HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1911-02-16, Page 8Clinton News -Record
February 19th, 191.
. AT
Fred. Jackson's
The present weather conditions force many people into the
purchase of Ruhbe?Shoes which would be gladly avoided if at all
possible and it is our aim to assist in making that purchase as easy
as,we can as regards the price.
p LADIES',,RUBBERS Sec Gentlemens 75c
t "W We are offering Ladies' Rubbers at 50e and gentiemens' at 750
and while these are not the hest quantities made they are good en-
ough to finish the season with.'
Our very best qualities sell at 7Sc for ladies and $L00 for men.
They are guaranteed to be the beet that are made,
You will find among our leather lines equally good values in.
all departments,
Repairs While You Waits
• ***.
Traveller's Sample
In rlen's and Boys' At Less Than
Manufacture's Prices..
A few days ago , wewere fortunateenough to secure score .first
choosing from all the Sample Overcoats of one of Canada's Lar-
gest Manufacturers at ridiculously low price and ratper, than
carry them over for another season we will place the entire lot
on Sale commencing Saturday at such wonderfully low prices
that a. few days must see a general clear .up of every coat,
Remember - This is not a clearing. out of undesirable. gar-
ents but a genuine Sacrifice Sale of up -to -the -minute -goods.
Don't.fail to see these coats if yo.0 need one for the balance
ofthis winter -or are going to need one for next.
For One Dollar and
Fifty Cents
Its a fact (and we advertise it be-
cause we so often find some one
surprised when told it) that we can
give you, aDetest PAPER for one
year for $1 .5e7- use days we are
in a position to giue you a Sample
Copy and will be pleased to have you
apply for one. We will have it
sent to you by mail or you can call
for it at our store. We solicit your
subscription for any newspaper or
Often Cheapest '- Always the Bes
iuios'r. AT COST
As, we are removing.. from our pres-
ent premises we roust. reduce our stock
mad to do so we. have ..cut the prices.
of the bargains for
Here are a few g our.
Ladies' Kid Blucher, regular $3. n
Sale price.. L�
Ladies' •
Kid Bluchers, regular $1.75(�
and $2. Sale price �,4t7
Misses Kid Bluchers, regular $2.00 ' . 6 (1
Sale price �7
Misses Chocolate Bluchers,' regular
1.75. Sale price . 1 .t7
Childs' Box Calf and Kid Bluchers,1
egular'$1.35 and $1.50. •Sale price.... 1 . 19
Childs' Kid Bluchers, regular. $1nn
and $1.10. Sale price,. .75e and . U'
Men's Rubbers •815
Ladies' Rubbers .SO
Misses Storm Rubbers .45
Men's Patent Blucher, regular $4 0 G n
and $4.50. Sale price ,
Men's heavy winter calf, tan and. A. A
black, regular $5. Sale price 't L
Men's Velour calf, regular $3.50 and .0 U
$4. Sale price ")
Men's Box Calf, regular $2.50. Salep
price .0 8
•NN�N.N1••••N*N O* MO+N••N•N••♦••••N.•N•Nlo
J. B Hoover Ne19on Bali
i • 845 OS ,
Our 1
1 Fiirn to
�e i .
t iFJI�
==tea =_ _
i e whole r.r
Affords an n got i for the thrifty
to refurnish th
pl tun ty t e any
part of the house at a splendid saving, not made at the expense of
ForlParlor, mining, Bed Room or Kitchen. Z
There are complete outfits and single pieces that are marvels I f furni-
l g p
ture excellence and economy. Better' see them
The cheapest spot in Muton County to buy all kinds of furniture.
Hoover Bali
4•114.4440.464144.4014.40•••••••••••••4•4•9••••••••••••• 641
Mr, A. T. Cooper was in Toeanto a
few 'days this week.
Miss Margaret McEachorn was in
Toronto last Week, .
Miss Mary McCaughey has returned
after spending a fortnight in the
Miss Lizzie Sullivan has been visite
ing Goderich and Kingsbridge the
past few days.
Mr. Andrew Stwingham, Woodstock,
was'a guest over the weer% end. of
Chief Wheatley. .
Mrs. (Rev.) Cook of Totonth, form-
erly of Clinton, has been visiting
frieirds in town.
Miss E. Chidley intends spending the
week end with her sisttar, Mrs. Con-
stantine, in Zurich.
Miss Flossie Ross, Cloderich, was the
guest of Mr. and Mrs. John Envmor-
t'on• over the week mad.
Miss Sampson .of Brucofield has • been
bhe guest of her grandmother, Mrs.
Watts, during the past weak.
Rev. Hislop Dickson, who has . been
pursuing his theological. studies in
Scotland, sails for Canada on March
Miss Mary Peart of Brandon hospital
and Mr. Frank. Paart, Hensall, were
guests of M,rs. Chambers over Sun-
days:. _ __w. ____.
Mo srs, James Il. Reynolds of Gorier-
ich and John Reynolds of Detroit
Balled on Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Mc-
o-Caughey on Friday last.
Mi.+, H. B. Chant was. in Mitchell' on
Friday night last when his brother,
Professor Chant of Toronto Univer-
sity, delivered en address.
Mr. Chas. Alexander. of _ Toronto,
travelling. agent for a Wife Fence
Co:, spent Monday and Tuesday 4n
town the guest of his uncle, Mr. D..
Cook, Sr.
Me. and Mrs. Wm: Reid of Varna
were the guests of: Mr; and Mrs.
Wheeler fora couple of days last
week and remained 'for the Welsh
. Choir concert.
Miss Ethel Doherty, as:r.stant . Sup-
erintendent in the General hospital,
Boston, is at present visiting at
the parental home, that of. Mr. and
Mrs. W. Doherty.
Mr. John Kelly, who a few days ago
returned teem the Cobalt • mining
district, has since been seme+,vhat
•but his friends will rejoice t'o
hear thatt'he is improving.
Miss Irene Guest. of London Township
has been 'visiting her father, Mr.
John Guest, the past work. Witch
her over the Week end was Miss Lee
of McGillivray township.
Miss Dorothy'Cantelon lc;ft on Mon-
day for Toronto, where she will vis-
it friends for a time. She will also
visit her sister, Mrs, Woatherwex,
of Orillin; before re,utning.
Mr. and Mrs. John Lanham; Long time
and much esteemed residents of
Londesboro, end Mr. Will. Lyons,
the genial . G.T.R. agent at that.
place, were in town on Monday.
Messrs. C. A, and Frank Andrews
paid 'a business visit to the fare of
John Elder & Son, below Iie,isall,
mi Monday and an the insult have
• added a thorobred Shorthorn to
thein herd.
Miss Mabel E. Cantelon, accompanied
a coolof outer, of her stall,
Mises Snaith and Govier, went
down, to Toronto yesterday to at-
tend the millinery openings and to
purchase spring .stock,
s who 'ter nil
Mr. •1•I'. F. lndxew w e
went to Vancouver, B.C., to visit
his sister, in writing home speaks of
i'he snow which covered the ground
on his arrival. When Mr. Andrews
left on his trip he expected to be
absent s4, weeks or so.
Mr. harry Stokes of the Dominion
Sugar Company o
f Berlin end
In -
Spector Win.. (l•raham of town have
urel several ten -acre nttactS
this district and also one of " forty
acres. The Company (will furnish
mn'i to do the work, and money fit
necee,sary. The Inspector and Mr.
Stokes are in the district about
Centralia and i' o'er this week.
Mr. R. W. King, only son of Mr. and
Mrs. Walter King of Albert st set,
who has for some time been
pal of Welland Business (olhop, is
now teaching the commercial de-
r- 'of he branch,
tmcnb t London bran
leaving .taken the new position a few
weeks ago at a substantial increase
fn salary. The News-lte+cord con-
gratulates Mr. King on his enter-
prise and success.
likto• P-0,JazAm Sr
$ 3, 0 0 0
We are selling out our complete stock of Carpets, Rugs, Mats, Mattings, etc. and intend to'turn them
into cash as soon as possible. Spring and house-cleaning will soon be here and it will pay you well to buy now
at big savings and lay them aside until you need them. Don't waituntil the last minute but come when the
stock is complete.
Wool Carpets
The wearing quality of wool
carpetsis widely+ known. We
hare about 25 pieces to clear out
during this sale, all good pat-
terns and colorings as follows :.
2 ply all wool 75e for 59c
24 " "' `" 90e " 69c
3 " ". 1.10 " 79c
• Tapestry Carpets
20 pieces Tapestry carpet in
fawn, green and red colorings,
new desigus some have stain and
border to match,' rale price as
follows :
Tapestry Carpet 50e Inc 30c
" "" 60c for 42c
id " 75c for 50e
" " 85efor 69e
Brussels Carpets
18 pieces Brussels carpet in
body and steir, ell new .patterns:
in green, fawn, brown and • kid.
colorings at the following deep
cuts ;
Brussels Caepet 1.00 for 79c
l 25 fee 980
" 135 for OS
" 1 tO for 1'22
Rugs Underpriced.
Dominion Seamless rugs Me-
dallin and conventional designs
in all the popular colors priced
down to rock bottom during this
sale as follows ;.
3x31 yards 15 00 for 11.25
3x4 " 10.51 for 12.50
31x4 ," 18.00 for 15.00
Tapestry Rugs
21 Tapestry rugs in all the
popular colors and designs with
seam down the centre, sale price
as follows :
3x31, 8OOfor 0.110
3 3 best quality 1 "
x 4 q, It y 1 .�O for 8.50
3 x 34 " 15 00 for 11 50
3 x 4 10.50 for 13.50
344x 4 " • . 18.00 far•15,00.
Brussels and !'Milton
10 gond qualiev Brussels vel-
vet and Milton Rugsedl new de -
'Signs and colors, sale price as
• follows:
3 x 34 reg 21) CO for 15.50
' 3 x 3¢. " 22,50 for 17011
3 x 4 " 25,00 for 19 Ix)
21x 3 ." 12 00 for 9 Oa
3 x 4 -" 3000 for 24.04
Milton Fleeced Matts
50 Milton and velvet floor
matte assorted designs and col-
orings, size x 1 yds. reg 2.50
sale price 1,75
Jap flatting
10 pieces Jap mat;trng, some
plain others with floral designs
In two qualities, reg 124c for Oe,
ret; 25c fur 18c.
Tapestry Table
10 only Tapestry table covers.
assorted designs and colors
Reg 1.25 far 98c
Cherille tattle covers
lteg 3.00 for 2,23
Lace Curtains as Cost
During this sale we are clear-
ing out at cost and lees the nal-
•ince of our midwinter priced
lace curtains as follows ;
Lice curtains 2,00 for 1,50 .
" 11 250 for 1 89
3.00 for 2 25
.6. 1° 3.50 far 2 75
Iderdown Comforters
Reduced in Price
20 Iderdown comforters s.et,
teen covered, pretty designs and
colorings, good large size, sale
prices as follows
Reg 3 50 for 2,50
e 250 for 1 75
" 5.00 for 400
" 2.25 for 1.75
Golf Coats for Chil-
dren at big Reduc-
Ohildrensgulf coats in red
white, blue and grey with belt
all sizes, while they last the pric-
es will beas follows ;
Golf coats reg 1.00 for •.75
" " 1.25 for .90
1 for 1,10
150for 110
1,75 for 125
Bradley•Mufflers for
,Men Women and
'Clearing out the balance of
Bradley mufflers, all sizes and
colors reg 50c, sale price 35c.
Quick .Seliers
Saturday we put on 'sale the following:lin.es at prices that oughtto clean out every article. Corrie in the
Morning as they wont last long,
Sample Ladies • Vests
d z . v
este, three doz
dt ewers sizes 8x4; travellers sam-
ples, some slightly soiled, worth •
regularly 50e up to 1.00 each, Sat-
urday 35c. •
Sample Childrens
Vests 19c
Three dozen travellers wimples
of G.btldr h
e a vests and drawer's in
fleece filled, wool and cashmere,'
reg 35c to 50e each, Saturday
Manufacturers Rem-
Manufacturers remnants of
Shaker factory cotton,.. white
cotton gingham, splendid. qual-
• ity and width, ends from 2 to 5
yds, clearing Saturday for 5c yd
50c worsted Hose 35c
Boys and girls heavy worst-
ed hose, . black, made from tine
quality worsted yarns, fast
black; all sizes, reg 50e, Saturday
75c $'•00 and $1.25
Corsets 49c .
2 dozen onlycorsets corsodd
numbers that we have replaced
others with • o rs ,tind do not, i
carrpfng again clearing them out
Saturday at 49e, reg. 75c, 1.00
and 1.25.
Remnantsof dress .goods,.
prints, ginghams, shirtings,
sheetings, cotton ducks, towel-
ing, . satteen, prints, ' oilcloth,
linoleums,: etc, Saturday less' .
than first cost.:
Saturday we give you your
choice o n
f any trimmed hat in our
stock: for 1J .
Come early for first choice
Ladies Coats
We have twenty ladies' coats
left and don't want to carry one
over this season and to do this
we are putting the price down
ridiculously low, reg. 10, 12, 15
and .18 with choice Saturday
Harris Homespun '
Dress Goods
'15 snit ends of FIarris home-
spun dress goods in brown.
:green, blue, red; 'black, etc, nn
two alike, reg 1.00and 1.25, 'Sat-
urday 69e, .
Childrens Coats
10 only children, coats in
red, brown, navy and green
beavers, nicely made and trim-
med, all sizes. reg 4.50 . to 7.00,
Saturday .2 75.
Knitted Top Skirts
Ladies knitted top skirts
with embroidered' Menem.. •
Reg 175 for 125
" 5,00 for 4.00
Red flannel lined ladies un-
derskirts all sizes
Reg 1.50 for 1.10'
1.25WaIe Dress Goods
for 89c
5 only suit lengths of Wale
serge in gray. rosea tan, navy
and resida made from fine long
spun yarns and will give excel-
lent wear, Reg 1.25, Saturday 89e
25 Percent; off all Fur Coats, Ruffs, ` Muffs, . Caperines Caps
and Mitts.
LITTLE LOCALS. The label on the paper :tells the
story. Bow does yours read
The regular meeting of the Woman's
Instituto will be held at the Mete of
McMurray Thursday Mrs.Mex y next T rs'ei.ay after•-
noon at three o'clock.
• Tuesday was fixed for the annual
t �d ,oho 1 sleigh ride. That .
Sena o eday
was very stormy but as the afiatr lied
been postponed once before' it was
thought best to go on with it. A
coupleIb bfsl i
hldads took a little
spin around town through the driving
sleet, but did not prolong the ridei
and returning to the church found a
nice suppen awaiting them. It is
nadirs, to Say the youngsters had a
fine time. '
The Guildmet on Tuesday evening
this wee+s. Next Monday will be the
regular social meeting .and the coin-
mitts are arranging fors a sleighride,
if the weather le favorable, and a
social tea at the manse.
Hullett Township
Mr. Wm.:lforrison purchased a fine
horse at Mr. John Henley's sale last
Mr. J. C. henry's auction • sale
takes place on
Thursdayof next w
Theis loticon,
'l h place 3713th n the1
The News-Itccoi'l leads for Mullett
township news.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert. Snell of Regina,
Sask,, were guests foci several days of
last w.e1c at Mr. Jamb, Snell.'s,
Mr. and Mi's. E. Sundercock are
the guests of the latter's sister, Mrs,
Weymouth. We regret to learn of the
'continued illness of Mrs. Sundercock,.
Mr. and Mrs: McNeil cN of Goderich
4� d rich
were. the guests of Mr. Arthur Jernii-
son over Sunday.,.
IsIr. Wm. Rt:ley is around again after."
a severe attack of grippe.
Miss J. McMatth, after a week's: vis-
it• f r'h friends,
ft with Clinton on and Sea o t end ,
>.�turne. l ' to visit -her •ni.c'ce, Mrs. W.
On Sunday next Rev. W. T. Pearcy
s • 1 the
• takennirer • r n
is to a anniversary service
Presbyterian PreshY
u Rev.
r' church at Auburn. urn
Mr. Mann of Auburn will preach in
the Presbyterian church here.
Hullett Township.
Mr. James LI. Snell attended
annual meeting of the Dominion
Sheep Breeders'
Association hold ld in
Toronto ast) week, and also visited
friends . in Brampton.
Mrs.John Car ' returned home
last week from
London where she
had been undergoing treatment for
the past few months.
Miss Jean i)ayment of Clinton vise
Red at the, home of Mr. and Mrs.
John Shanahan on Sunday.
The man
i i s I Rey-
Y friends o Mr.
who has been under the doc-
tor's y rare for some time pant, wish
him a :!-nerdy recovery.
lilr. Janes O'Brady of Termite has
been the guest of his nucle", Mr. Wm.
Taylor of the Gravel ltoad, foe the
past couple of weeks.
The News From Londesboro
Mr: , J. C. Adams was 'on the noon
train going to .Blyth Monday when it
was stalled in the snow about a mile
south of there, but as the, walking
was good' Ito made the rob of the
journey •onfoot also the return por-
tion of the trip.
'Mrs. A. Mcleod of Clinton was sud-
herd owing
ilrnly, called to her home ow 6
to the severe i,,'ne+r'w of her mother,
Mee. T.' Bunking.
Roselle, little daughter of Mr:
Chas.Crawf r1r is suffering from an
attack ofpn-
e pneumonia and her youngest
sister, Adna, has bronchitis.
Edict Sam'pson is suffering from an
attack of plt•.irisy.
The Sacrament of the Lord's Sup-
rn was bba.rt d d
va e 5 a
on un in
Presbyterian church, Preparatory
s. rviee was held on le i+:day when Rt' z.
Mr, Smith 9111 isall addre'ssoci the
Congregation. A number• united with
the church.
On Monday, Feb. 13th, the Quarter-
ly Boar met and besides other busi-
ness decided to send Itev. Je Os -
t :rh tr
r o
t as a dole
delegate to the Dominion
Allianca convention held in Toronto
this week. Mr. Osterhout and Miss
Boras left Wedne flay morning fon
Teton to.'
On Sunday evening last Rem. Mr.
l tho
pulpit ot
church, Clinton, Itev. Dr. Stewart
taking eh'arge of a special era+:ice he'd
that tlrening in Burns' church. :l
number from Londesboro went over
to the latter service.
The ninny friends of Mise E.' johns -
aeon of London • are pleased to see her.
in . our midst again. Miss Johnston:.
was a former teacher at S.S. No. 8.
Tho Valentine Box social held .un-
un •der the auspicc!hof the Epworth
League at the home of Mr. John Tam-,
blyn Friday,evening of last week was
cid u e ed y cross. ThdP roceeds• of
the evening amounted to $47.45. ..The
Pro rani consisted of
gramophone col..
ecticns, solos by Miss 13, Manning,
s Murch
F. S
hb brroo
read. •
.gbYW. Lyon,cornet solo byW
mouth organ. selections by
Messrs, Shobbrook, Bunking anti
On Saturday afternoon the funerae
of the late Jessie Anderson, relict of
the late it i
C 'L X111 of
atii Lowerie, Sr.
owe to
Hul'lett", took place to Buena' �ceme-
tory, Rev. Walter T. Pearcy, eon-.
duete+l the services.
Mr. 11. W. Adams of Minneapolis,
is spending a few days with his
Ct� here. 1s many Y friends are
pheresd t', welco)n:e him back to the
home bur
A meeting of the executive of the
Sunday school was held Monday ev-
ontng to discuss the advi:ttbility of
taking up the a
for the
Sick Children'sHospital, Toronto. It:
having been reported
that several
rti from
n county
have in the
past' been refused admission to this in-
sb:t'ution, the matter was left over
until more information boaring oft tiro,
matter could be received and tnvesti-