HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1911-04-06, Page 5■'. ■ April 6th, 1911od�crch BOYS BOYS BOYS Je+Vn Srsklne......,........190 Auburn Mr. Grio• Dissett of the po$toffrcp Mr. and Mrs, W. PaM, t rgou vent to $1*11' xetutuO the ' eisd a1' lfast week G,oderfch Saturdays evenint with. tYtWr .i'90M a trip to 'the west, wbither he aou, Clifford, who underwent an op. Went tq attrird the funeral of his enation that evening for tub removal brother, , He found the; weather- in of an abcoss behind his ear. We are Ile western country very cold. glad to say that the little lad 1s do. Mr. Robt. McLean has gone to the 1119 wall• v st with a cargo of fine horses, We Mrs. R'ow•0a• returned W London on trust some of. our horsemen may car. Monday of this week. Zy oft some of the prizes at the Van- Misses C'artai and Sclater were cou,ver, B.C., 1+'air, to be hold in. a :guest's of Mrs. W. Watson for a few •couple of months. days last week, The Woman's Institute are giving anMiss Winnie 'Thompson of Blyth vi,t- in Oddfellows hail to- ited at the Ematt home an Sunday. nighrtatlnmeart - night. Thio Epworth League spent a very On the last Sunday in March col. pleasant social evening' ai the Bonne of Mr, and Mrs. Naylor lash week. IvOt'ions wore tuke:n up in.the, churches Mr, Claroacse Cox returned home for the China, Famine Fund. Nearly Friday evening. He has been in (ht• -$150 was collected,. Rainy River District for the last six. rMra. (Dr.), Clark gave a euchre par. teen months and looks. as, if the slim- ty fo'llowel by a dance, for heir daugh- ate agreed with him, ter on Fr! day awning last. The Epworth League purpmx. to The Menesetuns Carne Club intend give an entertairmuemt during Faster putting on the play, "That County week which promises to be unique in Fair" some time this month, its character, which will take the The Camamissionerg of West Huron form of ''An Old. Maid's Convention," tui11 meet in Godericli on the 21st. Mr. and Mrs. J. Si ungblut- bava rnov., irs. Maud Moore is Somewhat in_ ed to Mrs. Stitt's house. Miss Maggie King is suffdning .from, disposed, we are sorry to learn. Hmji friends hope soon to hear of her ret- 'a severi_i attack of erysipelas in her 'face, -covery. , Mrs.Howatt, s The work of preparing the steam- w hparalys slastSFriday and at gra for the opening of navigation 'has lalt rtlrport was . in a sea+Jous condi- bera mucli; retarded by the continued tion. J wintery weather.. Miss Mfnnle Naegal pf-Ctotborne is Miss Vida Brown has gone to visit the guest of her ' unclt;, Mr•. J. Law-•' iriends In Kenora. son. Airs. John,Manson of Blake is tine Miss Miude.Fergusoma QC Goderich• 'at..he ,•nest of Mr, and MA. Walter E. KeI- ampenb Sunday i hom a here. ly. At the Methodist Wuroli a good -Mrs, Martin J. Hays of Houston, collection was taken up to 'aid the "Texas, is the gueetof her . mother, China Relief Fuzed. Dors. (Capt.1 Cribson .of Afton Lodge.' Mr. I-1. Fremlin of Clinton, paid Au - Mr. A. Forcer has been obliged to burn friuncs a visit avim Sunday. resign the oft'ige of manager of the Wilfred Crich .... •, ..60 Rural Telcphont• Co., on account of yell health. Bora In Auburn,' Be' t We 11.1eret to Iearn of the illness of comes Mayor of Berkley, rlrs. Townshend. Her friends are Cal. boping for her early recovery, Mrs. Thos, Bates has also been ill Bor&vy, Cal., April, I. -For. the and a patient in the hospital: first time. fin the history of California Air. Alex. Roblason. has; removed a Socialist was .elected mayor of a from South street to.the house on city of this state -when J. Stitt Wil - Stanley street' lately occupied by Mrs. son today. .defeated Beverly Ilogs- _lndrew Duff, head, the Republican candidate for It is rumoured that the training mayor of Beiikc.10, who was support - camp will be at Goderich .in Juno. ed in a speech by Roosevelt Messrs. Costie and. Dan Wiggins _Thioadore Wilson was Sociahist candidate for have gone west. with a car• of settler's governor lasts November. . elT•ects,. Saskatoon. Sask., was the ' Ile was born at Auburn, .Ontario, in point they started for. They evident-. 1868. and after comp.luting a grammar -1y intend to try farming for a while r43hool course in Canada went to instead of fishing. Northwestern Urdversttcy at Evans- Mrs. J. M. Fiend recently attended ton,' near Chicago,' Ile entered ' . the the golden wedding anniversary of her Methodist ministry and was married parents, Mr. and Mrs, Patterson . of in Wingham, Ont. Agincourt. -Immediately on hon re- Ile rosigned his pulpit in Chicago' turn home she received word of.. the in 1897 and has since devoted liinir elf, death of h.,*n mother, who died sad- to. what he calls "'evangeiica,l• social- .lenly of heart failure. ism." Captain Babb of the Ocean House Auburn, April 4th. -Mr: J. Stitt. has. bden ill for some weeks but :-.at Wilson, who. has been elected May- ]ast reports he was recovering. or 'of the city :of . Berkeluy, Cal., Mr. J. J. Wright of • the Parke fa a• native of this village. His House celebrated his seventy-eighth fatlier.was• William Wilson who ear - birthday on Mbreb 28th. We colt- ried on shoe -making and. also had '- a gratulate Mr. 'Wright and wish him small grocery herein the early • days ina,ny happy returns. • of Aubram. There wore five sons and The last meeting L of the season of one daughter in.tho . family which left#. the Ladies' Auxiliary of the ....M.C. Auburn twenty-seven .yi ars ago. A. met on Saturday.of last ' wdek ter of Dfr. and Mrs. Richard De- at the home of Mrs, McKim, when Wo will announce it .here. various business matrtdro were discus- Inductioti of the. sed. Refreshments were sdrvod%. by • the hostessand the meeting adjourn- Rev. W., H. Dunbar. cd to meet in Septolnber. ' �otw'ithstanding The congregation of North- street. 1`' the very unsatis- �6hurch are contemplating' the put_ factory state ofthe roads almost 400 chase of a now organ. people witnessed fihe, Induction of tlic On March 21st Mr. and Mrs. Ash- Rev. W If.. Dunbar to the 'parish of ton celebrated their golden wedding Bervie, etc,, on Sunday, 'March 26th. at the home of their daughter, Mea. The .Venerable, 'the Archdeacon of .Jas. Jewell. A number of guests Perth, the Rev, Dr. - MacfCenzie; 'con- . •were• present includin0i M,iv, Mason; ducted .tit, service which was solemn 331yth, Mrs. Walters, Colborne, Mrs. throughout{: The Archdeacon,' having Hart of town.and Mr.. Rdbt. Nott of read the Mandate of Induction, pro - Ohio, all of whom attended the wed- ceeded with the churchwardens. and' ding IXty yearq ago. Mr. and DTPs.' the new.incumbent to Lite door where Ashton were presented by, their fapii•i- ho was inductad into possession of the ly with a purse of gold:. The at. church—thenewly inducted incumbent fair wentoff very pleasantly: tolling the bell to signify to the par- ' Commissioner Murney, wt regrot•to. ishioners his so taking possession: say, suffered a.relapse the other They Bien proceeded to the font, the _day, but we hope soon to hair culcouraging prayer desk, the lecturn, thtt pulpit reports of him. and the Lords table where admoni- Mr. D.onaId McIver left on Thuis- tions were .given and responses made *lay for Wiarton, where he will pursue by the new incumbent. After which itis occupation .of fishing: the Archdeacon praa.chvd an. eloquent, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Straiton have appropriate and me sa inters+ting sur - I iburnerd from' a pleasant visit with mon from 2nd Corinthians .4-5,: set- -Mr. Straiton's. sislim, Mrs. Citasiey ting forththo duty,oi the niinisWr •to of Seaforth. the people and the duty of the people lir. James Straugh hasr returned to .the tiinister. IIs called the ` at- fmom a visit in Leamington, where. hal. tention of Chet coin) regatioil to the was t:le guest of Mt. Ed. Ilende'rson; high titles given to ministers, ambas= brother of Mr. Gen. TIcnderson tit sad'om of God -Stewards• of the mys- town. Mr.' Strouglr -also paid a� vi .ft ter.ies of God -Sent of God alnd, your In Walkerville and was greatly int-. Servants 'for Jesu,; sake. Ltab in I isr rresb3d in the Bug Dairy bh6re. . ters should bo puffed up by ttlese high Mr. Karl Wilken, for some time ten- titles, they are told to be blameless, r•.r soloist of Knox church, was pre- to ba humble, gentle, kind, living am-.. rented by the choir after choir prat- ongst their people vet separatod from t ice one evening Iasi; week, with a, them. The sermon was :listened to handsome gold -mounted umbrella; as with rapt. attention and heartily en - a mark of appreciation. Afro. Ilunter joyed by all. At the close the Arch- �erved , a dainty, little lunch in fife deacon congratulated the people on lecture room, and Prof. Huntor made thtt fine buildings they possysiyed and the fact that there was not a dol - the prese-ntation in a, neat little' r. Ross, peech. The pastas, Rev. G. I. on of debt on tri 11r a 4 pall.ill. and Rev. Mr. Ilarnilton a1w c+ach .,•poke of tha high service rendered by %fr. Wilken and expressed regret at y Baby s Own Tablets leis departure. Mr. Wilken, after few days at his hbme. in r Cure Constipation. %pending a Clinton, left last week for Vancouver, B.C. His Goderich friends wish him ytsty other .troubles afTlletr the lit- success. tie ono.z as doe y constlpat'ion, l2:ve111 Thtt choin of North street church change of diet st+ams tin bring this presented Mrs.. King, wife of Orgax,- trouble on and baby ;4affe'rs from i, -;,t King, with a r4old.pieco, in appre- headaches, fever, disturned sleep and ciation of her services as soloist, at often vioAting, No baby who . sul- a very pleasant social gathering af. fors from constipation- can thrive ter ohcdr practice last week, Re. well. Coneitlipated babies AM cross Sresh'merits -were served in the church all the tilmo and give mothers con - parlors and speeches were made by stant worry, The one sure relief -for Rev, Dr. Dougall, Mr. Chas. Humber baby's oonstipat+ion rs Baby s Own and Mr. fridham. Tablots—they never fail to cure this. Miu. Andrew Duff. and her:daught ftz,. trouble and can be given,. to tdre lit - plias Duff, lift+lasts week for Detroit, tic one whill absolute s-tfety;� Conj Where tboy will reside with the for- corning them Mrs. W. ,S,. XOKonzf ti mdr's son, Mr. Albert Duff, who • re- Prairie Grange, Alta.. `sprites v "1 eiontly re noted from Ludington to used Baby's Own: Tablets, for my Mr's. Duff tial+ Mt.% connect- baby who, was constipated Ct6M birth ,,,'pptroit►. cd since coming to town with all the and t'hety • rapidly helped her and left work of Knox: church and was a mein;- her bowcls.in a natural condition," bei of the W.O.T.U., and will be The "T'ableta att- sold by ritediolne tnuclr misfxd. The many "friends of d0ale'rs or at 25 cents a�. box from the faMily hems wish• ihtimm health and The Dr. WIlli4ton' iwledieine Co., vro,tiotity in 'their naw s'arroundings. Spoe"eviller, ont, Clinton. Public School Report for Mlefch. Report for Maa L'l rch of thfnton. Public School. average atteadaucef0l I st Division Carman. Hoare .... ... , . 77 p.c. Harold Holmes .......,....75 Helen Rodawa►y .........,..74 Cela Beacom.... • ....72 Harve Walker.............68 Arnold Rathwell..... ..00 Harry Shaw ...1.. • . ....00 Lulu Howe ................ o5 Margaret Mchla gact ..64 ,Pearl Junor,. ..... ,03 Harold Kilty, ............ 03 Percy Wheatley............ 61 Chester Marshall..... .... ,6Q 2nd Division Clinton News-Recorel Margaret Cre4.... ,,......104 BOYS BOYS BOYS Je+Vn Srsklne......,........190 1 • ets of Butter and Eggs for 0 • which we always • ys pay the High. 8 188 ,.Geos a Horaley .......... «•188 Wilbur 06mo.............. The Gan adlan Cents era se>?d1>tg Harry Sloman............ .187 •20 Canadian: Boyson. a five wtoks Nelllai Cooper .... .. •... ,18d trrl to Iazigland Burin the coa'ona- u. Jean Miller.... , . . 1• Their advertisement appears in Cecil Turner................1$ this issue and -will; be read with in Third Class est, by our boys. Ray Finch... 105` of choice breeding from an imported Cow and glred by the Cruickshank Lillian Judd.,,.,. ......1o5 n nn G. L, COOK, Prop. Lucy Levy.,.,........ ,....101` , , .. , , , 50 --Minnie Ker, Teacher Harold Lawson ......, ,. , . ,102' LOST ABOUT B1411011 7th, A FOX Ruth Evans................1.31 Helen Roberton....,...... 101 Iiound, black and white, head ye1- Russel Battey ...............9U. low and mottled, piece out of point Jessle A14guu e.... ........85 of one ear. Coarse haired. Inform - Percy Livermore .. ... , ....82 ation leading to its recovery will Douglas Ball...... ....81 (7ordon LKw$on.. be suitably, rewardoil. Any person ..•,. •7R Lawrence Wheatley..... •. , .71 known to be harboring the dog w111' Second Class be prosecuted. J. T. Reid, Bruce - Helen Grigg ...............08 field. -72 Edith. Herman..............05 Keyes .........85 Murray McNeil 4 5 Have Irou TrIod R0 T.o N�,+' .. • Vic, bac ixn, 15 .'TORS' 0 BIG F.A� • The celebrated County Fair is It Will pay yon to do Q 0 over. -- BUT O SO. The Big Stock and • Seed .Fair of Iluron County is • corning. • -- • '- 3RD STORE FROM TOWN HALL On Thursday, April 6th, we .� • will be "At Rome" to receive • • our friendsmith their big busk- 0 Seniors BwrbaraGibb............... 92 Walter Osbaldeston --,.—,�,- 1 • ets of Butter and Eggs for 0 • which we always • ys pay the High. TERMS, - CASH. .._.. Frank Pennebaker ,. g,4 Frank Nediger• ....89 George Menuell ... .. , ,S1 FOR S ALE,-FLMti'UnST SHORT- • �. est prices. interest t0"t118 CIiBCri'I14iIlatill WOI11011 g , , , ...,..._...82 Gertie Wallis ...... .........81 Luella McGlinchy, •••••.,•,80 Elsie Cooper ....... . ...... ..76 Horns. One extra good young Bull • • All daylong this big store will who appreciate., a modish hat. far tear Foster Copp...... , ... ...79 HarrietCantelon 79 • • • ^ • . Oliver Murphy , , , , .... , . ,74 y •"" Kathleen Livermore of choice breeding from an imported Cow and glred by the Cruickshank be at your disposal to leave your ip wraps b baskets I n nn G. L, COOK, Prop. Gifford Beaton......... ....77 , , .. , , , 50 --Minnie Ker, Teacher Brawith Bud Bull Merry Bud 67395. p . and creels. p • 0. • 1119peC;i011 with' the -full confidence of . Jennie Miller. ..... ....,?4 Charlie Cantelon Sadie Walsh`......... ..89 Pecten. Forrester.... Also a few choice heifers of similar . • Make yourselves at home .and 0 being able to1 our Easter Hat, '. �' pP Y Y ' , . . , ..73 Carman Turner,...... , , ..87 Mar jurie Bar gge....... . ...87 - ` Muth breeding. Prices reasonable. Ap- • bu all the Groceries • • you re - ..supply whether for. tailored wear or for dress. . ..,..72 Albert Shier .......... ....71 Mal'1'l;lges. ply to, W. J. Biggins, Elmhurst quite. O •, 'Geo'rge Carter.;r, • «,.. , r «.. ,IW Juniors Clara Twftchell . Keyes .........85 Murray McNeil Farm, Box` 263, Clinton P. O. --72 Come end bring the family to �. , ..... , Annie Yesbec , .. , . .... , .7s Mervyn II:>'rGHIES-STE'VENS--Ifs Clinton, Kown, .aged 6.4 years. McQUARRIE—Iii' Blyth, . March 23rd, 'Hugh McQuarric, his O the Big §how. • 0 Glasses that -. Elliott ....,71 ......,.71 on Murch 30th,. by Rev, T. W. son . 20x30,' good orchard and nw+- - ; Clintony CCaok. ,. Cosens, Annetta, youngest Baugh- FOR SALE --E s for Hatching from gg !� a �'�� - ._.....:,........:_ • beautify. Willie Gould.. ...,..,. 68 Frances Reynolds.... . ,•67 ter of Mr. Jas: Stevens, to.. Her- barb Hughey, Pen of Single Comb White Ltlghorns', bred from winners at East Toronto, ! ) i • W. T. Q Erastrain produces that worn, worried, rs Arnold Glazier... ; , , . , . ,66 Eleanor MacKegzie•• •...64 Fort. William. VAN2DVEIRU)3GH'--PROCTOR t -he Hamilton and Huron Poultma shows, 1 • N � l L �. • d pconle which m & a n e w h'i c h m s r.1 Douglas Shipley.............6s. .At residence of the bride's uncle Mr.. Also pen.of Single Comb Brown Leg:. 0 • 0 otherwi.a beeuttruk features, Eva Carter.,. .......,8d Sara Baines Joseph Proctor Holmosville.� on helms, everlasting layers, mated to � "The flub Grocery,'• O • we remove ere.tralot, We sew a dieYeS•rin� d .... , . , ,..81 Nora Kennedy...... 60 Apui) 0%, by 'R,ev. , T. M. Snowden, ,' them a Grand Cockerel that took wrinkles disappear. , . , . , Oliver Johnston ..60 Jeanie May Proctor, g y . daughter of first in sales Class at Guelph, ph, fortq O 0 • # 0 t 0 0.O • .• • • a _ - Wilfred Crich .... •, ..60 the lata John Proctor, to Thomas birds competing, also first at Huron 7th Division Senior Class. Marks obtainable 250 an, Bayfiuld. --73 Hartley Manahan.... .,....67 W. Vandenburgh of Port'ca+'sH'ill. Poultry Show,. Eggs Froin eibheil Rands... , , , �2 GordonZ�lordHall.......... .....191 -M.'E. Chidley, Teacher. STEWART-HOWITT-At the - Recto. M those pens five cents api"..-- J \.J =�-�-r '3r4 Division ry;, Wing'nam, on March 22nd, by John Pollock, Bayfield. -71 ..1J �T - Senior Class. Rev. E. 1-1, 'Croly, Charles. Stew- art,. of West Wawanosh•, to Mabel BREAD ~� Lyda Morrish. ...........93 ; Doreen Stephenson , .. , , .86 Harold Hill... ........... 84 Howit+t' of London IJ>r land, , g VARLEY—ANGELL—Ab the Manse, FOR SA2 " LE -BARRED ROCk EGGS from a Pen of my be.�,b winter lay- Let ib sufl5ce that it tastes Winnie Draper ,.,SU P. Egm,ondville, on March 28th, by ors, headed by laa?ge Millard cochur- good and of itself comics the �. Percy Ladd , ...... , , 79 Gordon McCartney...........77 Rev. N, Shaw. John James Vaz�- el. Bens axe large size, right inevitable conviction t'lrat it,: t ' MUST BE GOOD.. t\ �•' Irene Cole..:. ,•76 ..... ley to Flora Adelaide, Angell,. both_ shape, good color', and nicely bare . 1 , Margaret Walker, ....... , ..76 of Tuckersnrtiit�h. ed. Eggs $1.25 per 15, Also Blue Strictly. Junior Class, N•ICHOfIrS0N-DeL.PN1G-Ajt Weholme Andalusian eggs from hens that Erskine Evans , 89 Mary Ghidley. ..... .....So Elenor Kemp. 83 of the bride's parents, Goderlch, on; March 25tb, by Rev, Jas. Ham- laid when 5k months old, Eggs $1,00 pttn 15.. Poor hatch replaced P Betwneri ourselv;80 this instinct : . is a nett p ' y .reliable guide. A GRIGG A. J. Leona Nediger •• •8i Ilton, Lillian {rrabe. Palms.:, Baugh- free of charge. II. A. Hovey, Clin- I{cep a Lookout fon Our 1�iEGy LOAF: 1► M-cientiRc jeweler Lulu Bailey ..: . .. . ..... . . .78 ter of Dfr. and Mrs. Richard De- ton. 1000 muskrat skins wanted, Wo will announce it .here. and Optician Mabel Hewitt ...............73 Marjorie McMath..... 72 Long, -to C:harins T.' •Niicholson, also othon kinds.—I-1. A. Hovey. -47-' 42 PHONE 42 CLINTON; ONT. erich. Berta Jackson........ ..770 Dowzer of Port' Huron, formerly of . God - ._.�._. W. H. Agnew - M Mildred Cook. ...... ..... 00 Births. FARM FOR SALE—Lot north half Lois Holmes... 67 Wilson, Teacher, 20, con. .12, Hutlett, consisting .of 'r`o 4th Division HOL''SE—In Clfntvn on '1pri1' 0th to 50 acres. All seedud down except t' u ` Sr l 10 acres. Small orchard. Frame 3rd Class. DIE. and Bits., Jahn I2. Ilouse a D I T D dowse and bank barn with' stablin � Leota kiarland. . ....... . ....90 Leofin Hearn. ...... 89 Aileen Armour. ......:.,;58 Marshal ........,;87: Bugene Sbeeley ... t3ii Cha►rlotte Sheely .. ,.. ,fz4' Marian Gibbings......... ..81• 'Hannah Argent....., ........80 George Evans........, '' 'f Frieda. Wallis,..... .,,,.75 son, McKAY—In .Tuckursmith, on March 25th to Mz+: and Mrs. John Me- � Kay, a daughter.. HIND—IILWinghaln, March 20, to VIE.' and Mrs', F. J. Hind, a slaughter. ELLIOTT-In Wingllam, on, March 27th, to Mr. and Mrs. W. B. E1- El - On Gravel road 1 mile north of Londesboro. ?l . wile from, school. Apply on the: prerrrrses qfi address Richard Shaddick Londesboro P.O.. -75 O'Mabel Milliner Parlor . will 'provide an exhibit `of seasonable exhibit . , FOR. SALE AT A BARGAIN -17 , . Cla►rence Finch ..74 Joe Nelson ..: ,. 74 Nott,daughter.,,FARM a . HAR1DY=In Godericli, nit March 4th, FOR. SALE—That valuable property, Iot• 40, con.. 3, L.R.S. Al- interest t0"t118 CIiBCri'I14iIlatill WOI11011 g brick house, ha=d and: sof 1: water, Will Slornan 4.70 to , Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Hardy, a so lob 30,:con. 3, II2 &S., West End who appreciate., a modish hat. far tear ' MISS C,9NT110N & Clifford_Graelis .,06 Florence.Smith.....,. -daughtar. Tuckersm,ith Count , . - y til Huron, con- with her.S rin Ciosiume. We invite p : g a .,...70 . Fred Wallis • .... , • ;7J .. .,.66 Jr. 3rd DUFF -In Dungannon; on March' 21st, tiaining 1'30 acres. It is wetl 'under- 1119peC;i011 with' the -full confidence of . ers should take advantage of the' Sadie Walsh`......... ..89 Pecten. Forrester.... to Mr, and Mrs. E. 0. Duff, a son.' draatined and, in first-class state of cuitdvatlon. On lot 40 is a being able to1 our Easter Hat, '. �' pP Y Y ' " forb ddCn. Parties found trespassing, , , ..87 Mar jurie Bar gge....... . ...87 - ` Muth Deaths . good bank • barn, 50x114, with. driving ..supply whether for. tailored wear or for dress. . --- McMath , . ..8B Clifton Townsend .....,...85 'Willena McKOV N=In Clinton, on April 4th, shed also a 9-roomed house with woodshed. 'Thdre is windmill 'Geo'rge Carter.;r, • «,.. , r «.. ,IW .: Annie Lawrence.............78 Keyes .........85 Murray McNeil Jade Potts, .wife of Alfred' Me- and tank with water at house .and HOUSE TO RENT ON MAPLE .............82 Nettie•Glazier...............81. -Mary Rothwell....... , ,79 Kown, .aged 6.4 years. McQUARRIE—Iii' Blyth, . March 23rd, 'Hugh McQuarric, his barn; also 4 acres of good orchard. Lot 30 has frame barn, 20x50, and' SMART TAILORED HATS,' TORUES, BON -. Orville Murphy .... . ...76 in 77#11 son . 20x30,' good orchard and nw+- - Ambrose Maguire ......... • .� Mildred Livermore Mattis Mattie Shipley , :.72 Elsie Graelis . ....... .. 70 year, illLEY—In Hullett on. March 27th er failing well. Thin is one of thu NETS SMALL SHAPES AND LARGE P-0. =•67 HairoldManaing +.70 Fred Grimes ...... 08 Robert Riley,aired 33 years, 1' month 1 day.. best farms do Western .Ontario. It is conveniently situated to school. y ' ROLL BRIT SAILORS -L. Stevens Teacher, and and church; 5 'Milos from Clinton . , , , ..0I Leighton Walker............OU 5th Division HAWT'HORNE-In Winghaxii; on i12ar. . and 7.fro¢n Seaforth: . Willi s 1 eli to - Wi. Those having same will please also' a 20 acre fruit farm near God- Senior Class i -1e rry Rance. , ............, .93 ltrnest Livermore.'.. . • .....93 .arry Law_rence.,...:.... 93 leta Dunford.........:.. 9 Alex Eagleson ..:..........90 26th, Hannah Ingram, wife of. W. J.. Hawthorne, in her: 3&th iycar. HEN DI;RSON 'In Win liam; on Mar. O ?6th„ Norman, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. IIpnderson, aged' 10 ©then or would divide g Property.- G. W. Nott, Clinton.: 70 [Zed.door louth,ol' town hall.] . , FOR. SALE AT A BARGAIN -17 Ethel Wasman................89 . Lido Livermore.,...: , .: , ...89 years. acres of good clay loam. Nice house, barn and garden on Ontario Ernest Hail ..,.............. :SS brick house, ha=d and: sof 1: water, street, Clinton, Apply, at house or 1000 CHERRY TREES FOR SATE-: Tri lo:A9 of 25 for .$5.p0; Tret+a here Madelon Shaw..... Wilfred Seeley .............88 Bossee Harland .. • :......85 bank barn, diive house, hog pdn: • , Good orchard, all kinds fruit: Sit- noted on Base Lino; outside corpol� ' MISS C,9NT110N & Earle'Lfvermore 80 Pearl Go,ald..... to be 3 fcat%igh. This fs. a. special . ation of tho town of Clinton. Ap- Ettie Argent.:...........:'.:75 .,...70 . Fred Wallis • .... , • ;7J ..,'bargain for one 'week and all • farm-. Pik on the premises or to Isaac Canadian O:il 190'P, ef '��11C1n. 1ALY1,erL%Can fie. Junior Class ers should take advantage of the' Bahr Clinton P.O. =67. ' lots 12 and 13, con.. 9, :Hulett, are Edna West......,'.... 9•i splendid offer'at such low ,figures " forb ddCn. Parties found trespassing, Helen `Ross,... 83 Robbie Schrenk... ' ,93 for high Class shock The Early -- --- Lawrence West .. ....80 Rrichmond As one nig tho l�stUbipp.ef1a.. MNrritt Nediger ... , 85 Flora Miller.... ! • • and canners know.ri, from the well FOR SALE. -D, JUNOR'S LARGE , ,8.t Marian Andrews .......,,.83 known firm of Brown Bros. nurser- house, barn and garden on Ontario Eula he Hill.... ..........81 ies.. For information and prices on street, Clinton, Apply, at house or Cora Miller .. .. ....;9. all kinds of fruits troes apply.to Jas.' Clinton P. 0.--65 Jimtay Walker ...77 Wong Chuen :......... .....76 n Steep, Agent, Box 102, Clinton. ,Rill • ff. M011r9 and Obys Ike�44lyMR& Suits ,l percent. 0 . Joseph Yesbee,....4*.......104 Ettie Argent.:...........:'.:75 :, '' 1p�.0 fruits loc. John Yesbec............. . IM -H. Courtice, Teacher. Canadian O:il 190'P, ef '��11C1n. 1ALY1,erL%Can fie. EIU1vTING AND S1106TIN.0 ON. 0th Division �s >l�e paid Fier arm produce. fTYgh t ph lots 12 and 13, con.. 9, :Hulett, are Sr. Class: 'PROPERTY, FOR SALE.• -Hardware " forb ddCn. Parties found trespassing, Helen `Ross,... 83 business for sale in Bayfuld. Two- will be,prosecu.ted according to Harold Bailey. 81 G.' W,.Barge .... ... .,.:..80 story.building, store, workshop.and hw.=The Owners. Oct-.:.A8th.,-51.. Willis Cooper' . . . .. . .. . ...'7v dwelling combined, also stable 26 'Geo'rge Carter.;r, • «,.. , r «.. ,IW .: Annie Lawrence.............78 x 36; Thiee lots •tvi•th orchard and Hattie .Livermore ... ..72 small tivits. ' Terins r-,asonable-Ap- HOUSE TO RENT ON MAPLE Georgle Shipley..............7L George Walker .. • • , 71 1 ra R. Rotiatt; Ba field, 74 ply y - . e street, 5 rooms, liard and soft wat- Stewart McBrieu.....,.:....70 -. er, 'good garden, woodshed, . Posses - Frances Yesbec...............69 Sion can be' given at once. --hits. G. Ambrose Maguire ......... • .� Mildred Livermore I)RA'1 BUSINESS . FOR SALE= -An- Stanbury, London Road, Clinton ,.65 Earl Johnson .............. . .04 Ply, to Frank. 'V'1'. Evans. --71 P-0. =•67 Bert Slornan .................63 Beryl. Cooper. ..OL Willie Boil... .... ..61 Ernest Braidahaw, . STABLE - ROOM WAN'T'ED FOR FARMS FOR •SALEI R FRUIT AND , , , ..0I Leighton Walker............OU the.. Spring Fair. Thursday, April (Train growing farms near Clinton, Jr. Claes Wi. Those having same will please also' a 20 acre fruit farm near God- Agoes.Walker ............. .9U notify It. Graham, Graham Ilbuce,, erieh.-Por particulars apply to H, Alice Fltikpr....,..... .Sts ("hilt -lie Cole at UI1CC. Cantclon, Box I?A, C'lm 0,1on. -72-3 .......... .....70 Fred Pugh ....... , .... ...74 Fred Perkitt........ .. 71 .Helen Cra.wford...,.. 69 Pharnae .0 eee. 6L) Cecil.Mclt'tar(•.,........01) FOR SALE: --One 'beam of ,.Working Mares, suitable for brood mares,: IS YDUR. FEED SUP- fiiplady, Teacher, Will st!il clmcap.-Apply to F. Keeg- 7th Division Senior Class. Marks obtainable 250 an, Bayfiuld. --73 PLY f L i RUNNING LOw Harry Ball .. ...206 Rands... , , , �2 GordonZ�lordHall.......... .....191 COLLIE; PUPS FOR SALE --Several .Bessie Murphy.............187 good collic pups, two months old, Saw McCreary ,......186 Pearl Carrick ....... I .. , , . , 772 for sale. Apply to .Norman Ball, Sunl,nerllili P.O. -r73-1 WE CAN SUPPLY YOU WITII 'GRADE, Chat lie Fill ford ....... 1.,.,.103 Marjorie Beaton.........�._,.10`L Junior Chtss. Marks obtainable 200 BRAN, SHORTS, I.OW - ` FLOUR, CORNti PEAS; I2�TC , ALL ! BARGAINS ' DorothymHRorke.............174 OF (100D I+ T'.EDING QUALITIES. WANTED, YOtiINfG MAN TO DItIVI. Amy Hell ar. .,..•17R LnttieJud9d..................171 Schumachers' Stock Food for horses Delivery ±vagon. W, CYT. Agnew, Deliver and dairy cattle for sale, Baker. --78 .... _._ `..._""`�......_....' wall..'paper from 3c to 25e pel' roll, also .odd bundles. Willie Muteh...............171 Dixie Fair ......... ...... .r .170 , . A liil quantity of choice Seed . II+eaVry bb rs 10 ercent. o#1 both men'ta and boys. f# p ]E'r;rgue Itegndlcls.:.......:..1011 1Iu>ib Magufre.....r..,.:...180 --- Corn, Tinprloved 1.eaxnIng, WWWAoth lz • Southern, White and. Longfellow, ,Rill • ff. M011r9 and Obys Ike�44lyMR& Suits ,l percent. 0 . Joseph Yesbee,....4*.......104 . �ANTP.D--Brigl►t. lxollablo young. salt in ba'rrOls upd bags. :, '' 1p�.0 fruits loc. John Yesbec............. . IM man to run peddling wagon for Conn. Canadian O:il 190'P, ef '��11C1n. 1ALY1,erL%Can fie. Ani: Gonad ................ 152 Amy -'U. 1' Viltse,'T`escher2. t'ry store. Address Bol 20 News- �-•--y a 1tt�*ow Office. -73.2 m �s >l�e paid Fier arm produce. fTYgh t ph fish a�iyi�7on , LY S�ll�"t'ES CON Fourth Cinsa Kenneth Trish............ 13Nseth Morrfeh,..... 1.4* W3 FOR SALE, A LARD . QVAN'T'I'TY Taltphone fl4 T11% r, L 0V ►T09 of 14 lalag'olds,•«-Applif' tfi hliillfaaam. %�dr/� �j rr G�f'VL�RAL joEi Git[jr j�iiflCl� Varna Alex. McRae'...............107 CLINTON I J /Lir 'Geo'rge Carter.;r, • «,.. , r «.. ,IW Doherty. ....7Z . 4 I