HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1911-03-02, Page 4Clinton News -Record
March 2nd,191J
41101. 01,1 1Wir imiegrW*Wi1r*r+•'►•i. iiri •le1oregr gOpeisw;•4�►1.4wq.• •r , +bArr+4'4kww'wi.-sAtio rNk•IM�R•1►•�• 644A s ik•
NEW WALL PAPERS, Just Received
A saving • of from 20 to 50 percent, on lines ,of Wall Paper suitable
for any room,
.We have also added some Special lines of c mall Wares as an in.
ducement for you to buy your Wail l Paper
Attractive bargains in remnants and odd bundles. All Paper
trimmed free.
Shield Brand Pins, 365 —A Pin far each day in the - Dress Shields-ShiWid Brand, two sizes, regular tic
year, former price 5c n paper, Wall Paper sale Ftrn re ltr 15c or, ,,
price two papers or 730 pins f )r . . .. .....5c Feather Stitoh.Braid—Special for 0 yard ends' at
Shield Brand Pins -500 guaranteed pins
on :i sheet, ex.
5c and 10c
tra large size. Wall Paper sale priori. paper f'n 5e Dressing combs--Unhreakalue: extra heavy; flinches
Carleton Safety Pin. ---Solid brass, sizes 1, 2, and 3 also • lung, black or white, Well Papersalf price„ . ,15c
assorted on a caret, one dozen.to a. card, farmer Gold Collar Buttons—One .dozen assorted shapes on a
price 5c a Card, Wall Paper saie price 2eards for 5c card, grand value at stench, TVa11 Paper sale price
Goodman's Safety Pins --Solid •hraas with- guarded' • per d,mer., . 10c
coil, sires 0, 1, 2 and 33, reg price 10,:; Wall Paper . Tooth Brushes --Special valises at . , , • .;re; .10ca and lac
uc • Flair. Brushes (Chance of several ' lines turmeel.. sold •
sale, price' per dozen 9 ,
Pound Hair Pins—Extra strong, in -assorted lengths, rip to $1.50 acme shorty, Wall Paper s.ele price
Wall Paper sale.price 6 papers for 5c choice for. .... ..... .... , . , . , .75c •
100 Assorted Hair Petits in Box --Special values at 511 a Back and Side Combs •--Assorted 15c
bu , Wall Papel' sale price 4 boxes fnr........10&'. Barrett's—Soniaa1 ..... 15c
Hat Pins—Large heads, :rix pints in a stylish box 0, I0• ' Turban Pins—Special per, pair. .. 25c
and 12 inches, bleak or white, Wall Paper sale Skirt Belting -4 inch duplex shaped, e.xtra•fi.ne gnat.
price per hnx , .5c
• it's', gr" Mack, white, hlueand brown. ferureriy . a
Dressing Combs—Extra heavy, gold stamp, gond • sn'd :at, 5c a yard, sale price 2 yards for • 5c
style, special... . .. . . ... . . . . .. . . , ..'.5c Tape—Average width, Iona length; any size, only . '$
Books and Eyes and Books and white, Walt Paper sale price
Bars-- Assorted sizes, war 0 honehefi'fQ' 5c
ranted not to t uet,. two doz. When making your purchase of . }'earl Buttons '�. and. # holes, !.
en on a card.. \V31L Paper Wall Paper ask for ashirtsuppor- gond,. pure white buttons, •$
sale price 2 cards for 5e ter given free: Nall Paper saleprice for 1
Needles, Shield brand --13 est any size. • :..,,, ,.,5c $
quality. a 1 I ewes, former French Pearl Buttons — B e s t
price 5c. Thi.3 flet die •is quality, full ball, self',hanke, , 1
l;ua,t•anteed, Wall Paper sale price 2 papers (or 5c Wall •Pieper sale price•perdozen 0c 1
Darning Needles—Best quality. soli-) sires or aasorled Thimbles: -Three silver plated thiimhles hi a, box for 1
size: for wool' or cotton, kVuiI Paper sale Klee 2
papers for 50
Knitting Needles in Envelopes-•Nickle -plated. rust
proof, five needles to a set, former pt ice 5c per set,
Wall Paper sale price 2 sets for. , ,• 5c
Beauty Pins—Three pins to ;t' set, one •large, two
small, joints riveted. not soldered, Wall- Paper
kale price per sot isle
Doane Fasteners—Shield Brand—washable, silver pint.
ted, white or black, Nall Paper sale price 2 doz 5r
hair Nets—Silk, extra large, eorreet shape, -each ame
in an envelope. former price 10c•, Wall Papa- sale
Collar Supports—Celluloid,. Shield Brand, six on a
ar•.1 t corn 2 -to 32,i.inchea, fat meety 5c a set, \Vail
• Pap+r sale price 2 seta fere5c
Collar Sc pports•—With pin on top. studded With
pea rb and rhinestone, 2.4 to 3 inches, special per
set . .
5i•• • 1'
Wool Mending—Best quality, all colors, each •card 0
'wit,h a darner, Walt Paper sale price 4 cards for 5c $
Berlin Wool 2, 4 and 8 fold, regular 10c an entree./
Wall Paper sale price • • •7c. 1
or 4 minces for , ,25c
Cushion Tops—Litho, Tinted, Damask Cushion' Tops, 1
regular ane and 50c lines, sone stamped Clinton 1
• Wall Pai&iurstile r1ay.-4 choice for. 25c
Nail Scrubs—bond size a.'rviceable 'n hea, )t .Fuzee •
hold necessity, Wall Paper Sale price 2 brushes for 0 '
ac 1
Toilet Soaps- •Largs* size cakes of Paylof's Toilet r
Soap in pinto and white, special for sale • • 5c
Choice Books •-Oopywright books sold et 1.25 anti 1.50 t
clearing at .5'0e 1
Choice' Books --• The .popular Anter hooks null stan• t
dau'd authors, regnlar5p cents, choice on sale dye 1
5c #
Cooper's Variety Ston
Couch &
BIG ri
P E.c..I.A
500 yards pure wool .Dress Goods'in all good shad-
es 44" to 46" wide, regular 65 and 75c, Saturday price'
300 yards of all wooldressgoods in all good shad-
es, grey, green, red wisteria, new kin blue,
es, brown, gr 3, 54", ' ".and 90c
and back, width 48 to 1 egillar 75e,. )
Saturday price 55e.
on a new spring dre.�.s
Now. is the time to save
C11 j
The New. Embroideries are in
for Spring
This stole Embroideries for 1911 hold to the same
high standard of traste'a.id distinction as has ever been
the rule here. Hundreds of dollars worth have arriv-
ed this wook all ready for spring sewing : New Cam-
bric Embroideries, new Cambric corset cover Embroid-
eries,new Cambric Insertions,: new Cambric rlouncings,
new Bandings and new Beadings. Prices 20c, 25e, 30c.
Choosing first is choosing the best.
Just in this Week..
New Art Sateens
" Coin Spot Muslins
"& Madras
ii Door Panels
" Dimities
" Dress Muslins
" Prints
New A.rt Muslins
" Dotted Swiss Muslins
Lace Curtains
Make this store yourheadquarters
for your spring
Coderich Township
• Tits i,ardahtp the Bishop of ' Huron.
hsappointed \•
a Ii.• 14 u
Wm. t
a o
the charge of the Middleton- Ilolnaes
vine- Summt'rhill parish` • • until a
clergyman• has been secured. ,.Mr.
Dunbar has. on mot's than ono' oceas-
ion'taken'•chargr • of the services in
this' parish' and the appointments
t',eiving the approval of .all concern
Miss Stole Acheson. has been spenda
Mg few
days ;in
c oo gt
of 1Irs. Neil \ cilowlc'es and ot':u+r
friends. •
Mr, Will. ` 'Ifarrison's auction safe
on Thursday of brat Week passed • off •
successfully, good .pricis being 'real-
ized. Mr, 11'arrison thinks of trying
the west. Ilis .mother and •hi:' broth-
er Albert will eontinuc+ to reside on
the homecrtaid, while Mr. James
11Tlarrison has rented for pa<'.itrage
purpose'- •the lot adjoining
Mr. -Wes. Marquis had his windmill
Flown - clown in the recent storm, but
had it up alaiti in short' order. •
Porter's . Hill.
• Mrs. Ernest Grosvenor or Strathro -
and sister, Miss. Wilson, '('Centralia,
spent a few days the past wce^k with
their cousins, Mrs,. George Vande'r-
burg and Mrs. Winter Wetton.
Mr: ,John' 1Ic(.:lure is able to be
about again after a neVere attack
tonsilet•ts. ° .
Mr, i+'ort'st' Meta a'e i.r confined . • to
the house with grippe.
Miss Luella Tiehhoinc.t spent the
weak end with heir mother, Mrs, Wm,
Miss Ruth, Shaw irtt'nt'Sat ut 1a, and
Sunday with her :par,.:it's fit Collit)rne.
Messrs, Elliott brothers of the Cos
Lino lost a valuable horse last week.
Mr. Jelin St', rifng left. on Tuesday
for Pori .Arthur where he has engaged
for the flailing season,
lir. .Leslie Cox has been writhe the
weather with grippe, hut is able tc)
be out again,
Mr. and Airs, Hobert Ilanley, 1I:'.
Jain'; Elliott and Mts. Mary Elliott
spoil. Sunday with Mr, Robert 'Bea-
com. •
Mr, .Johne A. Cox clispc::sed of - his
driver last We(':c to Mr. Thomas liar.
Mr. Thoma:•)•Ilarrison has sold his
,Several of the young people of this
vicinity spent a pleasant evening with
11Tr- and Mins, Sandy Sterling of the
4th ,con. last Friday.
Mr. Roy French of Seaforth spent
Sunday will friends in the vicinity,
Mrs. Albert blynn and soon Lucas,
Detroit, ale.' visiting; relatives in this
vicinity. .
V. S. railway freight retest are or-
dertvil to be cut down by commission..
Thu question of interttationat tar-
bit"ration was discussed ba three: Par-
linrnerits. •
The Servs-Ilezord ieads for Town
and Township News.
An 4t Home and pie social, under
the auspices of tilt. Ladies' aid of
the Methodist church will be held in
the town hall on. Thursla) •evening
next. A good program will be pro-
Miss Edith Falconer entertained a
few of her friends on Friday evening
tall. William Foster has purchair!,t
front. Mr. - George Erwin his house and
lot situated on the Square and ex-
pect s to take possession the first' of
The Misses Parke of the Front,Road
liar'&+ rented their property t'o Mr.
John IIeard who takes pos)'.rssion ,at
\1i'ssrs• Eddie and Ilerbert Stur-
goon left this week for St. Thomas
where th' y .expect to remain.
Miss Edith Falconer of C'roderich
spent' a week• with her parents, Mr.
and Mr:'. John Falconer.
Mr.and :Mrs. \Villiani ,lohnst'anc' of
CGodettieh spent Sunday with frien'1s
in the village. ..
Mr. John •Dari'.th of llensall was
the guest oflisbrother,
Mr. Barry
Darrab, the past week.
Mr. George E. Greenslade, who was
a resident of Bayfield for several
years, has purchased a greeeriy •basin-
ess in Seaforth of which he is alrea-
dy in possepion; We . ail wish him
success. The people of Seaforth will
find Mr.(Ire.nside on tltc square.
The Farmers' Institute crf • South
Burlin• held meetings in 'the 't'own
hall on the afternoon and evening of
Friday last, Owing to the condition
of the roads :the attendance 'wag; not
large, The speakers were Messrs.
T. M. Lewis of .Buuford and .Alexander
Mustard, the president, , The s'cret-
ary, Mr, B. S. Philips of Exeter was
alio pr&rsent.
5Iisi' Clara Spackman left last wa:k
for London wiles.' she bas, secured a
Mrs, Eckhardt' of Markham was
visiting friends in the village last
week. aa
51aa. Robert Pc'nhale left on Monday
for Milestone, Sask., 'With a carload
of horst s. • lib went by the C. P. R:
from. (icidericb.
Mr. anti' Mrs., Wiliarn . I>arke • and
child, who spent tho winter with • her.
parents, 'Mr. and Mrs. James Wallis,
and othu•: relatives in. the district,
left on Monday • for their home at
Gairdnos North Dakota.
Rev. Mr. Montgomery of• Toronto
occupied the pulpit of St:, Andrew's
church 00 Sunday last.
Willie Johnstone 1 •t `,
of Tilts enc, . a 6.
who satet the 'wfit i'r 'wft''t relatives
here, left last week for his home in
the west: • '
Miss Laura Fee of Iiensall •is visit-
ing her aunt Miss .hate Parke.
lira \\'fdiinm tit& rliog left • last
Monday for the west •where sh,' will
spend the ,i.lnimer• with her daughter.
in Gairdner, North Dakota, and also
hor ,son)fn Manitoba,
.A rat' ier uniclltc' entt': tainmenl was
gotten up by Dr, and Mrs. Smith oe
Saturday when a number of .our citiz-
ens, ladies and gentinmen,.drove out
to the.' 4th eon. of (Materiels township
and had a wint',r picnic 'in the wood~.
A camp fire was built,• a • table spread
and a hearty meal partaken of. The
day • was :Spent in •rabbit shooting aad.
all.'re',)ort a .most cn ey'able time.
The only way to enjoy a Canadian
cio •cr if to enjoy it, and winter pic-
may yei become a Most popular
fcrin of entertainment: •
mi. regularmonthly niec!l'ing of the
Women's Institute will:. be heeld next
Thursday a[reinnon, lIarch •3t11,'
the .bomoof Miss N. Verguson at half
past tact Waled'.
The News -Dimon' leads for Town.
and Township News.
1'Iiss R;oxft' Paltiic,', after a ple';as-
t visitwith
s- t-
an friends- at Toranro has
returned home: .
Tlie people of Varna and the; Pair
Line are sorry' to hoar_ that Mr .• Wm,
Palmer has derided to leave here -and
go'west. Ile is a kind and:.obligeng
neighbor and true friend and all wLih'
him sttec&',s.
Miss Lillie Dunkin, after ' speiuling
sonic time With Sealorth friends has
returned home. • •
illi:t� '.!mule S. • Key c.s, who has been
ill for tho past. ttee+,c, is, we are ple-
aaeti to hear, well again.
:Miss .P. Logan .entertained 'a num-
ber of her friend$ to a pro'grese'ive
(ochre peaty and dance on Tuesday
evening, <\;4 :repirt'ta very pleasant
Miss 1I. 1' l:or•r, who spent, ,some
time with ltor slater; 11rs. 5• C.
Rathwcll• of Clinton, has returned
bourn. •
Mr. 1'd. Elliott, prineipa.' of . the
Public school at Copper Cliff, is ill
at the Fane of his brother, Mr, Itobt,.
Elliott of 1 he Babylon Tine,
1Tte. and Mrs. W. Woods spcnt Sun-
day as • the gut,Sts of air. and Mrs,
Frank Weekc.'.
Ale. and Mrs. Robert Thompson Sr.
of (locic'rieh township were the guests
of their clef;ghter., 1Trs,•L. 13aatt'y.
Mi• i,. i;ciit t j' is under the weather
at presenit.
: ]to,. Mr, Johnston was called to
Ilderton by the death of a former
parishoner and friend.
Itev, Mr, ,Johnstone, Presbyterian,
gave an addres,a at tho prayer meet-
ing in the Methodist'Chureh .Wednes-
day ironing,
Rev. Vfr. iMillyard of Tlensall • will
preach educational sermons on this
eircuit next Sunday.
P:ev. Mr, aind Mrs. Drown enteertain-
ed tho tnoerwhers or the Sr, Bible ;Clash
Tuesday evening. About' thirty-ffs'e
were present and all enjoyed thrin-
seives immensely.
• Auburn
non. • V. W. Wylie, pastor, will
•grew.% in tho naptist church en . tut •
day •afte1noety neat at three o'etoek,
aStanleg Township
Miss Annie E. Foster and her clist-'.
or, Mut. Barry Deihl, returned last
wn'k from tiatt(nding the funeral of
their br'other's wife, 'Urs. ,Iohn Fest-
er in Pigeon, Michigan.
Mr. Harold Stinson and sist. r, 'Miss
Mabel left this w•oik for t'landeboy-e
where they will visit re,,lativae,.
Mrs. T. A. Stinson and daughter
Miss Jean of Goderieb are visiting re-
lattr os on the Saublc Line.
Miss. Cora Nicholson of the Clinton'
Collegiate spent the wve'.'k end under
the parental roof.
Miss Amos of McGillivray is visit-
ing at Mr. I).uns
:fir. Russel I''nki. N'icho.
l of Calgary is
itc're on a visit t'.) the Weo'ces and
Alc-Aslt families.- Ills many friends
are pleased to sea him again.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Mci.sh ent'ar-
tatted a number of their ftr:&+i:dti to a
prcrl;rtssive euchre and dancing party
one evening rcec'ut'ly and all report
a most enjoyable fSme.
Repot for February of S.S. No. 13,,
names in order of merit
. •lt'h Class—Rona Stephenson, Ruskin
Keys, Myrtle Johnstone, Earl' John-
st'ane, Lloyd Keys, Dela Keys, Wil•
lieJohnstone, Sherlock Keys.
3rd Clasp—Eric Elliott, l3ay Keys.
2nd ('lass—Irene Elliott, .1' lymore
Class—Wilber I{eys, Russel Er.
—J, E. Ilarnwen, Teachea:
The following front the Progress of
Pidgc'an, Michigan, tells of the death
of the wife of .a former rt!stdunt of
this. township :
"Atter nearly a year of pain and
suf:eriug, Mrs. .John Foster died at
ihe 1Lubbard Memorial hospital in Bad
Axe on Tuesday, Feb. 14tH, at the
age of 61 s•earo,
lies. Fost':r was a daughter of the
late; Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Zellae and
was horn in Watn•too County. Ontario
on .June 1st, 1850. On September 15,
1873 she marii:ed ,Jolin Foster' • of
the townec:aip of Stanley, Huron Coun-
ty, Ontario. The couple were blesser 1
tvit'lt thi',e children, Mrs. E. Paul,
Mrs, E:'aie 1Ieaton, and 011ie D., all
of this \ illaga' .\bout twenty-six
years ago Hay u:nved to Michigan and
settled 'on a farm in S:inilae. County,
but about seven lasers later' moved to
pigeon, where than have since resided.
To mourn ler departure she leaves
a husband, ,two daughters, a son
and feud grandchildren be'aidt•s two
sisters. and live brothers ilrs.• ('ath-
erine Wurtn' and Mrs. Mary Schrader
of Zurich, Ontario ; .Jacob of • Dash-
wood, Ontario ; Philip of •rale,
Mich. ; Adam of Ilarrisvillr, Mich.;
John of Ada, Mich.,)an of la
in North Dakota..
A 'short funeral servlet' will be .held
at' theboino of. :lir. and Mos.• Ernie
Deaton, Friday at one o'clock,.. and
front there the ronains .he taken
to the Presbyterian church. Rev. Mr.
McAndn'w will pet side. Interment in
Pigeon. cemetery. -
Mrs. Foster was a member o' •and
an ardent worker in the Presbyterian
church. Of a kindly, motherly dispo-
r'ition, she was loved bv alt, About a
rear ago she became ill and about
eight months ago she was opel'ated on.
A second operati•oii was' necessary .a'
coupIc of .mouths later,.andasho
time. ago again the surgeons •.tried,'
but that dread' affliction, cancer, could
not be downed: To . the very last;
'such: was her .kin'dly natu•ts ahe
would 'scarcely ask a• flavor of the nur-
ses • or her many friends who 'were •ru
constant attendanen All who knew
her, mourn, .and the b'oreaved •relabltres
have the sympathy of: the community.
Rheumatism Cured
To Stay Cured.
This article is intended aa.a talk to
the man or • woman witlirheuinatistn
who wants 'to be. cured. Not merely
r&i'.ieved, not half cared, but actually
cured. Tlie'moSt a rheumatic sufferer
eau hope for in rubbing iuntething; on
the swollen, aching joints is a little
relief. And all Flu'' while the titouble
is becoming •niore iirinl.q seated, &Med=
ieal authoritles now know t'htt rlteu.
matisni idrooted "in the blood, 'and
that whilei rubbing on liniments or
het foinentations may site temporary
relief, they cannot. 'mealy euro—you
must go to the root of the 'trouble iri.
the blood. That is Why 1 r: \\'illiarils'
Pink fills cure', rheumatism. They
make now, rich blood, which exp&+ls
thepoiscnous acid, and the rheumat-
ism disappears. There are thous»
ands of former rhetilnatic sufferers, in
Canada, now well .and strong, who
thank Dr, \Villains' .I'init Pills that
they are nos' free from. the alma and
pains . and t'artures of this dreaded
trouble. • Me. Joseph Luddingtbn,
New harbor, N. 8., says : ";Some
t'ltra&1 years ago my wife was strick-
en with rheumatism, and suffered So
much that we despaired 'of he'r ever
geit•ing writ again. At first she was
able to go about, but in spite of all
we did for her she grow so bad that
we had to lift hen in and out 'of bed,
and finally the pains grew so exortt-
ciatfing that we eould only: move her
little by little, with the sheet under
lu r, Finally we wore induced to got
I)r. Williams' Pink Pills for her. 1
do not remember just how many
boxes she took, but I' do • know that
they . were the first medicine that
reaehc'd . the disease, and that . she
continuos t6• improve until she was
again as well as trier, and could de
.her household work. To u.1 It is
simply marvetlous what Dr. 1i%i1-
liatns' Pink fills did for her, and we
are glad to give this testimonial 'in
the hope that it will benefit some
btltcrr' poor sltilcrtr "
Dr. Williams* Pink Pills are sold by
all nredicinc deaterit or will be seat
by Mail at t30 cents a box or six
boxea far.• $2:5O byWritpig. The pie.'
Willi:liSY?t' :Ciedicint' ('o., Brookville,`
I 1400001111.0.1.11011.0011 $411111100.111011.10.11k
Will be necessary in* order to secure one of
these manufacturer's ends of fine bleached
'fable Damask, as you know on former oc-
casions they all went In a few hours..
run horn m��t
? 2� yds each and
are worth
from 75 to 90c per yd. Your choice for only 50c
In this lot extra fineual' '
q lt}, These also run
to .
a dr
ae worth
yard, these go at only 69c.
Of value One thousand yards of Linen Torchon
Lace and Insertion to match. Many of these are
.well worth 121c, any one of them would be
cheap at Bic. We place the entire lot on sale
at 5e. .
Large Huck Tower, Hemstitched 'worth 20c
at each only ]5c. .; ' j '
Strong azld serviceable ater <d
p. 3 5c, 64c, Sc, 10e
and 12&c, every one a 'special,
151u 30 PER CENT, CVT
rly stock of Carpets and Rugs is too large and
in order to reduce it I will give a discount . of
from 15 to 30 percent.. ' Read this partial list
Union Rugs 3 x3i'for $5.75 reg price :.0(t
Tapestry 3 x 3 for 0.75 • 9.50 •
" " 3 x 4 for 5.00 " 12.00
" " 3'x 4 for 10.50 " 14:5(1
" ."'3x.4•. for 1250 . " 16.50 -
" 3 x 4 for 1600 " 20.00
3 r.31, at 30' percent. discount,
Wool' " 3x.4 I must move them out if price will ill do it
-:x 4 .
Velvet " 3 x 4 for $22.50 reg price $29:00 ,Are Beauties
Wilton " 3 x 3, for 22.50 •' 29.00 Best Quality
We are selling our 4 ydslinoleums at the old price while our press
ent stock lasts. We have 12 different patterns to select from,
Mattresses'20.percent discount.
13ed Springs red $3.00 for 42 550, '
Iron Beds prices range from $2.75 to $20.00 each..
We have a very large• and well assorted' stock of'
all kinds of. Furniture and ifou want your dollars to
do sorne closet financin = for ou� your • do buying at
�, y
our store for theirs. exit 30 days, starting from
Ist:MARCH up to 2nd day. of APRIL
Your money cheerfully refunded if goods are not
satisfactory, all purchases must be cash at the slaugh-
tered prices.
It will be only a pleasure to show you through
our immense stock: We are the only store outside a
city showing .a complete set of furnished rooms. A
visit through will be a treat for you anyway, even if
you do not buy.
1 good sentare piano for sale at a snap.
1 " (1 octive piano -eased organ for sale cheap.
2 good second hand sewing machines for sale cheap.
We carry repairs and needles for ail makes of machines.
Repairing and pieture framing
neatly and promptly done.'
Chairs and tables rented for parties at
reasonable rates.
The *tore.
of Quality.
Phone 28
W. WaIker
1 urnlfuirr Dealer anti Undertaker
..n.w..•..,- LP•4 .l.r.+.w-+.r4°°-+t• """'