HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1911-02-23, Page 44
Clinton News -Record
Porter's Hill. Hullett Township.
Mies Jennie Weertis relearned home
1.aet. Tuetiday aftee speeding a week .
with f tiends. at Londeeboro and Sea- .1
Chari % McPhail is still wa-
fted to eke house • with his .knee,
which be injured a couple of weeks.
The Misses Johnston, whohave
ea spending the past couple of
etrouths with relative.; in the. United
States, returned' hon*' at Saturday.
Miss Whitman, Detroit,. visited ik la-
tices in ties vicinity the past weelo
Last Thursday evening the beth -
re of L. O. L. No. 1.89 and the Port-
er's Hill Coma, of Chosen friends
Iliad a friendly gaily of carpet balls. in
favor of the C'hosen F fends bv twen-
favor of the Chosen Friekds by twen-
ty-six points. Another game is. ex-
pected in the near future.
Mr. Dougeas Macdougall had the
staisfortune to have his righ( arm
jammed last Friday by one of their.
colts. No bones. were broken_ and it
is expected ehat the arne will be all
tight in a couple of weeks.
Mrs. Sterling McPhail and daughter
are spending a few days with • the
i'oesner's parents at Kippen.
Wn. •
MeIbtoelt and Fonoe
Boyle el St. Augustine were in , the
township last week.
Misr: Nellie McIntosh, sister of Mr.
Joseph Melneash, went to Toronto
last we where she was. called to act
in her capae,ty as Vrain41 nurse.
Mr. Frank Reynolds went to Toron-
to on Saturday on a combined pleas-
ure and business visit.
The dance givel in the hall on
Thursday evening last under the wise
pices of the Foresters of this place
was a grand success. The .exceleent
music furnished bv. ehe Allen ancleCar-
ter orchestra. • . •
:Mee Driscoll has . returned to her
twine after spending several months
with friendsin • Merrickeille. She
was accompanied by her uncle, Mr.
Wm. Boyd, of the...:•eune town.
A number front the village attended
the concert at. Varna/ on Friday Oren-
ing of last week.
Alre. Richards of Hamilton was the
guest of lat uncle, Mr. James Donald-
son, a few days the past Aimee.
The Farmers' Institute Invetiug will
be held in the town hall on Friday ate
ternoon • and evening when a number
of speakers will be present to address
lew meeting.
The Albion hotel is. undergoing some
improvements this week which will
greatly add to the convenience of the
travelling public.
Miss Alcletran of Bructeleld is the
guest of Mrs. William Mustard thle
Miss Smith of Georgetown, is the
guest of her sister, Mrs. E. ielliote,
at present'.
Mrs. Stilwell of the Sauble Line
entertained a large number of her
frienas on Friday evening last.
.5Irs. Thomas King is vieiting friends
in • Goderich this week.
1 DT Petri...11J swalTa-
Couch & Co.
The last call for Ladies' and Children's
Winter Coats. After the largest (mat season
in the history of this store we have only 15
Ladies' Coats left and we have divided these
into two lots for quick selling Saturday.
Your choice of all $10 and.$12 Coats
Your choice of all $14,. $15 and
$16.50 Coats Saturday :
Your choice Of alt. .Chiklren'S Coatb
Last Call For 1V1illinery
Just 12 Ladies' trimmed Hats left. 1 00
Your choice Saiturday
Your choice of any felt bhape 19c
Last Call for Furs
Now is the time to buy a good set of furs at a low
Ladies' Cloth Skirts
Just a few Ladies' Skirts to clear. These skirts
are all good styles, in black and brown.
Your choice Saturday
Just to Hand this week
New Ginghams, New Prints. New Embroideries
New Laces, New Dress Goods, Etc.
On Thursday night of last week Mr.
Robt. Smith gave an oyster supper in
bonor ,of Mr. Wee VOdelen, who is
home- from the west and who will re -
awe in the course of a few welts to:,
resume his duties, there.'
Mrs. A. Elliott spent a few days
last week with hetz stater, Mrs. Jas.
Mrs, M. Mains spent a few days in
London last week,
The Fennel' Institute electing on
Friday afternoon and (wetting was
well attendtel as was also the Wom-
en's Institute meeting held in the' af
Mr— H. W. Adams spent the Week
end with Toroneo and St. Themes
dends. •
Miss E. Johnston returned to Lon-
don Saturday after spending last
week with Mr'. (Dr,) Young.
Mr. Elisha Townsend of Clinton at-
tended the fun:kal of his aunt, Mrs. 1'.
Hunking; Saturday of last .week • as
alter did Me.ers. Walear . and Val.
Townsend of 13rantford.
Mrs. Gee, 13rogdee-epent a few days
with her daughter, Mrs. I), .Floody, of
Blyth. •
The Misses Steinhoff of Meth spent
Sunday with their friend, Miss Min-
nie Lyon.
• On Monday evening the Epworth
League visited the Wesley League:
Clinton, A very enjoyable 0:ening
vas spent,: The entire program was
given by the vieiting League and was
on the Life and Works of Tennyson.'
We are pleased to .leeen 'that Mr.
Cheeks Crawfords two. children are
improving after an ettack. of pneumon-
ia and beonahitis, as is .aLo Edith.
Seenpson after an attack of pleurisy.
Mrs. E: Iloggite is ,,Ifterieg front a
severe et tack. of grippe„ • .
• Mies A. Bell' spene Sunday last with
Clinton friends.
The • regular theetiege of The Women's
Inetetette will tie hold•riext Thursday
afterno.on at the Mime of Mrs. "F.
Johnson. • All ladies are cordiaNY in-
vited to attend. • •
Mr, and Mrs: Jas. Camphtli • have
both been laid up with 'the prevailing.
They are now on the Way to
rccovery, We are glad to say. . •
Mr. Arthur. Jameson has . also been:
somewhat, under the Weatherebut we
hope to eee. hien out! egain soon.
• Rev. J.: R. Mann ocetipied the pul-
ir of the Presbyterian church on Sen -
'tidy last, 'Rev:. Mr.Pearcy leSne in
Auburn conducting afinieersary . see -
Oto Thursday last Mrs. Thos. lhnik-
pasSed eevey in tho prime of life.
Mite. leunking 'had' been ailing for some
time, but her .death came unexpected-
ly as she was able lei be out to church
the Sunday previous. The deceased
lady leaves a family of six, three
daughters •and three sons,. Mrs. Angus'
McLeod of Clinton and Susanna; Jen-
nie, Harvey; .Norman and Alfred •at
home. Mrs. }Junking \vase promine
ent, . Aura workee.and greatly liked
and will be missed in the community.
The largely attended funeral took
place on 'Saturday • afternoon, elle ser-
vices being comhictod by Reve J. IL
Osterhout. •
thinking desires, through Th
News -Record to thank the friends and
neighbors for the kindness and oym
pathy. shown during: the last Shim
and at tee death and • funeral of hie
Goderich Township News
Mr. Warrener and Master Haleeid of religion he was a Methodist and an
GroderiCh spent Sunday' at Mr. Oeo. long as his sterength permiete1 he
Millar's. was a regular attendant at tette's
Mr. and 1VIrs. Adam Cantelon visited c,hureb. le. earlier life 1i' reglad as a
at Mr. Geo. Ilanley's one day last' local preacher and took an aetive
week. terest in all the affairs of the church.
Mr. Wilbert Cantelon sent a few He was a life-long advocate of juo-
days in Clinton last week. hibition and a total abstainer. ;he
Mr, Geo. Millar had a very success- imimediato cause of death was ge:ppo,
ful wood ben on Monday. which has en sd many cases proved
Miss Ellison Sinclair is visiting in fatal to those of advanced years. The
13rucefield this week, end came peacefully and attest hie
Mr. L Jones delivered a fine team of last words were "All is well," spo-
hor os on Wednesday to Mr. Jos. Mc- ken to his son who was bending ever
Closkey of Goderich. him, Mr. Yeo was a Liberal in pot -
Mr. Clifford Lobb, son of Mr. W. ities and although never taking any
JL Lobb, who has been in St. Jos- promitent part in the affairs of the
eph's hospital, Guelph, with an at- country, not even in municipal poli -
tack of measles, has recovezed and tics, he was ever a staunch support -
has resumed his studies at the O.A.C. • ee of his party. Besides his aged
The auction sale of Messrs. Lobb & partner Mr. Yeo leaves a Welly of
Sinclair on Thursday last brought four sons and tercel daughters. The
out a big crowd and was a great sue- sons are : Councillor John Yeo of
cess. Mn. Lobb disposed of sixteen
cows at an average of -$60.10; probab-
ly the biggest price yet paid in this
township for so many grade cows, but
they were a superior lot. Mr. Chas.
Baker paid $71 for a cow, the biggest
price paid. Mr. Sinclair said eight Washington. Tire funeral took place
cows and twelve young cattle at good yesteeday afternoon to Bayfield came
prices. ptery and was largely attended by
Mn. William Yeo, for forey-onb old neighbors and friends of the tarn -
years a resident of aoderich Town- ily. The service's at th I house And
ship, responded- to the final summons' cemetery were conducted by the Rev,
on Friday last, after a long life ef Mr. Laws of Bayfield. Ali the sons
over eighty-four years. M. Yeo was were present at the funeral.
born in Devonstite, Englend, in 1826 The A Y. Fe A. of St, James'
and came with his parents to this church, Mieldleton'e, are preparing a
country when sosen -years of age. contest program to be given on. the
For a time they lived in the Front evening of the 140th of March. •
townships now Toronto, later coin-, • The many friends of Mrs.. Jamee
ing to Perth. County where they resi- Stoddart of the Maitland concession
deci near Mitchell. -Still later Mr. will be pleased to hear that she is so
Yeo lived near Bruseels for a time far recovered as to be removed from
but some forty-one years ago he mov- the hospital.
ed. to Goderich Townehip, I3aefield Mr. and Mrs. John Torrance of Por -
Line, where he continued to make hie tee's Hill visited on the 16eli and
home. Mr. Yeo was a quiet and in- Maitland eons, • hot week.
dustelous man ; one who mintiet well ' The News-Itosorti leads for Town
the affairs of his own houstKiold. In and Township News. •
the Cut. Line ; Wesley of Emerson,
Man. ; Ben, of Detroit, ; and
an the- homestead. The daegh-
ters are : elm John Yeo .of Swau
Lake,' Man., and Misses Mary J.
and Minnie of Tacoma, State of
- • .
• Stanley Township News
Miss Agnes Stewart, an old resid- 1 forty years ago he bought the farm he
tett of S t an I ey Township, sister of owned at les death., viz.: lot 4, can
the late James Stewart, whose death 1 1, stienley, which was then in bush •
occurred on the Leth inst., paseed • out of which he . carved the comfort
away. on Thursday last, Miss Stew- able homeeteadhe left 'Mend and on
art was bora in Canada and. (Om(' which he has resided since- with the
when very young with her Parente . exception of nine years epent in din
beim -Smith's leall:; tto Stanley. Since ton some II:me ago. While in London
the death. of Mrs. James Stewart he was married to his bereavedpart-
ner, who has ably seconded his eff
0116 in attaining a competence and
with whom he 'celebrated his golden
wedding a _few years ago. lie was a
nan•of sterling integrity who seamy(
the v.:1:y semblance of dishonesty,' in
duetrious, kind and affectionate,. and
his • departure fs a matter of sincere
aygret in the conenunity. He was a •
worthy type of the stutely Scot who
thrift,. integrity, industry has done
much to advance the, interests. of this
eoentre. He worked be. the very last
sinking • down in the. mow while gat-
ing Iced for e the torsi.. . 'His wife
helped him to the hoteee4here he died
in a, few- minute... The late J. 13
McKay, :.supervisor of writing in the
city sehoole, Torontee, was an adopt-
ed son and •Miss Mary at, home, who,
we aro sorry to say, isn't •at all well,
is an adopted funeral
on M. onday 13th to Ifensall union eerie
etery was largely attended. 'rhe pall
bearers wero Messrs. J. peitz„J
eilustrerd, .1.B.• McLean, W. IL John-
ston, A. Monto•th and It. B: McLean.
Last Friday. morning Mrs. J.. Pete
rio breathedher last at the cotimaree.
twteve yeaes:ago, she has lived with
her bit after and kept house for him -
Like him, she had always enjoyed
good health,- hating descended from:
a remedy stock. A few • weees. ' ago
she contracted grippe and appeared to
be recovering from it when a •-relapse
came' and with it the quiet snuffing out.
of thelamp of life. The death or
Miss Stewart leave.; only two of the
old tamely, one brother, Mr. -Samuel
Stewart of . Winfield, Kansas, and
Mrs. James Macfaraiie Of this town-
ship. Mies Stewart was a e• woman
of a qeiet and. kindly .natuee, much
beloved by those who knew her best_
1u religion she was a Presbyterian,
The funeral took placo on Satusiay
afternoon, the seri being conduct-
ed by :Rev. Dr. Stewart of Clintonl
The remains ewe interred in Baird's
-cemetery 'beside those of . those of her
brother who :had been buriel but:
thee? day e before It was but a shore
parting. •
Mr.. and Aire. Jas. Reid wish to
thank their friends in • and around
Clinton- for their:kindness to • theni
during their on Leonard's
February 23rdi 1911
Hullett Township
Messrs. T. McMichael ee, Son have
eurchaeed 1 rpm Mr. 'rhots. Fowler
the farm. adjoining their own on the
3rd eon. The farm contains seventy-
seven aereo and the price paid was
$4350. 31r. Fowler intends retiring
from active farmiag and contemplates
removing to tether. Centon or Sea -
forth. Mr. and Mrs. Fowler have beat
excellent neighbors and their friends
in the vicinity will regret to see them
leave. This purchase will give the
Pdes.es. Meetiehat 1 almost three hund-
red acres of choice land, and being
first-class 'farmers they will matte the
most of it.
Rev. .J. 11. Osterhout was ii Toron-
to last week attending the temperance
convention. He gave a report of the
proceedings op. Sunday .etening from
his pulpit.
In the shipment of eolte to the weet
last we& Hullett Toeeieltip eeewed
U!). well. Wheation. has Seem made of
the high price received by Mr Lorne
Tyndall for a colt and to the sum
paid Mr. Tiles. McMichael for e pair
of young staifions. Mr. • W. Item own-
ed the dams of three of the Coltec
shipped from which it, will bo inierre.i
that Mr. Rinn keeps good stock, Any-
body who knows Mr. Rinn knows
that the hese le none too good for
him, With breeders such as we have
111 Hullett it • is easily understood
why .our township loads for good
and else to the Principal of the Col- tively early ago of fifty-six years,
'melte Institute, the teaching :staff Death was to ht.‘i a blessed release.
and the pupils for their kind renun- from pain. Two or three riars ago
brence, she was:striken with cancer. About a
Tender the heading of "Presentation" year ago . she underwent an
the Parkhill Gazette -Review had the operation for its removal. • It
following : was thought to be suecossful
On.Wedneelay evening at choir prace at the time but it returned " last
tic° the members of the Boston Meth- fall and since bioore Thanksgiving day
odist Choir presented Miss Myrtle she bee suffered severely. • In Decein-
Stinson with a purse and the follow- bee he: eldest daughter, Etta, died:
ing add ss "Dt.tr Myrelei It is and it had bee e her wish to live un -
with fiellings of deepase regret eve are til after the daughter's death being
gathered here tonight, for WCI cannot willing to go any tine aitter that.
banish from our minds the fact that! She was an .earneet, devotei and use-
thie is. our •last choir practice tee fel member of the Peesbyterian church,
.gethcr. During the foar: years you a, kind and obliging neighbor, but she
have been here' you have made •many was especially beloved as all true
Meads and have always cheerfully women are in the home oircle where
coneented to do all you could to help she was a beloved- wife. and mothet,
on the work of the church, especially whose influence will never die inspir-
at alt social gatheringri. You have ing eonfidence and an earnest' desire to
set es all a good example by your reg- lige the Cluistlike life in those who,
wife. ular attendance at choir ,practico and are left behind, She Was born in
the 'Sunday services, 'We earneetly Rost:hire. Scotland; in 1854, came to
hope that as you leave here you May Canada with her parents a few weeks.
continuo to live a life of usefulnese. 'afterwards,. and lived on the third
Please aceept this purse as a little concession of 'InclierSmith until 'her
Miss Ilohnee is visiting friends in token of our kindly feelings to you marriage in 1884 to her now sorrow-
Burgessville and Brantford this week: and our sinceeo lame that you Will ing husband, Jas. Petrie. Thee lived
Mrs. *Vellewlees of Toronto was the not soon forget .your friends in Green- on the i4th concession of McKillop
guest of Miss Acheson over Sunday. way. Ppaying that our yokes may for 16 yeers when they moved . near
Miss 'Margaret King, who Iraq been a all be beard , in the "Heevenly Choir Clinton for Mat year. Then they lis.
guest at tho home of Mr. Leonard for at the Last Day," Signed on behalf ed is m'ile' east' of Egniondville for 2
the past month, returned to lwr home of the choir aud, fee:lends of Boston years after which eight years ago the
at Kainsvillo on Monday. Melhotliet church. family removed to the first coneys.
Mise T.'. Crooks is in Toltanto at- The many friends of Mrs. Thos. Me- sion of Stanley to the farm where she
tending' the millinery openings. Clyniont, London, will be pained to passed away. She leaves to mourn
Ernest Huller has taken a, position hoer that her physicean holds out no her death beeldes her sorrowing hue -
with the Jackson Mfg. Co., of Clin- hopes of her recovery from her pre- band two daughters, Anna 1,,, Violet
ton. sent illness. About two weeks ago M. J„ both teachers, and two sons,
,John Ford, had 'the misfortune she altered from an attack of la J. ndrew and P. Arnold, all at
to !gee a valuable horse this week. grippe and several complications have home, three testers), Misses Anna,
The annual meeting of the Hohnee- resulted, which threaten bee life. All Margaret and Mary Mustard, and (hie
ville bnaneh of the Bible Society was are horeng for more favorable rePOrts, brothers, Donald of Midland, Miele,
held in St. John's church on Friday Mr. W. E. Cusson, our popular der- Hugh, Wyoming, Ont., Henry, Port
evening. , Rev. Mr, Snowden and chant, fell on the stairs itecen•tle and Huron, James, Montesano, Wash., and
I107. Mr, Dunbar each gave interest- is now cluttering from a few fraetured Joint, Victoria, B.C. The funeral on
ing addressee. The old officers were ribs, As Mee. Cusson is ootfinede the lath inst. was- largely attended.
rteeketed, her room through the after effects of The pallbearers Were els of the 1140-
A. very interesting meeting of the an attack of la grippe they have ooti- bors : Messrs. W. Ueboene, C. Was -
Woman's Inetieeto was held last week" sitiOrable trouble. Their efficient mann, W. R. Sensillie, G. Weir, J.
at the home of Mrs. Mulholland, when clerk, MI* Iva Malloy, however, is Moodie and J. Murdock.
paper' were read by Misses Ford and keeping the business running smooth-
ro 'Mr. Robert theywnlee was attending
Courtiee. '
ly, • e the funeral of hie unole in Gederieh
La grippe has been. prevalent in Last Pied el another of. the pioneers
last week
this nerghbOrlieed, as in most others, of the: tou ty in the person of the
51r. Alex. TOBeath has sold his ta-
iga no ono has been very seriously ill. late Thos. MacKay of the Landon
• riev•. Rogere of Seafortli was e 'Road north of V•113Poil passed over the f:tn.ece tlilloernlatT4eNheillw'erY0.nbta rale trif
guest at the Methodist 'parsonage on, border int° the Great Beyond at the . . . a
Mnday te emoyme it to the sitation at the
advanced age of Eighty-five ,yeare. and eeeseee eee„ ... •
Mrs. W:Pieka.rd has beete.ja Town- seven months. He was Won StOte """"
to the past couPle of weeks, the pea land in the year 1825 and when he torn in Ttiekerstnith ho M. and
of Me. and Mrs. Fisher of Wineipeg, waa about thirty eteinteee tcame Mre. Rol*et Brownlee, a sona on Wed -
who are upending some weeks ill the • do. . no iivrni for short periode in today, tho 15th bast
oitg. Mrs. Phihor Is a olotor of Mt. 11.4ontlott. and Haroutehost and then 'rho 146w.P.Ailleord leais or itetWt
I Inokard. • 'bought a tette itt Ushortle, but about
aud Township News.
INCE,' the days
of Farragut the
Iloweee Watch has been the chosen
timepiece with Ameriee's men of action
—in both war and peace.
The HOWARD saw service in the
Civil War and the Spanish-American
War. It went round the world with
the American battleship fleet, ,
In big industrial plants—on the
American railroads ---wherever accurate
time is a haat., you will find the Howitan
Watch the court of final resort.
H owmto -watchmakers make and adjust every
liowAxo as a fine watch. Cased at the factory
and timed in irs own case.
Printed ticicetjt.res the price—$40 to Sigo.
Let us show you this distinctive watch.,
Jeweler and Optician
Issuer of Marriage Licenses
THE • • • •
Is just a few weeks ahead. Its approach is in
evidence everywhere in the life of this store.
New spring goods are popping up their heads
like Crocuses and you can already get a good
idea of th,e things that will be most wanted.
Has shown THE EMBROIDERY such ac-
tivity dur- SECTION jug the
past week or two that already we find it neces•
saryi;to add several lines to our splendid stock.
,See the total arrivals. You know our prices
are very low for such very high qualities.
The dependable . NEW kind with regard
to wear, color, • PRINTS fastness. blacks,
gray, navy, violet, light blue, red hello, in
polka dots stripes and floral effects. Also
fancy Cometries for shirting and shirt waists.
ID. black Sateen SPECIAL Mori heathei
bloom and silk VALUE Underskirts, see
them at 39c, 75c, $1.00, $1.25, $1.35, $1.75,
$2,00, $3.75 and $5.00.
New Waists in New Hosiery.
Silks . Underwear, Corsets
Muslins • , Motor Scarfs
• Lace (plain and fancy.)
Satins • Soutache Braid
• Vesting (all colors)
We thank our customers
for their generous patron-
age during 1910 and solicit
a continuance of the same
during 191 1 Our greatest
endeavor is to give them
good goods at a reasonable
Phone 28
W. Walker
Furniture Dealer and Undertaker
IP8Ohe •
140 .