HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1911-03-02, Page 9-•e'r•..,. N,+ .March 2nd, 191B RLJB8.ERS AT FIFTY GENT. -qT iid. Jackson's 1 4444.4. W1 D. FAIR -GO. 1 •. o .,riPir 0 IS PREPARED TO MEET AND SATISFY EVERY REASONABLE O-ECIAND OF ITS PATRONS, CONSIS. TENT WITH GOOD BUSINESS IN •0' 0 .... The present weather renditions force many people into the purchase of Rubber" Shoes which would he gladly avoided if at alt .possible and it ie our aim to assist in ,making that purchase as easy ,as,we can as regards the .price. LADIES', RUBBERS sec Gentlernens 7sc We are offering Ladies' Rubbers at 00c and gentlewens' at 70e and While these are not tha best quantities rade+they are good en. ough,to finish the :season with, Our very beet qualities sell at 75e'for ladies and $1.00 for men. They are guaranteed to be the beet that are made. You will find among our leather' lines equally good'values in all .departments,. Repairs While Your mosemom FRED:'‘JACKSON ii Traveller's Sample 0 77" M Pa. Q 0 13., Tr s In lien's and Boys' At Less:Than - Manufacture's Prices. A few days ago ' w.ewere fortunate enough to secure. first choosing from all the Sample Qpercoats of one of Canada's Lar- • gest Manufacturers at ridiculously low price and rather than carry them over for another season we will -place the entire lot on Sale commencing Saturday :at such wonderfully low prices that a few days must Fee a general clear up :of every`coat. • Remember -- Thisris not a clearing out of undesirables gar.:. meats but a genuine Sacrifice Sale of ap-to.the•minute•goods. Don't fail to see these coats if you need one for'the balance of this winter or are going to. need one for next. SMALL PROFITS PW:M$TE,EL BROS. :MORE BUSINESS i........*********4104****4,************* I • As we are removing from. our ores- eat premises we must reduce our stock and to do so we. have .cut the 'prices. Here are a few of the:. bargains.. for : our customers Ladies' Kid Blucher, regular $3, 25 Sale price... . L Ladies' Kid Bluchers, regular *1'75s I49 and $2. Sale price , MISSES Misses Kid Bluchers, regular $2.00 Sale price ,,: i.G9 Misses Chocolate Bluchers, regulare�' 1.75. Sale price . . I.3 9 Childs' Box Calf and.Kid. Bluchers, r sgular 5L35 and $1.50.. Sale price..... 1.19 Childs' Kid Bluchers, regular. :$1 and $1.10.. Sale price' .75c and - , ■ 90 • RUBBERS Men's Rubbers .815 Ladies' Rubbers ' .50 Misses Storm Rubbers .48. MEN'S • Men's Patent Blucher, regular $•1 and $4.50.. Sale priceU. Men's heavy winter. calf, tan and 4•on black, regular $5. Sade price .. Men's Velour calf, regular 53.50 and t 0 0: $4. Sale price , ..:f t, •. Men's Box Calf, regular $2.50. Sale price .... ■ 98 S. C. It 4 .><. II W E L L 1 1 f iamanemerwinie 4011400••••••••••••••••••,1114114••••••••••••••••••••• N.• J. B Hoover ' k44.5140 t t t t Nelson Bili Our Furniture Sale Affords an opportunity for the thrifty to refurnish ,the whole or part of the house at a splendidany saving, n not.m•� quality,gfadd at the expense of • • For Pa,r�lor, Dinin + g, B�'d. Room or•`.kitchan There are conVieto outfits and single pieces that erre marvels' of inlrnf- • Lure excellence aid economy. F3etter dee them. The Cheapest spat in Huron Count td boy fire 'kinds a y' ;y add of xar'aiture. Hoover & Ba11 t iflt:t1t11;'1''171t10 'n ti/Ni/d.A]. Z'X E 'LBa 1 moat! successful of the Public School, • feMadrtyy. Mr'trGr4oC.allJaecifeecztseoaus, till; 46 4444.114•••••M' 110 '► •11.***4 0.114 "'chars 1» Hast Wawattosh. WALL PAPER s••••••••••.0••••••••44, Often Cheapest - Always the Best •Mtn. T. Jackson Jr,is in Toronto this • week. Mr. W. Brydone was in Toronto this 'week. - Miss Kate Scott left yesten1ay for New York, Mr. J. A. Irwin was in London the beginning of the Week. ' Miss 'Boles has been the guest of Lon- don friends this week. Mies Rose McCaughey is . visiting Blyth and Qoderich friends. Mrs. John Mafiaffy of l:Ifbbert was the guest of M `r. and Mts. Jas, Mah- affy of town lastweek, alt', E, S. Wightman of Broderick, Sask., is visiting at the home 'i f Mr. and Mrs. J. 13. Lindsay. Miss May Rance is almost convales_ cent after a sever.i attack ettonsili tis, her. many .. friends • will . be pleased to hear, Mrs. D. Tiplady is steadily though • slowly recovering from the effect. ' of the stroke of paralysis which she recently suffered. Miss .iaattie .Picket't, who has brine yCsiting at her 'honip in town for the.. . past couple of weeks, returned ,.,to. Toronto on Friday.. Mr.. and Mrs. J. W. Neweombe. -of Fort Willian ;foruierly of Clinton;; Were renowing7 old acquaintances fn . town the .pest week. ' Mr. John -Mills of West Wawanash was. in Clintan'on Satru'i'9ay. delivering a horse which he sold to, Mr, C., J, Wallis for the western' marker, ;i;'lliam tiro r of Melville, : Man., ' has been viditnng''at the .home' of. Mrs. Mill, M ' air, in towtt`and 'al- to with Stanley township' friends. Mr..Arthur McRae, who lias been very seriously ill with congestion of the. lungs is now. thought to be out.. ' of -danger and on the way to recovery. Mi§s Marjorie Manning had the this-• fortune to sprain her ankle theother day and as a cousc'qunacee has been Unable, to'do much tiwalkiee since: Miss Govenlock of Seafot'th, who has been in the west for;some Sime, is ,tipw • the . guest of her sister, Mrs. (Rev.) T. W, Cosens at the Ontario street parsonage. r. W; Dwyer, wito '•has been • :the guest of Mr. and Mrs S. S. Coop- er the past few weeks, left on Tues- day for Toronto: and'uxpects to go. to :W4nnipeg shortly: 4lessrs. Arthur -George and Thomas SfcRae who, carne over front Detroit last been to visit their father, who has been dangerously ill, returned to that city on Saturday. ay. W. IL • and Mrs. • Dunbar left yesterday for f3ervie, their new gar" isle. They art' followed by the good wishes of a host of friends,' in Chit - ton and surround,ng district. iss Mabey . Cantelon has returned. from Toronto where she 'attended the milliner,/ openings.. Miss Can - telon has leased ;the store tel; ent;!y occupied by Mr. 13arge where she will 'conduct her business during the. coming wawa.. r. Roy Last, of the • 'Pilsonburg branch of the Royal bank, carne home Friday night and has sures been suffering from an attack of neasles. Roy's many friends •are hoping that his indisposition will be of shortt: duraelon. ev. W. J. Jollfffe of Lucknow, for- nerly pastor of Vi'eslev church, has been invited to Bolton and has ac- cepted subject"to'the approval of the tationing•conttait'tee: Rev, Geo., CKtttley of Bolton has been invited o LucknoY. The change wilPtake lace 'at the beginning of aero con_ erenee year. Mr. McKinley is an id Stanley a ey tawny tip boy and will e remembered be cd by tinny Clinton cite zees, havingptendad the Collett - t,. hero. . George Wallace of St. ,Augustine as in town on Saturday, having coiner "down to deliver a span of Latched grays which he had oald to i1fr. Alex Mitchell of Stanley, They re a hand5otno parr land as seen as r. Mitchell clapped l an rya on them e'would have them, even if it did eau. parting with a big wad, et the ng green, and he now rather prfd= him:1311 on having 'one of the lin:- it in- t trams on the Bayfield Road, est hew much Mn. Walle.co Paceiv- .for the grays would look w'e'll in Cnt were it not tliat buyers now* ys den't hanker atter giro pub- s M p f 0 b a Mr w n ,a 1t nt to ea • c, J . rd p da . • i r�at $olling Out Sale *b. Dry Goods, Furs,- Carpets and once Furnishings gaimi.gani Many were turned away last Saturday. ' we : simply could• not • � �� This.. t control, but we have.made greater preparation for handling our patrons � . p in fut- ure. Don't think for a moment that all the bar- gai.ns are gone. It take ' s a whole lot of spilling and weeks to do it in, to dispose of a p , stock � as: large as ours. Thousands of bargains ains. be � until � the - sale� isg ....are here � still . and will e over. Here are just a few ' of the many.• STAPLES • 10e prfnte for 8c 120 " 10e. 8c toweling • de • 10e ' .. ": 8c :1210. "' 20c . " . 12c • . • 100 • shirting. , 8c. -1230. , 1.06 12c 140. • 19c ,s 12ic.satteens 10e „•,15c• • " ,,. . 12c . 17e - 19c 1Oc .cottons : Se 121e „ 10e, 15e.. " .12e ..fie 17e `25c Ticking 19c • 8r • flannelette, 6kc. .10c. . " Se 12ic r,0 10c. 25c flannels 40es`\ t• 59c \- if. 60e 1110 30c. 39c, •32e •DRESS GOODS HOSIERY'& GLOVES UNDERWEAR • • •..,Goods in all the nfewand s of weaves reduced as follows; 250 Tress goods : 19e 500 r'•• 300. 45p 599 67e $1.00. .79e $1.225 $1.50 .. $1.22' 05c 1, 75e • I2%c and 15c CARPETS 50c Tap. carpets- 390 60c " 42c 70c 59e 85c " • 69c $1.00 Brussels carpet 790 1.25' .. 98c 1.35 " . $1.05 1.50 1.22 75c Wool carpets 59e 90e " $1.10 " 79c 25c Jap matting 19e 121}c " 10c • 25c hosiery foe 190 35c 290 50e.. " 39c "255e Gloves for 19c 50e• • 390 75e : • '.• 59c $1.00 !' 79e 1.25 ., 1;50. " 22 • CORSETS ' 50e Corsets for 39e 750 ... .. 59e 51.00 98e• 125- " 1.50 • " ' $1.22 • 2,00 f. . 1.02 25c ' Underwear 19e •. .• 35c ,, 290 •: c SOc 75c 51.00 1.25. 1.50 79e 98e $1,22 •: PARASOLS 50e Parasols 39c 75c 59c $1,00 " : 795 1..25 1.50 " $1.22 2.00 " 1.62 3.00 ' " 2;25 DRESS GINGUAMS CLEARING PRICE 9c YARD ALL ULASSES OF LADIES • RUGS $11.50 Tap. rugs $ 8.50 1500' " 11.25 16.50 :. 12.50 18.00 " 15,00 20;00 'Brussels rugs 15,50 22.50 " 17.00 25.00. ": 19..00.. .30:00 Axminster .24.00 LINOLEUCIS 1 yd wide linoleums.1.80 4 •" , 2,20 3 2" 0e LACE'CURTAINS. 500 Lace Curtains 39c 75c " 59e $100 790. 1,25 sr. 9$c 2.50 .. $1 22 1.75 " . 1,32 2.00 ,. 2.25 •4' 1.78 2 50 .. 1.98 2.75 • " 2.23 .48 3 25 «.. 2.75 2.98. 3.23 3.00 3.50 4.00 6 • AND MEN'S FURS SELLING AT ;COST AND LESS. en's. Fur dBovs e. uits ' Now is the time .to buy a .Fur Coat, a New Spring Suit or ...a, 'suit for the boy. During this sale we have marked down -• the price of Clothing, Fur. Coats. and Men's .Hats to .cost. and less.: -Positively no'reserve, come in while the choice is complete, riEN'S FUR COATS ' Men's Coon, Calf, Dog, Gallo way. Larch and Clipped Wombat Coattt altar k e m k d down for quick selling. It will pay yon well to look these 'aver; If you are in- tending 'to buy one next 'year. noesis the ttnte,to save; money, MEN'S SUITS • We have marked dawn all Men's Suits and Overcoats . to selling out prices. We have on. ly been carrying Ready Made Clothing P.o Ma Sheri t time•and all are practically new. Space will not permit us to quote prices but an inspection wilt convince you of their value. BOYS SUITS • o r $vs two and -three piece Putts in worsted and tweed, see- eral atyles to choose from, mark- ed down to prices that should clear therm out quickly so don't be too late in Coming for these. MEN'S HATS. Mens hard and soft .hats in black, brown 'and grey, marked down to the following prices : 52,50 mons hats $1.50 2,00 o, ' 1.25 ' 1,50 " 1,00 1,00 '" .76 .,Y...... ...__• 3 t+ •