtlawfn and wii+h such stOcic
aster Ties Rorke and A. 'i . C ooh) g , o (Pec g
staking teachers, .ilia' a sc}loos °{' der, `"Awake 'Thou That S.Icepest'a er, ave the deeisioli tio.t'he atrtrnia`�-' soon be, bus on the land exaniffitti the 1 don't believe. could lie equalled any- '
Ts there a man or lioy'wh(a Clfntotia's" size would have a kinder - 'and the cluartet'te will sing "Jr.sus.. ive. g 1.display cl+4sed for the know how ins- whei+., on tLa}s cont�:nent." lV2r, Sang -
.1 Will not invest fn an EASter Tip? ' garten da"partmcint, and honing• that Lives." � ortant ure soil is. Ae:i is sncretar of the Cyl do Halt) Art.
r We hardly:thinla St); of lie sees i htr lady debat,ai's contribsateci a x P Y Y
the time clay not be far distant when In. • the cfvening a song serviev of F?ft ouc� dffferclnt owners won riz socfation and is:cahtsidt~rc'd an, autli- •
but Spread. ' trio after the, debates Mess -ii. Malin- • y P11
1.this, furtiacr facility far? doing better special Easter music will he given, i ' �. es iii horses and in i+'.tat',elass alohte or}ty on all• matter,+ per+:aining there-
ng and Irwin each co.ntiibutl.d a re -
' _ work will be a�ddcd: . as follow:+ : the entYcrs, numbered 236, to.
. I Those who diel not, scfe the Fair mss- Organ Solo, Offertory for Paschal ailing and lir, W-ilbuti Wallis sang a Twelve gray is � nts Wt+re t�ntercd for Ilntir tact ati�t unfailing goad
�::: We're showing; every - solo.
shape th:it's correct rind sed an opportunity, buil it may be time ; ; a ths5 prise afy ikn dollars in, gold and htinaoaigi�ie Wird+ reguisiit� ofga sec-
that anothrer• one will be r Anthem) "C.hi+st• is Hisen' At the Conclusion'of Me prop:+am ,
11 many styles that are 'con granted , ' , iv)b campet}tion teas 50. ktva> P�tat the ecssftal secretary such, av, is Mr, C. T. _
fined:totts exclusively., The affair this timet was such a s+ac-, UP= ; ' homemade candy wa;s .served. A good- jtftlgc, hast coiasidcrab}er t'rouole fn ar- I3owding. Ise worked eaXy and lata .
o�;,' Prices .s3 .l50 .713 cess Wtatt it, Will probably h,e a.+peat- I'raYtMr ; lyt number attended and an aclinissinn living ata clt�C}s}on. in the preparaibry arrangements and
o Fid anotlior.time. ;knthpm, •"The Lord as Risen In- of ten cents. was charg>»d. the pre- Tai )Wei-y(,a,r-old heavy drafts four- throug-tout+ the day and that overt'-
The trustees and teachers each; of= deed" Cecil.) will be applied t!0. the League teen fine animals Were lined up befoi'a thing woi,Wd so smoothly was in nOF
fe:+rd. prizes, also Mr. and Mrs. M. Scripture Lessen c hltss}onary fund, _ the Jtud
ge and tvla,•a he had' partially small muasurn due to his, etcertions.'
G^ D. 11cTaggart, Mrs. 'T, Jackson .Jr,; Quarte-tste, "Low in the Grave sic Ttae, Auxiliary of th,ae W. Vf;. S. held- oomplc,ted his labors a second lot of Mt. Dowding'n labor in ,promoting
+r,�1 CASTER MATS Miss Irene Jackson, Mr. Wiltse, Mr. t�aY" ; thc,tr Easbar Thankofiering mcm',ling eight Came, forward, making twenty- the Vain arc appreciated by the Asso-
. W. D. Fair, Miss Macdougall, . Miss . Anthem,; "f o is Ris,:in" ;(a) -Tedi- on ftilnesday. evening of lasts week, tyro retries in that one class alone. d:atfon and the c}titan f in general.
I. Gunn and '.Ur. J., Cunninghanie; . tatioh ; (b)Comfort (0) Joy. with 'a good attendance. After the . k� finer bunch. of colts waa probably. The name of Mr. (Itsorge Dale of
Principal Curtis of :Scafoxth and Hymn ;. . opining oceuh,s Miss Bessie Irwin never before_ stk% at a Canadian Hullett was- inadvertently, omitts.,d
Our Easter Hat display comprises eVerythitig deslr- tbirty-two of liis pupils visited the Sermon, The Pastor; gave a mo!4, ints:t:esll.ng, addrem, t('1-' Tforse Fair. from the list. of•directors. 'Vt- Dade;
able in Headware for Men, Young Men slid for * Boys fair on Tu:+may afternoon, Illspeet'or Prayer ; . • . ling of the mission worse of thtti.Dea= . A.% last year's Fair note a single. is n.ot only a prominent horseman; buU
Torn was also a visitor, Quartette, "Fainting..i:nder , tlae connce3srs In, Montreal. A solo was Cl dcsdale slrallion was shown
of all ages. We sell only the soft .of Hats thelw have a Following ai 4:i .prize winners }n Cross" y , a, good friend of the Association.
goodness. Such fiats as The Kiln 13or- ,g ',y rendoral by Mi;,. J. -lieu. WhAreas on Thursday there' were A number of views of grouph and .
reputation for , 11,11y' , The, ofl%ring Was given in special many and ketia competition. Iabirnals were taken by the local aa:•t-
p ra g; isle daff+:+.nt rooms : Ant+semIteticeinc,r 'Latutla
sallno, I+itwell and Stetson. Div, 1—Wft£red Dickinson, Carman Ilynua ; . onvolopos, each acco�mptanied by a To Mr. Je,ltn; Sliamiahan of I-IulTrtis ist, IVIr, Otto Fink, whose excolimt
Board, Elsie Finch. Benedieticn, a�.,xta, which were read by louts. Chant. was accorded the honor of having the work is continually' increasing the'
- Div, 2—Jeit>ic Watkins, AlboA The W.M.S. annual t hank•-ollering and Mrs. llelly,ar. The offering am- best t+aam' on exhibition. They were number of his patrons,
,Shier, Douglas Shipley, .;Sara, Dailies, service held last evening was a de- punted to over $50. tlae admired of ail adintrcrs and 1Vtr, T. lticMi4hacl rE Son• of IlulletL' sold:"
See our Window Display for col`rect styles. . Loreen Langford. tided success. At the close of a The meetin for the eleetlion of of- Shatinabnn Was' ustl +
g J y pt+aud of them. tlrti:r Canadian C"lydb stallion i3Tack-.
.___.. Div. 3 wth Rattenbtir Maida brief missionary f, t . • , i + c illi-
_..__. _. l)tia y y, o y .p sayer mc,ting, con fierfi,r in ronne,.,t+.tara with the W. M. Mr. .las, "V anegutand of liullett band 5ansai+ion, to 1Vlr, Atex. M W
---� — ._� . �; �_ _.1 � Armour, Lois .11'4ltnes, I`.lenor Kemp, ducted 'by the pastor, Mrs. Cosens S. wa,,i held on 'Tuesday ovening; at won the two cups, the, Bankers and ams of Dutton. .Two men were after•
Mary Chidley, •Lvda Morrish-. took charge of • the Service and altar the pa-imnage. Following is tha list: McMurray which now do, -orate lads Blackband, a residents of, nmr Days
Div. 4-�I�'.11ena Ilead. Aileen Armour a, short program 'had been given by President, Mrs. J. Sheppw4j. goad ' wife's sideboard. (food judgos • ficdd puttflii iii an' appearance just it
llarold Manning, ,Willie Slobian, local talent, Mn', (Rely.) Clould, who
isit Vfec, Mrs, A. O. I�!attison. say hid heavy draft mare is one of the l.itatlty to4•late. The place was a sat_
Div, 5• -Alex. Eagleson, hada Liver- With hor husband has spent several 2nd Vice, Mrs, J. Bola'). • moils superb animals river so,% in a isfaotn!ry cane to rho Mes'rs. McMiclt-
more, Wilbur Welsh. Wong 'Chung. years to Formosa gave an instruc- '
. + lice.-5eeretary, Miss J. Tl,tadd. Shaw itfnt. � ac+l r+vlio always ,got reap notch itgltres.-
THE 1 Div. 6—'Willis Cooper, Beryl i."oop- trvc, and tnspirint; address on their Treasurer, Miss -goiter. Air, Jolut 'Aright, who judged the Fudge .13n1glat paid Chlet Wheatley a
. or, Helen Crawford. lnzs,wonar vverk and also exhibited , .
_ , _ y Organist, lysis, A. T. Cooper. heavy hcrscS, -tad it Bard a.ftornaoti. s Conapliaraent �vlac�n hd said' that in his
Herons LardeSt Clothiers civ. 7—Jabez Rands's Pearl Char- many articles• front' the foreign field, Assistant, Miss ll: Greme. Work and dict riot'! finish until about long experience at a judge lie' n0vor
�:ek, Y.oloW.. Judd. Willie Mutnh, dors. Gould 'reeeived hearty tlsanks .Delegate to Braneb Meeting, Ulm six 6'6wk. lir, l9 one of the most ,knew *1i0 619 to be, kept so clear as
« .i . ferk " —Jra Ers Div, 8eakloet .Lucy Levy, tot her magnificent address, Mrs, Gra"'ne. proiriluent stockmen in Vostern Cin- pili Thursday last. The ,Pudgy was sa+.
Square De a-1 � � � -.lith Iterman, Malcolm iilaTa part Jacob .Ta 1C,x will represent Wee au)r• Miss 3014le. b'ard,• isario and on leis large, fa,rW, at Myrtle frarilt about it that this Chief +positive-
, y Alteritlitea,
Otirdon 1' wss5s!i, Roy Llve%lwre, Mary at the London Cohierenft ;s isl 34astar, services will be held tae taif 's rixC-titaiaaiin botma sslsd l blushed, and 1'n.traduc(td Scsrgeantr. i
, .� ... Tim »ji>rlgtos were: Rigs Delsftge; branch nteetittg to: be Wd its I:itttelr
tats Sunday. •Thb pP�ls tC1t will preset �raattld» !t'b chAnipiofgi care at ilia gsllblt as h1s aapabl+x slefat1!t.
fd0, w'I►rd 'hill' min Plik«r, . , , in lea , ,
1' Martiitr scud evening, il+telpi+ Winter k"ai�fxastr► trerttit tie Prize -stats nf► pie Svc.