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The Clinton News-Record, 1911-03-02, Page 6
it V .0 March 2nd, 1911 1'#0•'*****" $ •**'dl►!******* The Nevus From G(Werich KI. A ELOISE '�' S d7IK1NCIS Correspondent ***#Go* *N***********N**N***********************411, q The Ladies' Auxiliary to the Y. M. i Sirs. Robert Orr has removed to he C A. will meet- on Saturday 1t t -Lu new residence on Elgin Avenue. tomae of Sirs J(;hu Challon.I . 5 Miss !Minnie Nash ,is a guc+st at t), Mr. and Mrs Mcllrien, who h aVe home of her sister, Mrs. Jas. Kut:Mitt vent the past two months in 10%11' 'lilt, funeral of the late Sarah J Vie guests of the latter's ruovil-r, 11Cuot'.n, wife of Mr. Citmge Black Mrs. Montgomery of Ktav strtmt., Icit ; took piatxr on Monday of last wens the first of this were:i for their ra:wh I Rev. :Bark Turnbull conducting to it, the west Any= Brans Shorts .anti . r' sertices. The funeral was private It tile Baptist chwch on Man,41v don for.tlle past fete months, passed. away on the 18th Inst, 111 her 91 .year. 'i'hv pallbearer.- were : Mei';rs. Osiw^alt •••ening a 13 l . P. 1' was funned Sturdy, E. It. Watson, Janus Stew a:til the following offices+; : The remains were brought here.: A number her friendfi art, James Mitchell, Angus Mathes -'resitivilt, James Knuckle. Irs. McC'lymont was devotu;i on aid J. 11. Ifaw•kins. The late Mrs %lice, Arthur Ilopkinst. ! Black was born ill �}and d wan tiecretarv, Walter Marchant. I u),arritd to her now bereft husband it : reaburer, hiss VIcC'011. ►rganist, WaIU-r r 1861. She i:1 survived by three sons W John .darchanto I(leurge , Wallis of town acrd tssistaut, 'Hiss libllnes, f harry of Montreal, who were 1pt.tse>nt Mr. Eugene Dean rt eel Ved a nastt at the font+ral. Mro. Blank tt.0 on his, face, at a r:.v111' hoc•kei. was a devoted member of St. i:,atch. • )Utrrrge's church and was of a cht+arful ala Monday the recenUlp organized and happy disposition. She will hit u h P. M:. will hold an At. llonu much missed by her many friends out - in the lecture room of the Baptist side of hr: immediate family. Many church to which the young pt+aph'sI beautiful flop.il tributes were laid Up- on the casket. ' societits front all the churches will be jjiMr. Will. Donaldson and Miss Katie invited. i Campbell are Visiting friends in this ' Mr. John Kttrnfghan of the stall of township. the Public 1.,:brary has be'tn quite ill IHiss Manning Sundays d at the .and has been R-wovud to the home of : haue of her friend, Miss Irene 1%]illar. his son in Colborne. :der of merit : 5th class iicBeath, rhe fourth enuirtuinmeut under the; - the Y. M. C. lu was given ja thew opera in the opera 1loust' ext Thursday even- i PRETTY WEDDING cattle had been bought for "'�"" ""`'t" "+-�`�' �t isher, Iola Rathwell. o .Ir. ith-.\nna flood, .1. Collins., the squap:. There is a quartmof an acre of land in connection on, ing by ;ties:+::'. C. J. Pink, ,J. 11. . STOVES and I-IA1 lYWARS , rssfe Collins, which is a'large barn. Alixr the cOnsidering the quality, than onThurs, , Sr. i 1h -1I. ilc('lyu)utit, It. \Ic(tly_ Cameron, Ur. IIarvty and Miss 1•.tiza- ht th C.uupbr_1 and was indeed a nit st IN HUILITTenjoyable ant., Ida jtathwell. m,afl routes between Baytibld and ,,,,�,,,,, 'The time hasart'ived whets tire, Best TOWNSHIP. Sr. 3rd—:\. McMitrtrio, I.. Wasinatl, Seaforth and Bi+.icefield. The Whole bntoher'scattleare:sellingfor as in. one. :lir. Cameron is ,Is . Mood, Will bo sold togt'ther or oapaxately, . andinsorne fear instanee mora than' �L� tcl•titty felt 'Chia . • M. � ( � � �"' 1`lrt ^>Cf "tit �. -t t Tr. 3rd -Anna F'ish.tr. ('..Iohnston, Apply on the premix( or arltlrCpss was Paid export Cttttir. „J� . .�,,J lla Thomiscin, I'a hood, (irnc witty and Mr. link sings as r h,.rm- :\ prehty wedding took place on ingly as ever Mie'. Campbell, i\ho Feb. 22n4i at the home of Mr. and Ins a beautifully T.eh contralto \oicc, :firs. William I'atoterson of !fulled!, delighted Vile large audieuca. lir. uhen their eldest daughter, Rachel Reibb gai'c vt'Vta•al well executed piano f felon, was united in the+ holy bo -bo -i -1.4•t ,r,lou he:,Acs accompanying the �iug- of mat'romony to Harold Spr'ime, lilt+ ,•r�;. The program was a delightNI nuptial knot being Ned by till, Rey. .one and arid much enjoyed. It. .l. Bann, pastor of :.if- .', nbai n Thr \1'. C` '1'. i'. hard a A ry s1. c- Prto;h}•terian church. t-';sful social in the Huron block'..t�,t The blide cnte•rod tial, sittolg I, 1,111 Thursday. Pancake's and maple ;)rup ,un the arill of 1wr fatht'r .Inti took µ,is one of t':ie most called -fur thdir.l- heal plac•t• before it bank ( f ,,,t.li_;ieens c,es and were plentifully seri-ed• and flower., She looked c'r,t •nr,: to ill Mr. W. C. Limburner and fanril\• of a dress of creunl Voile with 1',+,clan Tilsonburg now occupy tilt- furni,h•'+l trilnnliug. 11(,nse of Detto•tiVe I'h:,len ort Earl- After the certmmny the gnioii•s Ie- .,nia oad. uR tired to vii, diming r,.,un1 whey,+ a b. The Daughters of t.:lt• 1•:111pirr 1:cid suroptaotts \\edding repast \ens their annual imi,t.ng ,it the eo let spread. nnust• last i\ec1, %hen the elution (it The eel nit" uas spent in 1111.1.;a• ,,/hcri s rt sultc•d as follows : and dancilig. 11o,n. Ilege•nG, Jets. Miledonald. The sifts to til,• ho.dr will e uutler- RA,gent, firs (Dr.) Ta, lor. uta,, and cosily. The irroonl's prc•stnt +t rice llrs. W. L. idiot. u<1s a pearl cel scent End bice, Mrs. (Dr.) (.allow. Only the imnlcil'.ate 140111"i'l; \Ve,t• '�'reasurcr, 3jirv. Jas. C'lar+:i. present.. Aniong the guests from a •1f1xeeutiVe, Mesdantt's It. 13. Smith, distance, were : .lir. and iti, t'11nu- 11'. 1 -ma, (ItcV.) Carrie, O. ('ap• inghame, Brusst,'s : lir. and lII'i. +•y, C. Slack, O. C. Whitely, 1F, Thos. Mullricn, Ripley ; lir. and 11'• .Sault.).firs. Wil?ianl Brown, Lo;; en, i+I,d Ttle daughtt.•rs of thu F::npire had it IMr. and .Mrs. \Cilltam IleC'rostie of very sues{s,•iul year and have ia;1rcd JBelfast. a good deal of mot\(>y which has been 111 The New•.+•Record joins la:ar;+iV ill tie,oted to good and worthy purpose!;. the corigratulatians and good wished \ beautiful silk flag was presented to which are being show•t• ed upon lir. the Boy Scouts, t-wenty-five dollar., and Mrs. Sprung. w -as donat,cxl to the erre Hospital ft,r Ccrnsumptives at Clravenhurst t;nd many other worthy objects were help- Constance. ed. The thanks of the Order, were - �;ivfrn the retiring Rcg;e+nt Mrs. Mack- f Mr. and Jlrs. Jas. Cook Irft on lion - lin, the Stcretary, ':41rs. McKim, and day for Winnipeg where lie has secur- : Treasurer, !Mrs. .Jas. Clark, for thdir rd a good position. I ,•ood work in each of the departments. lir. J. Rands and air. Ifni!. Rands i Mr. J.:\. Fowlit' :tddrsscd ttir and family front Santaluta, Man., left, 1 ,Abrary ,\ssociation in Stratford last, for the west on Tuesday after ;+aeud- i week. lie was accompanied by 1'0st- ing the winter with their parentzi, Mr. I :unster C1a'tr. and Mrs'. I•:d. Rands, and othos' friends. r The ice was carried out from int' Mr. Jos. Cooper left for C lttvoland, 'i ,bore this w-etk, carrying with it the ()Ilio, after spending a couple of I ,,kids and other things used by till(' nlcrnths with his mother, Mrs. Cooper, z rat•n in cutting ilio, also perch nets. :hiss Maggie Macdonald is visibil!g 1 It was well that tilt men were not •,1' her parents at Stafia. 1 work at toile time. hiss Maggie Love of Walton spent a e In the social colurun of a recent. couple of weeks the guest of till. sis_ e :ssutt of a 'Toronto daily w•e noi•'d ter, Jfrs Edwin Britton. s r:ut follo\v:ng : "Mrs. Nurdhcimer's We understand .lir. 11'. 11. Cook has c ,lance at Glen E,lythe was a delight'- engaged .11', Alfred Ilaggitt to help s 'ill one. It was given in honor of hit» in t1he black srilithing. a hwr daughter who with their guu.;t:;, JIr. Jas. Staples of Seaiurtit spent s \fisc Dw}er and hiss Lillian JIacdon" Sunday lir Burst of his tutcle, lir. W. ,o,1 ui (;cxlerich, received with hl,'." Lindsay Mr. and .lir.,. .1 \1. Smilh purpose u Quite a number around here aro suf- w taking a trip to the Pacille Coast aft- Tering from grippe. w rr Kasit r Wv undev.,tand Jlr. John Riley, .Jr., 11 Diss Jtargarct Mcllur.•h} , who is has rt meta the hoose fornrt r!t• occupi- t' in London, England, the gu('st of her Ill b}' Mrs. Wheatley, ST.., ill the Vil- If ,Nter, Lady !!sward, tilt' of+her day Im - v. li ,cnt to er iather, Mr. D. licMurchy., a copy of til,, official program) of till, c tate m<etinc; of Parlianunt on hob. w Promotion Examination. it ,,til, i\hcn King ret,r,ge opvnetl his .irtit Parliament. Tho iiuron llri)i11Utiorl,I,,xamiilatiolls t .\ very quiet wedding tools Placa ill still be held oil April fith, 7th and 11 Wit. .John's church, Detroit+, on Thur.;-luth. 'Mac- Papers will he set for .Jr. 2nd, it 'iay last when Captain MalcI ,I Sr. 2nd, Jr. 3rd, SP. 3rd and Jr. J �donald of Gi,derich and lieleu, dau,gt' fill classes. .ell of Mr. Samuel Bjorklon of 11•tr- East Huron teachers ara r'gnestcd ?rite, Mich , were tinted in marl I i in notify J. 11. Field, Inspector of o Thr• bridesmaid was hiss f,ittlenulre Schools, Godrrich, of the number of 11 f Marquette Mr. Roderick 1Macdo•ut Papp ;'S Berl inn each class as soon 1: ,,ld was groc nlsinan Jir' and ',r, - ;Is possib1bit I. %ledollaid ai'r1\t d in Goderich nn \ friday and i\ill romain some tin;, A the gr win's faulii\ t•IIIII•, h ; los- BOWEL TROUBLE li lits• The nlinlshrs of (letlt:ie•h lair MAKES SICKLY BABIES. It t, nrnttd an a',1Icialion . I1 is co,lrpos- r•i :1 of all the ill ill in t+,Ian ,n IL1' is+,Iwel tr,mble is the caurt• of must h .,,-ti\e work, :Iri,l :lltin illuse on the (If 111'1 ailillents from wll:ch little a :ritreri list Ire !)toga!! \ea': e:crit•d ones sufl'('r When baby's bowels are Pri"'id('nt, fie\ .lir ilamilioll the not \\orkfng 1egnlarlV illness is suto' tl lire anrd R,'\ Jolti Polloel, IW ','t - in appear, hilt when the bowel., aro it F rtlat urer rr,uiar the little oars are usually o Thr funeral if the 1;011 Robert bright, active and happi No otht: c'anlphell took place on Monday of wofficine for babies l.as such good F• last week shed wa•o undrr ill- Iiirrc i fl,•et on tilt- bowels as has Baby's lion of tho I (l O F lie.. t: is own Tablets. They .;lake their action J Rosy conducled the reiigiousl r-'--, regular, swet•ic•n the stomach and fin pallbearers were four song, i\ill- promote good health. Concerning 'tn tam and John of fawn and Dt.nald thenyl Mrs Freeman Ferner of fiarry's . .end Robert of Tonawanda., N )' , a Cornor'r, N K , writes • "I ran Bear- N • ('n -In-law, W T I'ellew, WO a n"- Illy tt comniend Babi-'s Own Tablets phew, William Cam, bell. `f in late for all the iroublo; from whirl► little F, \4r. ('Rmpboll war, a nat'ivr+ of Ood- ones suffer. My baby girl was troub- erich and Spent most df tris 140 rn fed with her bowels and wa^; PA %iTall C' Town in IRRR he wav a; pointer and punv t -thought we would lose hghi+hnuse keeprr and was if?,, WIT- hrr f saw Itnby.'s Own Tabled,, ad- (i Oar owing to Itis unfailing courtesy V,+ iisot{ and began giving them to with the+ c•.,npt,diry and crew; of tilt' her and now site is a big, healthy, •liffrrent craft wlieh entertsi ihr Ibappy baby For this I thank this s3 icarbor ile is survived by four ,,ens Tanlrts, arid I always ktvip them in and three, daughtem : nfr = W.- T, the hnu 1• " The Tablets are sold be I'e41ew and Missftq Mary and ('irriMine medicine dealers or by mail at 25 and William and John, all of tov'n, I eents a bot from fine Dr. Williams' and Imbert and Donald of Tom.-_.. DiAdicine (`o , fJrockvfllee, Ont. I Clinton •Nows*Re ord . 8>oW+' -.Mor> Sl�ala GA'Yo .'�t�It'y....tl�Ifr..sx1iR F(3It .; • • LE Tl@% Alias Trjck trpellt Sunday ander the . Bliss Susl1 AcheuoR .l&visiting XYLE'i LINDSA'Y'�- At the resltlene(a s cdSeed �raatQ for ffelt� t o1nr2Q #fil and %« i?un6 ttocra. Appir 'fir T. parental roof• l:rimds in �Qo-)ut(r; of thea bride's parl+ots in Clintblt , ., ; Bgy6old. ROnrl, �,q(t- Uirr March Asti b I5 bustzels pt'z gore more thin xnost� ericb,,' f0Wni�ip, VJ14t� h V: 0. ,'•-" Rev. W. Fi. Aw{tbar prcaci>cd #Ill lilts,i Gerrie airy of 1Yaartatr is tett y thc� Rev. Dr. varieties as the be+ads are 1',tr6;(Y faO iwells Isrlknon oil Sunday 14kt; to e' guest of bf r altnt, Urs. F, LeMard. Stewart, Ida, 'onLse, eldest dao ]t- :ujore . large congregat<jon. The oOmzaaunity rs, W. 1'icka,rd, who bas been vis- ter Of Mr. and hairs. J: Ii, Lindsay, beard Ititian ut*nwst arietile its price 4 ; is very sorry to Hero !sir. gain. lar, glut it, In Toronto for f3g11►e Rt •is+ the to J. Lindsay Ky1C of WiiUle, 40 cents Pau bllilfel Jotfn Vodden, tOT� AtlT.'� ' LET 1~RfJ?iI MARO our loss will be 13ervie's gain. gnesb of hie, and Mrs. Claudel Fisher Bask' L t 32, ton. :8, Iiullett. x,onctcs. Ist. r . • Also ro(*er and two bort Miss endsffie Rath firth tamed a few of of Winnipeg at' the King i:;dward, itis SPRI.'NQ-- PA'I'`t'I:RSOK-- At the bora I'.tl,-•-67-a 1ltovu , for sale --Apply 11ir f. Brown. r het+ friends to a birthday party on returned ho1l t . • home of the bride's parents, Ilul- `-1yR e Tuesday t'vening. M3,4. N. W. Ttewautha bast t�*rtpcl a 10t, on Feb. 22nd, by Rey.. Mr. _ ' . �' . Mis'i Claud Tyner spent a few days rig out: on the road buying Mann of Auburn, Itac'hels eldest ,. Y g y g poultry, iter, E3QUfiI'? TO RI:r':"T ON AxAPLT: . at Leadbury t+he guest of her auat, eggs. dal4',hter of Mr, and Mrs. William' street', 5 ,rooms, hard.and t FOR SAI*3:.^^ii. ,IL'NOR'1� A GF° Mrs. J. Scarlett. Patterson, to 1rlarold aprnag. (✓f rx sof wit- house, barn and L R sirs. ('. i.utctt is vision hire dauQh_ reC(apbd and Mrs. F. Fl, .Johnston have Colborne township. , good garden, woodshed, Bosses- Darden on Ontario ' g „ t nc from a trip to Detroit. They AII,TTI G ... s .� sion. can be given at once. --Mrs. G, street, Clinton. Apply at house or t',r , Mrs. U. Johnstone, of Wawanost►. report, dust flying ills+re, but a snow %'IF 'IACKF,A,lIi. In : Stanbuly, London Road, Clinton Clinton P. O, -" Mr. and Mrs. N. Ball attended the flurry is mueb more sanitary. Aberdeen, South Dakota, on Ft'b. P.o. —67 I funeral of Mr. Ball's r 22nd, by Rev. Father Dermod grandmother, 1Vir. 11. I lckarri is just now Soifer= y: • J1rs.1.' r'h Nellie Il. Mackunzle, daughter of . r�i'au,g<han Nd Gudt;_:ch n Tl•1urs- ing from an attack of la grippe. );ifs IIU1'4'i`ING 11Ni3 SIIE)OT1;Nfl UDi day last. 'tete late :flea;. Mackenzie of Clin- lots I and 13, cOn. 9 ITINO , ares many friends are for lila speedy ton, to Mathew Mettiliger. of Ab= FARAT FOR SALE -Lot 11, con. i6, Mr. I,. Johnson has engaged with recovery. GOderich Township:, consisting of 80 forbidden, P:artfes found trespassing Mr. .1. ii'atkina for the summer Our blacksmith is making his anvil blacK�ien. ry aches. Well watered, Three acres ' - will be prosecuted according to erne months. g Y-- AiC,I.,I,A1V-- At 13rassels on liayv —The Owners, Oct. 18th. --al ring theso days. So much ice on the Feb. 15th, by Rev. A, C. Wishart, of good bearing orchard mostly win- Mr. R. Watkins, who bought the roads neeessit+attt having horses sharp Ilugh M. Aicl,ean of Earl Grey, ter .fruit. Good house -and outbwin-• Wallace homestead, has moved his ef- -- - facts there. shod. SAsk•t to Janc,t Isabel, daughto Ings, Good stabling. Ne\v silo. Miss Katie Govier spent Sunday un- The school trustceer have arranged a of, Mr. and..Mrs. Archie McLean ' School across the road. tYithita ' - der the parental roof. new Viii bra, so tilat now the main '(3rety township, five miles of Clinton, Lob 14 on the entrance is not obstructed, VAMPBEI,L-- JOHNSTO'ti -alt, the 116th con• is also offered! to rent for �jIaS�es fi' - t Mr. W. Dunbar will preach in St. pasture, Apply Pete'r's church Sunday evening at the Wood sawing seems to bo the Order homie of the ' ride's- brotbefrs un pp y to C. S. Lottery, G f lastafes ty. usual hour. of the day for farmers who are fort- Zile Bayfield Road, Stanley, on BoX x`11, M iciltc liat, Alta., or Feb. 15tii, by Rev. E. H. Sawecy, r pworri e, lEYe7ttte ullate+ anougl► to possess the wood. to IV. Brydone, Clinton° —65 ths,t wart.,, worried. Thomas Campbell U) Mazy, th%rd disegntented *ppear' . ,`"LEI) OATS FOR SA Iva res'. mars', snc� which daui titer Of the lata Alexander a beautiful London Read ,Jolmatou, Alt. (if Stanloy. 1*E. The un- ov& �YV.t�sirt , Winghf'!Im BADEnR 1VIILLEIi-- At Cha Luther dersigned leas u lianite>d quantity Of i.and.she di,<tlgur►ng r1lrs. McKnight Sr., who has been an `church a . wrinkles disappear, very ill, is improving, we aril vetry While playing in the yard on,Satur. , Dashwood, on Feb. BUMP" KiOg Seed Oats for sale, . glad to report. dap last, lJobby, the little tYve-year- 22nd, Clara, daughter ;of Mr. and one of Rennie"s bt st .varieties. - Mr. W. Falcone+r has sold his team son of Mr. Thom. Henderson, fell on a Mies. Christopher Miller, to Louis Weigh about! foray pounds to the to Mr. Bob McCartney who starts On sharp pit'ce of wood which was stick- �' Ra4m, bushel and perfectly clean. Price *,ill, Wednesday of t'h•is wee,:c for Moosejaw ing out of the Wow and the point THOMPSON-- MARTIN--• At the riot- • 45 cents per bushel.--Lonne, Tyndall, � why. � -- 2nd cOn, Iittilett,, Clinton P, 4. , - 'Y with a carluud, pierced the abdomen. The little fel- idenen of. .the bride's mother in s„ - About a score of young people from low was (it once taken to the hospi0al I ast Wawanosh on, Feb. 22nd, by • Clinton w(i&s cntdrtained by:Miss and at last accounts was in a critic- Rev: hit. Ferguson, Ida yl., dao h �: 1. Ruby 11"Ise on Friday evening last. al condition. ( of the late James J�Iapin, to 20,000 CkIICI:I;t,V' 16 ANTE,Il,--,lT Talo Luzgue on Tuesday ttrening was . Roburt II:' Thompson, all of East t'he IIo1m'tt.�viile '�%j .. Poultry .Xards+ dur- addressed by Principal llas+tley of Wawanosh,. irkg the corning season. To enable • Clinton. The next meeting will be St. Helens. the farmers'to raise this- ua t' I !� Births. n. n xty held of Mr. W. Grant's, Mr. :Vex. floods c,)f Ashfield is vis- anel.'the right iivality ivct ars selling Mra. Wheeler of Clinton spent a WATKINS—,In Clinton on. Feb.'28tb, ' the best Incubator in•the country— .. ' ' sting friends around tit. IItilens at the Famous Prairie,Siab-, also utfl- eoupie of clays LLQ' Hast week at the present. to Mr. and Airs. John Watkins, a �� * Parental dome, resfdcucc of JIr. and ity eggs for hatching• from some of X.:G , "'G Mr. Charles Robb and Mr. Miller SQn' this` best' strains ` scitatn0fflc 30,— - a- ` sit+.;. Arthur SU:phenson's. Mrs. Ste- of Donnybrook called on Mr. Robert SCRITTUI4- In Clinton on Feb. 23rd, nits Of Barred hocks in , 4111,401, 1D ti iaas ph011son was ill for a feu' da •s but is peavince. 1'799' Sp 4 } Woods on Saturday last. to Mr, and Mrs. JCrhu acruton, a rile,sold b theOXT. , about all r':ght again. daitglrter. setting of 15 or by the 100-. Iii- CLINTON, Hiss Maple Livermore, student' at Miss Ctut.sie flitter has r,eturnn3 quix,E+ for prices: d after an eXIended visit with friends ANDI RSO,N-- in Last Wawauo%h 'on 1 an get your orders. _ ,,,. �.• : . flu+ C'lintuu Business College, has in Cioderfch. Feb. 24th, to Mr. and Mrs, Will. in early. Hitt]-+MrYre atttl I3E,t- bene honu fur :t f w dais owing to Tile. annual mctt'ng of the Faism- Andersch, a daughter. ten Lggs.and hotiltt+y•;-Pilon, 4 on t]1nt,55. ers' Insttit'ute was 110.1 lasts Thursdav SAINT— In Wingham ort Feb.'21st 142•—N. W. Trewartha, ,Agent and . - arid w•as largely attended. to Mr. -arid Mrs. It. 11, Saint, a Buyer for Gunn, Langlois �Si Co.; • �Ir. David Farrier, 'Who ban bpen son. Canadian leading ISgg and Poultry Hullett TownshipNASI!- At Iiarpurhey -oil Feb. 16th "OusC', Montreal. 08-3 . . I . on tire sick lisf, is now improving nicely, t'o Mr. and Mrs, D; F, ;rash, a .. . Cir .). C. lIenr}''4 sale on Thursday daughtttr. last was the best of t4u• season, the We are sorry to say that Mr. ilm. . Jtohn Todd is under tilt, doctors can: C'ARTh:R—In East It"atvanosh oil Feb.. • • •+i • •.• • • • i'• • • • • • . attendance+ bring large and everything at present. 12th, to Air. abCl Mrs..' CUas.'Car • 'January is no m'or.e long, selling at ion nctc•lt prices. Miss Salkeld of Goderiell is, vistfting ter, a daughter, UGAR' R Many a'friend hasdied and gone;Nr. and Mrs, d. W. Tambl •n cele•- - .:. Be a good judge, whether. roan oc } her sisters, Mrs. Jliller anti lYlrs. Gor- , brat! •d the '22nd anniversary of their doit -at Deaths • ' wife, wedding on Saturday last. Present. �■-^art • ilny "Agnew'&. Bread" and prolong' AXON -In Caledonia, on hi?t: 23rd, SALE • Mr. I'. l,uigley bought a horse at . • your life, . Kenneth Axpn,•, brother of Dr. Ai- • Mr. !!cony's sale lust Thurs3ay' St. Augustine. On Of Clinton, aged• 40 years. lb CONTINUED e lir,. Robort Anderson returned Tues- I -i A{iGITT.- In LondebborO on Feb * • - , day after spending tier past• two A pretty wedding took placo on 23rd, Mies: E:IIaggit,t, aged. 87 •, • 427-PIIONE 42 1. . • nhcrnth-s visiting and sight+.;eeing in hi.a Wednesday of last week at the resi- years and 5 days. * • OR 'CASH.., .ON'L1 ! - • l y • • A p nater, land, Scotland. dence of Mrs. James Martin when her KNIGII'T-• In Godett:ch on Feb,, 191h, Until i W. Ht, Agnew'' • • L� daughter, Miss Ida M„ became the t`barles Knight, aged fi7 ,years and . • •. . - bride of i4It+. Robert I1. Tfiomp,,+on, a 6 montths. a . • �'+ Kippen prosperous young farmer of Ease Wa- BLACK-- In Godarich on Feb, 17th, i S.aturda .'. i CAKES, PASTRY AND VPEDDINCr w•anosh. The knot was tied bv Rev, . Sarah J. Wooton, wife of George • 0 C•AKES.A SPBC1AALTY. Mr. and firs. -)antes McC'lyniont lir', Ferguson, Presbytrlrian minister, Black, in her 81St year, 0 'March .4th .• were called t+.) London on Saturday I3elgrave. The happy couple have STRAUGH'AN- In Goderich on • Feb. 0 - . • ., . ff I '. - .6 . . ... " . I . ;rn account,of the death of the form, taken up housekeeping on the groom'q 2,Ist, Elizabeth Clark, strife of Ed • • • ..A pr's mother, the late Mrs. Thomas faun on the+ 9th con, C'ongratula ward Straughan, aged ,81 rears, Vue:Wr11 Sell Red. 0 ` 1IcC'lymont who died Friday night tions and good wishes. 6 mloit'as and 9 days. • path's extra Stand- • hirer a lingering ilincss of some Mr. 14ni• Wringler has sold 1r{is farm "and Granulated. • / ;Vt'eks' duration. Th•c late lilts. Thos, to lir. John Jefferson and mover to •• . • .Sus • 9 I r#,� ; . I I I &C'lymont• was well and favorably Elm,a township.. . t air at .$4.50. per., hun_� y • cnow•n here, having ldved in this vil_ Blum • dred, • `rIVE HAVE JUST R1rl(7EIVEJJ . age almost all her married life. Therurtil�phones ari+..,neatly ciil7i- • �•���...�, • A ,CAR. OF.CHOICE AMERICAN fer huaaand was ur I let d ld't ` 1 I �. ` MoriCORN 0 1H C' u ronorcd tillage ,Iacksmi112 for over fort+y Sears. P 11 f �T W I H WE WILL tjtJOTE A ' VERY Cl,t3SE IeN.� their children were born and . 5 hate appointedMis J:Bonnet.manag, er < 8>oW+' -.Mor> Sl�ala GA'Yo .'�t�It'y....tl�Ifr..sx1iR F(3It .; • • LE Tl@% Alias Trjck trpellt Sunday ander the . Bliss Susl1 AcheuoR .l&visiting XYLE'i LINDSA'Y'�- At the resltlene(a s cdSeed �raatQ for ffelt� t o1nr2Q #fil and %« i?un6 ttocra. Appir 'fir T. parental roof• l:rimds in �Qo-)ut(r; of thea bride's parl+ots in Clintblt , ., ; Bgy6old. ROnrl, �,q(t- Uirr March Asti b I5 bustzels pt'z gore more thin xnost� ericb,,' f0Wni�ip, VJ14t� h V: 0. ,'•-" Rev. W. Fi. Aw{tbar prcaci>cd #Ill lilts,i Gerrie airy of 1Yaartatr is tett y thc� Rev. Dr. varieties as the be+ads are 1',tr6;(Y faO iwells Isrlknon oil Sunday 14kt; to e' guest of bf r altnt, Urs. F, LeMard. Stewart, Ida, 'onLse, eldest dao ]t- :ujore . large congregat<jon. The oOmzaaunity rs, W. 1'icka,rd, who bas been vis- ter Of Mr. and hairs. J: Ii, Lindsay, beard Ititian ut*nwst arietile its price 4 ; is very sorry to Hero !sir. gain. lar, glut it, In Toronto for f3g11►e Rt •is+ the to J. Lindsay Ky1C of WiiUle, 40 cents Pau bllilfel Jotfn Vodden, tOT� AtlT.'� ' LET 1~RfJ?iI MARO our loss will be 13ervie's gain. gnesb of hie, and Mrs. Claudel Fisher Bask' L t 32, ton. :8, Iiullett. x,onctcs. Ist. r . • Also ro(*er and two bort Miss endsffie Rath firth tamed a few of of Winnipeg at' the King i:;dward, itis SPRI.'NQ-- PA'I'`t'I:RSOK-- At the bora I'.tl,-•-67-a 1ltovu , for sale --Apply 11ir f. Brown. r het+ friends to a birthday party on returned ho1l t . • home of the bride's parents, Ilul- `-1yR e Tuesday t'vening. M3,4. N. W. Ttewautha bast t�*rtpcl a 10t, on Feb. 22nd, by Rey.. Mr. _ ' . �' . Mis'i Claud Tyner spent a few days rig out: on the road buying Mann of Auburn, Itac'hels eldest ,. Y g y g poultry, iter, E3QUfiI'? TO RI:r':"T ON AxAPLT: . at Leadbury t+he guest of her auat, eggs. dal4',hter of Mr, and Mrs. William' street', 5 ,rooms, hard.and t FOR SAI*3:.^^ii. ,IL'NOR'1� A GF° Mrs. J. Scarlett. Patterson, to 1rlarold aprnag. (✓f rx sof wit- house, barn and L R sirs. ('. i.utctt is vision hire dauQh_ reC(apbd and Mrs. F. Fl, .Johnston have Colborne township. , good garden, woodshed, Bosses- Darden on Ontario ' g „ t nc from a trip to Detroit. They AII,TTI G ... s .� sion. can be given at once. --Mrs. G, street, Clinton. Apply at house or t',r , Mrs. U. Johnstone, of Wawanost►. report, dust flying ills+re, but a snow %'IF 'IACKF,A,lIi. In : Stanbuly, London Road, Clinton Clinton P. O, -" Mr. and Mrs. N. Ball attended the flurry is mueb more sanitary. Aberdeen, South Dakota, on Ft'b. P.o. —67 I funeral of Mr. Ball's r 22nd, by Rev. Father Dermod grandmother, 1Vir. 11. I lckarri is just now Soifer= y: • J1rs.1.' r'h Nellie Il. Mackunzle, daughter of . r�i'au,g<han Nd Gudt;_:ch n Tl•1urs- ing from an attack of la grippe. );ifs IIU1'4'i`ING 11Ni3 SIIE)OT1;Nfl UDi day last. 'tete late :flea;. Mackenzie of Clin- lots I and 13, cOn. 9 ITINO , ares many friends are for lila speedy ton, to Mathew Mettiliger. of Ab= FARAT FOR SALE -Lot 11, con. i6, Mr. I,. Johnson has engaged with recovery. GOderich Township:, consisting of 80 forbidden, P:artfes found trespassing Mr. .1. ii'atkina for the summer Our blacksmith is making his anvil blacK�ien. ry aches. Well watered, Three acres ' - will be prosecuted according to erne months. g Y-- AiC,I.,I,A1V-- At 13rassels on liayv —The Owners, Oct. 18th. --al ring theso days. So much ice on the Feb. 15th, by Rev. A, C. Wishart, of good bearing orchard mostly win- Mr. R. Watkins, who bought the roads neeessit+attt having horses sharp Ilugh M. Aicl,ean of Earl Grey, ter .fruit. Good house -and outbwin-• Wallace homestead, has moved his ef- -- - facts there. shod. SAsk•t to Janc,t Isabel, daughto Ings, Good stabling. Ne\v silo. Miss Katie Govier spent Sunday un- The school trustceer have arranged a of, Mr. and..Mrs. Archie McLean ' School across the road. tYithita ' - der the parental roof. new Viii bra, so tilat now the main '(3rety township, five miles of Clinton, Lob 14 on the entrance is not obstructed, VAMPBEI,L-- JOHNSTO'ti -alt, the 116th con• is also offered! to rent for �jIaS�es fi' - t Mr. W. Dunbar will preach in St. pasture, Apply Pete'r's church Sunday evening at the Wood sawing seems to bo the Order homie of the ' ride's- brotbefrs un pp y to C. S. Lottery, G f lastafes ty. usual hour. of the day for farmers who are fort- Zile Bayfield Road, Stanley, on BoX x`11, M iciltc liat, Alta., or Feb. 15tii, by Rev. E. H. Sawecy, r pworri e, lEYe7ttte ullate+ anougl► to possess the wood. to IV. Brydone, Clinton° —65 ths,t wart.,, worried. Thomas Campbell U) Mazy, th%rd disegntented *ppear' . ,`"LEI) OATS FOR SA Iva res'. mars', snc� which daui titer Of the lata Alexander a beautiful London Read ,Jolmatou, Alt. (if Stanloy. 1*E. The un- ov& �YV.t�sirt , Winghf'!Im BADEnR 1VIILLEIi-- At Cha Luther dersigned leas u lianite>d quantity Of i.and.she di,<tlgur►ng r1lrs. McKnight Sr., who has been an `church a . wrinkles disappear, very ill, is improving, we aril vetry While playing in the yard on,Satur. , Dashwood, on Feb. BUMP" KiOg Seed Oats for sale, . glad to report. dap last, lJobby, the little tYve-year- 22nd, Clara, daughter ;of Mr. and one of Rennie"s bt st .varieties. - Mr. W. Falcone+r has sold his team son of Mr. Thom. Henderson, fell on a Mies. Christopher Miller, to Louis Weigh about! foray pounds to the to Mr. Bob McCartney who starts On sharp pit'ce of wood which was stick- �' Ra4m, bushel and perfectly clean. Price *,ill, Wednesday of t'h•is wee,:c for Moosejaw ing out of the Wow and the point THOMPSON-- MARTIN--• At the riot- • 45 cents per bushel.--Lonne, Tyndall, � why. � -- 2nd cOn, Iittilett,, Clinton P, 4. , - 'Y with a carluud, pierced the abdomen. The little fel- idenen of. .the bride's mother in s„ - About a score of young people from low was (it once taken to the hospi0al I ast Wawanosh on, Feb. 22nd, by • Clinton w(i&s cntdrtained by:Miss and at last accounts was in a critic- Rev: hit. Ferguson, Ida yl., dao h �: 1. Ruby 11"Ise on Friday evening last. al condition. ( of the late James J�Iapin, to 20,000 CkIICI:I;t,V' 16 ANTE,Il,--,lT Talo Luzgue on Tuesday ttrening was . Roburt II:' Thompson, all of East t'he IIo1m'tt.�viile '�%j .. Poultry .Xards+ dur- addressed by Principal llas+tley of Wawanosh,. irkg the corning season. To enable • Clinton. The next meeting will be St. Helens. the farmers'to raise this- ua t' I !� Births. n. n xty held of Mr. W. Grant's, Mr. :Vex. floods c,)f Ashfield is vis- anel.'the right iivality ivct ars selling Mra. Wheeler of Clinton spent a WATKINS—,In Clinton on. Feb.'28tb, ' the best Incubator in•the country— .. ' ' sting friends around tit. IItilens at the Famous Prairie,Siab-, also utfl- eoupie of clays LLQ' Hast week at the present. to Mr. and Airs. John Watkins, a �� * Parental dome, resfdcucc of JIr. and ity eggs for hatching• from some of X.:G , "'G Mr. Charles Robb and Mr. Miller SQn' this` best' strains ` scitatn0fflc 30,— - a- ` sit+.;. Arthur SU:phenson's. Mrs. Ste- of Donnybrook called on Mr. Robert SCRITTUI4- In Clinton on Feb. 23rd, nits Of Barred hocks in , 4111,401, 1D ti iaas ph011son was ill for a feu' da •s but is peavince. 1'799' Sp 4 } Woods on Saturday last. to Mr, and Mrs. JCrhu acruton, a rile,sold b theOXT. , about all r':ght again. daitglrter. setting of 15 or by the 100-. Iii- CLINTON, Hiss Maple Livermore, student' at Miss Ctut.sie flitter has r,eturnn3 quix,E+ for prices: d after an eXIended visit with friends ANDI RSO,N-- in Last Wawauo%h 'on 1 an get your orders. _ ,,,. �.• : . flu+ C'lintuu Business College, has in Cioderfch. Feb. 24th, to Mr. and Mrs, Will. in early. Hitt]-+MrYre atttl I3E,t- bene honu fur :t f w dais owing to Tile. annual mctt'ng of the Faism- Andersch, a daughter. ten Lggs.and hotiltt+y•;-Pilon, 4 on t]1nt,55. ers' Insttit'ute was 110.1 lasts Thursdav SAINT— In Wingham ort Feb.'21st 142•—N. W. Trewartha, ,Agent and . - arid w•as largely attended. to Mr. -arid Mrs. It. 11, Saint, a Buyer for Gunn, Langlois �Si Co.; • �Ir. David Farrier, 'Who ban bpen son. Canadian leading ISgg and Poultry Hullett TownshipNASI!- At Iiarpurhey -oil Feb. 16th "OusC', Montreal. 08-3 . . I . on tire sick lisf, is now improving nicely, t'o Mr. and Mrs, D; F, ;rash, a .. . Cir .). C. lIenr}''4 sale on Thursday daughtttr. last was the best of t4u• season, the We are sorry to say that Mr. ilm. . Jtohn Todd is under tilt, doctors can: C'ARTh:R—In East It"atvanosh oil Feb.. • • •+i • •.• • • • i'• • • • • • . attendance+ bring large and everything at present. 12th, to Air. abCl Mrs..' CUas.'Car • 'January is no m'or.e long, selling at ion nctc•lt prices. Miss Salkeld of Goderiell is, vistfting ter, a daughter, UGAR' R Many a'friend hasdied and gone;Nr. and Mrs, d. W. Tambl •n cele•- - .:. Be a good judge, whether. roan oc } her sisters, Mrs. Jliller anti lYlrs. Gor- , brat! •d the '22nd anniversary of their doit -at Deaths • ' wife, wedding on Saturday last. Present. �■-^art • ilny "Agnew'&. Bread" and prolong' AXON -In Caledonia, on hi?t: 23rd, SALE • Mr. I'. l,uigley bought a horse at . • your life, . Kenneth Axpn,•, brother of Dr. Ai- • Mr. !!cony's sale lust Thurs3ay' St. Augustine. On Of Clinton, aged• 40 years. lb CONTINUED e lir,. Robort Anderson returned Tues- I -i A{iGITT.- In LondebborO on Feb * • - , day after spending tier past• two A pretty wedding took placo on 23rd, Mies: E:IIaggit,t, aged. 87 •, • 427-PIIONE 42 1. . • nhcrnth-s visiting and sight+.;eeing in hi.a Wednesday of last week at the resi- years and 5 days. * • OR 'CASH.., .ON'L1 ! - • l y • • A p nater, land, Scotland. dence of Mrs. James Martin when her KNIGII'T-• In Godett:ch on Feb,, 191h, Until i W. Ht, Agnew'' • • L� daughter, Miss Ida M„ became the t`barles Knight, aged fi7 ,years and . • •. . - bride of i4It+. Robert I1. Tfiomp,,+on, a 6 montths. a . • �'+ Kippen prosperous young farmer of Ease Wa- BLACK-- In Godarich on Feb, 17th, i S.aturda .'. i CAKES, PASTRY AND VPEDDINCr w•anosh. The knot was tied bv Rev, . Sarah J. Wooton, wife of George • 0 C•AKES.A SPBC1AALTY. Mr. and firs. -)antes McC'lyniont lir', Ferguson, Presbytrlrian minister, Black, in her 81St year, 0 'March .4th .• were called t+.) London on Saturday I3elgrave. The happy couple have STRAUGH'AN- In Goderich on • Feb. 0 - . • ., . ff I '. - .6 . . ... " . I . ;rn account,of the death of the form, taken up housekeeping on the groom'q 2,Ist, Elizabeth Clark, strife of Ed • • • ..A pr's mother, the late Mrs. Thomas faun on the+ 9th con, C'ongratula ward Straughan, aged ,81 rears, Vue:Wr11 Sell Red. 0 ` 1IcC'lymont who died Friday night tions and good wishes. 6 mloit'as and 9 days. • path's extra Stand- • hirer a lingering ilincss of some Mr. 14ni• Wringler has sold 1r{is farm "and Granulated. • / ;Vt'eks' duration. Th•c late lilts. Thos, to lir. John Jefferson and mover to •• . • .Sus • 9 I r#,� ; . I I I &C'lymont• was well and favorably Elm,a township.. . t air at .$4.50. per., hun_� y • cnow•n here, having ldved in this vil_ Blum • dred, • `rIVE HAVE JUST R1rl(7EIVEJJ . age almost all her married life. Therurtil�phones ari+..,neatly ciil7i- • �•���...�, • A ,CAR. OF.CHOICE AMERICAN fer huaaand was ur I let d ld't ` 1 I �. ` MoriCORN 0 1H C' u ronorcd tillage ,Iacksmi112 for over fort+y Sears. Seaforth p. © tet, I Ibeapeotee. that .ceretrttl will be in tree ilnmelllately. The Board • • .. a1I.ng.o the red .. �T W I H WE WILL tjtJOTE A ' VERY Cl,t3SE IeN.� their children were born and 1111'• J. W. Sutler purposes tlfn going hate appointedMis J:Bonnet.manag, er < •,centadvanee on Fri= • • PRICE IN TON "BOTS: ' eachtrl manhood and womanhood. west some Limo in March. Jim is a of central. Miss Armour; aformer .resident 'of' • • day last• We ar+B ilei!= • C ' 'hey were both •devoted ►neniburs of IT(! licthodist good fellow and will be missed. Blyth, but vvhohasbeenl'tviri in Lori- 13 • • • able to fill any orders Any= Brans Shorts .anti . r' church and by their sal and earne:rtness contnbutud great'- tdoneer. don for.tlle past fete months, passed. away on the 18th Inst, 111 her 91 .year. :• • • S f .ter Saturday at •. ht Feed -of t Dither' I�"ectl always on , hand. • y to the success of (lorl's work here. $tgth The remains were brought here.: A number her friendfi • • ahOV iiighe5t, e price• inarTct?t ..price, paid for I • Grain, Irs. McC'lymont was devotu;i , of \vers at the GS: • • the news of her death came as a stn+- prise to still. The fumeral took iltice. I a moth- going t Kindersley, Sa.oc, w•ht+:c he rias T. R. sttation. to meet the reixiafns • • ' r, a kind neighbor and a friend to Vcr}•hod} ()t lir. Robert Scott was married last which ivere coriveved from there: to -.--}N- •. % �' • '•. �a S:UITTK DO,. • het' it may truly bu „She weeic to hiss mfargaret McLean Of the LTnitln ceiiletery for burial. slie -sister • .�( • • 1 .. ' '' 0 I • aid, fell itsieop in Jesu:r. The Verlastirig arms were around -her Kintail. The young ptlople after wards has one .living hear town, lies. Taylor. '" ' i A • `sTit6Ii „ • .: flub (irocetrx. Telephone B;1 THE �LEVATC?Jft and tie had the conscious assurance'. that visited friends in Wingham, . I3luevale Road and other places, On 1Vedliesi`lay.Week there itassect (awaytothegveatbeyond, tills. Har- • • ••"'* •,+• •*••• a•i** . CLINTON • 11 wa:, well." All their old friends but who has been Iriariager of one of tine agencies of the Nortlievii riet9pafford, mother of !sir. Clharles Vnipathisv with sorrowing relatives, tdoneer. S afford, C.'P, R. station ageut, aged '-"'' L. .."-�-`- -- o - Last Friday Mr. John Cameron held Auction Sale Register (3�j years, 10 Months and.. 0 days, , Al- in +'i n auction sale' of his slack, etc. It - . . tbough poor health for ,"fire time , as well attended and a 1 good prices ere til' I , li Wednesday, March 15th, at lot 17, the news of her death came as a stn+- prise to still. The fumeral took iltice. I .. •.0 L .. �. . I I .1. Our S ecYa•Ys•. � t ru c. r, unit Mrs. Cameron IUVed i+.1 Ilrucc+field on Saturday. All con. I, Ilullett, (Stapleton) farm• rrula.y afternoon to Union Celrlet- P • lett. The farm contains 73 acres stock, implements, etc., and also the' ere. is aro rt turning to their rainic and has on ft a frame dwelling, bank ur old neighbors aro sop.y to sec farm. Sale at 1 o'clock. --Geon o'clock. ---George Dir. P. I)otigla ,, foruir'rly of Bl til .Blyth, FOr Saturday and the following. Week ._ica,Ids 99 carloads, eonsistill of IfJztI cattle g fern ga. '!'icy haci rived here for a fl, -tined and were belcvn.l by a large o ( ocheane, prop. ; D. N. Watson, auc- but who has been Iriariager of one of tine agencies of the Nortlievii Will ht±sel�iverL ` And Ten Gent tiVfodow. role of friends and acquaintances tdoneer. CJrowri Baank,i the «`est, visited -his • iilotlher anti oilier iel:atiyea ill tgwil NO. of any article. w the �Viricloty forfi^ts. Your choice of any article an No. Z'VSTfndoty for any article lex. Fot' si . ho wish thorn many wars of rest I the Thle duality, generally.speak'►tlg, ttnif for a few drays recently. He has resign. n. has loots, and'good valuos in both Windows. . > - . . gOr)tl. Trade in exporters was dead all fore- evening of life. Their youngest son Pt ler is AUCTION 5:11,I+: OF FARM. THE edhis position to tile ..Ila tik and gone in pat•tnersilip with.. iris father- . . AVtash Basins regaiar2a'c for 10c while;,they, last, No customer to. 1•e AgoodsupplyofSappans, buekeisandspiles, going t Kindersley, Sa.oc, w•ht+:c he rias Executors of the Estate of ,the late' , in.lair•, 51r. V. F. Daily, of Hamilton: . eei,ve snore than ops. �. a 'I';l(- IIs leu\rs about the 10th Robert Willis will sell by Public auc- in the wholesale spice busines,y', • _ stt. est. 'the farm i.; re4it('d to Isaac f.lon on the afternoon of Wednesday, _ _, - We also wish, to call your.attentioti to Dr. flC ' ti rood. ss Celebrated Stock markets !had lost Itioney for several weeks past. ltirovers were !tot in a argot t of li i ,ren f , t•• 11 I a 1..112 of March !lith, on rife ' pi+ ntiscs rife ttl make emiessiotls, as they have Been losing heavily. It4s a scientific compound for horses, Cattle and Hogs. It Is a Ionto which inereases til i ' ,a,.. Farm known as Lott l 7, Con. i, Hol- Live Stock arket.' e appet tO,.teids atsslratuation and puts ori flesh and produces the %leek glossy coat -that f dishilig touch that commands the • 1'hc following of the western Visit- lett. The farm contains 73 acres Toronto, 1ceU, :> Lh.,-- Reeeiptis of sane rices, % • 4. - y pI is aro rt turning to their rainic and has on ft a frame dwelling, bank . liver stock at, the Unlo I were • rnu.' this is('ell, : Sanuu'1 (1coNtp end barn 50x30, small' stable, orchard ._ica,Ids 99 carloads, eonsistill of IfJztI cattle g Try P+tnacea-ltcuresdlsease ii . a d niakea Bens 1(ay. tinily, John Camel anti \vife, Uro. ata a never failing spPing. It is 40 hogs, 266 sheep told lambs.' 23 Vali ogan and f,"Iil} , :\rchie Rycknran, situated on the Ifuron Road 2 miles ves and off horses. _ .' Alumfntim Ware --Just a few detielesleft le > lex. Fot' si . from Clintonnand six nlfirs from Thle duality, generally.speak'►tlg, ttnif at , ss than cost. -This is n high grade weave, dont miss the Chance, AIl' Wil..atrl Ktltl and family, afinr Seaforhh and will be sold subject gOr)tl. Trade in exporters was dead all fore- . Vino on the 'and con. of Stanley for to areccrval bid. For further par- noon, and little better in theaft(;rnoon. AgoodsupplyofSappans, buekeisandspiles, bout nine vo.lrs, Mored this week ticulanri apply to D. N. Watson, The export buyers stated that the cat. . I down mar I lcnsall, in the town- Auctionver, C'linitan, or Walter Cr. tie had to be bought clicapev or not at A, few clothes racks left, Re u' • B t' l.t)0 for 1.00, lip of I fa} . Tiled wilt br missed Willis or William Black, Executors, all, as their ships►encs to the. British : as till'. were honl\til, industorious ld helpful ill Illeir Seaforth P.O. — 111tltld markets !had lost Itioney for several weeks past. ltirovers were !tot in a Ali stoVesi both old and new, 10 percent discount for' p w'ar's. The following Ir; toile usual mon_ ttl make emiessiotls, as they have Been losing heavily. cash next weep' `C171y.. - Ily report of S S. No 11, SNartiey, I'ROPERTY AND STAGE BUSIN- Up to tyle noon hour there. lead not ��y�I� r February. Tho ' naniv% are in' ess-' for Sale .--For sale a beautiful been one load of cattle bought for eat- . :der of merit : 5th class iicBeath, residence in Bayfield. The house is Port purposes. At the close of the tntirket about 125.: _ __ _ .. `'�"�' �"� -Ads .\. F, a two-story concrete, situated on 9hfgping cattle had been bought for "'�"" ""`'t" "+-�`�' �t isher, Iola Rathwell. o .Ir. ith-.\nna flood, .1. Collins., the squap:. There is a quartmof an acre of land in connection on, exporfi,And abotit.00leftunsold.1 Butchers cattle also were slower . STOVES and I-IA1 lYWARS , rssfe Collins, which is a'large barn. Alixr the cOnsidering the quality, than onThurs, , Sr. i 1h -1I. ilc('lyu)utit, It. \Ic(tly_ day Livery Business anal Stages and lower last, batt the prices here not an e than •ole that day. ant., Ida jtathwell. m,afl routes between Baytibld and ,,,,�,,,,, 'The time hasart'ived whets tire, Best ,�� "�"�`�`"�'�'�� ""_"w_ ------�•• Sr. 3rd—:\. McMitrtrio, I.. Wasinatl, Seaforth and Bi+.icefield. The Whole bntoher'scattleare:sellingfor as in. •� . Mood, Will bo sold togt'ther or oapaxately, . andinsorne fear instanee mora than' �L� tcl•titty felt 'Chia . • M. � ( � � �"' 1`lrt ^>Cf "tit �. -t t Tr. 3rd -Anna F'ish.tr. ('..Iohnston, Apply on the premix( or arltlrCpss was Paid export Cttttir. „J� . .�,,J lla Thomiscin, I'a hood, (irnc IL Little, Bayfield P.O. highest ers ries paid by the :oxport buy+- was 95,85, while t'$6 anti 56,10 tarts . . � ' ������� ��O P. ,__ paid for a fewlott4 ofbitteliets. .. . FAiixli 1.OIt gAT.TrLat nolrtlt+ Balt DoJr.per, toper, 11. ]'arsons. , Parsons. Jr. 2nd Part—Norma pooh, Gracie • NOY , I. GOODS, nopivr. lsh Pnrt—W. ilarvdy. 26, con. 12, Mullett, consisting Of PGR SAt"S AT A; f#AUGAxI I'l -` x ' to order to Clear out tide so $to(-, 'W.8 h#�r� dH(;1 e . Ross, W. The best speller; in ihr monthly 50 aCrti5. All SbecltRi dOwtii Cyiti"Cjit 10 acres. �S�li01 Orchard, -Pramo . tror+';1 b£ Ci B ay loaln. Nice • . + ' t() reciix(�e IS iceS'on everything �rgl le ihjll 1. ]� C3L1 Irllin mvltchcs riser : g botiso and back barn with stabling, brick house, Illt.d Ithd Sottate1-, r !rank Marti,. drive hotise, hoi; 'PVotiltl haV flys:��hn1e ' loth -Arnold Petrie. JrAth-Jessio Collins. On Gravoi f&d: i. Milb north d£ I.ottdc'<hrnO, i Wife -firom 6110ral, pd t. Merit! Otchatd, altki do fruit. Sft� ... ,.. , r�,�� f � � G' AI N'S 9 V E O � AY .1 : Sr. 3rd—i.. Wasman. Jr. 3rd -Cecil Johnston. 2nd tlart--!:.tine Makin Apply On the, pt'eM.19 t+ or dddoss Ilfehdtd Shadtlick, t,oriilfi§Imre"p l r - uated on l#nso L1116, Outside ddrp8te= adrift Cif' that toWlt :of Cl;intbtl. • A:p- per On'thb pketlti,„Ctsti `bt% L(s is(taC ' . Jf . , �t����A� �� %% .. Han 1, , 451 littler t:lint6ftP.O, —07 �"�i�i I %� t:[/ .. - Y.'t. f. ' ' i , 1 1 . .. . ' r ' w. +