The Clinton News-Record, 1911-03-23, Page 8E.."
Tw, O -THIRDS of your life ir, -spent
with shoes on, so let there be com-
fort, style, service, Let your shoes be, THE HART'
SHOE—the shoe of excellency.
Best.shoeinakm,!' Fredericton; N.B.
Jos. T wl tchell
We have just received a new range of fine shoes for Ladies
which are the best value we ever offered.
They arg made of a choice selection. of DongolkUld Blucker
pattern, as nice looking as many higher priced shoes.
We k ,Othem i3p and guarantee Satisfactory wear,
,It will be our pleasure to have you examine there whether you
wisli to buy or not.
Repairs While You Wait.
e Hatepee-of'the S
r1en's Brand New Spring Hats
at Almost. Half Price
$2.50HAT'S "FUR $1.6-9
Owing to an error in sbippingwe we"now find ourselveq, with -double
the number of our regular spring hat order now Jn stock -which . will i
never do, as next season would . be sure to find .us with a lot of this
season's -styles still still -.on, band and rather than retorn thdmi we Fare
going to give our customers the chance to buy -their new spring hats at
Al fg's prices,
These hats are madd in the very.latest styles and of the
finest I Fr Felts. the most of them being the'famous, Briglish Bar-
riogton Ban whichalways retivils at $2.50.* Dont riiisg.tbis chance to
secure a nice new Hat for Easter at this wonderfully low price as this
chance. does not come often.
see these In our window.
Some of the biggest bargains ever heard of will be going, in our
s b oi,)department Satur day; It will pay you well to see them.
Don't forget our Rugs
Ad Litioleums as. we are dffering some big
reductions on these lines.
J. 8 Hoover Nelson Ball
is often •.'an Mum-
inatiou as big as
the sun, where's
no place in. town
where 'money,
down" koet furth-
er than it does
right herq.
or dresser bought for "spot cash" from our present
stock makes what you see elsewhere, look 'like thirty
cents. It's bargains.galore wo're'ofTeringjust now in
our entire furniture stock.
The Cheapest spot In Huroo County to buy all kinds of furniture,
oov'er Ball'
It Pays to Advertise in The News -Record.
Is a collection of nowneso and re-
flnemmt. An extensive variety
surpu3ingly, fine In Ito complete-
ness.. Every practical and mcrit-
orlouv sort "d it;� extent offers
an Inviting field foil selection. Dp-
corativo excellence is its feature
And it has the additional cbann
of perfectly proper PrIew. If in-
terested come and see and tell us
it we have not gathered wiscoly
and well.
W". R. -FAIR 00,
Often Cheapest — Always the Best
This store launches out to do business on a
and to give our patrons more value for their money.
Dress Goods Dress Trimmings Veilings
Laces ]Embroideries Hosie y
Gloves Underwear Corsets
op tZiLAL-Lib Petticoats Whitewear
Wardoa Geiger And Mr. George go,
Ewen oftlensall were in. town on Pr 'r t Ginghams
Monday. Sheetings
Colonel Hugh Clark R. P. P. will be Cottons Towelings
the next speaker At the meeting of Satteena Table Linens'
the'Club. Table Napkins
Mr. J. C. Bogie. of Godorich visited
with Mr. and Mrs. 11, Pennobaker White Vestings Scrims. Madras,
last week. Lace Curtains Rugs Matts
Miss Pearl Wim of Brur.o.11eild WaLn'the
guest, of Miss Luella. Walkinshaw ov- Oilcloths Linoleums Etc.
cr Sunday.
Miss Fairservice. of. Londesboro' was
the guest over.'the week end of Miss Orderl0d, -Clothing and Ready_1V. Clothing
Mattie Judd.
Mrs, (Rev. i Mpcllfillan of Milizied leas
the guestlast' week other sister,
Urk. Win.,
Mrs, A, HGunn. ooper was calqol to Exeter FIVE PERCFANT OFF SPOT CA S',q.
the latter part, ofthe-, week :by the
illness of iter mother,
Mr. John Routledge, son of Mr. and.
Mrs, Wm. Routledge, has, taken . a
lipsition .in the lurnititro fact6ry at Fai'm Produce- Taken a _Cash in Both S h S.tores..
Rev-. Richard Whiting of London was
the guest of Mr.', and.Mrs, J. A.
Mr. Farmer
Irwin tfuring'his stay in town over
Miss M. Dowspr,of8t. Mary's - hat- -been We. want,' your business and will allow you the
in town the past week, having been highest price for yo
n. uro uce.
.,pr d'
called, here by the Ilium, of he r sis-
ter, Mrs. Jas, Fair.
Mi s LillianAgnew 6(tho *Waching
staff . of Central Bu4ness, College,
Stratford, was a week end visitor '"R srr
At herr -home. in town.
Mr. John Ransford sailed from Liver
pool on Friday by the Allan Line
S. S. - VictorlAn and' is expected to
arrive h6mer next TucMay.
15+.,• - S. Gardiner' 6['Goderich Wwn-
shig aildhiI4 two children. were the
gua7ts over the -. wack end of the
lady's fatht,.r, Mry Chits. -Hllyar.
Mr.- John A. Cooper,. -editor of. The.
Canadian Courier,. Toronto, spont -a
couple of day.9 in: town. last. week
with his rriothe'r,1111.3. - Win. Cooper,
I -lo. addressed the Clinton Club on
Thursday evening
Mr. G.'W. Holman, prinnipa.1 of the
Public.ichoolatlEgraondville, and —, ----------------
Messrs., Beatty and Shillingbro6k of
Tuckersmith Were among - We teach- Personals PL-r'sonals.
1. � :. The News From -Lond e-sboro'.
airs fronil:,asit Huron. who attended
tho 'funeral of Inspector Robb on Mr. 11. F,. Hodgens of God-erlich was Mrs. G.. D: McTaggart Is min Toronto
-Monday. ..ii, tD*n.on Tuesday- this week. Jelin Mr. And Mrs. Phillipe of the Thp Pic social ahold. on St. Patrick's
Mr. W. Jackson _Toront0'. Fri- Mr.. James.8teverna spent the . weep
INliss Hilda Hailes is spending a few 12th. eon. celphrated - their silver wed- evening, under the a
day last and was a- guest, at the end with friends in Goderich. 'quys in Odderich. uspices of . the,
dinner g . iven 24 tba:Alb . any'Club. to Miss Dais . y Middleton is spending a ding on Friday , of last week, . wheii Women's Institute. was a 'decided
Mr..J. D. Ma:gdonald, D. P.A.,of tho few. days with 'Gadritich'.friends,• Mr. J. -Lewis Evans ofLopisville, ' anloijg tho. many presents reedivod wag success in every way. The ladios,
a.bealltiful clock., prt(Aented by the
'Grand Trunk Railway. who liasbaen Miss Isabel Gunil.has retiirmsl afbDi •4 Kentucky, paid flying visit to the each wearing tliv. emblem of the day,•
-biltirl g in their efforts to make,
promottd. to Assistant! General * Pas- visit � Of ociveral weeks. in - Toronto, . par&tal lionic in town this wtvakl neighbo-r-s. werd'. III
MissLaidlaw mSunday ent at every one feel at home and after - a'
sen -Ur Agent at Chica:go. 'Mr. Mae- Mr. and Mrs. J. J. McCaughey spent, Mr. Fra -1. Mutch is suffering, f roin home.,
lengthy program, cOnsi0ing of a 'de—
donald 1.9very popular Among ihcme, , from Saturday to.Mondaytbe guests
a severe attack -of ififlammatory Mrs. George -Thompson ' left Oil bate, ' voic'al,4nd instrumental music,
transportaMon.'and with rheumatism, his many., ftli4mfas.' will Saturday. last - for Lond lunch which ttigaod in of-Godeiricl, friends
t1be newspaper frat6ril-it Mr. andMrs, R, Sweet b tho ladles q.-rved h con-
y. been vIs-. be sorry, to hear. Wjll� Bell'16ft on Tuesday for Pilot Osted of ,§indwichm -a . cortm, add
Mr. Wm'. Weir of Molvillei ac- iting Hensall and Eketer frloftds-for nd
Mr.. John Cantelon, who has. been on. Mound, 1. where be.will. . spend the pie, for which, the, social was � ritangd.
companied by his son. was in, -town the past" few week.
cluminer. . . Needl�ss to sak, overvthing w
k the after:- Miss Mae,Ranct, who has been ome
on Monday. They tiob h th!v staff of tho Molaons Bank here as per-
• noon trafti-on: route for lheir wost-.- for same weeks, has returned to her for'sunic time, has. beqn. tranisfebred 'Mose -11011 woars a-bro.a'6,�.,.rni-lv!,fcct of.its !kind:' -After all -had joined
ern. honib, Xr.Wair ha's been in duties' to'tlie...-Bay street branch, To 'val :Insinging. anthers they
on the teaching staff of Moal-. Toronto, those days becauseof.the. arn of
and leavi�% to-moiiow for the. Pity. A, y Ing that they had, spent
0 s CbllbO, Toronto. young sot.l. at honia,d-` departed, feel
Obi�;! � ince 4nuary And visited toii Ladies' W.
and fa ning. The pr6cwjs,.
-other tints, -Mr. Ti. Baker is this week 'assisiting� blily have!an -pajoyable cv6
Toronto, Westin and I r.,
Before -coming to Stanleys where, he . Mr.' it; Sloan, Goderi6 township's blov(A to the villaga. fran
a 1,istowel i which Amounted 0 $34,30, Are to go,
was the gumt of his daughtorl Mis, biggest orchardist, and who hast pro- an(v will occupy: •iv1r. William. Addi- towards having the cemetery dirvi
A. MoE wan. . It is nine years since 'bably agreattar, acreage In Anil son's house. f or. The ladies wish to. thank all
Mr. M,6Ewan went to SAskatelliewauy, troes than an , oth,q tdiiglo individ 1 -4 go HIM luck NEWS 1. Mr. D. Cabtelob, shipped a carload1who so ably asolated-inthe affaiv.
of hogs from, Londeshoro on Thurs- Tho News -Record leads for ]�ondgy4$_
and like most Hu.6n; menwho have vol in the county.
their homes thaw. lie has pros- Xle. Robt, Cochrane, son, of V, CONCERT, day of this. week. :.,boyo News.
iiiade A F RDI 1',
pered and is fully' satisfied with hia Georgo Cochrane (YUStaplatob, Reaves Tliti. directors ,of the Huron County
r next Monday for Victoria, 8. C.
Sur dings. Stock Show aretr�ak,ihg..,atirattvo)mLrtts
Xr� I rail Taylor was in town on Dame Rumor insist? that. 'he will for a Fred concert t6 bo given in the
,q&tu ay on hial way to Godort h not go alone And t1io fact ,that .4a town hall on the morning Lot the Hulleft: Happenings
where he occupied a Me-Uiodist, pill- -has -bought two railway tickets Shoir. The Toronto 'Quarteitc. club
P morning and everting. Ifiett-enut giv&q color to the report.
Is ex1pected, and other attractions as
was Missions,. on which he speaks Dr. Spqtton, Toronto, Inspector of well. Mr. And Mrs. John Phillips eelMrat- i Mr'. Anios Spuhl has sold itis Clyd�.
witb such conviction that hizi services tjigh Schools;, ib§oecfed the C. G. ;&d ,the twenty-fifth: anniversary of osdale stallion to Mr. W. white of
are .much in request throughout the L on Monday, Tuesday and. Wednes BAPTIST 01MIRCIT. their niarriageou ,Friday last, *honlApplegate, Mich. The AincOlean Wag
London Conference. -Though now . a day of this week, While the Dr. Next Sunday morning Rev. `Mr, a number of their friends I,fortunate , in m�euriaK such 0, horse ao
resident of London, Mr. Taylor '• al- was rather non6oknvlttql, prArr- l- "The den bo dinn I', and in the 'I d who has PrOved to be one,
- whenever he ing to lot his'kport speak for itW11 Wylie Will take for his text e evening a or
ways drops off here * Beauty and 110 of the Christian larger numborgatilere4 to offer con- the best shock horses that has
travels this way, not merely because he gay. the Impression the Col- sall I pe 9
his brother and. outer rolatdvea live loglatk is doing excellent -work, in- Life." In tho evening he will give a gratnilatiabb and Wod wisibes, an tote cro sEd the meaft.
in Clinton but as 11 bacausto . he deed• gospel addrm§. Tho dongrogatilons hapPY occasion, Mr. James Elsltilr gold a team 01
wo ar., increasing finder Us. Wylie's pas- The' ovening was very pleasantly homs the other day too- a pries somo.
was himself for many years a citi- Mr. and Mrs. James. Tucker will torate, 'spent in music, gam6si etc.. SvIce- where Around the $500 mark, it jils
zoif and has an abiding and fragUlit spend May and Juno iirl Merrio Eng- tiono on piano and violin were given said. Mr. Elsley e(ortainly knows, 0,
recollection of the old home town. land,. tho. former'fj homeland. Tho THP, 130Y8 DOING WFYY,. by Mr. and Mrs. Jackson and Mr. good horse when lie %c*so obe,
Major Dudley ffolrnes of Wingliam. was five,years that- hAvoolaPsed since he.
Iii town On gonday. on his way came W thiA country have been The moving picture, show`, under tho Braithwaite And Mr,'Will. Lyon gavv We arc sorry to 101MI that Um,
ftiaZagernomt at the Boys' Association., A reading vIllch was appropriate and 106orga Thompson, wli(i for the pasfs
home from spending the wwX-ead in prosperous ones for Mr. Tucker, be has been well patronized during the much appreciated. while has not, been in tho beat ot
the county town. Tho Major is a cause of his energy. and , applies- past week. Apart from rho . picturea Tlio bride and Aroow. of. a quarter I health, is but slowly improvitig 411d,
barrister of more than county repiu tion, And when he g�*s; back on this p
tation and is maid to be the only visit his daily song will bO I 'The each evanivg local. talcqii has been of a eWittipy wetol the recipients of has gone to London to undergo ttft#.
11uron lawyer that has*yoti appear- Maple Leaf Forever-" . brought Into requisition and -a pleas- many liasids-onle giffs. tokens of alb,- nient. Iter rattuy, friends hoVe %kd
ed professionally betora the Divorce Mr,Wra. Crooks of dodftrich tx)wT Ing program put oil, Thc Association tt*m from thalt friends and neigh- may soon be quite well again, I
Committee <)f the Smate At Otta- ship went to Linwood in Pert, Is to be congratulated upon tho sue- born. _Mn Tlioinaq Cole had a ver gao;�
wa. Ile has Irad at toast two oases. County on Tuesday �iid will spend ef"a of Its enterPrIs.6. Af*r an enjoyable ovoliffiR th6 cesg!ul auction -sale m TuoWay.
there to Is -in a pofelticyn to testify; ' a week or two witli his sister and A 13111TITDAY PARTY. company broke up by singing togethor, Mrs. J, Sands of G(Aerich to Via -
If he earod t6 do va, to the perfect old-tlibe friends tho�.,s and tibtre- "God be with you till we meet again,"' it' her %inter, Mro, S. McCool,
willingness with which tho veneilable abouts. That was his native dis- Master Claltme Finch, son 'Of Mt, and "WO, are all jolly, 900d 10,110"," Mr, Bert 110t1b OulcellasC4 a buggv,.
I re
T�Wbers of the Oaiiadfan Ifouso of triet and though a peat many atilt Mrs, Jarnt�q Finch, paaod his arid' d(rparted to thoit'honw.s apror- it Mr, Nlie's sale.
ords , .serve upon ithis importAot years have pramed by shica lit left thirtamth tnilestione yesterday and sing the WiF11 that their )lost an -d
cominlittee, Mtntion iso merely inadit there And nurnevitc.; former fri(ods had twent;Y-tbree of 'his little friends liosto!00 might bo sparal to celebrate
tit this fact in juetim to the :senate leave oalipc-ared, from bho seem,, in ib help lihn celebrato the day. it their golden wedding.
for Uht; impresnioft has somehow got Mr. Vro6ks still likv4 to' go back ,was quell a marry party that'eacli. and Mr. And Mrs. IIIIIIIII)s heartily thank -
abroad That they are. meroly lillies occasionally becauto, of the ties of, 111-1 or The guests would like to see rel their guegto foil ilipir pa -rt hilliak- I 'rho dittvD.,neo between slitculatiott
of the valley in tho lPgiO4ttve field, ficin and auld lang sync. Clarence's birthdAv Come oftener. Ing the, everting Pass oft so pleasani,ly. and peculattiou is only one letter.