HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1911-04-06, Page 44
Clinton News.Record
Aprfl 6
These,restelleaceen is visiting frioridul
M. John Johnston still. •eoritinutra ;
eery •Low. •
john Harvey sold a. line two-.
year .old gelding ao M. John: SParrew
"at Stanley, realising, in foe neighbors
hood of $340.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Johnston of Por-
ter's Hill visitad friends hose on So"-
lam Gordon Johnstone and •child-
Oten visited at Jr home here last
Mr. Jas. Lovett" is visiting at Mr.
teordon Jolinstone's.
The Ladies' Genii will meel at Mrs.
J. Mcdirien's on Friday ternoon.
Mr. Jas.:Johnson. Sr., of Holmes -
vine visited his brother here on Sat-
Miss M. Clifton has returned home
atter a pleasant twoweek's visit
with her broker here.
Mr. Geo. Johnson has engaged with
31r. Chas. Clifton for the summer. •
Miss Katie, Goyier spud Sunday at
bet home here.
• A number.ot the farmers around
he are engaged in making maple
L. O. L. No. 920 mot on. Mondal
Miss C'. Biggins of Clinton spent
Sunday at her home here.
Mr. C. Clifton delivered three
heifers to Mr, T. Mason at a good
Miss Trick spent' Saturday and
Sunday at her home,.
5Ir. Thia Scarlett of Clinton Bus -
Mess College visi&d a," Mr. Georg.
Tyner's Saturday and Sunday.
Mr. Geo. Tebbutt has purchased
the Disney farm, lately owned by
Mr. Roht. Richardson. the purchase
price being izi the neighborhood of
The Military Camp Will be
field at Goderich In June
Tho Militia Camp will be hedd at
Goderich n here it' is oxpected 6,000
men will gather in June. The ten-
ders are 'now oto for supplies.
I N so important Hi thing as the selection Of WALL. PAPER select
with an eye to the location, the shape .and. the furnish
Aings of the
room., •
beautiful paper.may he hitt poorly attired to one'•roorn, w bile per-
fectly adapted to the requirements oranother.
T • .
. - .
HE furnishings of the room are norselect
often changed; a paper •
whirls wit) blend well with the coloring's of the furnishings.
THE shape of the rooin ckes not change at all; select. a stripe rot'
ot her paper which will increase the apparent height of the room,
if it is too low, or one which will decrease the apparent height of
the room if It is too high..
ALL this is with ;t little care. and a stock which offers you' ample
selection. We are showing titans n variety of new Wall P I per this
season that no matter what your requirements may be they con
be immediately satisfied. ' . .
. .
Ask to see the beautiful new Bed- Reoin paper,. for example, :
. .
they are the most charming creations that we have ever seen
in this line. A complete range in every 'grade. . •
eiemeenrieneeeresseemse =aim=
Our Grand Millinery Opening
A GREAT .succEss
"71, • ,C".''a.."
of;fr /
A 1ST?
, 4111
t '>.41 CI) ‘'ql.
NEVER before have
we sold so many
Spring Coats so early
in the season. That
shows we have the right
coats at the right, price.
Another shipment to
hand this Week of the
femme Northway and.;
Continental makes. We
also have a large range
of misses and ohildrens
Spring Coats.
• ..
No store
outside the
cities w i 1 l•
show a larg-
e r display
of Millinery
than is to .
• be seea at
this store.
You don't
have to go
t o London
Or Toronto
to buy yotir
spring ha t
IS 0 r Sve'll •
give y 0
tho same
styles -at
- about half
t h e price.
We'll :leave
i t to your
own judge-
ment if Stile -
display has
ever been
equalled in
AI4IANY Ladies have
told us that our
showing of Moirette
and Oravennette Coats
are the finest in town.
About twenty styles
ehoose from.
Priceteibig 4b I el'
from qou WWI %buy
• H011ineelfille
The W.M.S. of the Methodist ehurch
Intend holding their Easter Thank -
offering meting on. Plaster Day.
Mhos Berths. Stanley was in Clinton
on Monday. •••
Mr. Chasgiolland will preach in
the Methodist church on Sunday mor-
ning, while Rev. Mr. Snowdei tai
the pulpit of Wesley chexch, Clinton.
'The Ladies' Aid and Coir am pre-
paring for a social to ha given short-
Mr. A. J. Courtice, our genial mer-
chant and postmaster, has beers laid
up the past fortnight wah a severe
attack of la grippe followed by bron-
chitis, He is now improving, we are
glad to say, and his frioads hope soon
to hear his cheery voice and meet his
smiling presence in their accustomed
place again.
The social under the auspices of
SS. John's church at 'Mr. W. Mul-
holland's on. Wednesday of last week,
was quits a success. Everybody had
a good time and enjoyed the excel-
lent tea provided by the ladies ISho•
know so well how to do it.
Dr.. T. 0: Holmes of DetroiS vis-
iSscl his brother, Mr. J. R.. Hol -m's
recently. •
Mr. J. H. Snell ot HulLed 'dated
his uncle, Mr. W. Stauley, one . day
last week.
Miss D. A. Holmes and Mrs. Mul-
holland visitrad friends in Goderieh
on, Tuesday.
The W.M.S. held their sewingcir-
cle in the church on Wednesdays af-
krnoon and had their usual tea.
A. quiet marriage was solemnized
fere home of Mr. Joseph Proctor on
Tuesday afternoon, when his 'islets
Miss Jennie May Proehr, daughter
of the late JOhn •Proctor, was wed-
ded to Mr. Thos. W. Vanclerattrgh of
Porter's Hill, son of Mr. Geo. Van-
derburgh. The ceremony- was pee-
forined by Rev. T. M. .Snowden and
was wikessed only by membess et
the two families.
The bride wore a pretty gown of
cream silk and bridal veil with or-
ange blossoms, '
The young •couple ,wee.., unattended.
Miss Minnie Proctor, cousin of the
brido played the wedding music. Af-
ter congratulations a dainty ttpast
was partaken of.
Mr.. sad Mrs. Variderburgh after-
wards Wok the esain from Clinton
on a brief honeptoosi trip, after
which they take up their residence
as Porter's IIill. The Wilde's going
away gown was a suit of .blue cloth
with •hat to match.
The many friends of both. bride and
groom join in wishing the newly-
wedled pair many years et' happiness
and prospeeity.
The township• council met on Mon-
day with all members presont. •
A deputation was present trorri
the Western sport of the township
with a •peiition- segues:Eng an exters:
sion of the esleplione sYsts.n. After
Much' discussion it' was ckoitled to in-
teenew the Bell Tekshene Co and
ebtaln -each' charges and terms. for
commotion before building, A line up
the Bast/. Line was also discussed.
amount By-law No. 3, 1411, fixing
the amount to be • spent* by each
road commissioner at. $250 and S75
extra tor Base Line •Was rad and
The reeve •reporte.d that the town-
ship solicitor had bon suecessful in
having thsea persons taken from the
list of those in the esylutins . who
were maintained'. from, our railway
taxes thus saving the township os'es
$90 per year.
. Council adjourned to meet the first
Monday in May at 1.30 p.rn.
.17N V Trevearthas Clerk
The -following is the report of the
PulSee school here for the month of
1Vraeoh, based on diligunos,attendance.
and • demeans. .: -
Sr. 4th , Class -Clarence •Connell,
Carl Mair, • Frank • Jenkins, Ormond
Alcoa, Lottip*Lavie.
Jr. 41h-sClittord IIolland, Gertie
King, Harold Levis.;
Ss'. 3r1 -Hattie Osteern, Elva;
Proctoe, Harold Cole, Verna Jerves,
Roy Munnings.
Jr. 3rd -Alvin Leonard, Milton
Holland, Daniel (1liddon, Leslie Jer-
vis, Stewart . Matt', Leslie Melee,
Cliften proctor.-
, Sr. 2nd-Williarn Aleock, Fred.
• Jr. 2nd-Alealind McCartney, John
Ostrom, ' Bruce Holland, Norman
Mair, : ,
Part 1st -Elsie Fereusen, Wilfred
Jervis, Willie Miller, Percy Fleming.
-J, 11. Lowery, Teacher.
Alvin Armstrong has engaged to
work for Edwin Melon for the
summer months.
Mrs. ?soothe has returned hothe af-
ter a visi4 of some months with her
daughter in the State of Idaho,
Alex. McMichael. and M. Mame
took to Toro -to two carload ot fat
cattle last Wmds. WO hope trey hit
a, good niarket. .
Matthew Armstrong -also went wiz
a ear of cattle. • •
Mr. Geo. Dale has purehastd anoah-
or grey horse and hate now a match -
el tram which will he hard ikr beat
in the general purpose' class.
East Wawanosh
Mr. Wm. Buddy had t very, ,stiecess-
Dal wood -bee last week,
Miss Maggio King is at present un-
der the doctor's care.
Mr. and Mrs, 3, C. Stoltz -visited a
few days ago at the horns of Mr. and
Mrs. Herman Doer.
Mr. ?red. Pauly visited, Sunday last
at the home 'ef Mr. Jelin Doerr.
Mts. Istetherland of Egrtiontiville vis -
Hsi last week with friends in this%ricinity.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Johnston spent
Sunday .With Auburn friends.
interesting budgets from trueatield,
LoadbUry and ICippolt bave 'had t6 he
held twor. Appel next week'.
Orval Weston, rePartged Deetxtit
this week after spending the winter
a$ his home la tho vilinge. On Mon-
day evening his parents entertained.
a number of the young people ot the
village when. a very pleasant even-
ing was spent.
Mr. 'George Chesney of Seafotth
was in the village on Monday on
Mr. Edward Reid eft hist weSit
for the Soo where the boat he sails
cn has wintered, to comPience fitt-
ing out.
Riebard McDool Jr. left on Satur-
day to join Mr. Reid at the lino.
Mr. George McCransy, M.p., of
Saskatoon, Sask., paid a flying :tat
to- his sisssr,, Mrs. (Dr.) Smith, on
Saturday last,
Mo. James Sturgeon tele Iasi 'nee
for St. Thomas where he will reside
M tins future. wife aM
will follow shortly.
Thomas Stilwell left on 1
day for Idaho where ho expeetn
make •has future homes On Monday
evening a knee number from fluiNtl.
lege assembled at his home when en
enjoyable.' evening was spent in gate
es and. dancing.
Mrs. T. 11'. BrOwnleo and child left
this we for Goderich witese ehe ex-
pects to reside.
Dr. Smith, who was appoinitad to
the Board of audit' of criminal ac -
is in Goderich this week aud-
iting the books.
Miss Mabel Stinson. daughter of
Mr, W. J. Stnson. has been engag-
ed aa clerk by Mr. James Reid, mer-
At a meeting on Tuesday after-
noon en St. Andrew's church a unan-
imous call was extended bo the Rev.
Mr. McFarlane of Collingwood to be
:their pastor.
Rev. Mr, Morrison ot Toronto oc-
cupied '61e. pulpit of St. Andrew's
church on Sunday lasts
Mr. Richard Smith of the village
met with a very serious accident on
Saturday niorning las.'.When he was
preparing to deliver a hull which he
had sold to Williant• Taylor of Sean -
ley, who was shipping cattle from
Bruceleld • station Mat day and in-
tended tying tlw animal behind his
buggy . to lead He brought it out
of the stable and was in the ac' ot
putting a hal& r on it when -it at-
tacked him, throwing dm down
breaking -three of his ribs and ether -
wise bruising him badly. Onlyfor the
dog coming to his rescue be might
have been killed.
The service which has hem held in
Trinity church in the eventing (Suring
the winter months will in future be
conducted in the morning at 11 a. m.
as formerly: •
Mr. T. J. Marks, who has spec
the winter with his daughters ' tn
Oberlin, Kansas, returned lase week.
Mr. Marks reportu everything in a
blooming state hz the milder Slimate
of Kansas, and, so readily does one
hisoome accustomed to a changed con-
dition, especially when the condition
calls •forth no resistance, that he bad
almost forgotten that Canada's fine
climate means several months of win -
tor woo/tier in which nature takes a
rest and he conesquently has felt the
cold somewhat since Its teeurn. Mr.
Mark's . many friends aro pleased to
see him looking so • fit' and well.
Tin Women's Institute will meet
on Thursday aftennoon, April 13, at
the Wine of Mrs. Jas, Campbell.
Subjects, . "How te lemen House-
work," and "Sweet Pea Culture."
• .
Stanleg Township •
Thomas -Snowden and sister,
Misr" Rose Snowden, and Miss Susi,"
Johnston di Zurich spent ThurEday
evening With Mr.. and Mrs. W. J.
Stinson. •• • •
Mr; John Huston left tte.""day • .
Moosejaw, • Sae's., where. he intenils
faking -up land. Jack well fie very
much mis.sed in this neighborhood, as
he was a e.eneral favorite with both
old and young. . • •
Mr. and MrE. John Reid sperst Sat-
urday with friends on. the Sauhle
Line. • , • • •
Me. and Mrs .• John Watson vittled
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Talbot last
Thursday. •
Miss Mabel F. Stensorr has taken a
position :as clerk in M. Jas. Reid's
store; 'lla'yfield.
In the table :of . Stanley-statistica,
taken from the .reeords of our worthy
assessor, Mr, . W. 1-1. Stogslill, it Was.
inadvertently stated that. the busin-
ess, assessment was $92,S97 whereaS
it should have read $2,497. The er-
roe was apparent, 'but we gladly make.
the correction all the same. .
•Miss Albina Richardson spent a ETA,'
days with Mrs, W. J. Elliott last
week, •
Mrs, Will. Cudtdore of Clinton spent
a few days with her pesetas, 'Mr. and
Mrs. Andrew Reid, this week,
A number f torn around here will at-
tend the Chntoe Fait" on Thursday.
Miss Maggie Reid and Miss . Roxe
Palmer, who spent last wook•in Clin-
ton, returned home on Saturday.
A number of Miss Rosy Painter's
friosds gathered at her home on Mon-
day .evening to celebrate her birthday.
This was a complete surprise to Miss
Palmer, who did bust to entertain
her unexpected guests. Miss Palmer
received many pretty, birthday nres-
tilts, and ad Miss Pairing intends lea-
ving tho Parr Line she will remerob,
er the kindness of hor friends around
Many of the farmer& around here aro
atigagod in making maple amp,
wise Pearl Dunlen left this Week
tor Clinton where she intends spend-
ing a few wetfUs.
Miss Lillie Johnson is Visiting hen
friend, Miss Mahnie Johnson, - this
The "Rovero" ;hold their annual
danee last Vriday evening and the
ev?fit 'proved a grand suceess. The re -
(*tints totalled nearly fifty dollare.
Bright Prospect* for
Orchardiag in Huron
(See Page 1.)
The following Huron Cooky farm.
ern have lewd their orchards to the
"The National Land. Fruit and Packs
ing Company, Limited' Toronto:
J. Linklater 160
Clutton ......110
M. Tobin 200
3. R. Linklater 80
M. Foley 140
A. Young .... . 130,
John Graham 35
Wm. McPhee .............92-
A. Young112
A. P. Shepherd 80
L. Hetheringion
A. Bogie ..... ..... .:...135
S. Biwa 300
Kuntz Broe.....,, 160
H. Morris 155
A.Young 225
GoireEatott Tows:sulk
Misses McKen.zie .244
A. Stirling 175
W, 11, Wallis.. - 160
C. W. . . .
J. Sowerby , 450
Jas. Stoddart . 210
J. B. Lindsay 144
R. Wilson
R. IL Andrews 500
0. Bissett 400
H. L. Salkeld . . ..230
Mrs. E. Thompson... ... ....550
0, H. Brinscombe 200
Jas. Johnston 90
W. C. Puller 200
G. H. Hewitt ..... I90
J. Harringion. ...„ 155
P. McDougall Jr. . .85
A. Armstrong 300
H. Akinhead
Wm. Murdock • ig3
J. Murdock 95
W. Srogdill . , 73
John Parke 105
Ante Curyin . 116
R. MeClinehey._ ....... 73
Jos. Hood ..... ..42
PA re. P. Fisher . .... .48
A. Love ...... .. . ...
Gs Coleman .. ...... • ..60
W. H. Love...... ,S70
A. 0. Frieneis . . ... . . .:51
TUCKRusivErrn •
G. Brook .. . . ... . . . ....40
M. Whitmore. . 125
A. Broadfoot 45
J. McLean
.T. lideIntoett
J 0. Bell
T. M. Forsythe . •
W; C. Sproat
3.- Robertson
W. 'Sinclair
Smillie . . .....
W. F. Madge. ' 80
E. Broderick -
W. C. Wegnar
W.i Ran n le
F. Corbett
W. F. Armstrong, , •
G. B Rem.. '•
. ••••-•• •• . 140
G. W. Williatns
J.•Roach. .. . -80
R. K. Harney . -150
R. J. Cole 75
T. Fisher 127
W. Stewart 135
Usnonxx -
A. Moir " •
• John Coleman ... J00.
W. F. Down • 45
John Swan....
H. H ..Strang .. . '
W -F. • Down •
Wm Wood
J. H. Proof
B. Williams;
D. .Cottle.
A. McCurdy.
J. Homey• • • • • ...66
G,S. Leary.. : 37
V, .T. Eine(' .., ..... .70
S. J. Haggai . :248
90 •
... ..85
100 ,
• .65
Another Star has risen in the news-
paper firniameet, the Creditor' Star,
no less, Ns a six -column, eight -pag-
er that has started with a creditable
advertising patronage and will shine -
for the particular benefit of the good
people of Sheeler,. township, The
News -Record ustends fraternal greet -
lags. -
New Strength
in The Spring.
Naturo Needs Aid ia Making New,
Health (living Blood.
In the spring the systera needo ton-
ing up. To be healthy and strong
you must :have now blood,• just as
the trees must have new sap to re-
new their vitality. Nature demands
it, and without this new blood you
will' feel weak and languidyeu !nay
have twinges of rheumatism oe the
sharp • stabbing pains of neuralgia.
Often Nieto are disfiguring pimples oil
eruptions on the • skin. Irt other cases
there is merrily a foaling et tiredness
and a variable appetite, Any of these
are signs that the Wiwi is out of
order -that the indoou life of winter
has lessened your vitality. What is
needed to put you,right is a tootle,
and in all the world of medicine
there is no tonic can equal Dr, Wil-
liams' Pink Pills. These Pilleau-
•ally make new, rich, red blood -your
greatest' need in the spring. This
new blood drives out disease, clear
the skin and makes weak, easily
tired men, women and childron,
bright, 'active and strong. You cati.
prove this by your neighbors for
there is not a nook or corner in this
great land whore some weak, ailing
man or woman has not beeu made
well and strong by this great medi-
cine. Mr. H. Wilson, Stoaewall,
says: "Some years ago was
run down, languid and depressed and
fon as though 1 was only fitted for
Xfe's scrap heap. A friend who had
great faith in Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills gave mer a box. Before they
Were all Wei I felt sodic better, and
thus encouraged got a further aligf-
ply, and it was not limey tasks en -
til 1 was again enjoying myformer
good liel1th. think D. *ietions.
Pink Pills a boon to every weak per -
Sold by all medicine dealers or by
malt, post paid, at 50 eeilit a box or
six hexm for t2.60 from The. Dm Wit -
Hams' .Mediellie 00.. troeltville, Out. •
Terms '1
LTHOUGH it has not received much
notice in the newspapers. has been doing
its' full share in the developement of this
business. Long experience and a thorough
knowledge of the goods enables' us to offer for
sale nothing but,
Sometimes are not what they appear to be ; the preseace
of other substances than the pure linen fibre will give appeal,'
anee that will disappoint you when it comes from the laundry
for the firet time. We have handled them in all the processes
of manufacture and can't be deceived. You are invited to in-
spect our splendid stock of Table Damasks, bleached and un-
bleached ; Linen Sete, plain and hemstitched fronting;
Dress and Embroidered Linens. No better, goods anywhere
for the prices we quote.
Bleached and unbleached, 2 yards wide at
.30 .3Z.3.
Plain and circular, bleached -and unbleached. Specials itt
Longcloths, Lonsdales, Medapolaiand Na,insooks.
These are Nairns' celebrated makes thoroughly seasoned
and possessing wonderful wearing qualities.
See our New Rugs, New Curtains and Curtain
1510 30 PER CENT, CUT
fly stock of Carpets and Rugs is too large and
in order to reduce it I will give a discount' of.
from 15 to 30 percent Read this.partial list:
Union Rtigs 3x 3fe for $5 75 reg priee ;$8 00
Tapestry " 3 x3 for 7 "
.75 0.50
" '• 1 x 4 for 8.00 "moo
" " '3x 4 for 10.50 " 14.50
for 12 50 " 10.50
" " 3 x 4 for 10 00 ." 20.00
3 s 3S at 30 percent. discount.
Wool • " 3x 4 I must move themout if
31 x4 price -will do it.
4 x 4
Velvet " 3 x 4 for $22.50 reg price $29.00 Are Beauties
, Wilton " 3 x 36 for 22,50 29,00 Best Quality
We are selling our 4 Yds linoleum at the old price while our pres-
ent' stock lasts-, " We have 12 different patterns to select from.
Iron Beds prices range from $2.75 to $20.00 each.
, Mat tresses 20 pereent, discount.
Bed Springs reg $3 00 for 42 50.
We have a very large and well assorted stock of
all kinds of Furniture and if you want your dollars to
do some close financing for you, do your buying at
our store for the ret ,t) days, starting from '
Ist:111.ARCII up to 2nd day of APRIL .
Your money cheerfully refunded if goods are not
satisfactory, all purchases must be:cash at the slaugh-
tered prices.,
It will be only a pleasure to show you through
our immense Ptock. We are the only store outside a
city showing a complete set of furnished. rooms. A
visit through will be a treat for youanyway, even if
you. do not bay.
1 good square piano for sale ata -snap.
1 " 6 octive piano.cased organ for sale cheap.
2 good second hand sewing Machines for sale cheap.
We carry repairs and needles for all makes of mitchinee.
Repairing and picture framing
. neatly and promptly done.
Chairs and tables rented for parties at
reasonable tates1
thestort .w alk° Residnote
of Eli Plume
"16" 28 Purnitiiin iitalet and Undertaker 148