HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1911-04-06, Page 1S
'rhe .1.-
NI .
ST. PAUL' 3 e.;t1U1'GUH,
-rt p; tJVv.%>, iriis,;cnril.
N,,,- ,4. &,,.,,,� .%A,'M 4..fA, .,L ipa,uuv.
�ev� �+Qvf.r9J1SCMF.n1[4,.
The .G.T.R. Witt lay a. new siding
Rev, Prof. Jeakins of Huron Col-
Wheat, 77c. •
The R-alway Municipal Board hhvo
Superb Sboihdng—Tozer-8, ,
from' the "Y" to the sta�tirm. It will
logo, London, will conduct the serv-
Oats, 28e to 80e.
validated the town bylaw for the ,ra.-
lour Trees --Jas. Steep -5.
be north of the track, hnTf a mile long.
foes on Suaiday and also on Good i `ri-
Peas, 680 to 'i3c .
tension of the waterworks system by
Our Specials^-Harland's-5.
and will cost about three thousand
day and. Easter Sunday,
Barley, 50c to 56c.
two hundreut extra services at a .cost
blillinery kiss vantelon^-5. I .
dollars. With this new siding it will
Eggs,. 15.0 tea 160,
Butter, 20e to 21c.
of $5,000.
Trees for Sale—J, Steep -•-5, •
not+b nocessary for erast bound freight
axe—J. Chultchelt
trains to switch off at the "Y."
Mr, James Hamilton has bought '
Live Hogs, $6.20.
Faster a
Easter Foptwear—'i'witchelt--$.
The Company, has for the past few
the lot opposite the old ,
Queens: hotel
The Public School concert in the
Property for Sale. -ii:. Rouatt—a.
. weeks, been hauling gravel from its
on which tbaxo has been an duaporat-
town hall Friday ovening promises to
Get Ready for Eastur bforrish—l.
big pit at Komoka to Mballast the
or for several years. and purposes or-
Under an Order in Council of the
by .a good one and a large at!tcldance
Business for Sala --F.• W. • Evans-�5.
L., H ,% 13. from Clinton south, This
ecbing a residence the canting season,
22nd February last, the Postoffioo
is assured.
line wagopened for traffic some thir-
In• tho meantNie Mr. and'Mrs, Minil- ,Savings
Banks are authorized to ao-
The Public School Fair next Mon-
ty-soven years ago but it has never
'ton are occupying the Coats cottage
rept deposits to the extent of $1500
'day, Tuesday and, Wednesday aftor-
y+vt been reballastad from end to erid,
south ofi town.
in any one yrvar from any depositor
dbe visited iib.
though cinders have. been hauled up at
and t}ia maximum, limit of an account
hello CanOOAs
find time oda so.t�y
1VIrs. Jos. Alleuson ryas strlckun try
intervals for ballasts on. a mile berc•
is fixed at ,$5000, ,exclusive of interest,
paralysis last week. and is still in a
and a mile there.
Sp far as the state of the track is
Because, of its r,.%tral position and
excellent excellent .railwa •Facilities
y Clinton is
The` amount- formerly were $1000 and
$3000, respectively,
On Monday evening the League held
dangerouz condition, .She has. bacon
g along but Mrs, James Liver -
C4ACCiQiiedr railway men are of the pp
the H. & has been
known timed hoot the count as The
g y
' , '
their regular monthly conseoratfon
inoa�e has had liar Tnmgved to' her
home wherd she is reeetvin ever at -
inion that, L., B,
Hub It is, therefore, the homy of
mooting, when Mr. Fred.J. J. Hill de-
g Y
tontdon. :l� iu. Robert l iowapd of
The Companyhas not et, ecidtvi to
y d
a laYger nuriibez Ofand
"General Agdnts" than most people
Our clever our
y - a townsman Mr,
C:al. Wilts, skin of Mr. and Mrs. Chas,
an address,
Rev, J. I�:, blillyard of Ilerisall will
Blyth is assistir to nurse. her.
Y g
build: a new, station Paough the need
have Supposed, among thcmX, ening the
WitA,, is coming to the front rapidly
preach morning and 0,10iiing on Sun;
• is . daily apparent.
following ; T. Jackson Jr., C•, C,
as jai composer. Just recently a: song;
day, Rev. Mr. Cosens baking anniver-
A "MORAL CI,1lIlyI."
Rance, Hen. Chewer, Jos. Chowen,
"Teasing Eyes," has been issue of
sary services in .Ilensail,
Mr. S. G. Plumanor has been suitor -
Major Combe, J. E. Caatelon, +W. J.
whth" MW Witts is the author of both
The Woman's Missionary Society
1119 intensely the past ten. clays front ,
Lash fall, while engaged by the cor-
Cooks, F. G, Courtaee, E. M, Me-
words and music. This is not by any
will hold their annual thunk-
a ver painful`ltrouble,
poratrion trimming street trees,. Mr,
Lean, T,'1, Murphy, A. Bradshaw, J.
means. ?.le first, he having published
offering service; next Wednesda ,ev:+a-
M V, Webb hass been ill for his
fprtnfghi Phys his
R. A. Hearn had- the misfortune to be
W. Kilbride,. R. J. Draper, G. W.
twig or Three other songs, This ona+ is a
Ing, .
past and nature of
perched upon a limb when it broke,. , Barge, T, A. Greig. preayy little song with, a sweet air complaint is that ire must abstain
causing hinn to fall to mother girths and should prove popular. Mr. . Wilits In addition to, an uxcellent program from his cus'�omc+rp occupation.
��. by local Talent, an address will be
so heavily that he cru rained injuries I+I;FD, GIIAN.1 MAKING GOOD. is to be congratulated upon his sue- Mr, John . Torrance, Licensa� In_
given by Mrs. (Rev,), •Gauld, a retar,i- spector ,,
which have sin0�t prevented Max,from csis in this line, , South Iuraii, itis been con- '
K of CAN. Mines and Minerals is a tradd jour- ed missionary fxonL Formosa. :ins• fined his Home for several days ow-
working and'it is feared lie will be
ROYAL BAN g nal, the industries it scarves being in- WESLEY CITCR(`H, . G Auld willexhibit, several interest i
Afr, Ing, to ilintvs•,•
' laid up • for sogp time to ochre.'. Mi+. dicated b'y its name. This published articles from the foroign field. The
INCORPORATED 1869, Ilei is an iittjust*rictus Aitizen to simultaneously at Se auton, Pa., and � Nex't Sunday the pastor will be ab-• paster will conduct a special mission- LITTLE LOCALS. ""
• $6,Zoo,000, whom idleness is a hardship in this Denver, Col,; and is. one. of the best sent: Rev: T, , : Srwwden of Iiolsii- azy prayer mesldnK ficin 7.46 to 8.10 . >
Capita[ Pard' Up doublet senee and on Monday night h t , 'esville will occu the pulpit Fite "Sewing Club rout, at the bona
Reserve and Undivided Profits , $6,900,000• publications of its kind. Its is pax- pY p p t in th,� o clock after which_ Will be 'the W, M.
Total Assets - $9�+000,000 sent a letter to the town .council in ticularl strong in well-built advert: morn[a& and b1r. J. A, Irwin iu rile of Miss 11clen Dolierry, on Monday err =
. n3garsd to tate matter. "Perhaps I Y g c etepnin 5,. 'meeting. ening. ,
HEAD OFFICE,. MONTREAL., , „ isements which are of .:pocial Interdat g• At the annual meetingof . the'
haven t a legal', claim,, said � Mr• to The News -Record frim the Each At the League meeting on Monday' Miss Flora Fawcett i , amtec2'aiu,
„ Ladies . tLfd . 5ocfc�tyyiuterda after-'
175 Branches and Correspondents throughout the. World. Hearn; but surely 16,vo a moral that . its. , our friend Mr. Pred, evening bliss. B +tele Irwin of Moan y tag a nuaub:vr of her frionds to ` a
noon fire followirl ofCccrs were el art this evcnin
. one for recomprmce and I t'rudt • you Chante song' of Mr, and Mrs. M. B, anal gave an earnest address on "Con- !; party g•
g` Y serration. . . coted for the ensuing year : . Mr. W. Cochrane Is giving u his _
will, ave the matter our sc+rfous coni >>
Chant of town, is ad wrii•�z for Mines g P
sideration," At "next Monde Prmident, Mrs. Janet Snufh. . position at they knittl; Il to om
and Minerals. Fred, not only willies Y's meeting, it being 1st V•fcca Mrs. Jainas Miller. ' bark in the dray business, -
nterest allowed on Saving accounts. CJourteous treat The councillors e+rprcusad sympathy the ads+, but designs thefm as ',,well underi the department of 110pod• Cit- .
to I all customers. for Mr: Hearn—some of them , hadn't. and they are oonGlusive evidence that' izenship," a debate is being arranged 2nd Vice, Mrs. I3: •Wiltse: . . The customs collections at Clinton
went accorded previously heard of the aeoident:—but for. Subject : "Resolved that we - Sa'creta , 114Irs, W. ktairaiing. for Uhe year ending March 31st were
. he is making goad, as see all exptiet'ed. 1 Treasurer Mrs. J. Gibbings. . $27'0
g - Ci !l1t011 $>r:>„aCh. baulked 'sounevvlaab at taking favorable he .would mem should . be given; the -Iran- , 91:.60, an.ine roasw aver the pre' v-
R, E. hKANNING, .Momag r action on agconnt of 'precedent. How- ohise." A small admission foo will TIIE .BO1S' ASSOCIATICII•F, ious twelve months of $4,664,32: .
ever, they referred Mr. Haarn's lettdr MACADAM Ola, WIiAT ? be charged and light itelreshments ser- •• 1YGDD .
to the property committed for further vel,: That Baseball will "be played this 'A PRETTY• LITTLE ING;
enquiiv aad su es'tfon. Now tlkab spring is opening up our The Ladies' Aid inet at that boric of sunvmer and in earnest b the four ,�,
y suggestion. , , 9 pretty little horn wmiding took
Mr,. R', E. Manning, local mane ex citizens are takinga More active ' in -
g Mrs. Jas, Twitchell .on Tuesday aft- . Junior teams .In connection with the places at the reliden0e of Mr• Jan. y
of the Royal Bauk. asked for a share tercet in the question of good roads,. ernoon. Boys' Association, is assurel by the Stevena, Alboot street; on- Thursday
. .
of the council's bank jag business and with particular reference to Albert (teen interest taken by the citizens in afternoon' "last, when. his. • youngm1t ,
The M ( ISS ON S SANK strait. From the standpgint of first EZ}GS GALORE.
. cited several roasons why it shiiuld I . . the formation, of the Wahl Teams. daughter, Annetta,'was was united fa
W "divvied up," Several mmntidrri. cosh many are in favor of usingmaga- 1 > , g Mi ' Blies of `IIS OORPORATHI) 18G5. During 18 0 C`antelofi Bros shipped The following' are the. selected marria u to ! 110rbert .Hu
Capital Paid u $4+OOQ,000 . Rest Fund $4,400,000 •took part in the discussion' with the 'dam, while others agein prefer a mord: Pl? .
"^" 200 000 dozen eggs, part of them help- boys Fort William, formerly of Toronto.
Cap pI result than while the Cultr;4it account modern ,pavement.. The .latitk,r . would ! t gg p"
entail at least double the expenditure m$ to supply the demand from East- St. AudroWs Ward. -1)r: fshaw, .Tile ceremony was performed by p
Ha$ 7'8 BM8l1Che8 in C'ainada relrria►'ns with Maisons, the Ropal.will ,x11•. Canadian cities and.the..ramaindex Managor , Wellington C,Ook C':a bain , Rev. T. Wesley Cosecs, Only meia- . i
and Agents and Correspondents in all the principal cities be given the custody, Iof the , Sinking of the formetr; but it ?ook9.be+iter, is g , ' --' ,
8 . cleaner, has just as long a life, and being consigned to the west : In both Chili; Harland, S:•a.-Ti usurer, . H red. hers cif the bre$ families were pro
An The.world. Funds. is smoother to drive upon,.. Eastern and Wrstern .Canada Mie de Cutler, A. Rathwell, Ilarvey Har• ent, thwonly. exception being the pre- "
A'F E RA L P r• B3P G E L Bahr , S TRANSACTED. In speaking .to'the subject Councillor P Anand is so . ra idl incrca in
Canteton said : "We have not only Mr. Fetor Cantelon, a retpresentat- p . v g that, land;` Earti O'Neil; Lloyd Wilkin, llar� scree of ;VTi.s es Ilatbie CourtI Mian`
Y ivo citizen, said to The News -Record illi Canadian 'hen will have to wont o:ri Kiley, Clarence Kiley, l'.in:er nae C'ooper and Jennie Robd>+tson,
. ttwo safe Banke in Clinton but' three ever da in the week .to copa with the Beacom �l I girl friends of thes brides who assisted.
SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT , for I think McTaggarta' rendes+ the on Tuesday . I haven't given, the Y Y p h , I , Sliceley and II. Far- g a
niatter.nielc�lt thought, but the best,' home• markeb's' requirt,+nients,. eiuhar. ndbh .the luncheon, . Tho toast to bhei -n
AT ALL BRANCtHES. others as good service as either of the Ori hlenda of tills week C'.aiitcdon St. John's�Ward.-C'. P. Dowdin I bride *as propoasd by'Mr, J..Ta loa f
others." if not altogether too expansive, is: y. g, Y .
interest allowed. at. Highest Current Rate. , none too good for an .up-to-datc town Bros, shipped 1876 dozen and they` Manager ; Jack. ltIcCau>;tiey; Captain; arch rospbnded to. by Rev lYlr. Cosens.
Three tcrtidors wire '. received .for like Cainton," look forward with confidence W a• big L. Cool:,. Sec: Tv�asuror ; Fred. Ford, f The -bride woita .her travelling suit. ..
Dna BC street watering: Cres Bras. offer:+;l season's trade, laddie Miller; F;. Dunford, ,Wiiliu Rut elf bluo cloth and was unattended save s
Clinton Branch C.M. DOWaIn v M $ to do ib for 35 cents an hour, W Mo- BIG IN" W,STRY -FOR C'LINTON. Mr, Peter Cantblon saki to" Thele ledge, C. Paisley; Fred. Thompson.. ' by, her Little ncdce, Miss Donna Stdv
Intyre for 32 cents and G. L Vlalki+r Nows-Record ,on Tuesday : 1111cr+r 5t'. George's Ward. ---J. 1). 1loover, ens, who made the sweetest and dain. "'
_ for 30 cents. ,The last menitioned tem- The following appeared in t'hp 'I ole -
onto 13'orld of Saturday. : eggs are taming in this season than -Manager ; Fred.. ?Lunihall, Captain.:; ;_ ,xfest of ring -bearers
. ,riot way acceptedi with the . red tnk Y previous cne and the: rind al I' 'F rruster S e. -Treasurer , ,N r- Mr. and Mrs:. Hughes left li the
proviso that the wct�k must bo •'done : It negotiations at Present on. hand spy P P P P oy a e ".o g y
. , .. , reason, iso thiit 'our.li I .. a are pa}•i.ng .mail 13oltxhauer, E. Graham,. • posy i fleet . o'clock, train' for Font 'William, .. .
to Uhd.. entire satisfaction of the coinare satisfactorily concluded, Canada
rncre attantioii iltan•.ever to their .Forrester; X. Steep. Cordon Iloltz-. where their future.'homn:will be. .
.. � mittee in charge, or the contract+ nray will have another branch automobile poultry:". honer, J. )+.• :titurcly. Tile bride is wil11 known• in Clinton, .
_I . , SET.RRDY fOR1 ,• industr in the very near future. tl , . ,, . 3 s be texnirnated obi aptly. Y . St., James' Ward—D.-C :utf, snag i though .for the past.three -ears orI " I -'Councillor Cooper said the work deputation from the Town of Clinton, AN OLD TRACHEA PET..112P.S. , -
d n est geasot with as Horan County, was ab •thU Prince cr,; • .Neevivan CliitT, C aptniu ; G:�a. l more ,she has'lfeeii. in the west, •only.,
was nob o . c i t •OuLl of the oldost puhlic school tea McTaggart, . &e.. -Treasurer• ; Jack, returning a few w:kaks ago, and tics
a EASTER a . muc}i expddition as was desired, duo (Iaorg•e last night, in company with 1
r ri+i ,watativas of an American auto. chem. Ontario in point of length oi' Levy, Laxrr Ckrdig, it i11ic� 1Iai1, l� it -'I prcof of her popnlaxit'y .was shown
i .
to tthe fact that for the greater, pat iia Webb «"rllie Oaiit, I:Iutid Iiicc� b the lar a array aCboautt,ful Ifts. -
Of the time irresponsible boys were in ficin, rile nawis of which .could not be service is juste retiririg frons school , y ., g g
'' ` We've made eat prepare- cert�aiucid nd all a eared' hated work in i�he person of iVTv. IC. C:. T3ea- Daii• :McLrud, .Stewart.: vitt, :11. Do- wtiieli her,friends.sitoirered upon ilei.
... charge of . the water wagon. as , a FP c .
=; tion for your Faster Outfitting: i ti he over the lad news the werit "ing to ton, of St. ,Catharines, oiler 44 rears lieA .. The groom's gift tb the little
Councillor Gibbins brought p, the - glad Y. of 'consbant service. Mr. 13eatoa who g $ . .. .
# ' '` ;,. -=we've the best of •everything. � , The Rame�,s will. be playrd Tuesday. cin -bearer was a hovel �" bracelet.:
The rule that, everybody must question, of .the drainage of. *he bring home with them, .
11-iTt Is ci: e'cbed that the matter will is still ayoung man to look'a't h-i�ni� and Saturdays hegintiiug as soon its the \ewe -Record joi11s in the char-
� a .adpear in sometking new ' on land. , at the .corner of OntQr10 and P �, - , the round is lit, The schedule ivilL u5 of ood wishes which. follow Mr,:
7r '*` Easter Sunday, is , becoming Kfrk :st!reets.:That an outlets is nares- bo definitely settled in a lows weoky, as vs leaving S,tr: Catharine to c ntcr tliti t; g
e ., r more' $rml established each u - :Arran e:nients are airiest complete al- office of the ananageii of the i)utlarici be given as soon as cirmplete. arid Mas. hlughcis to their new home.
'�j! �` ear.1.
y sary is itveryday evident 'and lie s g h
ested that the• ropert owners int- . ready. If .the move is made, .thci - .in- i4loto, League at Toronto. _ „____ _, _
g p y will take over rile Tliresiic�r Mr; Beaton, wliw wfl'I now rnlov. his
L If.. you are inot in need of one crested should be called together so du=,try .
;. of our handsome Spring. Suits, that an amicablo understanding alight: Company's plant, which has bean clos- well-earned .pension from the ' Gov- , •�,� •
or Overcoats,: allow us to call be arriv?d at, othe wise that action be ed far some, time, ornm,ent'; is a native .of, York County, Bright. Prospects for Or ch,�arding
%.,.; your attention to our hne of
.. taken according : to the, provisions' of , The deputation consisted of three and fixst taugh.f• .school• itt_ Vaughan f
y ! r- the bitihes and .Watei!aourses•.ilet. It members of the town council, ;1layop Toeynship 44 yt�ars ago:. hie liar iieeii jHLCtOit1 Con '
9 is expected the parties "concerned will Taylor, T..Jacl:son. In, and David � + ,
_ ^ a member of lila Ontario Lducatfoilal
s ; . Bats .iiDd Haberdashery gather in oho council chamber Monday ; Cantclon, aiid• tthree members, •of the .Association ever since its inception.
1.I uvenfng board of trade. .7. -8. Hoovur, ' W: Tlie only trsachcr'rvh6 was a con- ` '
,. '`
Ma or Ta l.o>? said the street . corn- Jackson, and t'i'., Brydgnc<, who is also. temporary of inine Gtill teaching rd'n ti rb f Western On- : ickid piY so that the tret,s ing , :riot
s t .. Y Y Orcha i g i..pa 'o P Y
i,:.. mittee is gatberinK up the 51x11195 the town sxr'.ucitor'. . school is Secretary .R, , `'F, Doan, of tart.o and' more :Particularly, ; in,' tlici be overloaded. . .
/ ,:...
t - 'and that just as, soon as spring comes " Toronto, of -the Ontario Educational Counties of Huron and Brue iken�tlr NL iaety. 'gasoline paehines' Have al -
Eos e.
r Tien in earnest work will begin at macada- A.ssociatian," 141r. Beaton said, ely upon a new phasd, one that is ready. been secuiied far the spraying .
mizing. "I am strongly, in favor of 'The funeral', of ,the lata Frederick C, The foregoing refers to _a brother of . bounef to add fmmieuisely to rile iinpop• and an official of the Company. has
'is there .a pian or boy who • bending our whole energiees to perm- Eas nil whose death occured on .Wed- our well-known townsmen,, Mr. A. D. tante of the industry and the wealth informed The News -Record ithat an
will nob invest fn an Baster Tie? n?rrvt improvemdnte and: to spend as sd ' of last wc•3k and of nvh ch alien- Beaton, the Ilaron stresat grocor.
bink so . tf he sees he aY of the farming community. Me refer order lies been sent to England for
. We hardly t , little time and mouev as Possible on ,.week's ..issue, � A ,- ,•;ons of "The Nat+ionat morel. : The Orchards will be sprayed
..° tipri was wade in last D]!:ATIrI Olr 111II�. blclkOWN. to the opl "'
r e our spread. „ • hand; Fruit and Packl:ng Company twicct during tho season.
y „ repairs: toodc ptaeeon Satsurday'aftarnoon .
1I". ; 11 Councillor Cibbifig While attin �
,w p g last from his motli�+r's resfderce, Iu- On. 7`uesday. morning there died iii Limited," Toronto, which on a As the Company controls the en8�ris
a %' �' the . street committee approvingly ,- wholesale scale is ren'.ng 'or buyingI.
-_ ?;;> We're showin ever ion St,Yeot: The s,rvicc� were con- Clinton, after ,along and severe 111- i output of the oitahards, with the ex.
�z ' slime that's correct and thought that a month -ahead plan of duct>rd by Rev. T. W. Cosens as5iatrd nese, Mrs. Alfral MedEown, at the orebaods. caption of about dire barrels' allowed .
11 ,:;R man st les that are con- opdratirnie s2sould. Srst. 6a �abmltted b Rev. 3, Ciccone azrd rho pallhaaxers age of sixty-four years. The Company is,•capitalizea at .$1,= ea6h owner, it necessarily follows
��I'll : fined to exclusively. for the approval of t+ho council. Every b1. y Rev,
were. Tlws. Watt, Fisher Cudmpre, iYIzs. ;tiTcKown; whose .it aiders name 600,000 and was organized in England that tha>ta will hc� considerable stock
- * .Prices .25 .150 .753 , me>Lber, of .the council should be kept Alox, 'McIntyre, Fred,, Cook, Welling- was Jane Potts, was born in Hie about a year ago. by Mr, X. Pallman , not fib for- dxport and . to work phis u
informed regarding wgrk to be undor• p
ton l Ioltrihaue» and Elmer Ker, county of 1lastings. She came to )✓.vans, President of the Trnfon Lifu it proposes ib establish an evaporator
taken, �� , ,� The floral offerings were Eery beaut- Clinton with her family in 186.8, and.
In reporting all s well with. bhN y lnsuraneci Company. Toronto. Mr. 'and cider, mill in Cl'uiton �+o which
Ifni among whir were : a sickle from.' Terided. Here almost continuously Eyarn is a native 6f Clinton, brother Trait fxcui Huion, and Bruce .will bo
wader -works plant, Councillor Cooper +
lire family, wroath from the A. U: F. since that time. Portly-throo years of Mr. Frank Evans of town, and is shipped, OlTic els have airaady been
EASTER HATS `�' limught up the case, of a householder wreath from the Jackson Co., a she was united In inarria to liar
tylia, during the mi,nths of March, lodge, I b'e prominent in Csinadian tinanoial car- looking at two -ooze lot on the L:;
— had need forty-eight' dollars worth of.
wroath front the Knitting Co., a now bereaved husband, Thrq had a elm, He is President of the now Conic- H & B. siding.
. s ,ray from tha New Era staff and a fauiply of three daughters ; Mrs. tV. pany and yestcrday� sails.d again fox So far as lthis county is concerned
water. At least tt ie dieter said so p Y 1ldennel, Londga, and Mr.s. W. Doupe ' England on business ' in connection
Our Easter Hat die Xa corn rises everything desir and molzro are no respelebors of per- spray from Miss Ida,: Tebbubt. tiiu Company is chiefly operating in
p y p ns. As a Matter of fact in the Deceased was the vou�ngest s,an of and Mrs, bicIn,tyro of. Toronto. therewith. the tier of townships along, the lake
in Readware for Men, Your Men and for Boys � � Mrs. qeb, Easom natd was a young She is also survived by two brothers: The Company ds• having somii fruit shore and as wiM be 90m by the list
able , . g house is question only the usual quan
the, sort of Hats_ that have a
"GF�e cell On� f Water lied been ,made use • of, man well liked by all who knew ham, i1llr, {leo. Potts• of town and li'It,• E• formol, blitas yetis rlriiefly confining given below they hovel already securel •
of all ages y lily
• - r- which would be only a few Fie ' had boon Tri failing health far W, Potts of Dorrell, and one sister, its endrgies to taintin for a ten-year reputation for goodness. S11Ch Mats its The K1T1g, f30 ,the cost of w y , v, y a largo nuanbdr of orchaMg:
• cents the meter s big total being some time but was. rimy Conflnc�d to Mrs. W. It, Glut, also of 17ptrgtt. term at a price vargiii>; Tram Sib to I Mr ' Frank W. Evans is Superinteu-
sallno, Tltwell and Stetson. Deceased )lad been a great suffeper, 25
. caused by a logic in the pipe, Thi odd for about a week heforr• his death.- $ per acne acronaing fro that quality . drnu tier T•iuran and I3tlaco and will
_._ ,_ question the council was asked to do- Besides his mother lie is survived by but tke end carie p'vaeefully, which of the. orchard•. The: nwnors axe Fe• have charge of thio pruning, seraping, 11
Gide was : It being the duty. of pro five sisters and four brothers Mrs. Was, a• 00Mtort indeed to the level quired . by the agrecmiente to cultivate . spraying and picking, He Will en-
Indo Display for correct st leg. cert owners to havr leaks in pipes Albdnt Ktpnp, t0lldOn, Mrs. A. B. ones who wet: -goo by tear bedside. the orchards and hraul tthes fruit to mar- .gage the m6n and glare them.'- See oar W w p y Y p�
. r aired should or should not pay- 'eyb Detroit, Mrs . Odlmartin, Clev- She was a 'good Wife 'and mother koU without charge, but othertwiee Mr. harry Colo; $o1n of the', date Drs .
. .: nld_nt to insisted upon for the quanti- eland, and Misses Minnie and Maggie and her demise is keenly 'felt by her they are to ba paid for any: sorvicd. Cole, and brother' of the Missla Cole,
.+....4 I ' . ' re is�tered b the meter I The iyavid, of-Godeflok 'Towinslilp, family, She was hiso a 9004. friend they may render. Pot itte, board' of • Iluron. street, is lugpcotor =and Scaldr
" -, cc � Mora are t'hlnkinr it over. at bonne, .11o1mesville, Alfred, plank aiid neriglibot.' - • thel iron in the employ of they Com»
1. Councillor Canl'elon' p a and tris deeis*ion goes' before bha
counci Willi r
'Mayor Taylor, inton, Soutb Dakota and John of The funeiml •take Placa hits'• after- ate they are to receive set the rsrfls )Dano is ally sighed.
tend Bari.:st>er t3xyrdone reported Oa the M{histones, .Bask, noon, Tfie serviei+a wait be conducted at i�aur dollatil per weep{. No animal. ;
omri:attI ter Toronto to r twos Pram a distances who b Merv, J. Greene in the ahgenee of ate allowed to run In the Orchards. 1 Among the ettizotas of Clinton who
`visit of the c 'The ra.a y E. y pruning are ;
confer with a eo+upl6 of mpnuf!acturers •attended the funeral ware , Mr. and, Rev. J. F, Ford of Wes,lity church, The Company has already, ttvo are now engaged at . ru
g r
. regarding the Csbablishmenir of an Mrs. A•1b6r1; i{eirip and Masb3r George almost a tine- gangs of maps pxuithyg Tru this die- James lllair A. MaGarva, J. B. ):Ion-
. art of which deceased he �hrce, da hters triol and will acid to the number as ry, F. Churchill, Bort Johnstone, C.
Huron's Larjd ' C�Ot if ers auto induAr fn thr Thresher COM- n. SWth. P long tmlember. T t ug
of London , Mr, tlo
arty plant. They said the ,pxospectzl Huron, Mxs. lliomer' Smi'tli, Toronto, with their •husbands, also the two soon 40 "idle labor can btr seeiuxed. Trawhilt, B. Conk and A. Colelouglt.
1trc+ vtax ett6ouraginf4 and that they g t �'1`hes nalmas pf these with whom the
ti y a y and ltrl:r. and Mrs, John 'D6dsworth, bxotbe;rs� f*)m' Detroit tied friends When the prunin is finished the,
Square. Deal for Every ��� have e7ery eapectatlon that rho prow seaf6rth. frame Cr'hiselhuroti a>xd ettliet plxeccs men will be employed
ata aea�api>ng Company ht},s made t6asel+, togetllier
- - motors will come to Clinton and In The sympathy of the dMIAantty is ate pro,wAt foo' the funeral. litter- the trtns and then t'he season wdtlh the nritnben of trees in the r,Ol
auric ail'event lit relit mean a marked mtterideto the• besiceavcd mother and j atiyent. take�i lrlatre is Clixtpn eta- tot t tlxst spraying Will have pr1'tiva oxchaihs arp htscts g vin
---11-1_-- .1.11. ....... growth in the totivS,re prosperity, brothora antf,. sistisrg. !tom• artly a. Dater small apples will be t Soo list) of losses p+af .