HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1911-03-16, Page 7= M X*rch AM,, 191 1, 0. 1P. NOTAOIGART I X, 1). XOTAQGART . . KcTaggart Bros. Awo; I —BANKER,%—, A GENERAL kANKI" 4U61- Wl�:SS TRANISACTEP. NOTES DISCOUNTED. DRAFTS ISS'USD V INTMEST ALLOWED ON 1PZ- POSFrS. SALE NOTES VTJUCiK' ASED. - - - � - - - - - . ".- . -_-"___-P1_ . I . I . - .-i - 11. T. RANCE. - - --! NOTARY PUOLI(3,'OQNVF,Y- ANCER, FINANCIAL, REAL ESTATE AND FIRE INSUR- ANCE AGENT. REPREMN TING 14 FIRE INSURANC; COMPANIES. DIVISION COURT OFFICK, CLINTON. . . L1.4 I . i"� W. BRYDONE, .. . BARRISTER, tiOLIerroa . NOTARY, PUBLIC. ETC. I I oppiCE-Sloane Rinick.-01 M'ONI . ­­', .. . . CHARLE S B. ,�HALM . 66* 1 . . " REAL ESTATE . . and . INSURANCE . . 9FFICE, - - - HURON ST. . . I DR. W. GUN9 . . L. R. C. P., L. R. C. S. FAinburg . . . . I Ofte-Oritario street, Clinton. - Ntiol calls at front door of oMee or at residence on Rattenbury etreet. � � I I r_ - - . ..;-- . . � IL -DR. J. W. SHAW— . r -OFFICE-- I . .. . . � . . . RY ST. . EAST. . I . . _CUNTON.-w I . . f I DR. C. W. rHOMPSON, . . . � . . PHYSICIAL, STIRGRON'. ETC. . , � Special attention gr'ven to) 'dis-: eases of the Eye, Ear. NLQse. and Throat. Cyes carefully examined and suitable glasses prescribed. . . Office and residence : 2 doors west of the Commercial Hotel. Huron. St. L DR. F. A. AXON. . DENTIST. . . Specialist to Crown aad Bridge Work. Graduate of C.C.D.S., . Chicago, and R.C.DJS., -Toronto,. Bayfield on Afondays from MA� to December. . . . L 0 L k I go _­ — . . 1. . M. METE, -TIME ,TABLE- . i 'L ' Trains will arrive at and doepart from Clinton Station as foMows -. . , I BUFFALO AND GODERTC,111' DIV.. Going Cast 7.85 a. tn,, 14 it L .. 3.07 p.m. 44 69 5.15 p. on , . L"Wng West I . 11.07. A, 1114. &A It . 1.25� p -m... at it t.40-;. p.m. 94 A I . 11.28 p. in. LONDON, �HURON- & BRU . 06 DIV, Going South . . 7.50 a. 1111. At 6 4 L 4.2.1 p. xn� Going North 11,00. a-, m . 64 41 " C35 D. 93: . — __ . . . oVEF1 $s YEARS' be. saw plainly that Malcolm. could no _ EXPERIENCE .. . . J 17""""'R111111111111111111t . I ITA"kw. sent conditions than the poor crea- I tures whose whereabouts had just be- . � TRADIC MARX8 DMIdNO lOPYRIGHTS &r - A st. AIC11111m ."111U,Kall000 handsom6ly nlusftted w6ekly. largest c1r, I ipift bt any g(q,lintifle Jourgal. Termn folof en at tin" Soild by , n I a kmry (�% ado, $8 %, po"ge if all newadbitlerL I I MUNN & 0 26IBMd.0, New Yqrk BrAlach omeb. &5 V ot- Washinaton. D. , . . - UPPINGOTTIS. . A rAMILY LIORARY L . The Rest In Current Literat I ore 12 COMOLXTE NOMA YEARLY � MANY smowr vroqiES AND � PAPtRt ON TIMELY TOPICS 'I $9-6001t01VCAh'.2d;6T4.Ao40P `9NO CONTINUP.0 STOAless, I CVZ*Y NUM111tH 46MOLCT19 kk It CLO I l000jtL '' I ". -I. , , ­ J- ' ""Q,, 1, , L '; , "' L, *.. - , - J0 V 13 A Story of the Indian Mutiny - 13Y - — LOUIS T.RACY 1 9 ,Should learn those subjects by tL L.--.—. . - __ __ J 1which they can earn a living. 1 Spottoa Basineso Collegosare managed to cross the river unseen largest trainers in Canada, I were now lodged In a go -down, or warehouse, belonging to the very mail Ithe and Our graduatea secure the 'whom chance hall made Malcolm's best positions, Yell Pan study I prisoner, He was keeping them to at hoine, or partly at home and curry favor 'with a local r4jah who finish at the college. . �I headed the - outlimak at Fattelipore. � I It was true that there were no boats INDIVIDIJAL INSTRUCTION , left ,on this side of the river: they � I were all on the, opposite bank, being � ; i lEnter Any Day. I loaded with loot, and the two Lag- - . Itshwomen ,were merely awaiting the I � return of the zemindar's budgerow -to � ....... . . ..... i be sent to a late worse thari'lleatti. � : CLINTON . Cliurnru, a Mohammedan himself, was not greatly concerned about the % . . I misfortunes of A couple of women, but 0 . 13'Llisiness College . be. saw plainly that Malcolm. could no . I more hope to escape under the pre- � I OEO. SPOTTON, PRIN, t sent conditions than the poor crea- I tures whose whereabouts had just be- I ##" � come known. This was precisely the . . . Wend ,of IntrigAe and adventure that — I � ii�,)pealed to his alert Intelligence. In D. N. WATSON wriggling through a mesh of difficul-' I CLINTON, - - ONT, ties he wds lithe as a snake, And the , Proposal he now inade ,was certainly - LICENSED AUCTIONEER Nald enough to commend itself to the for the County Of . Huron, - , . Corres most daring. He drew Malcolm and the trembling, � pondence -promptly anow%red, Charg- ry0t apart. . es moderate arid. satisfaction guaran- , "Lir 'to the ]at- ,ten, friend," said he teed. Immediate arrangerneuts for , . t -:r. "Thou art, Indeed, lost If that fat sale dates may be made by calling . . hog sees (bee again. He will harry at The News -Record Office br on thee and thy ,wife and all thy family Frank Watson at McEwan's groc- (a death for having belpl:ld us, and it I ery. . 17 � � \vIII be in vain to protest that thou I I I . . .1 I I . - I.adst no milld Ili the matter, for be- ' I � hold, thou didst not lift a finger-wben 'HOIWAS BROWN. LICE' ISTSED.AUC- I threatened him with the Pistol." "Protector tioneer for the counties pf HUr9u of the poor, w�at.wa-i Ci -se to do?" whined tile ryot. - and Pertb. Correspondence prompt- "I am not thy protector. 'Tis the Jy awwered. 'Immediate arrangeo- rahlb ,here to whom thou must look- ments can be Ioad,! for sale 'dates at for counsel, Attend, now, and I will The News -Record, Clinton, or by tFhow thee a road to safety and riches. calling plione 97, Sealorth. Charges Art thou known to either' of those moderate .md* sia.44-1foxetion .gua:r%n- nien?" . . "I have not seen thol;nn. before, for I tobd. I . . 1, . come this way. but seldom." I - � . " 'Tis well. The - sahlb shall sit in I . . . . � I the ekka, with the curtains drawn, � DR.- OVENS, hr , D., 1. R. 0. P., while I give it out'that I go with my Etc., Specialist in Diseases of the wife to take the miss-sahibo across the 'for I Eye, Far, Nose , and Throat, liver, which purpose the worth I . .y :,emindar ,wIII presently hand us a will be at Holmes' Drug Store, written order, as he barb Ink, paper, Clinton, on Tuesday' Match . 1stl and pen Ili the okka, Thou shalt. be . I 29th, Apr!) 26th, May 24th, June. ariver arid come with us'on the boat, . .21st. If you require G'�asses, don't an4 when we are Ili mid -stream, and fail to see Dr. Ovens. the ,sabib appears at iny signal, see . .1 . I .. . . uhat thou bast a cudgel handy if it be- . ­ �,`___ needed. Then, wben we reach Alta- � . I . . � . . I.... . . liabad, God willing, tho' sahib will give The JUDKI1100 1HUM''al, Fite. thee many rupees and.rione-will be'the men ricarest- th�� boat, which -was at- Nviser. What say'st. thou?" , . - . . .. .. I Insurance Compaq , . . ,"I dm a poor man�" .. . . � I "Ay, keepto tUat., 'Tis ever a safe. . . , . I . I .. -Farm and 79olated Town Property-' . . answer.-. Do yo).( like.ni.y nation, sa- hib?. Othemlisk*, -we must take our . . � I . � -Only 71'sured� . chance and 'NVan&r Ili (lie jungle." I . -OFFJCEAS� . . , . The fact that Chumru's scheme in - J.. B. MeLean, President, Seaforth, Fr.� cluded the. - rescue of the unhappy O. ; - AL. flel"'wali., Vice-Preuident. girls�. Imprisoned* in the go -down Bruce4eld P. 0. ; T. E. Ilays, . Sec.�. -caused Malcolm. to .approve it without . .1 Treasurer; .Seatoith P, 0. . reserve. The zemfndar'slgag was re- . I . I -Directors-- .. . . inoved and he wasesked his name. William, Chesney,' Seaforth.; John . "Hossein Beg," said he ' "Be* assured-theli" ssid Malcolm, Grieve, Winthrop ; George Dale, Sea- sternly, "that thy life �depeinds.on tile forth oolin Watt, Harlock; . ..John , fulfliment -of1he instructions I now hertijewies, Brodhagarl'; James. Evans, I require of thee. See to it, therefore, . Beechwood ; .Ta:mes Connolly,, I that the), hre 'written in Buell wise as, . . I . Goacrich. . - . - to. Insure success, and. J, for my part, I -A GH'N TS- :, .. I ' promise to send thee succor ere niglit . . Robert Smith Harlock ; E. Hin- I falls. �Vrlte oil this tablet.tbat the ' � . I :16S.-Stillibs are 40 bQ delivered to the. chley, S�uafort;i ; . James Cummings !. I ( lmrge of Rissaldar Ali Whan'arld. his Egniond Ville ; - 4. W. YL -n, 1161mes- � . wife, .for conveyance to Fattelipore 1 . . Ville, * 1 . I I . : . - I ., and bid. thy-seevantsilaIll'tha. rissaldal, , Any niorley to- be, paid in may Ile . , . . :li -ever3l -possible way.; 110 � I eve. . ir-6, I paid to Tozer &. Br'o.w-n, Clinton, . or , i,f aught mist-arries Ili this matter, thou . at Cutf!s. groce'ry, 'Goderi�h. * . . shalt.rot to death Iii.t.by bonds." % . .*. � - . .. I t Parties desirous to effect insurance, "Let iny servant go ,with your hell-. . � I or. tran�act other, bu§ine'ss ' will be . or, so that all thiiigs may bq...done .1 . -according to your hoonorr's wishes." prorniftly - at tonded to on :'application . "What tlieii?, Wouldst 11iou j I Jugg e to any of the above oihcers addressed . - -.-Nvith th-2 ffivoi- I have shown thee?" to thleir re$p(;etivc post6flices. Los�es . TIL191-thre' the sword impiAged on the � inspected by the director who Ilyps Adaints'apple Ili Hossein Ileg's thr6at, nearest the scene. I I � u.nd lie shrunk as far as. his bonds I . ... . . . . would*permit. . . . — . I . . . :. "Say not so, Xhildawand,' , be. gur- _�_. . . . . � . � ''. .. .� . �; , �,led.. "I swear by my lathe 's bones .". * . . *WWOU Newsq-Record'. I - � I I weant no W." . . . climbed. the mast, % atid bulle is cut . "Mayliap. Neveytheless, I shall taka I CLIN . Tos — � ONT care thy Intent is honest, Hossein Beg. .� I . Writenow., and pay beed to th� words,. I � . ' erms of sUbg6ription-41por yeat "]so jackals shall rond thee a ere to- I . r . , advance., $1.50 may'be ahwrged . it ' - � morrow's dawn." ' . By tbls thne the -inan was reduced . not so paid. No paper discontinue to a statn of abject submission. .: Pos- until all aIrtar's are paid, unless at sibly his offer of tile ekka-wallah's .. the opin ' Wilt of the publibber ' -aervices, w,is mad�, in good faith, but. date t4), which evety. subacripficil XLalcolm liked tbo looks of the man as .is. is denoted on the label. .1t.tle.as lie likcd tbe,-loolts.of lits.irias- 'paid ' Advertising rates—'I'Larigient �dier- .oer, and he preforred.to trust. -0hum- 11 tis.ement.s, . .1.0 ceAts-'per ndnpaxlel .1111's nimble wits rather than tile. stu- p1d contriving of a pcaciant, no matter 'line .for. first ....insertion and 3 cop . I . . - , . how willing the latter might be. . per line for eich subsequeiii insert - . 'Tho"ienlindar, bavirig written, was . !oil. Small advertisements .not to .�-a'gged agnin,and tbe pair, Nvere left exceed one inch,.stleb as "Lost..", .(o, that.torture of silence and doubt . "Strayed," or "Stolon,li e*.,. - � , in A hey had not serupled to inflict on I . . serted once for 35 cents. and e'lob those who had done them no wrong. . . . sublMallent insertion 10 cents" They w�re tied to a tree -trunk In tbe� ' . ommunications intended for publi0l" h(art of a clump, and a hundred men iriglit. plis's in tbat. lonely place with- 0 tion must, 7as� a 'guarantoe of good . tait dincovering theni, whereas 11cssain I thith., be accompanied by the' name )3e- arid Ids subordinate could see . r%f the writer. � . . casily enough through tile leafy screen . .1 I W. J. MITCHELL,, . that eliveloped their opell-al"r pris'ni. - . . I I Editor: and' T-r4rletoor Hlalf a% hour Wen% Hossein Dep _,'s I , . � . vkka ,iti-rivocd on the -open space that � . . . . adjoined the village ghat.- At one end I I . . I I was a mo-.qV9--at the otlier a temple. . I I I I . I Ili tho coutre, at a little distance from Ifillnuill r gerow and force It under, the fire of s ' the bank, was a s(Irtare, modern build- . ,vere a mile in tile rear, but that advaii. . ing, evidently the warehotse Ili which . * * * * * oio * " , , the I,*rtrItsh Indices were.lictit. � * WINTER * . With the ekka vame a rissaldar of * . f%valry, riding ore liorse and Icading . I two others. Whcn lie dismounted a TO.— * * * * * * * w-abbard clattered at his heels, for L Mexico, Colorado, California arid � 'I alcolm now had the pistols betwoen Pacific Coast Points. his knees as lie sat behind the t1ghtly The Grand Trunk Railway Sys- drawn cuntatris of the vehicle. . � tem is tile Popular Route " from "Mobammed Rusul!" shouted the "Where . all points east through Canada � rissaldar, loudly. Ja Mobain- tried Raeul? I must discoursa with . via Chicago. � . . film Instantly." I I . FRATURES. A man came running. . "Obe, sirdar," lie cried, "Behold, I Poubit Track, Fast Service, Fla- come 1. 1, Roadbed, Modern Nquipirientf A note was thrust Into the ruriner's . �st ,'nevplled Dining Car Serviec. hands. I I "Read, and quickly,, was the linpert- A-11 clements of safety and com- Ong order, "I have 'Affairs at Patteh. . . - I fort. o here long. To - TO T11S, SVINNZY SOUTH, there a botit,to be hired?" ' , "A budgerow Is even now approach. ' No more desirable routo than via ing, leader of the faithful.,, "Good, There is some disposition to Grand Trunk.arld coutlecting lines. be made of two Foringlif women. llead . NT,31Y I , OW RATES, I that which Hossein Beg bath written, . ********* � and inake haste, I pray thee, brother." Secure tickets tind full particulars . Ilerbalis Mohammed Raoul wondered . from :— wby his employer wrote Ili such im. JOI1N* 11JUNSFORI), Uptown A9t, Tol,rbig stratIt that lie wars to obey the wort;bipful "All Khan's" slightest I A, 0. PATTISON, I)ellot Agont. er rtddm,ss J. 1). Mcl)onald, District ward, mid be -stow Min and Ills belong- .i.,-_ togothor with the two prisoners, I Passenger Ag&t, rnion Station, To- ,,it bo-ard a beat for Fattelipore with . kolita, ont. .r thm ir .he lalliost bla(-d. llowew .. my A�7 anxiety of tho time probloul. 'nut at . . a 0 0. Clinton News-lteww6 -----,----.----�""'',-�.,--------,-------.,.— be, lie loot no time. The budgerow —_ _40"'"", eo;­wm,%,,.;;;ie,r or -itatatiliore, , was warped close to the glint, her con- tozoone, is our name -I am Harriet, this tents, mostly Rturopean furniture, as Is my sister Grace. We only Paine out Malcolm could see through a fold in from nngiand I"t cold weather-" the curtain, were promptly unloaded, A sudden recollection brought a cry arid preparations made for the return of surprise front, Fralik. Journey. First the horses were led on %, '11'by." be said, "you were fellow - board and secured. Then two paiiia pasoengers on the A,.=ye with, Miss girls, only half clothed, tbpir eyes red .Wlrllfr(-'d Wuylle?' with weeping and their choeekis hag- "Yqs. do you know her? What has gara with misery, wero led from the become of ber? We were told that . go -down. . everyone at Meerut was killed." "Ali Khali" was about to guide tile "Thault (Raycn, she was alive and eirka along the rough gangway when well when I last raw her three days. Mobarnmed Rasul interfered, 4��0.11, "My master says naught concerning . "Arid her uncle? To lie living? She tile ekka and pony," said.be. "lie hath was very mul,h attached to him. Now detained Copl, and this driver is un, did she escape from Meerut?" broke In , known to m_:l. Who will .1 bring them Gi,a,,.e, eagE-rly. back when they have served Your .1 wish t1acy had never left Ueerut. needs. sirdar?" , The Mutiny at that station collapsed "I will attend to that," replied in a couple of hours. Unfortunately, Chuniru, gruffly, arid Hossein Beg's t'.icy are Low'botb. penned up In the factotum bad perforce to be content -:1,Fs;0,eucy at Lucknow, wh!e-1 is sur - With the underta4ing. .vounded by goodness only knows how But fate, which had certainly favor. x any tlhoLsandz at rebels. But I must ad Malcolm and his native comrade give you Wirifred's recent history at thus far, played t)ierA what looked like , . anotber titioc. I want you to tell we a jade's trielt at 'the very moment something about this - neighborhood. wben success was withiii their grasp, Nhat is ill-,, ii�arest town on the river, The okka porly, frightened by the lap � ilia which bank Is It on?" of tile swift -flowing water against the "Untcrtunately, our acquaintance steps beneath, shied, backed, and vith this part of Ind!a Is very slight," strove to reach the shore. Not all ald M.Iss Harriet Xei�ne, sadly. '117'e Churnra's wiry strength, aided by the -on alned at Calcutta four months, with alarmed ryot, could prevent'the ,brute .Lr wo w1lo, died there, witholit dtbci*. from turning, A wheel slIpp,qd off the aving %ec,n. our dcar tather utter a staging, the narrow vehicle toppled eparation of flva years. We came up over, and the amazed spectators saw ountry in Xar,lb, lwd were going to u booted and spurred British offlepr of ,,L;ni Tal whon the Mutiny broke out. cavalry sprawling on the g -hat inMead Yo only EaNiv ilia Ganges three or four , of t1fie veiled Mohammedan woman Imes bolore cur ayah brought us who ought to hate made her appear. ,..,rocs oil that tcrrible right when arice Ili this undignified manner, I athcr was murderell." 'Malcolm was on his feet in a second' Malcolm bad h,.ard marly such "Come on,'Chumru! I lie cried, as he �usoly dramatic stories from fugittv(s leaped on. board the budgerow, He vlio tall r(ached Lucknow during saw on-, of the crew take an extra 'uly, Phrases of pity or consolation turn of a rope round a eat -head, and , .vere Powerless. in face of ,these tra- , fired at him, Hit or miss, the fellow ;cd.'os. But be could not.forb;:ar ask - tumbled overboard, and his mates fol- ng one qurstiont . lowed. Churrivu, assisted by the ryot, , "I.,iow did you come to fall Into thb who elected at this twelfth, hour . to -an(:$ Of 1105seln Beg?" o ith that of the sa "We were betrayrd by some chil- b1b, began .ta c,-ot, OU tb,3 cables. t.'rcri,." was th, simple answer. "They Even the two ddzj�d girls hel-)2d I once ;.aw our ayah's motber baking chu. they knew tl,at an Englishirall was iattics, day aftcr day,, sufficient foil fighting in thTlr behalf. . :JoLr people, AMY sister and I lived To add to th�o excitement oil shore, .'Carly thrce weeks in a cow -byre, Malcolm fircd th,2 sw=id pUtOl at th3 never daring, of course. to approach men ricarest- th�� boat, which -was at- f. 'ven the door, The children made ready b?.ginning to sill) away with the 301i- talk 03ut tho lavish food sup- currmt. Then tin, rjushed to the helal d -Y in' the old woulan's hut, and the unirshed it, and turn�d ill- bcat's hea� atery rEachcd the cars of their father. ,toward the chawiel, wh2e. Chu*nruand 110, 1110 all tlie othor natives ,here, the ryot, helped by the girls, hanled at seems to hate 1,0uro,peans as though the hcavy mat sail. I they were. his dr.-adliest eneniles. He . Having lashed ih,:� bcIm again in opted oil us, discovered our where - _ order to 1­�ep the. budkc,row, on the abouts, and yesterday morning we . I starbb . plod tack, Malcolm was about to were dragged fdrth, ,whflo the pool, . lend'd hand, despite his wound, when a creatures to whom we owed our lives. spurt of firing from the bank took hini � were braWn to death. before our very . . . surprise, becatise he had seen net- . pyes.11 , 1 1 . . .by ther gun pistol In the hands cf the, �The spWker was a.fair English girl ,nor loungers on tho gl,,at, arid the c000l.eS Cof twenty., Her sister was eighteen, and their previous. experience of* tt.e were certainly unarmed. . . . Glancing back h-2 saw a mllu whom .i0rin. and fret of existence was drawn lie had'last scen In the moulvie's com. from an uneventful childfiood In. India, ' Pan:* at Rai Bareilly gesticulating four yeare Ili a *Brighton school, alid fierceli as be, directed the target p*ac. i ,% twelvemonth In: a Brussels conven- '.1 tice of a nu*mb�.r 6f wen. A group of . Malcolm choked .back the ,hard lathered horses behind them, showed words that rose to -his lips, arid sought that they had ridden -far and fast, so such local Information as the ryoot, the accident, which nearly IL -d to his. could give. It was little. The tiller ,undoing, bad rrally helped gave him. of the Indian fields livi�s 'and. dies, in . ,to and h � Is companions, else the fusillade his village. and hgs no- Interests be - to which, they .were noAv subjected yond the .borlzo,n. ,This man visited the, Ganges once a 30ar.cii. 4'religfous ,must have taken place while the boat . �N,as still ticd to the Wharf. - � fehst, and'po�bb.ps.'twice'in. the same "Lie flat owthe deck," lie shouted in period Ii ' i connection ,with 06. shlp- English., and repeated -the w9rd's- in ping. of grain 6n - tits', br 6"ther's boat. Hindustani. He flung bimsellt down To that extent, but no further, did tits by Chumru'� Side. - 8tore of general -knoydedge pass be - "Haul, away!'! ii2 gasped,. ­"V�'e wl'l rond the narrower limits of. those who " soon be out 'of range.". . � iWelt far fro -ft a river,highway. . Thus while, the cumbrov.s sail, *-Yet it was he who f Irst eslyted a new -creaked and -groaned as It slowly il)d most active peril. . I . .� . climbed. the mast, % atid bulle is cut ."Look,. liuzoor,'; lie eri�d­ suddenly. * . . thi-pugli. The matting or'vv ere inib dded 'They have illade signs to the Fattell' - ill the stout woodwor*k, the latLst pore .ghat. TN�o' boats ,are following . argosy of' Malcolm's fortunes thrut herself with lever-hicrolias:ng speed Int) .1s.ol, I - . . , And then Alaicallm fottid .that the the arnple breapt of Mother Ganga, real danger ca , me from the opposite I $earl the firing* ..Ceased. . Malcolm. raised his- licad. The e,,cited mob on '1101'e'. It ,was a�cuse. ot falling oil Scylla whali trying to .avoid Cbaryb- the shore was already a horde of Lillt. lie- .Fle. Icarnt atterwards that 'the put.lans, and the,plLfll swish of the ,'Obe]s had orgaulseid a code of sighals river around tli,z roo,rly craft told him, 'rom bailk to bank, owing to'tho num- � .. ' thatlie was aoi;ltually free, and on.tile. �)cr of the craft with Pluropea ' iis oil Way,io,.Allababad o;ice more. . - . . .a . . -1 __ . � , jortrd.tbat .goughf safety hi. flight lown tiv, I 'r1w.r. 'I'llaf �oine .device . . . I I �� . ( � 31 H .. APT14,11 Xlf,. . . I �. I .1 , . . I . . . , ...o.ust, hayo drawn pursuit froin tfia I Aght'bauk -was o5bvious. A couple of I The Syjihg of the PendultArn. - . I . . . . -boiry budgeroWs with gails set were � . Malcolm's first 'inctisured. thought - -acmg- aftcr him, arid the long sWeeal . . . , Was all uiiplbAsaiit oil-. Wwas ills . in board (vdcnl* boat were being tire - . . by ,%villIng urms. intent to land ono'of thw budgemws cfew at'the earliest .Opportunity. with .�elled., ,it nir.s.t be obnfessed. that a reellng, ' a -Written ni.eisage, -willch the bearer , . ' )f bifter rosoutThout. against this last. stroke 6f All4lick rose Ill Malcolm's Nould lo�,00bably bn_-.unable. to read,. addressed to Mohammed Rasul, bid- . � . )roeast for.an instant. 11�.conqueied dit.ig .him go to the assistance' of - the t. - Ile: recalled Lawreuce's. hold ad- vicei "X,avo,� Surrend6r," a , nd that Ili - unlucky Hossein Beg. That Plan was impracticable. The crew bad -,pirlting.memory brought strength. .' .now bolted. He could send the � At that -point. tbo Gauges was about .neither � ryot ashore nor trust to the hell) of . t mile and, a quarter In width. The )udgerow w6s- some six hundred ydrds an y neighboring village,..since men, were already g4ll'oping along the left . listant from the left baffli. Three bank with oliviously lipsifle dcs`g�g.- - . � ' rilles ahead ilic., rivep cur�,ed Ao the:, eft round a . steal) pionfoontury. The As ' th�,re was a fav6rable bracze and $ arther shore was rdarsh-laiid, so It the current -was swift and strong, lie wondered Why tbcse pursuers strove.to I . 'Ahat a lildden bar- � , . keep the boat in sight. Then It Was, .ter.of rock flung off the deep. current I . borne in oil him. that thck had a defl- ber�-, while th� one chance of escape : hat proosented itself. was' to steer for trite obj"..t. Could I't .be'pcsslbl� that. the� kriew of th.�, ,sence of other - pne � . !bat very.spot and effect a landing be-' craft lower do.w,_ the river?—tliat lie oore the eneiny could head off the bud - rnigli�. b3 called on within the hour to r gerow and force It under, the fire of make a ft�st stand against irr4sistible Ile horsemen. The Fattelipore boats, .odds on the deck of th,� budger.ow?. ,vere a mile in tile rear, but that advaii. Rnther than niret cortain death. In age would- be greatlY lessened It Mal- that�wsy lie would head boldly for* the ,olm crossed the stream, and perhaps opposite shore, and trust again to his Otogether effaced by . the , powerful ;Weeps dt'their command. , . tired horses for cscape to the jungle and ill? lifghL Yet, sorre However, to cross wits the only- way, ,plan .must be devised to kcep lalth with 'that ind the only.way is ever the best,way. 'laying wretcl,.od ze�rrllidar. ivan would once made up'lils mind Frank .The not diQ lf,lcft wlicrn ht, vas for an- . I ,00ily reviewed the situation. Pood. Dthe'r forty-eight houis. or evt-�n longer. kas the first essential. The boat I.tself, Out thl:l word.of a hahlb NNas it saci-cd itiving. been used for carrying bay;coxi- 0-ing Whatever the -Oi.fle-.-Ity of ;alned. sufficient sweepings to - teed , c�mrnunicatliig, wit'a bfo'. a-mir.d Ra- lie horses, and he get the ryot to work . sL;I, ii -e must overcow,e it somebow. )i 1 gathering tb,t odds and ends of, I In his perplexity, Ills eyes fpll oil t�,- ,orage. A brief *search brought to s froill Fyz . two',-Irls. Being, ladk- 7abay n ight a quantity of glice, boiled rice . they might li� able to li(;!I) him %it� trid dried I) . ta . s. Ile .diVi . ded the atom I some knowledge..of th,� I.)(-aIlQy..- Slim- moning O'buirru, (o t�;te tile 11�Tln Ile. * , . . ' ' �hto five .portlon:s. and set a good ex� went forward and --poke to 011(nil. . anipieto the others by compelling him. Now It is tin criduring laet that a self td cat his share of the' cooked wornan's rcgard for her perscrial ap- food at, once, while the Peas went Into his pot.,kets to be crushed or, chewed pearance will engross her irbild whon at leisure. I . graver topics iright wc,l lici to the g ' ft re. No sooner did thcso sorrow- Chnmru Icopt tile. bUdgerow steadily b -den daughters of I -Iva realii,� 'that on ber courae, and ere inany minutes t�ey were in a position of comparative elapsed it .was plain to ' be seen that safety, and Ili th.� corriptilly of a good- the rebels w4proe alive to ilia tactics of looking young wan of their own race, their .quarry.' Ftesh'galigs walined the sweeps and the riders ou the easlt� than they atterril.0d to oWect some change In thieIr tollettt,. A handkorl. orn bank eased their imeo to a walk. chief dipped Ih tile river, a few twists The space between pursuers and put, - and collings of r(-fractory hair, a sued began to decrease. At, tile out. slight readjustment of disordered be. set Frank thought that this was the .11 dices and crumpled skirts—above all, natural outcome of.lits plan, and gave . no head to it bt-,yond tile ever-growing I the gleam of the inagic lam%iof 116pe anxiety of tho time probloul. 'nut at that Illurythied all abyss of .spalr­ the end of tile first mile lie ,was ser - arid tile amazing result was that Mal. lous)y concerned at finding that the colm found two pretty, Shy, tremulous mutineers were gaining on him In. an inaldens awaiting him, Instead of the Incomprehenable manner. Tile boat disheveled, woo -begone women. lie had . was then seemingly In, mid -stream, seen pushed down the steps, of the, 10ille tile c-nemy kept cloge to the gliat. . : shore, arid they were certainly travel. He Introduced himself with tile well- Ing half as fast agaln, a difference In mannered vourtesy of tile period, 'and speed that the use of the ct�ura hardly Ili response tile eldor of the Dair raised accounted for. . ber blue eyes to Ills and told him that He kept oil grinily, however, never I since the 16th of June Until the pre. deviating from his Perspective, whieli vious day they had been hiding lit tile vMot tile &anipy ground oil, the outer hut of a native woman, Inothor of their curve of the bend, It was not until � liYall. allother Tulip, was covered and ths, mu - "MY dear father was killed by Mr. thleers, were utmost abreast Ill. the I Tucher's side." eq,%l o)p§,. "I -to. :%,qs +110 . " tmo ]tile of the rlvp.,, 0,at I e Iniew " . .1 . Im 0 FA &NIlly ti -Y w*ro j;-u..,n,--i;uvA; ncar*.- brealiQ rrog-ress as eompared, with Ills own craft. The Gangcs, After tile rw I E " RYWOMAKSHOULD iag,rom reshilin of ,,it oaiit rivew, , vl,aa outtl--,,,, a I-ew Ind thr4rlgh, the sun%ort rtefa towar"D C.v lay-lylng READ THIS LETTER . . reason - why 17 should not tell you thu'l ­ � .be shot down where We Stand without' war0b- At th,,� wlcU 01i'm tacre were Lilly means of' deftuding ourselves. - . "Then you dre both to be cong.;,atu- - . . . I On the other hand-" I I � 1. I I rically two cl-annels aiO lie was now 116 . .4111119 410119 tile comparatively mo. 0 And T*ko Mrv. Hiploy's Adviow tioulcos wator between them! I Lots of women are suffering tortures Side by side with this terrifying with their backs, when they nmd not discovery AN -as the certain fact that his I do so. Mrs. Ripley bad such frightfup awkwardly brilt craft lovou!d gain lit.le. pains in her back thatshe Could. .not dor by manoeuvrJug. There was a new ber housework. Site tells how she daz:ger, too. At anv instruit she inight , � , cure4 herself, Wxx.14r&MSDAJ.A SAST. . . run ashore on th-.l, aboal that was "I cannot refrain from writing you surely forming in tile centre of the about the benefits I have receive.4 frout river. At all - costs tbat must be taking GIN PILT,rS. 'I suftritig dread. , avoidcd. . fully with my back and Ilave suffered � NV Ith a smile and a few C011fideut with it for twenty years. I tr led every. worC.s to "tho girls, lie Nvent aft, took . thing but got no relief, un'tit I bouglit I the helm train Chuutru. and bade Ifint GINrILLS. I have taken six boxesilif hell) the ryot in putting out tile porL - GIN FILLS and now I have not the sweep. The effect was qulakl� appar. sign of an ache or palit in my back. I , ent. The budgerow r4nr late the se- am -now 48 years of age and fo�lel as well Cloud channel, but she allowed her as I ever did in my life. There is . . dangerous rivals to approach so close nothing that can hold a placd with GIN. . t at the natives opened fire with long. FILLS for curing rAin In The Back to range dropping shots. which women are subject." , It was now a .matter of minutes ere �VIRS. MILIANOV. P. Rlptgy, the rebel marksmen would render the Try GIN PILLS at our expense. (leek ilainhabitable. TO beacb, the Write fQr free UmpI0 box, Dealers � boat, land the horses, aud get the sell GIN PILLS at 50c ubpx-6 for 12.50 ' , ,. ,young ladies ashore Ili safety, bad be. and inconey refunded ifthe? fail to, cure. . . come an absolute impossibility, Then ' National Drug and Chemical Co., Dept. It occurred to Frank that the Fattieh- A. , Toronto, .55 Pore mcn could not know for certain . . . that there. were HngMshwomen on . board. They could see Chumru, the I . rYOt, tile borsqs, and'of course, the - ' I . steersman, but the girls were seated In - - "a s,:,.,,l It e g.. "s %,. ' *vo oi:sy.' ­.riwnil the well amidships, thes3 river craft -was av) qu(stfun of (poarter. Captain. I belrig only partly deelced fore and aft, Spurgin 1;ad b -.,2n, witli .'eill t . I - � N a k1a A modification of fits scheme flashed tabad. II.; kv,.-ov ill(, st,n-y ,or iNfassu- through his bralu, and he decided to ere Ghat, of D,.Ihi, of Sitapar, Marada- adapt It forthwith. First ;isklifg Ioliss hall, 13(reilly, a..d a $care or other sla- Keene arid hai, sister not to re%-eal I tions iii Q,rdh and thra Nortbwest. IA -3 their presence, 110 .matter what imp� gunuers lie tc (I rh,,, vilwirldy lit dger- pened, he told. Chumm to stand by the ows with romid ',,!lot taitil they bcg,aut. horses and h0p him to make them to shilk. Then. he ust d gm'pe alid ritle, . leap into the Nvatcr when lie gave the fire, until Rvo winutcs aft r tbe, Wai-' order. 1111th. difficulty lie Induced the � rell Hastings (ailic o4i. the s--eink, ther- soare# ryot to takip the rudder whilei was naught 1 -ft of tho F;ttt. bpore ravy, he explained the new project. It had savc, somp -shattered wrecka,,;�) and a " that element of daring, in it that Is feN wilt-tehes whoo &WOve t ) so im Worthy of success, being nothing less . aniddst a liftil of Lud and Ili a rl%er . than all attempt to draw the rebel's Infested witil erocodibes. I . attention . entirely to himself arid When tho st�.aincr drop.rcill down - Churaru by making a dasi) for the . � stream arid plukccl up tit. fvgitivei�. . shore, while the rYdt wAs to allow the Malcolm Icarat. that blyumlil ANas co - ' boat to continue bler course down operating i% !ill It,,L,aud. The one .stream with, apparently, no other tell. c1car,.d Cho r:vci,, tit--, o�hcr %%as balig- . ant than binisplf. Malcolm's theory was*tbat, It be Ing nicn. on ,_��arly every trea that lincd tb.,� Gia:ld Trunk Road. And and Churnru made good their landing, they would hug the river unt.11 the bud. Havelock, nclily*aidtill by Neill, wm I gerow was sufficiently ahead.of pu . r- , woving lv:aNcn and carth to equip a. strong forev .it Allahabad to aveiig,?- .suit to 1) ermit of lier being run ashore. Clawitpore ni�d ra:sa the e.xpeeted 81ege Th9ugh the plan savored of deserting bf 1,11eknow.' . . . . I the helpless girls, yet was lie strong- As Alah!olm .1dins:11 brought thv! I ratrided enough to adopt It It substi- I earlicrt, news of On.- investriteht, lid arid. � .tuted a forlorn hop-_ for 1;�i�inent and Chunl.ru wer,� put ashore with- a smaill unavoidable death or capture, arid It eSC-Grt, Ili ordcr that they. might joiLZ ' I gave on? last avenue at aeblevement Mapr Reim-,; . d's column, and burry to . to the mission on which lie had.come Havd,ock. with his thrilUn'g tidings . from Lucknow, . . ' , Spurgin 1fr6mised to visit tile village . At the ,final. moment lie communi. on the east bank, release Hossein Beg, I cated it to the -two sisters, They to.ablda: by' his decision, and and makc him a hostage for the ryot*9 � I I .agreed the elder oae said. with a calm seren.ty , welfare, As for Ilarrict and Grace Keene, they would be sent south "' - that lent to her.words the .symbolism soon as a carritigo, could lie procured, . of a prayer: .1 . I I The two girls. bade,'Frank. farewe'l . "We, are All Ili God's hands, Mr, - Maloolin. Whether we live or die we . with a gratitude which, was embaQ;- - are .assured- that you have don2. and sing, but' Grace, more. mercurial thiqk Harri�t, . ventured to, say: : . I . . . w. ill do,all that lips -Ili nio polvier of a "I suppose, You are jonging to see . Chrl ' if!an gentleman to: s�avc Ili.", � � Winifred again, Mr. Malcolm?" . � ".1. don't, like Icaving you", 113,11lul- .. . � � . I .. "Yes," be repli7d. weil knowing the , . . . 11-lureu, . Lout, Oul Only weapons. are a . thought that lay. behind the words- . . '. -sword ,and a brace of ellipty pisto's. ' I . � � . "You ax!,? her fr1rud, so there Is 110 . I . If we run on another halt mile ��a lil,all . . . . reason - why 17 should not tell you thu'l ­ � .be shot down where We Stand without' . . . .. she Is my promised wife." . a - .. . . .� Lilly means of' deftuding ourselves. - . "Then you dre both to be cong.;,atu- - . . . I On the other hand-" I I � 1. I ated " put iffthe eldcr sister,"'for sbe, 7''. I - Then tile budgerow struck a sub . . is ­q1te the most charmil1g, * 1 girl W�.- - . .. inerged rock'With a violence ti;at,iiiiist kno%,., and - our opinion of you is not , . . I have pitcli'ed him overboard N%-Qre h.. likely tp bo. -a liaor one atter to-day*z - - '. not. holding'Nejdi's beadstall. 'it the . ' e.. . . I �p6ritnces."-- . . � 11110melit. She*careened'so badly that . , � . I - "What? After an. holies acquaid- . . the girls shrieked arid '%,IaR-.oIm him- . . tancer, . , I . . �. . . I self ' thought she would turn turtle. *righted �, �. ,.,Ali . liourf Tit . ere A . Ne sonie 'I tours .. I . . 13ut she. swung clear, h6-s.lf, . and lay. brOadsi'de ,oil to the currerA, th'at are, hal I f a lifetime-' Gopd-bi. uia,�* , ' I I . .. � . . . . . ' Another ci-ash,: Ivss vloleni btt oe�en licaven gu,ard and watch Over y9u!1 . I I . . I Renault desLiatched La�vrence's,iac- . *.. More disastrous, tore away the . rud- � ­ . seliger to tile South in a: dak-kharry. . - - - ' . . der and. wrenched tile silar.pulley Out . ... or p6st-carrlage Chuirtrit bave- of tho top of .the inast. The heavy . ,would . . . . . taken the sei-Vailt's usual perch bes'llit- ' . ,sail 1ell-or co , urse, but by some mira, . the drivcr, but Malcolin would not hear . . . 4,v left the occupifuls. of thu boat 1,11- - . of it., -lis faithful attendant was al- . � illivred � :*11 � .. I . ,. . . Arid ;lc)%V* tile ninfined craft was var- � .1 I . niost as worli wit.h.,fatigue as lie. him- - ... I . . I . I _� . ried *aloiig 0liggishly, drifting back to . . ' . ,elf; .iraster and maii shared the com- . � . . . . . I . . I � .. ­ '- ri rL. of the.roorily vehicle; and slep't.. I I -wards the ventre of the bile �lvel% ,W* I . . � 1,01,11,, � ' ,i_ .,k Ilours.while it rumbled along � the� inen Ili the other boats set lit) a . . - the road. " . . 11 . � . . ., . . . . . . fiendish yell of delight at the catas- - At *dawn o_,i-tli,2 4th of July tliey� . . I . . trophe.that li-ad avertakei) the doomed, � . elitered *Allahabad, But thl� driver bad". - , " , .F6ringlils. rheir skilled boatmen: evi- . . . tits orders and did li& stooP In the 61ty.. . . . � .dently knew or, this reef. They stood ' - � . .1116Y pa28ed thMugh a suTlen. bazaar,., . away 6%vards tho shore, bu t'Llle trillru-' . . I.. . I -d at by a mob that wore- .. 1. � . end wl�r2 . bat pliant j,�erilig J cairte from the ,gliz, . I . the aspect. of a eag,eful of tigers in . . crowded .,de�ks showed .that they . %N,Ilicll Order � has just bten induced by . . . meant to pass their disiftantled quarry. tlie*liberal use of roed4idt lrors_ Thk� , . I and wait Ili safei, waters until I , t * Jun', . . . . . travele'-s rig asleep again. . ... . i Nvorp noddl bered down upon. them. I � Mule . . I . , � tolin suddenly became aware -of . .. %vhcn the sharp surnmous of -a British . . . I ..� � .his ,woundooll arm With a curious' ientry ,gladdened blalcool.al's cars.: . . .. � "'Who goes theve?"' . . . , I . . s falalism be bcgan io dissect lils-emo- ,dons. He arrived at the conclusion How al.rt it sounded! How mmill­-. , . . . . . . that the dv61) -from tile nerv6us tenw. isecut'- or. the old doys! How full of ... . , I I I . I . pro�,iso of th-2 (lays that were toy come!: . . slon of hope to the relaxation of sheer . Ile Icaind cout. and smiled as he _tobd - . � . despair -had dulled ]its Vrahi and weak- I . . R, stolid private. of the 64th'that lie ' . elie'd ']its. physical powers, - This, thEil, %Va'�. Iva fricnili" fits cniform* acted as' . . . was the 6nd. There could be no -doubt. . a passport, th-2 dak-gharry crossed.tht- - -about it. - 'lie , quieted tile startled horses witil'a woord or. two and. spqk,e . drawbridge and crept through a naf'-' I . . - to tile girls again. . . . row turinel, and lie found hinasolif . I . I - "You way ,,is well come' oil deck "It standing Ili We gl­6�tt inner parade- I . . ground of tl,,o. fo,rt.'A young officer ap- . I . I . low," . lie said. . is a . 11 lip with. us, . I . . . .. . proaclied. , I - If, a . frivnilly I bulic 11 puts t:s out 'of. our � � 'To you ivish . to.�s2e the .general �­. - - I . � I itilsery, � so inuch I lie better. - othek� WhQm- shall T mport?" lie asked;� eye-- I � � ''. wise tilv advice to you both is to loop ing the w0i'll.appearance and torn and . . � . I . I . 111to ib,e rivor rahthcr than be recap- � , blood-statiled uniforms of 14"riglishmail, - � . . ... . I . . . tured." . i . I and, native. I . . . � I . . Grace was sobbinp,, hysterically, but . "I ain lic-re frooln Lucknow," said , , , . . flarri et, clasping li�,r foudly Ili her Frank,' "Will you kindly tell General . ' arkus., looked up -at litill.. . . . Havelock thet Catitain Malcolm of the . . 'br6uglit I "No," she said; 'Ve must not A& . 3rd Cavalr� has him .a mes-.. that. Our lives.are liot otil� owil. The sage from Sir Henry Lawrencii,V'. . I Lord gave aiid.tli,.� Lord tako,th, away. ' It was the first time lie had des- . ' Wessed be tho nanie of the Lord!" n.ribed lifirselt by his now rank. li . pi-ailk wIn'Vr.(1 1:i Iliq,ailgizish. . To a sent. a pleasant tingle through his- paissailt: nian iho:.r(.� is ftotlihig so, gall� veins ar,d inad-2 that -injured arin Of hhz� . . . . I ing as fiolph,ssiiess : what a game of %che again.. Lawrence bad given blial � battledolle-ni)o shuttlecock had,beon ,16 th� 40, and 11,2r-� he- was in .Allalia- . - Wayed with libli'and thcs,'� bound up bad on tho:, vrry (IOL0 of -Ills Chief's. " wIth Ills fortulles since the inoulvie's reckoning. aftor having g -one' througli . � . Inall-trap br�,)uglit 16111 licadlon ,, to the ' . adventures tbmt would have sa�tlatecf I carth Ili th(.-, inalu. W-eet of )'tit Dar, III.Ysses. . . . I I . . . Oily! , Thit the pardonable pride of a young; . . . I'lluzoor!" ).cited churtiva, (Xc,tCdIY. �� .1 . "Look! ,rhere below! A smoka ship! . � And acel Those saiis of I)i,-,q aiv- mak I .1 (TO BE 'CONTINU .� . I . trig for the bank!" . . . Mftleolin could s(arce believe tits . I . . I � . (..,y(s when they rcated oil a small � I .. -, - '"': *V� � - steamer Nvith the British flag,flying I � - ___ I - .. I fro Ow i astlicad,'col'Affig round the nd. Yot there could be lie mistake . . " . 0 - I . I Whoopifig Co I about It, British officers Ill white uni- AST104A, COUGHS %_ I forn,,% wcro standing on her bridge, the � CATARRH COLDS � niuvvIes of a couple of guns showed I . . . ... . b'aclt and bushioss-like over her bows, . . whIle hor forivard deck was packed . . . with rp-M Ili Ilia uniform of the Madia8 Pusillers. Her coruniandor seemed to 11 . take Ill ilia exact position of affairs a, L . 1ESTANUSHIK6 tM I .; . � a glance, an(l, Indped, the half -wrecked Aflitmpte safe ityid etreetift tmidont ft . . � and almost empty boat Ili wid-streani, chial troubles, t'voiding &'L*& V1kPWjxed1j= ,� I Jena stops tho WGICY—b Of NVh0QPih1C COO* I :so eagerly followod by two thickly � (1powed craft n,ow close hauled alla itndtoldieV42111 efoupat One?. IMAtwentasur-. I faers froM Asthm%. ThO 11111! tftdered str6ngly . . putting forth despc rate c fforts to reAcil witisaotie, inspima with evl"-7 Lrenth, mok oll - bulthin toy. ot66Ubft11h,-&"d3ftLtr-Tld ilto,e WaLIVR9 I the bank, presented a riddle casy to 9f,9103%1rk1=tJ1iolni-,;bM l'b"I'.0t."mottiorawi youn9dwilrdl- , read. I S,hd us PoStAl f4r dent2iVOM bbliotia- ... to,. - . � - That twIllgo o( palil quitted Fralik's A!.L =UGGIMIS I 5 - 00 I I drad*ibnoi Anti- sic. arm its spe(Aily as it bad made its - Vy I ,- I Nioptl[) WA1VU&tT1&b- 0,6 Presence felt. fro belped the girls to lawk toe tho ba -Ra" � I Thes, the raised deck, so that tile 1)(1000 oll � .throat. W* XbrorAe. . 11 #; - isfidiltivoloilin ftht*iW-r­:. , I . � the stearnor could see, thell). It was - �% Of Youltojw= trom U30 , � I I riot necessary. Ali officer waved a - hand to theiii us the sturdy little ves- - . . . Up offisoldne I 0 � .sel dashed past, raising a mighty Utilontint-Milet * I - 0 MONTRZAL . , , 11 tipump iDf white frotJ1 ,Iolth lipr P40410, i . ­ . . I ,