HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1911-04-06, Page 8I • CW" r April Oth, W* OUR A SUPERO $HOWIN Faster 00tweal. PE4, 44, WALL PA. . Footw"r. Come now While J`UWt mirut% tA). oCK • fowt yoult FAstel AS.. AC Is a col Ze"' t", the linee of vi;,ew ox,;, Of newness • • full And the �u, W SOW. finemant. an extensive variety. rpawing - fwe� in.itsI con To CoMplet OLOVESI COLLARSIP BELTS. VESTING$" e YoUr COStMe wlete 110SIERY, CORSETS,, WHITEWEAR9 F90tWftr W" 1111411vor more ness. Every practical and merit Cbesutliylarry the LISSUE HandkwleMef VNDERWEARt RIBB.ONSt ETC. orious. sort' and its' offers Our g bilrii; ;kn Inviting field 103 -wledfton. Do..- K=, SprIn r play a tilt Z USSM is Of cobweb fineness andshow choicest Foot- corativo torcellonce is its feature we4rthe world pro- P and. feels like s& WNte, and several and it has the additional charm Never 9 before have iwe charming coloured patterns to hatmOni74 shown!� more complete Hlg111 4, 4 e or Low exit of perfectly p * roper Priats. It 14.,- own, The Wsh and colours are and , stylish range of y. models for Men, -for with the 9. Women and for Chi,- t-erested come, and we kind tell lis to suffer Women's Accessories absolutely guaranteed wren, that are the it we have. not gathered Wisely, no harni waswoo. 20c, than thie season. Styles 11initof 'most porfect Shoe building:, from and well. glove #e 15c',each-, tb at- will appeal to every. - MeWs Shoes $2, to $0 W.omenlisshoes 1.00to, 04 one and prices to suit all QDERATE PRICES, ALWAYS,' Boys! and girls' #.Moto 03 purses, Come in and Ree r lipeof Footwear is. in the blooifi of Spring freshness and W 0, FAIR' 00t. the many, new and pretty now is beat time to make selection?. a now 10 OtM GRA T�P_ pring.'styles weare show, in Often Cheapest Always the Beit,Every LISSUE Handkerchief is 90 0 guaranteed.. Indelible 'colours, la►kmll iodrSom u .77. Z "D i superior quality and permqpent; WA %0 CLINTON' _44111101., -6-4008,RowSpring 0 rd "Jackso s, Therenever has-liceu. In qapKda Stylish Shoes as. there are. at the pr6sentidayacid people have never been so exact-' ing in their requirements: Our p . reparationsfox the present -Spring trade are. such that we feel we are in a position to sati4fy the demands of the mo I at f(tstidi- ous. Our Ladies' depaLtriaent comprisoir the! -latest. Iroductibne-of the best makers: In the Men's lines we are specially complete. The Children's lines are the ,ChojcfjAk we ever. had. Repair Department in full swing—Try us. FRED* J:,L'f"1K SON... ..:Tht.Rat C, hanwtf -li-he. season, Men's Brand*New'S'prih9* at, Almost Half Price $2.'50 HATS.,. -MIR, 4L09 Owing. to an erroi, in shipping We gnodw And ourselves with double order the number of our regular spring hat r now in stock which will never do, as next season would be, sure to: Sind us. with a lot of this season's styles still still on hand and rather than return them,• we are ♦ goingto give -our customers the O'hancrotlo bdyltbeir new spring hats at Mfg's prices, These hats are made in the very latest r;tylesand of :the finest of Fur Felts,,th.e most.of them hAng the famous English Bar:-: 0 rington Han which always retails at 52:50 i "Dbn'f miss this gliance'to '0 secure a nice new Bat for Easter at this wonderfully low price as this chance does not come often. —See these iti.,our wfnidaw'. .......... S.HdE BARGAINS' Some of ,,lie biggest bargoing Pier heard of: i will be. going .in . our' ;ihoe'depdepartment Saturday. It will pay you well to see them. Don't forget our Ruga, and Linoleums,aa,we are d#ering some big reductions on, these lines SMALL P LM T EEL •MORE. PROFITS • B R 0 -S'sES J. B Hoover Nelson Ball DOLLAR, .,'-,DOWN' is often an ilium-. ination, as big as the" sun. There9s t *WEL where.. " m. o n. e y down" goes furth- er Ahan it does• rbrht here. ZZ A C.HINA.CLOSET or dresser bought. tor "opot cash' #& from our present 4' stock makea what L YOU See elsewhere, look like L thirty cents. It's bargains. %galore we're offering just now in 1 our entire faro ltur6,stoekt. - 'lite t heipbstsiiot In t1woutoanty to baY all kinds of tutmitufti o v' B a o er ll X1VU1T.LWVZ39 &OvI . =A=l4=0.UNll finish. If found otherwise. You can obtain six handkerchiefs for every one that fades or runs in Washing. Easter Gloves Easter Collars Wbite*ear Mrs. C. 'C.'Rance is -in Tor mto. this cellars promise I a 1, week NVe are abo*Ing a, complete Dutch A travellers set -of white- d 11k great run: for r"' and ,,, wear samples.. waists, corset cov-, .7 returned yesterday range of ladies' kid n 81 g'ov* W "are & owing the ors, night dresses, . drawers and I Mrs. 4 a H.. W. Cook es in all shades. a "rant*e mer wear, a Ped gu $1 P rri at newest styles and designs skirts, all new and made. for this from Toronto. every rair sold. Perrins very L Mr. D. A, Cantelon of Hensall was in 25 tp $ .50. Ethel the best $1,001 from r2.5cup Embroidered linen season's business,on sale Saturi.. colla 8 n ri� w styles, all sizes 25e day kid glove made. at afaripfact rare cost. town on Saturday, 86 00 WAS $4.98 J Mrs. Wes. Walkee. and family visited Easter Belts. New plilits Easter Veilings Two dozen only black Pan - in Blyth this week, 6 skirts, splendid quality, amp Miss blip Rd -ilea spent Saturdayand The very newest designs1 in Patent leather, solid leather The new spring prints are well tailored style its shown. Sunday in GV,odeKlch, veilings are here in great rIety and elastic belts with fancy buck, now, in stock for your choosing above. all sizes; reg $6 for $4.99 Mr� -M.Billy" C in all shades, from 250 up. lea in the , very latest . designs new and natty designs, Defiance antOcu left yesterday Sask. from 25o up. bmnd,;n firm and strong print, Now Spring Coats Tor Maple Creek,guaranteed to stand the tub Me - I ' 1 . . Mr. Clarence -Ranco Is *xpwted home- Easier Ribbons -lQsi6ry . . . .. . . . This week we passed Into to from Toronto thiii week. New Ginghams. stock the veru newest -st wing a splendid yle in Mills Agnes Scott; who spent the win- A new shipment' of Ribbon We are, showing Wiss'spring coats in short and I - a =of fancy hosiery in lisle,- A new shipmelit of Ander- They comprise all full lengths. It will a 0 des and come. o see our range town. to d ca, good wear-. son just to hand in' well t before oym you • ter in Toronto, has returned to, T prices run stripes and checks in all the new-' ciding your he new a t all W spring ing.qualities, in lith __p run, from Sc3C purchase. Prices'.. Mr. Oliver Johnson. lritu6eil, Tuesday up. from 26c up. estcolorings and designs. up, from a business, trip to Lloydralubt. or, Sask. Miss Russell of Stratford is a guest, At the home of Mr; and Miq. Jas.NEW SFRINGr READY-MADE CLOTHING Remember, we give you, The -NEWSPRING, SUITINGS Are here. TwifUliell. Mr. and Mrs. Launew, Lavis and. The New Spring Ready -Made Clothing for men. and pereenti. off The New -Spring importationi of suitings, pantings and, hamily, ?Wingbam, are visiting Clitx- boys n stock slid they comprise'the coatings are now in stock waiting your inspection. We are qualities, i'eand � Zt lys i for spc;t cash on all ordered use nothing but the very beat of linings knit we are turning, ton friends. styles, e9i wor rutlng.Sbre*d buyers or ready4nalle clothing: out better ordered the than ever. Wil guarahtee fitil, tot prices .9 Mrs. F. Oliver has boc . visiting �11 us tha style and workmanship. town. trien(IS and relatives in Stratford during thepaclt'wwk. Miss. Maggie Revd of'.Varna, visited Past welt at the home of her Nis- AND EGGS TAKEN AS CASHO' ter, 'Mrs. Will. Cudmore. Mr. C. C. Rance left on Friday. last .on. his . annual trip' eist in thein - of the Jackso.u. 'Co. L3 Mrs.. A. Hailes 'returned Goder- ich on Saturday last after spends Ing two.wmAs plirsiiif there. Mrs.. - Brigham, who has 6pent. the winter. with her son - iii 'Hallett, has NW, xo4mrnedtAylter home on Kirk 9trecit, Rev. . T. Wesley Cow" will be in 11eiisall on Sunday conducting an . n ver M6thodist i saxy - services in the church. Mrs. Geo. Coe kerline arrived from A1W Toroift,6 on Tuesday, being callod home by tserious he illness of her father, Mr. Sanderson. Miss' Emma X-riedenitan of.Exoter re- iturned home Wtdnesday. atter a two - 'I . I Now We& a visit with her sister, Mrs. .Wzm.­Maoon, ]princess street. -7' Mr. Gordon'oJohnston of, the :,Luck- WESLEY. on-yiRMT. JUDGMENT FOR CLINTON...-' now branch -of the Molsons Bark The N46w's.'Fkom',�Londesboko $red• to the Clinton, Thd. W;M.S. bold their - annual Judge' Doyle handed oust a decision has been transfer branch and has •-cntovreil upon his, Thailk-offering -meeting last' evening. the'oiher day willh ttAgid tor-t,'he Thre. ng ger-. sher Co. plant requiring the lkyuidat� dutlim. It. was, a helpful and ;nspiri I Amoug those from, town who attended vice. , The offering, amounted to ov- ors to pay the. tbmcs. It will be re=, membered that the 'letter disputed Up. J. D�. Melville is doing a god Messrs.. M, Armstrong and E..Was s - the -Spring Fain in Seatorth. on dr $0. of 0 I Tuesday were ' 0'. E. lJowding, Jas. theiiii'llabilitv on.accoubt of th(p, fact deal — work i the Harlock coiintry '.son shilip d a. car of ca."le from hem BAPTIST CHURCH. that a tenanf. was in; pass.uslon but themi days. on -Saturddy.4 - Fair, R. Fitzsimons, Jas. Ramil-, Miss- J. Thouipson,19 spending a flie judge gave judgment for the town. -has been th Frank ..Lee, who 14 0 enl� tloii,and G. Hoard.' Pastor Wylie will have -charge of ."ys With her brother, Mr. Ge I' I - G.T.R.at'Lucknow, ha -s 0. ploy' of the 'Mr. - John.".011esitAis been, -in 'London' both, services nexy! Sunday... been transfewd to .Mount Mount Porest; tow%&IAIY, for the past couple of On Sunday evejaiiiir the 23r4 inst, Mr. Edwin,.Mlams. left Monday for i Xrd,. J. H. Osterhout and children.. . weeks _making maple" syrup".. 'He re- 11he,Oddleillows will attend divine Mullett ToWnShIP Lucknow whare he will open lip a jew- ports a-,thitly good run and isthor- sefivice.- in the . Baptist chu . rch.' aro spending this week- with London, ou-Shly, :--en.o . in tho out -door . ox ever- : 0onydinut-A, from last column elety storo. Monday with friends. . I. y . . Z WINNERS. I . Mrm. Geo,. Lyon spent Radford attended Wc- Pse. PRIZ ERS. must - so soon be severed by your de-. Clinton ton friends.. Mr. Albert Mils. Mennel of London and. Mrs. parture from our midst, and.., though 111 in-' fair at Seaforth - on Tuesddy,. JamcS� Hamilton's 'team of yoar way be absent from, this common- . Mr. D. Lear of BlkthJPcnt Monday. 'springy' Doupe and Mrs. McIntyre of . Toronto grays won' first prize at i1he Sea- - t inthe village. 'Mm. Coventry of Wingham. is visi�-- have been in the town the p, i y, yot long will meinbry* cherish. past; few. forth Paii in the agricultural class The saw mill -will close dOWU.. in th.� 1119 •her sister, Mrs. E). Bell, this Week.. days, having by' ton 'that fond affection which' been course of a few days: Thos I v hauling) Miss* Allisonof Belgravo is vigititig been called home and will be on exhibition- in Clin the growth of y'ears. You: Will' be -ison the dftth:ofJheir mot -her, • the late today. Mr. Hatnilton is fond of and logs there, n6t tge-Aing 'sawn would do at the home of Dr. All M. McKown. much missed in'. community. You V Aid of the Presbytoriatt. M it judge :of 0, -good -horse. - . i -. -Your gen- well to see aft4ar thein'at once. The Ladies CapUin Wales and Li6at. Burgain, have always been rbady, in Mr.. D. Canteloft shipped a tat load Ychumb, -aro preparing to give a good, ial and self-sacrifloink way' to co-op- I � ,who have been in oha:rge of the S. .1� IS P , �, . bogs on WMnesday. on Easter Monday, Ap�riT 17th: R ON REFORM. scare for the good and welfare of the of night A.- corps here :'for' some tune, . ;have' : . Mr, Win. Lee was on the sick list with an English, Irish and Scotch tea been rL%noved to Till4onburg. They •- On Friday evening last Col. Hugh Whole reighboalhood. We :now. ask these chairs as a token a few days this7 week. and program. This :ought .to, be good, th WaleiY and Clark, XPX�,.of-Xiqcardine, gav to accept are succeeded by Captain e,an You Lieut. Moffatt', — Who havd eii-terf.,dof out regard, and we -trust thlati you addrv4s.,befora the Clinton. Club ' On • upon their dutAos. the'subjwf.of "Prison Reform." The may. long be sparal to enjoy the com- Rev. . J. E. Prod leaves 'today for .01)j6csb of Isho address was to e%plain forts , which you haVe. so. arduously 98. Toronto,* where he will. attend So the working.of. the new schemes which earned.—Signed on behalf of- your Hullett 'Happenings. ineeting of the I General Conference' the Ontario GoVerhment have bom many. friends in Hullott,�H- M. Snell, Special- Commlititee. - He will visit ititroduebig with regard to the Croat- Samuel Cole.fio., Sr., Of nLllar arks the to . tuppiny ,heartily lits. brother, Rev, W. J, Ford' - at meat of prisoners'. They ,are now no Mrs. Geo. K Ilar-. On Friday last the home. of Mr. and ;.these remarks Norwood,, before returning, probably longer incarcerated behind stone lock, who has been ill, we are glad Mrs. John Manning 10th con., 'was ljoined in, ringing, "Bleat Be The, 'FiO speRding Sundav there, walls, that is, ift le t vicious are to know is, improving, theservo of a very pleasant gathering I That Binds. as Tho remainder of the evening vias Mrs. J. A. Irwin and flier daughter, n,6?0 but al4D given em to In. the Mr. John D. Melville of Londesboro whin about seventy-five. Of their neigh- I 'hat, in Miss Bessict, leave .today for I-111- fresh air and sunshine. A'nunlber are, to paperIng,in: the milghborhood till" bors , and friends collected frOili -all I very happily spent In social 0 don, Where they will visit 'friends week. directions to an dvenilli. with! strum(nitat MUSIC- and singing, , Th* engaged on t1ko 800 -acre government a. Lobb for afeWdays. Miss Irwin, hav- farts at Guelph and Still others are Miss Mary MOCAU911LOY, SundAYed them before thoir removal from the Missels Lobb, and the Me!;sr Ang finished her visit at her, borne employed in railroad, conAtuldtion ism with 'relatives in this township, neighborhood, and Thos. Manning contributed sever- hary, will go on from London to New , Ontario. The woman, prisoners Mr. Frank Reynolds recently ship -al vocal obomsw Which W= ruicli, AV excellent supper, the 01lief course �Xoatreal, *here she has been engag- also come in-fqr their share of the pod to Toronto a carload of OAttIc. of witich was oysters. has boft pro- MlOjed and Mr. IL 14. Hill vewr selections. on Ills, gtarn�l 0.. ed In Deaconnessi work for some benefit of these'more humane "WIthods Mr. Andrew !'Ivnn sold A horse thevided 111(1, nwilless, to say, this was Ora, t ow�+ timel of digalingwith 'the criminal. About OCIOr 44Y to" Which 'ho. rOoolved the a mile.fi, enjoyed . pant of th-1 proceed- Among those Present � fine gumot $335. Ings. boyo, besideaRov. . Ur. Oster ut, eighty-five of the inmates of the Wer- how- were Dr. and Mrs, Allison, VAjO ILM been removed Miss Mary Brown returned home The feature of moaii interest, cer Refomatory have AN &PPRECIATED COU'RTESY. from that int-Uttition -atd have bixil last week after spending a few days over, was an addrdss, rived by Mr. 1 becoming -well acquakiteA And wh' armers in. dif- with her 006r, Mrs. Francis Mous Jami Snell and to which he added are much liked in the COMMUnitY4 Rev. put out amongst the f, armki out, se Mr. and Mrs, Manning have beft . Mr, Newcombe the others day ferefit #artgof eta ,o f ' all, at t1elisall. ra moving some ramotks of hie own In his oviia residents of 11111101it f6t mAnY yeartv handed into The News -Record office W as It were. Col. Clark silaied, that Mr. and -Mav, R. Brennen A - original way', and the presenting to they are highly e&tL*3med and it wast copy of the B.C, Saturday Suntot, a tho redalts of these new aimugemblits back to thd farm', on the 4%1 con. at Mr. and Mrs. Manning of a couple of regret that their triftd'� weill,lifinted, high-olass week' paper had proved most sati-lactory and he. ter spqnding itic past fdw yours in easy ebair&-, Mr. Mamitig, thooglo with sincetO eir Jutpiadtd depattul!6 published In V40ouVOr. in a proW waxed �quke enthuglielAd witli regard Matf6rd. Mr. Wm. Bedarzil, who has much affected, replied, in guitabld lan� learned of th Inen't place in - this papox cad note a to them. Thea Was most in- had Mt, Brennen's fatm, ,eased, has guage to iho kind words spoken of trod the neighborhood. They bavo,. ki"t of W. IT. N&w- torb9ting and W moved to. the Bedard hO1110003A . In blin"If and family at,(, thanked the not 1,et fully ddei(lod where iheY! WILL largo advertist as �Jtsteftd ibVMAb sefts,,to bo doing township. combo & Co.,w1io h pIcAsure by those present and a Goderich Irleads -tot the gifts, which NO assured 10cate' but it is their intention to rem good ,�udness in the coast city. Mar. Mule hearty vote of thanks W";`t!ndered Mr. M9. ilalo has et,096d with thea would always be appreciated tOP tire '*-'411 "t'" *Otk* n.. S. Ford, managing director of the hear Up, Andrew VJyAn 4or the coming th, kind thoughts which proknlited Following Is the address tho speaker at Its close. r& To Mr. at4 Mrs, John Mauttlug guhaot., was at btle tima fir bun[ r6sto litdsided With "'so"' them. Ur. Thos. Mttnnl%9 alS0 your"Irlertils and nalghbotst!lvo, with W.W. 14. Newtombe in'Potroltl. Pfe&Wnt For Light t6(rcEhrA0nt9 pliN in(boUlt of big t4thor'alid M01111- [k%r fiord Mr. It, It. JIM and Rev, J. IT. 9,1980fnblEd for tho surprise of c r and frequently visitoAClintoft. As a his usual grace. Lil %P1 0* marlt, of rasped totho -father of his Wore RUVed aftsr the addreso, 130. Auburn Osterbaut of Londeaboro,, who 'Was sing tOYOU Outkiftd0lit 09111*" 'Alif Old partila Mr. Votd-ikovr sends 14m oldes g6' good attendance of the MOM- Wyllo vIll have charge '01 - present oxil who 'acted 104 & sort - Of csteom` %'0 reg*t voty much "If A co"limetift-ty, copy. of his paper burrs thdre ware several hlvit.-4 gu0sts, PAStOt the Baptist church (.11 ,MWAOV 01 corehlizies." atkil other$, the tit Which binds. 09 as fleighborp. pa ftpprftlatl�' among whohl were NOws. Walker itIO ReryicO 91 �Ojl third Mum. a, Courtesy which Is . 4. rottor of (loderieh. Sunday ii(tornoon 000. spo&# brMly. At the eo'nolusiolt of contitutd by 1W. ratUt NewMnbol 11tid A - rye