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The Clinton News-Record, 1911-02-23, Page 1
The C1inton NewsmwI�ecorc�e LOCAL MA114ET* WILLIS t:IIURCIF, CLINTON .SPRING SHOW. A SIG OF SPRING. THE' LITERARY CLUB. 1:TIIE Wheat, 83c. Oats, 280 to 800, The members of the Guild on "Mon-, day evtlning enjoyed a sleighridc A meeting of the direcirars of the I3uron County Stock Need All those interested in tht+ good + ' The tnc�c.ting of the Literary C 1!ab 1=Yas, .65c to 70c. Barley, 43c to around town,, Dir. C. Lindsay kindly and ,Show was hold .on 'I'liut! ),lay afternoon •last. and wholesome Kano of baseball should attend the. meeting to tae held on Tuesday evening was addre Pied bin Rev. J. I., Ford oil the subject a R 47c. Butter, 18c to 180, offering his team and sleigh for the purposts. Aftbowards. the young peo- Th,rre was. a, good attendance and niuoh headway was in the town hall on Monday t�veninl, "C'-o'npai+aline Rvligiotis." 'l'lur m0et- Eggsk i8a to ,'3e, ple went to the manse where ,lunch made with the the ,prizo list. The date of the Show when the team will be rr-organized for tate season} of 1811. Ing way fairly well attended and thth Live Ilogu, $6,85. was served and. an hour or so spent in is the first Thursday in April, the , , address was, will received. At tlu nc+�t nte+�:ing the speaker will be Mt. ANNUAL SLE•10111NO PARTY. social gonias, etc• sante as heretofore. Q:vT;+RIO STRI<F.T C-IZLItCII. J. B. hoover. On Friday evening last a load of WORKS WELL RLSEA0HERE. W1� SLFY .0 HURC`II. The ;'4.:11.5, took charge of the ON A TOUR OF INSPE -ION young people of the Jackson Manfg, Co's stall drove to the home. of Mr. Mr. Robert Douglas hag established a gettcral delivery for the grocers' of Rev. W. J. ;likens of Toronto, as- League meeting on ;Monday evening and provided an .interesting program. 11essirs. W. C, Newman, V�", (LooQ- and 1171.x. John Jervis of Stanley, town, and wti understand that the 4t:stant sectrstary at the dutartment of Temperance and Moral Rpforan,. One .feature was the reading of a late ter frim Miss, :Sybil C'ourtice, who 'is tette and. W: Mbrrison, members of the town •council Ridgetown After partaking of the sumptuos sup- per provided by the hostess, a pleas- majority of the merchants fn that line have takewup with it. The, ar- occupied the pulpit o, Sunday morn- Ing, preaching engaged in mia;fon work in Japan. Airs. J. '13, of were. • in, Clinton yesterday on a tour of ins ec- ant evening was, spent in games and , rangement effects a great economy as a stirring sermon on ""Types of Salvation•." The' pastors 13. Gibbings and AIrs, It. Carter contributed solos. tion of waterworks systems: 11, er music. Aftcsr thanking the host and hostess for their hospitality,' the the one dulivcay outfiit now does %ic work of several'' and the merchant preached in the evening. Ati. the Nest. Monday evaiing the Social 'have had been at Exeter and from herrn went on to Wingbatn and Listowc+l.. party returned home in the small .is saved *the eixpen:t� and,trouble of keep- ` conclusion of tice evening service prof. Brown, who prailde'�d .at the or- committee made arrangsnicnts for a good, old-fashioned social, to An r.cltibition of the capacity of our plant. was given thein hours, much pleased with the even- ing's uatextaitim0nt. ing a horse: and', rig. of his own,-- Luclinow Sentinel. gan for the laA time, gave. a short which all are cordialiv invited. The and they ap- peared to be surprised and delight td. 1 of only tele immediate relativaa.. Mr. Mrs. organ recital and most of tiie congre gation remained to admission fee is, one apple or two It is gait0 possible in 'their report A SUNDAY MORNINQ- BLAI.E, •&IV,131C 43NAMS. cnipy it, potatoes, 1.1"EtJ will say that wch a systeitl 83 The house of Mr, John Skinner on The following successful report• of A PRESENTATION. WI;SX.T.Y ('IIVItC'II. Clinton has, will just about . suit Itfdgr.town. James street was buried to the ground at an early hour on Sunday standing in, eonnnetion with .#lie re- cent ose4minations of the London At the conclusion of the conc,e:t in Wholey church on Friday evening the On 'Monday the Londosboro 14bdgae ' None of. t•he visitors had been , io morning, . together with all ita Con- Cono.,rvatory of Music, is from .the choir adjourned .to the home, of :hiss pant a return visit to Wesley, the vis- itotrs the Cirnton before but 111x. Newman whu) tents. The origin of the fire is ung studio of Mr and Mrs W Cil G "' providing program, MOs is president, of thEytr bowling club ha El; j known as. NIr, and Mrs. Skinner with ran � Cam•'pbell and is a cri o lit to both t one, where the pastor in a few wovds . expressed to iVlrs. Brown, irnfe Bell, the presidents, took tho than,'. The+ program Tennyson. Mr. 'net sc'vc+.al of our, bowlers at the Ivar toes ■•. Ithc±Tr children were to Seaforth at+ iiia ( teachers and pupils, the ent+irtt exam- of Professor Brown, tiio appreciation ,was .on Will. L .on 'ave a paper t• ' i+ Y E. P on lif tournaments. flit say Ile is y y }. ` time, having g gone down on Saturday 'Iu� R�O"YAT, BANK CANA,I�,f� . to spend Sunday with fricmds. Tii., illation class being successful : piano- forte, fi'cst-class •honors•—:YG:ss. Data- felt for her untiring efforts in behalf. of the chola+, and asked her tEr accept, -P .lie of tho , pout and several of his shorten ivE�re Misses prince among good fdlow,� and ltav's " intimated they will be leased ` Y P if iwr of fire Iiad gotten a. good start before the thy Ball, Miss Gladys Draper and as a- littfo remi'ider of her connection poems recit�•1, Murcli and -'odden . sang solos. The pastae, Zuv, will. bring u a rink when t iU gam± alarm was turned in and the firituen INCORPORATED Miss ARID Carbert, all of (Tinton. with it, a Pretty china tea set, Mrs.' illy. Ostciiiouti, at the b0gin 'n of upon the seen is once more p g o e in order.. 1869. could do little. but save the adjoining Capital Paid Up $6,200,000. building, which is a small, frame Vanni+a--Miss Ella Cgiclough, Holm- -esvilie, Pass --Harold. King, BayfivId. Bi{awn';j relations with the .inembers 'of the Choir have always been of the the program gave E little talk n the I.pv;orth . of their father. Reserve and Undivided Profits $6,4o0,000. house and unoccupied, but which came Total Assets - $92,000,000 out unscorchad., It is' indeed hate= .MARRIED AT AI:i1'LE CREEK K., plazsantest and the: separation.. is now departl,n�en of. Leagui.'a, f 14Ciaizenshfp," . :1t the conclusion of Personals ' a .HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL.. sh'p_ to be letb homeless. in such wea- At. Maple Creek Sask. on Feb.8th p � matt n to mutual regret. g. DfIs.1T ' the program the home society served lunch and the company iivixcd up and. t. 1Ifss .Zlttle Stevens- is. visiting ,i>(;, . Toronto. tiler . and Mr. and -Mrs, Skinner have 175 Branches.and Crrrreapondentathrougitout the World." ! the sympathy of our cit7zens, .a quiet but pretty wcdding took place , .Oh' ;1.rDRI•.{t G;>;R1'Ir. e'ijoy.-W a social hour togeta:'c;r:" , 1Ir. Dolan 3iacke >7Te has u t ret elle,. 110 ! FOR THE that will possess much intw-est to many readers' of The News -Record, A telegt�tnt wits rmeived lash wet+.c from son Fr±incisco;' California, which A CrFL,tDL'�1TE OF 'i'III: C', C.I. . front Ohieago. ,SO.UTfl. Interest allowed on Saving accounts, Courteous treat- Mr: Gordon Cun`inghame, who is at Th The bride was Miss Sarah Ethel FAmesiton, second daughter of Mr.. brought the sad news of the death .of Andrew Garvie, forntir:ly of Clinton, Eldon R, S cjdell, a fourth ycaiw sfu- dent Manitoba Avon was, the guest of 1 m Dr. t'* t I a bury , friends over Sunday, present .in, Cuba, writ'as home thus"; The accorded to all customers. 14Th© weather and Mrs. John Ed s r a me twit, tormei,y . , , aged forty-eight Scars. FF'(+ was bora of University, has been , chosen. a. Rhodes scholar_ to represent Miss Jennie I{oba.ts tall has returnt�, from a pleasant visit with Brant hers Is ideal, . About noon it is from 80 to 85, but never of .Minton. Attired in her travelling suit of blue she wars' give%i. away by on the 0th con. of Hu'Lett where the family lived 'a Alic. Province of lllanit'oba, and will - ford friends,. R, E. MANNING, MI+Aa eit.. - Clinton Branch. sc:sris to get sultryand the %I hts ani t; her father, the knot -being tied . , by at !-lie tim•"' -For iviille he resident lit Ctint�on, but procc+.•d under the tr:rnts of the schol- to :Misses 'Pen ' a and Tillie 0010wgh Suis- clotidles.s • and beautiful." I -le tel!.s ~� flip the Rev. ,lofin Grant. in the presence .twen- ty-eight years ago moved to t'be. ars.-hip Oxford nett fall, 11c rv.as ene of four :scholars voted on by . the dayed with'Mr, and Mrs.. .John Jer- vis of 'Stanley Township. of clavelrness of the natives in n akirng "so many things from the of only tele immediate relativaa.. Mr. Mrs. State of -Kansas.. Nhe•n ti'm dscovery `. commissioners' at Winnipeg reawitly., ' Mrs. (Di Medd, Godarich, is spenr$- . lcaye's and fibre of the palm .and in and :Kennedy boyo taken up housekeeping an, thct groom's- faran of gold .was made in the iYukon hi joined ;in the rush to the frozui, north. His full =116 is Eldon RGoklidge Siddall, .and hn i -s the' only son of ing the week with Mr., and Mrs. J. G: Medd and othoz friends. �Mt:rs .!:'akin$ . waterproof houses with il'atching of palm leaves. The Amer- The MOI�SON' S BANTA near Maplc;'Creek: 'flood .wishes. A NEW After a few '.years in -tile gold fields he 'returned south and'located at San hYr. Georgc,.A. Siddall,., banker- 'or M<ucknow�, Ile, was bort at' the latter Ross Lavis, who is in Tor ntr at present; ex to spend tiit'v jeans on the island s:em to manage to :1I'POIN.'1'i4IENT. Francisco where his death took place. placp'ia 1888 and recei ec 1' r' t ►s .t•:ts" s ib'R itrllliner P p g season in Elora. Lave a very .pI,!isaht. timo;• riding; go- • inl about in. summer duds picking • INC011PORATED ISM.. a , p g Mr. 'Arthur R. Ford, editor of the Saturday Telegram, R•inr�peg, son' of Ile is sure itiM by two brothers and as man sisters : )Its,. \Fm. Lawson y .T .cagy education :at, Clinton Collegiate., In- .slit ,. it utc. afterwards,matrieu a.ein y Messrs. -!'alter and Val. s_ a Townshetzd ` Brantford Capital Paid up $4,000,000 Rest Fund '- .'$4,400,000 ripe fruit from the -trec�,sr and other- wisf) enjoying thtr nselves in R v. J. 1;,. M''ord Astor f , p o Wesitly HuT1eUC - Uavfd :of' (*oderich town= at i4lan toba C:nw ` University. . Ile. lio-ts Wall of were in town last wea5; havigg..comu' up to attend the a - WAY ?8. 8raln,etie's in Canada_ the thought of which church, was last week a afntcd pP by. shiip illrs, C harlris Johns and Alex man srliolarsiti s but is also r^ ' Y P ,.,tYn- fun,,: al al of their aunt, Mrs. Thos: .., ., makes us and Agents and Correspondents iii all the:jirfucipal cities. in taismoithern clime posifivelq :gees n the Book Committee western editor• in the .State of Okjaborna. :ent• in- tnhe athlct+:e -1leld. Bunking, of .Hullett. . in 'the world. with envy these zero morninfis But of the Christian Guardian, tit e organ of the Methodist Church in. Canada. � ';;If4\Y H.:11 1�Y. RT 1 LI{NS: BAPTI",SI � CHURCn..' ' Ilugh T3. Grigg, lfolsans Bank,... . 1Iessrs. Grigg, A GE ERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. ' the Canadian Climate Is all right, too, ducted "iglu visitors through the •house,, + Feb. '1863, Mr, A.J.. Grigg on Sunda Y London, and Loy of the Bank of 'rhe only trouble is that t+.fere is per- The paper, which is out A .to days, since Mi, Ffta d K .: Y r enxp' The 'nc�w;pastor, Itev. lf. Yi'. Wylie,• :Montreal Montreal, were home oyes' haps too .much of it bc��wt+.ri Jantiaiy to nieet.Ilie.nwds of a•larger Canada, 'of London, fornwrly Of ,Clinton, pas- occupied" .the pulpit. on .Sunday last." the tiieek end, having come to . help SAVINGS BANK 'DEPARTMENT '.ad April. will holy no• doubt• have a wc4stern sec- s� his seventy-second mild;tone and raking his nioil.c�i_n text frown the 9 cu:ebrate their fathe.r's• birthda`•. I AT ALL' BRANCHES. A MERRY i AP.TY.' • tion - or department Which w=ill be un- der' the ,upervision of ltlr, Ford,'who, is hale and heat. ' y, looking good • fat: ;-many years 4o come. .Mr. Kemp -was 33rd Nsalnt. In, flit eveniii h!s sub- jeet.' Ivas taken from John. 1�Irs. J' -C. Gxeig and daughter,' Mfsi, 1'%