HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1911-03-09, Page 5U 71 mugh 9th* 1911, . I 111. 11 -11- - - . - 1, % . I . I . I ClInton.Newp-Racord " 11 . . . . . . . #"***"*"# . . . . ##""*0#"v# "1_ Lon.desberes, CLINTON BOYS, TURN Ou"r. , . . -1 . .. .11 . , 1,i I I . .. . I I I Q I Rev. . WekItf,rT,, Pearcy will vialt 11117., Joho Richardson of Kipperr on . A ,meeting will be held in the Odd. f ellbws, ball at eight o'clock f - , v I . I I . I , r- , . -1 I I . . , ....... ....... ....... 11 "I . I'll, I A , I Friday end Will in the afterricon C xi,T 510044Y evening, 110kt.: Of all the boyE *_ . . . k -1 . . F MOISIB A. SK1.171MINGS . .. . Corrospondeft duct propamtory services for Rev. In town between the Ageri. of twelve ­ ,. awel! ; Mr ,',') kv'of BrUcefield. and eighteen, to. re-organizo . the I I . ­ I . 1- I I I .. . I .. . .1 ! Mr. John Stott , delivered a . fine . Boys' Association, and to aurange a , I , , 11 #11,'" " 'r -1 #",***" .. 0040 ,* ##*###"+".*#*"##"*4N"4" I '' I I I .draught ho,rj-, toMr. Ail.,hibal,d of program for the summer sports. Mr. andMa.-. Walter Kelly Ira' i ve re- I Mr. Henry MoVittic of St.. 1) .avid, . Sbaforth oil Thursday last. Messrs. D,. Cantelon and E. Watson All ,boy,9 ate invited, whathtir thoy join or not. SOY,Vral pwir3inent c-itq- ,turned fwm . Florida ai-d seemed glad . strait has beeri sufferixtR from an at- . each shipped a carload of hogs last zelis will addr(ps tbc boys and. a to again ,experience tibo cool aA,d I in, vigoratint breeze.4' fro% old Lake Hur- tack of grippe. . Mr. J.,L. Killorart and his sister, week and Gray brotlims and James Curridings shorb, literary PiOPam is also being for . ,Q14, 1bough they theirouglIly urijoy,ed , Miss Xillorarl, Seaforth, have gone each shipped a, carlqpad .of cattle. . prepared the occasion, 1heir trip. . on a trip to Varicouveii B. C. Mrs. and Mr,T. Albert Nalas of Ar- . ­ -_ Mr. and Mrs. Walter' Har baver , , , , rison I The Alisses Barry axe spending the 001a. Bask., spent a few days last; NOTICE-Porsons deWring an ex- taken up thair resideace lar Mr. Ben- wtattiv outo town, Bliss' Nellie . in Week with the lOnIlPr1k; brother, Mr. tension of the Goderich Township -nott Grahanie'v bouso...on blAgla atreet, London and her'sister in Toronto. Matt Mains of our Village, I Municipal Telephone System must, -Xisis Beatrice Garrow spent the Mrs. Alex. Saunders gave a . large Bliss Lizzle 514ins spent a few days make Application for same in writ- . '11031U). of February 14 Winnipeg, the and brilliant brWge party in honor of laut week with Blyth friends. Ing to the Head office at ITCImes , gueat of her brother, Mr. 1,3, F. 4Gar- her guesiti, Miss Adams, before that , Mrs. Wml. Rcob of Port Colborne is , Ville of said SYStOn -on Olt before the 'raw. Miss Garrow exceedinglv enjoy- lady's -return to ter honria in Torout o. . spending a few weeks tho guest of her . fvrst Monday in April 19ii.--G. -ad her visit, and With her brother and The tea room was lighted with ni - , um daughter, Mrs. W. T. Peakey, at the . Holland, President. -70 sister-in-law, was a guest at .several berloss oandles with pimk shades, the manse, I gay fuTL,AIOAS. . pplish6d oak table -had a Centre piece Mr. Albert. Radford bought a car- I I _. Mrs. Geo,- Andrews, Bayfield Road, of Mexicali, drawnwork in thtj centre of which stood a handsome vase with load of Almo ,Jcan corn last, week and sold a quantity of it oft the car. I FAI1M FOP. SALE OF TO RENT.- has, we are glad to ro,;lort, quitIa re- eovered from bi4r recent illner is. pink carnations. The hosticss were . , Miss Z. Whitely of Gorric is sp end- Lot! 81 and part of lot 82 on the 10th con. of the Township I-Jullett Mr- John May, As;"Iallt Mail a handsome gown of black with viol- ets at her corsage. Mrs. BarkILT, Ing a fow days'af, her borne berts. Nr. Charles Hution is bonyto for a of I Foritaininie, :175 acres. On the prom - .cJerk, )&,he was so badly injured iyi the , ,%,lie assisted bor, wore King,'s blue . few wQvkS1 holidays. ises are :A new two-story brick recent railway accident, has so fat' foulard with gold embroidered net, I Mr.. J. Hutton shipped a carload of coti'age, two good bank barns, two I recovered as to be able to walk up ,and violets, Mrs. Parsons wore cream wheat this week. I . good bearing orchards, a good.bard- town the otiber d y friends . ay, III$ mall I silk, with Stripes of inoss green and Work was; Commenced at thii saw wood bush, and a good supply of . . Aladly greeted him. I .black picture bat ; Miss Rolpil wore I . inill on Tumiday of this wec . I watev. one and a quarter rallea frouf . Mr. Chas. Bates found a caterpillar gr I ey silk with ,plumed . haf ; Mrs. Mrs. W I t ly e r A y this I I e spono, a f W a S the village of Londesboro. For furr on the railway track the o,thcT, da y. Herald wory moss grearl' ,crepe do week- 'with her- mother, Mks. Ta lor y h er particulars apply On th1,4 iirem- ., This is sureiv a sign of spring. Cherie, with touches of mink in, a of Clinton, . . I ' Ises or ad0ress John Manning Box The Threte-link soclety bolda. dance handsome green hat, ,Blisses Adelaide . Evangelistic serv .ces are being h4d 76, Loildosboro P. O. . -70 Oil Shrovetide eve, the Il Ast Until aft- Nairn, blue Silk, Doll, maiie silk, In the Methodist church this . week. . - 1. . I . e-4 the lental season, WhOn a, very plCa_ - Etta Saults, embrcildured mousslinli ' Mr. William Riley purchased a driv- . s2ut Cvming war. spent. -Miss Clark with a pink Silk Van.dMix in her #aarq.; ing c9ft list week ' * FARN FOR SALE --Lot north, half -daughter of Dr. Clark, was one of th' e Flo. Sallows, yollow. moussilitie de R(ove and Mrs. Hill of Blyth spent 26, con, 12, Hullett, consisting of pretty debutaxits who attended, the . . sole with deep.sat.in bands and yell ' Ow I 1 Sunday with Mrs. Hill here. . I 50 acres. All seedpd, down ex'*t dance. Some of the ladILP3 were baau- .. . roses Ili hell hair. It was. one ot the The box, social hold at, Mr. -William - 10 acres. Small orchard. Frame tRuIlY gowned, Miss Grace ciuff most billliant social ev(qi'ts held...-' in Yodden's,on Friday* evening last- was' house andbank barn with Stabling. of Clinton, who was a guest of Miss Goderich for sor,6 time. , . . . , . well - attended. A .program consist- . On Gravel road I mile north of - LI ndesbor6. Sallows, attended with her houtess. . 1. . .. . Ing of solos, readihgs arid mouth' * -1 mile from school. Mr. James Strachan left on Thu'rsL. I I . . . I _ organ and gramophone s4ectlow was Apply on the 'promises or address -day for LearnAng,ton. . . I . I I Auburt i given after which the. boxes wore sold Richard Shaddick, Londesboro P,O. . . Mrs, King',' W ife 6('Mr. kobt. King ., ' . . . . . . I and tea was bervvd. The it,,celpts : - . -75 . oi the King Edward hotel, was taken 1. Needleso to say that the Bev. Wylie amounted to aboub thirty-five dollam, I ., . . ­ I - . I .',juddenly ill the other day. We hope was very much .Cheered on' ,Sunday, The Wonitn's Institute are - making . . I . I . . ., I I . . . . ' I "to soon bear of her ra-,overy, last to find such a good Congregation preparations for a. Pic soQial to be FOR - SALE AT A BARGAIN -17 Capt. and M114. Will Gundry left on waiting. to hear him and those . ,. 110 given in the Foresters' hall oil th- ' acres of good, Clay loam. Nice Wednesday of last week felt thctl? new . , attlinde . d wfolre well repaid for l.us I evening. of St. Fla.trick's Day, Friday * I brick - house, ha:d. and soft water, ' hoine in Calgary. The Captain . says'addtess ! W'- as - Gth, po*erful and t ini- of next week. d a n- bank barn, drive kouse, bog-p0n. . h has he enjoyed, as i . . Pnewlr)-9- A good congre is a Clouding, a debate, is b I ving prepared, .- Gtood, orchard, all kinds In lit. sit- . good health as be has since having his 'gation source of-Inspiratdon -to'any minister. and an enjoyable time I.%, expected. uated on Base LJim, outside corpo.r- ' 109 amputated, and CertainIv looks Rev. Mr. Wylie will * have charge of , The News402ord leads for ncw9, . I I ation of thu towR of -Clinton. ,Ap- . it., The many friends in Goderich and . the service on Sunday nexV at I I . . I . . ply -on the premises or. tolsaac vicinity wish Mr. and Mrs-, ' Gundry ,thilbd . I . O'clock-. . . I I . . Barr, Cliaton P.O.- - ' * - -w-67 health and -prosperity in their new . . . ' Hullett.TownShIP . . . I — home. - . . I . I . . . . . I . I . Mrs. Miller, wifo of the propKietor : ' McKillop Townshio - ' . Mr. Jaxn0s Clummin,s and, Miss Mar , I . . p,.,. RIVI FOR -SALE -Lot 16, -con. 16, :oi the Scotch store, will be one of . . . ' I Cummim, of - St. Augustine visited Cloderich Township, consisting of 80 *eIGoderith vio.'tors at the Corona 'A of King George ih June. - A. new Circular saw. for file nlanu- factur6 of lurnber has . bovil. placed I n their .Sister, Miss l3ridgle Curmnirm, ' teacher of S.S, lNo. 2,,over Sunday. - acres, Well - * watered. Vhx e acres . I , . I 1. . I . . ., . . of good bearing' orefiar(I'mostly Win- Mrs., W. D. Tye and da;ughter, MISS Milan's saw,inill, . . I . . Mr. and Mrs. llughie FI Lnn. of near ter fruit, and outbuild- I-Arie, have r0lurned to their .hoxive.. Mr.'aa(l MAq. Bell Yere Ili . StratL' Bvj2liwood visited relatives heire -for, .Good'house ings. ' Good stabling. 'New, -silo, "Obey, well_- accompanied by D.r. Percy ford omo day lately. . . I . . a couple of days. . . I . , School: actoss the, road. - Within. . Tye of MiPver-ton, who made a . brief . - Mr.' and Mrs, Alcnarey of.,Grey were I Messrs. Oil arlos: Man ;. ning and.. RaY7 . flv6.miles of Clinton. .Lotf 1 -on the I vusit with his mother, and sister.- . Y out visiting relatives in McHillop re , . . . . 6 nf nd McConnell of the l8t,h con were 16th. con. is also olfered to rent for ­ On 'Feb. 26t1h a mernorial, service I .. . . cently., . ... . .. 1. . .. . . I ... I . . in St, Mary'o for a1mv days of: last - . pastum. 4 Apply' t.6 S. 1,0wery, . was held for tille, late Mary Eleanor . Att tho last meeting of tile. official, I. . . . . . Week. . - . . . .0. ­ Box 144, M,edioine Hat,,Alta., or Willialrus, wif,i ofNfr. Fred D. DotV. board. of Waltion circuit, a unanim- . . . I .. . . I . . Mr.. J61ra and' MISS Jenriett Larriont 1. to W. Brydone, i Clinton. 1 -65. . Rev. Mark Turnbull Conducted th,e ser- vice$ which was largely at -tIen&4d. Otis invi tation was ext6n.ded. to Rev, M t. Lackland. 'to return for another ofAhe l3th con. weire In Clinton, on.. ' . .. . . . I . . . I . . I . . 11 . The follow -Ing day the remains wer6 . - . . . velar- . . Tubsday. . I . .. I. I . . . . .11 . I I . conveyed to Oakville, where ititcir-; Mr.. O.'corgei Thornton., who io - per- , Mr. . arid Mrs. j. J. McCatilglifty of 411 CT rO NX S A L E, OF FAItAll IMPLE- . . inent took place. Many very boauti- hapsz t4lie' oldest man ifi tho county,, Clinton Spent Sunday ,,vith Mil. . alid . .. . ments.-The undcr igned- .has been fal floral tributes were brought by was. 101 years.'of last'nlonth;- . Mr'. ' Mrs. Richard Blake. : . . . . instructed by 'the executors of the . loving friends. The pallbearers were Thornton was, born in Yorkshire, . . 11K, INT.. T. Henry was in -Svla . .Iorth ,eAtato or the. late S.H, Smith .to _ ;;ix foremen from tho Doty works I . . Eng . land.'. .1 . . . .. . last Tliursda , delivering a. horse that . - sell by. Public Auction -at Lot 48, Messrs. Abrabara, George 1.1ij,gginsO,, . The familr of .Tgaac Bolton two 'of . he sold -for..7a. fancy price. . . Bayfield Con., (,'rodeltich townsbip,'qn, Durican Cameron, Mark Drand, Chas. ,Whom . were ill with pneumonia, -are . . : A114. Beri; Chbildhill sold a span of .1 Thursday, March'f6th,. at 2 o'clock. Hunt and Harry Read.. The e . mploy- recovering. Wo -extend sVnipat-h-r. to , horzes 'last week -for $680, a ' ig . ' in..tlie afternoon the following: . . . ees attended the funeral in a bo4y. Mr. arfA Airs. Rol ' ton, the former had enough price suroly but then - they. I bi ader, I seed dialil, I manure li The deoeasl d lady wa's born in Oak-. , (4. tho end 1,orn -.off .One' of his fingera . were extra good. Bell. also.sold 6. . , Spreader, I mowing - machine., .'P, . wEkggOrUq, 2 1 ville arid was married. ti) - hell now ba- I With a chain last, iall, an4 shortly al- - . third horse to the same buyell'f a . plows, scuffl,er, Y 'bay . . Teft bu,lbbad in 1871. They came to I ' terwards - .. ohc. of the Sons lay at , . I I .of., propprtilonately fandy price, Who *as loader, I .corn planter, 1, Sleigh, 1 . , . , . , reside in Goderich in 1".1. Their fam-1 death's doorfor weeks,..'and, ftow. p*L- , . . it said Ithat good horsasi don't pay, : I : . . roll6rt ,:.2 disc bal"olws, I rake, I - . . ilv consists of foux, Sons, and one I I es the - a(Iliction referred .t6. . . . . . . . I . I I I - , . . I cu t ting box',... I fa ning mil 1, 2 sets . n . . ' !daughtez: John of N6w IYark, Obas., ! . . . . 11 I . . . . .. ; .. ' . . ­ . . . ,. I I I . . . .. double harness..' A boli t 20 lons .of .. . . . .1 . Fred. and Frank of. town, and - Miss .. . . '. . .., . .. . - . .. I . . ' . . . I . . I . I - . : Marriages. - hay, and,, nurilerous othev ar.t-icIcs.* . . I M I - abiol, who has beon a student ab . . . . ' An Invaluable Mid He . . . ­ , . I Terms-Cash."Geo. D. MdTapg Art . . '. W. Btyd.one, Exeicufors Loretta Abbey, Toronto, for *mo .. . . . C UMIN1G-SO5TlERS-.t*xt the residence and Thos. . . ; rime past. The late Mrs. Doty has : . . .. I , ForAII.Babies'. . ho " bride's parcn.t,s,.Mr. and- of t' . G.Undry, Auctioneer. . - I I .. I I . . . . . . . ''. - liven in failing health for the past . i - . . .. . . - Mrs. .11. Somers, Mar, Isil, V the . .-,. ' . . I - . couple of years. Last, year she went . . . . I LIT rs. . X. McEwiLn, Thorriloc, Ont , 0 Ndam Rev. J. L. SxUa14 Sadic, to A I . . I . . . .. .1 . I I . . to the west in the hope that the . . wi-Itos : "I think-, B byls Own . Tali'l .. . Cuming, both of Blyth.. I AUCTION SALL' OF. FAILM STOCK ' change might beinefit her and , on bar -return .lets an invaltiable medicine lor'- little . , . . I . . . . . I Births. I ANZD IMPLE'M ' ENTSY.-Tbe Under- remained fdr-some little kinic ones.. I usb.d, tfiLjai for my. own child . . . . - signed* has been instructed bV Air. . . with her sistler in ToTontoj buil noth- .I. . ing seemed to rostore' her failing whon lie was small and last summer - . . . . . M1VIA10l1LA'ND-1n Cl I n ton, - on .Alar. Thos. 11, Cole to stell' by Public Aue- ti6n ai,Lot 20, Con. 10" 11killett. bil' . health. She was a clever and acoom- : when f had a baby visitor whose food Aid not Agree' with him. I sent lor . . 6th, to Mr. and Mrs, Jo lin . . - TYIUI - bollaii . I . Tuesday, . Mavch 21st, 'at I o'clock . plished woman, a m6mb,er of St. . . -freorge's church, in Via work of which . another box of, thet Tablet& and 411(ty . . . I . I YOUN(4-In Clinton, an 1larch 8tb,' I . . -: . liml., U16 following. 11ORS1 1,S-1 - Span general purpose. h pses, I driv- she took an active intere-s-t. She will quickly lictodd him." It is testinion- ial.q- such as. this - that' have made - to Mr. and Mrs. Pletcher Young, . a , . . I ' .q ' Ing horse rising 4 years old sired b . . . Y also be much rfiis ed in several * 8ocl­ . I I I Baby's Own Tablets pOP`Ular­. that sbil. I .. . . SMALL -At. the Manse, Blytk, oil. S - 3 .1 dney, color bl,.iek* .1 pony and etic-i of which She was a, momber. Mr. Wfilliam, Lee r-cceived a telegram have. shown'biem tQbe an Invaluable Feb. 26blil I o Rev. - J, L. mid , . mr§. . . colt, - , CATThl., -*3 . ., fresh calwel Cows, - '.i"Oows due to calve hi 2'vfarch last' wet;c advising hirn of the death inedicino for little ones. The T- . . abicts . always do good tlioy can never - (10 811i, I . all a daughter.' I 'RAH' Tn I Wingliam, on Feb. 28 li* . . , %I co w due to calve ia April, '2 stck,rs. of his.youngest sister, Mrs. Scott. of harill. - Once a mothcor - ha tried thlJim I .to -Mr. and.Mrs. Xenrieth " ae,. a 2 yeausi 3 yearlinp, 3:youilg calvcs,, . . Mahone Bay, N.S. Mrs. Scott has I for lior little ones she will Ifave noth- . . daughter. - I . .R . . I, 2 sows due to farrow last wee, . in . ' visited liv.1 brother in Goderich- . and ' . inp.; clso * - F . ot. . witth the Tablet.,; , she . . .. . I . . . * ' I . ' - April ., 11NIPLEMENTS-1 Massey - will ba romembered by manV w -ho had . fb"Is parfoct ly safe. Thev. are sold,un- 11 . . . . .1 . . I . Deaths 11arrN binder 6 foot.c6t, I niower, the pleasure ofiriecting her.liere. . I - der theguallaniec of a. govornment all- I I . . . . . .1 . a -ill new I I. .M. ascy-4.1arris 13. hod dr Mr. Robert Fuller cut,. a giant born- alyst to contain no . harkiful drugs, TTPLADY -Irl, Clinton, on March .3rdf . . Alar,A%411arris. Cultivator with sc d- . lock the other Aav which inade -six Baby -Is Own Tablets may be had at, Barbara bawson , - wito of Mr. . D,, tv. I . all, I e0drig hay take, 1 set . diam- ' logs wit.,11 tw(s!ve feet to sparv, . whic . Ii . inedicine deabers or at 25, cents a box I ' id Tiplady, 'aged 3 . . . orld harrows 1 sections, 2 , alnglu . Nvas unsound. . ' Co BrIockville, Ont,. I . . I niontlis and 11 days. . plows,. I Alassey-Ilarrit.; scuffl&-, I .Mr. and Mrs. Kelly att',-nded file' , . I or from The Dr, Williams' "Notlicine TIA X11,L- Ili- Clinton on Mar(qi. 9th; ging plow now. I Sot trucjLs-, 1 hay aillo show in Toronto last week and I . . . 11 . . Mary Stinson, lkjiet of tile lat'i - . racke 2 Avaggons, I toii,bilggy nearly, . ',Miss Manson caino tip with ,thern oil : . ­ - .1 I . Willialn 11amill, aged 88 yjaars. ' new, 1 open buggy, 1, Portland cut- illvir return. . I I Live -Stock Market. PICKA10-In Goderich. tow - . nship, on . is I - Ur and pole, - I set bob sleigl , , Mrs. T1. E. llodgen,; and little son, . . . I . I . . . . March 51h, Mary Cantolon, ielict . . I seb engine s)(dghs, I fanning indil irmbeist, have retiurnM fromi ,I stay Toronto,. March 7th. -The., railways '. .of ilo late T, (I. Pickard, Ili. he,' ivWi bagger, I turaip pullivii, I hay . of several weeks in Toilinto. M r s. reported 63 cal4loads of liva stock at Both year. I . . fork, call, pulleys, slingg, 150 felet of 111odgms was undergoing treatment 1 the City Market, consisAbig of 1)89 I BOUTE-In ("roderich, on March 3rd, good rope, I now water trough, . 1. for sonic vocal trouble and I,, much - cattle, 646 hogs, 710 slicep arid lainbs . iand Anniv Burrows, wife of J , ames , I wateil box, .3 (411 barralEi 45 gallon,j ' Improved. . 4.1 calves. Bogle, . . I . 3 do"n grain bags hcw, .1 Saska'tCi ThL1 members of the W.F.M.S. Of I There Wvre, sevolal loads of good WATSoN T-ii .slearorijb, on .1larch, 4th, ewgij robe, I good seb double harri- Xnox church was pIttasautly cnt(gr- eattle-inorc, that, usual -on sale to- Wilhain N. 'Walson, aged 85 ytt4rs, ' ess, I ,Set pBDw harheA, 9 set single itained at the home -of 'Mrs. Win. day. .A.IclA,',AN-Th Winglim.ii, nit Feb, 26th, harness, Cow .Chains, I Do Laval Warnock on Thursday. fivening last,, I There wag a fairly good trad,%, ow- Susan Aler"Iroy, wife of Mr. Lach- . crearn Sep , a0ator, 1 grind stone, I After an ample and appetizing tea, I ing to light Supply, but priceg were 'oil Ian McLean, in her 81gt year, gtonp boat', I 1 1-horsa portable en- Kervol by the members of tto. Bibl e not any higher, it as iiigh, as 18111ST10,11-in Morris, n Fell. 2 tii, n I " gino, Ili good Shape, I sawing maeli- 4 - class, a fine program was it.,ndered. I . . Monday. . X Ann, daugbter ofBTr. ,and .'Rrs. file, I good, garnsey belt 180 leet 7 .Those taking part in the program I Clioie eutchem' . eattle-and wo Will, Isbiotex, in tier .21st vear. inch, 1 gocd,glirnsey belt 80 feet, , were : Mrs. James Martyn-, MISS only heard of four sold at $5.qO ; ROBERTON-In 11ullett, oil . Veb. wat,Q tank, a !qi . lantity of hay Maily Morris, Mrs. Gclorpp V_ It oss, I loadn Of good, $50)0 to $5.75 ; Ined- - 50, Robert Roberton, aged 6& roots and oats, 3 11amiltoin ine-llbat ' Mrs. MeNevin. Miqs Grftckv Warnock, iuln, $5.'20 to $5.45 ; 00111m011, S.5 to years and 10 nionths. I Or And broodcr, I glass cupboarid, I Miss Beatrice PpIdbam. Mrs. Strang $5.20 ; cows, $3.50 to $5-115 ; bull";, (111111 , 8 -:1 -In Blyth, on. Feb. 28th, Wit- kitchen'table, I dd matreas and oceuvia-1 the chair. A hearty vote $4.50 to, $5.25 ; calincrs, $2.75 to $3, liani. Gibbs, aged 110 years, 2 springs, 1 kitetien cupboalm, Some of thanks 'was to.idered Mrs. Warnock . Milkers and Springers, mont-lis arid 4 days. . kitchen Chairs, I dais ,y Chum, I coal for her bospitality. Tile Triarket for milkers -and spiming- -SHORTHRI-IM-In Morris, on latarell heateis, I wood stove, About,, 60 TheWoman's Instittute met Ili the ars was casbor , tile bulk sellin gr at 2nd, John Shorttreed Sr., aged b i.fri s, 3 geow, 3 turkeys, 3 ducks, Oddfellow, ' hall on Thuftday after- UO W "51 , . . 78 yf%.rs, 10 montlis and, 7 (lays. WhIfIlotroos, neck Tokv,4, chains and noon when an unusually interesting Veal Calves, MCADAM- In Tuckersnilth on, Mardil , obhvi, afticles tt6o ilimicronq It) mail- -program was given, papers boingfead. Veal calves sold at from $3,50 to Isk, Mary McAdam, reliet of the, I Ion, No resorve, Teilms 'of Salo: . . by Mrs. Warnock abd Miss Patter. $8,50, arid, Macdonald %1,k 11allfigan sOld lato OoAlon McAdam,', agod 69 All surns of $10 and- under, imnh, on Mrs. Angus MacKay and -Mrq. Y.aqoti . - Jouti oxtr& quality calvos at $(I.75'' I (,ars. Y, I I over thwtamount 9 month.,; credit, . ware two riew members added to tbef . Yieali and Lambs. ' . V,kN1 NOVI-31- In 1 14ullivan, Ohio. on wili be giverx On furnisbing approved , -hill was ,.t v1sitor on list. Mrs. Gled LklnW., were eaNler, , t $0 to $6.50. 't 't 1 -. *over, I Feb.',21'lot, Nits, Jos. VM N . joint notes-, 6 peteent. pt*r an,nunl I I this oecamon. I shc,op, ewi,s, $4,50 to V) ; ram,s, W- slistet-ift-law of Mrs. ThoS. JACk4 :' 61Y for cash oil, crodf-t am(mntg. ITay, . On Saturday ,tile Ladles' Auxiliary .0 to $4.25. 1 I . . I -on 4 11111 'ton - 1 . ' ! I givaln' .and roat's, caSh. Vdrrfi for .! . M the Y. Al. C.'A 4 - thet at,60 hvr (! . Ilogs, . I . ­ I S'Al , X 1,13, In''(16doilth t%n VACCII laIL—Lot 20, ton. 10, 11ullett, Con - of Mrs. 3ohn C,hallon. A lsanquet Selects, fed and watetvd at t1w 1%t, .tolitj ' 4aikdd, ,aged 17 yMii '%i. tIlig bf 106 -4&0l;, morb 'or IM13, . *ill lit,. given on Thurgday ric,xt In niarktit, $7.05, and $0.15 Lo.b. cars and It months, will be .1old rl,t s&ric thrib, jind plate .6dilfellows' bill. A eou 16­6( hew at eotioYry point -q. Thiek, tat; hogs, D(5TY-In ,God(srich (it Feb. 25th. %, subject; to roserve bid. . -Th6q. It. vames wero added : Mrs, XeXlm Alid over 220 lbs., at Ne per 0% ti ka,4 Afary Elinor Arilharwl, wife of I Colo, Proptiotor ; Thos.'Ouiidrt, Mra , Jamov ?&rtyl) - tions. : . . I Frt4 . d, W. ' I DOI.Y. .. .. I - . I . Auctioneer. . . , ; . I ; . Aim extra session of the Valted.Sta. , tes Senate h4s been called for the 4th of April. . . . . 91101CH PROPE RTY FOR SALE - Lot - 83 on tho 2nd con. of ,Stanley . contailzlizig 55 ac0as. Three acres I of wheat in, oir acres of bush, good sugar bush, an acra of orchard with all kinds of fruit, Tho rt-mainder of the, fanxi Is, nearly all sco4ed down, The buildings and fences are, in good ropa,r. Windmill Oli barn. Two milog from Clinton,. Price right for a quick &Ale._- -Jobn I Jervis, Clinton P.O. . -70-2 1 FARIK FOR SALE -That valuable I property, lot 40, Con. 3, L.R.B. Al- so, lot $0, con, 3, ll,,R,,S,, West End `rUCk0rSTAith,, County Of Huron, Con- taining 230 acres. It is well under- drpdned and in first-class state of cultivation. On lot 40 is a, good bank barn, 50KIII, with driving I Acd, also 4 9-room,ed house with woodshed. There is windmill and tankwith wa, A .ter athouse and barn, also4 acresof good orchalrd. . Lot 30bas frame barn, 20x5o, and , Otable 2000, good orchard andne;,r_ or failing well. This isone oftha be -it farinsin Western Ontario. It I is conveniently situated to, school and church.. 5 milasfrom Clinton and 7from Seafooth. W1?I sel,l to- gether or would divide property. - G. W. Nottt . , Clinton. -70 AUCTION. SA144' OF FARM. -THE 1`,XeCU1,0V1s_0f'tbv Estate , of the late . Robert Willis will Sell bv public AUC- NOU on the afternoou, of Wednesday, Nar'Oh. 15th, on tho pi iax,Vlses th . c farm known as Lot 17. Con. 1, ff l_ . lott. The tar,01,9,011tains 73 acrea, and has on it a frame dwel jug, bank barn 00x30. small' stable, orchard .and ,a never failing spiting, It is oltuated on the Ifuron Road 2 miles i from Clinton and Six miles, from Seaforth and will be sold Subject. to areservoi bid. For jurtherpar-i ticularo apply to D.. N. Watson Atictionecil, Clintlart, or Waltiij GI Willi$ or William Black, F.',xecuturs, Seaforth, 11.0. ' . . ­ I ­ ­_­­--___-___­, . PROPERTY AN -b STAGE ,IN I HUNTING AND S11OOTING ON . BU,% . lots 12 and 13, con. 9, Hu'lett, are, CS9 for Sale -4 or sale a beautiful forbidden. Parties. found trespassing, -residence in Bayfield. The house is will be prosecuted according, to a two-story .concrete, situated on Paw. -The Owners. Oct. 18th. -51,, . the squalk . There is, a quartor of . I an acre of land ill connection on . which is, a large barn, Al,00 tile . . . . Livery Business and Stage and ­ ' I rroll routes between Bayfield and Seaforth- and Bruceflel,d. Thowbole Glass' -that - I es I will be sold tOgcth(-r or ,japarately. . . bealuitifixo' r 'I Eyestrain produces, r. Apply on the- premiscuor address tihat worn, worried.. i . , ;I 11. Little, Bayfleld P.O. I 7di,consented ^ppeAr 1, .. I . ance which mars) . i : . . otherwise beautilruk . , u fe.k.res I We wernove eyestra$vt ) no4.4he disfiguria4c . .... wripHles disappear. ..... . .. - 0 5 . . 11 . , , STEERS FOR 'SALE.—TEN1, TZAR— I I. ling Wcs*r,;r .9teers, Apply -,to T. 44d R. NubAr, VAybeld Road, 09d- . erich townsbip, Clintga F. O. _4% . , , . . .- COTTAGE TO LET PROM MARCIP Ist. Also cooker and fto box , , . Stoves fousaIL-Apply Prof. Brown.. _", I ­ * FOR SALE,. -D: ' JUNORIS LARGE house,. barn and garden on Ontario street, Clinton. Apply At house or Clinton 11. 0. - 0 HOUSE' TP RENT ON MAPLE street, 5 rooms, hard and soft, wat- er, good gardcm, woodebed, Posses- I sIon eanbe givonat once.-4-dw. G. Staribury, London Road-, Clinton L , P.O. . . -67 . . -W Z'% I , I 7 - I I . I 'KI -71 , r,1W I I P. Ir AUCTION SALE OF FARx STOCK - AND IMPLEMENTS. -The under- SEED OATS FOR SALE.-C11010E . - . . .. . I . 11 I Signed- has received instructions from seed oAts; for Sale. A Very StIff I . I L I Mr. John Rath.well to sell b Pub- strawed oat, will yield friom 10 to . . . I I y I 140 Atlei-tion, at Lot. 17, Con. 9,.Bab 15 bushels pier acre more than most " ... L .. I . ylon' Ifte, Stanley, on Friday, , varieties a.9 the hdads are very ?argo . ... 11 I * . I 1 1 . March 117th, at I o'clock p.m. the averaging ote-third more oats per . I . . . following ; 11orses-1. road ware 10 head ttau 111,06b variet40, Price I ,-- - 1 I - , . yeam, in foal, to Wilksham, i filly 40 centsilan bushel. John Vodden, L . — I . , 8 idoatills old, I road horse 5 yvars Lot ' 32 00A. - A. J. GRIGG t . $, 1julleft, Londes- . 0'a 11 do L le. Catt,pa ' boro'P.O. , I - -67-3 . .. I "I i- -*r . . 6 Scclelmtific JeWelor . *broke single arid ob _ . . I - . I .. . . -1 i cows wltdi Cal? at foot, I tow due to . . . end Optician . I " . . 1. . . I CLIGINTONO ONT. . calve T'Ylarch 191h, I cow duo to , ,_ 1q; 1 P;l calve rvlaret- 3rd, I haifer I year old, ,%,I -',ED 0A'TS Ii'OR SALE. -'The un- . I . . 2 spring calves.-, lm,plsjmexlts -J 'dersigned has a limited quantity of C . . . . . Maxwell iyinder, 6 ft. qut -in good v,,- Bumper King Seed Oats for sale, - ' . I . . . L I . I pair,' I Masser-lla;rris mower, I one of Rennie's best varieties. I . .- . I .. . Mrinxi s:"er and cult(tvator combin- Weigh about,. forty pounds to tam I . ' , . ed, L new , * 1 twelve foot Sharp hay , bushel and perfeetty Clean.. Price .. I , . , L .rake, I lumber wagon, I gravel bpx,. - 45 cents per busliel.-Lorme Tyndall, . . . .. . , BREALD L I setbobs' k.'ighs, - q Single buggies, 2nd con, lluilett, Clitcra p, o, -"65 . . . . I I . . 1 democrat, I Portland. Clitkor, I L L . . . . . . . . . . I . I - - - . Chatha,m fanning-rilill, bagger, all . . .. L .. I I I ., I . Complete, I hay 'rack, 1 set diamond 0009*0**9**4**6*e9*960*L . . llavrows, I gang plow, 2 walking. 0 L . January is no i4ore long, I . . . L I ' , .0 * I .plows, J sob double harilms- 2 set e - . I . I .Many a friend has died and gone; . I . . I Single harness, 2.set doubletroes =d 0 1 : Be a good judge,. wh6ttgr man o.r . . Uee k yokes, I kitchen cupboard 0 'Wife, . - . .L. . . . P 0 . . . I . . bedstoads, 2coal stovd, sell fecder ..: LENT ' I . , L . . I , 0 L .. . . : Buy I'Agnew's'Bread'! and prolohg L . I gasbline 41tovc ,new, .1 L L . 1. . t _ .-Daisy 0 . . . 0. L I Your life.. ' I . . _. . . chilint I giC*nd Stone, I -wbeelbar- '0 ----- _--­:­­_­­­ -­_ . . . . L . I . I . , 40 - . . L L.. I . L . I I . row, 1 -sap -kettle, forks, shovels, * 0 . .. .. . . : a. . I - . 11 I . I ... . . .. . . . I I . . -spades . and other . . articies too L num- * If any p6son asks us for the 9 . I . . . . L L 0 42 PHONE 42 , L I . crous to menlAon,; a Lquantitv of good : loan'oiour little hatchet, .,We e 1. . . ... . . ., 'bay, E'verything will.bei sold with- 0, I . 0, . . I . - . out roserve as ill hav6 to tell them it -is lent, 0 . L . . the ptoprictor cis 0 w . .. .. . I W . ni 0 . , Agnew leaving the farm. Tefins of Sale: * 0 and during the- season we 'Will :- L L . All sum.9 of $10 and under,. -cash; on 40 -Ci KES, PASTRY.' AND WEDDING ' , . . 0 keep a'.'6omplete .supply of, : . over that amount 8 months credlb 0 . 11 . , I . 0 1 1 CAKES..A sPECIALTY. ;' ' . . . .. will be given on furnishing approv- 6 FRESI- FISH as follows, . . . 1. I ­ . . . . I , " .* . . . . .. . ed joint notes. * 5 ,percent. per, an- 0 ,. I I 'O I . I . . .. . . . num discount on all .eredW arrounts. * . . 0 . . . . . ,%. - - - . Hay to be. strictly casli. John -: Illi"Rum... . . . . 0 . a " L . . .. 0. M ft ID. L , Rathwell, Proprietor; Thoa. Brown, L' . . 0 . L . it.uctionaer. . I .1 : HALIBUT . * I L. I - . I I , . . .0 I I I ., .. . & . . . , I . * -11. I . . . . . . . . I . . _. 46. .11 .1 1. 0 . L . * . A ., E f#* "" . . . . . . 7 -_ ­ . fil lArHITH VISA 0 1 ' ..., . . . . . .. I I ­ . .6 .. ­ . L '"' ; 1. - . I L . . - . . . L . AUCTION SALE OF FARMIYARM 0 . L . . . : WE HAVE -JUST RECEIVED' - 'A' . I I L I . . L ' L .0, L VIODFISH STOCK AND ImPLEmEJNTS.-Thc .1 ­ I I I e - A CAR OF. CHOICE AME-RICAV, - , . . 0 - I I . L O' ' wl , underakgried his Iiaceived Instructions . . - -CORN ON .. _JIC HL'WE WILL,":, : L . . . . . . 0 . . from Air. George Cochrane .tIo' sell e . 7 SA.LbION TROUT . : :,. - QUOTE ,A VERY CLOSE' 1. . L . . . . - I . 'by Public.Auct.ion at Lot 17, .. con. 0 - . . . . ! I. . . .. . I . . . 0. L - PRIC 'E!, IN I TON-. LOTS. L. .- .. .. I .. . I I . . . a. .1 . 1 6 . .. . I - . . .. . . . 1, Hullett'(Stapl et on) on Wednes- 0 - '--_1eW__% I—- ... ­ ­ ­ - __ 0 , - . . . . .. . I . I L . . day,L March, 15bli; 019.30 o'clock p. 'O I L. . . L 11 2'.. . . .0 Any quantilly of Brari, Short's afid ', ,' . I . M. . the folio L ' - I .0 . . . I., 6 ' otaller Fee(W alwa on hand. - - I I wing '. I -MT vy- dm'ugbt I .., . I - 0 ­ . . YS , I I , . L' horse rising 5 years, I heavy : *, .gfiest . iffiarket price paid for alt. ' _ . L . . draught zriara rising. 6, I dillvery ris- 0 We T," 07NEIL',v: 11' . , - . . . . . . I AD . Grain. . .,.. .' : . . . .. . . . . * 0 . . I . . I .. - . . . Ing , 1 -.cow risirig,5 yearaj A to 0 . . . . . - I . . . . . I ; , I .. . . I ' I . . ry Y : : 01i I .1 % . calve April Ist, ' I cow rising * 4L ' 6 ,,the Hub aroc 7 0 - - Le 8 U ITTERL, 0 . . . ycian, due to cal C May Ist, I far-' '* . . . . . 1. . I . ' . I . . . . . . . ., 0 . , I . % - . : . I . . I . . ' . roW cow,supposud.t6b6 in calf, - . : I Telephone' 'n " tlm. P.,LEVATOR . . I. ' * : . I I . . . . .. . I . : . cow rising 3L years, suppesed to bo .0, ... . . . . . ' - . . I I . L . In ,dalf, 2 heiters ilisdng 2 years I 0 0 0 69 * *9 e olos e a * * 0 oijoe 0 . . : CLINTON ' ' . I . . I I . L . . ­ . I . . . . I . .. 1-1 L steer - I year old, 2 hoiftrs 9. months I--- - L i I . . . I ____ - old, -2. steers 8 inclitils'aXY, .1 brood .. L. L . . 1 7 - . — , -_ .1 . 1. ... . t . I 1: 1. . . L s ___ W . L .*ow 111i, p1g,to farro:w abou't lst May I_: . . .. I . . . . . I . . I .set team hxft,ness, tea.inly ji(tw, 2 . , '. . . . .1 I . I I . "I . . . I ' , . L . .Mts .Single harness, 'nearly -new, . I . . ,. . 0 . . . I . . . I . wagon, lWarly new,- I set.- boliSleigh% I . . .our. S P e, cials - . . . . L . h-firly now, 1. . olitt.or nL_a1JJy new, 2' , . ._. I oft . . . . I . I .1. I - : . . I . . I good*. Buffalo robo.i, new, 2 bugglies, . . . . . . L. . . ­ 4 . . . . I . - . . : . . . . I I .. . . L . . I I L" I . "IFIVeS . . .. . .ter sleelroller, licarlyfiew, . . , , , . I I L . - . . . . L . - 16r FOR..S RDAY. AND FOLLOWING' WEEK . -1 1: "i"y2vest,ir Il ft steol rake for, - , . . .ATUL , I . 2 hokns.ne . arly . - now, 1! Frost; ..' % I I .... I . . . I . . . 1. L I . - .. . 1. .. . . . 1, ... .. . I I -1. I . . . . . . I , . .. . . . . I Wood. moLwer 5-ft:cut,* nearly new, I I . . . . I . . . . . L . . . . I . . L I I . _)St. & L . . Fo, Wood twlii plow with eoul Our 6 and 10 cent windows Were, such a * huge . . I . . I success . . . ters, nearly new, I No 21'Fluery . , that we have decided to doutinUe theL ' . .... . I .. : . plow, ncarIv now, I set . disc bar- I . . - week.. - I- eame - 1. . I . . . . . . . . foranother L . . .- . I : rows, 14Ldisc, Deering make, neavily ' * . . . I . .. . I . . 1. 1. . . . . . . ­ . . .. new, 1 12 -hoed Alassey-Harris drill, ..' .1 I . . .. . . ' ' . .. . . . . I I L 1 . , set - - of iron - harrows . . I . L . . . . L I . . . . . . . . I 20 -foot laddelli 4 Do- Laxal cream - - * . . I . . 1. . __ v L I . separator, capa6ltyL-300 I,b,9,,nvatIv . . I I . . . . I . I n(IW,L Our EXTRA SPECIAL will be I. . :'Uaisy.churn, I car, linoand I . I . . I slings, .v quantity of.hay,forks, . ' - . . . .1 . . I .. ' . , i ' . ­ . I sriovels, . spades, whiffletrees, neck. 20 (4ranite Dippers, .regular 256 *for 6nly 1_0 L vent&L . I L 1. L . I yokes and other articles to6 numer- . . . . . ''I I I . ­ . - ... . . ou.9 -to! mention. Elverything will bu I . . . I . . - . . . . . . . I sold .without reserve as the proptle- .. , 1. ,,,, . i . . I I .. 11 .... . . I ttor is giving.up farrnilng, Terms of I . . . L Sale, : All suins, of $10 and under, . . L I I - . I casi.i., on over that arnailrit q months . - T,00k for our- chan'ge next week. - 'L I . I L .. . . . . I crodit; on fprilighing approved joint . I . . . . . : . . notes at / percent, sitaight. * Hay I . I . I . I 11 I .. . . I cash. Oil (be"abovo date MrS. Wil- . . . I . hs will oflet, for salt, the farni con- . . I . __ M :S LL S . sisting Of73 at res, Lot 17, Con.1, M -M -&' IROT I I& NT, -IRC) , . Itulleit, onerrille alido, halt from I . -W * . C?hi-ton.- There is a, fiTst clasq barn STOVES and HARDWARE I 15006,' witlygood stabling Under1t; I a good conitor table frame ,house . . . . ,xith. goodeellar; agood youngor- - I I.. I I.. I ""L .. I I . ...... L ". I 1. .11 ­­ ' L '' " ,,, I chard, and never failing well with __ _. I I I . . - ­ A%i !t_' t , ' L - I I . I 11 L ., Mow _., . - , . . .. ........ = . good pump., First claft CIaY loam, I thd farm iq ,tdaptk,d for either grain . ' or . dairying, clogo to school and - I BARGAINS 1 . . churches. Will be .qol,d qlibjczt to a . I N ___._.____ - . . reqctrvo bld., Tords of Sale .' 10 per I" also Od . . Cent. Of tile purchase money to be , Wall papOr frOM 30 tO 250pol r6l d bnndks. . paid down on day of's;ale, balanct to ffLeavy Rubbers 10 percent. ofrboth men's and boys L suit purclhas0r. llo.qsmstoa .14 Ap_ L . Men's ttnd Boys'leady-Made Suits 10 percent. Oft* . rIL - Title indispittable. Georgo Oic Prints 10c. I . Cochrane, Peoprietoo ; D. N. vat- . ' -. . I . son, Auction"r. . cann'dian ,011 - 10c per gallon, American 14050. - , I I . . ;I- . Butter 20c. Eggs 20e, . . I . . . I . I a .. AUCTION SALE OF PARNI .4TOCK,l AND IM14,10MENTS on b,)t, 88, - ,eon. 10, Goderich tomilg1kip, on J6 I Maxoti 17th'—wim Cole, —10 . . I . .. . I . ....'... . __.. I I I I—— . ".. . — ______ . 11 I E, Harwell, "E"E11,11 I I MENOMW t1r1la -.:.41_ a-, i;,. . I 1 , I/ . .