HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1911-03-09, Page 8Clinton News.Recorol TWO DOLLAR SHOES FOR LADIES' ---�---AST' • Fred. Jackson's We have just received a new range of fine shoes for Ladies which are the best value we ever offered. They are made of achniee > election of Dongola Kid Blocker pattern, as nice looking as many higher priced shoee. • We back them up and guarantee Satisfactory wear. It will be our pleasure to have you examine there whether you wish to buy or not. Repairs While You, Wait. ir FRED. ,JACKSON ..«...• ... ..:....... Traveller's Sample 1 tO.V-MIZ,00ATSI. IIn Hen's and Bays' At Less Than • Manufacture's Prices., A few days ago wewere fortunate enough to secure first choosing from all the Sample Overcoats of one of Canada's Lar- gest !Manufacturers at ridiculously low price and rather than carry them over for another season we will place the entire Iot • on Sale commencing Saturday at such wonderfully low prices that a few days must Fee a general clear up of every coat Remember - This is not a clearing out of undesirable gar- ments but a genuine Sacrifice Sale of up-to-the•minute•goods. • Don't fail to see these coats if you need one for the balance of this winter or are going to need one for next. SMALL PROFITS ••N•N•N•••NNNN41•N•••N•NN*NNNN PLUMSTEEL BROS. MORE. BUSINESS 1 ALUOS'f dTcesT +.rte.... As We ate removing fromaur pPeS.. ent premises we must reduce our stook and to do so we have cut the prices. Here are a few of the bargains . for our customers Ladies' Kid Blucher, regular -$3. 0 o Sale price ... ,..... ... .,. L.4ee Ladies' Kid Bluchers, regular $1.75 and $2. Sale price I et MISSES Misses Kid Bluchers, re t lar $2.00 Sale price • 69. Misses Chocolate Bluchers regular I O (1 1.75. Sale price a Childs' Box Calf and Kid Bluchers, • r'gular $l..35 and 51.50; Sale price.... I,. 19 Childs' Kid Bluchers, regular $1 and $1.10. Sale price, . . , 75e and ` .9 0, nTlfl r,1 ,t,0 Men's Rubbers :85 Ladies' Rubbers ,.50 :Misses Storni Rubbers.45 MENS Men's Patent Blucher,' regular $4 3 n and $4'.50. Sale price... , Men's heavy winter calf, tan and /1 OK black. regular $5. Sale price ` Men's Velour calf, regular 53.50 and n $1. ,'rale price .0 0 Men's Box Calf, regular $2,50. Sale 190 price ............ ..:.. S. C. I. AT H W L LL 1 *•4•••.iN..N.NN•• 4q*N/N•NN.....N• Nes J. B Hoover �-•x,.76, .. 1 Nelson Ball Our Furnit ore Sale Affords an opportunity for the thrifty to refurnish the whole or any part of the house at a splendid saving, not made at the expense of quality. t ' 2 1 For Parlor, Dining, Bed Room or kitchen, s 1 ''`here are complete outfits and single pieces that are marvels of filrni • tore excellence and aCorson ly, Better see theta.' The cheapest spot In Huron County to buy all kinds of furniture. 2 1 Hoover & Bali1 . S !t$ *eke*4'..#..!!.!►4 ,$ .t► i•.••dN'►.4 rs*.N.4..♦11411 ..1. • +....... ' '� : **.+..+4. W. 0. FAIR ea. 0 IS PREPARED TO MEET AND SATISFY EVERY REASONABLE DEi IAND OF ITS PATRONS CONSIS. TENT WITH GOOD BUSINESS IN o 0 N.. WALL PAPER 1 Often Cheapest -- Always the Best 1J1Pfr(JI I' r 11111111Uunwyauulmafl111 nd6 _ �-_--- '` n ....... . ..... . ImII1111N.h. Hiss Grace Cluff visited in Godarich last week, the gu,xt of Miss Flo Mallows. Igiss Baker of Fullerton has been a, visitor the past week cf Rev.. J. Greens and Miss Beatrice: Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Cluff visited on Sunday -with. Mr. and Mrs. John Cluff of the Bayfield Lino.. Mrs. C. J. Wallis attendfd the funeral of her uncle, the late John Salkeld of Goderich, on Saturday last. Mrs J. 13. Morrison of Langside is visiting in town with her parents, Mr. and Mea. Thomas Hessian. Mrs, Jas. McLean . of Pilot Mound, ''Mian,, was the guest of Mrs. Brown-, lea, Albert street, last week. Mrs.. R. J. Young and fancily of Lon desboro were guests of Mr. and Mrs. ,W]19, ilicIntvea on Monday. Mi.i. Cunningham of Toronto. has been the guest of he: parents, Mr.. and Mrs. Thomas Ila3sian, the past week. Miss L. Gibbings has beau the guest of frit, els ]•n Seaforth the past week. Mr, 5, C. Rathwell was in. Toronto last week. • Miss Sipes will have charge of Ir•win's millinery department again this n..ason, Miss .hill of Galt will be her assistant. • Miss L. E. Spark 'returned to town last week and will again lavc charge • of Couch & 'Co's millinery, Miss. Campbell .of Walkerton Will assist her.. Mr. E. Ball spent Saturday and . Sun- day in 'Toronto with his . son, Roy, • student at the University, and also in. visiting 'bier relative;, and friends in the ei3'y.'. M:r.• Fred. Salkeld of I ockingville, Sask., visited his relatives, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Wallis, of town and Mr. 'Phomas` Jenkins of Wood - :lands Fart., Huron • Road, the paste w.esc. Mr. and Mrs. P.. Cantu'.oa, Mr. D. Cantelon, Mei. Wrn. Cook and, • Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Cook atteeided the funeral of their cousin, the- ,late Mrrs. • Pickard, at Holmesville on Tuesday. Mr.' and Mrs. John Sharp and :cbildron of the vicinity . of Sharp. • Sask.,-• wbo have been visiting the relatives of the former in , Stanley during the past three mouths, sprint a few days the guests. of Mr. and Mrs. J. I?, Cantelon and other Clin- ton friends this week. Mrs. U. C. Rance returned on Friday from . Toronto where she had been for a fortnight with her son Clar- ence, who has been suffering from an attack of scarlet fever. The Tats- teie is • still in, Cottage hospital, but isr doing nicely and it is expected will soon .be able to' r”sunne • his • studies, •. • Mr.: Fred. Middleton, one of..the'pop- ular' young men of Gedcrrich town- . e' -rip, and son of Seuire John 'Middle • ton, has been spending a few days with his sister, Miss Myna, in Tor= onto. Tho city is an attractive place, but it is said there are other places just as attractive for our young friend. Mr, C. J. 'Wallis shipped a carload of horses to the west on Saturday and on Tuesday followed them, up. He will probably find Pttlo difficul- ty in scouring a ready market for than. The genial Charlie will be gone some time as he has arranged .for another bunch of horses to be shipped later. • Mr. and Mrs. George Turner of Bruce - field rr:;iirned on, Saturday front a throe -months business -trip to Eng- land. Socially they had a vary pleasant time and enjoyed bheinsolves inuitensely, but are clad to get back to . the land of the Maple Leaf once more. Frons a business standpoint the trip was' all that Mr. Turner anticipated for be succeeded in in - Westing ntct'osting. to a still greater extent British capitalists in Canadian In- dustriee. Dr. MaeCallum, who is in London, England, taking a Bourse in the hospitals there, writes that he and Mrs. MaCCallten are' enjoying their sojourn and that he is also enjoying his work. Theo are a number' of Canadian doctors at, present taking up this special work. At time of writing a period of foggy weather was following a month of rain and often the lights have to be turned on all afternoon just as at night. The Doctor concludes by saying, "I ready don't know but that in the end I prefer snow dints." I. March 9t11. 1911 SPRING HITEWEAR. AT GOING OUT OF BUSINESS PRICES Owing to these goods being bought months before we ever thought of going out of business we were unable to cancel them and goods were passed into stock this week and all go at sale prices.-- .White Gowns, Skirts, Waists, Corset Covers, Drawers, etc, Come early and get first choice, they won't last long. Many were turned away last Saturday. ng. 1 could notThis we simply y control, but we havemade greater preparation for handling our patrons in fut- ure. Don't think for a moment that all the bar- gains are gone. It takes a whole lot of selling and weeks to do it in, to dispose of a stock as large as g ours, Thousands of bargains are here be until the still and � will sale is over. Here are just a few of the many STAPLES 10c prints for 8c toweling 10e rr• 12ee " 15e • 1' 10c shirting 12ec " 15c 190 .. 124c sat teens 15e ri 20e r.. 25e • " 10e .cottons 12 -ie 15e ,. 8c 10c Oc 8c 10a 12c 8c 10c 12c 14c • l0c 12c 17c 19c 80. 10e 12c 20e 17c `.Cie Ticking 10c Se flannelette Cie 10e " ori 100 10e 30c 300 32c 12ic .. 25e flannels 40e 50c 00c 4, DRESS GOODS Thousands of yards of Dress Goods in all the new and popular weaves reduced as follows : 25e 50c. 05e 75c 85c dress goods 19c .. ' 39e rr 4ec 59c' 67c 79e 08e $1.22 .r $1.00 .r $1.25' .. $1.50 HOSIERY & GLOVES UNDERWEAR 25c Hosiery, for 19c 25e Underwear 19c 35c " 29e 85e 500 " r 39c ' 590 25c Gloves for 19c 75e 50c 39c $1.00. 75c ''59c 1.25 $1,00 79c 1.50 125 '' - 98c 1.50 $1.22 " 29c • 1' CORSETS 50c Corsets for,39e 75c• '•590 $1.00 " 79c . 125 " 08c 1.50 " '$1,22 ' 2,00 1.02 39e 59e 79c 98c $1,22 . PARASOLS 50e Parasols • 39c 75e 59c $1.00 1.25 1.50 2.00 3.00 79c 08c rr-ffi1.222 , " 1.02 2,25 • 12 2c and 15c DRES .0ING1-1A IS CLEARING PRICE 9c YARD . CARPETS 50c Tap. carpets 39c 60e 42c 75e " 59c 85e ,, 69c $1,00 Brussels carpet 79e 1.25 98e 1.35 -" $1,05 1.50 1.22 75e Wool carpets 59e 90e " 69c $1,10 • 79e 25e Jap matting 19c 124c " 10c ALL CLASSES OF LADIES' AND MEN'S RUGS LACE CURTAINS $11 50 Tap, rugs `$ 8.50 15 00 • 11 2.5 16.50 " 12.50 18.00 " 1500 20,00 Brussels rugs 15.50 22.50 " - 17.00 25.00 10.00 30.00 Axminster 24.00 LINOLEUCIS 4 yd wide linoleurns 1.80 4`/ 2,20 240e 50c Lace Curtains 39e 75e .e . :.59e $1.00 " 79c 1;25 .e 98e 1.50 " $122 1.75 .. 1,32 2 00 " 1.62 2 25 ': 1.78 250 " 1.98 2.75 2.23 3 00 . 2.48 3 25 r. 2.75 3.50 4.W . �' 3,23 FURS SELLING AT• COST AND LESS. en's Fur Chats, nd Bops Reader Made Suits Now is the time to buy a Fur Coat, a New Spring •Suit or a suit for the boy. During this sale we have marked down the price of Clothing, Fur Coats and Men's Hats to cost and less. Positively no reserve, come in while the choice is complete, . CIEN'S FUR COATS MEN'S SUITS Men's Coon, Calf, bog, (Gallo way. Lamb and Clipped Wombat Coats, all marked down for quick selling. It will pay yon well to look these over. If you are in- tending to buy one next year, now is the time to 'save Money. el We have marked down all Men's Suits and Overcoats to selling out prices. We have on- ly been carrying Ready Made Clothing for a short time and alt are practically uew, Space will not permit us to quote prices but an inspection will convince you of their value. BOYS SUITS Bove two and three piece suits in worsted and tweed, rev- eral styles to choose from, mark- ed down to prices that should clear then, out quickly so don't bo too late in coming for these. MEN'S HATS. - Mons hard and soft hats in black, brown and grey, marked down to the following prices : • 52.50 mens hats $1.50 2.00 125 1.50 " 1,00 1,00 " .75 OAZZAA MOWN Airr' 1-*