HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1911-03-09, Page 5U
mugh 9th* 1911,
111. 11 -11- - - . - 1,
. I . I
11 . . . . . . . #"***"*"# . . . . ##""*0#"v# "1_
, . . -1 . .. .11 .
, 1,i I
I .
.. . I I I
Rev. . WekItf,rT,, Pearcy will vialt
11117., Joho Richardson of Kipperr on
A ,meeting will be held in the Odd.
f ellbws, ball at eight o'clock f
- , v
. I
I . I
, r- , . -1
. . , ....... ....... ....... 11
"I . I'll, I
A ,
Friday end Will in the afterricon C xi,T
510044Y evening, 110kt.: Of all the boyE
*_ . .
. k -1 .
. F
. .. .
duct propamtory services for Rev.
In town between the Ageri. of twelve
; Mr ,',') kv'of BrUcefield.
and eighteen, to. re-organizo . the
. I .
1- I I I .. .
.. .
! Mr. John Stott , delivered a . fine
Boys' Association, and to aurange a
I , , 11 #11,'" " 'r -1
#",***" .. 0040 ,* ##*###"+".*#*"##"*4N"4"
I ''
.draught ho,rj-, toMr. Ail.,hibal,d of
program for the summer sports.
Mr. andMa.-. Walter Kelly Ira'
i ve re-
Mr. Henry MoVittic of St.. 1)
. Sbaforth oil Thursday last.
Messrs. D,. Cantelon and E. Watson
All ,boy,9 ate invited, whathtir thoy
join or not. SOY,Vral pwir3inent c-itq-
,turned fwm
. Florida ai-d seemed glad
. strait has beeri sufferixtR from an at-
. each shipped a carload of hogs last
zelis will addr(ps tbc boys and. a
to again ,experience tibo cool aA,d I in,
vigoratint breeze.4' fro% old Lake Hur-
tack of grippe. .
Mr. J.,L. Killorart and his sister,
week and Gray brotlims and James
shorb, literary PiOPam is also being
,Q14, 1bough they theirouglIly urijoy,ed
Miss Xillorarl, Seaforth, have gone
each shipped a, carlqpad .of
cattle. .
prepared the occasion,
1heir trip. .
on a trip to Varicouveii B. C.
Mrs. and Mr,T. Albert Nalas of Ar-
. -_
Mr. and Mrs. Walter' Har baver
, , , , rison I
The Alisses Barry axe spending the
001a. Bask., spent a few days last;
NOTICE-Porsons deWring an ex-
taken up thair resideace lar Mr. Ben-
wtattiv outo town, Bliss' Nellie . in
Week with the lOnIlPr1k; brother, Mr.
tension of the Goderich Township
-nott Grahanie'v bouso...on blAgla atreet,
London and her'sister in Toronto.
Matt Mains of our Village, I
Municipal Telephone System must,
-Xisis Beatrice Garrow spent the
Mrs. Alex. Saunders gave a . large
Bliss Lizzle 514ins spent a few days
make Application for same in writ-
'11031U). of February 14 Winnipeg, the
and brilliant brWge party in honor of
laut week with Blyth friends.
Ing to the Head office at ITCImes
gueat of her brother, Mr. 1,3, F. 4Gar-
her guesiti, Miss Adams, before that
Mrs. Wml. Rcob of Port Colborne is
Ville of said SYStOn -on Olt before the
'raw. Miss Garrow exceedinglv enjoy-
lady's -return to ter honria in Torout o.
spending a few weeks tho guest of her
fvrst Monday in April 19ii.--G.
-ad her visit, and With her brother and
The tea room was lighted with ni -
, um
daughter, Mrs. W. T. Peakey, at the
Holland, President. -70
sister-in-law, was a guest at .several
berloss oandles with pimk shades, the
gay fuTL,AIOAS. .
pplish6d oak table -had a Centre piece
Mr. Albert. Radford bought a car-
I I _.
Mrs. Geo,- Andrews, Bayfield Road,
of Mexicali, drawnwork in thtj centre
of which stood a handsome vase with
load of Almo ,Jcan corn last, week and
sold a quantity of it oft the car.
has, we are glad to ro,;lort, quitIa re-
eovered from bi4r recent illner
pink carnations. The hosticss were
Miss Z. Whitely of Gorric is sp end-
Lot! 81 and part of lot 82 on the
10th con. of the Township I-Jullett
Mr- John May, As;"Iallt Mail
a handsome gown of black with viol-
ets at her corsage. Mrs. BarkILT,
Ing a fow days'af, her borne berts.
Nr. Charles Hution is bonyto for a
I Foritaininie, :175 acres. On the prom
.cJerk, )&,he was so badly injured iyi the
,%,lie assisted bor, wore King,'s blue
few wQvkS1 holidays.
ises are :A new two-story brick
recent railway accident, has so fat'
foulard with gold embroidered net,
Mr.. J. Hutton shipped a carload of
coti'age, two good bank barns, two
recovered as to be able to walk up
,and violets, Mrs. Parsons wore cream
wheat this week. I
good bearing orchards, a good.bard-
town the otiber d y friends
. ay, III$ mall I
silk, with Stripes of inoss green and
Work was; Commenced at thii saw
wood bush, and a good supply of
Aladly greeted him.
I .black picture bat ; Miss Rolpil wore
I .
inill on Tumiday of this wec . I
watev. one and a quarter rallea frouf
Mr. Chas. Bates found a caterpillar
gr I ey silk with ,plumed . haf ; Mrs.
Mrs. W I t ly e r A y this
I I e spono, a f W a S
the village of Londesboro. For furr
on the railway track the o,thcT, da y.
Herald wory moss grearl' ,crepe do
week- 'with her- mother, Mks. Ta lor
h er particulars apply On th1,4 iirem-
This is sureiv a sign of spring.
Cherie, with touches of mink in, a
of Clinton, . . I
Ises or ad0ress John Manning Box
The Threte-link soclety bolda. dance
handsome green hat, ,Blisses Adelaide
. Evangelistic serv .ces are being h4d
76, Loildosboro P. O. . -70
Oil Shrovetide eve, the Il
Ast Until aft-
Nairn, blue Silk, Doll, maiie silk,
In the Methodist church this
. week.
- 1. . I
e-4 the lental season, WhOn a, very plCa_
Etta Saults, embrcildured mousslinli '
Mr. William Riley purchased a driv-
s2ut Cvming war. spent. -Miss Clark
with a pink Silk Van.dMix in her #aarq.;
ing c9ft list week ' *
FARN FOR SALE --Lot north, half
-daughter of Dr. Clark, was one of th'
Flo. Sallows, yollow. moussilitie de
R(ove and Mrs. Hill of Blyth spent
26, con, 12, Hullett, consisting of
pretty debutaxits who attended, the
. .
sole with deep.sat.in bands and yell '
I 1
Sunday with Mrs. Hill here.
50 acres. All seedpd, down ex'*t
dance. Some of the ladILP3 were baau-
.. .
roses Ili hell hair. It was. one ot the
The box, social hold at, Mr. -William
- 10 acres. Small orchard. Frame
tRuIlY gowned, Miss Grace ciuff
most billliant social ev(qi'ts held...-' in
Yodden's,on Friday* evening last- was'
house andbank barn with Stabling.
of Clinton, who was a guest of Miss
Goderich for sor,6 time. , .
. . , .
well - attended. A .program consist-
On Gravel road I mile north of
- LI ndesbor6.
Sallows, attended with her houtess.
. 1. . .. .
Ing of solos, readihgs arid mouth'
* -1 mile from school.
Mr. James Strachan left on Thu'rsL.
I I . . . I _
organ and gramophone s4ectlow was
Apply on the 'promises or address
-day for LearnAng,ton. .
. I .
given after which the. boxes wore sold
Richard Shaddick, Londesboro P,O.
. .
Mrs, King',' W ife 6('Mr. kobt. King
' . . . . .
I and tea was bervvd. The it,,celpts
: - . -75 .
oi the King Edward hotel, was taken
1. Needleso to say that the Bev. Wylie
amounted to aboub thirty-five dollam,
I .,
. . I - . I
.',juddenly ill the other day. We hope
was very much .Cheered on' ,Sunday,
The Wonitn's Institute are - making
. I . I . . ., I I .
. . .
"to soon bear of her ra-,overy,
last to find such a good Congregation
preparations for a. Pic soQial to be
Capt. and M114. Will Gundry left on
waiting. to hear him and those . ,. 110
given in the Foresters' hall oil th-
acres of good, Clay loam. Nice
Wednesday of last week felt thctl? new . ,
attlinde . d wfolre well repaid for l.us
evening. of St. Fla.trick's Day, Friday
* I
brick - house, ha:d. and soft water,
hoine in Calgary. The Captain . says'addtess
W'- as - Gth, po*erful and t ini-
of next week. d a n-
bank barn, drive kouse, bog-p0n.
. h has he enjoyed, as i
. .
Pnewlr)-9- A good congre is a
Clouding, a debate, is b
I ving prepared,
Gtood, orchard, all kinds In lit. sit-
good health as be has since having his
source of-Inspiratdon -to'any minister.
and an enjoyable time I.%, expected.
uated on Base LJim, outside corpo.r-
109 amputated, and CertainIv looks
Rev. Mr. Wylie will * have charge of
The News402ord leads for ncw9,
. I I
ation of thu towR of -Clinton. ,Ap-
it., The many friends in Goderich and
the service on Sunday nexV at
I I . . I .
. ply -on the premises or. tolsaac
vicinity wish Mr. and Mrs-, ' Gundry
. I .
. . I
I . .
Barr, Cliaton P.O.- - ' * - -w-67
health and -prosperity in their new
. .
. .
. I
home. -
. . I .
I . . . .
. I . I .
Mrs. Miller, wifo of the propKietor
: ' McKillop Townshio -
. Mr. Jaxn0s Clummin,s and, Miss Mar ,
I . .
p,.,. RIVI FOR -SALE -Lot 16, -con. 16,
:oi the Scotch store, will be one of
. .
. ' I
Cummim, of - St. Augustine visited
Cloderich Township, consisting of 80
*eIGoderith vio.'tors at the Corona
'A of King George ih June. -
A. new Circular saw. for file nlanu-
factur6 of lurnber has . bovil. placed I n
their .Sister, Miss l3ridgle Curmnirm,
teacher of S.S, lNo. 2,,over Sunday.
- acres, Well - * watered. Vhx e acres
. I ,
I 1. . I
. . ., . .
of good bearing' orefiar(I'mostly Win-
Mrs., W. D. Tye and da;ughter, MISS
Milan's saw,inill, . . I .
. Mr. and Mrs. llughie FI Lnn. of near
ter fruit, and outbuild-
I-Arie, have r0lurned to their .hoxive..
Mr.'aa(l MAq. Bell Yere Ili . StratL'
Bvj2liwood visited relatives heire -for,
ings. ' Good stabling. 'New, -silo,
"Obey, well_- accompanied by D.r. Percy
ford omo day lately. . . I .
a couple of days. . . I
. ,
School: actoss the, road. - Within.
. Tye of MiPver-ton, who made a . brief
- Mr.' and Mrs, Alcnarey of.,Grey were
Messrs. Oil arlos: Man ;.
ning and.. RaY7
. flv6.miles of Clinton. .Lotf 1 -on the
vusit with his mother, and sister.- .
out visiting relatives in McHillop re
, . . . .
nf nd McConnell of the l8t,h con were
16th. con. is also olfered to rent for
On 'Feb. 26t1h a mernorial, service
.. . .
cently., . ... . .. 1. . ..
. I ... I
. .
in St, Mary'o for a1mv days of: last -
pastum. 4 Apply' t.6 S. 1,0wery, .
was held for tille, late Mary Eleanor
. Att tho last meeting of tile. official,
. . . . .
Week. . - . .
. .0.
Box 144, M,edioine Hat,,Alta., or
Willialrus, wif,i ofNfr. Fred D. DotV.
board. of Waltion circuit, a unanim-
. . .
.. . . I . .
Mr.. J61ra and' MISS Jenriett Larriont
1. to W. Brydone, i Clinton. 1 -65.
. Rev. Mark Turnbull Conducted th,e ser-
vice$ which was largely at -tIen&4d.
Otis invi tation was ext6n.ded. to Rev,
M t. Lackland. 'to return for another
ofAhe l3th con. weire In Clinton, on..
. .. . . . I
. . . I .
. I . . 11 .
The follow -Ing day the remains wer6
. - . . .
velar- . .
Tubsday. .
I . .. I. I .
. . . .11 . I
I .
conveyed to Oakville, where ititcir-;
Mr.. O.'corgei Thornton., who io - per- ,
Mr. . arid Mrs. j. J. McCatilglifty of
inent took place. Many very boauti-
hapsz t4lie' oldest man ifi tho county,,
Clinton Spent Sunday ,,vith Mil. . alid
. .. .
ments.-The undcr igned- .has been
fal floral tributes were brought by
was. 101 years.'of last'nlonth;- . Mr'.
Mrs. Richard Blake. :
. . . .
instructed by 'the executors of the
loving friends. The pallbearers were
Thornton was, born in Yorkshire,
. .
11K, INT.. T. Henry was in -Svla
. .Iorth
,eAtato or the. late S.H, Smith .to
;;ix foremen from tho Doty works I .
Eng . land.'. .1 . . . .. .
last Tliursda , delivering a. horse that
- sell by. Public Auction -at Lot 48,
Messrs. Abrabara, George 1.1ij,gginsO,,
The familr of .Tgaac Bolton two 'of
he sold -for..7a. fancy price. . .
Bayfield Con., (,'rodeltich townsbip,'qn,
Durican Cameron, Mark Drand, Chas. ,Whom
were ill with pneumonia, -are
. .
: A114. Beri; Chbildhill sold a span of
.1 Thursday, March'f6th,. at 2 o'clock.
Hunt and Harry Read.. The e .
recovering. Wo -extend sVnipat-h-r. to
horzes 'last week -for $680, a ' ig
' in..tlie afternoon the following:
. ees attended the funeral in a bo4y.
Mr. arfA Airs. Rol ' ton, the former had
enough price suroly but then - they.
I bi ader, I seed dialil, I manure
li The deoeasl d lady wa's born in Oak-.
tho end 1,orn -.off .One' of his fingera
were extra good. Bell. also.sold 6.
. ,
Spreader, I mowing - machine., .'P,
. wEkggOrUq, 2 1
ville arid was married. ti) - hell now ba- I
With a chain last, iall, an4 shortly al- -
third horse to the same buyell'f a
plows, scuffl,er, Y 'bay
. .
Teft bu,lbbad in 1871. They came to I
terwards - .. ohc. of the Sons lay at
, .
I I .of.,
propprtilonately fandy price, Who *as
loader, I .corn planter, 1, Sleigh, 1
. , . ,
. ,
reside in Goderich in 1".1. Their fam-1
death's doorfor weeks,..'and, ftow. p*L-
, .
it said Ithat good horsasi don't pay, : I :
. roll6rt ,:.2 disc bal"olws, I rake, I
- . .
ilv consists of foux, Sons, and one I
es the - a(Iliction referred .t6. . .
. . .
. . I . I
- , . .
I cu t ting box',... I fa ning mil 1, 2 sets
. n
. .
!daughtez: John of N6w IYark, Obas., ! .
. . . 11 I . . . .
.. ; .. '
. . . . . ,.
I I I . . . ..
double harness..' A boli t 20 lons .of
.. . . . .1 .
Fred. and Frank of. town, and - Miss
.. . .
'. . ..,
. .. . - . .. I . .
. . . I . . I
. I - . :
Marriages. -
hay, and,, nurilerous othev ar.t-icIcs.*
. .
- abiol, who has beon a student ab
. .
. . '
An Invaluable Mid He
. . .
, .
Terms-Cash."Geo. D. MdTapg Art
'. W. Btyd.one, Exeicufors
Loretta Abbey, Toronto, for *mo
.. . .
C UMIN1G-SO5TlERS-.t*xt the residence
and Thos.
. .
rime past. The late Mrs. Doty has
: .
. ..
I ,
. ho " bride's parcn.t,s,.Mr. and-
of t'
G.Undry, Auctioneer. . - I I ..
I I . .
. . . . .
''. -
liven in failing health for the past
i - . . .. . .
- Mrs. .11. Somers, Mar, Isil, V the
. .-,.
' . . I -
couple of years. Last, year she went
. .
. . I
LIT rs. . X. McEwiLn, Thorriloc, Ont
, 0 Ndam
Rev. J. L. SxUa14 Sadic, to A I
I . .
. .. .1 . I I . .
to the west in the hope that the
wi-Itos : "I think-, B byls Own . Tali'l
.. .
Cuming, both of Blyth..
change might beinefit her and , on bar
.lets an invaltiable medicine lor'- little
, . . I . . . . . I
remained fdr-some little kinic
ones.. I usb.d, tfiLjai for my. own child
. . .
. -
signed* has been instructed bV Air.
. .
with her sistler in ToTontoj buil noth- .I.
. ing seemed to rostore' her failing
whon lie was small and last summer
- . . .
. .
M1VIA10l1LA'ND-1n Cl I n ton, - on .Alar.
Thos. 11, Cole to stell' by Public Aue-
ti6n ai,Lot 20, Con. 10" 11killett. bil'
. health. She was a clever and acoom-
when f had a baby visitor whose food
Aid not Agree' with him. I sent lor
. . 6th, to Mr. and Mrs, Jo lin . . - TYIUI
- bollaii . I
Tuesday, . Mavch 21st, 'at I o'clock
plished woman, a m6mb,er of St.
. .
-freorge's church, in Via work of which
another box of, thet Tablet& and 411(ty
. . .
I . I
YOUN(4-In Clinton, an 1larch 8tb,'
I . .
liml., U16 following. 11ORS1 1,S-1
Span general purpose. h pses, I driv-
she took an active intere-s-t. She will
quickly lictodd him." It is testinion-
ial.q- such as. this - that' have made
- to Mr. and Mrs. Pletcher Young,
. a , . .
' .q '
Ing horse rising 4 years old sired b
. . . Y
also be much rfiis ed in several * 8ocl
. I
Baby's Own Tablets pOP`Ular. that
sbil. I ..
. .
SMALL -At. the Manse, Blytk, oil.
S - 3
.1 dney, color bl,.iek* .1 pony and
etic-i of which She was a, momber.
Mr. Wfilliam, Lee r-cceived a telegram
have. shown'biem tQbe an Invaluable
Feb. 26blil I o Rev. - J, L. mid , . mr§. .
colt, - , CATThl., -*3 . ., fresh calwel
Cows, - '.i"Oows due to calve hi 2'vfarch
last' wet;c advising hirn of the death
inedicino for little ones. The T-
. . abicts
always do good tlioy can never - (10
811i, I .
all a daughter.' I
'RAH' Tn I Wingliam, on Feb. 28 li*
. . ,
%I co w due to calve ia April, '2 stck,rs.
of his.youngest sister, Mrs. Scott. of
harill. - Once a mothcor - ha tried thlJim
-Mr. and.Mrs. Xenrieth "
ae,. a
2 yeausi 3 yearlinp, 3:youilg calvcs,,
. .
Mahone Bay, N.S. Mrs. Scott has
for lior little ones she will Ifave noth-
. . daughter. - I . .R
2 sows due to farrow last wee, . in
. '
visited liv.1 brother in Goderich- . and '
inp.; clso * - F . ot. . witth the Tablet.,; , she
. . .. . I . .
. * ' I .
April ., 11NIPLEMENTS-1 Massey -
will ba romembered by manV w -ho had
fb"Is parfoct ly safe. Thev. are sold,un-
11 . .
. . .1
. . I . Deaths
11arrN binder 6 foot.c6t, I niower,
the pleasure ofiriecting her.liere. .
der theguallaniec of a. govornment all-
I I . . .
. . .1
. a -ill new I
I. .M. ascy-4.1arris 13. hod dr
Mr. Robert Fuller cut,. a giant born-
alyst to contain no . harkiful drugs,
TTPLADY -Irl, Clinton, on March .3rdf
. .
Alar,A%411arris. Cultivator with sc d-
lock the other Aav which inade -six
Baby -Is Own Tablets may be had at,
Barbara bawson , - wito of Mr. . D,, tv.
I .
all, I e0drig hay take, 1 set . diam-
logs wit.,11 tw(s!ve feet to sparv, . whic . Ii
inedicine deabers or at 25, cents a box
' id Tiplady, 'aged 3
. .
. orld harrows 1 sections, 2 , alnglu
Nvas unsound. . '
Co BrIockville, Ont,. I .
. I
niontlis and 11 days. .
plows,. I Alassey-Ilarrit.; scuffl&-, I
.Mr. and Mrs. Kelly att',-nded file'
, .
I or from The Dr, Williams' "Notlicine
TIA X11,L- Ili- Clinton on Mar(qi. 9th;
ging plow now. I Sot trucjLs-, 1 hay
aillo show in Toronto last week and
I . . . 11 .
Mary Stinson, lkjiet of tile lat'i
- .
racke 2 Avaggons, I toii,bilggy nearly,
',Miss Manson caino tip with ,thern oil
: . - .1 I .
Willialn 11amill, aged 88 yjaars.
new, 1 open buggy, 1, Portland cut-
illvir return. .
Live -Stock Market.
PICKA10-In Goderich. tow - .
nship, on
is I
- Ur and pole, - I set bob sleigl , ,
Mrs. T1. E. llodgen,; and little son,
. . I . I .
. March 51h, Mary Cantolon, ielict
. .
seb engine s)(dghs, I fanning indil
irmbeist, have retiurnM fromi ,I stay
Toronto,. March 7th. -The., railways
'. .of ilo late T, (I. Pickard, Ili. he,'
ivWi bagger, I turaip pullivii, I hay
of several weeks in Toilinto. M r s.
reported 63 cal4loads of liva stock at
Both year. I . .
fork, call, pulleys, slingg, 150 felet of
111odgms was undergoing treatment
1 the City Market, consisAbig of 1)89
BOUTE-In ("roderich, on March 3rd,
good rope, I now water trough, . 1.
for sonic vocal trouble and I,, much
cattle, 646 hogs, 710 slicep arid lainbs
Anniv Burrows, wife of J , ames
, I
wateil box, .3 (411 barralEi 45 gallon,j
Improved. .
4.1 calves.
Bogle, . .
I .
3 do"n grain bags hcw, .1 Saska'tCi
ThL1 members of the W.F.M.S. Of
I There Wvre, sevolal loads of good
WATSoN T-ii .slearorijb, on .1larch, 4th,
ewgij robe, I good seb double harri-
Xnox church was pIttasautly cnt(gr-
eattle-inorc, that, usual -on sale to-
Wilhain N. 'Walson, aged 85 ytt4rs,
' ess, I ,Set pBDw harheA, 9 set single
itained at the home -of 'Mrs. Win.
.A.IclA,',AN-Th Winglim.ii, nit Feb, 26th,
harness, Cow .Chains, I Do Laval
Warnock on Thursday. fivening last,,
I There wag a fairly good trad,%, ow-
Susan Aler"Iroy, wife of Mr. Lach-
crearn Sep , a0ator, 1 grind stone, I
After an ample and appetizing tea,
I ing to light Supply, but priceg were
Ian McLean, in her 81gt year,
gtonp boat', I 1 1-horsa portable en-
Kervol by the members of tto. Bibl e
not any higher, it as iiigh, as
18111ST10,11-in Morris, n Fell. 2 tii,
n I
gino, Ili good Shape, I sawing maeli-
4 -
class, a fine program was it.,ndered.
. .
Monday. .
Ann, daugbter ofBTr. ,and .'Rrs.
file, I good, garnsey belt 180 leet 7
.Those taking part in the program
I Clioie eutchem' . eattle-and wo
Will, Isbiotex, in tier .21st vear.
inch, 1 gocd,glirnsey belt 80 feet, ,
were : Mrs. James Martyn-, MISS
only heard of four sold at $5.qO ;
ROBERTON-In 11ullett, oil . Veb.
wat,Q tank, a !qi . lantity of hay
Maily Morris, Mrs. Gclorpp V_ It oss,
I loadn Of good, $50)0 to $5.75 ; Ined-
- 50, Robert Roberton, aged 6&
roots and oats, 3 11amiltoin ine-llbat '
Mrs. MeNevin. Miqs Grftckv Warnock,
iuln, $5.'20 to $5.45 ; 00111m011, S.5 to
years and 10 nionths. I
Or And broodcr, I glass cupboarid, I
Miss Beatrice PpIdbam. Mrs. Strang
$5.20 ; cows, $3.50 to $5-115 ; bull";,
(111111 , 8 -:1 -In Blyth, on. Feb. 28th, Wit-
kitchen'table, I dd matreas and
oceuvia-1 the chair. A hearty vote
$4.50 to, $5.25 ; calincrs, $2.75 to $3,
liani. Gibbs, aged 110 years, 2
springs, 1 kitetien cupboalm, Some
of thanks 'was to.idered Mrs. Warnock
Milkers and Springers,
mont-lis arid 4 days. .
kitchen Chairs, I dais
,y Chum, I coal
for her bospitality.
Tile Triarket for milkers -and spiming-
-SHORTHRI-IM-In Morris, on latarell
heateis, I wood stove, About,, 60
TheWoman's Instittute met Ili the
ars was casbor , tile bulk sellin gr at
2nd, John Shorttreed Sr., aged
b i.fri s, 3 geow, 3 turkeys, 3 ducks,
Oddfellow, ' hall on Thuftday after-
UO W "51 , . .
78 yf%.rs, 10 montlis and, 7 (lays.
WhIfIlotroos, neck Tokv,4, chains and
noon when an unusually interesting
Veal Calves,
MCADAM- In Tuckersnilth on, Mardil
, obhvi, afticles tt6o ilimicronq It) mail-
-program was given, papers boingfead.
Veal calves sold at from $3,50 to
Isk, Mary McAdam, reliet of the,
I Ion, No resorve, Teilms 'of Salo:
. . by Mrs. Warnock abd Miss Patter.
$8,50, arid, Macdonald %1,k 11allfigan sOld
lato OoAlon McAdam,', agod 69
All surns of $10 and- under, imnh, on
Mrs. Angus MacKay and -Mrq. Y.aqoti
. -
Jouti oxtr& quality calvos at $(I.75''
Y, I
I over thwtamount 9 month.,; credit,
. ware two riew members added to tbef
. Yieali and Lambs. ' .
V,kN1 NOVI-31- In 1 14ullivan, Ohio. on
wili be giverx On furnisbing approved
, -hill was ,.t v1sitor on
list. Mrs. Gled
LklnW., were eaNler, , t $0 to $6.50.
't 't
1 -. *over,
I Feb.',21'lot, Nits, Jos. VM N
joint notes-, 6 peteent. pt*r an,nunl
I this oecamon. I
shc,op, ewi,s, $4,50 to V) ; ram,s, W-
slistet-ift-law of Mrs. ThoS. JACk4
:' 61Y for cash oil, crodf-t am(mntg. ITay,
. On Saturday ,tile Ladles' Auxiliary
.0 to $4.25. 1 I . .
I -on 4 11111 'ton - 1 .
' !
I givaln' .and roat's, caSh. Vdrrfi for
.! .
M the Y. Al. C.'A
4 - thet at,60 hvr (!
. Ilogs, . I .
, X 1,13, In''(16doilth t%n VACCII
laIL—Lot 20, ton. 10, 11ullett, Con -
of Mrs. 3ohn C,hallon. A lsanquet
Selects, fed and watetvd at t1w
1%t, .tolitj ' 4aikdd, ,aged 17 yMii
'%i. tIlig bf 106 -4&0l;, morb 'or IM13,
. *ill lit,. given on Thurgday ric,xt In
niarktit, $7.05, and $0.15 Lo.b. cars
and It months,
will be .1old rl,t s&ric thrib, jind plate
.6dilfellows' bill. A eou 166( hew
at eotioYry point -q. Thiek, tat; hogs,
D(5TY-In ,God(srich (it Feb. 25th.
subject; to roserve bid. . -Th6q. It.
vames wero added : Mrs, XeXlm Alid
over 220 lbs., at Ne per 0% ti ka,4
Afary Elinor Arilharwl, wife of
Colo, Proptiotor ; Thos.'Ouiidrt,
Mra , Jamov ?&rtyl) -
tions. : .
. I
Frt4 . d, W. ' I DOI.Y. .. ..
- . I
Auctioneer. . . , ;
. I ; .
Aim extra session of the Valted.Sta.
tes Senate h4s been called for the 4th
of April. . . . .
Lot - 83 on tho 2nd con. of ,Stanley
. contailzlizig 55 ac0as. Three acres
I of wheat in, oir acres of bush, good
sugar bush, an acra of orchard with
all kinds of fruit, Tho rt-mainder
of the, fanxi Is, nearly all sco4ed
down, The buildings and fences
are, in good ropa,r. Windmill Oli
barn. Two milog from Clinton,.
Price right for a quick &Ale._- -Jobn I
Jervis, Clinton P.O. . -70-2 1
FARIK FOR SALE -That valuable I
property, lot 40, Con. 3, L.R.B. Al-
so, lot $0, con, 3, ll,,R,,S,, West End
`rUCk0rSTAith,, County Of Huron, Con-
taining 230 acres. It is well under-
drpdned and in first-class state of
cultivation. On lot 40 is a, good
bank barn, 50KIII, with driving
I Acd, also 4 9-room,ed house
with woodshed. There is windmill
and tankwith wa, A
.ter athouse and
barn, also4 acresof good orchalrd.
Lot 30bas frame barn, 20x5o, and ,
Otable 2000, good orchard andne;,r_
or failing well. This isone oftha
be -it farinsin Western Ontario. It
I is conveniently situated to, school
and church.. 5 milasfrom Clinton
and 7from Seafooth. W1?I sel,l to-
gether or would divide property. -
G. W. Nottt . , Clinton. -70
1`,XeCU1,0V1s_0f'tbv Estate
, of the late
. Robert Willis will Sell bv public AUC-
NOU on the afternoou, of Wednesday,
Nar'Oh. 15th, on tho pi iax,Vlses th
. c
farm known as Lot 17. Con. 1, ff l_
. lott. The tar,01,9,011tains 73 acrea,
and has on it a frame dwel jug, bank
barn 00x30. small' stable, orchard
.and ,a never failing spiting, It is
oltuated on the Ifuron Road 2 miles
i from Clinton and Six miles, from
Seaforth and will be sold Subject.
to areservoi bid. For jurtherpar-i
ticularo apply to D.. N. Watson
Atictionecil, Clintlart, or Waltiij GI
Willi$ or William Black, F.',xecuturs,
Seaforth, 11.0. ' .
. I
_--___-___, .
. BU,% . lots 12 and 13, con. 9, Hu'lett, are,
CS9 for Sale -4 or sale a beautiful forbidden. Parties. found trespassing,
-residence in Bayfield. The house is will be prosecuted according, to
a two-story .concrete, situated on Paw. -The Owners. Oct. 18th. -51,,
the squalk . There is, a quartor of .
an acre of land ill connection on .
which is, a large barn, Al,00 tile . . .
Livery Business and Stage and '
rroll routes between Bayfield and
Seaforth- and Bruceflel,d. Thowbole Glass' -that -
I es
will be sold tOgcth(-r or ,japarately. . . bealuitifixo'
r 'I
Eyestrain produces,
Apply on the- premiscuor address tihat worn, worried..
. , ;I
11. Little, Bayfleld P.O. I 7di,consented ^ppeAr
1, ..
I . ance which mars) .
: .
. otherwise beautilruk
. , u
We wernove eyestra$vt )
no4.4he disfiguria4c .
wripHles disappear. .....
. .. -
. . 11
, ,
I I.
ling Wcs*r,;r .9teers, Apply -,to T.
44d R. NubAr, VAybeld Road, 09d-
. erich townsbip, Clintga F. O. _4%
. ,
, . .
Ist. Also cooker and fto box
, .
Stoves fousaIL-Apply Prof. Brown..
house,. barn and garden on Ontario
street, Clinton. Apply At house or
Clinton 11. 0. - 0
street, 5 rooms, hard and soft, wat-
er, good gardcm, woodebed, Posses- I
sIon eanbe givonat once.-4-dw. G.
Staribury, London Road-, Clinton
P.O. . . -67
. . -W Z'% I ,
I 7 - I
. I 'KI -71 , r,1W
I I P. Ir
AND IMPLEMENTS. -The under- SEED OATS FOR SALE.-C11010E . - . . .. .
I .
I Signed- has received instructions from seed oAts; for Sale. A Very StIff I .
Mr. John Rath.well to sell b Pub- strawed oat, will yield friom 10 to . .
. I I y
I 140 Atlei-tion, at Lot. 17, Con. 9,.Bab 15 bushels pier acre more than most " ... L .. I
ylon' Ifte, Stanley, on Friday, , varieties a.9 the hdads are very ?argo . ... 11 I
* . I 1 1 .
March 117th, at I o'clock p.m. the averaging ote-third more oats per . I . . .
following ; 11orses-1. road ware 10 head ttau 111,06b variet40, Price I ,-- - 1 I - , .
yeam, in foal, to Wilksham, i filly 40 centsilan bushel. John Vodden, L . — I . ,
8 idoatills old, I road horse 5 yvars Lot ' 32 00A. - A. J. GRIGG
t . $, 1julleft, Londes- . 0'a
do L le. Catt,pa ' boro'P.O. , I - -67-3 . .. I "I i- -*r . .
6 Scclelmtific JeWelor
. *broke single arid ob _ . . I - . I .. . . -1 i
cows wltdi Cal? at foot, I tow due to . . . end Optician .
. 1. . . I CLIGINTONO ONT. .
calve T'Ylarch 191h, I cow duo to , ,_ 1q; 1 P;l
calve rvlaret- 3rd, I haifer I year old, ,%,I -',ED 0A'TS Ii'OR SALE. -'The un- . I . .
2 spring calves.-, lm,plsjmexlts -J 'dersigned has a limited quantity of C . .
. .
Maxwell iyinder, 6 ft. qut -in good v,,- Bumper King Seed Oats for sale, - ' . I . . . L
I .
pair,' I Masser-lla;rris mower, I one of Rennie's best varieties. I . .- . I .. .
Mrinxi s:"er and cult(tvator combin- Weigh about,. forty pounds to tam I . '
ed, L new , * 1 twelve foot Sharp hay , bushel and perfeetty Clean.. Price .. I
, L
.rake, I lumber wagon, I gravel bpx,. - 45 cents per busliel.-Lorme Tyndall, . . .
.. . , BREALD
I setbobs' k.'ighs, - q Single buggies, 2nd con, lluilett, Clitcra p, o, -"65 . . . . I I .
. 1 democrat, I Portland. Clitkor, I L L . . . . . . . . .
. I . I - -
Chatha,m fanning-rilill, bagger, all . . .. L .. I I I .,
I .
Complete, I hay 'rack, 1 set diamond 0009*0**9**4**6*e9*960*L . .
llavrows, I gang plow, 2 walking. 0 L . January is no i4ore long, I . . . L I
' , .0 *
.plows, J sob double harilms- 2 set e - . I . I .Many a friend has died and gone; . I .
. I
Single harness, 2.set doubletroes =d 0 1 : Be a good judge,. wh6ttgr man o.r . .
Uee k yokes, I kitchen cupboard 0 'Wife, . - . .L. . . .
P 0 . . . I . .
bedstoads, 2coal stovd, sell fecder ..: LENT ' I . , L
. . I , 0 L .. . . : Buy I'Agnew's'Bread'! and prolohg L .
I gasbline 41tovc ,new, .1 L L . 1.
. t _ .-Daisy 0 . . . 0. L I Your life.. ' I . . _.
. .
chilint I giC*nd Stone, I -wbeelbar- '0 ----- _--:_ -_ . . . . L . I
. I . , 40 - . . L L.. I . L .
row, 1 -sap -kettle, forks, shovels, * 0 . .. .. . . : a. . I - . 11 I . I ... . . ..
. . I I . .
-spades . and other . . articies too L num- * If any p6son asks us for the 9 . I . . . .
L L 0 42 PHONE 42 , L I .
crous to menlAon,; a Lquantitv of good : loan'oiour little hatchet, .,We e 1. . . ... .
. .,
'bay, E'verything will.bei sold with- 0, I . 0, . .
. -
out roserve as ill hav6 to tell them it -is lent, 0 . L
. . the ptoprictor cis 0 w . .. .. . I W . ni
0 . , Agnew
leaving the farm. Tefins of Sale: * 0 and during the- season we 'Will :- L L
All sum.9 of $10 and under,. -cash; on 40 -Ci KES, PASTRY.' AND WEDDING ' , .
. 0 keep a'.'6omplete .supply of, : .
over that amount 8 months credlb 0 . 11 . , I . 0 1 1 CAKES..A sPECIALTY. ;' ' . .
. ..
will be given on furnishing approv- 6 FRESI- FISH as follows, . . . 1. I . . .
I , " .* . . . . .. .
ed joint notes. * 5 ,percent. per, an- 0 ,. I I 'O I . I . . .. . .
num discount on all .eredW arrounts. * . . 0 . . . . . ,%. - - -
. Hay to be. strictly casli. John -: Illi"Rum... . . . . 0 . a " L
. . .. 0. M ft ID. L ,
Rathwell, Proprietor; Thoa. Brown, L' . . 0 .
it.uctionaer. . I .1 : HALIBUT . * I L. I - .
I , . . .0 I
I I ., .. . & . . . , I . * -11. I .
. . . . . .
. I . . _. 46. .11 .1 1. 0 . L
. * . A ., E f#* "" .
. . . . . 7 -_ . fil lArHITH VISA 0 1 ' ..., .
. . . . .. I I . .6 .. . L '"' ; 1. - . I L .
- .
. . L .
I I L I .
. L ' L .0, L VIODFISH
. 0 - I I . L O' ' wl ,
underakgried his Iiaceived Instructions . . - -CORN ON .. _JIC HL'WE WILL,":, : L
. . .
. . . 0 .
. from Air. George Cochrane .tIo' sell e . 7 SA.LbION TROUT . : :,. - QUOTE ,A VERY CLOSE' 1. . L
. . . . - I .
'by Public.Auct.ion at Lot 17, .. con. 0 - . . . . ! I. . . .. . I . . . 0. L - PRIC 'E!, IN I TON-. LOTS. L. .- .. .. I .. . I
I . . . a. .1 . 1 6 . .. . I - . . .. . . .
1, Hullett'(Stapl et on) on Wednes- 0 - '--_1eW__% I—- ... - __ 0 , - . . . . ..
I . I L . .
day,L March, 15bli; 019.30 o'clock p. 'O I L. . . L 11 2'.. . . .0 Any quantilly of Brari, Short's afid ', ,' . I
. M. . the folio L ' - I .0 . . . I., 6 ' otaller Fee(W alwa on hand. - - I
wing '. I -MT vy- dm'ugbt I .., . I - 0 . . YS , I I , .
horse rising 5 years, I heavy : *, .gfiest . iffiarket price paid for alt. ' _ . L .
draught zriara rising. 6, I dillvery ris- 0 We T," 07NEIL',v: 11' . , - . . .
. . . I AD . Grain. . .,.. .' : . . . .. . . .
. * 0 . . I . . I .. - . . .
Ing , 1 -.cow risirig,5 yearaj A to 0 . . . . . - I . .
. .
. I ; , I ..
I . . ry Y : : 01i I .1 % .
calve April Ist, ' I cow rising * 4L ' 6 ,,the Hub aroc 7 0 - - Le 8 U ITTERL, 0 . .
. ycian, due to cal C May Ist, I far-' '* . . . . . 1. . I . ' . I . . . . . .
. ., 0 . , I . % - . : . I . . I . . ' .
roW cow,supposud.t6b6 in calf, - . : I Telephone' 'n " tlm. P.,LEVATOR . .
I. ' * : . I I . . . . .. . I . : .
cow rising 3L years, suppesed to bo .0, ... . . . . . ' - . . I I
. L
. In ,dalf, 2 heiters ilisdng 2 years I 0 0 0 69 * *9 e olos e a * * 0 oijoe 0 . . : CLINTON ' ' . I . . I I
. L . . . I . . . . I . .. 1-1 L
steer - I year old, 2 hoiftrs 9. months I--- - L i I . .
. I ____ -
old, -2. steers 8 inclitils'aXY, .1 brood .. L. L . . 1 7 - . — , -_ .1 . 1. ... .
t . I 1: 1. . . L s ___ W .
L .*ow 111i, p1g,to farro:w abou't lst May I_: . . .. I . . . . .
I . .
I .set team hxft,ness, tea.inly ji(tw, 2 . , '. . . . .1 I . I I . "I
. . . I
' , . L
. .Mts .Single harness, 'nearly -new, . I . . ,. . 0 . . . I
. . . I .
wagon, lWarly new,- I set.- boliSleigh% I . . .our. S P e, cials - . . . . L .
h-firly now, 1. . olitt.or nL_a1JJy new, 2' , . ._. I oft . . . . I . I .1. I - : . . I . . I
good*. Buffalo robo.i, new, 2 bugglies, . . . . . . L. . . 4 . . . . I . -
. . : . . . . I I ..
. . L . .
I L" I .
"IFIVeS . .
.. . .ter sleelroller, licarlyfiew, . . , , , . I I L . - . . .
L .
1: "i"y2vest,ir Il ft steol rake for, - , . . .ATUL , I
2 hokns.ne . arly . - now, 1! Frost; ..' % I I .... I . . . I . . . 1. L I . - .. . 1. .. . . . 1, ... .. . I
I -1. I . . . . . .
I , . .. . . . .
I Wood. moLwer 5-ft:cut,* nearly new, I I . . . . I . . . . . L . . . . I . . L I I
. _)St. & L . .
Fo, Wood twlii plow with eoul Our 6 and 10 cent windows Were, such a * huge . .
I . . I success . .
. ters, nearly new, I No 21'Fluery . , that we have decided to doutinUe theL ' . .... . I .. :
. plow, ncarIv now, I set . disc bar- I . . - week.. - I- eame - 1. . I . .
. . . . . . foranother L . . .- . I
: rows, 14Ldisc, Deering make, neavily ' * . . . I . .. . I . . 1. 1. . . . . . . . . ..
new, 1 12 -hoed Alassey-Harris drill, ..' .1 I . . .. . .
' ' . .. . . .
. I I L
1 . , set - - of iron - harrows . . I . L . . . . L I
. . .
. . . . .
I 20 -foot laddelli 4 Do- Laxal cream - - * . . I . . 1. . __ v L
separator, capa6ltyL-300 I,b,9,,nvatIv . . I I . . . .
I . I
n(IW,L Our EXTRA SPECIAL will be I. .
:'Uaisy.churn, I car, linoand I . I . . I
slings, .v quantity of.hay,forks, . ' - . . . .1 . . I ..
, i ' . .
I sriovels, . spades, whiffletrees, neck. 20 (4ranite Dippers, .regular 256 *for 6nly 1_0 L vent&L . I L 1. L .
I yokes and other articles to6 numer- . . . . . ''I I I . . - ...
. .
ou.9 -to! mention. Elverything will bu I . . . I . . - . . . . . . . I
sold .without reserve as the proptle- .. , 1. ,,,, . i . . I I .. 11 ....
ttor is giving.up farrnilng, Terms of I . .
Sale, : All suins, of $10 and under, . . L I I -
I casi.i., on over that arnailrit q months . - T,00k for our- chan'ge next week. - 'L I . I
L ..
. . . I
crodit; on fprilighing approved joint . I . . . . . : . .
notes at / percent, sitaight. * Hay I . I . I . I 11 I .. . . I
cash. Oil (be"abovo date MrS. Wil- . . . I
hs will oflet, for salt, the farni con- . . I .
__ M :S LL S .
sisting Of73 at res, Lot 17, Con.1, M -M -&' IROT I I& NT, -IRC) , .
Itulleit, onerrille alido, halt from I . -W * .
C?hi-ton.- There is a, fiTst clasq barn STOVES and HARDWARE I
15006,' witlygood stabling Under1t; I
a good conitor table frame ,house . . . .
,xith. goodeellar; agood youngor- - I I.. I I.. I ""L .. I I . ...... L ". I 1. .11 ' L '' " ,,, I
chard, and never failing well with __ _. I I I . .
- A%i !t_' t , ' L - I I . I 11 L ., Mow
_., . - , . . .. ........ = .
good pump., First claft CIaY loam, I
thd farm iq ,tdaptk,d for either grain . '
or . dairying, clogo to school and - I BARGAINS 1 . .
churches. Will be .qol,d qlibjczt to a . I N ___._.____ - . .
reqctrvo bld., Tords of Sale .' 10 per I" also Od . .
Cent. Of tile purchase money to be , Wall papOr frOM 30 tO 250pol r6l d bnndks.
paid down on day of's;ale, balanct to ffLeavy Rubbers 10 percent. ofrboth men's and boys L
suit purclhas0r. llo.qsmstoa .14 Ap_ L . Men's ttnd Boys'leady-Made Suits 10 percent. Oft* .
rIL - Title indispittable. Georgo Oic Prints 10c. I
. Cochrane, Peoprietoo ; D. N. vat- . '
-. . I .
son, Auction"r. . cann'dian ,011 - 10c per gallon, American 14050. -
. . ;I- . Butter 20c. Eggs 20e, .
. I
. . . I . I a ..
AND IM14,10MENTS on b,)t, 88,
,eon. 10, Goderich tomilg1kip, on J6
I Maxoti 17th'—wim Cole, —10
. . I . .. . I .
....'... . __.. I I I I—— . "..
— ______
E, Harwell, "E"E11,11
I I MENOMW t1r1la
-.:.41_ a-, i;,. .
1 ,
I/ .