HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1911-03-23, Page 5ss.
March 23rrds 1911
NOW the GIohe Houlds Pub&
Our abliging station .agent, who ba+
Inion, ! "on +�.kd �� Wh4r00 � Coen t, l.s tak the best of lxealt$ ��
! axk4 f s taking a vacation.
Capt. T. H. Tnatheway is much •fn.
_ .:
' Mrs. Thom$ou and., children, after
Editor of The Newot Record.
l *-Our ipilliog induet'ry `would be
spending a week with her sis'te'r, Mrs
91r,: -My attention. 'bas been, drawn
aftectled, for western wheat whieh
John$tQ% has returned to hco; homt
,-� P
W an article whiell recently a pe acd
should be ground in Canada and :he,
at Brookst3ale, Oxford County.
as the Toronto Globe, sunt from 61111-
bye -product& ue:d here will be, taken
Miss Potter of Halmmville Is spend,
Tea by its Stott Uorrespeudoot and
to Minneapolis.
Ing, a- few ,days with her cousin, Mise
nportKng to gleet the views sif . the
a-C?ur pulpwood would bei shipped
Potter of Zion City, Ill., and other
i?armere of this district on the quos-
to; the Stages there. W be manataotur.
friends here.
WA Of RMKgPracibg. It stated that,
ed by American, labor, to our count-
'Mr. J'. B. Dfnsdale. who has return.
'"Jahn Middleton and his tbreq %)Ds
try's loss.
ed from' Mount Clemens,. Mich., where
are Conservative farmers of Goderieli
4-Tht4 farnners. in. different soAl lons
hep went last December. is very much
unship who are in favor of Recl-
of our Dominion would be Ilard bit
improved in health though not com-
Now,the Innis are those :
through competition with chuxper
pletely cured. Uis many friends
1 oice with himn ~ his axarrted it» viler.
"John Mnldleton and his 01,1103
grown fruit from Southern States.
Mr.. Din;sdale considers Mount
Cons" were note interviewed by ' the
And the manufacinmrrng ixldustlrlgs
Clemens very .�uperfor to Preston as
'Globe representative, who had no
would be Injured through Canada. bobir
a sanatorium for those suffering from
foundation whatever for elideIavoxing
used as tho slaughter market for sur-
rhoumatism. Tire .expense is also very
loo so place us on recood. when as a
plus goodst: from the Uniticd States.
much lower.
matter of fact we are opposcl to
My belief is that Canadian natural
Last Wednesday the effects of tine
late Mr. Thas. McKay ware sold by
products -should be manufactured in
auction and a very successful sale was
Likely enough the Sta.0 Correspond-
our own country' as far as possible,
the result, Mr, R. B, McLean has
rent's articles which are appearing in
thus giving employment to Out own
been appointed admfnistitator. A bard
40 Globe daily are of an cauall3 un-
men, building up our own cities and
tiring in Connection witch the winding
reliable character.
towns and making .a greater Canada
up of this mtbate is that evince aro will
I am apposed to Reciprocity sot
To do justice to our -country this
was left and no children blessed the
-several reasons, some of which are;
gwstion should be decided by; the
lsnivn of Mr, and Mrs. McKay, the let -
1 --Our meat packing, indusiay would
people. My motto if-* Canada ; for
ter' now receives only Jalf the value of
Im ruined And the reputation which '
the Canadians,
the farm for which shr; worked so in
Canadian bacon has wort in Lha Enna-
Yours, etc.,
dustriously, the other half going to
.pean markets would become athin;
We have received • very beautiful
the government.
.01 the past.
,am,, who are travelling this winter. -
A Pretty, Wedding 8t The FImse .#
bass >nig of 'Mrs. J. c. Bogie
this coming ocason. The local. archi-
their way homy from China. . They
The following refers to a slates of
will meet Mrs. McGillivray sand the
the same at present:
Mrs. H, Pcunnebakei of Chaton :
"The Elms," the house of Mr. and
friends and relatives of the' contract:-
Death is always unwtr:eoipo :raven
'Mrs. Win. Pollock, Goshen Line, ,Stan-.
ing parties.
though' it comes at the natural time
ley, was the. scene of a pretty wedding
Little Edythe Mae, the bride's niece,
when life's' day is over and its work
.an Wednesday.' of last, week at
made a dainty flower. girl, caraying a
is done; but when it eteals In upon
,o'clock, when the formers sister, Ag-'
of carnatiians and ferns and
tlhe family circle and plucks. the loving
nits Elizabeth, was united in marriage •
wore the groom's: gift, and,
mother from Its midst itis .doubly
so Mr. James Pollock of Indian .lend,
sad; Such a bereavement as, this be-
After the ceremony and when the
fel the home ,cif Mr. J. C. Bogae of
The bridal couple book their places
up p s
nbwly-wedded pair had raceived the
Goderich on the 3rd inst., when his
wife answered thu sum m.qns of death.
4n the parlor before a bank of flowers,
congratulations, of the . assembled
For nearly ten.nnonths she had been
to the strains of the wedding march
guests, all repaired to tbe'dining room
fighting a hard and continuous battle
played by the bride's niive, Miss Olive
whore a dainty repast was spread..
against disease, and though she was
The bride, who was the recipient• of
brave and usual! hopeful,.
y ,and though
The bride, wile was given away .by
many handsome gifts from friends fax
eve+;y:. thing that loving hands and
lien brother, wore a vory pretty gown .
and . near, wore Me groom's, gift; a
g�old• bracelet. Her going,
skillful aid could 'devise was done; it-
•of, blue silk, trimmed wit4n.a11over
tate, and carried.a boquet of bridal
-away gown
was navy blue with hat to maU.-h.
was an unequal struggle and at last
the grim ntuper- conquered. .Deceased
roses and ferns.
Mr, and Mrs; Pollock left aim Thurs-,
had onlybe.n confined to her bed fon
•'lttmberm•en of the north of, Ontario.
deny for, the groom's• fine farm near
two weeks and, on Fr day evening• witlt
The ceremony was performed by '
Indian Head •vvhow they will at once
s'careuly a struggle, her :spirit took its
Rev. Mr. Carriere, paster of tha Pres-
take up housekeeping. Their nuxhev-
flight to idle Father's presence.
byterian church, Grand Bend,. and.
outs•frienjds in'Stior1 ••wi% then many
Mrs. Tingle was 'born in the town-
-was witnessed only immediate
years of wedded happiness, .
ship"" of Ashfield, eight rnfies from God-
most InWreeting prr/graui to at lard.
erieh, on Octf 12th, 186,3, and was
N1t�1NNNINs��N4N��N�y N�� f � �H•e .....
therefore in her. 48tli year. • Her .mald-
en name was.. ,Annie Burrows; Four-
teen years ago she waq married to
The News From oder�ch
Mr. -James Bogie of Colborn , They
moved to Goderich and have lived
there ever shite, Sim was of a lov-
ELOISE A. 5KIr1MINGS Correspondent
P •�
ing; Cheerful, dispositirm, she. iinade
iiiany.'warm who deeply regret
------------ -, _ _ _ _ _ _
her unbfnnely end. She is survived by
Capt. T. H. Tnatheway is much •fn.
Mr. J. J. Wright has been.' sufferfng
#crested in the coal mines of Albertafrom
an attack of bronchitis. Westud
reports them a paging invest-
trust that his recovery may be -
anent, Capt. • Will. Trethe"y' - has
speeiily and complete.
settled in Port Arthur, having pur-
Rev. W. R. McIntosh-, a•graduate of
rebased a home there. M
Goderich C. I., hasbeen called to.th0
Mrs. Archibald C. Mcdonald has
pastorate of King street, Presbyterian
rented bee furnished house to Mrs.
church, London:
Thomas Brownlee of Bayfiold, who
Mr. Toon. G1nu,' Sr., is busy' k-
will continue to keep .the boarding
Ing maple syrup - Ile says his mai ple
wood brings •him quite a revenue each
M Mrs. Robb. King has sufficiently re-
year. '
,covered to be able to leave the lie f-
-The steel' trestle bridgp is - now
sal, :
tom IeW and having been.. inspected is
The new addition bei Pitto' the
g pt
ready 'fm traffic:
building recently purcha>��l from the
.rs. A. Hafies or, Clinton' was th,%
Jordan estate by !fir. Portar is adding
guest of Goderich friends last week.
Mch to the appearance of Colborne%
Sunday last was the. Closing of the
street. The finishing touches are
Epccfal missionary aampaigin in Vic-
feeing put on and when completed will
tlorfa 'si!roet church; : Mr. I. Taylor of
be occupied by Mr. 11nrter who will
London and another • layinon of Toron-
find it mora convenient-Ao his busi-
to gave addis sses;
ileus than bis present residence.
. The Ladies' `Eureka Bible class . of
We reaves to report the illness at,
Victoria street church held Ibeir an-.
nual meeting on ' Uhnday.- Tile follow -
Airs. Postlewhaiti" of Britania Road..
Ing officers were .411ected-
Mrs. M. H. Morris of Distrait,` wile
denty G. Elliott ;..President, Miss L,
has been very ill, is recovering; - her
M ,Kerr ; ','ice, Miss Gladys Ilog-
many Goderich friends wilt be glad to
garth ; $coretary, bliss Eleanor Ryan;
Traasurer, Miss.: Annie Knight ; .Or -
The Mother's Mecting in connection
gattist; _ 'Mrs., E,.. B. Male ; Leader,
with the W.C.T.U. was held.at the
Mrs.. Wark.
home of Mno. Trotheway, when a
. Anniversaity missionatry- services will
large attendance was present. Mrs.'
be held 'in N&VIi •strgct church on
Colborne is presidenU of. that branch
Sunday nr xt.
sof the work.Rev.
Mr. Jas. Thomas liar herrn away a
Rev.J. C. Reid �£ .1�twood, a gi+ad-.
of'Goderieli 'C: I,., preachtd fine
,good dml of the time during the past
. serinons in North street .church :.on
low weeks, leaving gotten a. newly pat-
Sunday week, ITa is an excellent.
ented case for shipping fruit lie has
prtqcher. • : . ' . •I
boon demonstrating its use• to the
.. .
The Y -M -C, A; and Auxiliary will -
large .shipping firms of London, Strat-
holdthe last banquet of the: scasou In
lard, Guelph and other places.
tbo Y.M.C.A. rooms this evening.
Mr. Harry Morris has been in Ter*
A syndicate composed of Bien frons
onto recently.
London; Toronto and St..Marylo, his
We have received • very beautiful
purchased thirty lots on which it is
xouvenir cards from Mr. and Mrs, 1sh-1
the intention to erect as many sum -
,am,, who are travelling this winter. -
Hier cottages, sixbeun are to be built
Dr. McGillivray and family are On
this coming ocason. The local. archi-
their way homy from China. . They
tects are busy p p ilre ars g pinus, for
will meet Mrs. McGillivray sand the
the same at present:
rast of the family in '4 aneonver;
•Phe Daughters of trite Empire -are
where they have bce?!n guests of this
endeavoring to Collect . from' the
lady's 17rather.9, the Messrs. McKelt-
"Mary's" of tile! Dom'infotl a donation
Ae, and they all are aEpected in God-
of from five ctnts.to flvIv .dollars, with
erich in April.
which to purchase n, coronation gift,
Mr. Thornton has succeeded Mr.
for Queen Mary. Mris. Jak _Clark
(,,has. Thomas as baggageman on• the
will receive the contribut-ions rout to
t:.T.R. at the station.
tho Goderich branch.
Mrs, Henry Robinson has returnNI
' On the evening at St.. I'atricWs Day
to her home after spending some time
the fine* residence of Mrc-. Chas. 'Nairn
g&ith Mrs. Peter Mcfarlane.
was gaily illuminated and presented a
Miss Celia Robinson fs now the
very festive appearane n. Tho Y.M.C.
guest of Mrs. Maefarlam', who is
A. and Au\iliary had been invited to
somewhat recovering from the shock
hold their entertaitnmyent there and
Of her husband's tragic death.
the haus" was beautifully da4_oreateil by
Mrs. J. P. Bntawn has bean indispos-
mottos, flags.and shamrocks for the.
ed for some t.me,
occasion. President A. M, Robertson
We thank all our kind friends for
way in the chafe and the program was
:St. Patrick Day greetings.
in keisaing with the day, Mrs: Car-'
A new slate roof is haing put on the
rle read,a brief but int'Cresfr.ng essay
G.T.R. station.
on the lfie of St. Patrick. The Mast -
Miss Plorencel Graham, daughter of
.i,s Babb gave a piano rule ; Mei.,
Mr, Georgic Graham. has, gon0 to ivew
Hamilton gave a reading'; Mrs. King'
Yotdt to train as a nurse.
stint~ "Killatinty" ; Miss ITodgtr gave
The metirber s of the W.C;T.t'`. 9113
a raiding; Mr. F'owlerr contributed a
ausy snakirs� bagis of blue linen f cir the
solo, Mr. Alums gave an instrunlent-
•'lttmberm•en of the north of, Ontario.
al msydley of Irish .airs ; liTiss Tltawn
Thdy are+both useful and attractive.
and nit, Cook each sang an Irish song
'They are trying to have them finisthod
a quartette was re,ndored, by Mmes
iii time to bey sent up {110 lakes act soon
gg Nairn and Walter and :t7Cesstm Thom -
,as navigation 60MV.
i start and Wilkeil, and Messrs. Thomson,
Brim Maud Orabarn and hist mother
Wilkes and Miss Nairn contribuW a
v r
' v r0tur liar i�tlC o 1.0 lilt
la a fit*d �; t
trio. Tlx, National Antllerrt braufllb iii.
hiaiel V,'26Ult
most InWreeting prr/graui to at lard.
Misses Marion and Jean: alsb, all aged
mother, five 'sistr:s : Mrs. Peterson;
Detroit ; Mrs. J. W. r'1ioLellan,. -Den-
ver, Colorado Mrs. J. E. Harrison,
Brunswick,' Myld ; Mrs. 14. Pennebak-
er, ClIntoir ; Mary on hhe homestead
nt.Sheppardton, and.one-brother in
Alberta. The sincerest sympathy of
a wide, circle of friends goes out . in
tho. time of their great sorrow,
The funeral services were hoed: -on
Monday, March 6th, 'and ware conduc
to3 by Revs. Ross and Haanilton...,
The following floral offerings ' were
laid -on the casket : wreath by `the
Ladies' Aid of Knox cbarch ; wreath
by W.C.-T.U. wreath bv. Home Cir=
sic wrt+ath,' .Women's' Institute';
w1faath,: Marion and Jean's •S.. S:
class; casket bogiiets from Judge and
Mrs.: Bolt, -Mr. and Mrc,' Tom. Gun-
dry, Mrs. Rafferty and a Friend, Tor-
onto; wreath, Mics Wiggins ; .wreath,.
Central. School children.
The pallbearers : ,Messrs,. R.•. Wilson,'
James Tait, James Watson,. C. Stew-
art,. D. B•ogia and -1-1. Pennebakef,-
Mrs. Bogie. was a member at. , Knox
church arid was an earnest worker in
all church circles and will be greativ
missed by everyone. Shp alio taught.
school for tweilve , yearn bolero her
marriage and was widely known
throughout tine country .and town.
About Old Times
(Concluded from .,pogo 1,
Jas: Smith, elf:mhant+ Tailor; grin-
ton Foundry, Glasgow, Macpherson
In this issue, too, is a list of names
6f un -called for lobters, also a list
held in tho Winghaln .pesf,0JMCe.- Them -
as Fain was postniaster in Clinton at
this timc. "
X Every another is naturally fin- X
:X . xious for information that w Ill X
lX: -enable lien to keep the little X.
X onoi in good health. The Dr, X
X Williams' Meddelne Co,, have K
X issilud a little hook wlifcli con- .X
X tains a grrali deal of informa- X
X tion on the care ni babieis and X
<Z venni., children Hiatt rvery moth- :`K
X tr ought to 'know•: The book X
7s" will be sent fin., to any mother I
X who will send her ntinie and. X
X addrttss, with the name of this, X
X newspaper to Thi, TYr lv£ltiasns' X
X Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. X
X X.
V'Olt SAIA!:--Rhode Island Tied Eggs.
Prieto $1,00 for a tebting of 15. Also
for sale a Ritodd Island Red Clocker+-
el.John Little, 'Clueen gtteet. ---71
b"ilUW% 100it SALL", R FRUIT AND
brain growing, larfns near Clinton,
also a 20 acres fruit fart near Clod•:
erich.-Yor pari.tculara apply to 1I.
Panf elov, Melte .130, Clinton, -72-3
Clinton NowpsRecorrd
enact of the brido's b*at!her, Gast►
on Line,. Stanley. on March 15th
by Rev, S. A. Carriere, i -pes El
izabptlr, sister of Mr. Wim. Polloc
to James Pollock, of Indian Head
1TA'NNA HART= -.At the parsonage
S'eatforth, 94 March 15th, by Rtsv,
D. Rogers, Wpa. J. Hanna, t.
F'ran,ew X. Lillian, third daugh-
ter of Mr. Reubm hart, all o
SI141;•MONS- VANCI•:-&t the Ma
Street parsonage, Exetar, o'
March 15th, by Rev. Powell, Joh
Shawano of Hibbert to Selena Al-
berta, second daughter Of Mr. .an
Mos, William L Vance of us
HILL -In Clinton, on Mareh 21st, two
Mr. and Mm. Ed. 1;X'111, a dauginter,
BICGIN--In Clinton'. on March 22nd,
to Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred BBi;giu, a
CROLY-In Wingham, on Mareh 11th,
to Rev. and Mrs: 1,7. H. Croly,. a
GLADMIAN�--Tn Esetep, on Marc
12th, to Mr- and Mr.t. F, W. Glad -
man I
ladman, a $on.
ANGUS-In Wingham, Mareli 13th,
t'0 Mr, and Mrs. Frank Angus,.
M,cMILLAN' 7n Hullett, on Maar
8th, to Mr, and Mrs. Thos, Mc%il
last, a daughter.
SNIDER -In Colborne, on Marc
17th, to Mr. and Mit4.. Levi Snider,
a daughbur.
P•OLLOOK--In 'G'oderich, on Marc
10th, to Rev. Mr. and Mrs. _ Pol-
lock, a son.
SNE•ATH -In Wingham, on March 9th,
Jennie Sneath, -in icer 31st year,
SHADE In Saafortth, on March 13th,
Margaret -Jane Stuckey,. wife! of
Lucas Shade, ' aged 62 years, 9'
months and 17 days.
PLEWES--In Brucefseld; on March
13th, Annie Plewes, relict of the
late Wm. Plewes, ago! 80 years.
BOTZ-In Grey, on ftireh 10th, PhiA-
ip P. Botz, aged 85,
WG$EGOR--In Tuckcrsmitli, on
March 15th, Win. XoGrt�•gor, aged
52 years.
WILLIS=-At. Snoveir, Mich., an March
.13th, John Willis: 'lorm'crly oP Rx-
cter, in his 08th year,
HAWKSH'AW-=-In Detroit, ' azo March
9th, Sadie Hawkshaw, daughter of
Mr. John Hawkshaw,. of Exeter,.
aged •47. years.
the Ratienbury, Hou:;e. Joe'1:at•-
tenbury. -72
-.11th, va sable ruff.' V Finder please
leaver at, The News -Record: office. -72
of � Mangolds.-Apply to 'William
Doherty. -72
18th•, a large black collie dog,: with
,W it>o ring around. neck and white
.-,breast. Any person known to harbor
the dog will be . prosecuted. -Fred.
.Nott, London Road.. --72
Bound, black and white, head yel-'
low and. mottt�loct, piece out of, point
of one ;ear, Coarse haired. Inform-
aUk leading to its. recovery will
be. suitably, rewardad. Any person
known to be .harboring the dog, will
be prosecuted. J..T, Reid,. Bruce -
field. -72
Horns, One extra good young Bell]
of .choice breeding .from an imported
cow and sired by.the .Cruickshank
Brawith Bud. Bull Mevty, Bud 67395,
Also a' few choice heffer'. of similar
breedilig. Prices reasonable. Ap-
ply. to W.. J.. Biggins, Elmhurst
Farm, Box. 263, .Cl•inton P. O,• --72
1YIr.. Da+vfd Churchill has instructed
Vie undersigned to sell by ,Public
Auction at Lot 33. Con. '14, Goder-
idh Township, on I+riday, March 31,
at 1.80 o'clock sharp the followfrig :
Horses -1 heavy draft horse, 1 hea-
vy draft broad* Cram. 1 genoral pur-
pose snare in foal, .1 Heavy draft
matched team rising- 4 and 7, 1 gen-
eral purpose mare rising 4 years,
1 'heavy draft hiatebcd team of colts
ri„ing 2 years, 1 heavy draft filly
rising 2 years, i heavy draft 'filly
rising 1 year, 1 fanev driving; mare 6
years, I driving horse 3 year,t, 1
driving filly 2 years. Cattle --1 cow
clue to calve in April, 1 cow due to
calve in May, 1 cow due to calve in
June, 2 farrow cows halt fat, i2
steers rising 2 years, 1 stook rising
8 years, 1 bi+acct sow with hVer,
about 200 cedar postai, No reseo,*,o
as the proprietor is overstocked.
Terms :
e All ems of SO e under,.
s $ and' node ,
cash; on.over that amount 8 Manths
credit oil furnishing approved jolat
notes. 5 per cent. per aundat dis-
count for cash on credit amounts.--
David C'hurthill. Proprietor; T.
CTundry, Auctioneer.
POT( 8ALIS-I6ggs for Batching from
Oil pf Single Comb White Ldgoh-mv,.
bred from winners at Past Toronto.
Hamilton aria 1Turon 1'ouitrl shows,
Also Pon of Single Comb Brown Leg -
horns, everlasting layers, w atod to
them a Grand (104kervl that, took'
lirnt in sales Class at Guelph, lort'v
birds Competing, also first at Hilton
Poultry Show. I-,'ggt froth eittbolt
of thtwe pens five, ceiitn sxpioe"..
John Volloek, f3ayhold', -71
GOOD MILCH COW Von aSAd E., dons /"� /� _�7
tO 411ye' tti 4410 of �rB. rgl rill �.!rt►� W 0Si�*4/ t
50, 100 and 15'a _Mfit
em for Sale. -.-For sale a beautiful Let alb. suffice that it tastes
' residence 14 13ayfreld. The house is a' and Of itself the Opened oxt Wednesday, Marcli I34ti,
a two-swry Concrete, situated on inevitable conviction that. it in t#p
the squaw. There is a quarter of MUST BE GOOD.
• an acre cif land in connection on ORD STORB FROM TOWN IfALi.. '
o which Is a large barn, Aliso the Strictly 'We handle almost .everything, Inedud-�
Livery Business and Strugoayliel and Betwo a ourselves .#'leis instillot fug School Books; ,.Scribblers, Post.
mail routes between Bayfield and is .a pretty reliable guide. Cards, Toys-, Caddies,, Granitewaiito•,
Main Seaforth. and Bkucefneld, The whole Keep a Lookout' fou our NEW 1 OAP. Tinware. Also a fe •r '
will be sold together or gaparatel w pairs of C hrl=
Oil y We will announce it here. dren's Rubbers. a ..
Apply on the . premises or addrms 42 PHONE 42
John H. Little, Bayfield P,O.
Nothing i u
d h- --� �*• ��• Agnew � t ng do r storit will cost etc
more than 2a cents:
from e Pen y a beast winter lay- i! a n s* n* s *. n s n n*+ s s a► TE RMS, .--• CASH,
cis, headed by large Millard cochar- • -
OL Hens are large size, right 0
ed.goad color, and nicely barn- x� o 1 • 011NII L Vii, 1,1"000K, V 0V K Pro
Eggs $1.25 per 15, "'Also Blue i. e.
Andalusian eggs from liens that 10
laid when 51 months old. Eggs
$1.00 Pwl15. -Poor hatch replaced •
free of charop. H. A. Havey, Clin-
ton. 1000 muskrats skins won*A, i
also othev kinds. --H. A. Hovey. --/!:' SPECIALS
March r s
Glasses that
THIS breautif3►.
FARM FOR SALE -Lot north ball 0 �1- bestrain producgj
a0 con, 12 Hallett conisiatin of +
WEEK, n that worn, worried,
Consisting 0 � , discontented appear-
a whce which mars 1
50� acres. All ed down except • !
otherwise heautil"%
10 acres, Small orchard. Frame • Choice, new Five Crown layer n feature..
March a figs,, regular 15c per lb, this • We remove eyestrafatl
house and bank barn with stabling- 0 + •,.nd.the di.asurrnd
On Gravel rand 1 toile north at • week only lee, s wrinkles disappear•
Londesboro. mile from school, 0 New Cooking Figs do lb n
March Apply on the . Premises or address s
Dates . Seib •
. Richard Shaddick, Londesboro P.O. •
h ... -75 Large, clinic, evaporated Peach- 0.1
w es 21bs for 2l5c. ♦ -
CHOICE PROPERTY FOR SALE- We are still selling
Lot 83 on the 2nd con, of Stanley 20 lbs. Redpath's Extra
oontaiihing 55 acres. Three acres Granulafed Sugar • if�� �•
of wheat in, six acres of' bush, good n r J
sugar bush, an aeva -of orchard with ' • for *#.00
all kinds of fruit. The remainder • w t
of thefarm is" nearly all seoled - - __. _. •
down; The buildings and fences 0'
aro in good repa,r. .:windmill on ; W� �t j r •
barn. • Two ,,miles from Clinton.. • • i . Q`
jj�j EIL • I A. Jct GRICxG
Price 'right for •a quick Sale. -Jahn • ' }' $aiesatiific Jewetets•
,Jervis; 'Clinton P.O. ---7.0-2 "The Hub Groce;ry.'r a &nd Oatia:isn
tr �
FARM FOR SALE, -Lot 18, con, is, :as aaraaasnntrs sa*nas�a..
Goderich Township,: consisting Of 80
acres. Well ,watered. Three acres -""'-'------ -
of good bearing orchard mostly win-
ter' fruit... Good house .and outhuild-
ings. Good stabling. New silo.
School. across the road. Within ) )
five miles of Clinton. -Lot. 14 on the 11
10th'con.. is.'alsa offered. to rent for
pasture, Apply to C. S Lowery,' UPINING' ANNOUNCEM_
Box 114, .Medicine. Hat, • Alta,, or L�`-
to . W. Brpdonc, Clinton. - x-95•
ass ante on
FARM 'FOR SALE That valugble c
property; lot 40, con. 3, L,R.B:-Al-
Begs to �nnouflce. her
so lob $0, eon. 3, H.R•.S., West End g
Tuclrorsnith, County of Huron, Can- • „ , ,
Wiling 230 'acres. It is well under -
drained and. in flrst-class state of
_ cultivation. On lot! 40 is •a good
bank barn, 50x114; Withdriving .
-shed, also a 9 -roamed house
-with woodshed. There is windmill • •
and tank'with water at house and
barn, .also 4 acres of .goodoxchaod.
Fr'iday-e�l�veLot 30 has frame barn, 20x50,, and " aturdfly
stnble.20x30, good orchard and new-
or tailing well. This Is one of the MARCH 24th. and 25th and followingdays
best` f�arms•in Western Ontario. It y
.is . eonvenientl . situated .to School It i8 again with pleasure y , , . •p a we invite the. ladies of `
and church.. 5 •miles from Clinton Clinton
and vicinity to 'attend`olir. 1Vlillnery Open'
and 7 froanh. Seaforth.. Will sell to- in when a fine arra of the hat b'a t'
gather or. would divide prop
ctxty: g Y e u lfuh will be on
G. W. 'Nott, Clinton. -•70 display to suit all individual tastes and requirements:
The new store° t wo doors .south of town hall.
NOTICE=-Porsons desiring an ex- _
tension of brie Goderich -Township
Municipal. Telephone System- must
Crake' applicatian.for same; in •writ
Ing to.thti Bead Office at' ifiolmes-
villa of said Systdm on or before theM1 S: pNTILD 8
irrst Monday in April 1911.--G.'
FIOPlam, president.' 70
acres of good clay loam. Nice
brick-. house, ha=d . and soft water,
bank barn, drive house, liog pest.
Good orchard, all kinds fruit.. Sit,
uated on.Base Line; outside carpor
ation of tlia town.of Clinton. Ap-
ply on the premises or, to Isaac
Barr, Clinton• P.O.
house, ,barn and garden' ca Ontario
'street, Clinton. Apply. at house of "
Clinton P. 0. r-65
lots 12 and 13; con. 9, Hwiett, are'
forbidden, Parties found trespassing
will be prosecuted 'according to
raw. -The. Owners. .Oct. 18th. =-51
strftt, 5 rooms, hard and soft wat-
er, good gardtai, woodshed. Posses-
sion can be given at once: -Mos. G.
St .nbury, London Road, Clinton
P.O. --67
A F"itltSl`i CAROP
rda toa%' 64 lIIfr r
Sap` Buckets. and. S .ides
Washing Machines
Clothes Wringers
Step Ladders
.,Daisy Churns..
Carpet .Sweepers
Curtain Poles
Dr., Hess' Stock Food and t anacea to make bend lay
Dustbane thereat sweep g p in tom nerd in b mels
half barrels acid cans. ' .
Clothes Horses reg $1,50 for 95 cts
See our job lot of nails, 12 lb for 25 cts.
Will paper from So to 25t ei roll also odd bon
p p p � dies.
Heavy Rubbers 10 percent., off both mens and bays.
Men's and Boys' Ready.ly ade Suits x0 percent, Of .
12i:h prints 10e.
Canadiali Oil 12c perallon, American 1l c.
,Butter w
utt l� ,� 20 g e. Eggs 20C.
J E.Harnwea, M 00 rH l` Varlo,