The Clinton News-Record, 1911-04-06, Page 3A011 Otho 1911
So Gcuernor-Gone Will: Not Tak
His Proposed. Trip Up the
Mackenzie River
Owing to his departure from Canad
early in September, ,just prior to thl
coming of the Dulie of Connaught
Earl Grey has decided to abandon Jill
Proposed trip during the surun?er ul
tjre Mackenzie Itiver to the Arctic
Members of Conor tion Respond tt
Plea of Pastor: Grafting to
Cave Man's Life .
A request for on -2 hundrad in0ci
7f human slain made by I:ev, Dr, Icer
tert Symonds b^fore his s:.£non al
'hrfst Church Cathedral rather start
ed the membnr•s of Mortrcal's most
ashlonable. congregatioa.
Dr. Symends explrlrtrcl that a vdrry
ilfficnit eperallwi Yrs 0 lt, p^rform
'd within a f .r days at the G^ncr '
hospital, Vi 1;a1:t !'irotca t i we;l:
ago fell en a rc•d trot stove at i::s 11^.t•s;
,vhlle aativinvOng: to fix tt- s`rr:o Irn .
Re was torribly buriit:d, urd the doe
tors now declare that cn?j a.r.cvr s:i)r
can save tits tran's life,
Dr. Sylminds said one
square inches were required. IIB welt
for thirty iremb2rs of tlta r•oarg. a
tion to volunteer each to rare With a
piece of th it skid three inebca long
and one inch wide. ~t .
Icy noon tae naxt day fifteen mem-
bers of the congrcgation bad volun•
teereti to contribute toward a new
skin. for Thomas,
Ocean, and thence around through Be
ring Straits to Victoria on thy. cruiser
Rainbow. Preliminary arrangements
for the trip had been wade, but leis
Excellency has concluded that he
would not be ab!, to finish this second
trip through the C•anadIan hinterland
In time to carry out the usual arrange-.
ment of having the departing Gover-
ror-General passtit: incoming Gover-
nor on the Atlantic.
The proposed visit of his Excellclicy
to the West Indies has also been
Is for Active Resumption of Outdoor
Work—Much Buildin!t is to bo
Done—Labor Report .
Editor.of the c'atholtc_'1 0gJster, Toron-
The Labor Gazette's review of in-
to, Nviro was in the' limelight in .the'
dustrial conditions is as follows:—
controverrty ovci•.the Ne Temere do="
The outlook is for an active resunip•
tion of outdoor work on the opening
of spring', in vi -,w of the many large
contracts under way or contemplated
TU !� i
in railway construction, building, and'
civic improvements. The immigration
rc.ovement is opening with pronounced
Manitaba's Ncw Cocle Regulating the
astir-kty, and gives promise of a heavy
Running of Motor - Cars
Tile total number of trade -disputes
The arnendm.ents proposed in the
reported to have be^n'in existence in
Canada during February was six, being.
auto nr:obilc' law of Manitoba are fairly
two less than in January, and six less
drastic,. Iii Blase of,the present license
than in February, 1910: About six
fee of : $u. fhe. future till be' .
firms and 2,f34 employes were in'
based upon horse -power, the $5 re•
voIved in these disputes,.three firms
and employes having been, In.
raainiag for all vehicles of twenty-five.
din new disputes.
. horse -power or less; between 25; a'•d
t to 264
Industrial accidents cin
35 h.p. the fee. is fixed at.$10; from 35
work people Canada
Canada dare
to 50. lt.p, $15; and 50 1i,p, and above .
Ing the m i%
the month of February, were
$25. To secure a chauffeur's license
rep of
reported to the Department end of Labor,
the applicant must be • twenty-one
these, were fatal. and 180 result'
years of and supply proof that. he .
rd io
in serious injuries. In addition,
has passed a - satisfactory examina-
four fatal accidents were as
tion, In case of accident • full respon-
havingtour .reported
Laken place to the be-
sibility Is ' -cast upon the owner al -
binning of the month, information not
. information
though ho may not be the driver.
Stringent provisions deal. with joy
leaving been received by the depart-
anent before February, 1?311.
riders and taml,::ring with autos with-
In the preceding month there were
out tPc consent of owners: No engine
42 fatal and non-fatal accidents re-
is to b:.lcft while. standing�
ported, a total of 263, and tit February,
car #h^ highway, Chains and metals
1r�110, there were 41 fatal and 196 non
are c tti to b 'used on tires whey
fatal accidents, a total of 237. The
a 'r e s ice or snow or the .paveernnts
number of fatal accidents reported in
ate.slipper;•. Dada=ei•s must Slow dow,
February, 1911, was, therefore, two
's•lteil 1 assirtg; . street cars letting off
more than in the preceding month, and
passengers, gers, and must also slow down
43 more than in February, 1911.. The
.to six 1111les per hour at cross, roads
number of non-fatal accidents reportsd
!n the .eouniiy,
in February; 1911, was 21 Iess than in
'.he preceding month, and 16 less than
In February, 1910,
G11t11ViJ T.�iUNI( RAILS
-Altogether there
were 19 less industrial accidents re-'
}torted in February, 1911, than in the.Are
preceding month, and 27 more than in
Orc; r for '40,000. Tons Plac ed at
(he same month of the preceding year.
Gyd lay, i.,;,.
The GGrare Trunk hallway has l
nla^cel on ord r for 40,000 torts of steel
,ails for deliec •y (his'season 1n West-
rn Ontario. These will snake' twenty
To Connect Georgian Bay Towns --•Aid•
Miles of 80 -pound to tht4 yard track
Asked of Government
and `�10 miles of coil -pound track. Tl-
:ost will amount to cons£detably over t
Citizens from Owen. Sound, South-
one rr t lion dollars. The company will
atnpton, Collingw•ood and Orillia ars
dict) 200) niiles of Its diisplaedd track
•irging the Government to give aid in
'or ue by rile Grand Trunk Pacific, in •
building a railway from Southampton
orstruedn yards and sidings in Mite
through Owc't Sound, Mraford, Thorn_
vest. Sotn'o of these ra11s'have' been
t+ury and Collingwood' to Orlll'a•
in use since 1809 and arc; still goor,.
They ask the-GoT(rmtent for the
They ware imported fro-ra Utgland at .a
.anal grant of $3,20o) per anile of rail=
that time:for the lilies in Ontario. As -
way to hr_ built whore it is not par•al-
they are only, of . uG anti: .65 -pound
wciglrt, to tht- yard, they are
ar linrralrc^dy existing. This, it
is expeetvd. will amount to about
eyed acro light for 'tlrr heavy Iacomo-
�10/1.Otru err sit,
tivd's holy in use on the main lines,' All
The nrcd fora railway connecting
the pres;nt' order of rails will be filled
by the Sydney, Cape Ilreton,
these ports on Lak? Huron and the
fleorgian flay has long' becil felt, and,
all the towns - interested would_ be
�/�� (�1T�1
greatly Lenefittod by it. At pre:v n
the only direct trraus of #raver lig•
tween Oe`•cn Sound and 'Meaford
Large Consumption of. Foot! at Rrec
host in l :e suat*ennr or by stage, in
order to fro by rail from Owcn Sound
Breakfasts lit .Toronto
to any of lite points on the Georgian
Day, it is necessary to go ail thv et ay
The Sunday morning free bl'ealt
to Toronto and hack, •
fasts given at Y'onge Street Mission,
The Canadian Paeffic Railway Com-
Toronto, are over for the season.
pany may be asked to undertake c ither
During th' winter thirteen brealt-
to butt(] the line or to take. over and
fasts leave been given, with art aver-
nperate the line after it is built. A
age attendance of 310 men each Sun-
rharter hus already L':en obtained for
day. Tha men )lave lead all they could
file railway-
eat and drink, which is quite evident
from the 34,000 beer sandwiches and
1,300 gallons of hot coffee consumed, .
lit addition to this 2,588 mcal tickets
Recent reports indicate that tliv
have been given out, malting it, all
Mapie Leat' Milling Co., a recent coin
6,611 who leave been fed this winter
sol,�dation which comprises both the
Not. only have the hungry ,been fed
};a• 'ley Shaw Mill and the Maple Leaf
but over 5,000 art'leles Of clothing; have
Clinton flews -kern
-z01 if I—
f N�iIANS Of CANADA C�1RE0 OF CQHSTI�!;�TQ1 ._ �.,.
The C.:P. R. Hiro -it Nurser Erst of . 01 r, fri�ralter McJ3eatlr lion retmoved 0109 TONic
Major Winter Tells of the Surrender Mr. Ander° plrstlsers Qir. y tol3ruceiiald, W�1
of Poundmaker to General Mo r's�s InclisM Root pills, Winnipeg The Carnael church has contributed
$129.07 to tile China Famine Fund, a
Middleton The Canadian Pacific Is. mak=ng usa Mr. and Mrs. Dent of London are
�„- to GawzgcAndrewsof Halifax, I+1.' , 41siting Mrs, $utberland and family. ,
Writes: of about 4U0 acres of its farm of 430
Writing about ""The Surrender of "Por many years I have been troubled acres lying; about 12 miles east of ' Potrirlas Neelanc a hies taken a Vs + "„
Poundmaker," Malar (,. F. Winter, In W11111i a for nursery purposes. rtron in .the office of the Darniniott Err- + +
with chronic Constipation. This ail- P g n e y pu I ores, Tl:e r �•r €n
The Canadian Magazine for March, meat never comes single-handed,object of this large nursery is to row press Co.• Brandon, Man, w -
anti I g Mrs. Itobt. Carlisle has returned '€
says: 11ut though they made a bravo leave been. a victim to themau iilnessea trees, shrubs and hardy perennials
Y front s visit act Toronto friends. ;+•
show In
i ecoming In, they were >�ruch d's• that constipation brings est its train. suitable #0 Western conditions, fir Miss Max A. I'rar,r was r s
concerted d at th_ reception accorded Medicine after medicine I have take use along its .line, the trees to be. 3 Y t s married act i
them, for G^neral Middletcn at once order to find relief, but one and n m the boars of her iait)ter .one dray Inst
all left planted for shelter belts along the week to illy, Aaron Studley of Bran-
demanded their rifles+ in proof of sub- tate in; the same hopeless condition. It main line, and the shrubs, and perm don Man.
Bran -
mission and surrender, betore he seemed that nothing would expel from mals for the decoration of station gar } ~'
would .accord them a hearing. Ina me the one ailment allot caused so much 'the contract fnxthP"new hotel has
dens of "the West. :These are to 'be been awarded toMr.• Writ. Cook, Mr. � ¢�
few curt words the General told them trouble, yet at last I read about these ahlpped to section foremen and statim R. Cudrnore will do the mason work a
he demanded unconditional surrender Indian Foot fills, agents, who wrll be instructed by an and Mr. J. StsecF the, painting,
He had defeated ltiel and taken him That was indeed a luck day for me, expert horticulturist how to plant the Mr, Ir., liatunie intends to huild h•s
y material and how to lay it out to the new block on t he site of the stores Lit.
'prisoner, and ha had men and trans for I was so impressed with the state-
enough to crush bath "P;)undtraker' merits made that I .determined to best advantage. As a side line to the ely occuoled by bl:essrs. R. Drysdale
and "Sir; hear," -with all their people, give them a fair trial• nursery, and for the purposa of cropand J. N. McArthur. A ^/, R
if they still wanted fight. If they our. They have regulated m stomach an rotation vegetables
. g y t ,and a small
rendered he could promise then. nota. bowels. I am cured of constipation, and amount of grain are grown each year,
Ing, but would represent tlieir'condt- I claim they have no equal as a� meth- 'These is a greenhouse for-lfropagating; FOR.
tion and views to the Ggvernmant. H giae.'a bedding material for the larger parks Zurich
was a soldier sent there to put down Pox over half a century Dr. Morse's along the lines. About 100 purebred, r
111x. Calvin NVilliama.of Buffalo eras '
the rebellion and he was going tad Indian hoot Pills have been curing con- Plymouth Ii,oclts are kept as. aside T�� .
It, whether they surrendered or. not. stipation and clogged,. inactive kidney;, line to consume by-products: alt ,-e been ,a visitor' at ibe home of his par•
and if it took all summer. The men with all tete ailments which result from nurseries, and, ,incidentally, to supply ' ents; Mr.. and Mrs. J. A. Williams.
who rnurderd the Government Indian them. They cleanse the whole 'system sggs and chickens for the dining cars. Miss Diana. Bickbeii has been visit.
Agents and Farm Instructors at the imd pt�y the blood. Sold evexywbem stud thus reduge-the running expenses, ing at iter home in toyvvn.
beginning of the outbreak must be at mss.• a z• !, Mr. Gasper• Walper has removed to
given up at once before any safe con• the frarm recently purchased from Mr, Light foreigiaers wens arrested` at
duet would be ensured the remainder. S. Zimmerman, and Mr, Henry Neeh Windsor for smuggling themselves fa-
- --•_ —._.. _ w - has ..roved to the Wal
There .was a little hesitation -among - •-___.__..___. •___�_-__ Mr. Cornell Holtzman ol?er tBe lin tris. .to Canada. It is said a iavori'trt
the younger braves for a few moments. ited ,his parents, Mr, and Mrs. G. route in thp.iugli the 'Michigan tunnel -
Sharp glances were directed right and Holtzman, before leaving for the west made a demand that Mrs. 1'harulri
left, anti wistful eyes cast backward last week, 7
to the slopes on the opposite aide of Mr. John Gallman was elected trus-
the Battle River, as though mentally / tee for a4 teriri of three years, and Mr, The Mayor of London, 'Ont., . haat
gauging the ability to get away in the G. tloltzcnau treasurer for the ensuing eltlher retract or prove her statclneats<
large of a run for it. The comparative year, at the annual meeting recently 'refloat -Ing oil the mora'l's of the school
large number. of volunteers, however. or held in the Evangelical church,
must have quickly shown what small childl!;n. Mrs. Thornlay replies, ad-
prospect there was for successful *ppotart- / -^- din" details to her former statement.
sltion, and reluctantly (how reluctant- ® �
ily may be estimated from the fact Seaforth >
that some were seen to kiss their rifles -
as they Have them up, a remarkable. t Mr. John )Broderick of Uhicago pia} Good ;
dea in 14air
show of feeling for an Indian of the to recent visitor, with' hie; parents in
Plains), they handed over their arms. ' town. Treatment,
to the detail ordered to secure them. LIPTON'S Mise Mary Dugan has.returned from
Mostly all of tl cse rifles were "Win. Ooderieh and. will spend a few weekel The trouble with most women's hair
ehesters" of recent model; handier and at her home ill town, Is that they' won't take the time to
much superior for the kind of fighting MILLIONOVER -2 SOLD Mrs. Claus. Layton and little daugxhier give-it-propdr treatment, If you want
are vision Your hair to have that look of lustre
the Cress exgiected than the single= g friends in Detroit,
and vitality, you must take care or it.
loading Snider -Enfield with which our Mr. and Mrs. P Riser lost their in- You. cannot expect to have splendid
Fant child the other day after a brief hair if you simply run a comb through,
Canadian troops were armed. 'Nearly illness. it .in the morning give it a dab on.
,all were decorated .with notches, or _ _. _ d
brass -headed tacks upon stock and . the
t Oita r ragas with ibrush—th around obutt, indicative of. same coup or lucky VLLNII
ihi�' clitec:`in'Of i%:JWIt lacy W.;1 cart," lead --fab in a few hair pins—and let;shot by which lice owner believed he �.D L it go at that.
on their business, f1i cxii aiuirtg the Hair is like any other. growing thing
had place$ an enemy hors de combat. McNa'ea he
had glad: )u t.l;e bili, mi.,
Wroxeter --it needs attention—ft needs card.• -it.
Others indicated large game that had "hat*esht said That the ale b"I. mi, needs thorough grooming regularly -7.
<aIlen to th4:aim of the 'owner. AU
had not been=guided iu this 1t;attix by b1r.'Rpb6• Harris, C. O, F, organiz• not only the hair but the scalp.
0 er, visited his family in town over the If You have the time and patience
the experience in Toronto. It was first week end recently. You , won't need any hair tonic—but
led to consider the question of re •ula• most women haven't, The next best
6 Mr. R. J. Laine; was in Toronto on thing is Nyal's TIirsutone, It is the
RAILWAY RUMOR. ( ting. municipal and private plants by business recently, best, thing offered to talcs the la
lmpertarnt' Extension 'of 'the Power '1 the ease in Gravenhrtrst, where a boy lklrs, ,1V,'S, M IC r h be hours oP combing and brushing.poe!
e e c err Mrs. P; S,
was injured by ,defective municipal McEwan wind Mfa's 1:Ilan McHwan were a Tt tones' up the roots, brightens the
~� Ve.tcd in the H dro-Electra 3 P
C; P. R. May Secure Down -town Gn- y equipment, and the town hind to_ pay, in' '•i,`oronto last week.attending attending the it lstaiymgraoeturiyewhere�ita1% ut3ies
Commission xiirsutono literall c re f
trance to London very heavy damages. The clause last •.convention cf. Womaan's Horne' Miss- Y . 'vitalizes' rite
year had been found to be too gen•, ions, nealected7 hair.
Your Nyal Druggist cheerfully •rec-
C;.P.R. engineers are that
The request of Sir henry Peliaft eral, and these clauses were added' Mrs. Gen• McDonald, who has been ommends T3irsutone because
that tlnr Alr,,Vau ht Hydro -Electric he knows.
route which Will give, that :road an g this year in order to n?al{e the Co -n- at Swan River, ,.care.; for some time " rn artistic bottles r1.00 and &Oct
entrance into 'the down -town :section bill•b3 withdrawn will not be granted, mission's power definite: While in with her mother, who has bzen, ver
7ltrie tisrll he some modifications how such inatters the'erders of the board ill, hasretur•nrdhouie, Herittother, we Sold and .(�uaraniced . by W, S. R:..
se.. the city of ,London; Ont. fr pre- are final; the qu"tfou of damages will l4 t to`leaarn isnot ini r vier very Holmes, J. E. I
sent Lite coiiipany s station and freight eves" in t'h^ .first draft, The jurisdic- g re re , p o g v y , Iovop, W A.
sheds are in -the north end. To secure tion of .the Commission will cover• all be settle by another Laird. It was much. McConnell, Clinton,
a down -town station rite company the..power and electric light compare• objected ilial to a certain extent the Mre• A. Johnston and her two child•
plans to build from Pnttersburg to the les in the the
Province., The authority C•omrrfssion. was a partner in munici• ren of Ninga, Man.,, have. arrived in
city, and connect with the .Pere Mar- given to the Commission last session pal power sr:henves, and therefore •t %yn aand will remain during the sum-
ri to supervise the plant, equipment -and ,sh.ould . not dec:)de what. tit munici, mer:
queue, which has station. This
into operation of all Companies will thus alides c • . Q' bliss Rlizabeth ScottLinten o
rho Grand :Trunk station. Tliis _move .. p t .tit„ companies Were to -pay f (Ion: Fgnaat_Y
be extended 't the erection -of poles, under its orders, Jnder ala ' bill i C• Turnbury, died ret her hence last
it is said corroborates lire recent des i e n ire week after a len th illness, ,u..
4 P.
hanging. of wires, and laying.of con- new. form the question of damages S y
patches from Detroit, .to the- effect dufts. This will make the Commission :will be settled by a board of arbitration � aootcroad"aw,.oe 4b'
that the Canadian Pastils Railway has an electric commission just as`the Do under the Muniel al Act Thr In. One gOA' cacti eVC
brained control of the Pere Mar p Cis ail>ta
rY Y enc
guerre. All the big factories are at minion. Railway Commission is a rail• stance, if the Commission orders that Aloose -Jaw has. lost its oldgrounds
way.. commission. Just as the Raili�gay the wires of a municipal distribution
the south .end of the .city in the des•. P-
Con]lnlsslon adjudicates all disputer plant are to Ira .shrug and, will drop out of the Western Can-
trict in rvhfclt the Canadian. Pacific g on an existing
Railway spur is ,proposed. betiveen railways and between rail company's poles, that order. will • be ada Luaguv. President Diaz of Mexico will intro—
ways and their:.customers, the lIydro final. Dut' the company . Will be al. The funeral f the : duce many reforms.
Electric' Commission will by the court lowed .to talcs to a beat d of arbitration o e lata Bishop Du-
to which all disputes between hlectric the question of -how much the muni•• Moulin at Hamilton was very largely Many. peace mEeiing;s .vera .)clad
WINNIPEG C,N•R• STATION col nr_eles nillbo referred; and rinde- r•ti�tality should r at'tenaed.
t ay fol that, privilege throughout -Britain.
The Fine Structure Will Be Opened
In July•'
The new station at Winnipeg which •
has been constructed by the Canadian`
Northern Railway .at Via. cost of . 1500 - i I Ott Ie s, e ony.'alld
1)OO for Joint terminal ossa anon '
J r p With
floe Grated Trunk :Pacific Rafiway: and
other railways. desiring these factli
ties is almost completed. This build -
ng rng is on the site of old Tort 'Garry, '
which 'was the nucleus of Winnipeg.
`J.'he new -structure ,has been a year. thims
and a half under construction, and the
cost has • greaatly. exceeded • the esti,
mates. The maim building is 350 by
140 -feet in area, and It is surmounted
ley a dome 1.90 feet in its greatest dia- '.� .
mater, and 100 feet above the .street
IF ri F_
evel. In connection with it are eight If 1
levated tracks with platforms of ee- u
ment," each 1,650 feet long, and capable
rf accommodating two trains of eleven
C each. The approaches a•'e by
covered subways toall platforms; and a
to person can -cross the tracks,
�. ^�. • j,�'_ ° r.d d1
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FMur Mills, has made very stendy pro- been given away, and 1,225 Wds have HON. GEORGE C, FOSTER
dress, A report from Mr. licdley been provided for those Who other.
Shaw, the managing director of the wise would have had to walk the ;;itouid nava th@ power to areolae fntor-
rompany, to the directors, stated that streets during; the, weather,
the progress made on the new large national treaties. Such power would
mi)) and elevator which the company Z. A. LASH, I:L06UTIONIST certainly tend towards selfishness,
is erecting at fort Colborne, would Mr. C. A. Lash, X.C., has an unusual Me. Pgster said the spirit of loyalty to
result in the company being able to hobby. It is reciting. And many a the i.mpire and the glory of the old
flag muff be inculcated
operate the entire plant at that mint gathering lit Toronto has been made
in the minds
by June next, to stand out In the memory of those of our youth.
attending by reason of Mr. Lash's per-
formance. Isis favorite is Drummond,
whom lie Ititorprets .in rare style, and -
Chamberlain's Stromaoh and Livt r of recent years he has added to his AGAINST FRENCH HEELS
Tablarts assist nature in driving all repertoire it number of the most strik- :
impuritlos out of the sysit+ern, insuring. Ing of Service's ballads, which, it is Girls in the 'Minneapolis high schools .
a freer and regular condition anti re•, ' needless to add, he renders with great ' have been forbidden to wear French
effect: heels, which, according to the school
storfirg lite organs of the body to 4-.--- _ doctors, rause curvature of the spine
hoatth and strength. Sold by, all acrd deform tile feet.
rlealoas. BIG. $TORE$ IN CALGARY
r Hairrod's Stores, London, Mlng., will A PIECE OP ONE
- erect a :building at Calgary, Alta., tat
art expenditture sof $1,500,000. Work"A sutntriolls for Insult against it
t in Loft- will be started at once on the build• woman who had tho cheek to come to
The snflragC demon5bratlori Ing and it will bo completed a$ speed• my house to collect some money I
don agalnmo Ow ccllstrs was noir :t Aug- y rirs llosaibie, u mve her," was the request all Indignant
i I t•
Oesa. t ( fl - lnkri .gado to a i ondoa magistrate.
Every boar and girl in Western Ontario has
an equal chane to win
one of these han,dso'mel ponies with. harness and trap without pa,�rin� one
cent therefor,
just save the bottoms of your ()RA� GE� MAIZE cartons for them.
ORANGE :MAIZE is Toasted sd saris Flakes--Vnite If you are tired of other breakfast foods just tr
sweet corn in its most delicious form, ORANGE .M•AME, It is furl of nutriment—thd kind
ORANGE .MADE is a. taste that grows on your that strengthens brain, bone and inuscle.\'
is a temptation to a poor appetite. .Moreover, it is a, dish ORANGE VAIZE agrees perfectl.. with the
of 'which your can eat of your fill, 'without fear of harmful most delicate y
stomach. 'W`ith Cream, milk lir
results. Fruit juice it is very palatable.
t Do Tot acdept 'Substitutes. Your grocer sells It a�
a •.
The new station at Winnipeg which •
has been constructed by the Canadian`
Northern Railway .at Via. cost of . 1500 - i I Ott Ie s, e ony.'alld
1)OO for Joint terminal ossa anon '
J r p With
floe Grated Trunk :Pacific Rafiway: and
other railways. desiring these factli
ties is almost completed. This build -
ng rng is on the site of old Tort 'Garry, '
which 'was the nucleus of Winnipeg.
`J.'he new -structure ,has been a year. thims
and a half under construction, and the
cost has • greaatly. exceeded • the esti,
mates. The maim building is 350 by
140 -feet in area, and It is surmounted
ley a dome 1.90 feet in its greatest dia- '.� .
mater, and 100 feet above the .street
IF ri F_
evel. In connection with it are eight If 1
levated tracks with platforms of ee- u
ment," each 1,650 feet long, and capable
rf accommodating two trains of eleven
C each. The approaches a•'e by
covered subways toall platforms; and a
to person can -cross the tracks,
�. ^�. • j,�'_ ° r.d d1
• • • r',. y� . .�
• • _ • — ,r •'h >� � � ��` L43 '+r 1• z'^,'iiTd'� / 'q� P '� � �,Pti�`�r *,•, � o i, N '� ' �� . 'bre N "i — 1�,,�..v'. �;f•
• _ • . �• , • ,•'�•� ,: � it �. , sr s; r ,t: l� frrf '111 !li � '
• • t r f;. t lr•, - f .r'� �`i it:t Y � +, r.�� :'@: a..: �, `}t5 f� Yi' �.. ^Y ;i.(�„p�j.
• •• • r''.. v� r;•`, �d :yi;^�, 1 r: l`�..5. �' � •t', � H�i�� '�” ,( r.- � "�ta� �1>� ;'• a''t
• ,• t::j !r y� it ;rl ' +,.'+trt,A•�a: " � '- - kw,�r'.r'>d{� 1y. " „ � , rg y y�.:•.tt� �, 3, k
.cit• -.ltr�j,. .�• .itr,\ •Vf: T. `�1• 7,iFa', '1•r al's'
,• • • • '� o. �a,r,v...t ,•{ ..:yl•.,t�.,,;.��•,4.i,,s`t;u. "-3m-.�: ,.,.r� .S, `,;r •R r.;�Ys ,1f�'
,t,t4' C - Ij.,n,. / i Sr ., �..t,- �. •� L'7'jr pfr`��".r�r5} '`a :yri°i ' y 7 A j. .{', }�• 6
I� ,p• ::nrY f ,.at •,� 5,a 'A (t�R.. 5,-- •v ti „i�., .;t :+t. BS r''" � �:''S
le . :.:r.•,l•, p ;e ra "t'4:� , tt,' lr, ,tf � . : n , �: ,
`y" 4 ,car 'r ,;4 +'"R••" iG'
;=e� ;:r�'.>x• $' tie #;. ,.ns teak' +�,n � ! r
•,•+:t£";;ia..,,tt ,a �. , gtid��. , r x(�{ , >♦_% ,,,f fi' ��--•.;; • � �Xr.
FMur Mills, has made very stendy pro- been given away, and 1,225 Wds have HON. GEORGE C, FOSTER
dress, A report from Mr. licdley been provided for those Who other.
Shaw, the managing director of the wise would have had to walk the ;;itouid nava th@ power to areolae fntor-
rompany, to the directors, stated that streets during; the, weather,
the progress made on the new large national treaties. Such power would
mi)) and elevator which the company Z. A. LASH, I:L06UTIONIST certainly tend towards selfishness,
is erecting at fort Colborne, would Mr. C. A. Lash, X.C., has an unusual Me. Pgster said the spirit of loyalty to
result in the company being able to hobby. It is reciting. And many a the i.mpire and the glory of the old
flag muff be inculcated
operate the entire plant at that mint gathering lit Toronto has been made
in the minds
by June next, to stand out In the memory of those of our youth.
attending by reason of Mr. Lash's per-
formance. Isis favorite is Drummond,
whom lie Ititorprets .in rare style, and -
Chamberlain's Stromaoh and Livt r of recent years he has added to his AGAINST FRENCH HEELS
Tablarts assist nature in driving all repertoire it number of the most strik- :
impuritlos out of the sysit+ern, insuring. Ing of Service's ballads, which, it is Girls in the 'Minneapolis high schools .
a freer and regular condition anti re•, ' needless to add, he renders with great ' have been forbidden to wear French
effect: heels, which, according to the school
storfirg lite organs of the body to 4-.--- _ doctors, rause curvature of the spine
hoatth and strength. Sold by, all acrd deform tile feet.
rlealoas. BIG. $TORE$ IN CALGARY
r Hairrod's Stores, London, Mlng., will A PIECE OP ONE
- erect a :building at Calgary, Alta., tat
art expenditture sof $1,500,000. Work"A sutntriolls for Insult against it
t in Loft- will be started at once on the build• woman who had tho cheek to come to
The snflragC demon5bratlori Ing and it will bo completed a$ speed• my house to collect some money I
don agalnmo Ow ccllstrs was noir :t Aug- y rirs llosaibie, u mve her," was the request all Indignant
i I t•
Oesa. t ( fl - lnkri .gado to a i ondoa magistrate.
Every boar and girl in Western Ontario has
an equal chane to win
one of these han,dso'mel ponies with. harness and trap without pa,�rin� one
cent therefor,
just save the bottoms of your ()RA� GE� MAIZE cartons for them.
ORANGE :MAIZE is Toasted sd saris Flakes--Vnite If you are tired of other breakfast foods just tr
sweet corn in its most delicious form, ORANGE .M•AME, It is furl of nutriment—thd kind
ORANGE .MADE is a. taste that grows on your that strengthens brain, bone and inuscle.\'
is a temptation to a poor appetite. .Moreover, it is a, dish ORANGE VAIZE agrees perfectl.. with the
of 'which your can eat of your fill, 'without fear of harmful most delicate y
stomach. 'W`ith Cream, milk lir
results. Fruit juice it is very palatable.
t Do Tot acdept 'Substitutes. Your grocer sells It a�
a •.
Every boar and girl in Western Ontario has
an equal chane to win
one of these han,dso'mel ponies with. harness and trap without pa,�rin� one
cent therefor,
just save the bottoms of your ()RA� GE� MAIZE cartons for them.
ORANGE :MAIZE is Toasted sd saris Flakes--Vnite If you are tired of other breakfast foods just tr
sweet corn in its most delicious form, ORANGE .M•AME, It is furl of nutriment—thd kind
ORANGE .MADE is a. taste that grows on your that strengthens brain, bone and inuscle.\'
is a temptation to a poor appetite. .Moreover, it is a, dish ORANGE VAIZE agrees perfectl.. with the
of 'which your can eat of your fill, 'without fear of harmful most delicate y
stomach. 'W`ith Cream, milk lir
results. Fruit juice it is very palatable.
t Do Tot acdept 'Substitutes. Your grocer sells It a�
a •.