HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1911-03-16, Page 4A
" 4
�'' rter a,Hilh 4 S�lmmerhill.
Chilton New#MAecoN
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" The C,. O. C. h', held their annual ! Mr: John Hayes, after a three-
Miss Cameron of Bayfield is now a
Aft. Herbert Wallis, who spent the
Mrs. A. Whitley has disposed of her
11t Home, .last Tbursdav cozenin. g in m,onths pleasant holiday at the home-
visitor at the home of Mrs. W. • Pick-
winter with 'his parentsthe vil-
house and lob for a rum nuar the $1, -
Sie ha21 ere About forty-five attEn- Stoad on Chuse Line, left Iestw week
. .
to to Gilbert Plains, Man.,
fisher, her
la r left for tho wept thI.eek.
000mark to a party :vin to the pear
ded and a most enjoyable evening wasreturn
Mrs. 'Claude who with
Miss Clara Erwin returned home
vicinity who will likely occupy it
Meat in plaving carptoow halls and oth-. where 1}e spent two years. Ile pur-
littl'e daughter ha:� been visiting with
f:azn from Berlin last week.
shortly and not alone.
et games aftAr which , efreshment5 poses doing carpenter work this tom-
her brothers, Messrs. W. and E. Pick-
Bir Edward Elliott. formerly
y prin-
Mrs.,; S. Lear celebrated hey 85Th:
_`" in season.
wore served. g
ard, for th t past week, has r:lturnod
cipal of the Public School here, with
birthday on Monday, when a number
3131r. Sttexart ?Macdougall sports. a The Sur; merhiT. W.,f ring intends
to "London.
his wife and. family rcittizied, to the
.of her childrpa grand -children and
flew driver. starting .operations about the middle
Mr. John K,liddon left here on Tues-
village last week.
great -grand -children were pnnseat.
of April. Mr. Tunnie of 1Vurtticla will
day with a sax of sctt9er►s effects far
bliss Chesney left Past week for Do-
Sirs. Leart:S able to do her own house
be butcher.
the west' in company with Mr. Wallis.
trait to spend a few weeks with
work which speaks for her health at
Leadbury Orval. Rapson {s now able to move
They go to. Fellow Grass:
so great an age.
• < _ about on crutcht's and it is expected '
c, t e l t ,
rhil•ts �t.t
cf,tntm s c o the. •n good ha for h n
'1I'ss a will be I p
g spring
Mr. Samuel (Iliddon. who has spent
the winter with his parents hent, has
xs. Green, w t the iter
M who s en winter at
Mr. R. Adams receivi%l� a quantity
of sugar last week.
flog at he bonne of Bir, John Scarlto:t° work.
returned to his home. in the west.
Detroit with hor slaughters, returned
homy last week,
Mrs. (-'has. Matson spent Tuesday of
Miss Ella Barrows left' last week Mr. ' 7'vncr had a woodbt': on lied-
The many friends on thane Holmesville
The Ladies Aid of the Methodist
this wvkA with Clinton friends.
gor St. Mary's. nesda�y.
Mr. and Mrs. 11. Grieve, and family •• •.,
boys wish them all prosperity id'their .
church held their monthly meeting at 'engagu:l
Mi;,s Fleming, of Stratford, who has
ietf for the west on Saturday, where =lir•' 1lerh. Govier has moved on to
too W41tt Marrs farm on. tho Base bine
new homes.
Our fine spring weather Inas caught
the homer .of Mrs. Greai on Wednesday
with Mrs. R. Adams for the
,milliner season aitzived Tuosda
y ' y'
$they intto-id to seek Dam: Fortune.
cornw , of the 8th con.
a severe cold. The few fine days
afternoon of week.
Bir. Jno. Manning has disposed of
Several from SunnmerhfPi atttotddl
Kowa •er, bad the L170at of breaking un
Miss Ella Cameron of Detroit is
his 175 -acre farm to Mr. Win, Vodden
a meeting of the Royal Arch in C'lin=
the for on the+ ivcx, which gave way
bonne on a visit.
for thLi sum of $8,500.
t'on Tii(''sday evening.
at noon. Tuesday.
Bliss I orbes and 1Vliss Parsons spent
blesses. Thos. and, Jos, Manning
NOW IS THE TIME Bir• and Mrs. 'herb. Govier will Am-
Mr. Gould took advantage of the
Satuillay and -Sunday at the home of
were. in Goderich on Monday.
terrain a nuinht+r of t�lefr friends in a
fine tiv:ather to tap his sugar bush.
miss Forbes' parents at Seaforth.
hies. Cowie is visiting friends at
Mr. Will. Bell leaves next week' for
I'.ilot Mound, 'Man., whexo he will
dancing party Friday evening.
Tha; say the sap ran well.
spend ho summer.
• Bir. and lMrs: James :Johnstone and
The following is
g the report of the
Mrs. (Rev,) Condel} has boon in
Miss Schultz of Auburn wag a guest
° lir. and B1rs: Joseph Fresonan, Olin -
Public Public School for February :•
poor health lately but the many
at the Temperance housa over Sunday,
toil, spent Sunday in Summerhill.
4th class. -Frank Jenkins, C'arl
friends'. arta pleast+d to hear that she is ..
Miss Mooney of Brussels spent Sun -
Mr. R, G. Reid of the Front Road,
Blair, Clifford Rolland, Lobt'id Lavis,
day with friends in the village.
Stanley, visited friends in tlic vicfni-
Clai►:nee Conna'I, Harold Lavis:
+ , °
I•f• you •don t, attend .the St. Pat-
The Woman's institute are prepar-
ty nvto: the week en•d.
Sr. 3rd -Mattie Ostrom, Elva free-
risk's, - social to be hold in St. An-
ing for and expecting a flood turnout
Mr. and ars. Robt. Watkins are now'
tor,Verna Jervis. Harold Co:: ROY .
' y
draw's church on Frid y evenfu•
a g you
and an enjoyabL- time at their pie
comfortably located on the Thoriit�n
will miss a treat.
social on tho evening. of St. Patrick's
Wallace. farm. We, all unite in tt•El-
Jr. 3rd-Afilt+on Holland, Stewart
Emerson and Nelson Heard, sons
Day. The proceeds of the entertain -
coming this worthy couple to oiix
Daniel Gliddon, Leslie Huller,
of Mr, and Mrs, John Ilea0l, left on
tory. will used to have the ceme-
Alvin Leonard, Leslie Jervis Clifton
' '
Monday for Milestone, Sask., where,
y �
tery, .cared for. •
' Papers. There navcr has been n Miss jFcrn. Beacom is visit•{ng friends
Sr. 2nd
Mr. W. Cr, Johnstone and other rolat+-
Seve•-al mentors of the Grange Or -
when -.tell beautiful effeci►s werY in Clinton,
-Fred. Lavis, William Al-,
lyes live.
der attQded a -meeting of the Royal
possible with Lyall Pacers of rood- Bir. John Johnstont, has bcc�i ill for
Jr. 2nd -Norman., Blair, John Os-
Our utial mail carrier is both care.
ful and accommodating and anything
Arch in Clinton l'uosda` night.
�eraty-. est. :,c'me days.
Bir.. William Sinclair has rented' a
ion•, Bruce Ilolland, Altalind Mc- _entrusted
to him come through on
lir. Wilfred I'Iunkcltt has again tilp-
ped a largo number of sugar maples
VIERN ARE PAPERS S11OWIN(, farm on the and ion. of Stanley and
work it and al'D the lie now
Part 1 -Wilfred Jervis, Elsie Fer-
sohtdule. time. But+, as sometimes
happens, mail matter- which should be,
and is kept busy {hest+ dajs with the
will Ona
all the newest, and bwd ideas. 'Many occupies.
guson, Willie ;filler, Pazcy Fleming,
handed over to him on Thursday is
sweet liquid,
aro pe_fectl) suited tnr cut out+ and Mi Maud 'Tyner has raturned from
-J` 1I, Lowery, Teaoher.
not -put into his charge uptil Saturday
other up to date effects. Any good a visit at Mr. . John Scar: t:t% in
afternoon. then that is do fault of
Live Stock
decorator can handlu the.ii sttecess . There was no service' in St. Peter's
Goderich Township l
Toronto; March 23th.Receipts of
fully and produce tho highest grads church an Sunday,. Bir. nuphar being
lfvestoekatthe Union Stock Yards
mriults. unable to et out owing to the bad
%lir• Wilfrid Thompson 1'eft Clintdn
' `
Hullett Tnwinship
were -e.4 carloads,' consisting .of 1343
roads across the countrv.
station on: Frit}ay last for 2Vlacklifi,
cattle, 174 bogs, 2198 sheep and lambs,
t IVOW \D \1'S T'IIF' B1 �QT \l' A 1''1 Misses Ethvl and Kitt?v Govier and
Sask.,, with nine, horses and. Litho- set-
flint. John Manning of th'e 10th coil -
27 -calves and 65 horses.
IIalo.�ld Bigg{n sante lionte fro2li Clin-`
t•lers' effects. Ile went to iufn his
' r
ct.asic•n }ia.� dispost�l of his fine .fain
The -quality of fat Cattle was genor-
al o d.
c yw.rs are more than mere Wall Cover-
ton for �;unda )"
bt�,)thers, -John A., Ernest and Rob-
of 175 acres, the price being $8,500 '.
y r;
Owing to ri light delivery of cattle
Ings. •
Russel Colborne. was • home from
ext who i.imined • err the
+ prairie
all the, purchaser illi, William Vo&
there was a good, steady trade at a -
front Seafoxtti for., I fete days of the
homesteads during. thio winter instead
den. The placo is a good one and
bout the saxie quotations as. last
•• `TIiF.SI; A:I,I:(,A\1' 1'.\I'I=:RS DEC -of
past wck k.
spending it. more pleasantly at -t•he ,contenfentl
old horr;e•cn this township as did Wil-
Y notated.
There were three carloads, sold b y
a ,mate the walls in the .best sense of
lit. Albext:,Townshend has rented'
141r. ;Iohii Thpmpson a'nd -his :
Manning famil e'
y • •is one of th<
Rice dl,'•VPhaloy at fn0:19 per cwt.,
'• : the word. With them can fair-
.lir. •11. Baker's fatin oli the 16th con.
Ing for a grant to the Clinton 8 ring
� �
pion, r families of ibis township.
„•}lith were easily IOc per Cwt. better
which tic wt11 run;,in connection with
four sons n ow haye.1160 acres of
They came f'rc)nt' 1),evon•sliira, England,
in quality tliaii the tear} that be»iglrt
ly transform anv room no mattct:
the T. B7ason T'aini on rho Base. Line
prafric land.on the border of Alberta
and the. falim was first taken 'tip by
the top pr1Ce }Lit 'week.
what its sirs its shape or its licca-
which he lies ltadleastid ,tor the. .past
and Saskatelne�t`ait. 11r. Thomltserr's
-quarter Section and 660 acres of John
11r, Blanning'n father in.thio early
(Teo. B. Caninbell bought. export'
' ?fon,
+; °
couple of years. , .
,While cutting a tree .the other day,
A's land is in albr..rta.but the balance
clays, The 1 :cnt Owner, for he has
not yet given up ,posseml'oni. wasthen
Cattle for Morris Re. Co., as follows; 54
steers for London, 1:177 lbs, each, at
John ;hairs. soh of`1Kr. ;Thos. Blairs,
is in Saskatchewan. The C,1':R:
but a bo • •and ho helped•nn the first
r `)
6.07:',)7 steers for Lis erpool, 11.0 lbs..
wk� IT 7S \0.. TROC'BLi•, `l O tiI10N1'
gjtef, with a severe Iaccident by the
cross,,, within a mile of the ThbmpsOn.
clearing and has ever since, resided on
eaeb, sit 5.05; also 203 steers for Liver -
goods in this store. We ask t'he
a '.` in back" on.hiafr,' It caught
tee go il
Block which is. tnidWay between: Hay-
the place., Tiiat thio, well known and
Pcr'1,1236.1)is. caeb. at 5.80..
`n privilege ai doing so.
him by rho lhg, and hurl to be p.riei3
ter -and, Macklin st,atioits. 'That. the
very highly respected. fanilv., puxp2sioi
E. L. Woodward' boirglit: for Swift
CO' 2e10 steers for London, tufa.
off: Tiiougli he was much bxuisti�l; lie
family •fnay. (lo well in the west is the
leaving tine lint, is a source of regret
each, at 5.90, or a range ill prices of
off, fortunate in escaping. si ,easily.
S -ish of t}rtg:r numerous friends in this
to Clie Nyhole neighborhood •in which
•5;80 to G;also -10 steers for Liverpool,
Mr. John Danby has•taken a posi-
<° All n Mrs
good old township. Mi. ,Thompson
has Wo sons in this province, Free.}.
tile- have lived for so inany years,
IT \I ''S } + Tl I
1170. lbs. each, at 5.76 per cwt.. Export
bulls sold at 5.
9" .,
UO-UPOF .041
tion .on the, railway a.: trema
Danby remains With. Hullett friends
for the ii7na being. ,:
II George. Johtrgtone has hired wti+li
i Mr. C'liarlCa Clifffon for the seaspn.
at home and, 4ini, a member of •. the
Police Foice;'whert► he is
c}istfngufshing Itimsolf: • .
Messrs. Frank Whitmore and James
Steep - did cut, split. and pile 27h cords
r. .. anntng., cn ) bon, ,.re,.,. ..•
may try the west which its n6.46ubt
the reason why the glri homestead has
been disposed of.
Tite ptirehaser, Bir. l�'illiam Yodden.
will now bo the owner of 375' acres of.
• Prima picked butchers sold at 5.80
to 5 95; }Dads of cos}, 5.50 to 5.75;
merlium; 5.2c1'to 5. 5• common; 4.90 to
5.15; cows; 3,50 to 5.l0;bulls, 4.50 to
>t� fy+ylia
of wood in. :lir. George Middlaton's
bush in three days.._ If there is any-
h b t 1- b t
good Hullett laud: He has four sons,
-and father and boys _ bn:ng first-class .
reported on sale.
.-•,R.f: �� •����None
body • erV-1- r here" oto 5. to.can ea larmets, the increase in acreage is on Veal cubes sold at 3.50 to 8.50 per
this: the aforesaid pair Would no doubt+ ly . what might be ekpected. The Vod- cwt.
** * Ili',e to l ,c • e their. names and postoff{ce dens, too; are among out -old' and SHEEP and., LAMBS.
address,+;. niOSt rtspectrol f4millas. Prices fox sheep send . lambs were a
Couch CO * ' little firmer,.Shee . ewes sold at 4:50 I,n the est few' ears. there hav p
?Sir.. Thos. F:. IIarrison, ivlio has had P y to 5; rams,'3.50 to 4,25; lambs; 6.50 to s
What is known as the ,Sam. Cos farrit beet' several changes on .the. 10th- con,per cwt,
near .Porter's .1liil rented, fora terin Charles. Blanning • has moved .to .Lon HOGS.
has •giveu it tip and moved to the farm cleshoro, Frank Woods tai . he 13th, con. Prices unchanged at 7.05 for selects,
+ + n tho 4th cion. recently occupied b and Robt. Cole. to Waterloo. Mrs. fell and watered•, acid 6.75; f.o.b. Ctrs
Ladies & Children's Dry Goods: 4 P y at Country points,
Mr..Ro'bt. Johnstone who has moved Mogrid1 e of Clinton also formerly liv-
Ready-to-wearand to another place. c•... on the loth: con.
A most .successful entertaininen•t. Last Tuesday Dr. Milne of Blyth ..
i Garments Milliner ' was given on Frid'a.y evening last by and two other assistants.performed a:
I S the in -embers of t.'aj A.Y.P.-A. of Mid sileccssFul operation' for..a tumor on .Spring Relninds
dieten church. The programs for the Mo. John Daer. Mr. Daer ie inriprov- l)f• Rheul�iati$.m•
evening consisted of. a contest,, the . ing rapidly .and, though .still confined
two side,:+being captained by Miwri, •tn1 doors, he is able to walk about and- RAW, DAMP WEATI•IER .STARTS.
GRAND Nellie . M. Flicks, -and lir. Mi}ton «'Quid find it very 1+Jdioiis .whiling ,Ill; I,QI'N, BUT TfiLTROUBLE
Stec e., respectively. Much interests away. fhti,tim'e. but for. his numerous•
was manifested ln• the proceedings. and old- .friends and neighbors, who show "LIES IN THE. BLOOD.
• �' nothing seemed.to be left, undona by, their regard for }fun by their frequent
i the member'; on either side -'in ordctr' and lengthy visits i'hus cousin Spring weather is bad for rheumat-
1 y , , g . the is suffercls, The"C,lianges from mild
O tita't they might coma_orrt the vicirors• limn to'pa§s more xaXiidly. to severe weather,'culd, eery,- clamp .
There : was a lar f and a rmiatrive Miss Maggie Daer'arrived hornefrom winds following. mildness shirt the
g pd aches and twinges, oriumore extreme
audience all of. whom seemed , enter Godericit last wLisk and is at present g ,
.... tile tortures of the ttonblo 0
a g -.
hualiAly . into thu evenings .proceed troubled with..tonsiiitis,.
Mrs. ' Isa c 1VIar .00d visited .hast lug. But it must be. borne in mind.
I I'j logo.', .flit. \lirt:.I)nnbar presi:de<l. and' a. K' that it is not the weatber.that; causes
atter a -few introductory. rcrilaxks cal} Wawanosh friends on •Thuiariay last; rheumatisitn, the trouble is rooted in
cd it on the contestants to' rocced the blood -•the obangeabfe weather
• • p P iucrel :starts the afns. The: elft wa
with their respeptite program.: which y p- - 3'. .y
Fr _ h 4th reach the trouble and to cur' i r
Friday even><>hg, Marc 12 t. t� e t s
consisted' of dialogues, tableaus, drills, Hoderich.Townshr
choruses <•olos nusicak.selections and . through the blood. The poisonous
+. • . rhutnattc acids must be thrown off
and .fol lowing days.: a recitation. '1'e, say that rho d'iffcr- At tlit+ regular meeting of . L. U. L: • and.driven out. This is a solemn med-
cnt item's were well iendora3 would be- No.. 180 lash Mondav . evening Mr, ical truth every rheurnatie sufferer
putting it mildly. The performances. John I:nnsnenson, the .popular Master, shotnicl realize, .Liniments and out-
Our grand Spring Milliner display. makes. its bow to the public of the vouii 'people rn inanv of . their resiened tire. Mastership he.! intends wlt,rd applieation may. give temporary
l; p g = y. l g relief but they never did and. never
Friday evening, March 21th. and .following days, Not for manly parts would have been hard to beat leaving, for: the wwit in a few days. esin entre rlicurnatisrn. Au doctor•
reasons have we shown such lovely hats whose -prominent features and one and all are de+sexrving 'ot' rite! Mr: Walter Elnin'ersoix wan appointed. 'will, tell you this is true. 'i'hy sufferer
are entirely NEW,
' 'highest praiser - The iuc}ges, who were Master for the balance. of the year. It is only wasting timeand nuoney with.
We make our invitation as pressingits Possible for ever +nonan Mists McI<wen and Messm. Izard and is with regret we part, .,kith Mr. Ern- this sort of •treatment, and all the.
within reach to Come during thopenig days, y Sturdy, hurl smme clilCrculty in,giving merson, but. what is our loss will be time the; trouble is becoming , more
firmly rooted -and harder to cure.
their verdict as to who went the win- Saskatchewan's gain. 'T'hoie rs,just One sitre,. speed en're
-- - 'adrs, the, two sides being very: evenly Owing' to the :bad state of Aho roads for rlleumatism -Dr. Will aius Pink
balanced. IIawevn:, thtN, decided in on Sunday Iaet' Mr. Wm. Dunbar was Pills. They act directly ort the weak,
favor+ of the side captained by Miss unable to reach either Ilolmesvfllo. or impure, thud' tainted blood. They pur-
Mcks as }catling by five points. Mr. ,Summerhill churches. Ile regrets the ify and strengLheu it and thus root
We will also have .on display Willie Wise, who in president of the disappointment to triose , who may ottt the cause of thorhousands
sof m: here is
:. aproofoutc)ftliousartdsofsimilar cases '
association, deserves much crt li forhave been more fortunate, than he in might be -given. Mrs. F._X.+ Boisseau,
New Dress Goods New Trimmings the interest he takes in the we, am leaching their, destinat..on, St. Jerome, Que.,, says: =Tor almos=t
Silks cs for his successful efforts in arranging two years I wits a torrible sufferer
Muslins , from rheumatism. Tile trouble first
„ cr for ;ucli a profitable and enjoyable en- located fu the ri lit log. inrakiri work
G -n hams Whitewear g
tertainment as the one en Friday �_- Porter's Hill �' i
„ � about• the house impossible, enc walk -
Lawn N gists `s Lace Waists Lining proved to be. ing very diffienit. I tried to cure myy-
Mr. ,James Miller is wearing apleas- Mr, 1JCrb. Bennett and 'sister, Viola, self by means of all sorts of liniments
-r- -- ant; senile these days, it baby boy hav- entto,+t.tfned a fnw of their friends to a acid lotions, but with no. result --it
March 10th,1911
I IRWIN � � "'
cn x
' r
We nee
. The Date .
An event in which the ladies are always deep-
ly interested
Pricing evening and following
We have received
the second shipment of New Spring Coats, with
yet another to follow in a few days. The price
. ticket calls for a smaller investment . than you.
would expect for the style and .quality of the
Prints Hosiery
Cottons Gloves
Sheetings Corsets
Pillow Cottons- ' - Embroideries
Cambrics Laces
Nafnsooks White Wear
Victoria Lawns Underskirts
Persian Lawns Waists
Linen Lawns Vestings
Indian Heads I'rillings
La Rose Collars
Rep Ties
Suitings ]felts
Oilcloths, Linoleums; Mattings,' Rugs, Window
Shades, Curtains Anel .Curtain Materials.
We, are after your trade, We try to de
serve.your confidence.: We believe it to be in
your. interests. to 'trade with us.
50 F fl-,6EN. cu
My stock* of Carpets..and Rugs is too large and
in order to red.uce,it• [.will give a discount of
from 1.5 to 30 perc:ent,..'Read this. partial list:
Union Rugs 8 x 34 for. $5 75 reg price $800. .
Tapestry " 3 x 3. for 7.75 ' 119.50 .
4 '` 3x4 for ' 8.00 " 1200
__ _= 3 x 4 for 10.50 14.50 -
" 3 x 4 for 1259 _` 10.50
" 3x4 for 1600 2000
3 y. 3h at 30 percent. discount.
Wool . " 3 x 4 I must move them outif
3} x 4 price: will do it.
4 x 4 .
Velvet " 3 x 4 for $22..50 reg price $29.00 Are Beauties
Wilton : •" .3 x 3i .for 22.50 `' 29.00 Best. Quality
'We are selling our 4 yds linoleums at the' .61d price while our pres-
ent stork lasts.. We have 12 different patterns to select front.;
Mattresses 20 percent. discount.'
Bed Springs .reg $3.90 for $2 50, i
Iron Beds prices range from $2.15 to $20.00 each.
We have a very large and well assorted stock .of
all kinds of Furniture and ify
ou want our dollars to
.do some close financing for you, � do your buying at
our store. for the r, ext 30; days, starting from
lst.11'1ARCH up to 2nd day of. APRIL
Your money cheerfully refunded if goods -are not
satisfactory, all purchases- must be cash at'the slaugh-
tered prices.
It will be'only a pleasure to show you through '
our immense -tock. We are the only store outside a
City shoaling a complete set of furnished rooms. A
visit through will be a treat for you anyway, even if
you do not buy.
1 good equare piano for side at a snap, -
I " 0 ective piano•cased organ for sale.cheap=
2 good second hand sewing machines for sale cheap,"
We. carry repairs and needles for all makes of machines.
Repairing and picture framing
neatly and promptly done,
Chairs and tables rented•for parties at
reasonable rates.
"t`he Stora
ing arrives}.
social hop lasit Thursdav evening. i
was' only money wasted. Tho trouble
constantly grew worse and the, pains
>t� fy+ylia
Pho" 28
Tlic little son of Mr. Frank Whit-
Don't forget the St. Patrick's, social
r)rnre unbearable. Finally it attached
has beeri ill with congestion of
on Friday -
at Mr, 0.. W. t'otter'sen
the other leg, and I was call but help -
New Spring Coats
the lungs.
T.ha township council' met on Mon-
ening. Admission 15
refreibments, L.verybo'dv welcome. .
Cox is to be
l(,ssandeom )letelydiscotu+aged,thiuk-
. ing I would ie a sufi'erer for the rest
of my life. At this time I lead nr our
day week.
Bir. ,John able out
home paper: +f the trouble beim; cured
A communication was rtl-se{vecl Ask-
again after his serious accident. Ilio
by I)r. Williams Pink Pills and I rte•
i canons Cleverest.8 tyles and Choicest values will go on display.
Ing for a grant to the Clinton 8 ring
manv friends are glad to sea him' able
. acletl to try them= After rising the
We the
Shaw, but no action was taken
o go around.
pills for several weeks I could see they
present pick of the best m,%nufacturers, New coat creat-
Air. Andrew Sheppard was
;lir. Win, Macdougall left for the
were helping me, and I continued tak-
ions forspring we have the famous "Northway and "Continental,,
garments. Come and set+ theee coats. We believe they will quickly
and stated his case in, regard to hav-
• est on Monday.
ingthem until I had used nine, or ten
boxes when every sympton of the
convert you into a well pleased Customer.
ing the 131yth Tetrphone System enc-
Air. Watt. Stirling is spending a few
trouble had disappeared and I could
teadOcl to his residence, buil tine gnat
days with his mother having finished
walk as well as ever I did. Had I
i . hh. „„ �i n..
Ladies' Long Coats $ •UU to $1 8,00
ter was left; over: until the amend-
nnents to the Toleplione Act wera ro-
his, term,w^ith Mr. Jas. 5•torling,
Mr. 'rhos. I;. Harrison has moved to
known of Dr, Williams fink Dills
earlier I would have saved myself
Ladies' Short Coats t$�•� to $7,00
Air. Wilmot rlaacke was a-ppohited
the •1,11 con. lit{o the house lately oe-
cup ed by Atr, Root, .Johnson.
in whet ffering and much money spent
`useless treatment its wolf.
pa,thtnar.,ter instead of ,James .Jewell.
Alesst,s. Ciro. Vanderburgh and John
Whether of you are lis, Pi omen a few
hexes of Dt`,'�Vlll{erns' Pink fills will
-- -
The following aC40unts were basset►:
g i
y i 2.16 ` (.•. G.
Harland Bros., tile,
a d o $ +
Royal Arch'
I:lrnmerson attended a I py
r even -withstand
mtong fn ClintonC;Iinton on 'rites ev n
increase your vitality dnd gdve you
nncreasecl strength
- -N
V R� COt1RTl AND A'1'>a1'['IONevert
r y �
Lea, tile', $7.45 • Treasurer, postage
� ' :
. r r,
and xtationery, $.i.a0 , clerk,, school
Mist Addie (.ox spt�at a new days
the strongest feel easily fagged
y gg u
curt, the can get these pills from any
census, S2.50;
The council `adjourned to meet ilhe
rccwitly with bei brother Iicusoa in
deal rnedicinesar by mail at 59
eonts a box or• all boxes for 2.50 from
first Monday in April nt 1.80 p.m;.••-•
maple sugar M.*Jng is the Order or
The Dr. Willii%ws' Medicine Co., Bro.
N. W, Trow artha, Clerk.
tl>c day.
CkVllic, C)IitM .
March 10th,1911
I IRWIN � � "'
cn x
' r
We nee
. The Date .
An event in which the ladies are always deep-
ly interested
Pricing evening and following
We have received
the second shipment of New Spring Coats, with
yet another to follow in a few days. The price
. ticket calls for a smaller investment . than you.
would expect for the style and .quality of the
Prints Hosiery
Cottons Gloves
Sheetings Corsets
Pillow Cottons- ' - Embroideries
Cambrics Laces
Nafnsooks White Wear
Victoria Lawns Underskirts
Persian Lawns Waists
Linen Lawns Vestings
Indian Heads I'rillings
La Rose Collars
Rep Ties
Suitings ]felts
Oilcloths, Linoleums; Mattings,' Rugs, Window
Shades, Curtains Anel .Curtain Materials.
We, are after your trade, We try to de
serve.your confidence.: We believe it to be in
your. interests. to 'trade with us.
50 F fl-,6EN. cu
My stock* of Carpets..and Rugs is too large and
in order to red.uce,it• [.will give a discount of
from 1.5 to 30 perc:ent,..'Read this. partial list:
Union Rugs 8 x 34 for. $5 75 reg price $800. .
Tapestry " 3 x 3. for 7.75 ' 119.50 .
4 '` 3x4 for ' 8.00 " 1200
__ _= 3 x 4 for 10.50 14.50 -
" 3 x 4 for 1259 _` 10.50
" 3x4 for 1600 2000
3 y. 3h at 30 percent. discount.
Wool . " 3 x 4 I must move them outif
3} x 4 price: will do it.
4 x 4 .
Velvet " 3 x 4 for $22..50 reg price $29.00 Are Beauties
Wilton : •" .3 x 3i .for 22.50 `' 29.00 Best. Quality
'We are selling our 4 yds linoleums at the' .61d price while our pres-
ent stork lasts.. We have 12 different patterns to select front.;
Mattresses 20 percent. discount.'
Bed Springs .reg $3.90 for $2 50, i
Iron Beds prices range from $2.15 to $20.00 each.
We have a very large and well assorted stock .of
all kinds of Furniture and ify
ou want our dollars to
.do some close financing for you, � do your buying at
our store. for the r, ext 30; days, starting from
lst.11'1ARCH up to 2nd day of. APRIL
Your money cheerfully refunded if goods -are not
satisfactory, all purchases- must be cash at'the slaugh-
tered prices.
It will be'only a pleasure to show you through '
our immense -tock. We are the only store outside a
City shoaling a complete set of furnished rooms. A
visit through will be a treat for you anyway, even if
you do not buy.
1 good equare piano for side at a snap, -
I " 0 ective piano•cased organ for sale.cheap=
2 good second hand sewing machines for sale cheap,"
We. carry repairs and needles for all makes of machines.
Repairing and picture framing
neatly and promptly done,
Chairs and tables rented•for parties at
reasonable rates.
"t`he Stora
bt Quality.
W, Ik-'
W r
>t� fy+ylia
Pho" 28
ueilltartt Uralic cad Uadet ftket
i (o