HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1911-03-09, Page 7ri 0 � � Wirch 9tho 1911 V Q. V. MoTAG04KIRT ' """"99"""""VWVT 34, P. 99TAOGART I I I . . � Taggart Bros.1 I Bous - I * I ANV I 1 .141V —BAN�( . �R,%-­-' -11 . - .8. , I - -Gif I , I . 1, A GENER4 1BANKIN9, SUSt' 1 Should learn those subjects by I N , wi, COMOA me-wil-Reem. 6 "I am b0r*," 4fowled tue.molAlvis, smiling sourly. ,,W4 must . .depart within the hour. Let ray litter Up piepared, and send men oXt horseback to provide rolaye of , , carrl@r* every ton Vallee . DeloY not. The matter prosaeu." There could be no mistaking the agitation of the hidden speaker, That an Admitted'rival of her father's dy. nasty should be even the nominal leader of the'rovelt WAO not to, be en- . 4ure4. The mere suggestion of such a thing was gall and wormwood, None realized better than this arch-prIester-a of cabal that a predominating In - Ifluence pined .at the outset of a now regime might never be weakened by +1, U b -i -Ir-um- Z40TES which they can earn a living. 'SPOtt" Business, College$ are 1, I is old, too. The craftsman who f h -q � . _. . tances from a share In the control of ':venta. NESS TRANSACTED, the largest trainers in Canada, loned this clasp I* not to be toa�oln� Even the fanatical moulvie His servant's warllW� attire wss� out- And our gra I duates secure the . nowadays. Why, It may have,, been gasped at this Intelligence, though his Ilutritious. t1wilgh,nauseallng to Nuro- best positions. You c; in study I 1. worn by Nurmahal her�elf! Nikela of � .4 that the, rls- shrewd Wit taught hIr And Bladder Troubles, 1�atue Va4k and - Rheumatism, to test GIN PILLS. at home, or partly at hoine and I Its fifty pearls could supply, a cliaptor saldar had not exchanged glances with , INTELEST ALLOWED ON, DF- finish at the College. of a romance. And you. -found it, to� him without good reason. "and good condition, by eating freely. The ryot eyed Qhumru doubtingly when . I I &6ther with this saf"ondu.ct, in Ma.1- "Come, then," said he, eat. I JIOSPJ�S. SALE NOTES PURCH- - I INDIVIDUAL INSTRUCTION , colm's turban?" "Yes, uncle, Do you think L would have much occupation, and it will free thy bands If I see to the bAngWg of ILSED. - ,- - - - - - - - � " I Enter Any Day. I I speak carelessly of such A precious I ,. ov ed a object? When one has disc er the Feringbi forthwith.." . "Nay. that cannot be," was the cool csf the momy ,.it the first convenient cure you. Ie won't cost YOU a cent. You * treasure it isa trait of human nature reply, as the two entered. the building, I - . I I ­__­­� to note PrOty closely the place where "I would not have ridden so hard _ - I- I I (to lumissioa on his waster's disburse- swoon"" It came to light." througlx the night for the, mere string- - - - 1-1. T. RANCE, - - - � . CLINTOk , Mayne was yet too mucU. taken up Ing up of one Nazarene. By the holy NOTARY PUBLIC, CONVEY- . . I . . I � *o pay heed with puzzling side-lasues t I Kaaba,, we gave dozens of. them a � speedier death yesterday." ANO ER, FIN*NCI-AA'-, REAL Business Collimlle to WinlfreWs demeanor, He remem- the extraordinary proposal made - ',What. other errand bast thou? The ESTATE AND FIRT1 INSUR­ . I ORO. SPOTTON, PRIN. I bered y Roshinara, to Malcolm ere she drove mattertouclies only the Nazarene's at -m a tempt to reach,Allahab d, I suppose?"' ANCE AGENT. RNPRESE14- � away to Delhi from hor father's hunt_ I "That lit, a small thing. Our bro- TING 14� FME INSURANCE 000000 *0"64 0040000000- Ing lodge. Could it be possible that his young friend had met the princess thers at CAwnpore may )lave secured I I COMPANIES. on other occasions' than that which AAAah,abad and other towns lit the Doab long ere'to-day. This Frank comes . .11 . . I � I . I I ;_ . I COURT OFFICE DIVISION t D. N. WATSON , Nlalcolm,laughlngly described as'the lunging of Nejdi a4 -the plunging of' back with me to Luckuow. It I bring alive I earn a, jaghtr, It dea dt, only 11 , . . CLINTON. CLINTON, .. � ONT, his, m4stert It occurred to him now, ,Im - a, few golden mohura.,# . . LICENSED AUCTIONEER I with 4 certain chilling misgiving, that "Thy words are strange, brother.,, .N.Ith it wc4li; laugh, "tbAt you would for the . County of Huron. Correp- he had himself broken in with a be- wIldered exclamation when Frank . "Not so strange as the need that this *I. -A -- . V. BRYDONEI poudence promptly answered. Charg- scemed to regard the Princess's offer � Feringht should live till .he reaches Lucknow. He hath In his keeping cer- ,vho wort� this unitorm was a Brahmin, 'ind that malces all the dIffere0o. es moderate and satisfaction guaran- of employment In her service as � ' � t4in papers that concern. the Rosht- I BARRISTER. W)LIOM)a . . teed. Iiiimediate a i rrangements for sale daites may be made by calling worthy of serious thought. There, were other a pects of the affair, as- nara Begum of Delhi, and lie must be made ta' confess their whereabouts.. � , At The.Nows-Record Office or on prots so siXter that he almost re, SO far as , that goes, what is the differ- I NOTARY. pUBLIC. ZT0. Frank Watson at MoEwan's groo- h sed to harbor them. Rather to,gain . ence between a. troe In Rai Bareillk hinl�'? ery. . 17 time than with any definite motive, he and a tree in Lucknow?" . . . OFFICE -Sloane TlItIck-01 MON4 . I . 1 stooped over the p4as again, mean ' Ing - '�True, It the Affair presses, Never. . -,()a call . Le awoy?" , to rc4d It word f6r word. . � "Of course you, -have not forgotten, 1-1-cle, that Mr. Malcolm took us into theless, to those who follow me, f nisty - have. the best6wing of many, jagbirs." "I will follow thee with.all haste, 0 . . I 0 6. � IHOMAS BROWN, LICENSED AUC- I . CHARLES B. HALE O..-.-. tioneer for t1i6, . counties ef Huron his confidence so far as to,tell us of holy 6ne," was the answer, , but a field . REAL ESTATE and Perth, Correspondence provalite" the. curioms letter that, reached him in, a known village ,Is larger, than 'a . Not only (!all I bring you by the short. ly answered. Immediate arrang�- alter the second battleoutside DelhiT,�' towilohip, In ,a,.i unknown ]Kingdom. � . . i ments can be mode for sale dates at said Winifred, ."It saved him .at Bith- Let. me secure 'this jughir first,. 0 sad The News -Record, Clinton, or by oor when the men from C'"ynPOre . worthy ,of fionor, and I shall come , INSURANCE I calling phone Q7, 8eatorth. Charges mcant to ha ng him, And, seeing that .quickly to thee -for the others," _ ' . I . I moderate and satisfe,ctiow- guarsn-' he had the.pne Article In his posses- sion, It Is passing. strange that he' "How came It that Nawab of Ram- bur assunuW the leadership?" inquired. %FFICE - - - HURON ST. I teed. . I � . I '. . .. . I � � shoula have omitted to mention the . . Ahmed U11ah, his. mind reverting .to "I .-have no camp," sald Malcolm, . . . � I :nher-to me." . . Then- the mail knew what It all I the graver topic of the rebellion. .. The other scowled sarcastically. � I %_ . I . . I . I DR. W. GUNN I . . ". DR, OVENS, ,?A. D., 1. R. C. P. rreant to the girl, He placed his arm 11149 to of no account," he muttered.; . . C R. C. S. . . I . Et9., Specialist' In Diseases of, ibe around her neck and drew her towards Lim. .. . . . . - -Was I mistaken. In thinking that thou get L. R. P., L. . . - Eye, - Far, * Nose . and Throat, Holthes' . .. I . . "My poor WinifredIll.he murmured "you .sparea didst not want All my bud, opened for a w�man? He who gave me a Eftburg . will be at I Drug Store. might at least hav, been . message for, thee was the moullah W ho the other mail. ' . .1 . : . . 1�1 wIll go oil hi.fronk Jla the ek"I" , . � I . . . I Clinton, on Tuesday, March.' Ist, such a revelation at this moment." - dwellg near the Imambara. Dost thou office-Onterio street, Clinton. 100% 29tb, April 26th, May 24th, June His sympathy br9ke.down her pride.. not know him? Gli4zi-ud-diu. Re alls at front door of oftlee or at . . 219t. 'It you require. -G., .asses donst � . fall to see Dr, Ovens. She sobbed as though her. heart would' yield beneath ihe� strain... for a little �y A a sent me. 'Tell theMoulvie, of F z b d that he In wanted -he will undgrstand,' residence on Rattesbury street . .. . . . . .. ... . I ,vhila tborb was no ootind-In the room 1. said be. - And *now, when I have eaten, . . I — I A . . Out Wintfred's plaints," while'ever and mon the walls shook with the'drash leid me to the Feringhi. Leave him to Within two dktys'l shall have I I I � . I .1 � a --DP- J. W. SHAW— . Tfte' MaKillop JUutual Me oc the -cannonade and the ,bursting of � me. inore news. for thee." . sh6viv.- signs of stiffness, Malcolm "he'lls. � *.. I The name.of Ghazi-tid-din, a fire- . . . . . � . .. � insulaAce. GMBH. . . 1. . � . . . . . ... 4 . . - , . . . brand of the front rank in .Lucktiow, to Ahmed -Ullah that his Qppor- --OFFICE_ � . . RATTENDUAT ST. EASTY I . I -Farm and Tso aW 'Puwrt Px*pert'- . I y Ahmed 1111ah, Moulvie of Fyzabad, !,ad a 'quick: earfor ,the*, arrival of the "ative officer'of ca,valry- from Luck- proved tunitybad.come. -He gave orders that the wants of the cavalry officer and his . 11 .. -Only ,,Insured-,. ;OW. , . 1. . . . . I ' horse were to be, attended to, Wh9q he -Cf-IN"N.- � I -OFFILIERS- I . ith thee, brother"' himself bustl�d off to prepare for an . I �. J. R. McLean, President, Seaforth P, . aid he, after a shrewd 'glance At tie immediate journey. - � I . O.. .: U; HCJ Owen, Vice -President * , . BrucMeld P. 0. ; .T. I& Flays, -Sed.- r el -worn. and blood-stalfted man and .av !orse. "Thop bast 'ridden .far and , When the Begum and the moul vie� -departed 'for Lucknow they wera ac - - . . DR. 0. W. rROMPSON. � . I . .� T cas�urer,-Seaforth PJ5. ' r 6 - ast. What news bast .thou of the compo'llied by nearly the Whole of -their 'left . ' PHYSICIAL, 9TIRG419N.T. ETC. .. ' " ' -Directors- � . I . ` . . ebad, and how fares it at Lucknow?" "With thee be PeAde!" was the re- retinue. Two men wera, to assist I . the rissaldar Ili taking (.are of the, '. - I Special attention g',ren to dis� Seaforth ; .. William Chesney, John Grievtk. Winthrop ; ,George -Dale, Sea- I . ,13, "We fought the Nazarenes yester. * ay at P. -place called Chinhut, and sent , prisoner, and these two vowed by -the Prophet that they never met such a . eases of the Eye, Bar. Nose and .forth John Watt, Harlock ; John . *James . undreds of the infidel' dogs to the swashbuckler as the s.tranger, for he . . Throat. � Bentiewies, Brodbaga�-,' ',Evans, Ifth 'circle -of Jehannum, ,The 'few used stran ge oaths that delighted them tyes. carefully examined and suitable Be,echwood ; James' Connollyo . - . . :ho escaped our Bwords.are . penned up and told , stories, of the sacking of glasses prescribed.. . .."'. . . . . : Goderich, . - . . * ' i the Residency, and Its walls are now � Lucknow. that mad,. thein tingle with horses, until the first dark hourmade, . . , -AGk,'NTS.-�- I . -,umbling before our -guns. .By the ' envy. . I Office and residence : 2 dooro west of � Robert Smith, Harldck; .. E. Hin� I iftb of Nizam-ud-din, the, unbelie-vers , Oddly enough, lie was very'Anxious 'the . the COMmPrdtal HI)t.el. HW1001 St- . I I . chley, Scaforth ; - James Cummingsi I 'ost.. have fallen 1 ere the .present I . .. that Nazarene's horse ,should be recovered, and 'was so,pleased to bear . . ,Eg le .; . , moid.vil , .' J, W.- Yen, Helm"- . . . . . � � '� I I our." I . , , � Th' oulvIe's wicked eyes, sparkled. e m Aught In it field on "'At - NeJdi was c ' 04— � . . . . . I . Ville. I. - .. zl I . . . I.- . I Any money to be pald In may be � a.P .+ raise be'to Allah and his Prophet " "Row the outskirts of the town and, brought - Ili during the' afternoon that lie pro- DR. F. A. AXON. 1. . Vaid' to Tozer & - Browid, Clinton, or reveri h cried. came,, this' 3 - .2 9,0 , .. . Iiing t� pass. .- mised his Assistants a handful of- gold DENTIST. . - at % CuWs grocery, Goderich. . I . "My r�gllnent took the .lead,'.' said i moliars apiece-whe'n tfiety . reached * . I Lupknow. ' �. . - 6ffe6t insuranc� . � PArties Idesi , rous to a . . , .1e ris4a.ldg.r, prbudly, "Wei had long . . . ... I - Once, ere silliest, bq-visIted the - pri- - .. Specialist in Crown sad Bridge or, transact other .business. will . be promVtly attended to on -application Jiafed *under .the commands of the huzo0t.l. At last we, ros� hnd made I I soner-and:cursed him ,with a fluency . ' Work. Graduate of C.O.D.S. . . to aftyaof the above officers addressed short work of out officers. You see - - . . - that. caused all listeheis to own that , the warriors of th- 7t � h Cavalry'niust, �� Chicago, and R.C.D.S., Toronto. . . tp their resptetive -postoffices. . .Losses here-" and he touched a rent in his side,. "where one of them tried to indeed', be fine follows. ' . I I hispected.-by the director who lives . I .right stop the tbruot that ended him,... But At -last, when Frank ,was led forth Bayleld Mondays from May to ' a . . . carest the %cene. - . . I.. � I . . � . swine- I .clave him to the .chin,, the . . and helped into'the -saddle, his guar - . . . diall's flow of humoroua Invective .on . December. . � % M . I — . . . . __ ­ . . . eater,- and when Larrence-sabib at- tacked us at *ChInhut we chased him reached heights that pleasedAhe vili . , . . . I . 1. . .. . � I . . 01hitoft News-Rikord , , - , * � over the Canal and thro,ugh�:the itreets," - . ­ 1. llwao!"Wao! This is good bearingl lazarene's lagers immensely. The, -N hands were ticd behind him,.and the - gallant rissa.1dar, holding the Arab's 'The — . _.. . . I __ . No El 1". E I C , LINTON:. - �_. , � , ONT ' . Wast, ' thou sent by softie of the faith. reins, rode- by his side. moulvie's Men � folloWed this guise :the I A . . ., . . . . I erms of subseription-.41 ret year ful to summon Me, brother?" I "To summon thee and all true! bew .. ,and ,In. . quartette'quitted Rai- Bareilly for ,the . . -TIME ,TABLE- . Advance $1.50. may be abarged At . - not go, paid. No -discontinue lievers to th* green standard, Yet had I one other object In riding to Raf, -north. . I ­.­ They were about ,a mile oxi therir' Trains will arrive at and 6epart - . from Clinton Station as tollawS : . I paper . until all arrearsare paid, unless �,t ­ ller�tilly. A certain Nazateneo MAI I C olrh by na-Me, au officer of the . Sid -way and the sun was nearipg the hort. z6a, When'the native officers. bade his I . � SUFFALO AND GODERTCH DIV. in the opi ion - of the publiblier ', date. to wbich every sub3criptien is clavalry, Was bidden by Larrence to make for Allahabad and seek help, escort halt. , . . . "Bones of Mahommet!" he cried - I . Going rest . 7.45 a. m.. . . paid. is denoted on the label. . . . . . I The�story runs that the Nazarenes are . 1�wbata.mlthinkingof? Mytioriehao done . fifty miles in t wen ty-four 'hours, s& It 49 .1-07 P -m, Adyertising rates-TLanSiCRt Ad Ter- mustering th�sre lor a last stand ere Into the I - a nd the Veiringhl's probably More than Is , . 5.15 P. M. . tisements, 10 cents' peer noupariel %re driv- them � I vea.-. Tbis.mal- . that. Ilath-not tbe.moulvie friendain Going ,West 11.07 a. in. � line for first insertion and .3 .cer I colm-sahlb-" . I , � . 1. . 119noti.gh!" aid the moulvie, fierce- 7 Ral'Bareilly who will lend us a. spare , . . &$ 44 1,26 p. in. .. . per line for each subsequent insert . 'advertisements, . ly, for his self-love was wounded Pkirl, , I I - . . at � �. 64 44 15.40 ; P.M.. . ton. Small not to marning that the.' rebel messenger AAmed UIIQ,h1s. retainers hazarded I of $4 11.28 ' p. m. exceed: one inch,. such as "Ldat." -lassed him WithAha mob. "We have the opinion that their master's pre- . * LONDON, )HURON & BRUCE DIV. ' - "Strayed," or, "Stolen," etc.# in � him here. He Is In safe keeping when . �ence all ght b-, necessary ere friend - ship stood such a straln6 , . . GoiAg, South 7 . .15 0 . a. M_ sqrted once for 35 cents. and eWh he is In the hands of Ahmed Ullahl" "What"' . "Then why not make the Nazareno td 44 Tim, I :-subgeauebt Insertion 10 cents. I , timmunicat4ons intended lot publiej,. exclaimed the newcomer. with a inighty oath. ."Are y6u the' Ijay for lils'journey T' said thdrissaldar. . Going North 11.00 a. �M. 44 14 6.35 ,0. W. . tio.n. must,'as a paritktne of good 3aintly Moulvic '0f.Pyzabad?;' . "Whom als,�, then, -did you expect with grim humor. I I � to lie showed skill as a ect-pul'se In � . lafth,. be accompanied by the' name. find?,, I �. going straight to an t=r pocket . . � of 'the Writer, .. I I W., j. MI.TCHELi;, . I � I . "You, Indcod, - 0 revered one. But : where Malcolm carrled� some small store of money. Taking'ten gold me- -hasten _ . . ;t ea YEARW . " EXPERI 9 N C It X I I ' I Editor and 'C-r0crietOr rot berv.* My orders *ere, once I had secured the Naiarene, to send urgent- hurs, lie told the me,"' to bick to the village and purdqlase'a'coupIe . - . I . ..- . I - . . . . ly to Pyzabad and. bid you hurry . . to ,f stl,ol,g ponies. � I ... Luckno%v With all opeed.` 1114al .1 "Nay" Said lie, when they made to I . . I .1 ,. , 10 I I I I . �. 1. , EV I . Sayalt thou, friend. Who vide Ofi. --You must Po afoot. else I A . kk a 42 I 1110MAIRM 1";U& IR I gave thee this message?" may never Again see you or the, tats. I , k ikxc MAZE "One wholn'thou wilt surely 'listen 0 PC ee I will abide. here, till y u turn. S . . - 11 - * 0 * * * * 0 . cu. Yet Luese things are not for every man to lacar, We nn;st speak of them ..�Ijat you lose tie time, but if darkness *alls speedily I will await you In the ., � TJ%ADC MAFIKO . 0 WINTER : apart.11 - . - . . village." -Y=kl DE614INS . bapiniaNtis &d. 1. , ik TOURS' The moulvie was appeased. Nayj . .1ext Not daring to argue With this trucu. , ketab add deacrICtion ma:P An one $and ON& s '* * * * * .* * - TO- * * * * * * 4 more, his ambition was fired, "Come lont400king bravo, tli� in' -In obeyed, _ 9 4%, aficaruall on* opiniongm * stiker an tab . � 00 1111DIOP-1k en an t Is riddentem,08 K On b � ,Mexico, Colorado, .California And Coast Points. -1 .. - . . with me Into the hO.use. You are Ili need of food and re6t. Come! Already it Was dusk . and daylight would soon fall, No sooner bad they =11tatert.110 Mott enoylorpmli 0.tentA. P ntN t U Munn v"6110 I irafts, in the -Pacific, I The Grand Trunk Railway' Sys- We can talk while you eat."' He drew nearer,, but A womaWs :11s*dppeated, round tho first bcnd in �, road than the rissaldar, Uniast-11- %Ad I � . . . no tem In the Popular Route from, voice, was raised from behind a screen :he ing Malcolm's bonds th, N%hi-e, said . all points cast through Caft4a in one of the rooms. I with a strange, humility, . A-i' ' wetkly. rArgeot dr, , ltnMf .rj":,V.JtJ. J.u..L .Terms for Sold bY � via Chicago. . . . "Tarry yet a minute, friend. . would learn more of events in Luck- I "it vas easier done than I expected, sallib, but I guessed that my story ijanadaw $&10 s ymr, po"m joeW4. BLU newkiesaers. . MUNN & Co.su1El,a*d-#-NeWYtrk. FMATURIIIS. I / I . . now, Tell us more fully what has taken place there." I about the Nawab of Ram jur would Moulvio and BegUR), Br"eh omeo. 0% F at- Wasbinoton. D. Double Track, Past Service, P in- ' "The Begurn of Oudh must be obey- send Packing, ';oW We tire free, and we have four ' "A most worthy and horiorab!e sen- I pst Roadbed, Modern Equipment, ed," said Ahmed Ullah with a warn- . , ___ - . . Unexcelled Dining Car Service. Ing, glanceat the other. He was met A I horses. Whither shall we go? But, 10 14. 1, -A.fh a. 0, .:haf or -set lei E All elvinents -of safety and coft%�, With a VIIJ1111OUS aft intriguing ook . 0 . , F 0 . that would have satafted Machiavelli, us leave the main road, for messenier� .. fort. TIT. . but the officer bowed low before the may meet the moulvie and that woulil . � TO TTIF, ,14VNNY SOV screen. k� maka him Suspicious." I ,,I am, Indeed, honored to be, the "Thy counsel is better than mine 0 No more d(Wrable route fAian via bearer of good tidings to royal eara,, good frleftd," was Frank's Answer. "I Grand, Trunk and connecting lines. said he, "Doubtless I should have amyet dazed with thy success, and M3 V103tY LON� 1UTE.S. been entrusted with letters for your only word Is—to Allahabad." highness Were not the city In SOMO T,�Onfusloti owing to the fighting." CHAPTER XI. .Secure tleket,; rtn& full particulars "Wbo commands out, troops?" came � A Day's Adventutes I the sharp demalid. Though his 4rAV, was stiff and pain JOIIX RANSPOnD, 'Uptown Agt. "At preg(mt, Your highness, tho Na- ful, the rough bandaging it h d I AI re . ab'of Ranipur rp.presellts tho King Of 0 *OA ge f 0 Iven hily IA, 0, PATTISON,'Depot Agent. . celved and th L r o d g or Address J. D� McDonald, District ')11'111". f That In gutficlofit quantity at Rai Bareiltly . ... I'll(. NavvoLb of Rampur. CAU, had partly restored MUICOIDI'l Passenger A&A, Uniop Station, To -1:1'a lie tokrattd. Ahmed U11011111 stnUath., . No-verthelem. he though' kZhith. Out. - . 4 I -1 _7 ­ � _ — . to his alite.1sug. Her$ he prodil�ta . ,his Mthd ATAO falliDe Whell, 111-nie 41m, some glice and chupattles, and halt a' - . . � 1. I j APOST CARO' NNOS, ' light of thf, inner room in which be was confined, ho saw (Illuvarq sta ad- do2ca raw (q!gs. The feast mi,aht not VISM HELP FOR THE K01393 . Ing before him. teml-t an f�vivtire. but its voloponents His servant's warllW� attire wss� out- were exceilvar. and Frank Was well , aNvare tbar t1w ghe(� Was exceedingly - ' GIN Plf,L$ SENT FREE ficlently bewildering, and tile sonor- OU0 objurgationo with which he was Ilutritious. t1wilgh,nauseallng to Nuro- We want all sufferers foom, Xidney I greeted were not calculated to dispel pean taste, being prectica0y ralield butter made, from buffalo will; And Bladder Troubles, 1�atue Va4k and - Rheumatism, to test GIN PILLS. the cloud over his wits, but A Whis- pered sentence gave hope, and hope There -was plenty of fodder'for the aW, see for themselves that GIN PIT44Swill; Is a wonderful restorative. horses, too. and they .showed their re ly cure all them tromUles. vreteild nut to know me, sahlb, and good condition, by eating freely. The ryot eyed Qhumru doubtingly when If your Kidneys are weak-ff it Veins )*on to urinate -if back ach�" All will be well," said his unexpected ally, and, from that Instant until they Malcolm gavo him five rupees. t7lider your � , hands and feet are crippled with Rhea , w , . stood together on the Luckilow road, ordinary conditions, the eabib's uatlie . ance to matista-give 0114 PILLS a ch . � Alalvolm lbad Suarded tongue and eye assistant uould demand the returil prove that they Will reliev 0 you�and I I In the firm faith that Chumru would csf the momy ,.it the first convenient cure you. Ie won't cost YOU a cent. You * save him. moment, and. indeed, Chumru himself 4oult have to buy them. $imply write . He was not mlstftkon. The adroit Was Ili tbe habit of exacting a stiff us fora free sample. I . , Mohammedan know better than to ' (to lumissioa on his waster's disburse- I 'A short time a o, I received a firm . rl trust his sahlb alid himself too, 10,19 on ments. Frank wailed at the man's embarrassed air. . , of GIN r L14S wbich I havj,- . sample tAkea with such good effects thafT here - the highway. "They will surely make search for. "Irlie 'wonoy Is thinp. friend," said with. enclose Soc for a box of them. I . as, huzoor," b,.� said as they headed lie, quietly, "and Were Is more to be . believe GIN PILLS are just the things . Across country towards a dicant ridge, , "The earned if thou art so minded." "I am, but a poor man-" began the for me." RICHA" HAVF.VWp FRUNCH RIVIM. I thickly coatca witli trees, Be- gum and Ahix,.,,d Ilt'ali met I for A ryot. GIN P134T,$ are socalled be%uso they gre, pul-pose, and 6tAr'frIeud3 w 11 a t fall 17 ,ust so. Not every day eanst thou contain the medicinal p a ple _ri 4 of to tell then,. of tha trouble In Luck. obtain good payment for a few hours' , Juniper berries, the,qitsseutbil principlkof now. I havQ been shaking In my boots work. Now, listen. How far Is the Gin, but do not contain alcohol. . Soo.,& , all day. for 'tis Ill resting in the junglt3 Canges from here?" box - 6 for SZ50 -at dealers. apd, . I when tigers are locop, but I knew you "Less than three hours, -sablb." . guaranteed to give satisfaction or moner f , ,ould not rlde Ili the sun, sad I saw "What for, horses?" "Not so, sahlb, A horse can cover ieNuded. Sampleboxfiveifyouwritw , us. National Drug and Chemical Co., 210 other way of getting r,'d of the , in . oulvitt,s ft,,�V than tl.at of se�ndju-g . the aistaiwe in all liour-if be be not � Dept. A. - Toronto. 5.7 .1 . �hem bavk Ili dw, dark." . weary," . . . I "It seems to me," said Malcolm, The peasant vould use his eyes, It I . ' .N.Ith it wc4li; laugh, "tbAt you would seemed, but Malcolm passed the I aot liave scrupled to lolock both of ".bere on tbc h,.ad it uee%�ssary.,, phrase without comment. "We have lost ovir-way," be said. aoa:.#, itaa you w;*:, ,�,.aOe Detter I aeconx- . . . "No, SAW)), thcy tire my kin. lie "We want to ikmch the river and take boat speedily to Allababad, If one modation at Fattehpdre." . "Are we oupQedte Fattelwore%' . ,vho wort� this unitorm was a Brahmin, 'ind that malces all the dIffere0o. like thyself werp willing I to ride � With "Yes -sahib." I ftother 49cs not Way brother unless us to thr., nearest- village on the bank All the wlffl,�, the zelatudg-r-'s eye -v . . I lere bo a woman In dispute." .where boats can be obtained,'we wouI4 were looklug'furLiyely from lerank,W, . . f*Wl-c-ii d!d you leayL- the Residen- give him ten rupees, and, moreover, 'let the -lower ground. It was a puzzling. I �ty?-, . him keep the horse that earried situation. The irait was not active.h# "About u1ni- o'clook last night, 34- hinl�'? hostile, yet his manner betrayed alL I � . ilb." I The 1,yot was delighted with lite - undCreurrent of fcar vni dislike tba% "Did you sce the nilr�s-sahib before good fortune. could only b,�, accounted for by tbo . -,()a call . Le awoy?" , "Blessed b,.� I�ali!" lie cried. "I saw downfall of British power In tile lo - � I ,lit -was she who"told me. whither five female ghosts with goats' heads In cality. Thinking Chunint could deAl 7ou had gonb,. sahlW' a tree last night, avid my Wife said it better 'with his fellow-c-ounCrymun. . . she k.liew, ittien? .*Did she -say betokened it journey and : wealth. Malcolm called him, breaking in on a ."Ah., I jught-send Ally message?" . . Not only (!all I bring you by the short. lively conversation that was gollig on � "Only (bat �-ou %�ould be certalu. to eat road, huzoor, but liay. brother has between his of'ryunt and tile ek%a- . n,ecd ruy help, :44hib." . a. budgel,ow moored at the gliat, mean- wAllah. . . I , That puzOed''Prank. Winifred, of ing to* itarry .my castor-oil seeds to Cbumru, - who b ad told I lie . ryot t-0 . . I . � ­ r.-our6e, Lad hRld Lothing of the kind, MirrApur, 1 am not ready for lilia yet dismount, ca,mo-at once. : . .. . but Churnru assumed that. she under- for three weeks or more, and lie will "Our friend her,,i says. (hat tlkiugsr. , - atood him, so! his misrepresentation ask no, better ocoupation than to drop are quiet on tbe rJvPr, but there art) , I was quite honest. � . I down streani with you and your camp,11 no boats to b2- b4d," explained MAI- � A level path now enabled. them to "I .-have no camp," sald Malcolm, colin, Chuntru gr�luned,- and the Ze- . . . canter and they reachtd the first be -It , 14but I pay ,the sanie late$ for the' . mindar regarded him wig. trouble4l . 1. 1 k4 of tivcs. ten ininutos after the mou). ,� � boa,. . . .� I . 1. t", eyes. .: , � . I . . vWs m6n'set out for Rai Barsilly. "The sahib means ilint his (-amp ,T'3xcellerit," lie said, "We shall gqy . . . I . Luck, which was befriending chumru piariphes ty road,' 'put in Chuiliru, se- to his house and wait whileiii.s. ser- . . . .. that day, must have made ' possible verely. "Didat not h.ar litill say that- vants lbok for n'boat." , '. . .. .1 that burst of speed at the right mo- we havo uiis)a1d.tb(.,,trAckT . . . This suggestion -seeified to plelase� . - . . . ment. They were discussing. their . plans in the gloom of a grove of giant The ryot apologized for his stupt' dity, a. ­o I?r,%nk, recognized- that his , the other mail. ' . .1 . : . . 1�1 wIll go oil hi.fronk Jla the ek"I" , . � I . . . pi . pals when thef clatter of horses hard i retallier disapproved very ;tronely of he.agreed, "and lead, you to my dwell- -.- . . . . .1 . ridden cam'?, from tUP'Tdad �they had' such striat adharrin ' ce td the truth. On . I � Ing ppeedilY.'­ + ' . just quitted.. . I ' I ,the plea iliat they must basfen if the Chvni�u pdgod+ nearer' lite mastea-, . There could bo no doubting the er- midday licat wern to be'ayol4ed they i while their'new acquaintance walked- . - rand t I bat brought a cayaleade thus Out short the halt to .14'sa than"au'liour. towards the ekka. - . . I . furiously from the direction of.Luck-, When they came to lighten tbe'girths ,"Jump e.own And tle both when tr . . I . . now. 'It was so,near a thing that for. . sigain� they found that Chum.ru,s bors . , 8 -d, salilb," lie whispered. . give the Wei � . I g little while they could not, be certain -bad fallcil Wme. As Nejd i 1, to(?, Was "There has been murder done here." , . .. .. I theY. had escaped unseen. But tile sh6viv.- signs of stiffness, Malcolm ,Malcolm understood Instantly tha�'� . � riders whirled along Rai,Bar., mounted one of the spare animals and his native companion had, found tht-, - ; . ,towardi silly,' and in anothei quarter 'of an !ed, the Arab, Cbumru and the ryot skka-.wallah more communicative. lr&'. . I . bour the night would be ttietr best bestrode the, third horse, and. ulider , . fact, Chinura had fooled the man. by', . I . � . guardian. . the gu'idance.of one *lio knew every. I � . pretendin'g a wllliugness­to� slay the - I . � . '. . I "That settles it," said'l�lalttolm,. In. . ... path, tbey set out for the Ganges. .; . Feringfil forthwith.' 44il'the'pheep,liker � .. � - I whose veins the blood was now cours-' Thcre aro few featilres of the. land. vyot was now livid with terror at.the .. .'I. I I Ing -with Its vormal *vitality; though, 90'ape so I complex Ili their windings zas. Prospect of ,Witnessing au Immediate . I I . 1. fbr the same ,eason, his right forearm . . die. foot-patha of India. Owing lo the � . . . � killing. . � '. I .�. . . , ., . � . . ached abonitnably. "It would be folly liluirmse distAnces between towns_ ,. lfvh6i the ieWindur was� close tor . � � .. . i to. Attempt road again. Let us ttie fertile and densly populated Dcab' 1he ekka, Chumi-Il'ii-hipped outone of - .1 I .the make for the river. We must find a ,.)rfers no'standard.of c.olilpar'son, for the Bralimin's cAy'alry pistols. . . . . . boat there, and got men -to take- ud to the rrinabider of a - vast continent- ! "Now, - �"hib! " ­ lie erled. , Malcolm . . . Allahabad, either by hire or foree." voads - were scarce and 1af betwc en Ili erew -his sword and sprang down. The . . . "Haw far is it to the river, sahib"" . Nlutiny days. The Grand Trunk Road - .ZemIndar fell on his knees; : - I ... . ­ . I . . "About twenty-five n4lea.' 7 and Me rivers Galur s. iind . JurinA ,1' . "Spare. my life, huzoor.-and I wilt . . . . . "Pralse be to Allah! ,That Is better . -my -Were the main arteries of traffic. For � 'rest, . Aell thee everything,!' be roared.. , - . .1 , - -not iatigue. than seventy, for te ' et are weary that accursed. Bralimin's boots." the ine.n.illarched across countty,. and the narrow rlbands of field tracks. - W.ere lie so Worn With -I . . and were not the issues depending or. . lot .� They stumbled on, leading the ateandered thrmigli plowed Inntl alid I . . . the nian's revelations so lmportant� i . horses, until the first dark hourmade, jungle, traversed nullalt and. hill and Malcolm Would have laugheA at thlip. - , � . progress impossible. Then, when the Wood, and laterseeted -(at.-h other Ili a remarkable change of tone. The flab. - . �. � evening inists melletl and the%stars tangle that Was w ' holiv inextri, ab'e nn- . by, well-fed rascal squealed like a pig. gave faint light, they resumed tbe less-ei�e traveled by 1he compass or,by I . when point of the sword .touched . � I .a " mareb; for P,yery mllc� .-allied now was . well-knoivii landmarks, Where such. .the . his - skin, and tho - Englishman 'was - . worth five at -dawn It perchanve their were 'visilble. . I.., . .� . I f6reed to scowl fiercely to. bide a ' - ' : , . , ' 'htiniers thought of malting A circular I Titc ryot., of.course, familiar with .. I . . smile.' ,. �'. . . . '. . . . . � I swee� of tb.� count ry, Ili the neighbor- . eazth -vard of tll-? route, Vractically I � . I � . ' 11,91)ekk� su,; " lie. said. "What ,of , . . . � hood'of Rai llareilly.-, . I rolldw�d. a straight 11110. .Aftitr a .ft, . . . Fattelipore and Allshabadi and be , 1, . it.was ., glorious nitim. The rain of stivady log of an hour* and a half-tI)ey .,�ur.e ,thou lihit speptAby list hour it' - : . . ... tbe preeeding day bad freshened the saw the*81hier thi-e*ad of tho Ganges .thou liest.". .. . � . . . . . I . . . Ali and towards riddidght the moon from the creet of -a sin -All ridge'that - .111,ahib, God. kifovveth that I can te�lf . - - ', . sai6d into the blue are overhead, so ,raii north and south. The riVer was . :lTee naught. �f'All.obabad. but the bud, � . � they were able to mount again And then about three Anfles distaut, and ' mashes at'l,"attelipore have risen. And'. I . . . ' travel at a 'faster pace. .Twice .they tney were hurrYing'down tile d6cent , ruoker-sali4b is 0ad: ,They killed him. . were .wariied. by the barking of dogs I WheA,they canie.upon all ekka, a.littie I have 11,; ardi aftbi, it fight on the - rdot' - ' . ' .of the pilpximitv of, small villag6s. native two-wh6eled cart, without . I � . �t the quteherry,". . . They.gaVe these places'a wide.lierth, springs,, and drawn by a diminutive . I . . Malcolm giler-sed rightly that Mr, . . since (her.:, was no knoN��Ing ,whathap pony. Alont.% among Nvheeled convey- I . . 'ruckft -Was the judge at that station. . . . might bring a, ryot who had heen them atices, the okka, c.au lea:ve the main - but he blust Tiot-13PtVaY ignorance. . . � I - into. communication with the moulvie's roads Ili fairly level country, and this' . "And the othei%4-they who fled *, � . . . � . . followers. � - . 1� brou Dne had nvidentA gbt a 20-mindar � . I I ,V1rhitt.-of theffil."! lie sald.�knowing tbat � - Each hanilct'inarked the centre of a ri-oln. a riverside:vIllage, - . . (tie scenes enacted elseWhere mu%t . I . � I !. I cultivated area. � They could distin- 'rhe man hinl�elf, a portly, rell- . . '�iave- 'lot] their � I. I. At Fatteh--', � guish the jungle from the arable land bearded Mohammedan, Was examining . . ,colunterparit � . � . I)MV. . . :. . . ... . . I almost by'the animals 'they disturbed: a growing *eroi), axid his behavior, lit) 11'%Vlo�%,W q'he kneeling man fUncJ7­ . A gray wolf, skulking' through . the lesg than t1w. furtive looks cast at the . . I � . d as tfie sword -pricked him agairi�'. sparsely wooded wastp,would be sue- newcomers by -his driver, waftied Util. . 'There are two ments -in a hs . . ceeded by A herd of timid deer. Then . co'lm Nat here, for a, certainly, the' . . I . I . the --bi ser � . . , at. ,They alone remAln of the I . sounder a .. of ��gs, headed by a ten, jNlutiny was a knowa thing The ze. . � . . . who erossed� And - I saved them, ska- . . Iftch tuaker, would scamper out of the mindarfs. face. assumed ft'br�nve.green aib, r swear it, by the Kaabk.J Save4 . . . border crop, while a pac - k of jackals, tint whell be ,taw the European offl. . . . � .1 . . . I I I Amin." rending the calln ilight.with their ' -cer, and -tho.'sulky-looking native " , � � -ph . I . . ey� ftrl� young, doubtless, and' - - . maniac yelping, would start every dog p behind the shafts of the ekka I . ,00d -looking?" . . ... . . , within a hille'Into it frenzy of hoarse girwIlel something,.In the local pa,tois I ' . . 'I A new. fc-Ar' shone in-tho Mohalnme-.: ' . -barking. Sometimes a fox .slunk that -caused the .ryot sitting behilid . ... . . -lan"z eyesi and lie did not 'answer. , . , across their -path. Out Of many a tuft . 'bar-. Cliumru to squirm uneasily,' . I . I . Vrank's gorge fose with a deadly dis- � . �. they drove a' startled In the . � The otber glanced..'hastll.v around, gust, and it is .'hard to say that 'his: . . . . - dense * ufi wth hummed and = * as though h(.,,,Iioped to find assistance . . 5,01. d would not 'have g6fie home. let - I . I I rustled a life of grea,ter mys. I I .1. I . � .. mother instiiiii: -had net Chumru in. . . . �, � . . . tory. . � . I . I Where water lodged after the ralil � , . . lif'Ar, and ctiumru inuttered to! his � . U1.11stell: 11 .. I . .. . . . !erfercd: * . . . � - . "Kill him not yet, salalb. Ile may therd',were countless millions of frogs, , ..'Have a care., sahlb. else, Wv May I �)e useful, Bind litin, and the other � � croaking Ili harsh chorus, and being *hunted . . . llop on to a limed twig." I I � I I 0,1ye back to back, Then I.shall hell.. . I ceaselessly by the snakes The boldest courge Was the best. tou to truss them properly." , .. � which. the monsoon had driven from ere. I'vialoolin. rude' up to the zelaill- Chuiiiru. Soon sliowflld that fie-meam . .. their nooks and crannies In the rocks dar, who w as separated Bome� f0rtY I b sluk,ss. When h,., was tree to re.- . I . � u On such -a night all India seems to b � . . -paces from the ektA, , � place 1he pistol fu the bolster. wbiev. . I dead as a lend but tremendously alive ,) ."I come from Lurknow, � lie said. . . , ae did all the., more readilY since ho� - he a stbreh�use of Insects,. ..animals and reptiles. ' Even the. -air has it � � . . "What news is there from.Fattebliolle . � lad never Used a fire -arm lit his life,, - - . . . . ' . I strange denizens in the guise of huge and Allahabad?lf, - I nian hesitated; 1-10 N,vas so com- le ,g,agged inasterand man -with skill, . . , -Jed,thcm to st, tree, and then unfolded ':. . I beetles 'and varapire-,wlnged flying foxes. And that Is why, men call it .rbe pletely taken aback by the sight of all he-plati. V,high 0e ek-ka-drIvOr's story - . I . the unchanging E'asC' Civilization has armed officer riding. towards him in daylight -for Malcolm having, lad suggested:" .1.. � . q1he fever of rebstlion bad spread . made but few marks on Its far-flung .brrad- lost 'his own aWord had tah�n Chum- . iloug the whole of the lift ban'k of the plains. Its peoples are either nomads .. ru's-that he was hardly pi epardd to . J'anges as�far as Ailahabad. ,A party I . . . meet the emergency. I )f fugitives from Patt6hpore who liad . . or dwell In huts of mud and straw and , -'There is news," lie said, at ;aken to a boat Nvere Pursued, cap- I scratch the carth to grow their crops .little lastv and it was not lost on his quea. -vred and Maim Two girls who had I � as their forbears have done since the tioner that the 'customary phras! s of ... ­ .. . . .. ,�. , � . ; I di%wn of hwtory. � I I se tints of respect Were ornitted, though lie spoko, civilly enough. ..� . , . (TO SE CONTIN11P.6 '. , I . dawn gave distance to the bor:zon, the "Neveftheless, what is It?" deniand- � . . . . fugitives estimated thatt hey had,tra4 ed Yrank, "Hits the Mutiny spr(ad � - . . I .versed some fifteen miles. Malcolm He. thus far, or is It confined to cawn- I . . . . was ready to drop with fatigue. pore?" � I --ion—mmatmo ��. . � . 11 ­_ was wounded; be had not slept during lost "I know not what vou inean," was Asthma Catamh two nights; he had fought Ili a� battle and ridden sixty-five M1164, the self-contained ,answer. "Ili this district we ttro, Alre I W060PINC COUGH . CROUP . � without counting his exer tions before going to the field of Chinhut. Nojdt and the. horse which brought Churnru pp,acable people. look after our crops even as I am engaged at this moQnt, and have no concern with what goes on elsewhere." BRONCHM$ COUCAM CMZS, I_M=Odmjmr�1416 I � . � , . I . . from Lucknow were nearly exhausted. ' "A most worthy and horiorab!e sen- q 4 . Even , the hardy Mohammedan Was I timent, and I trust it will avail YOO .1 I haggard and spent, and his oblique when Nye have hanged all these rebels I . � 4es glowed like the red embers of a dying flr�. and we come to inquire Into the con- of to , tSTA0L1A)496.*&ft A almoe. ute vwd 6ffkt1Va*hMb0"0*brM0h. I I "Sahlb,!' ho, said. when they came duet your village. I want you Accompany I -no now And, place Iny 61*1 ttouWep� *khout dumb* the aw"(-Avink- drags. U@6d*khku&,6mfw4h6ftyejTx. T a Air ren&-Ired a I upon a villager and his Wife scraping opium from unripe poppy-heade In a orderly and myself an board' a boat with evey briani, vA,tkrk=*tN=�,,f8aCE00t1Mi*d0 tbo pora, throM, Una, a - a* - -Ar'" =01zomed.4 I field, "unless we rest and eat we shall for Allallabad." . ,.That Is Impossible- sahlb-" and restflaoights. cres01=14A. I with ount thildrin *" i *om� to iti., mi* from AtImitt. . , . . i find lie boat on Ganga to -day." . . tile Words came r6liietantly-11there SoAd Us posW for deaftk4ya bwaie.*_ ill$ I This was so undeniable tbUt Mal- tire no boats oil the river these days." _O� I I 1. 1. .1.1 I . ALL ORU" I � %, v, colm did not hesitate to ask the ryot "Why not?" Trr ,, Orenolen6 AfiO. kept & Throat Tablets i 1� for milk aud eggs, The man �Was "They are. All Away, carrying grain fortholtritatedth"%t . . Tho,y civil. Indeed, he thought the English- and bay." 4ra, simple, er. I I � . man wits some Important official, gild ,,What tbon, Ara your crops so for. t , , Ot I I Chumru for his native deputy. Ward? This one will not be'ready tot le.m U3. IV414 Otampa. � �� . � I I . I �took Ile throw down th,� peoOp, handed to harvesting ere another .month." I V300 N801406 to. % : I his wife an cartiv,n Vessel halt full Of I ,,You will not find it budgerow 611 L6V.Aajr.%X&i1 1110. ,01 �� r 1 the milky sap gatberad from the this side. Perebaneo they will ferry 'b 110INtAZAL I , .* I 1� � iolauts. .1wd ItA thti ".1102Z-Irg" at 011,20 I I "it Aoro,�s at ilte..villitra In a amall 1 . . AN— ­­ Ir, . I ._ I ­ I . . . . it