HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1911-02-23, Page 22 Clilatori Kew -Record A February 44rd, 1011
- _.
Have You
Broken Out e
x Ia your face covered with
pimples,blotcheaorrash? Poor
condition of you; blood. will
cruse these facial disfigurements
at this season of the yoltr. A}
rood medicine for your blood
v. ill clear your complexion like
magic. !
Of the matey blood purifiers
we sell Rexall $hood' Tab.
Let$ are undoubtedly the most
effective. We are familiar with
the formula of this remedy and
know what it will do. It puri -
fico and enriches the blood,
builds up the entire system and
imparts ahealthy color tocheeks
and lips. Sold with the Rexall
guarantee. Per package. 50c,
THE a� STOI�l;
Huron County News Gathered.
XI►X?C!►'.l".l'X%X?; Xl:YXY:Cfi?t1'i 7i?C
. C Hi1AL /:�
. X.
Write us at once .for our free
catalogue and learn what is '
being done in the leading busi-
nese college in Western Ont.
Our graduates secure good pos-
inions, and meet witdl success,
business men say they are tho
best. We have three depart-
ments :
and . .
we give individual instruction
and you may enter at any time.%
X .
D. A. McI.A•CIILAN, Principal
3►':tiXXt'CJi?►XyCk%X tl'1!Cxxnxxxxj
W*. H. Watts & Son
Bring your Shoo Rcpadring•
here and we will prove what,
we say. .
Call on us whon in need •:i
anything in our lint:.
,. H. Watts & ion
DOUBLED-�-• Our sale of Flur:
Feeds, Seed Graig.,
Etc., • has doubled
this. season over 1 ast
What better evidence
can there be that our
stock and prices are
right, .
; .
- _11111111�111111111111
for sale
00 400
Coal f fterchant •
T BI C''i
.,.T1 NDED TO. ''y��t� �+ ��y�
J. V� r -,i e Y �3nYr on
I 1r, I r
. I
0r Ne'ws,~necorders.
, ,.
.. '_____.._..16 y R A,._
fere is. a`x Tale B1Btb $ealorth
!�%� a mor l i_ 'l'bo 11lissrs) St0wart of Crystal City, Mrs. Nottiu: Soule sb,,ven:a, daughter
Man., are, visiting their cousin fn of Mr. and AIus. Charles Soole of
town, Mr. T. Stewart. town, was, inar'.ied in January, at, the
,ITTLi: I'.DITI+I IIAI;RIS ('t'"? ; - o O The death took plaext on Tdcsrday lrontis Of her brother, Air. William
OF DROPR BY DODD'S KIDNFY rein The Nt�ws Rec Id f afternoon of last wntk of Mils. Artie 'Soole of Batteford, 14a Mr. Stanley
PILLS. February '20th, 1$95, ur Cantelon• The deceased was in N• Davidson, account'a'nt• in the Imp-
h0r 780h year and had been ailing for erial Bank Ili that town.
'wo doctors said shelwould clic but
Clintt.!n, F0. 20t+h, 1895, some time, Si{e leaves tea mourn her , At thtl Acent mitt?Wng of the town
today she is a healthy, happy girl. 31r. Peter Ciatelon Jr. was in departure, a husband, one son and council a resolution teas rcad from
=ficalt'hy liidnttys in children the Blyth on business on Saturday. one daughter. The funeral, took plkace t'ile Board of Trade recominunding
;uavant•cc Of a happy, useful life. on Thursday last`. - ,that immediate action be taken to
Mrs. A. J. llollotvay and daughtt r ging the stornm of last week a r rovidt: some
are on a visit to relatives fn Blyth. n protection ab the Main
McTaggart, Sask.; I'eb, 20th.number of people who came in by G. sismet crossing dad tho,eliirk was'- in-
.Spocial),)—That dna child is too Miss L. Pauline Johnson, who ap- T. R, we're stottnbouu'd iu Blyth oN,er structed to coufur w•ittlt the fit. T. R.
young W have .Kidney Disca;se.. even pears- fa ttie town hall ttolnorrow even- night. In the u;cuiI - tite members of fn n: fkta:nte to• t):te placing of an alarm
in its. worst form, and that Dodds ing, will be the guest while In town St, Gkarge'r; Club ttnttertained the+ bell at.the crossing.
Kidney Pills will cure it in its worst of Mr. 1{. Ilale k:sq. storm -sufferers in their club -roams Tha annual tneetin of the Bdl Ell-.
'orm has beau abundantly proyo.t in Last week R;+a. J. Ii. Fairlio was ve • plcasantl for an howl' Or so. g
r} Y gine Company was held last, week
the -case of l}ttl'c ISdit.li Barris of this called to Brantford township by flhe wheel the following olliccrst tvera elect. -
place. dtabh of hi;) [other. ;
In liay, 1903, this little .girl,, tflmen Mr , M. C. Canmerson has 'returacd ed Morris Township .
two years old, was so swollou wit!il from Ftbrida• I'residt+n _, IA. Y. McLean.
Dropsy that henw'aisb measure was Court' Prosperity A. O. F. will )told Mrs, W. Johnston Sr. is not impro- � rte+ J C. Greig,
P Y Directors George i
inemas,ed from 18 inches w 3.1 inches. a supper in the Waverley IIo�Use on •tile ring as rapidly as btr many friends g' 1lci:tt'an, «', K.
Two doctors said site must die. evening of Friday, March 1st. Tile wish fel'. - PdaNv, George T. Turnbull, Dr.
Dodd's Kidney Pills cured her and affair promise's, to ba one of high ord- George Biggins took a sleigh • load C . McKay,- Jammi .Beattie, .John
today she is as vmrry and healthy a er, .Wetssrs. J. D. Kitty, Jas. Dun- of young people to Wroxvter recently F}milayson and Robert Bell.
child as is to be found in the neigh- ford and C-.-11. hale ars the conium- for a skating party. Mrs. William Fialayson has sold her
borhood. Ittee. ' B'luovale beat Wfngitani at hockey by comfortable house in I:gntondvill,� to
In a r;cent interview her father, Rev, Aft. Parks of Listowstl was in a. scare of. 7 io 3. Nob so bad for Mr. Joseph Fi%hev of ihi 16th con. Of
said: "Edith is better than evor. town fast . Thursday. It is evriMted Bluevale, Tuckersmitth who gets pos:•lassion tsha
She has. no retttarn of dropsy since slit, he will be a permanent resident' dere Ex -Reece and hers. Turnbull of. middle of. Ma i.h. ,Mrs. Finlayson in-
s cure b Dodd's Kidney Pills within a few daps. IGre were welcome visitors at 11he Winds gong to Toronto to spend some
was d y } Y
over st:vcu. years ago. Slug goes to Mrs.• E. Swartz of Bayfield.rvas in home of. Mr. John Clegg of late 51•h 11, me with her .daughter' and may re-
sellool and is healthy. I always keep gown this week. r lino for a few days. main there. -
Dodd's Kidney Pills in tho house." •'tThe new Tact' course'.' is thee. name Mr. Peter' McCall .of the 7t•h line Scaforb Curlers - G. Bethune, W.
a several sircut see a
ria . t c b trthune W. 1 cD u
"eto Ji V. i 11 lid 1 n
lied: to a 1 d u a a : me t
is a has oil cl+c b loud. of • hili W
•s ' t this . Y 1 a been b b so ,. .
' a moral for anent li P n g ,
There s lite a o n Y g
T c 1 P
h P
f skip—
• i t bitterly o ;;
1 t b v
can a ,.11I who have been. c ) ,ir .
s[d+ its tvha i Y n his z r ht d. i b ante n i
re h •ln a n
r wu u P i h. P g
child has o 1
story. Ian a g
g P
i ,
to a lift+ Of, pain chid sutTz+ring because fast driving. It is assorted that the 11Ir;John Cook of elite 6'tdt line,, has elle big bouspicl at Winnipeg for the
its kidneys were neglected. A life of thoroughfare is not sate for pedes-' had six Dorattt la'tubs added to his past wei•k or six will not+ bring, back
bea,lth and u:±2t'uiness• is assured ff the tr.ian:� and trouble is bru wing. The hock alrtvady this s season, any, of the big prizes with them, but
Kidneys arti kept in order with- Dodd's famous.tw['nty -milt-au- hour evidence Mr. Rielard Johnsxton intends to they havr,.made. a splendid showing, In
Kidney Pills. followed by a .fine, may result. 'if the go west about next week and 'has' al- all tilt big- competitions they stood
. I_ sptt,d is t)ot considerably reduced. rkta�dy shipped a carload - of hones. , well to the front', and in most cases
Anna Scott, youngest, daul ttGcr °f wei's only ddeated by a vei+y, small
HensallI Andrew Leta;, formerly of thea 7th line margin. .
EX¢t¢C of :tlorris,' died at Iloit•ard, Z~ an.ms, 11r. .losta, h Archer, an old resident
The son of Rev. C, C. Couions, who . about a fort:night, ago after a, , b'ri'ef. of Iluron County, died aWhis- halite in
is . teaching in .Arkona and whoa: .stilt• Mr. Norman Ilodgev.' I%% last Nveck illness' of pnenn onia, Deceased was Seaforth . last week, hating reached
ioua ►:mmm a.. couple of weeks ago for Toronto whore. he has st��ured' a a relative of the llysiop fa•utilies' • of the ggod old agcy of 82 years .and 7
called his, mother and his sist'eil, Miss •gam posi:t'lou. Grey township: months. Mr. ,Archer had been making
Grace, to his bedside, has so far re- hlis,-t Della 'Kestlo has P.Aurned from,. A fine four-year-ald. cow belonging+ his home i'a Se,aforth for the past four
covered that they. leave p.sturncd liunie!, visiting het' grandmother at Sharon. to iiia. John - Mustard of the' 'Lied line years, but prior to that. had for ninny
Mrs. Phillip, of London way in town took sick recently a e ry been a resident of the London
A cro°d :.putting bet... was hold at, y .and ,a week later y a , +
Mr. Yuill' , rectartly. -Among tlhose_ tltes Past week visiting fior son, lir:^It. it dial, .Itt was deeidod to hnvesti- .•Road, Tuckersnmit•h, and at Bayfield.
taking part were : Robert XuLarriz Phillip. blas. PbUlip inicuds• moving gate` the causa of death and to the ,liessr. 11{ci,eutian and I3roadfoot,
Sr.. and son Will,, Donald'.Park and ' to - tow'n (n the _spring: surprise of all a three-inch wire nail
Ales. Stewart.- After supper • songs. Mr. T. R; Carling haft -beett appoint-. was• fou d driven iatdtbe: tapered and who have .been ccrnductigi; tthe- C't�in I
;, Cd.local rater+ agent for: C:..P.:lt.. Of tho beart., It is supposed the'cow niecteial hotel' fieri ,& di,o posit. art
dyed dances were indulged tri and a I P o[• thrv; years, tut}o dfssolvc+;l party
vet*y pleasant evening ends cnjoyt!3 by. lands.. Swallowed the hath while 'nogiuc, ar- aE,rslll and in future the. business.
ai}. ' iffy. Harry (3rc'f1 of ,loon ttas:btrn ound some old boards. P
That funeral of the late Joint, S,htp= engaged as bake_ with Mr. 1i', , J.' �vikl , be' .conductpfd ' by 1#r,. Alex. �Icti
1.- Lennan. :lir. C. 11. Broadfoot; the
herd was largely attended people -Stat'ham. - • retiring nhE nibt6r; intend i going to
coming from far ' and tear to pay titre I Mr. Harvey ' Gardiner of Regina. Wingham•- .3{Oosejaw, .. to go into, business with
last Wbuto of respect. .Sert'ice .Was ,:task., fornxr:ly of Exete', is visiting
llib aunts Miss Strang. hiss LauttL-Calhoon lett. last iveck his brother, Mr. Alex. I3roadfoot.
hold in the'Methodist. church antl.the We rogrett to have Lo ,iin'nouncI' tbo
interment hook placid in 1icTaggart's a[igr. Lovina i?i' of I)ae{trrood, who for $arrio w�horo.sten.itstends restirl}ng
cemetery. visited kiss ,Jennie hardy rtefi'nU3t, in the fu,turc. dt*atliof l}hl;. Josiah.Tycrman, which
Mr. and M. ilea of Dakota were Is visiting in Sttaffa. Afber sponditiq Ute winter with hisi took beeplan
i poo .h.eal airs. . number
the guests, of :Al.r. and Din;. J.• McD. parents in Whii&hurch', Air. George had begin lit poor liealUh for a. nttmber'.
g of years -She was, Married to SIr.
R;,illson.recently. :ggle,ton'7eft for Calgary last wt,'ek' Tytxnlan'. fn' Iowa forty-four ye I
Dr. Cawth['ap ;•end wife Of Tanis �8W BbOli9. ,1. Mr, Sam. 13.1l t' cs who Ilan been
tock vitet, the infec't's nhotlLr+r, Mrs. `visi'ting with hi.,, 1paienty ,Mr. and. ago and c"iglht. years later they t+�ol�
Dick. . Teta following is a list of the new Mrs. Arthur Haines, has rfrurwM to up their, abode! in 5eaforth, iFln . Ty-
.°.ev.c+ra: trt>,n hero went io' C`1{uiran books recently rc'�eitcd 'at tete C)litltoa tyoodbay., iliac. ernta'n i:t s;urtltcd, by hely husband an,i
iii hear the Royal: Welsh Choir. 1'u'blic Library : Mr. Dunlop has ni.oved itis- fanuly °lie daughter, Mrs. IJ. 1. Jlu;t. .
Mr,Jack McDonnell. and I'li hC:on- Art in Great lhritain, I.Armstrong. from Kincardinat to.lGin hath, tic -...is
• •na io ,s Parish: bandana n' n 'wile be gt ui t• n ac .
stable lthltc+side Ye:•c In Windsor rt 1{¢11u. b t,. a ban a• a d q c a . 1.
centl where His lfighship purposes Minstrelsy, Duhlca:n. quisfon to the Citizens'- band. Zurich. .
urchasiag- a Ford car. • The Opera, Leo. Alt. Fred. INICLean of To6nio -lues
P 1Ir. ` Jnlin Duivai+t of Berlin rod
Racee of Man, Drnikor. bon► visiting with Vis:parents, M. calling .oil old fil.cnds do town last:
. I.ifc• of. Burns, Ii}aCuic. 'and �Iz+s..L: i1dcI.ean, tiotlz di ti Mont
Life of Carlyle,. - Gat+nett-. are in. vhry poor hta]ib.' ttttK+k..
Fast Wawanosh \ r. Charles Fritz has. had, a new
Life of . Chatbai i, Rosebery: 'tlr. L. IT. Bosman tied family. . are. seU of sit lye s placed ut •Ins shoe..store.
SIr: J. Iicthtde rccen,tl ptirchasal a Life of Dickn;rsp, 3iaft a:ls. pre+paring .to..reinove to Toronto.
Y 1h. C risti Waler� f this -
Y h an Cl a o the 4to11
I d' li t' .
new rrhono to h all cxcrilent one. I.ifc of 'Scott, g While,. holding a m, to mg in the
g P and Line, ,Stfiplhcu,, [<}�cattly sold. t•�vo
Thoivas-Vilii,s S: Co. of�Brusscls Rdligion,' in the X''hking, Smith. .ytreat•one•dap [';eently, Captain Rich-
t4orti in this vicinity rt!eently t•lires{,- Life and' P;pistles.of St'. Paul, es of the Sa:';atiou Anny was knock- 2 -year -Old colt's t6 11r. John sharp,
C'onybt au. , ed down by a. farmeits' {iorse9; which Mr.*
for 9500.
ing clover. tzr. Itiaiah.: Dc !jarciinc of .St. ,Jos-
Wesley McC'linche , has recovored Life of St. Paul', - Stalker. I stilled at the unusual noistt and the
Y Y Acts of the Apostles'. 'Prof. I<iudsa . - uAl died last! woJk, aged about fifty
from a severe attack of illness and is pos ' , Y• crowd ,
History- of the tlebrcjv Pkv�ple, Kent. ( TV in teach i{'i h 5chooi to four years. The funelltl. tools place to.
atilt+'tO be about again.- y' . g g a Grand Bend trmetci.y:
Mr.. and Mrs. :llosas 1IOli+/llaklLicr History of the Jewish People, Kent. ,Scoti�h program at ititc+}t+ recrirt lit2r-
n• Aub urn ' Frida attendin Ch':istdanity ill the Apostolio -Age, ary meeting which was pronounced Mr. and i1IrS: Jo<xtpl:: 'hili'- from
were . ) on Y g (. Mount Carmel we're the .guests tit
tbtt fiin,•r0 of the .forniter's brother -in 'Purves. incellent by £hose who heard rt; ThtrV , • +
law, the latu'.Jolln Ladd. ' From I':kile to Advent, Fairw•t+atllc'r. intend !Giving. all Irish• program oil .lir; •and Urs. C yru.! CelOsky rcetinil}`,
Mr. , J.. C. 4tolt.z recently sold a. I:ngliE6 Eyrie Poetry Friday night of this week. I air. 11,. W, fWilliams of kite head
Y otT)Ce staff of 1loisotis Junk- 1Iontr .
ear -old -fill. .fbil the small sum of Eleanuat9 of Philosophy, .. Robertson. Mfr. :end Mrs. A. Gordon, after a
Y y a1, visitt+l his parents, Mr. ant( Mr +. •
two hundred and four. dollars. Mr. p,,icn)ents of 'Psychology; Itnberts ii. succesdul evang(ekdale campaign in .
Stblt'.z alwa s keeps. the right quality Rod. 'Lett:r Days, PcPYv. Whi''gham, .have gone on to yt. _Marys,
:J, A. Williams.•
y g 4 y f ifc I+.},iot.I Mr. Casper. , 1i'alncr has purelias <t
of horses and isi alwayet sure of the .Dura 5at•isfactiou o I. tvbcrct.ticy azz ttigagcd t iu special 1[r: 'Sol, 7.imineitnan's farm *oil • the
right quantity -of money whuet selling. In a Hook With a Book, Macdonald. work.` . -
g : ,. Y s Chesherh I,fhe for $8700. Tl:c, farm
Shake -s ea[ , r f the C T. L. ha . .
Introduction to 1. b a eft O i�.
I trod-.. P n
n ,
•Sit r
e. a trsther \.I. 1 t i
George Glr
an G'D
John: d
<r g consists • of la0 •tcz.,s
ti sls
McCracken liven, or ]here wii,ll : a: charter r
oI? Sunday. . at, the hofntO of i�Ir: John . 11 ;11r. Chal'ss `,hoeiiurchaa• {tach a N. -C, ry
Doerr. introduction to Sbakespeare, DdWden. mermbtemts^hip'of sixty-four.
lit, Short Storit+, of 8hakessspearO's Plobs, Mr..A. M. Gordan, an old and res- wecc.:+:iul .wood ctraw;tng betD lash'
La grippe has been making t . . . week:1.
rounds fat this nee hborhood. Ransdme: ' pasted rilsident of Wing{iam', died lash ,.It has . disposal
g Mr. J, C. i.a.b[Ict"S�:
Browning for Beginners, Itain. l week after ail ilhiess of a fortnight'
. of hi:i farm containing 175 acres oil
Int7oduction to Browning, Alexander. .duration following a sb7oke oP paraly-
F,nglish Satires, Smeaton. i4s. 'lie .leaves btlsidtks his wife, a, the 11th eoaj-to they presents tchant,
firey. Towashi » . Mr. Nielson . 1las,*o for 57,500
Y p,nglish i'wi s, I.tibban. iarrily of two sons and i}vet dau 1)t,rs', , -. -
;t€r. and Mrs.. tpilliant 1Io of the Lewis Carroll 13. Moskva. A Iyresby'ter:an in religion and a Lib- Mr. C asp` r it alper has+ sold' ills
gg farm of'1x.5 detest, ;t mile east of.
lite con. have returned lioatxt aft, 'jr a F%thics of A[+.stotiti oral in politacsi,, he was, a, lttpn high- �urfrli to lite. Hrnr, Ne,tS for . 13
A Wilderness IJog, I awkos. Iy txteemed 1►y his fa:lorv-czttze[is. 000. 'this* is otte of the, best farms in
weeks ho:t'day with fronds in tVcllce- >. ,.
ley, IIOy Ftauchertt of I'ugt't Sound, - His death is much eke rett.ed.. • ilio County of Clurcit. Al>' t+te t,tri}d-
�+I�+, and 3,irt+. Ale•::andrr R. 5te�+'•- � 3'n s• are in s icr•tdid shape .and tfte
aro at ,l:aket View, Alberta, are visit- I,zokfel, Pratt, g P p'
latid is of good quality.. . ..
Ing the formttr's parente on the fGtlh Her Varmint,. ,Joilnsay. ' BelgraVe Mrs. John Dvcher Sr,, an old and
1{cr Year in \cw York, Ray. I res v,tt.A 'lad° aged over 82
con. Tllcy. purpas!' making a t�onsid- ., � , . p y, g ' Years,
enable vNit boloto rotiirning to tilt' Sidney ; Ifer enior 'fear, 7Ray.. 1{i.)a Vera Bradburn was -tire host-, cried at the home of ties dauglmten,
west. 1`Ihe Fugitive Freshinan, Paine. ttss at a large party recfmtly.
Hilda of.the Ilippodrerhtt', Paine. Mrs, John l{ey ,5r1., on Wednesday of
Air. and Mrs. Albts't :Mains from
Kiltneny'of titu Orchard, .:1lontgorr..try: Arr,61a, Sask. Are visitdng about' hell,'. last week. Her ..husband died, about
+ Boshkv-. Mr. George Jordan. of Bt•ussels vf:s- four years ago at. a ripe old age.
Do you know that croup can be prc- Lan • of Romance Lang. ftVI his uncle Mr. S. Je•rdan i, She was one of the pionetr rt+rident:s
voutttf ? Give C'itamberlain's Cottgh eputly. ' of this township and was belovoi b
IttrtLkidy as soon as the chilli becomes Legends of the: British Itacn; Fbbutt. P {
P"taniotead Qutirries,' Waller, Misr Olive Leishman atttwtded the all who l+ntw Ile.-. ,
hoarse or even after the croupy cough The Doctor's Lass 13oiitt:t. wedding of her sister here, '
appears and it will prevent thr.attack. Westover of Wanaiah, l-.gglestou. Mi:•sm It, McCurdy i :. visitt:ng tht:ends
It is also a certain cure for f. ol(l Thn Old Flute Player.•, \Iarmall, in Detto'it. While it is often impossible to lire -
has never been known to fail. ;Sold Tile Imposter, .Scott.. � ;F1fss ,h1va Cook of Blyth was the, vent an accident, it is never impossi-
by all dealers. Doctor's C`hst.t:uas 1•: e, t,ri)C•tiett,' nfcIry day5t of ast Iyaivunosll frfentls for any onr.'s purse. Ynvcst 'tri cents In a
C I,OVE's Youngllraatit, ;iTtcdairt: ?kl;+. Robert J1a11 of 131`ackst k boittle of Chamb to rlain'ss Linimentsuot lyandf
r The Creators, , i Or has: you are prepared sprains, Det:. 'OCk \S, :11'.1)., mt.C.I ., etc., k Mans flan, Hay. •lite,n the guest, of his uncle, .Mr. :t, y p p ed for s rains bruises
,Speciatist in DWays of tho l':yo, 1lasten di the Witeatlawls, {lindloss. Bradburn. ' and like injuries. Sold by all de -alerts.
Far, Nose and Throat, will be at Tht' Otlher ,tide, Vaellell. [ lrr. anti fibs+. lt'. Cook cnttivainad
Holmes' Drug Store, Clinton, on Seige Of ,Seven Suii': rs, ' Nicholson. a; large. number of their friends to a
Feb. 28th, flat 28th, April 25'tb, Mild Oats, ,J, t)ppenheini. :cxial hop oneevcming rewntly. Fire at, I+"arnham, Qut+3ec,. slid about`
May 23rd, ,lune 20th. If YOU te- 5Yv heart and ,Sttt,ibani(!, XauEYsnan, I Mr. Ilugh McLean has purchas,.d a folly thousand dollars' 'damage.
quire Glasses, dont fail to see Dr., Sheriff of Dyke 1101, Culiuni. •,:general. ktore..business fit Musall, and Uontrral's w�at+ar supply has been
Ovens. hell -Fire I1arrhmii, Wat•tla;. 'v; ill take poss:es.,ion shortly. 1111 son' s,erous,ly aftocted by the great' thief( -
Island, . , Ltd i Rld., now in Grand Vallry, will assist . ness i)f ice.
_ _ tion of the Wind, Chanilu slain i him. A Montreal firm will eivet five hurt-
P.'W. r't'TT.'i•,R, l':1INTR t AND Girl Prom, His Town, Van V,oTst , Mr. 'altnd Mrs. Arthur Jackson of tired houses of mawnt on dison's
Paper hanger. A4? work done guar- (:?j"n ,Sheba's Rittg, ilagt;atrd I Crlandc+boya, forinerly of llclhrave, plans.
anteed sutfsfacto`ry and prices oulnecty ,Sawyer l,datnl, rAidrin , mourn tare torts crf thefir fli,ant s!,n, heal: