HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1911-02-23, Page 8Clinton News -Record RUBBERS AT FIFTY OENT AT Fred. Jackson's The present weedier renditions fdrce many people into the purchase of Rubber Shoes which would be gladly avoided if at all possible ana it is our aim to assist hi making that purchase as easy aiewe can as t egaids the pi ice. LADIES'„RUBBERS 50c Gentletriens 75c We are offering Ladies' Rubbers at 50c and gentlemens' at 75c and while these are not the hest quantities made they are good en- ough to finish the season with. Our very best qualities sell at 75c for ladies and $L00 for men They are guaranteed to be the best that are made. Yvu will find among our leather lines equally good Tallies in all departments. Repairs While You Wait. FREt. JACKSON 81.1101111111111010111110111111104111111.00MIMMINN1MMINI.Mal NOMMMIN. •••••••••••••••••4 410.******N........•••••••••••• Traveller's Sample 77" M 0 0 4 'TS In rlen*s and Boys' At Less Than Manufacture's Prices. • • • A few days ago • wewere fortunate enough to secure first choosing from all the Sample Overcoats t.f one of Canada's Lar- gest Manufacturers at ridiculously low price and rather than carry them over for another season we will place the entit a lot on Sale commencing Saturday atsuch wonderfully low prices that a few days meet see a general clear up of every coati Remerobet This:is not a dem ing out of ,undesirable gar - wants but a genuine Sacrifice Sale of up -to -the -minute -goods. • Don't fail to see these coats if you need one for the balance " of this winter or are going to need one for next. • SMALL PLU MSTEEL mO• RE PROFITS BROS. BUSINESS i••••••t••••••***•••••• 4111111111•1•1111111111111116. ALMOST AT COST As we are removing from our pres- ent premises we must reduce our stock and to do so we have cut the prices. Here are a few of' the bargains for our customers Ladies' Kid Blucher; regular $3. n Sale price... - . .. . . . . ... . . . . LPL U Ladies' Kid Bluchers, regular $1.15 s A n and $2. Sale price.........,............11 • kiEfi Misses Kid Bluchers,. regular $2.00 n Sale price .... . . . ..... ....... ...... . Misses Chocolate Bluchers, regular 1 on 1.75. Sale price 1 60 Childs' Box Calf and Kid Bluchers, ie.gular $1.35 and $1.50. Sale price.... I . I Childs' Kid Bluchers, regular $1 tin and $1.10. Sale price . ...75c u,nd RUBiiiii,S • Men's Rubbers .85 Ladies' Rubbers......... , .50 Misses Storm Rubbers., .45 MEN'S ' Men's Patent Blucher, regular $4 3.50 • and $4.50. Sale price 1,, Men's heavy winter calf, tan and. 4 26 black, regular $5, Sale •price • _ .• , . Men's VelOuroalf, regular $3.50 and •• 'i00 $4. Sale price • • 1. Men's .Box Calf, regolar$2.59. Sale 1agt price 4. • 6° 4° S. C. EAT -WELL aommormiai •••• ••••••••• a••• •.•• •••• **** •••• •••• ***is 4•••• 41 • j. B Hoover Nelson Ball I• Our I 1 1 _..„ Sale 1 v.,-----..,-...,....--,.... I16fords an opportunity for the thrifty to efurnish the whole or any ipart of the house at a splendid saving, not made at the expense of quality, ..a.w.Swil Furniture For Parlor, Dining, Bed Room or Kitchen. $ IThere ate coni,pleto outfits and airii that egle ptee aremarvels of furnil titre excellence and economy, Better see then: 1 The cheapest spot In Huron County to buy alk kinds of furniture, ' ,t 1 Hoover ScB all iseeritMTVVTIVLE .A..1•Tr) Vti'VE144.r.., 3:11X14.311CJW0Itat 1 *IN. 44*. 4 444 *44 • IN .. 444 4 4 444 dbit.4 44 ir• ON. 40.4146 *VINO .4040. * HE GETS TWELVE MONTHS,.. For One Vollar and Fifty Cents - Its a fact (and we advertise it be - rause we so often find some one surprised when told it) that we can give you. a DAILY P_AE for one year for. $l 7-50. ost days we are in a posarilii; giue you a Sample Copy and willbe pleased to have you apply for one. We will have it sent to you by mail or you can. call for it at store. We solicit your subscription for any newspaper or magazine. , W. D. FAIR CO. • Ofteh,Cheapest — Always the Best I P1074... At. ill dor. Alaimo' Miss Isabel Gunn leaves on Friday for a feW days' visit in Toronto. Joseph I•rving of Windsor is the guest �f her sister, Mrs. A. J. Grigg. Mrs. J. G. IvIeVettiLl of Westfield • spent Sunday the guest of Mr. and Mrs: S. �. Medd. . Prof, Brown left on Monday for Galt Mrs. • Bestwn and Miss Hope followed on Wednesday afternoon. Miss Jessie' Ford was the guest .over • Sunday, of Miss Snowden at ,the lenetli.edist. parsonageat- Mollie Chill has been baying a 'holiday at' home owing to the •. fact tha,t• thke, is an epideinic of rneaSits iacWalten and .the school had to be • closed, : Mrs. D. 'ripiady sulfured •Stscke • of paralysis. on Saturday for a : time as in a very serious condi- . floe bat her* many friends will loe , , plaised to hear that she is now •sotuewha t • better. • Miss Anna Jenkins returned last wa•fir from a visit in 'Arthur,. She was • accompanied by het sister and bro- ther-in-law, • Mr. and Mrs. IL D. Carneron, who will spend a few • weeks under the hospitable Itiof of the • house of • Jenkins, Woodlands Miss Elizabeth Reed returned Fri- tts- 'from Tbronto alter a pleasant •U.:sit at the home of Mr. aid Mrs, Alex. Armstreng, fornierly bl Clins ton, who, by the way, a0,3 :continu- ally reminded of the old bottle town by the fact UAW they reside on • Clintonat peat Miss Jmnie .Posen.' who has been the guest ef h othor, Rev. T• W. Cosens, h Ontario street parsonage' for the past fortnight, left for her home at Trowbridge • early this week. Miss Cosens made :many friends during her stay in town who will always welcome her • return. • • Miss MayRanee Came lime Saturday from Tonanto to rectiperat... after •a rather severe attack of tonsilitis. Mrs. C C. Rance went down to the • eity to*S•ecompany MiSe Rance borne but while thole: her son, Clarauee, who is a student at the School' of Science., was -stricken with scarlet • fever and his mother. remained with • him in quarantine.. • • On • Tuesday afternoon the remains of the late Rev. W. J. Wardell of Deumbe passed through town en route for Exeter where interment took place. Aecompanyirig the body • were Mrs. , Wardell and Rev, Mr. McIrVine of Woodstock and Rev. Mr. Honey of Princeton, who were . guests at Wesley parsonage while ' awaiting railway ponneetioo: • Aft and Mrs. W. G. Plewes and their youngest son, Nelson'after a few • wo3ks visit With friends in town and ' district, left on Monday irk • Irwin ' home at Steelton, a municipality that is one of the subutras of Sault Ste -Marie. • It is nine years since tha family weirii from Tuckersmith to the Soo and for a while the• grOwth of that place was very slow, but it has been going `ahead at a great • rate •of recent ye.ars, Mr: Flews' owns a brick yard of which the output Is 1,000,000 brick a sea- son, and so keen has been the de- mand that When thit yard 'closed last fall the supply was dompletely exhausted. Mr. Piewes kilns use • up six hundred cords of wood in one season. Mr. Plewes toted a great many changes in the home township in the nine years since he left it. Mr. E. Lewis Evans of Louisville, Kentucky, was in • town on Friday and Saturday last. lie would very • much liked to have prolotiged Its stay, but business demands were urgent arid ho. het Saturday evening for 'Detroit. As secretary -treasurer of the Tabacce Workers Union, Mr. Evans has many duties to perform, attd that he has acquitted. himself satisfactorily is manifest from the faet that he is continued in offie3 year after year though there aro many who would like to go:. into his shoes. Ire takes a ketit interest Itt the question of reciprocity between this country and the U, S. and as a native Canadian and a eitiien of the United States by adoption he is kokitig over the whole question with an open mind. The News -Record is not far astray in inferring that Mr. Evans would not at all bo pleased if his home land got the worst of the deal. February 23rd, 191i • ____Nifsmi!..seimewarsammismaswasseamismaimimear woo OINI OUT OF. reat Slaughter Sale of DRY GOODS, HOUSE FURNISHING -S, CAR- PETS, LINOLEUM'S, LADIES' COATS, FURS, ETC. 0 BE SOLD REGAIIIRESS OF COST POSITIVELY NO RESERVE EVERY ARTICLE MARKED IN PL AIN FIGURES • tore Closes Tliursday aud Friday of this week to niark tlown Prices. aiestarts SATURDAY, FE E.25t:h: After conducting a successful business in Clinton for the past seven years we have. decid- ed to dispose of our large and well assorted stock of dependable merchandise REGARDLESS OF COST.• This means that the people of Clinton and vicinity will be treated to a banquet of bargains I such as never been shown in this part of the country before. The stock is in first-class condition and nearly all bought for this season's business. It will pay you well to buy a season ahead at such bargains as you will get at this sale. ALL LINES OF STAPLES -cll. At going -out -of -Business prices Thousands of yards of staple goods 811 -Ch • as cottoris, sheetings, flannelettes, towelings, prints, shirt - Ings, linens, satteens, table cloths, wrapperettes, yarns, muslins, mulls, towels, etc. We have an immense stock and havegone at the remark- ing in no half heartedmanner, and you will see at a glance just what • the saving is to you. • • . , . . . . . . . .. . '. • ' . • IIRESS GOODS • •°. rii ANTLES AND COATS At going -oat -of -Business prices. Av-IL At going out -of Business prices Every yard of dress goods in this immense stock is remarked for the going -out -of -business sale, Thou- sands of yards of broadcloth, serges, tweeds, panama, voile, roiana, lustre and French worsteds in all the pop- ular colorings remarked to prices that will convince you th•at we in— tend to run. our stock mat quickly as possible, • • Dress trimmings to match all shades • of dress Igoods at selling. out prices, MEN., • Ladies' and Children's Mantles and•Ladies' Walking Skirts in great variety ot styles all marked down to .such prices that ought to clean them out quickly. FURS At going -out -of -Business prices. Ladies'Fur Ruffs, Muffs and Caperines and Ladies' Ptir-lined and Astrachan Coats marked down to prices that will insure buying a year: ahead. wwwwwwwww•m•••••.•••••••....... Ladies' 30c Cashmere hose 25c I Boys' 50c Worsted hose .25d Regular 10c Cottons 6c HosIERy AND GLOVES At going -out -of -Business prices, Our immense .stock of Cashmere and Worsted Hosiery, Kid. and Woollen Gloves has been gone over and remarked. All are well known lines that we have carried for years and are favorably known to customers of this store and eau he bought while the sale lasts at great- ly reduced priceb. UNDERVVEAR At going -out -of -Business prices , Defiance, Penni arts, Turubulls PeerlesS Underwear for Ladies and Children in all sizes remarked to prices that ought to induce all women to buy in a, block for next year's wear. wommo.i.wWwwwilmoww. CARPETS. AND RUGS ,At going -out -of -Business prices. Thousands of yards of Carpet --Brussels, Tapestry and wool, also Tapestry, Brussels and Wilton Bugs, Linoleum and Jap MattinFgs— every yard will positively he cleared out at sale prires. Now is your chance to buy your floor covering for. house cleaning time. f ACES St EMBROIDERIES 1.4 At going -out -of -Business prices. Thousands of yards of Laces and Embrol dory, mune just received for the spring trade. marked down for quick selling during the great sale. WOOL BLANKETS, ETC • YV At going -out -of -Business prices Pure Wool Blankets, Flannelett ets, Comforters, Bedspreads, Tapestry Our. tains, Lace Curtains all remarked for quick selling, MISCELLANEOUS • Ladies Belts, Buckles, Parasols, Rand Bags, Collars, Handkerchiefs, Hat Pins, Within, Wrappers, Gossns. Drawere, Dresees, Coesets, Frillinge, Shawls Golf Coats, Collar Poems and hundreds of other at tides that space will not permit an entry. Remarked to prices unheard of. OZER MVPriV einsmtarimermit ••• • '• . • „ •