HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1911-03-02, Page 14 NIVI LITTLE: DANCEL l+ A JOLLY EVENING, A LIVI,,'LY G^aali•:. LITTLE I.00AL9• Personals 1A On Friday evening the Pasttime 01ub. gave one of their Unjoyable lit- On Friday Past, about a score of C`.C.E.. Studenba drove out to ',he The Goderich hockey team ca= ;down on. Monday evening and played rhe Ladits' (guild of St. Paul's church will bald thu:r regular month- lir. Albert ;mite spenh the week -end tle .dances in their club raoms.. Pe- +sides home of Misa Ruby Wfso in Tucker- a friendly game with the local puck- Iv t.+a in the ;4unday school on 1Ton- with Ripley fi}ends, ;Hiss I.th;1 Doherty has been visltinw the usual numb(+r who attend smith and sprat a very jolly evening efiasers. It was an exe(edingl ltv- Y day nest from 2 until 5,3'0 o'clock.. . friends in '1'fl,}onhuirg, from town, a number of out, of -town 1 Tho noon( in games; music, etc. A delicious ely game- and excited much interest. The baseballists will re -organise Mr. and :Firs, C,. Lomgit>y were lir, guests were pr.scitt. was lunch was afterwards served and the Clint= . goal, ,Johnson ; point, Ilexl' Mu.ndav nig)it. Loddon Fi day to Monday. good, the music fine and, the evening passed. all too quickly for those who young peoplo returned 1101110 voting their schoolmate an ideal hostess. Rumball ; cover,Vopp ; rovt'r, Forres- ter ; centre, McLennan; r:ig}rU, BAPTIST ( r Iii 1tC"I{. tri ton has taken MISS 1-lstcp'.la Wikat? g are fond of "t+rfpping tlhe light fan- tastic." TEIk: LOCAL li:1RKL'i'f Mitchell -,hit+, Draper. Services will be held its usual' on �millinery position at (}lcncoe. Mr. Gerald Sullivan 'of Kingsbri(t� < :Miry Cowan,. teathert of ti. q. . No. . oil Saturday with a carload' of caftla STAKING HARD TIMES. ;8uriday n>ext• w�boi the pulpit will be visit(d fit tdwn Saturday and Suu- GIsNIAL JOII:V' SCARLETT. Wheat: 80c. ,' Melt weree fed by the Cray brothete., occupied. by the pastor, Rev. W, IV, day. ever, In faking thein completely rift Oats 280 to 300. When enough people( say that times Wylie. Mrs. <lolinstott of I,ondesborb was UkN Mr. John Scarf tt of It,eadbury, Peas 050 to 70c. am hard, a period of .busilims deprrs- Tho Sacrament of the Lord's Sup. guest of Mrs. II. E. Rorke on yi:ed- known from one end- of Huron to an- I,ggs 18c to 190. Sion follows. Fortunately one(c•rovak- pees will be observed after the morning neulay. other, has been vary ill of late with Live Hogs $0.00. ell Cannot precipitate a business panic, service. Mrs. 'George fl ummell and Airs. Walt- much -dreaded pneumonia. He is now, Buitter 18e to 19c. but lie can make hard times for hint e'r' Marlowe spout :Sunday In I,or. htiwevor, much improved and is ex-- Bran $21 per ton. self, 1F•hett a young business man i,ITF:IiAlil CLUB 1TY.(:'1'7NC1. - clesbaro. peeted to rapidly recuperate.. There Barley 550 to 60c. gets the habit of talking hard times, Tlu+ Literary Club nal. is fn, the hall Miss 1%dna 1IcCaughc+y of (hide ict. are tviv men bigger and broader in Shorts $25 per ton, and.A",gli prices, and no chance, his over the Public Library' on Tuoiday spent the week end at her bearn4 more ways than one Than genial John Scarlett , WILLISGIEGRC. l advanceriient ends forthwith, ' evening.nexk at eight a rlocl(, Mr. J. in 'Clinton. , and that be may soon be Don't, make hard times for voursclf B. Iloover will be the speaker on this+ lir. (=eorgo Itoss of Mt ° Forest is Ilit quite wt+'>l again is the wfs;i of .a host Mrs. C'howen ro:iderod a. charming by complaining. And don't, by joint- occasion and has chosen as his sub- guest thls week of itis sister, Mrs of frionds which includes The Nows, solo at the eveningsinrFice on- Scut-, - Ing with an army of other croakers, ect "Municipal Ownershipof Public. J p Murray 11cf?•wen• Itecai+l, da last. y make hard times for others sacs an 1'tilitties." 1•,'vepy body is �votcame to Miss I.11a Lindsay will taktc a . pgsi- FROM MISS COURTICE'. The topic at the+ Ciuilil on Monday exchange• these nit'Aings which art proving to tion for the, spring tziilIint•ry sear, The l'he following . is from a persona. evening was taken by Miss Margaret McLennan. Tile minting next week WOMEN'S I'NSTI'i'i?Tb% be of increasing ittttrost.• ort at' Lindsay, ' Miss Kathlecm .fast has gone to Toa ­ ,` ter written by Miss Sybil (;our- ' will bo held attest the evening ser- Tile re alar menti- ofilia it' NLIt' OItC�,1 NI5'1:5. onto where he intends tatting 4 lice to lien grandparentls, Rev. 4Tr, vice alt Sunday, A, song Service is I isiituta was held at the home . of . Mrs. 11e•llardl _Sniith ha been . en- 5t+�ilOgraphy position. I1Tiss Lulu Mulholland has resutucd.11ex =�� and Mrs. Wadi, of Clinton. Miss; being arraug<ti for, Mrs. MCMu.1;ay oil 'Thursday' after- gaged as organist, and cliofr+ Mader ui Position i r t +' k ('aurtice, who Is in Japan, as a rep- 110011 last. `i ht pu on n (ue } (r s boo store aft: a: ON r. ST. C III'IlC II. president, Alrs, Willis church. '1'hc Board consider r•t,enta.tive of the 1F, M. S. of vie „ a holiday of .several wicks. '� Kearns, read a paper oil Fliviron- themselves fortunate in being able to ih@ ROYAL BANK of .NADA .Methodist ' Ctzttrclt in Canada, is a Qn Monday 'evenin the League lr l Inent," :firs. Mason.also gava a tiery so?ure tki's lady's- stTvicis fcr it 's Mrs. IV, 11' C woo and Miss Owc!n o; daughtt'r of X-11. and Mrr. E, G. y l g e tk i a Bowbelis, Dakota, are the guests .o:�• their nranthiy social, 7'hc progoam •intere,.ting papt;r'on- IIow tri snake girallahtee t+hat the choir will be loc- iii•: and ;Firs. J. 13. Lindsay. INCORPORATED 1869( c'ourtico and:is. telt-known to many was an llnpronipt,tr one, tthe gatll(Tr- 3'our day's wank lightcz+." firs, ally unexcelit, 1. \�,,vs-Record readers: Couch and ihr hostess lcndcred a lir. C}: R'�I3an;;c has taken a position, Capita! Paid Up - S6,2oa,000. frig being derided according to tlxtir It is unofllcially understoc:ci that as traveller with a 'Toronto wholtp- Reserve and. Undivided Profits $d,9oq,aoo. '-Nagano, Japan, Jan 200, '1911, birthday mouth, each group contribu- dfiet viiry pleas}ngly. The matt+}ng Miss Bentley, tile, mo.+1 efficient or- sale unit started an t'ilc road on 1Tor1- Total Assets - - $92,000,000 I t+pink this is a goad chance to ping - so•ntctlling to ward the program, w'as .then clot+ d, by thr singing cif the , F - MONTREAL. grt my letter wr+:item to you. I and ; ganist Of St., Paul's church for sev;•ral I clay. , HEAD OFFICE, MO RE L The result was a tier informal and. 'Nat Antht i, after _which . a position to Hiss Rub • soOk f a!1. alone and will be for an hour or Y , . years wrlI vacate that y a tt r a :c}sit iviti: interi,stfng steeling. ill(: elitranec fee dainty aftcrn0tui tan was silted 'and. bi•coute choir Rader<and will be aucr lei., J + Stevenson175 Branches and Correspondents throughout the World. so until the .Fi:rls catut+ in fqr our a socias'.Half flour ertjoj'ecl. s can. le and clef iisuaP f,'iteen r>rinutas of physical cul- was, one applo or two .potrato(s. of cot+acd by MissC'leta.Ford, one, of our fricntis, returned to Toronto Tester— the forineii t1here were few the. kat- lIL C'II ST0 :I: COSH NCx> most..aecent•3'.i sh;,l local musicians. day. lure to:cercises , before we, go to bed to ter were dewotGc} to a worthy cause, With hiss Iii, Ida Boles as leader Mrs.. J. Cameron and baby chugiir at nine, llotnemade canci t , Interest allowed on Raving accounts, ' Courteous (fiat :endo San has just bon telling me Y was :served at tl}e Tlt'c Corporation's stone yard i:p ra- t.be choir of Wc4lt • ,chinch will. main er of Lucknow 'are guests of tbt., 1 g conclusion. of the. program. pidly -filling up and from presenj indi- y ment accorded to all customers. about hur day':i work.. She had tri n it's old-time popularity, VT}S;s lady's parents, Jlr. and Airs.: tL'tia... ` children's meeting• at Yoshido, 4 vil•.. A JOLLY LITTLE PAtITY. cationic thero will ere the snow dis-. IlClen. Dollerty'becornes organist. She Flukcr. lage not ver fan appears; be an. ample supply on hand has fol• sorne years been an active 'Mrs. J. Wiseman cnpcets• to leave ov: R. E. MANNING, manager - Clinton Branch. Y away, and t11er. ' f ' On Thursda evenin last( a un'► ut! on, next season's roact-building, opera- + g tna�de a Holub©r of calls on hey way. Y !;. q m:�•nber of trite chUir and . as, well as Saturday far a fortnight's vL?a!x � ! home. low she is in having a 1}1(10 little surprise was given 11Ii'ss Katie tions. Ptirllaps thirty: different farts organist ..•of.the S.,S. leas rendered iwith liar zuother+, Mrs: Grant of Sx. meeting with our servants.. T _cart Scott, by a few of heir most iptimatt ers have, bom drawing in; thu-,+ getting splendid service. iVi'ar;'s. liter ht•:n singing. , Every 'Thursday girt friends, in. anticipation of liter fair pay and at -the same Woo getting Fixx, Yates ,and • Miss Strachan (: '. ],light she departure far Now York . µ^hertz she rid, of tltc stogies. C}oderich were the gucsi s of lvfx q g u14 is thew a Bible lesson, }mends training'. as• . :t nurse,. The Cree.' Brothers have ' tilso put in a • One of out+ litt:lu mst:ds and the k:zi- g � John. Johnstone tt' couple of d:iF�•' little circle wort; Invited to the homo few,s}ack days in this way and on Sat- this week. The M�UI�SC�N1S BANS. Iergart+ n serva»t .have .bt+n ('bri, y HIAPPER1165IN SOCIETY brans .only A few months, of, Miss. Frenr Jackson and when all urda morning last brought tlic' Norman Mutch has completed hi The work of a I3fblo tvom n u.~. I had gathered the :hostess called- 11}s:� biggest load yet dcli�cred. Tho ^ rouru. in the Clinton Business Ool--• a , wci lit was 8'790 , , rs, W. Iii done eliterta.incd a,nurn- INQOEiPORATED I855. Scotty on the phone, asking Tier ; over !; , pounds: tint for ' Y , }ore and.will return too his home a� Capital Paid'up - .${,000,000 Rest Pond $4,400,000 have seen it since .I coma', is a u c,:t an Som© t+�iest. arrival which tete' rtt�civcd ai• i3:Y5 per cor bcr gf..her �ad5..�rtends cin Monday f , iinport'Vant'ozxf4 ':Besides the'+.hild�cn's P 011 11'Er. a (Fal the y P . d Auburn oil Friday, and women's ni e•tin s and ' a u, gi'r'=s tripped downstaut, -each -itof 13;OQ0 pounds 'the soli of $2,54, evening.. Mr:. and Mr:►. ,Flarold t4iltsc rotuipi Has 78 Branches in Canada g n ih rk in childish orb and wttlt of tri - ,` Miss I.mnia 4outhcopibe gave a iia ,, in connection with the church survives g A v K � Tut+xlay from a few days visit iiz. and Agents and Correspondents in all the•principtLl cities looks and braids. After some us'o GIVE IT.;.I F3005 P. on Satui+.lay evening for a fe:w, of tier.I in th0 world. she has a regular visiting list." In 1 _ i Londort and expect .to have ncY!c lady fl'ielldS: One day ]anti week I went with ,111_ and a .merry (;nine, a number of lain- ,Said iter be<zrdcd ami retrtinjscent � week for -Winnipeg: Mr. Cr. and Mrs'. ki: 13. (ban$ff :it c a.l A GE ERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED.. do San t'o the -luime. of a woman who 'ty gifts, articles for personal use, Cftiisn th,� "'vthep day in a regretful 1'flss Lila Flesh, of Saaforttl bias 't&* and each representing the loving tone "FF'licn; are all t•le old 11 it tea -for a few•of.their friends oa:Flon- guest last Friday of 1Fiiss. Pcaa's. attends church quite regularly, but day evening. , AN_ K DE ARTMENT !Neo is not C"tlristian. : ;51ie. has thought of one of -the girlsi Wena: iii tiries of our town; the salt works and O No*,I -acid attcmded. the - Pastime SAVINGS R► p " a very ori iilal way 1I'r:nnd, Mrs. K 1 rstcann entertained bean' reading tlie, B}ble .fog several t; Y pxeselitt�l :o ilie all the otlitr industries tvtliclt, us,+_l dance in idle e�ettin�;. AT ALL 13RANOTiH13 a numbe. 'of their friends` at bridge nears and, for some timer ,t2tdo. S<ta .guest of the evening. More music and to m44c, Clinton busy This town s. ,.; Mr. Jolin-Ilaynient returned thfc+zvMc. interest allowed at Highest'Current-Rate. has been visiting her, each time ex-. full followed, then supper ane}• VIS, is nearly, dead,'anyway." . "•Go,.take on 1•tu clay L,lillllg.' frons. VictbEa Harbor where by lma:�=., girls: bade adieu . to one of their nuns- �„ 1Ir.ud,1Ti',. .l ante.+ ylclfath. tine ! plaining to her some particular pas g a cold bath . replied f he cleari-stray- bven engaged as fcrerhan of a car:. I bcr for a. season. 1liss Scott, is a en ii to�dat�+ eftizrn. "Look what. having a iuu.nher of thOr friends in to Clinton Branch C. I .. Dowding, Manager cage and singing a hymn or two, as• p tea to -morrow etcuiri pewter gang since' last• .autumn. ! lie lad is ver + fgnd Of SIIl in . 'I'll!,, �,eI1C'ral inset rl+• with bur. fr}i•nd ! and tare lino o in thc�ii place the ar tri and g , Hiss Curl Chant has` taken a sfttri( y y g g 1 gt Mrs, A.'J. Ilol:ow'ay. ante(("taped a her depaiF�urc 1'rtiiil town' }M+ tin►ell rc� iano factory,facto , ciotl-. tion lit tet, zniilinar department of }lTerson, nlidcrstands nuic} bcytt.+r than p -knitting Y member of fatly frit�ltls 011 ratuiday .. Y p Cat, , • gretl'ed, in f tc SO so last time instead of tL:(rng g s tory, and lit,,, q look' at ail tC. _,...f. McLaren, St. harines,,. eveithig C.n•honar of Ui•s..J. NV. ' Now - tier lesson from the GQspcl's she. took . ODDl+ ELF:OW§ i1.T-HOME— tine in1QrOVK1Acnt-s we have; . the paved one of tet+ lat'rt!et' si,arc�+ in t+}t,' Combe. of Fort. F3�llliallt:, , ilie.23rd ltaalrtl. °1`fie busbanel is aw'av !t.recis,• .eae•ctrie lit;iibs; water�woi'ks.. Niagara ,peninsula. . _ r, -.. -V' , .. e _ ,Y. tiers: :1, �.:I,valls will r•eceil•e all - - George i tAll on burliness a..gerod deal asci (Vas awls The l hrce Nilk brothren hold : their riho d , tt ant to „a;.bei k to tet' olct -Mr. and firs. George 11il} •arid' . Aliso 4L , 4 Alo►utay evening tram eight to ten r One (quarter when we calied,, but ,,he,+ lied !Usti rte- annual At Ilonrc to their. rooins on times > Union's s ll tl p ;give it ,. � • r ltia Rgnlondville were .fit .town: tAW4 i✓ ceived. a letter from him sa iii that Thursday .evening lastwhich proved a boost. o clock, 'Firs.. .J. Blit , who leaves vecterday, guests at thea Kyle saying , . 1'or .bcr home at..' Indian diad on she lrad,betttlr ,oto churcti.re ularl t. to be a very plcasailf atiair. There I Lindsay wedding, 1I,1 . Hit.'' is. OFF tl g Y, . n'I?SI ' C'Iii'I1C11; i 1 Wednesday,. will receive with her, sb he is ctvidently bccomring more,t.wag a.good turnout. of the mutlbcr,, sister:of.the groom, their vi*i"yes and friends.' Ther first ' i \Ir, and lite, Jaiztc�i Fair, Dr. anti Interested: Tho "Sunday holore she 6e missiona•ry eommittee hack' ` had asked life., in church to�. go with Part of the averring was 4L.votcd to. chai?gc. of: the. League tn.+ ting an Mrs. tihaiv, and, l[z; and Mrs. Il . Ando Sail the nest' time so clic ivas pragrc.,yive euchre and flidcl►. Miss r , Lnndesba'rn. Graham wcru the , uesti, of , Mr. ant;: lFloiiday c venfng The progi tm • con- g wait+ing for us when we' got "then+.,. Mti:tdc''lorraiice and Mr, A. J. )lot—listed; of a m}.!sionary stars read by } carr d tt' do Wednesday of firs: James Snctl:'of Mullett at ax:: Tho only stove the use. for heating rish. won ('lie prizes fctr cuchrct; and' The dent 1 occurred c oil e e y Y Y g 11r. C C. ilawkv . and illustrated bv• evening dinner yctstt,rda3'• Al I het rooms Mrs. l u'.1' ar and Mr. R. F. Matin ng T last wectc at the borne 0 f her s01"ll- t r con S here til Japan is . a Y - g songs. Those .taking parts in the anus- firs..:\darns asci little daughter, wlaxa "ltiotatwe"' a. box affair with. a •ccs those-.•fon flinch.• When; the • game,) i + law, :ter, .James li'oodniatr,• `of Mrs have spent the post fortnigh4 tlttrr g is were : M}ss(,v,E.;Reece•, I•,. Turner•; H. Ilaggibt at the. great age of eight+y sol to hold the charcoal in a 'b,4d of were concluded a short program was I.N el}ie Hill, and liessrs. IIawkt and gie:'ts of the Ior•met+ s •uncle, Post- sct t it years. The funeral • took . place ashes. Over t,hisabig. thick quilt'to, .given. . Mr. Stevenson.-ot Seaforth .I;; ]':est.; tvht> sa»g s,tlos, and Hiss s r piaster Scott, leave ill a few' dates thrown and you sit on the floor on :a coni+rifi�uicd to bile prograru as did ;, ,r ou FlvAat, Waster conducted in ,for ttit+:r •lronie itl'1'.cxoattcr.' . C1. {ant. .on and F>. Tu nt who gave the Ylet•hadist' of by lite IZcv. J. , . Ask cushion with y9ur,•knees, and, your also Mr,.Jas: Fowler oftown. The a t}uet, 'lime niissionaiv vice, lTfss `Ins.`J• llillcr.c.t Indian head, -S Il., Osterhout•. The. deceased lade Overcoa s hands if you like, unites the quilt.: Clinton Op_,hcstra,. eomposrd of s}" Ruby Irwin occu ietl the ellair: who has ' been visiting tier sistter Sittingaround like this is a ver feces : violin, )Tr. I'lialcil; clan}net, ; y., p who was a most devoted matitcr, lea Mrs. (1l,!.) Evans in 1,0tvn and at>hcA. . y P T ht officials knave decided to hold nosy way and takes away all form- ATr. .l, McRae ; trombone, NN. Moffat ; . , ve" ti. family' •of .ouu daiighter'_ ' and friends in' olitiario 'foil the past cou- the church anniversary st v ices on ,seven -song ; namely : Mrs. ' James . ality, cornet, ,lir. Harold,Innes ; druin, 0. the 19th hist. and }lave sectiredt•Ro+ . p}c Lf months, wi;li !care navt Wed. Almost as soon as we went tea Fitik; w^it+h, Miss. Dentley"at ilrc piano,. Whitin f r aoht+r f r �400clivan,. I,ondesboro ;. Anthony y; R E g 0 I,ondoii .as p e o g' nesda for her hq-nle. , d• and 1•d«ard• of B}ttil (I til' e Wag pi+i+aired for us and Pittltz rakes rendered cxcellcnt- music. 'throughout the Flo '. ' 14I1:. 1V. II. :�rweombe; �cllo has .bckrc.: and gran es were 'brought. A neigh-. the evening. Refreshments were af- Y �liber.t enc} Robev6 - of Filehigan, :and r . g gh g g Rev...:'. I,. Fot'd tuns ba:'n 'ofTleiaHv., ., ! ,enl,aged in tile, mereliantilc 6u:cines�:. bor. wag thore,.too so 'there were terward:i servo) and the evening voted, for `i': Joimstoii of Ciculcrich: the 1 :+:r- ilii some tinl:e past+ in �tarteouverr I3 invited to remain as ;pastor of till tncnb took place }u the Lo:nles,l l:`o two, to Bear Instead* of one., AVe , sang. a very onjoyable care.. A number of second year..: 1Ir-. Fbrd...is. one of - the ,. C'., .:has forfil.it-: a pantile(+altip Rua'. . Cri 1ltt.•. �. -two or thpae liyrnn.r, -(I can •read the guests'- wore prownt, from _ Saiforth es astors d .reachers this church , ; the .busillc>f .will Ili future! .be knows, - y g P has had for ntati ears, firs. It. iatlams, atiendccl +1.. mi.,.u- h Inns but the words ate meanin loss and other laces. b t p an P by the 11ame of IC•. 1I. Zctivcctilbc 3: yet unless I happen t� .kuow' idlo , . y y r.'py oPrnings. at.,1'oront+l lit^� iv`'t'k•• , .(,0 ;1TAF3dRIFD IN A1316111)RI \. 1 1'Ri TTY lI'.1IiCII 1ViDDI\Cl. ilIr, 1t'. :lclam5, whti has ., en t3:t Dr.: -Atoti rLi.Tarncd' esicrila frorii: During the month of English words), and alter that ivc y had the Bible talk. It }s hard to r0 t liolidays•. at 'home, left, tin i4lor'icl<ly fcr Valedonia wh} rt► }re, had. 'been called The following Elam tea: Baily ;News, . rbLA home of 11t.'and 1Trs. .I. B. Minneapolis, -Minn. }t ilio death of 'his only • brotlMr. ante until one actually camesl In-• o of A•bei+:leen, South Dakcita; will- be Lindsay was, the. scene of a, PLIA'Ly �: Mr.Ed, � t}'oodntaii of Guelph '.l;t,nt Y contact with Vile work how rnttch there of Iniertst to readers of The :N'cws- ireddfn rest',rrda afteriiooli when who passed away ;itiddenlir on Thurs- . is to' be taught. b y Y Sunday 'at home. day ;'ast• The Dr and lits nfothco' g Record,the. bride being, a nativit • of thtt:r eldest daughtt,•r, Ida Louise was 3Tr. A. Brunsdoa of Woodstock I aljoy't+he little bit of visiting I Clinton, the. oun est• dao httf of the L • , are Crow the oniv, survlvini; member: Y g g tinitee} tri tnai'riagc with:. AIr. J. Lln:l- Sipes(, .�unday (keine. get a chance to do very much and I late Ales.. Mackenzie " of the family. .Shall be, lad indeed when I can speak 1y Kylc1 of «'ilkie, .�asl(. Tete l;pttontli League will "Old the , Y g ( "Two: young people sprung a earn- , .. iFTti Frank hall, who. iris, btillin 1)- t't- FE�RUA The bridal coup='a look- the}r li}ares third of a SezieS of ho` socials on , , to -the people mysl:ilf, plete �surpn:sc!-on their friends last , tryi t ecr.etary of the 1Ttu0n 1 ouT= ' at t}ie, hottuc of :1Ir, I went to Miwamura, too, the other :evenhi b quietly . etting� married in the liandsotnely, decorated drawlttg. I ridgy .et'enult, try Assocfatian for some years, ha:� t_.• , g Y g room to the strains of 1-endelsgohn's William Vocideh of the 901 con. day to 1110 children'q Ineutftlg, It was ail} leaving. on the evening t+!ain for resignrei, but he Claes not by' ar3v rho firSU sificti Cthristmas and I t went. , Wedding lTarrh. pluye<l�by llrs, F. AIr. A. 1T. Snell sold four thoro- miany cerise to be a poultry fancier. the Cast before most of their activain� W. Watts. The bride, whol ivas given brei( cow:, this !week.. along to attract the cro*d. When an@es were awxn� of the atYatr. ,1t and. will always cont}nu,+. tal.'1ie .r. sohooi! carne ain't f stgail on tate s't'reetaway by h.i,' father, wore« a• very be- :lir. Hamill of Blyth' SPI -111 a ° few good frfcrtci of the ilssociation, cent. on Ort franc of fisc door and when the 8 (),Clock at the home of til,+ bride rfn coining-,soit of king's blue biliadeloth days of this week at thb Temperance We will give a discount of per ce in the Wilson block', a•Iat}iew }FI• ttirvtter Mrs. G. M. Yates was called Iasft rhildrrn Saw me they came running, + and carried -a bocluet of pink, and 1100SLI here, t s n to o a e T cooed and MisA Nc9}ie llurns. Mackrtlrie Mr. Amos Watson of London visited. Friday to the bedside of Iter fattier, white, carnations. Mr. . T. 1:, Ilay, I'astmast;r ;tt I go a many + were united in matrimony by the Rev. his sister, 'Mrs. F. Richards, and his bub sotne wouldn't, probably had been Father Dermody', }tr tine presence of a The ceremony was Performed ,by Lfstatvel, who Iran been ilk fol'sotne forbidden. 1 counted tht(nt and t+:lelre the Rev. Dr. Stewart and was ivit- brother, lir. t"i?as. Watson, oil i4Tox- tow close friends, A sit -course .wed- day. of this week. rich iilnef•i has takon tt t months, .,which ALL wera fifty-two. Some of these lead ding; supper, followed the ceremony, nessed only by intualiate relatives of suddol. turn for the, worst. VL r stra ed upon thein backs. the contracting Parties. Little. Miss 1'11. tis week. recelvt•i a carl.aael of y babies pp 1 after w]}joh the. Couple . left. for a. g �C1a,les was in Listowel. over Sun-• , A number.+ of the boys came ase fall as month's trip to the Home of the Ria. Ilill of P griioritivlIlEr slice of tho coal (itis wccic, da " the entrance but would come no Earth- groom, made a dainty flower girl, Miss' A1}ee' Younglsl it' spent( a few . , 5 grooms parents at I,aC rosso, IS. g day s this week ivitll tine sister, F1rs. 'Prof. W:• Glenn Campbell• has resign,-• OVe �. er. Somdtimes t+hr're am as 1xYanv a4 They will. also visit at Chicago and nannying a basket of flowers. JolrrT Hatt. cd lids position •as Organist U114- Overcoats 114- r .o� seventy at, a meeting, but after ft rhol- c+avborn pointt% and will ret+aiu bo Alt- Aftc;r the cerrmon and when the Way there axe usually not so many for Y Met,, ,I. Spindler of Lucknow spent (•boli leader of Willis cllurchf It is ,,�4 (� � , ovjecn to makt+ their Ironic before newly -wedded pair . had rest+lved the a fiw bays this we6k at tite home of liis intentjon in future to devote alk 1 4 a, while. on tire, ride congratulations„a . e to tfiachin and lie an:ci 1 April 1. :lfi t110 ceretrl, Y b of the as.. mbled lir Jos. Lyon. lits, tisk g Ando Satz told them of the erta- was attired lit a Mita tailored. travel- guests all repaired to, the dining Miss l?]ster' I,yon --and :Vers. `('hos. Ntrs, Vampbell will be pl'eascdi t(.: . itloit, I'hu children are taulht+ by lin , a sumptuous Tuesday _ ui►rr.rr „ . E;' suet and worn. a black picture rotint wlrt re,+ • � •rtlpt'a0us r,+,cast was 5 ;yea- titre!( all their old pupils at 't:Iierir Sampson. Spic rt� i uesday ivit t t'beh# school Nachors to Lis, �,Iri7- flat. The attendants ware t1. N. Ilcn- spread.1 • studio ax,' they have no Inttrn,tian Mf f rte d (}+�►lt friends looking forward to the, tc:nrer when 1 , known, ;ilr. Sit"ttin ur is a Machinist host o f fp' � , < itf i ricnds out 1+"ri« a tluaubeit of his frieutti cttt Ptldwl alta]] be abler to conduct tliet>x ztiyse<]f. g , ", . Ne+,vs«ltt<orv} S' which Includes The :fur a nunibet of h fur the :Ffilw•aukee line.. " dal evening last. eve+sin};. err,” '(nature) instead of "Kamfs,- (Ci•ad). At first after fundis g ne:tw and Mi.,:; Agatha Daly', Both Y t, The bride ttn� .the rrripint of many o t 11 •. on t alx. :F[ci.eatl a forllt r resid<�nt of leaving town oma" youth; peoplo are popular among a llartd:a:rmtc=-gifts frotn.friems far and ihia place, now of Pilot hound, Mail., _y _- up to tho question of who made tile large circle of friends here and theirlitre. near. fy t�fsiting otti ftirntls ht re. world, they atl.sweredl"5hi7un" ever Y every Y approaching marriage had been lir, and 'Mrs. Kyle 100 out the 1,30 M11. <1. G. Louns}icry reevived a Mullett '� ownshro; time, but after her talk they an wt r ,They looked forward to with much ince zeot, train for Godvrich to fakir tilt* V. 1'. quantity (,I sugar Prow illyth tltfsl *- ,,. , • �- � ed promptly "Iiarnisam ."s and elaborate+ pians had been. ritade R, today for their hriliro in Wilhie week. f 42,w Jb%epb Oray went` to Toronto l( learn vt"ry quickly but It ,fa e. a lot for fun tit tlutr expense ern the occas- where 1Cr. Ryle,- ill :canrpany with Ilis < :Miry Cowan,. teathert of ti. q. . No. . oil Saturday with a carload' of caftla of teaching to counteract tho hcisons, ion. The couple were srlccessful, how- 'brother, is cart'ying oil a prosperous 8, speut, Sunday With 4tratford ,' Melt weree fed by the Cray brothete., learned .earlier. ever, In faking thein completely rift business. friends. Site also litendmi the Not- They wi?i Send down allot+het; Ionil oxo I am always filled with t%thuslasnl their guard and ware out their way east Mr. and Sirs. Kyle arta followed to malites bancluct. 5aturdav of this week, aver the childrot s• metitingy and all, bci:ore, the marriage was genera}ty the west by the good wishes of t tri. I'` J Cr►,tivCgri gave it dant~e ^:Vii+. Frank Tricktt',V gave a party W looking forward to the, tc:nrer when 1 , known, ;ilr. Sit"ttin ur is a Machinist host o f fp' � , < itf i ricnds out 1+"ri« a tluaubeit of his frieutti cttt Ptldwl alta]] be abler to conduct tliet>x ztiyse<]f. g , ", . Ne+,vs«ltt<orv} S' which Includes The :fur a nunibet of h fur the :Ffilw•aukee line.. " dal evening last. eve+sin};.