HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1911-03-09, Page 4•t•
'Clint�n Nevan.Record
March 9th, 1911
London. Road
tL* m Clara Erwin, Berlin, while on
rates way to Visit at her bones in
aitetyfitild, was the guest of Miss Ti.
•Nott this week.
Mte Jobe Wise lost a horse last
seeeelt with lock -Saw.
Mr. Byron 'Waldron and Miss Wal -
;Iron vieited Huron Road friends on
, Revs Ford and Or Isne of Wesley
telench, Clinton, called on friends on
.-Sks Iboad on Tuesday.
Mies Ruby Wise v,sited with Miss
3Iarjory Manntog Se Clinton aver the
seek end.
Tobuy your
during our sale 'days.
-See last week's paper for
list of Small Ware
Varie. .
. .. Sioddart, . .
, . •3rd—Beey1 Huck. • •
' • Sr. 2nde-Gracie Tebbutt, Joy Lobb,
S• . • MOrgan Jones, Olive Stoddart, .
. ore Jr. aranid. —:.n.i(iinilIdgraerrciStoddart.are.yFord, •
•. • . . Jr. Pt. and—Marlton .Jones
alesil"1110. 1\1- - - Pt. 1 -Roy Easome • s ••
.Phillipe, Teacher.
. .
Coderich TOWrishIP
Me. 410410 Ceske StritiOrd•
spent' a few daye at tbe home of Mr.
and Mis. James • Mose. •
4iSSOS K. Campbell and K. Perdue
visited Misses Beatrice and Esther
Mese last weele •
Mr. Isesd. Stirling had a wood
on Monday. It is Fred's intention to
keep his friends warm when they call
upon him.
Mr. James Mose had a vers- suecess-
ful wood -bee cn Friday last;
NEss Jean Hasler qf Parkhill visit-
ed her sist i, irs. James Mose, the
past week.
Mr.and Mrs. R..1. Clue' of Clinton
spent •Sunday as the guests of Me. and
ars. Jae Cluff of the Bayfield Line.
The A. Y. P. A. of St. James'.
church int and holding a concert on
Friday evening. A good program is
Mr. Chas. Tebbutitleft this week for
Guelph wbere • he 'Steeds taking a
course in the 0. A.
Mr. Beet Millao of Goderich spent.
Sunday under the parental roof.
"A Reader" Writes to The' News-
Recotd as fellows :-• "Vandah'em in
Goderich Township:-DLUing the pr -
cot - winter there hae•been a' system-
atic cutting • down of timber trees
throughout this township by coon and
hooey hunters. A kw of those • who
hare' lost - trete aro. : Thomas Gin,
George Lo.mpry, Ws Wilson, Charioe
Whitely, Ben Pearson, Jas. Connolly,
F. T. Walter, Wm.. Gould, Fred Ford,
Councillor Yeo end others. These
trees were not saplings, but .esme of
the finest trees in the bush many of
them worth forty of fifty dollars.The
.partit&. who ct;t most of thein .•are
Well known sportsnien.; have admitt-
ed an some 'eases ; and in other cases
there is enough .proof against them to
convict then. The .mattet • is at -pre-
seat taking shone and it is to be hop -
e4 ths guilty partice will be hroUght
o justice for no man's :proaerty e is
safe with such deeds left unpunished."
Miss Gertrude. Oakes opent hist week
with friends near liolinesvilleS • •
Mrs. -Wn. II. Ball of Summerhill re-
turned home•last••week from Goderiele
where she has' teen sinee the d'eath of
her mother.. • • .
• MP.. Walters Rathwell has solS his
faxen • on, the bay.ne:d Line • to Itis bro-
thsr ISaa.e. Weleer intends going v. est
in the.epieng. • •: •
The NewesIto:ord leads for news. -
The • following Is • the report of . S.
S. No. 4, 11 oderith .-toWnsinp -fee . the
month of February. s
5th • • Class-silefold Lowery.
Sr. 4th—Mae Sibelair; Isabel sin-
clair, Eeneet Metes:linos, •Lulu • 'Verb,
Frank .Lobb. . ..• • ' : •• •
' 4th—Everett • •owert Iferinht
Mr. Forbes wears a Smiling 'face
thesedays, the stork having arrie'ed.
on Friday and left a. baby .girl.
M. Thia Scarlett, who is atten4ing
Clinton Business College, spent the
week .end at Mr. Tyner's.
-Miss Noble of Clinton•and Mies Bell
of Westfield vizlited at Mrs. R. Goys
lees, Peet. week.
Mre. Medd mid -Mist* Moro:son of
Constance via'teel with Mr. and Mrs.
William Lawson last week.
A. very successful Guild meeting
was hold at the home of Mrs. William
Lewson. on. Friday. The next meeting
ie to be at Mrs. W. J. Marion's.
Miss Phillips visited at Mr. Tyner's
one day last wen.
Mr. Wm. Lawson of the 7th con. has
sold a thrce-year-old gelding for $250
and made another -sale for $220. The
purchaser in ,both eases was Mr. Rob-
ert Watkins who has taken posseesion
of the Tbornton. Wallace farm. Mr.
Watkine believes in starting to work
with a first-class team and in purchas-
ing keen M. Lawson. he had the sat-
is:action of knowing that he bought
from a good judge of a hors.'.
The following is the report .of - S.
S. No. 12 for the month of February:
• Sr. 4141 7 Etta Marten, Willie
Towashend; Edith Harvey.
Jr. 4th—Alvin Townshend, Seeord
Marion, Ethel Rath, Bert.. Beacom.
Sr. 3rd—Mabel. Harvey,. Tecate Mar-
quis, • Floreece Lawsen, Fanuy Lov-
ett., Neville- Forbes,. Calvin, Lovett.
• Jr. 3rd—Olive Wright,, May San-
lile, Mair, Jean Lindsay.
Sr. and—Mervyn Farquhar, Wilson
Jr. 2nd7Cora Jervis, Dorothy Mar-
quis, Flea: Johnston, James •Johe-
ston. • • •
Sr. Peet:and—Mary Wright, Bessie
Lindsay, Jame Towrishend. •
Part lst— Nellie -13eacom,j Eddie
Johnston, IltIda Forbes. :
- 11: Es Teacher, •
Tho News -Record leads for .Sumseers
hill news.
1111/111.1111111.11111.11MIMMIIIIIIINEMIM '
500 yards pure wool Dress Goods. in all good.shad
es 44" to 46" wide, regular 65 and 75c, Saturday price.
300 yards of all wool dress pc:Kis in all good shad-
es, brown, grey, green, red, wisteria, new king blue
and blank, width 48 to 54", regular 75e, 85c and.90c,
. Saturday price 55c. • '
Now is the time to save rrioney on a new spring dress
The New Embroideries are in
for Spring
This store Embroideries for 1911 hold to' the same
high standard, of traste'a8d distinction as has ever been
the rule here. Hundreds of dollars worth have arriv-
ed this wook all ready. for spring sewing New Cam-
bric Embroideries, new Cambric corset cover Embroid-
eries,new Cambric Insertions, new Cambric Flouncings,
new 13andings and new 13eadinge. Prices 20c,.25c, 30c.
Choosing' first is choosing the best.
Just in this, Week.
New Art Sateens
" Coin Spot Muslins
" Madras
Dior Panels
Dimities •
Dress Muslins
Prints ,
New Art Muslins
" Dotted Swiss Muslins
Lace Curtains
I t
• Make this store your headquarters for your spring •
Death came with startling sudden-
ness to Mrs. 'I'. C's. Pickard al • the
home of her sen on Sunday morning
last.. The deceased lady, who • has
for • some time past made ber • homo
with her daughter, Mr: . Claude Ststelr-
er. -in Winnipeg had . come Up from
• Baufield
A bundle of NewseReccirele sent from
Clinton last Thursday reached Day
field Saturday. Good mail service,
isn't it 1
At a meeting of the village coupon
on Monday evening a resolution was
passed offering a reward of ten dol-
lars to the person who. will give in-
fosnation that will lead to the con-
viction of the party or parties who
destroyed a number of largo shade
trees on Keith Crescent near the Eng-
lish chureb. Should the party be
'cleated a few inoaths' confinement be-
hind the bars would pot be too good
Rev. Mr. Laing of Wyolning occupied
the pulpit of St. Andrew's church on
Sunday last.
Loaden on Saturday evening • on
a. • visite She chatted with her son
and his wife unveiling retiring about
half past. ten in bees usual health. On
Sunday .mcrning,• not leasing .any
sound from her room, they 'vent' in, to
feel her halt dressed, lying across the
bed uuite dead. Death was due, :the
doctor said, to the bursting of ea
blood vessel, in her head.. •
Mrs, Pickard, whose maiden name
was Mary Cantelon, was the may
child: of the late William Cantelon,
one of the earlysettlers in Goderich
townsibip, and a Mete of Nre Geo.
• Canteloh, Sr.; who is the only surviv-
ing member of the original family of
whomethere were seven brothers. In
early womanhood she was married to
Mr. T. C.. Pickard, who kedeceased
her ten years. For years they farm-
• ed on the place• noW oecupied by', Mr.
Ezra Pickard, and:there they reared
their • family, six of whom survive.
They are : Mrs. J. W. ITuntes of
Northville, South Dakata, Mss.
Cratide Fisher,' •••tVinnipeg, Mrs. J.
ft. W. -MeRoberts,• London, . Eioa
an. the Pickard homestead,. Will or the
Old Cantelon homestead, which' he in -
heti tecl frons•his grandfather, and RPS
of London. . • • , .
On leaving Alie lams to their. son
Mr, and Mrs. Pickard moved into the
vilage and lived retire': for .a thee.
Since the death of her husband,. Mrs.
Pickard •Isas spent her- time with her
children, a gpod part•of it in Winni-
peg. •
It is a curious fact that Mts. Pick-
ard died upon the farm on which she
Was horn and spent. all tier girlhoect
Its the.aut•umn she started to visit
her family,' She spent some time
With • her daughter in Dakota, •also
with another daughter in London and
had just come to Holneesvi/110 to visit
her sons before returning. withher
daughter, who liad Spent the • winter
in Toronto, to Winnipeg. She talked
to her son Ezra over the phone on
Saturday evening and .went to bed
with the expectation of seeing then'
all on Sunday. She had not com-
plained of not behig. well and her
death was entirely enexpeeted.
Mess Pickard was a woman of cheis-
ful and active temperment. She was
a member.of the Methodist chussei ars
during • her life hues always Leek an
active interest in all work in cc thee -
tion with it. And even since loeving
here, wherever she was she toned
work to do and .did it cheerfull-,. en,1
gladly. A •good mother, „sad
friend, her death leaves a thialt which
will be hard to fill.
The funeral took place on Tureelaw
afternoon to Clinton cemetery, eke.:
her teenaine were laid besiee those of
hes husband, hurt pare Its 401d a son,
who died some years ago. •Rev, T. R
Snowden, assisted 'be Rev. J. GeSene
of Clinton, conducted the service at the
house' a'nd geavesidO. • All the, chil-
dren, with the exesetion of Ire. Hen -
tor. weie! present at the fueeral, The
pallbearers were old friends and as-
sociate in theechurch ; Messrs. Win.
Stanley, .1. W. Yoe, Thos. Potter, A.
Huller, Robert Cox and A. J. Cour-
tice. •
Coderich Township
Mr, Thos. Mairs sold a pair of colts
for a big Priee last week.
Miss Irene Millar, a student an the
Clint& Ca.,. was a .tnest over Sun-
day at her friend, Miss R. Manning.
AlPs- rennet arid daughter took
charge at the Myth Telephond Uora.
pony central office March 1st,
Mr. Thomas Sanderson, who has
spent the winter with his parents in
th' vtlIae, reterned to his home in
th.' west on Monday. .
Mr. John. Little of Clinton was the
guest of his brother, Mr. 11. 'Little, a
few days the past week.
Mr. Geoee;e Sandeeson of Toronto
was th:, guest of his parents, Mr. and
Mre. Thomas Sanderson, a few days
the past week.
Messre. Robert McMurray and' D.
C. Galbraith attended the meeting of
the ;Orange Grand Lodge • of 'Western
Ontario at Barrie this week.
Mrs. J. Newcombe of Goderich call-
ed on friends in the -village on . Sue-
des on her way to visite friends on the
Simile Line, Stanley.
• On Wednesday evening of last woes
a jolly party from •the .village drove
out to the home of Mr. GOO. Arm-
strong, t'he Goshen bine, and gave
them a surprises The •company was
hospitably 'received and tho evening
pleasantly spent in games, dancing,
etc., followed be .ct dainty lunch. • The
party did not break up until the smell
haulm. of tho morning when all return-
ed home aftes thoroughly enjoying t'he
Arrah go on yer only .foolin.' Sur.'
its not foplin' we are. This is the
sivInth Irish social barrin ono we've
held and: bo watebin' out. Jist if :it
aint' the Vent. If the ladies and gin-
tlemeri wi?). just be takin' their way
up to St. Andrew's church on the
night of St. Patrick's 1)ay, 'March
the 17th. Sure you will be af-ter
hearin' an illigant pregran1 of. Ail
swatest music of the ould. sod and
along wid reailine and eziakine sure
eviry enc will be played to be. Irish
for a' few home. We will also be
after yiz a foine cup of tay
and the usual refreshments for the
small sum ot fifteen. cents. --.Coni..
• • •
Stanleg Town.shIp..
Htifiett Township,
•'Still more Iruilett news ete Page l$.
. mr. Alex. MeEwing, who has. a
large maple bush and uech spring
Metres a quantity of syrup, has pur-
chased .an twaporator and is making
preparations for a big red
Mr. John Jackson leaves ca Mon-
day with as carload of settler's eVects:
for his western, land. We wish him
a safe journey.
Mr. John Reid left en Thursday
with a carload of horses for the wesib.
John. is the kind of fellow we hate to
see teasing our neighborhood. Ile
expects to be back soon to renia!n at
Mrs. Jas. Leiper has been. suffering
from blood poisoning in the hand. We
are glad to learn there is now no
Mrs. •Gavin Hamilton bas also been
a victim to the grippe, but is recov-
Tenders have been received for a
new school at Bandon and prepara-
tions arct being made for building in
the summer, The ratepayers in the
section are not fully agreed as to the
site. Those to the .north want the
school moved to the contee of the sec-
tion which takes the school to the
mr. Win. Vodden leaves on Monday
from Blyth with a caeload of settler's
effects for his homestead In. central
Mr. Nathaniat Saundercock moved
his effects last wtek to his new' home
in Blyth. The farm was purchased
by Mr. Watson, who takes possession
at once.
. .
A meeting' ot the ratepayers of U.
S. S. No. 9,•.131ake, is ealled for Fri-
day evening at 7 ' o'clock p, se t'o
consider the proposition of a nee,'
sehool. The old building needs '' so
Much repairs ',than the inspector • has
ordered a new one for. 19.12. Every.
supporter cif the school should be pre -
Sent. •
The many friends of Mark Drysdale.
of Hensall • will be pleased to learn
that he has launched into the hard-
ware businefs, in comPany•with Js.
Bouffiton, •the undertaker cf that
town. We wish them snccess.,• Mr,
II, J DrySdale, the boot; . and shoe.
man, who suffered loss by fire, has de-
cided to 'open up again, this time on
the • south • side of the street in the
Paris block:
• Mr. A. Logan of Ifillsgreen has se-
cured the eereion. of Jacob Bream -
Jean of Blake for a term' of months.
Mr. J. A. Manse'? has engaged Er-
nst Denomy for the sun -mien' • Hired
help ise eery scarce and very high. .
Aesuseor Stogdill has about cora-
pleted his rounds for anoth t: year.
The' swamp these days is like a bee-
hive with workers.' It is said •that
there are some who can't• got enough
on their own strip and take what
suits .thein from•other strips. or •• oft
t'he cut Wes. We hope. this is not' the
case. . •
and Mrs. .0...S.:Howard visited
Motels in Centralia over, the week
end. •
• Some of. the roads in the south part
of the township .are not .insgood shape
there being settles, • sleighing • nor
Inspector Tom called on S. S. Nes.
5 and 9 recently and found everything
in first-class °Hee. 1k has ' Ordered
a new school -for 131ake.
• The following is the report of S.
S. No. 9 for the Month of February :
Sr. 4th—P. McBride,' 0, Nicholson,
M. J. Meyees,
3rd—L. Manson, E. Moyer, (I;
Jr. 3rd• -•,1 . Finlay, C. Zoete, N.
.2nd—W. J. Manson, E. Finlay,.
A. Zapfee.
Jr.2nd—A. Kenzie?, F. Moyer, 11
Part Sr. Myer, S. Erb,
Part 2nd Jr.—II. Moyer,
e -G. S. flawaiti, Teacher.
Mr. Willianv Douglas 'was in•Londoe
last week atteuding the funeral of an
• St. Helens.
Mr. W. J. Todd, who has been vary
• ill with pneumonia is recovoring, we
are pleased to*say.
Mrs. William Woods Is visiting her
daughter, Mrs. Japes Irwin, m the
2nd eon. of Kinlose.
Mr. Pratt, who has been visiting,
at the home a Mr. Thomas
foe a time, has departed; for hia hono
in Saskatchewan.
Mr,• Alex. Grant, who has been
employed by Mr. Abe Durairt, moved
down near London last wt.**.
Durnin Phillips of the Goderieb,
Collegiate spent Sunday under the
paretitaP roof.
M. Case MeAllister hae engaged tor.
the SlunTher with Mn. Prank Todd and
has moved into the Muse vacated by
Mr Phillips Sr., who has moved foto
the house acro tram taw Proubytet.
Jan tbureb.
Mr. Walter Cunningham moved his
family and efforts from Blyth, where.
they have spent the last couple of
months, after returning feeni the
west, to the fatm he has purchased on
the Stith oon. from Mr. J. C. Henry
Mr.Ounainghame lived an this farm
thirty-five years ago. We -welcome
them back to the township
Mr. Lorne Tyndall sold a teau of
thres-year-olds Past week to Mr. Mil-
ler -Adams for the neat sum of' $4,80, a
fairly profitabh pece, one would im-
• agine, even In these days of .keea de-
mand for such a class of stock as Mr.
Tyndall handles: • Mee Tyndall 'also
disposocl of a 'carload of cattle for tho
big market, Past week.
On Thursday last Messrs. John
Scotts Robert Hamilton and Wm.
Stewart deliveked t'o Mr. Jacob, .a
Montesal buyer, .at Seaforth, .three nt
as fine horees as have left this neigh-
borhood for some time. In - weight
ey ould average about serenteea
hundred lbs. each. And we under-
stand they brought over three' hund-
red dollar each. It •risirtainly pays
to ck'al in the riglet kind. •
A Severe Case
Of Neuralgia.
'. • PINK PILLS. . •
There' is an excellent reason why
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills leave cured
the most. severe .cases. of. neuralgia,
sciatica, and 'other -complaitits in, the
group that are known as . disorders of
the netwese This gronp also includes.
sf. Vitus dance and • paralysis, •and
the common state of extreme' nerv-
ousness'. and exciteability. . Each of
these complaints exist because there
is something • • the mates with the
nervous sYstenr. . If the nerves have
tone— are .ettrozig and healthy, you
will not have any of these complaints.
The reasons Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
mire norvous disorders is that they
restore, weak, • run-down, nerves to
theist proper. state of long. they act
both directly- upon the nerves and on
the • blood supply.. The highest ,Medi-
cal authoritin have noted that nery-
ous teaubles generally attack, people
who are bloodlees and thatthe nerv-
es are toiled whoa the blood supply is
rent -Wed. It is thus •. seen that . : Dr.
..pink Pills. cure •nefvoue.dis-
orders by curing the. cause of ' the.
Mre.J. C: Adams of Noreis Lake,
Man., wiites : "1 arn writing you at
my husband's requeet•to let you know
the great benc'fit Dr. Williams! Pink
PON have been to him. Ire is a riv-
ers driver and therefore much exposed
to all kinds of weather and. wetting.
As a result he had an attack of rheu-
matism, and tlen to add tO his misery
a severe. type of neuralgia set in, lo-
cating on the left, side of the face and
causing him such terrible pain . that
it would &eve him almost wild. •He
was treated by Several doctors, and
amity went to Winnipeg, where they
blistered his head and applied hot
plasters which •really oly a,c1cled more
to his n.,:sery, and he returned •home
still mimed. In this way he suffered
for ,nearly six yeare, trying all sorts
of medicine, but, never finding ii mire.
One day while he Was suffering I
went to a store to got•a liniment, but
they did not have the kind I wante1,.
and the stoeskeeper asked me • what
I wankel it for. 1 told him about my
husband and how he suffered, and he
plactil a bore 01 Drs Williams' Pink
Pills on the counter saynig, " Take
my advice, this is what vole. husband
should taket" 1 took the Pills home
with me and my huaband atantod tak-
ing them, I atm not sure how' many
boxes ht t took, but one thing is cer-
tain, they completely cured him, and
he has nem site° had a .touch of
those torturing pains. You can tell
how tonal ho suffered when 1 say
that the hair ,an the side of hie head
in 'Which the pain was located turned
quite grey. It leeks odd but • he
mists it does not rnattet since tfie pain
is gone, 1 belleeve he would not have
been living now had Dr. Williston'
Pink Pillnot .custad those. terrible
pains, and you may bo sure we grata.
fully recOrmitend them to All our
friends and all suliering ones."
8:oldby. alt partorial
bobv ITesft
4ti at
t2.60 from Tho Dr. Williams' WO -
dna 'CoMpariy, Drotkville, Ont.
Oki° $11ks.
This very po.puiar and dressy material b al—
ready finding a brisk sale, because they
have such a smart and dainty appear-
ance and yet so inexpensive that
they are well within the reach
of all, They come in self
colors both plain and
figured. The shades
comprised of black
navy Alice, sky
resida, rose
and pink,
See our specials in 50 inch all wool pan -
anus at 50 and 750 per yd.
• Serges all wool, black and colors, 50 in
wide at 50c, 75c and $1.00 per yd.
We have just added a very large ship—
ment of flouncing embroideries 20, 27 and 45
inch goods, also trimmings, insertions, strap -
pings, corset coverings, etc in good variety.
Ladies si11 find it a veritable pleasure to exant-
100 these goods and prices whether they want to
buy or not, •
We show a splendid line of Victoria and
• linen lawns; nai•nsooks ca.mbries, madapolana,
Canadian and imported cottons, bleached •lin-
• ens, linons Indian Head and. in great variety,
15 le 30 PER CENT,. CUT
My Stock of Carpets and Rugs is too large and
In order' to reduce it I will give i discount of
from 15 to 30 percent Read this partial list.
• Union Rugs 3 x 3S
Tapestry" 3x3
" " .3 x 4
• 44 714 3 x 4
.•• '" " 3x4
• .1{{ 3z
"my 31
wool " r3 x 4
. Velvet "' 3 x 4
• • Wilton " 3 x 3,S•
for $5.75 reg price $8.00
for .7.75 4` • 9.50
for 8.00 " 12.00
for 10.50 " 14,50
for 12.50 " 16,50
for 16 00 " 2000.,
at 30 percent. discount.
I must move them out if
price will do it. •
for $22.50 reg price $29.00 Are Beauties
for 22.50 •" 29.00 Best Quality
We are selling our 4 yds linoleums at the old price while our pres-
ent stock lasts. We have 12 different patterns to select from.
Mattresses 20 percent. discount,
• Bed Springs reg $3.00 for $2 50,
Iron Beds prices rangefrom $2.75 to $20.00 each.
We have a very large and well assorted stock of
all kinds of Furniture and if you want your dollars to
do some close financing for you, do your buying at
our store for the rext 30 days, starting from
1st JVIARCI-1 up to 2nd day of APRIL
Your money cheerfully refunded if goods. are not
satisfactory, all purchases must be cash at the sloughtered prices. •
It will be only a pleasure to showyou through
our immense etock. We are the only store outside a
city showing a complete tlet of furnished rooms. A
visit through will be -a treat for you anyway, even if
yod do not buy.
1 gaod square piano for sale at a snap,
1 " 0 active piano -eased organ for sale cheap.
• 2 gooti second hand sewing machines for sale cheap.
We earry repairs and needles for all makes of machines;
• Repairing and picture framing
neatly and promptly done..
Chairs and .tables rented for parties at
'reasonable rates.
T he Store t r alicer....
of Quality; 0
Phone 20
Furniture Deader and Undertaker