HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1911-03-23, Page 100• A• P h�e Clinton N.ews w -Record, 1672--'3204 Year CLINTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY,MARCH 23rd, Ioll THE- HOME PAPIER Entries for th.e Huron County Spring Fair close at TO a.m. on day of Fair,, April 6th. Bigger and B -than ever.; ABOUT ULD TIMES. LITERARY 51METiNG, MR. P44NNABAKER INJL;RP:,D, I,C)C,1I, I1:kRiiI;Z'. New Advertiseart¢nks. A copy of Clinton's first paper, de- Clinton Herald, " semi-weekly Inde- t very iCilub las meeting of the Literary Club was held' Tuesday while engaged one day 1a4(t week in mounting from the roof the 'Wheat 77c. 4 Sahli, Ruff Lost --a". pendt+nt Conservative Journal," dated May 20th, 1'&57, has been banded in to evening. The speaker was Mr. Thos. Frason of Stanley $is of engine house at the organ: factory to that of tiatsy, 28c to 30c. Peas, f;8c to 7,3r.- Peas,Barlo ( , ! 3S11linery.-law �n s--�. Dog Lost --J. r The News -Record office by Mr. C. B. and subject, "Taxation and Tai-1Refozlu.,1+ His the main building, the ladder which Mr. Il, Permebaker was using slipped 54c to Sae. Eggs, 15c ific. lurid -5, � i)og• Lost—Fred. Nott—S, Hale. It was discovPrec3 among the papers of his+f4thtr, the late address was listen(+i to with clone and h! fell with it and with such to Butter 20c to 21c. I =Sluing Tailoring—Morrish--l. Horatio Hale, a tamous linguist 'and, atteaknon and called forth quite a lively discussion. Thar next meeting farce as to receive injuries that! will cause enforced WILIA Gs for Live Flogs $0.50• ;-auction Bale—•D. Churchill—$, Wall Paper—IV : ll. Pair Co. -8. in his generation for several in the will be addresmad by '.Major Me- some weeks. RENTED FAR.51. Farm for Sale' li, Cantelon—a. y(rsrs employ of the Unit- Taggart on the subject of "our Mill- in to tea this cwening. Capital Paid Up $6,Zoo,000. _ Wall I apors-.•W, Cbpptrr (so. -4. W Staten Government as Ethnul; I tary'System." TUNIGIIT'S CONCERT. Mr. J. W, Refd of Stanicy Sias neat* Our Watches. -W. 11. IIeilyar—l. ogist in which capacity he accoanpa,n- ( led its exploring expedition around the MONEY IN APPLES. The Pastime Club. under thtr dire:- ed the lU5 acres of the S. ii. smith farm located on the west, side Of the :knnouncement_Mi.,s (`antelon--5, Bit world. +� A family man could scarcc(ly exist I. tion of the Ella L. Beers Co,, are Putting on a "A Day I3ayfleld Road and will use it for graz- •Judging -ad --W. IT. Agnew -5,5, A C'as'h 13asi�s•-.•lozer & I3rown—s, Tha paper was• published for the proprietors at the Richmond on aloe salary, paid Ii(tenne inspectors, play, at .The County Fair," in the towir-Irall to- Ing puryoses. Ile is a brother of Mr. C. 11. Reid, one of t41e most ex- A Dollar Down-•• Ilooveii i3ttil—ii. . :llangolds for Sale—W. •office, St., London; Terms: 12s 6d per an ^ sa the holders of those positions must ,+ ne is add to their incomes• night, when ,taut 'event -five local t(usive buyers of live+ stock in the 1)ahert —5, Girl Wanted-ltattenbury 1 y lease --5. fn advance." roil It is a four-page, weli,printed sheet , is indeed in- Iteresting in other ways. For in"tnnce Inspector As,, characters arU taking part, The young people have been practising county. Shorthorns for Sale --W. J. Biggins-5num This Weeks' an. mr:fct of the, early days of quith of Centre Huron owns an .evap- orator at Auburn, that smilingvilla hard fot-r the lash fortnight and an amusing. v AN BARI,Y SPRI.NGC :Specials—lt'.. T. U'tieil- Uood WearingShoes--Watts ' ' � Son -'2 Clinton. In the COMM" ge go overlooking the Maitland River, and ng a ening is premised to all .•who attend. Mr. John Ilarlarid, one of our most aud appar- f advertising ripe seen the names of : J. Stewart, Barrister, dulling the season works it to its ut- ,,lost capacity, Ile alio buys and ships ST• PFAUL'S 0111 P.CTI, prominent( bowlers, said to The hews - Recorrd ori Monday. ghat Iasi year they' Str• and 1)1rs:. h'. J. Ball arrived laza; etc. ; II, Hale, Council- lor -at -law ; Dr, l3urn'ham Dr, apples and now he has taken a step Air, rlarvey Colelough of Wycliffe. ommenced • bowling , on ivlarch 23rd, week from Croydon. England, and Flatnilton ; Jas. and Jolie Ftxguson; which puts him into . that busfnesa more deergly than ever.. Their is, he. College occupied the pulpit, of St Paul's • one year ago today, and that they bowled every following !luring an guests• at tile linte=l Normandie, Mr. Ilan has takict a position as. House, Sign and Ornamental Paint- ers ; Samuei Honry Rance, Distiilery has rentl3d or+ahards as followss: John church on Sunday last ani, preached excellent sermons. .day March,' Sunday,. of course, excepted. book-ke peri with the Canadian Max Ilam , since deceased, The Bncigowat�it Hotel is adyertis=..be ed In this intenstina old journal as a high class ''place of recreation, 21 Hoar 8 acrt+; Sam. Scott r cr SZ J h II Good. Friday came on March: 2501 1 - Milhk I..td. their mill; the present Fair's Mill, and Steam Mills, Albert St., "Lunrbur, sawed to order. Whiskey, L"I"ber, ' a es and R. Huston 7 acres. A ith the first two, he has Sive-year-lease 1 r. o a artley will conduct the s„!.vices on Sundav next. The morn- morn - a' year when the local dGv+rte:+a of the game in ince using p = y ,. 6 as an exam le the count The .nro.;t u -to-(irate m(•thokls ,till p education, afterwards r iduatiit f graduating riiiri Wheat, Elour and Bran always on hand,” R. Le,, Saddle, Il'arnesh a and' with Mr, Huston, seven years, All the lug service will be appi+apriate to till torcoatenary of King Jam(r .' Bible. put a good . clays' practice on the green. It will be remiembercd that the Normal School, t oronto, For A.+Ira j Tim ROYAL and Trunk' mhkar; John Dodswovtb, ,( ,� owners of the orchards are negrilred to do is to . Ilaul away t'he- brush and The Young I ddias' Guild held a very successful tea. Wednesday WJ ':' weeks of almost s rmme aweathet r rrr Tarel( last, year UPPININGS IN ISO �f T • .BANK 'off' CANADA Lord John as he was known b lir y draw the fruit to market, Mr. As- on. at- teruoon . and P(uld for. it lat!r rrr till' season. Mrs. ' digger ;and ass'orfer. These will.sem- gL, assoeia.tes, Wholeiirle. !vines and Lin- quith pays as high as $25 last.' The procedds .will be tie of keeping the bpys on `the faun.• J. Cunfnghame i.+ having a fc+w- friends INCORPORATED 18+6.9. uors ; Freolprick IYflson, Conveyancer,. an acre ran- tel. �Ie cultfvaCos, prunes,. devoted to Mis:r;onc;. a )NI, 1IIl. I . �4I, IIl:I;D l P. in to tea this cwening. Capital Paid Up $6,Zoo,000. _ Auctioneer and General Agent; John McKay, Groceries, Wines, open and in picks. ONT. S'l'..CIIIRCII• Our worthy Citizen, Police YIagfs- The' ,Sewing Club niet on itilonda y eveniirg at the home of .Mrs. W. Ross, Reserve and Undivided Profits - $6,9oo,000, Total Assets ... - $92,000,000 bottles. Prr9suinably these were !'lie Mr. Asquith Is a firm believer in the cultivation tht+ S. S, anniversary services will be trate Andrews,, went across to, 5t, •14lich., �ilrs, McConnell will be ivill b6 at horse to er h the Y present system, ,for the or- days of freedom, no strict .liccrose of soil. Tho orchards decidedly should not be held ne t Sunday whirr lice, ' .. 4Ir• Clair, last week to attend the a few of lie+; lad Y on Friday, • -HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL. laws, evr:,rything , free and easy. allowed . to become sodbound. In this eonneCUM Bartlett General. SecrQtary for Sun- funeral of a relative and on his way home lied .,ening. 175 Branches apd Correspondents throughout tltci World. Melasma. Jackson Ss Brothers, Tailov- ing and Rryhit snaking : The latter, he relates the experience: of his . aan day Schools and L3pwort[i I.cague&, will+ mozruing and- evening and are olio.. Unusual and unpleasant experience, flip Canadi n Iniirrigration Mrs. James Dunford enrteotained. a Yew of Iu: r+ lad trtenlis et'ct' displayed_ a sunso of justice name, together with the names of who was engaged last fall in '-taw �i'ork State packing and shipping. ap- _preach also acidness , the school in the after- noon. :lir, officials at t«he border holding, him up, fon a time. They finally, on Tuesday Y . I' ay af- ternOOR to a thillible. tea in honor of deed �*rt deed almost i1re. only ..itr, t. then and TorontD and on graduating franc .there M•acpherspn, Rance; .Tule and Fair pies. Two Bartlett will also give an aud appar- f her coulee, :4Ifss Clara Beacom, Interest allowed on Snviiig amounts.. Courteous trent- are about the only names familiar in growers ,on adjoining f differed as to tltt� Sliest adolm at the. Monday evening cuter-: eutiy' with reluctanee allowed him 1 Miss Ifatt a Counti a 'enfort i i entertained A meat accorded to all customers. Clinton business Circles. today,' Mr. T. Jackson, Sr., was the,bro- tQzns profit,- b method, . One contended fo>. culti-: 'the tairiment, Special ru.ttste will be fur- dished ' b the school, Y to step open the fr(!e oDil .' of his"riumher native land once • m,rire.. Imagine the of h.+z girl friends on 'T4esdaT R E MANNING Manager 'Clinton Branch. one. of theirs in this firm, another being Wil-. Jackson, vattng soil .whilts the other . held that to"16t t the grass paw hogs The League htdd their monthly, alis- • feelings,. , gs, if you can, of this -:.staunch C anadiaii and descendant ' Wing's evening in lanai o f Miss Nettie Sten- ens, A pleasant feature of the. eves- • r g - , Ilam , since deceased, The Bncigowat�it Hotel is adyertis=..be ed In this intenstina old journal as a high class ''place of recreation, 21 .and and sheep to run in they orchard would more profitable. It only needed a couple .of seasons to demonstrate that keeping the soil worked yielded very sionar meotin on' Monday . evening, a Y k A fe ture was the address by Captain Wales of the S, A, on tire'.lrmy'r; Social, work and their woe+l: in the of. United Empire Loyalist stock at being g so detained. q.lwi+a aro..vise heads in unrforni down at the 1[nc, surely, entertainment was the she7rwer- ", 't ing, of the guest; of honor, a Bride -to- bq of thcr month', d ver ell eve - y_ 1 y u A. ing teas spent by the girls. � Miss Boles unci Miss Doli: t retidex- Y The MOLSONS - BANK tiiiles from Clinton. with extensive ardens and a very • su g puf;or trout abream Josoph Walker was the pro= much . better results. ' There was more fruit and' of a much. better dual- slums of the elides and large towns, g -� number of the Juri:orG assisted with the musical pant •of-ofprcigr+arn: , .• , ed pleasing music. a't. each a: r,rcr The `uncial took ,place on tilouitay, the Passing f O Inspector by Felty & Read, at their office, Al- bert Stret«t. Subsoription $1 low. Ila would also make.radical changes in the rural sehool systetii, Sty t; , remains it ivint, font :l3russcls on the., afternoon train. They were � p Robb INCORPORATED 1855. prietor of- this alibractfve t,psbelry which. was situated between bts.•e and hTr. Asquith s. nianagenient of ; .the WILL CrRGiv POTATOES. sistent and benefieimt: ITc Stift the Capital Paid up $4.000,000 Rest Fund - $4 400.000 ' ' Halmirsvihe. There Thr were extensive. orchards he has rented: will be watch- e+3 with interest in alit• district' Sri . In several wa.3 s farming in lluron cit Thursda moinin .. y g last, alter ate lie Schools; ,and it ivas. truly a Jailor Has 78 Branches in : Canada gardcras and a raceenursv, where . .a throe days' race meet was an annual which: they are located and that leis County has und(:rgone yti-tis a, change in the past few - Dairlf.ng, Inas illness ofa couple of Rays, David of .1ovo with him to dirvate his ' Robb, Public School Inspectotti for gies during his rnspectbrat then dad Agents and Uarresportdents in. all the prin.cipal:crf:iea oecurrunce. up-to-date mettiods.will be of value to years• increaseal and there is a. greater acit� e to thee:!~ - East Iluroir, passed awavat.his home improvement. The inti res to Ihe' in the world. In illi .issue app(ar'� the notice of 'part7sexshfp the Community as well ns himself, is not for a memo tt doubted by tSiose age in : flax, beets, bums and onions of fn Brussels. Mr.. -Robb lead been inl I'ublfc School teacher were. close ' -to, failing health for A GEkR,�T. BANKING BUSINESS'. TRANSACTED. the dissolution of the op knew Win. ' than was 1"prnturly filo rias(, and now. some ttiriic and in his heart, and every tC%Lelkell. in 1113 Drs Reeve, arts : Di+. Appleton, Dr, RPevu, Ar...Y. Lynch, Chats. F. Clarke Attorney -)0- y Thoanas Francis Rance and 'Samuel Henry Rance; the business being sub- sequently carried. oft by the latter, who Sol•IL ,R*ADIC'AL •t'Il':tvS. a Company las been- formed • which P } will grow potatoes ori n. lange scale;,' It is comp.used of 4lriicir 1IcTaggart Janua-oF fast resign .:he Iuspectnr: _Ills cetiinate eoulci feel 1i . p hat' Ixt had `'hip' Ile continued, however, to act, in him a true'friend,to w114 rnf.henia lir as his . Succestor was not to -enter. rilwa}'s appeal SAVINGS: BANK DEPARTMENT .:ALL, BRANOIIRS. who was the father of. ;Mr. C. C'. (i, Ali interesting mettting of the Clin- and ' Nles�;rs. D. A. Forre�:)tcr incl .far advise and assist - upon his duties. until the est of anon, ' In the wider . held of � rodn.- p . Interest allowed at Highest Current Rate. Rance, In ;.speaking to Mr. Thos+. Jackson; i ton Club was held on Thrirsday +,en- ing ,last wilco'• t1r, .JoIin 9, James Ilamilton,. and.voill bo. known as ``The lluron 1� arm, Prodocts C�oul-' .�pril. 1lr-. Robb was o(at ,driv lig I g on cial education his �sagi= judgment and the Monday preceding -tis d':-ath, whieh freedorir from Clinton Branch C Imo. LIOWdi11�;, I 1 :Sr:, ,Tire News-Iiecoid learned that he .Cpopct+, . Editor of The Canadian `C`ouricr, `'l`or- an parry." :attremr. views made was ' ininiediately dull te> �alr: attack . of him a valued counsellor, .and in the Pleurisy. Manager , had come to Glutton in 1863, four unto,. cieli'vered address• hetoi,c ,the Tli_t; intention is.to begin witl ono- Educational Associalinu at Toronto tp • ears `earlier tban:blii. ! t+. y • , s .cat .A few. log. shanties constrtntc+d the town: +' f Rano`. aver, then: fittini, up nlpiilbers.<aadwfew-invii�d' uesis g . on the :subi('eca of 0ptariii', r b- r• - - 1 s p o h,ns, pay . in particular r t •• t . _ g_I? e a a fcntton .o the •dgop hundred acres; aud to .grcrty potatci+:s r , ; aceordin(, to lien.`. (is is ;rico`; in Nen Brimswts.k from silence, 'rrr the wad , He.was a natives of C'nuntyArma h t5 no voice lea;'d with rnoro.. respect ct Ireland; and ratue to this « CUU retry or . eotrfadcnee. Mr. Itobb s death tivill . early '..'iii life. IIe' fir:«!. • . . y ,called .at .tie felt' as: a disti'nCt foss in cduoa- h t or, defending the . rrs('iit system of 1; P 5 ' education and endeavoring to _ _.. �tYTcssrs. their mill; the present Fair's Mill, ulaLi�on.eyr .Lhrr older parts of t}re •p:rov- th seed` will be -cbtaf lvd., logs on, ii here .lie rece,t•ed his early tior(at circles not onlyin the C n ou ty with which the had a distill! r in Y + y, ince using p = y ,. 6 as an exam le the count The .nro.;t u -to-(irate m(•thokls ,till p education, afterwards r iduatiit f graduating riiiri of lluron but in the. Province as a connowtion; and, " recognizing .;a possib- cif Iluron... -MP. Cooper exon+:sect some, be. em Sloped for which e tht! 1 puiOose the Normal School, t oronto, For , _ wliol(•,. ilia of comm rasperi. Y g p . J 1;2r. Jack- ver radical views: are the question and Y' q Coniipanj� . are purchasliig stick niaclr,. nine years lie was Mal he:mttical Mas-. W, Treleaven. son, after a few months spent . in. blamed the present- sysblim of educa-a ines ay a cutter, planter; sprayer, ter: of'th:+ C lrnVon Collegiate. . Ibsti- Godewich sottled here, and ha:; con. + tion for bang at the root, of tare trou- digger ;and ass'orfer. These will.sem- gL, tut•+, n••signing that position. to ' be , Nlr. Robb as a Citizen. ifnued' to be a xesidcn,t ever since. "Clinton: tie of keeping the bpys on `the faun.• plif; the work and enable.it to be dpne c°me'' Inspector twenty-one Years ., Tu xcfr.rrin to Ur. g 1 Rabb as: was a fine• place for business in the early days," said lir.. Jackson, Ile `ailed attention to the fact that all education areordini; to tho' tires With much greater expedition and also no doubt better.. pgo' In 1881. Mr. Robb .was united in a 11ti= an stud .frf�end it is difficult to dicta;!!; ., "ieOnu was plentiful and if. a -man y p .ant system, led in the direction tai «« , Thu of Tho Huron I+grin marriage to :alis Auriie Parker of.• Hast Wawanosh, lite combination oi" adtnirablc traits by which -he deservedly won the ' had gone in seriously for money -mak- ing ho might have been a 'million» the lesantied professions. .\ man is not prepared, aecording to 'Mr. ('cap- Pr+ocIucts . Vo,'' will :b.c watelied ,ritli interest by the tanners of this ecxlnt} -who, (lied severai Years agd. . l,atcr err married 1Vliss ".re- s(t(+Wt of }lis! fellows, aril fire 1 4 ode. of aire. !I er h the Y present system, ,for the or- aiict the mcfhods. cmploy.e+it gill '. ria 'luck of Drussels, silo aarvives Hiro.. his associate s: Itis intu!lectual qual- i-ic:a 'was There- am%'very few of the, •firstt.com- dinary •.: business of life, •Mr'. Cooper .doubt sexce as a bc`nef,clal. object 'f'lifrteen, Sears ago Mr. Robb, err weru'siiperion Hekindly considerate ers here now, Mrs. Pride, Mr. John Gibbings and Mr. ,Jackson ':being 9' gavcs as as < instance bit-, own experr- '.'lenge, After graduating from the lesson, � or+.ler to be more centrally located, moved .to'Bius leis;. where :Ii(C ciintinu- laud to aIl, raeious i 1; a I.es nianrri+:• purr. in character • and. ongst the oldest ane&. Collegiate, .the C'lintorY Collegiate, by l�I.SLP!' Cl1I'RC.fI, ed to reside. et'ct' displayed_ a sunso of justice Fluxon was theprincipal. and in- 1110 way, he errtOrc+d' tiie Universitybi Rev. Richard Whiting L(>ridori Ile was • a constant? student :and wlrrcli was -unfailing. Always. Corn - trianding respect but making deed �*rt deed almost i1re. only ..itr, t. then and TorontD and on graduating franc .there reached ,morni(1 r p g and evenfrti, on ;gun- gy well-iriformrd on .al-. was exceedingly plain that should th! tnonrent r= all the business places wee*6.upon•it. Another old".paper, for tie loan he had them• to begip to learn his vola- tfati of joui-nalUjin, :beginning lit `int day;, it being th(( occasian . of .Mie niritli: anniversar of the o colli of P g moot every, subject. -• ', Irl Politics he vas a - I.ibcral and .i..i ! nand fb }ie hada lustitial,le+ boldness .of which we are also indebted to' the bottom. Ile would, therefore, advo- y' fire . church: Coad congregations tri religion. a I'i'esbvtorian. COInvnanding . dignity at his call: Ile courtesy of.-M..r. Hale. and one of Cate ate the abolition of ail high schools' gre4ed- the preacher ate }ioili sexvice8 . TTc. was a: ublic-s iritcd airci, cool , ! P p harp -a teas apt', in iliusttation and anecdote, and possesstrl.:a variety of iiiforma» miore', recent date, is `1Tbo Clinton True True triton, andUnit 0ouniies. of and • Collogiates, putting in their placer technical schools, Wiloire .evcny and two excellent .sermons were . do-. fivrrecl by :V1r..}vlriting. '. panlonable .roan and hast c,f fiiiends throu rhout . the collet 1 k y, all tion and* reflnecnent of .t;aste tem er , , temper- and. Bruce Adv(�> tisar." It boy and gf> 1. would reecxive an 'elemen- the choir- tuicler tlic �1'ircctfo r of of Ivliom do+zpIy' dciplore •Ills corppar ed lyittr (,rider, 'which made .him a ; was'"pulylished every Thurs-day morn-, try education along the line .of.' the Miss Boles unci Miss Doli: t retidex- Y ab=vely early death. sough t -for conversationalist, IIe way ing in the village of (,lintcn, C. 1v.; ,• ..vocation' which they iriteuded to .fol- , .• , ed pleasing music. a't. each a: r,rcr The `uncial took ,place on tilouitay, the pr- r .ninently a strong. personallt y, actin with a clear g Pu;?(rose by Felty & Read, at their office, Al- bert Stret«t. Subsoription $1 low. Ila would also make.radical changes in the rural sehool systetii, On Monday ttvening a congregation- t; , remains it ivint, font :l3russcls on the., afternoon train. They were and:de- ,ego and under a judgment both con- price, a. year strictly, in advance, or $.2.50 if doing away with many, having fewer al At lioziie was ht+ld,.whbn a fair rc- presentation • of the members and ad- _accompanied by immediate members' sistent and benefieimt: ITc Stift the nat paid till the .end 0, the. year." schools arid having them graded, . hereiLts :- gathered axed partook., � of the family,. a few inihnat(.« friends several thea world better by his cultivation and unran;��tous des to ' of many s P ' sterling i This copy is dated'Ded. R; 1864, and The. speakoi+ also .touched upon . the of . tea toge--ther. Supper was served and .merrbei+s of ;Masonic Lodge, A score of members t�ho yl y qualities, �vhict 1 u . e, as fan as I the names in the advertising columns que�srt an of co-operation •between bus- in the ,Sunday school after. which all of Blyth Lodge jcined the«m their . . �'we can judge, a pe ect man, thcr are oleic familiar, at least to a good- ly- number of citizens. Amongsm thwja mess mcn and agriculturists.' It repaired to the body of tlie.�church and the p taken the 'ch it the on way . down and at the s�atiau Clin- noblest work of Clod." And now that appearing in the directory � , was a most interectfng address, talculatecf to shake onr, out of the Pastor g , offr- cfals'read reports of the work of the ton brAhern of tite craft awaited. , Uneler, the auspices of the Order the ho has passed away these attri�buttcs a1c31 tbo cherishIed and imperishable ' Drs Reeve, arts : Di+. Appleton, Dr, RPevu, Ar...Y. Lynch, Chats. F. Clarke Attorney -)0- y usual ruts of .thinking- and to open up difYer(�nt departments durirt taro P g past services were conducted, under the r(•ane;nbrances of a life which they Y ' law, etc: new avelrues of tbougbt; and ib - was. Pistaned to close attention, year and announced plans for the coming ones. One feat'ui:r+ was the dis. of E. aI.:VInI as filar- so constantly distin y guishcrd, of such Horatio dale, Couaicillor-at-I,aw, -with y . alar finances ,,hal,direc sae shat, J._'1'aylor as _i4iastrri and H. 'titin we hav4 tea. few..The' world. .Cameron �, Elwood, Barrister>v, etc. Mr. J . W. Treleaven, Principal of , �' tl er C.C..I., no doubt f'cleling that! his for all h a pian a rai.r; for all church schemes b a ' s st+e� Y y' B {Chant as Secretary: `In the open the lambskin' needs mor.?- of, such :men as ' . Davdd Ilett who could do no wren either g tiller the tatter of whom resided in Clinton Russel Henry Read, Clerk of ific:r realm, .had been ineplyi , gave a very matic weekly conficlhutietin suffrci- grave apron, ancient and honorable was' depbsibcd and also ' t in his offietal or private life, Division Court, Conyeyan'raer, tic, ,r, spirited addre replyfni,, to �Ir. Coop- .est to `aver all running pxpcn- saes of the ciitiv-1 as well as the con - the sprigs of t+rergreeu which have a W', D. Fair. Chas. Ryan, Bailiff, or, defending the . rrs('iit system of 1; P 5 ' education and endeavoring to til f seconaunds such �t5 mii ssonary significance all their own. ,... T. Potts, General Liveiry I3usine5s:,. 11if1ler annpunc(rs 1 openln g g prove that that it WWI not bn any. weans so inad- and, superannuation funds: llic+ssrs, ,J, The burial service of the Presbyter - San Church was conducted by the •. A, Good Mari -Gone. (Jas. I of anew livery stable. equate as th(r p2+-«vious r: eakee. had p 1, Irwin and R, E. Manning ewplaitr- ,• y ,. Rev. Dr. �tewar:t, . Thos. SbeyOnsan, Cabinet ai(ci j shown,. lie took the pexsonat exper- that of lin. and pointh out o , Ile Cat tel; andvuil as resolution,clusio � , y: Chairrnaker. Prince of Wales Flotel, Moon» ng ler that his having received so thorough .:". expressing absolute conildcnco ifl the : Ur. Robb as an liducator. 3 ,Toho ey, proprletor, . a training in the Clinton Collegiate g g managing boards of th t church and f' IiTr• Ito y bb s th Vil3 experience as a �. Farmer's I•ioi?bl T. Cooper, plot er+:•• ` and, later at the 't oraniei t_�iiversity, had fitted him to occupy hi& present+ the support of tine congre pledging ga, Salon . should they see fit to in,tnoduce trach►tr g in both Vire Public and I•Ii h Schools eminently fitted hiz for the tor, Clinton lintel, Smith' Andrew,, position, that he could not in; so short the new systu.•n, The resolution was office of I.nspeetor which he so ably proprietors.flon a time have gainr> i his present pour without a dissenfrng voice, filled. tilled. As a teacher lie was efidowed # x` Cotnmerciat hotel, J. Joslin, prop& that thorotr,g h acadcur kc fire newly -formed male. cli(olr furnish- with patience, sympathy, a ready it ' rietor. trafni gt'haut ed the'wusic fol+ the evening, wit, and a keen senvie of humor, € In the genieral business vattion 'wore Principal Ilarth y aloe addressed The Officials askad fort $500 on thio, anniversary occasion and, true, to anniversary which always, made flim a favorite Instructor ` found the aavertisemaht& of Harland , grocer- tho club on t}re educational aspect Of tiro question, and Messrs. D, A. For. gcin. ,°loos custom. the congrega- in the class recto. 1lfs in- nerc+st flu thePupils was not, liiiiited + ' & Lane Cutters and Sleighs res, R. Irwin ; Grocerfe$, David Cavw testoll anii D, Cantelon dlkrusse�cl the bion respolided.by giving in excess of the asked for. stmpl'y to their stu ]fes. but he took: ( . an, General Stora, Iiadev & I3rpthor; agricultural and co-operative sid(i of amount The ntf'sionar cote mittee of the y an equally keen Interest in their ac- « tivrtie� On the held of sport. a`md hri . . Dry goads, D. Il. Strsithy ; Dry Koons, C. R. Commander ;r Floher & it• President Forrester presided in his J,eagud are preparing n,n interesting d tbatr for next Mondav night's meet- was enthusiastically devow.d to the l game of football w•Il(rn study houru7 Detlor, ameral Mvrehanei,,e ; Thos. usual graceftil mann(«r and in Introdu- ing. The subject will he, : 'tRuaoly- were over, He never forgot a pupil, Jaekwn, Merchant Tailor ; J. Bid- cing the speakers of the. evening; Ire ed, that the foreign tnrssionstr work (! Y « + but fexltotvEd their prones.,; and sue.- . dle,eombe, Jewelery ; John Kerr, Gen- oral Mrrehandi(ie • hoots .& Sho(ts9, C, made referenee to his early aeguain- tance with him during his boyhood is a more Important Witor ire Moth - est., T ughtQr lif(r with las�tiiig inter- T ' C'rufeksliank ; W. C. $earle, hard- 'days herr•. (>distn at the present tirr,t* than the haln'e work." The . malo choiit will est., '1`lrotrg�}t assocfatar tar rorno years v,r:th Iligh Slehool wolec, his' ware & :ltdves ; )t'. W- Watts, Drugs ; At the conclusion of the ,program, re- supply th(v musical pari of tbtt pro- sympathy waq Chiefly centred in th(+ (Concluded on page 5•) freslrtnents were smvcsd. gram. I urokwas and develonment (it the Pub. The Late David Rahb.