HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1911-04-06, Page 6assa , MI, 14 4 I I I I The Indiana bill legalizing Sunday b4seball has bcsri twbeld by the Su prenic Court of that State. Johnny ' E'veli6, sa7ond baseman to the Chicago Natiomils, has ,Ad )it Chicago shoe store and has decided t( devote all his Vox. in the futurct tt aiding his team tel wan the champion .ship. P 1011Aim I.Ov! FtA'r!11,:s Daily until April 10th, XAT4'&TVg., I '!�PdXAVk, - - WA841`;._f` ' ISEATTfb; WASH_) Polm" ND, ORE. .1 1 7 5 'SAIL FRANCISCO, CAL. LOO ANGHLES, CAL. _A!1,9-iIVO CITY $41-76 (ONE-WAY NECOND-C.1,48,1; FRIGII 'CLINTON. 4,ow ratcts-tcbry 'day to INIANI'fOBA. SASkATCHE WANT, ALBERTA. Exceedingly low rates each Tuesday until Aprii 25th, to pX'neipal points in SaskatChElwan and Alberta, includ- ing point -s oil Grand Trunk Pacific Railway. Full, particulars and tirkets front JOHN RANSFORJ) ts: SON, Agents. -A. 0. PATTISON, Depot. Agent'. THE NEWSAKOBD'S CLUBBING LAST EO H 1010-11 Much good read..Ing for I! the M'Dne one y. WEEKLIES News -Record and Mail and Einpire ... $1.50 News -Record Globe 1.60 News -Record and Famil Herald and Star with Premium............... 1.75 News -Record and Witness 1.7$ News -Record and Sun_.. 1.75 News -Record and. Fret-, , Press................... 1.7 5 News -Record and Advet. tiser . a.. L.75, News -Record and Toronto Saturday Night ....... 9.30. - News -Record and Farmer's - Advocate; .... ........ . 2.9405 News -Record and Farm . and Dairy.,_ I ....... 1.75 News -Record and dian Farm ............ 1,75. News-Reeord and Mail and Empire. .......... .... 1 4.25 News -Record and Globe... 4.25 News -Record and NoWs' 2.30 News -Record and Star 2.30 News-R,cord and World.. 3.25 News-Becord and Morning Free Press. * ............ 3.25. News -Record and Evening Free Press ............. 2.75 Nem—;Record and Advcr- 01'r .................... News -Record and L . il�fplfll- c0ft's Alagizirip 3.25 , 2 5 If what you want is not in this list let us 1-noNv about it, We can supply you at less than it would cost you to send direct. me way-It.looks and lasts. three years ago In Germany form the In remitting please do ifciby relic contained in a glass case at the Post -office Order, Postal - Note Express Order or Registered That proves M L Floorglaze is water -proof, home. of Joseph Hummel, a' busines's man in the States. 'They are remind - Letter and address. A gcod all-purpose finish, therefore: era of tIlQ.fAn3in6 that swept Germany Irl' 1816. and 1917. Wheat then -sold W. J. Nute6e, 11 "'EOPLE use ML Floorglaze on vehicles, for $85.a bushel. The loaves were heirlooms In the Hurrimel family, and News -Record • CLINTON too, and find 'it* looks better and lasts came into Mr.'Hummol's hands when . I . he. was visiting his old home In Wur- longer than an kind of varnish or paint.- temberg twenty years ago. That proves M L Floorglaze is fade -proof "IN THE CLOUDS,? an weather-proof. The perredt.p - Taking advantage of the brilliant -tpetor for all woodwork, therefore. light furnished for a gigpLntle Illumina- ted fountain recently erected In Vienna, scientists. there have made .EOPLE find that M L Floorglaze helps some Interesting calculations as to the P housewives keep floors dust-ftee because height of the clouds. By means of A projector It was found that a beam of the surface stays glass -hard and glossy* light eoufil be sent up to the clouds, producing upon them a luminous spot capable of being observed AlMultan- tico,111111111 laze doesn't iniad wet, sun, scuff gouslY from points on the earth two or of feet nor dra irfg of furniture across it. three miles apart. By such Observa. tions the height of certain clouds of the cirrus variety was found to bo M L FLOOPIGLAZE is the best thing you nearly 33,000 feet, or 614. miles. can get to help renovate the whole house' NEW EMBALMING ACT Fine for all Woodwork, indoors Slid out. k On the adoption of the now Umbalm, Makes old furniture look new again. Goes Ing Act, the Government if; to appoint farthest, too--l-gallon covers .500 square feet. .a Hoard of Examthers, composed of five persons, "praetically conversant with the business of embalming.". The Choose aMong 17 prct'�, colors In solid eklarnel Government VLN making regulations ^--:�n" Lacs to imitate hardwoods—and Trans- for the examination of candidates for patent for natural finish. Comes in little and licenses and certificates and permits. . . . . . . Theae are to be issued on "the evidence big this. 'Easy to put it or, night. 'Ask at ''cy be furnished by onlidJdates as to your dealer's or write us (or news of the hutidied i sobrloty, good -character and as to pr. uses you could intake of M L Floorglaze. The vlous training and fexperfence," ,Imperial Varnish & Color Co., United, Toro4to Tho bill will not voni,4 into effect Retol"Iended 'etud sold by JR, Holaild, Clin:t0ol. until the first ot.noxt yrar. CliAtOu 149WO-ROCOM April 4th,, 1911 RAILW AY WENSION, CANADAN TREE VALM PROTECTION OF Contract LQ t for 10 Miles by t1he Al- berta Central Innumerable Wood Lots that Copid b:) Mrrs The, centract for 100 miles of rgil. hl;�,dQ a Source of Mt. ­ed CROWNED 'HEADS Trunk Supply way grading and ballasting on the I B 01 Albert4 Contral railway, 134 miles west of Red Derr and 36 miles cast, has NVitbin tc,i years the price of Cana. The Care and Garel of Monarch*_ been a,%,,ard(.,d to Jails-?. Me. than forest productions have In some Great Wgtchfulnese of the Donald F- Co., by President John T. lases dc-iblr-o, and• in some cases Royal Guards apted grid �aF 1ps Coronat* ing;ncer J. Grant quadruplvd, and, for those uses toAloore, and Cbiog 1, 20 Free10 ion McGregor. The price is $25,000 a which cement cannot be ad Alost spiritnAmonarchs -1, 1, mile, a total of $2.500,000. The work Limber is. vvecssary, 4 '1 lass -first spec:flcd to be completed by likely to V, tile ial ce t 0 Wore The Cana ian Century will -waa o ev,.n higher. In ten years i or less against being talcen care .04 the end of August, but an entension pine has tri.bl*d in price, elm 0 uad. although their rebelling to tile cause of fifteen eays is in the contract. At ruplcd, and cedar mor-, than doubled, Of much anxiety and worry to those pay all the expenses of twenty first the vorivrany had decided to build Such timbers as walnut and hickory upon whom rests the responsibility of only 84 wilcs of this damn, but the are becoming almost vinknown, Canadian Boys on a five. weeks trip to hundred will b? tintaiea I this season The Ontorto Legislature has given their safety. A truly difficult task is conte considprable attention to I'll,) reported to be that of the plain -clothes ready for steel. England. - The party will sail on, the The papers were signed at Winni- forestry problem, and a very Interest* officers who, are told oft to -shadow" Peg. This Hue is -reaching out toward Ing bill was pasecd at the rec", Sol", King Alfonso Of spa Empre the l3razea;; coal fields and is gerer. slon. It ctateff that: The municipal Ill 10011 lie vjs.., ss of * ireland on June 2nd and, ally considered em a subsidiary line to council of a county may pass by- this country, for the aawnturou$ the C.P.R, system. laws:— Young nionarell takes so keen all Inter. r6turning, leave qn June 30th. - Do. ou (a) For acquiring by purchase, leave est in evcryujng that takes his fline y . or otherwise such iands designated In. that he oftcn rims what are under the want to go ? s e cou on r DOUKHOBORS BUY LAND the by-law as the council may deem circU1116tallees very serious risks,0 If' o. fill but the p On The Doukhobor volony at Nelson suitable for reforestration purposes; 'One occasion, when there were decided and mail at once, has further extended its territory by (b) For planting land so acquired possibilities of a determined attempt purchasing from Devine Brothers the and for preservIng and protecting tile uv011 ule-YQuilg IC.Iug's life, lie terrified well -know)? Manbart ranch on KOO'e- timber thereon; b, the detectives'l]fy strolling Into a Penny nay River, opposite Tarry's. This (a) For the management of such shooting gallery on the Edgware Road property is Shaul fifty acres in extent, %--&nation lands and the sale or other disposal and Making quite a lengthy stay there, ���p to the Coro.# of which some ton acres are cleared of the timber grown thereon; his personality being very easily recog. and about live acres arA planted in (d) For the issuing of debcittulles nIzable by the rather peculiar features bearing fruit trees. The if)"ce was from time -to time for the purposewith which of the public are familiar providing for the purchase of such through the illustrated papers. THEY GROW FINE SEED DON'T lands to an amount not execoding Pew People realize the amount of $25,000 in any one year work which the visits of yol,(,Igjl rulersNearly anyone May Secure a Spica - No by-law shall be finally passvd mean to t1in Now Scotland Yard au- Qood Q6ality of That Found on Prince THE OLDEST MARQUIS did Growth of Hair, under this Act until the same shall thorities, nor the risks which have to Edward Island We. hav6 a remely that liar , 4 re have been approved in writing oy the be run by detectives, in frequenting Abergavenny has Fiery Energy and,'cord of growing 'hair and curing bald - Minister of Agriculture. the haunts Of well-known revolution- Three seed fairs were held on Rernarkatile Self -Control 110kis in 93 out of every 100 cases There are thousands of stony or fists to discover it any plan'$, Of violence Prince Edward Island this year, whilst where used according to directions for sandy hillsides and thousands of creek are afoot. A100t of The leaders in such three years ago there was 'only one. The distinction of being the banks now valueless that could bo movements are wt -11 known to tho oldest la reasonably length of time. , That So much Importance is attached to'like a strong ataternguj�_ turned to profitable account in the police of all countries, and any un- these that on two occasions the Island marquis belongs to the Marquis of may seem growing of timber. Tbere are llilirni- usual activity fit the way of communt- Legislature adjourned' in order tha. Abergavenny, who has entered upon it I$, and we mean it, to be, and no erable wood lots that could be made a cations between or "visits from such the members could attend and deliver' -its eighty-fifth Year. It Nvas Lord one AQUIld doubt iti uubij they have put source of mixed timber supply, Thera known clifiraciers, is notified flume- addresses at these fairs. Judges from our -claims to an actual test. are marshy locations In which cedar, diately to the country apparently tho Beaconstleld who payed a higli tri- We are so certain Rexalli 1931, Hair the mainland pronounce . the Island bate to his abilities and described ?1m olm and spruce could Le well and pro- object Of concentration. No known seed to be unsurpassed for quality Ir, Tonic will cure dandruff, .prevent fitably gr'wn, and not only would Anarchist or Niliflist is ever free from the Dominion. A shipment of select -d as poskssing the l%marlcab!e q alit.es I these reserves the vigilance of the p 1)f "fiery energy and perfer.-t qelf-,,on- baldness, stimulate the scalp and ha- erves form. a zoixrce oi fu- Olice, at- leaves ture thnbcr supply, but they �votjl(l be one shore for seed oats, sold to the Seed Govern trol." Lord Aborgavenny I 'been a fir roofs, stop falling hair and grow ranother without a notl_ inent Association at*Quebee, rca.i ivs a great aid in thL, rfvl;ulati�n of w,r ficatlon being flashed across to Ills ninety conts- per bus.liel, 2eO keen sportsman, and at onr�.tlnie %vrs new hair, that we personally give Yatf: r supply destination •-by the sleepless watchers one of tbo.best shots in t1i e country, our positive guarantee to refund ev- e i ginicr. I whose care, all unknown to the cheer• while he hunted the Erld _ack for Ory permy paid us for it in every ia- Ing crowds, has many -a time prevented many, years. The Nevl'ls are a fine E a witiorial gala -day from becouling a NIANI FOULEN 'HARWAY old faintly who trace their line ba�!h stance whorc it does not give entire 700 - MILES OF FENCV. scene of bloodshed, panic, and car• lalln satisfaction, to, the, user, to NVIIIIam the Onriquer. r and c nage. k Tv,11 - Rexall '193" Hair Tonic is as plea - The Time roe the Completion of Vari- tn$hipvdth the Fari of V�arw!vk Few Sovereigns. and their' families was known as the T!,(_ sant to use as clear spr;ng, water, I C.P.R. wilt 1.1-, un Miles of wiri fee OUSI-Ingst Has Been Lxtended are les to be envied by the ordinary 110101 . lly perfumed-.arld does not In Prairie Provinces venerable Lord. Aber�'. is dolightfu Irresponsible. lforson than the Czar of for his dcmocrat:v ways, g:id all the Russlas, his frail wi Tao time for the epinpletion.of the In joining, hip, ennlili3es al a 'i , (:Stii( grease or urs]' the hair. Two sizes,', - Over 5,003 mfl.s of wire wi*1 be ia�qj children. -The te,and little Manitoulin and North Shore Railway board.- Once he insist d b A 40c. •-and $1,00. With our guarautev wat lifulnesg:'.of his by the Canadian Paciiiv tli',s year- - in guards is never for a moment relaxed, from Sudbury to Little Current has lor sittin-9 ' an his r4d,t Land, t., 11), 1 back of. it; you certainly :,eke no Tisk building new f,,nec a along their lints in. Elven in Ills country residence of Tsar. been ext cnidvil to ler 31st, 1912; worthy's pQ,rtur1m1, .only 'at our store, W. S. It. Sold -es.. skoe Seld armed soldiers. are always. the In -ir. lwovin, and tho bonus of $5,00 a mile to Jan- 1101mcsf, Clinton, Every motlx6r should - realiza This quantity of wir.� -will build 700 within earshot, uary "1191 1911. i.The bonus nf.$2,000 at, and the royal children that the,skin of her baby is so miles of fcnce, which is the aftiount are. not left � unescorted at their chit- a wile and ilte land grant of $5,000: MM - tender that the -secretions of the suggested for the work, of thedish games. acres A mile 111adt to the Ontario, Ilud- year. a r. The, effect of this con� E;013,, - Illy alid Western body 9ften lead to -rashes, erup*- The.fencer, are seven strands high; the stant anx s Railway has lety and suspense is reported been tranqfvrrod to 1he Algonitf. Cell - tions, etc., all of which may be vire used'- being the, class. without to have a tri -lb removed by Zana-Euk and ille barbs. le depressing Influence tial I I lie (inic for earning U -Buk.Soap. Scores of upon the b-cautiful Czarilia's . health, tile jiul), ul to the Difleebridge so of Zam of .the old felic0s will be V.�- and there is. a certain restless, crying - babies, upon placed, but for flia most part the wire rather unchild-- rw1ing, Lilhe Railway. 11.1,; b" en -Rich 0-1his- examination,, are found to be like gravity -on the faces of the boy f'"d will 'be used in the (�olistl;uctiol . ext; ilded trow 1911 to 1912, from some form of skin of Czarevitab and tho little Grand Duch. and as fences Nvh�,re- (here aro :none at the, esses which Is, intensely. Pathetic. suffering present time.. irritation or heat," Use Z aream wholesome Euk So t% and apply -it of building is done by SLEF-Pi'NO IN LAUNDRIES The most digestible of nourishing bovOra$ds Zam Buv for the ba' The work con- Sh. .1atfies, \1'h i t 1i -y -.(-,haiig=d his bill Ealml;o the sores, and tract; the company supply the posts; "ONE MORE CHANCE"e the trouble will soon: Vanish. -s supplying the wire and 'espvc-ling jaullf"VAS so that where the contractors I , Mrs. L Hood. of 475 Alexander Ave.;,doing the. .Rork. This lattEx will - bn less. 1hall five 1+4-01)1O a;- ('r!p10y(.d says: ,Bolla IWity sores nea they liq sfe(lon lice 16 110 or ort which orimeout4roundrybdb3ermith and dqleof thlocl comnalieg. AFpnny Story at the expense,of.a tht(-Iaimdry uork isdone. C -P despite all tke preparations used, the M . an Who Imbibed Too Freely rofusoft to heal. I. Wolf; hint to 8t floniface Ho4pito,11 and he rellimined tbere-for two weeks.. At the end of A MAKING NEM FOREST flin.t time ho wm no butter, and we afafil twit hiln1nme. Y was t on ad." � 401 to try Zatni-liuk imd obtained a ellppl)% The street -tit. tho firmt few A I pp feations was very grmtfying and 1. continued with thove of the balm. A little perseverattee resulted in a cow- plato cure," 'Lam -Bug Soap Is s6la by 411 Driistglat6 at 25o per tablet and Zarri-Buk Balul 'at 60c box. The Zam-Buk treatment qttickly cures eczema. ulcers, sores, tin worill, eruptions, pinlplpc heat rales. piles, CUW, burns and 'all skin injuries an I diseasos, An old soldier who had pawned Ills rnedals and lost was, at \Villesdenj granted an ord,.-r for the recovery of.h.'s property. ..BABY HEIR TO MILLIONS Some ifIcs, of the :wealtli to which the biaby son recently b6rn to Earl r, itz, William. is heir may be gathered froul. the fact that the late, peer's estate was valued A considerably over $10,000,00'0. Earl Fit7williarn has 191,ge estates In: England and Trcland which are said f, n amusing story, which. has -the merit of being -true, Is told of a gentle- -Legib'aticii which .%r!1l crablo en, -Iv beringThat gentleman awoke.- The I flames, ALE -and STOUT man well known Ill a town not far ties to lake up tiv.- iiiiestion of re .shadowy forms dodging' in and out . o . rclievv ponstipation, . nmatter. )ioiv Flom Dirmingh-am.' He had entered .ties waz Infr(tdPiced. by Hon murmur many tongues broke in u'pon his dazed He creates'4ppetite; miakes meals taste into festivities with. such zest that he Mr. Duff. It will .1)fmilh county romi ..an attitude of entreaty, was . heartl to etter; " shealthysleep. Keepit found. himself strangely drowsy when olls. to tiequire by lvuk' or purchas, chalice! always in.the house. Your dealer. he boarded his motor -car. Telling the. 'ands for HIP Inim-Va of rc-a-'fores ii 'lot) LONG ON THE ROAD el it' or You can order direct A letter posted in Spain 23 years ago chauffeur to, drive. o,n; he lay down on and Io issue 81; e, want' you to, try Rexall. Order - - lies •on our guarantee They aro, cat - the floor of the carp and soon was fast asleep. I The Mlese. vl*n(uris ar mn( to- (-xw*� (I -.251'000 1 and lo bl-svubjpm 21 John Labatt11 sentimentality With regard to the car sped away on its jour. Yai:- wo f • tileatment of" criminalsi and he bleads for th e� intr6duction of the cat-W-nin,e. all Ordorliee at out.. risk., sizes, ney, and the chauffeur, peering ahead,, -110'APIWOA-all 01' 111t., N1111 I& I.- falls and the triangle. LONDON- CANADA he saw, an unusual glare In the . SOME ANCIENT BREAD —1111b, Roxall storc,w. S. It. Holmes Chilton. -thought sky In the direction of his Master's house.. As lie approached nearer - he saw that the glare was caused by a big fire: -curious ---------- There -were crowds of sightseers, - :and . a Posse of police WHY 144,SiTATIn? blocked the fl -tip - Progress of the car. It -was at. this point that the slum- 'Risk beringThat gentleman awoke.- The I flames, Those Who Acetol It. Roqend1fig, through the Styglan-night, We artj So Positive our remody will .shadowy forms dodging' in and out . o . rclievv ponstipation, . nmatter. )ioiv amidst the smoke, and- the contused -of chronic. it-illay 0, that' we' offer to murmur many tongues broke in u'pon his dazed He fuy.lish it free of all cost it it�, fall . sf, ,consciousness. T i noaned and then, knet�llug down In Const',patioil, is cauwd'by weak - ..an attitude of entreaty, was . heartl to ness ofthat nerves and muscles of t;h( 5 say: . "0, Lord, 'give me ollo more large intrstines. or. da4cmdilig Colon. chalice! To ci�pcct a eurLt you must thereforis a working Man A1,1, your life. Take 'the firststepr tone up and sirt'lig-t those ergans LONG ON THE ROAD and restorit them to -healthier' act - A letter posted in Spain 23 years ago ivrity. has just been dellvereid in -ShottS -with- 81; e, want' you to, try Rexall. Order - Out a;. word of expl=ation.Perhaps the atithorl ties thought. such a courtesy lies •on our guarantee They aro, cat - Would be superfluous considerl- that ,n, like candy., and,art particularly produce him nearly $700,000 a Y6ar. 'Earl- BENJAM IN W F W 0 0 D. both the sender and the addressee died i:l(:Il for. ebiltheen. Theis act- directly A praetical-minded Peer, thehas -,'.;r- years ago. on tho nerves and muscles or.thic bo - played many parts;.Sind distinguished .!or rorniito, Vrir-1.41ent or the 11rM , rh Most of the wealtivy men In the Dominion started w(h, They have a. neutral action ',on himself as a inechanic,,ir .fning eng]. neer, big -game hunter, soldier, W0C.4111fe ao,�()Cfat ion WANTS CAT -01 -NINE TAILS -tho other organs or-kilands. The do politi. clan, and magistrate, rr.. a now-eunwr to U hada. an 'a- A jurymsh -i�,lio was oil duty at itic lot purge, or caiw2 •any inconvenience a working Man A1,1, your life. Take 'the firststepr soot-ish.Circuit Court states, that the whatever. TI will positively Over -1 with us THIS week. 26 work has convinced him that the cont. conic' chronic. or habitual conAlpation munity Is• getting, into a' condition of and the `lily f associate or a 0 p sentimentality With regard to the pendent •chronic ailments.: Try Rox.- Paid-up Capital, $1,900,000; Reserve, $1,800;000; Assets over $12,500,000 • tileatment of" criminalsi and he bleads for th e� intr6duction of the cat-W-nin,e. all Ordorliee at out.. risk., sizes, falls and the triangle. 'old -only at our stois., 1.0c, anal S EOPLE use ML Floorglaze for th'P hulls , _4.,........_._ 1 -1 . SOME ANCIENT BREAD —1111b, Roxall storc,w. S. It. Holmes Chilton. HOMESEEKER'S' ]EXCURSIONS TO Manitoba, Saskatchowao, Alberta special trains leave Toronto 2.00 O.M. on APRIL 4. 18 MAY 2, 10, 38 JUNE 13, 21 JULY 11, 96 AUO. 8, 92 , SEPT. 6, 14 Second class tickets from Ontario stations to principal NoTthwco p6ints at L6W ROUND-TIRIP RATES Inn and return $33,00; Edafonion and return $4L , an toother poinhinptossor0on. Tickets Yootl it, return within 60 slays from oobt date, T Al Sir SLP.P.PING CANS on all exenrlions. cardoitable tertlyi, lolly t4ullt*d 10d &I oioclersk 6 rpte Is VAQ. W,44, rtp h = Early elpolleition mutt be ThIde ASK FOR NOMItISCICKIMS, OAMPHLEi tontalsine irsiumf and MI ifflortnation. AoOy to inearest C.P.A. Amt or to R. L.Tifornwit, Dist. Pam, Ait,. Tftonto. 1'IOW Olkl�t _LIN,E.­­ NO 91N.A916E 'Of 9110 , i" iv. JA('XS0N, A(47-NNT, CLINFOX NO CHANCE OF LIL ARTITVR, San Francisco, April 3.—Although Jack Johnson offe*d, to' leave 'Cali- fornia forever if'rel,cased fmin. jail lie was refused permission, and is now REDT-70ED RATES FOR ONE-WAY Galls ODDS buoy cleaning out the, stables at t1lits County Jail. Ilemut serve his 95- TIOXETS, (lay sentences, 11TA.!R(11I 10th TO Arlim, l0TII CLUSIVE. Ill; ..WAATED Tb.e Cliildrenls Hair $41,75 to Vancouver B. C., Spokane, :1 A Little, Extra Care Now hfay, Save, Wash., Seattle, Wash., Portland, STCADY WORK. After Years of regret otogon,I $41.76 to San Francisco, V.al., Chilai-en play so hard that"018 GOOD WAGE"* tho licaa Angeles, Cal., 1XIevico City. perspires and the half has a tolldo)1ci. In mat find 9(,.t sticky Oil tile scalp. Above ratos ave one waV %tt,.ond class, So, 1) acid water doesn't -"ern to re- These rftbOa apply from Clinton, Pr(:)'" move It, but the hair must breatilt, to 114D h(U-111thY. Just t1,31 Nyal's lllrsu• portionate rates from other poinW. tone. R111) it into the l'00tS of the Im:r Full particulars and tickets . jrarA with the balls of the 11119ells. The elilldron 111to it and wlII ask you to John Ransford, Town Agent Use It, 11irputone loosens up tile 4c. A . 0, Patteson, Depot Agent.Clinto-n41(ftittillig, o Cs. 01111lulated -.lust and perspiration and 00 11(tir alid pealp can tfien -bo easily and tIl()r0U'9hIY cleaned. After It is dried give another application of 111r. sutone, I After vou have used it for ft, W11110 You W111 WIT'lit It is thebest you have ever iised^Youv xymi the. HURON C()UNTY tore will. cheortully guaratite(A ITIrAu, tone to do all that Is Claimed for It, 5ol,d and Guaranteed by W, S. R. 6 E, Holmes, J. NovqW. , , A. clinitoul• . --- � th t, ng Happenings wo r -orrin i raw are always mated it, • As* one for earl everY&Y Wment THE NEW .S4111RECOR'' D I .J The Working Men Who Save, are the .,o. hes who get ahead ... Most of the wealtivy men In the Dominion started to build their fortunes on a small. scale. They 'saved industriously. And with their savings they were enabled to take advantage of.opportunkties tompke more. money, tend thus bocome wealthy. Yol.1 don't Want to be a working Man A1,1, your life. Take 'the firststepr towards. independence by starting a Savings.Account N with us THIS week. 26 XOR OjX'4 S E I LAO R ft &,.'S]RV111JG&.,G Paid-up Capital, $1,900,000; Reserve, $1,800;000; Assets over $12,500,000 442 nichmorid SL, Lonklon, incorporated 1864. 366 Talbot St., I St.. T1,10nia NO CHANCE OF LIL ARTITVR, San Francisco, April 3.—Although Jack Johnson offe*d, to' leave 'Cali- fornia forever if'rel,cased fmin. jail lie was refused permission, and is now REDT-70ED RATES FOR ONE-WAY Galls ODDS buoy cleaning out the, stables at t1lits County Jail. Ilemut serve his 95- TIOXETS, (lay sentences, 11TA.!R(11I 10th TO Arlim, l0TII CLUSIVE. Ill; ..WAATED Tb.e Cliildrenls Hair $41,75 to Vancouver B. C., Spokane, :1 A Little, Extra Care Now hfay, Save, Wash., Seattle, Wash., Portland, STCADY WORK. After Years of regret otogon,I $41.76 to San Francisco, V.al., Chilai-en play so hard that"018 GOOD WAGE"* tho licaa Angeles, Cal., 1XIevico City. perspires and the half has a tolldo)1ci. In mat find 9(,.t sticky Oil tile scalp. Above ratos ave one waV %tt,.ond class, So, 1) acid water doesn't -"ern to re- These rftbOa apply from Clinton, Pr(:)'" move It, but the hair must breatilt, to 114D h(U-111thY. Just t1,31 Nyal's lllrsu• portionate rates from other poinW. tone. R111) it into the l'00tS of the Im:r Full particulars and tickets . jrarA with the balls of the 11119ells. The elilldron 111to it and wlII ask you to John Ransford, Town Agent Use It, 11irputone loosens up tile 4c. A . 0, Patteson, Depot Agent.Clinto-n41(ftittillig, o Cs. 01111lulated -.lust and perspiration and 00 11(tir alid pealp can tfien -bo easily and tIl()r0U'9hIY cleaned. After It is dried give another application of 111r. sutone, I After vou have used it for ft, W11110 You W111 WIT'lit It is thebest you have ever iised^Youv xymi the. HURON C()UNTY tore will. cheortully guaratite(A ITIrAu, tone to do all that Is Claimed for It, 5ol,d and Guaranteed by W, S. R. 6 E, Holmes, J. NovqW. , , A. clinitoul• . --- � th t, ng Happenings wo r -orrin i raw are always mated it, • As* one for earl everY&Y Wment THE NEW .S4111RECOR'' D I .J