HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1911-02-16, Page 5February 16th, 190 1111111.101110.1111.11101Memelleellegeleemliel 01111411.001•Melelelleiliee reeee•INellekleielle•1144111ele•IP•se•IKS14+441Plelele.deeedt. lelleelele.4011.411ele The News From 9oderich • Ak.OISE A. SKICIMINGS correspondent * 04e.............lereeetre•leleit4,114.Nefeeellsielelele.411-**040•114“./0 Mre. F. Doty, Sr., who bee been Mrs. W. L. Eliot arrived home from London after a short visit there. Mrs. Martha McMullen died on Sale tirday at the home of her sister, Miss_ Maceelehote On Sunday evening Rev. Geo. le. Rose preached a memorial sermon, for those whose lives were. lost in the Ricirsecod disaster. Healso telllte-i- ally addressed the railway meet pre- sent on the responslbieity of their positions and urgecl them to take e.ach. day. .ifheir melees from a highen power. A large choir was in attendance and their vontribetions. were very beaUtie fel and impreseive. Miss Collinson of Glenholm, is in. Toronto attending the millinery op- enings and buying- stock .for the. ap- proaching season, • She has cherge of a large store In Mitchell. We regret very much to record the ecriouS accident ev.hielt betel Mr. S. Halstead at the- organ factory one day 10411 week by which he Wet the tips of three finger:: of his rigbt hand. This is the second aeeident of 'the Kind._ that has happened Mr. Halstead. .Me. May, who was seriously injeral In the recentrailway digester in whieh live of a train crew of six lost their . lives,though still under.._the Dn's care and very ill, is thought- to be improving, - • Mr. and Mrs. John Sheppard and. children, who have been igninding•sozne time at the family realdence, Nile, left lasit week foe Cuper, Sask., where Mrs, Sheppard's people reside. They are enjoyingtheir trip very much. " Mr, after a week or so in town' fehg.gueeee of his 'relatives, Mr.: and Mrs. ,T. W. Smithe Of East street, returned lest We to ii s. hostel- in Calgary„ Halliday hao prosperedin the west .an0 during the. past few years has become wealthy. The • Citizene' Marine• Band •held .most .euccessrul. entertainment at . the opera Meese on Friday- evening. Mr. -Eddie Piggott • was. -the chief . drawing card andel:oat ly delighted. -the :audi- ence by his dancing, 'acting and -sing- sermusly zl for the past few' weeks, recoverieg but very slowly, her many, friends regret to 'cern. • Iler bister, Mrs. Doty of Toronto, has been with her for some time. A very large congregation was pre - Fent at Victoria street church on Sun- day ti.'ening. At the Offertory Mrs. -King gang very sweetly. A large in- crease has been made in the member - hip of this church lately The funeral of the at Daniel Bu- chanan Wok -Place on Friday after- noon, Re:. Dr. Medd conducting the services. During the service Mr. E. C. Belcher sang very feelingly a cou- ple of hymns. The pellbearcga were: -Messrs. J. H. Edward, Robt. Young, Thos. Warner, Joseph Wilson, Robt. oke and Robt. Armour. Many beaut- iful flowers were sent by the church efficfals, the differeat depaettneets of the church and other friends. , Mr huchanad was seized with eoen'e affec- tion of the heart wbile at his duties in the organ factory and died almost immediately on being removed * his home. He was twice married, his first wife beeng Miss Fowler. By this marriage be had two sons, . neje and Herbert, who both occupy good .pogitions in town. Hie seeond tee, who was Miss Millia.n, survives lone Mr. Buchanan was a kindly, Christian man, always ready to speak a kind word or do a kindly deed, a faithful member of Victoria street church and generally esteemed. Mrs. Wallace Arthur of Dominion . City, a sister of Mrs. Buchanan, was present at the funeral. Mrs. Cbresler 'of Torouto addressed a mass meeting in temperance hall on Sunday afternoon. . Mr. John Brownlee dial al his 'home here on•Sunday at a very advanced age. We are pleaoed to note- 1 hat. Mrs. R. Rateliffe has recovered from her re-. cent severe attack of grip. ' Dr. Percy Tye was in town ou Fri- day for a few hours on his way from I - The Bee Keepers of Huron Organize, A melting of the Bee Keepers of Huron County was held in Zurich on the 7th inst. whet: a County Associa- tion was,formed with the following officers : President, Alex, &lath. Vice, W. Green. Sec. -Treasurer, J. Haberer. The next meeting of the Association will be held in Clinton in May when it is e-elelleted there will be a beg :al- ly of the Bee Keepers a' the Provin- cial Apiarist from the Agricultural College will be present It is not getrrally known that there is a big production of honey jn this county and brat the tudiestry yields good returns. To be sure to carry it on successfully requires close and intelligent attention, but what does not nowadays. Thai higgeot bee keeper in the Coun- ty is Mr. Alex Smith of South Stan- ley who is more than locally known as the "Honey King." Mr, Tom. Stinson of the oame township is quite en apiarist, weele there is no man ig.Teabouts who can talk about the busy bees more entertainingly than can Mr. I. Dodd of Clinton whOse hives yield him many laundred weights of honey during the lavelee Months. Clinton News -Record Meeting of Dominion Sheep - Breeders. The annual 'meeting of the Domin- ion Sheep Breeders' Association was held in Toronto 'last week with an at- tendance of prominent breeders from all over Canada. . Among *hese present Was Me, Jas. Snell of Hullett Township. one et the best known of them. all. He took .part in the dismission and from the mint of hie long expettenerx others drew infOrmattion which will \ profit them.- Mr. Snell was elected one of the direeters and will also represent the Association on the Western Fair Board. GO4riCh Reg. Dr. Medd, pastor of • Victoria ilaysville to Milverton, Where hising'1 bo band netitql about $1 0 from Street church, began a lteries of :Aran - practice ie: i ehe concert. • gelistie services. on Dec. 300 ewe Min - • ,tinued them up to last week. With . . • - . the exception. ot leatetrday evenings he Of the 221 Who Called' Rev. • Dr. poiache,d every eyening save oue, and . . 0 his sermene throughout were • logie41 • . . , 4 • • and powerful: :The serVicee wort* of Stewart Onlg 17 Are Left • • . tendel. - . . . Mention was made in a tecoat : is- Snail, • Peter Geant,, May Grant, i • , Scott, IVe. Joliet limes, Mrs. Jas; sue of The News -Record, in isepoete James Scott,•reVe Ile :ScottAle , s.. W. ing the annual meeting of Willis IIIrt -church, of the resolution of appreeiaa ' . tuen to the pastor, Rev. Dr. Stewart, and of his nearly thirty-three veare of devoted service in connection with limp -congregation. Appended is. . a copy of the origina) "Call" given the young man thirty-three years ago signed by 221 member's and adherepte, of these. only .seventeen • valiant in 'Clinton, a large number leaving been removed by death. Thus .eabeth . Glen, john. Williams; : etre. -Call" is an interesting old. dome:. Whiting, . Mrs,: Alex. McKeniie, Geo, ment and many News -Record readereeDeibl,... W. G. Broadfoot; - - Thomas will peruse the copy with pleasureg .. Toms, Maggie: Fair, T. R. 'Menzies, We, the office bearers enembees and Grace Moir:nese: Mre. Hannah Water, sec , } . . . adherents of the congregation of Wil- son,. john B, Lindsay, Mrs: .Dencan Ifs. church, Clinton, Ont., under . the J116E:Wan, Nei! Fox, 'Meg. John Craig, . . care of the Presbytery of Huron, in !Alex.: Ewing,, Robt.: -McIlyeete eerie seonnection with -the Presbyteriat ; A. Lines, „ Mis. Win:'.112littay„ • . Airs.. •eburch of Canada, desirous of pro- 1•Jas. Alkenhead, George Stewart:011es,. emoting the Glory of God and . the A, S, Oliver, .Miss A. II. Oliver, Mrs, egrod of the church, being destitute of Duncanson, .Mise Ada, Waterson, Miss a fixed Pastor and being .assured e by. Maggie Ewing, Annie Ewing, Clara good information and our own exper- Rand, • Mrs.. Margaret Craig, Lacia tenon of the Ministerial abilities., pie- . land Kennedy, Mts. L. Kepnedy, Mrs: ter, literature and prudence,. as also ; John Callandet, ..ivets, John. Williams, of the suitablness of the gifts of you, 1 Annie WillianiS, Mrs.- .Howeon, •Mrs. Rev'd. Alexander Stewart, minister 1.J. W. Beacom. " • s ' : of the gospel, for this charge, • have 1 That the- above: names, to 'the iitun- agreed tolinvite, call and entreat you .ber of 92; are.persone, certified to be 10 undertake, like as we by these pre- •, members et and in. full contrimpion scents do heartily invite, call and • eu- ;Witli.,••• • the congregatiOn of • Willis treat you to undertake the office of church, Clineon, Wore subscribed by Pastor among us, and the oversight al. the pdfiles themeelves or by me . at our souls, and further, upon accepting their request' -Robert 1"re,- Modeeat- tits our call, we promise you all due or, .. • , a . -respect, encouragement. and subjectioil , , . Namee Or Adherents.' . in the Lord, and to contribute :to Finlay IlIciewen, .Jennie Sanderson, your suitable maintananee as God Jessie Brown, • Nellie Turnbull may prosper ue. . ' Jcpnie eleeig; Jenele Chidlera ;John In witness wherciit Kit! have sub- 1,Viseman, Roble illarktiess, • aeorii,e'MC- seribed to these presents, at Clinton, 'reggae'', Annie Irwin, Agnes McFall, this 22nd day of May, One 'rhousand Thos: Wiseman, Samuel . Ilogarth, Eight tfundred and Seventy-eight." ' Minnie • Oliver, •Elizabeth Fisher, Names of Members : - George Deihl, Mrs, Gee. Deihl, Mar - James Leyee Elder; James Broad- ion (.6als, Lillie Coats, Robt. Burc- Teta, Elder . Arch. McAlister, Elder ; hill,. John. Craig, Katie C. Ferguson, James A ikenhead, Elder; Arch. Math- Alma 0. Bo•ed, -Petee Ilebb, J. C. 'son, Elder ; R Irwin, Elder ; Ja.'reit Gilroy,. :sennie May, Jas, A. Yutli, Broadfoot, Mrs Broadfoot, Niargaret. Mrs. B. Yuill,. late Mathesop, Broatifore, Sktrah Broadfoot, Mrs. W. .1. Noreby, C. M. Colville, E. Ruinball, (trillis (tetchiest, Mrs; D. 'Maephersen, I), F. Macteter- E. Ann . Irwin, WM. Murray, sate • A; Y. Scott,. ' James Fair, Douglas McTavish. .. John Incas, ;fames Stoddatt; Mise Mary Siiiith, Hugh C. Gilmour. Duncan eicEwan, Lizzie Hunter, Alex. Innes, chas. Avery, Mrs .Jas. Fair, Mg.). Jackscin, Jr., John, McQueen, *Ir., wm, Coates, John Forbes, Mrs, Catherine McDonald, ,/ohn (MM. Forbes, IVIargaret O'Neil, -Hugh Big- gam, James Robertson, Mrs. McGee -- ‘a, Mrs. Bathes Iloberton, Mgt Anna I,indeay, Mrs. Fisher, John Fisher, Vent . Thorn ton , Peter Ai tkenhead, Mrs. Aitkenhead, Mrs A. MeMurehy, , Mre. Ann Smith, Mrs. 'I ruraan, Mrs. Menzies, Malcolm McTaggart, Mee. a McTaggart, Jameo 11. Liteisee, An- .1rew M. .11 reliant, Win. M. Craitr„elee, eiceTurchice A . Straiton. Mrs. : A„ strai ton , Alex . Scott , Mre . Alex. Scott, Margaret Scott, Lawrence Scott-, Wtn. Mcqueen, lire. Thos. ..Tackson, Mrs. C. M. Rop, Bella lop, Sarah Cowan, J. P Balfour, Mrs. Balfour, Mrs. McLeod, eire. Samuel' Wilson, Ales. I). Ailtenhead, Mrs. Alex.. D. likenhead, JahieS Turebull, Mrs. ; ,Jas. Turnbull, n. mai. Mal- loch, Mrs. Malleeh, Mrs. O'Neil, MIS. Paisley, John MeGartet, Geo. Thomp- son, Apes Thompson, Mts. Mery Scott, Mrs. John laillit, Mrs 1-niza 'McAllister, Wm Mullholland, Miss, Jane Mulhotatid, Peter Wilson, Mil, l'etet Wilsori, Sire Wm. Met/none Mrs. Hay, M. !Vlarearet Fisher, Mrs Elizabeth Gordon, Mrs. Christina t oordon, John Mcqueen, MVIi J ul I II VeQuree. ibbn tlIsItte, Mrs John " Firther. 1) 14 Mellott, Eli/abet!) • great inteeest and were 'largely at- . citing, James Y.oung, el): A. Forrest, - Me 'Mrs, D., A. Forms ter, 'Geo* Gov- ett, John Leak, Agnes McDertmlid, Isabella Metier:nide Thomas tMe.Ilyeen, Mrs, Neil, Metheion, Mrs: A...Mathe- eon, (Wary Dick,. Lizzie Gordon, Mrs. Dunean, George. Dungan, George Ted-. ford, Mrs. • Tedford, A. M. • Gibson, Williatn Thomson, William Wallace., Mrs. Wallace, David Bunt's, Mrs: Eli - ,John Stewart, A bigail Stewart. Mary I. Stewart', • Lizzie Stewart. Bella strumeetel eelos Mrs. Cut mon, eo10, ' Stewart, • Agnes Seewart, Alex, "When the ens: s 400111; " Mr. .. LitoulAl ("l'ION SALE OP FARM STOCI: Campbell, Mrs. Alex. Campbefl, Don- Pere; ne, Foto ; Miss Ileinivea, vielin and linpistactes.-Mog Maps Stil- ald Campbell, Mil,. Donald Campbell. e 010 ; Mr. Ilene Sturdy, solo Mr. well ha'. inhtruclud the undersigned Campbell, Colin. Campbell, .I. Regale 131ackstince, solo ; Mr Stur.:IY, • to sell try Mlle Auelien at hot 3, 0. Smith, J. I). Alexander, Nolo. All the performers wert warua (hest known Young, Miss Margaret ('rate, Wielam ly rocored ad in most cm.es ra .peod- on, '11)4)5.'11)4)5. suosen Farm) on wed - Robert eon, Mary C. liennedy, John r3. 1),,fri Sinnott s followed after , n reb. 1st. at 1 p li Craig, • Marti ha Rolertrein, Maggie *Idyll various commodities, wore of- 1 he following : 1 agela Martin fon' Cunitethame, John Callender, toad for hale. The . candy table was Of the names attached to the Call preeid d over by 'Misses Sheppard and or thirteathree yeses ago the follow- Connie Ilft. The notion enmity'. by ing are the only ones now connected Mr 1. ,leleKim and Mrs. R. C. Hayes with the congregation : and the fancy work table by Mrs. .iag. Cfehrga MeTaggari, teas. and ',qrs. R. R. -Smith. The John Wiseman. proyeeds amount t.1 -10 $60. W. J. Paisley. The untimely death of ite late 1). A. Forrester; Waal i Tye ie matter hir much toe pat by both rcelor and mtmlitrs of St. George's ehurvh. Rev. Mr. Turn- bull Old not presider, as is his ueual truck, 1 disc. harrow, 1 setffiler, eustom, al the enteriezinnicnt tie* nth- Sri double ha rok ss, I set Singh, hallo ss, and other al:riche too num- erous to teetction ,ell eill be sold without Pserse as the farm has been rented. Terms All stints of 3, to mot under, rash ; oVvir that !,t,t,liiii 10 morttlr..' (TAR on ap- provid joint liol s 41 2 per vent Ittialebt Mr. 'Mart Stilton, Pro pta 1 en , T. Gun try A oche -now Dr: Medd'e labors as. pastor of this church ape being attended wish 'grati- fying success. Sipco .last July • wine! ha took charge there has been an in- crease of seventy to the membership.. • Mrs. Wilson and daughter of tee, ;Vie., • have been for some time the guests of the former's ,mother, Mrs, Jambs Patti% Miss' Wilson is receiving instrecfioas . in piano at the Gonserratory .of Music here and Will atitend the Easter- exams in Stra,te ,ford. e • . • The . funeral- of tba late peter Mac- Farlane., late of the staff, took place on Wednesday of last week un- der the direction or the Maeonic lodge Whichhe was a reembotr. Rev'. Mr. ROSS; assiseed byllev. Dr. Dotteall .conducted the religions .Service. The Masonic service was read by Dr. Sale. The casket was coveted with heautie rue floral -tributes. from :. The. ,BrOthere hood. of Trainmen of lite G.T.Re' En- gineer Frank Wright, Sjeatford, . the Fraser' family, Detroit. etre. Roche and elisa. MacFarlane, •Chicago, . and the 1.0,0.F, of town. • The, pallbear- ers were six nembers of tee Masonic order:. Capt. A. Me Sheppard,• E. Downing, • F. Lawrence', A. S. Cry- stal, Ie. J. Peldhaan and Dr. Clarke. The funeral. wee largely -at tended, many' being present from Carlow, 13lyth; Seaforth, Clinton,. Exeten arid Strettforde, The relatives ef the de- cen.s.ed from' a distance. 'Who attended the funeral were :, .Mrs. .Fraser, e sister, with her husband . and two The ()Marie stieet (11011 ute r •pay- deughters and two sons, all of De- ing all expt connect:id wits:1 the 11 oil ;i'3I1S 1100e'a sister, 11(31 son conOrt., netted. a snug little sum' to and Miss :elaelearlane • of Chicago .; add to their organ fund --and are. to.hp Mf814 Watson of 1 er01140, a sister or 'congratulated on the success' of their Mrs. MacFarlane .; :Mrs: Anderson and interprising undrrlaking, ins bringing Miss Vesta Hyde, Witt- the Weigh taili:s to towa and thus son of Wawanosh., The late Mr. Mee-' giving thole of. us with were. )(1( 71)11' F.arlane: • was horn in . Sealant), 6 1 to hear the Meraltesselm, a ohence yeees ,ago, coming to this country hervelg Gam, 1 Itt concerl was a when kitty years 01 age. For forty treat. years he was 10 the employ or the• fe, T. R. .and provM hitrewif to be a faithful and obliging. employee. 'Jh ORO A N T ND ('1 10111 MASTER 'was married to • las now. bortJaved. weriete weeley esceemeise widav'T,W 110 77t15 ML" Jane -'Watse'n7 Chureh, Clinton Applieatione will in 1880. The eympathy of a large eir- rrcal‘ed up to Feb. 25111 for Or- el(' of 1ri11"1615 "L'w exeit'1i11“1. 1(1 Mrs• ganist itt a. •salary of $100 per year e 11011ITIONAL LOCAL NEWS BOT A BOWLING ALLEY. Ed. Steep and .Glen ,Cook, who have Lor some time been working in Petrol - i4„ ba,ve bought the bowling alley there, VV.C.T.I7. MEETING. The regular meeting of the W.C.T. U. will be held at the home of Mrs, John Stephenson oa Friday afternoon. Jul thia is the annivereary of the death of bliss Frances E. 'Willard, paper dealing with her life and work will be read. This is also the Week of Prayer, appointed by the Union, and a large attendance of the mena- bers is requested. Visitors are al - war; welcomes at' these rneetings. THE CONCERT. The concert given under the auspices of the choir of Ontario street church by the Royal Welsh Ladies' Choir • on Thursday evening last was a very 611C- ceseful and a very enjoyable one. They were greeted by a bumper house. The, choie is composed of see- e.nteen ladies with IVIadane, Hughes. Thomas as conductor. Most of the ladies were in • natienal coetume, which was picturesque, certainly, but, so conventional are we becoming in this age, the general Impression seemed to be that much beauty and grace was lose in the lack of the soft flowing lines of the conventional eve ening costumes. The conductor wore a handsome evening gown of mauve satin and elaborately dressed hair, and a few of the ladies wore light gowas, But. the EI:liging 1. That, after all; was the main thing. The choruses were fine, Seldom, indeed, has so good a choir visited Clinton, They sang in perfect harmony and their voices weraesingularly true and sweet. The seloe were also well ren - lewd; One could not lurlp wonder- ing, -asethe little girt seng 'The Dear Homeland," whether .they. were all at heart, longing for the homelan.d, or wh eller they were quite. contented with the role -of entertainingtheir fellow creaturae 'Me Tranquil Night" was a duet well executed and brought • forth "mid applause. Almost every nuenbge, indeed, was encored, .and • being generous,' the ladies ,res - "landed fro plee tly. "Misorere," the matchless' pril,..on. seene from 11. Tro- vatoro, wasrendered' with rarer.. ex- pression,. t bc cokrallo being excep- tionally lino. 'Tile hit Of the 'evening, however,' 'ems made by . the :eoloist who sang • "The Enchantress." • : She possesses an excellent yoke, flue ex- press*, and just took the fancy of the audience, Who recallee her twice aild would, hatdly coticeet Lt her retire. . "Poor Wandering One," was also very well -rendered. "My Ain Folk": was given by , the •contralto who &toe: part in the "Miserere" and was :heartily 'welcomed as •she advan- ced.to the . footlights. She. ceetainly poasessee a voice of rare Power and lia.s it under perfect contrel„ The Med- ley of American' song, by the *choir was well received. The . program closed begthe • choir einging, ehe Welsh Nation. Anthem. and. "God save the King."' Just here. it might not be . ainisg.to say that the public of Clin- ton, AO more or legs, perhape, that other lownS, but still ilemust be con- fessed . that it has a very ungracious aay •of shoWingits leyelty, -The striking pp ef the national anthem,. at n public meeting of any sort spern6 toe be the signal' for everybody to .gv4 in - 10 their outeide wraps and clueing -the -s aging of it there. is a •rare okl sceara- ble • after rubbers, •a mighty. Struggl:. trig into .eyereoats and an .adjusting ot headee.re The . real loyalty of Cliaton fe-oPle is 1101" for one miernent • glieetioned, but surely .4,..woul(l look' bettor to.etand geletly while the naticalaranthert is bong sung, or bet- ter OM,join heaptily he the ,*tiging, it • (rn)y takes about t-wo minute, in - toad • Of el telling 'as- if the -place . -Were on fire ane every avenue of escape was being cut' off MacFarlane. • and Clioirmasteg at a sellary er $100 The At tloine gival lee the ladies of per yeer. Applications lo be made St. George`e :elitirce en -Thursday ev- irr writing to l'oter ('1171(11(11 Sec - ening was a most ilteidel • sueecss•• of t“' DU t. X CHI PrOgraM tva., given, those taking part heiter 7 1)/1)1. Adams in - Alex, blues, 'los. Jackson, Jr., John Leslie, john ('uninghame. D. MeEwata Mrs. Duncanson, Mrs A. Murray, Mrs A. Innes, Mrs 1) Melea M, Fisher. Vise M O'Neil ' Mrs 1). A lentreeter Mee, MI Talegal t. 41.4 Or 1 mare Irsing 1, 1 driving horse 4, mare risiret 3, I horse rising 2, 1 mare rising 2, 1 driving maro colt, I cow newly -valved, 1 ('OW to olive in May, 1 stripper, 6 pigs, 3 calves, - 64) hits, I separator, I •cultivator, 1 $: ('(1 plough,. I bled( 17, 1 .mowur, 1 rake, t waggon,. 1 110014, 1 set et sleighs, 1 sot of sleighs nearly new, 1. phaeton buggy, 1 fanniug mill, I setof sealeli„ 1 bag er eveumg, . ()ti Wednesday of last week a mein - i, oriU1 '' eereice Wig; hod at Hay:AIM, ihis fornitr home, for the late Mail ( let k It e Meer old trends from Lere at 1 . nth cl, amongei them being 7 I Conduct or A u 1 brook, Dr \Val ter . Turnbell arid Me7e,t, 1.11.7.;*1.1 and t; Putt. e. IVIarrioges. DOHERTY-COPP-In Chriet Mitch, London, on Fa'. 11th, by Rev. C. R. Gunne, Mary Edna, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Copp to James E. Doherty, son of ele. and Mas. W. Doherty, alt of Clinton. MERNER-DECHER-ate the Luther- an church, Zurich, on Fee. 80, by Rev. C. V. J, Maass, Lydia, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Decher of the Babylon. Line; to Roy Merrier, son of eir. and Mrs.' Samuel Monier, of Hay. WEBER-ZIMMER-At Grand Bend, el Feb. 7th, by Rev. S. A. Car- riere, Albert Weber to Clara, csee- owl daughter of Me. and Mrs. Wil- liam Zimmer of the Commercial Hotel, Dasliwood. MAHAFFY-DALRYMPLE-On Jan. 25t,h, a1 the home of the bride's parents, by Rev. R. G. May. Mary Eliza, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Dalrympla, to Thom- as Wilber Atonally, sort of Mr. and Mrs. .Thomas Mahaffy, all of Mb- bert. MOSES -IRELAND -At •the nesidenee of the bride's parentre, on Febru- ary 1st, by nee. A. el Wishart, James Moses of. Grey township. to Agnes, daugntor of Mr. and Mrs. ,James Ireland, Morris town - hip. FORSYTH-111cOALL -e; At Melleille Manse, Brussels, on Falbruary 1st, by Rev. A. C. Wishart, Hugh For- syth, jr., of Frobisher, Sask., to Lizzie, daughter of Mr.. and Mrs. 'Geo. McCall, of Morrie township. Births. • eleTAGGART-eln .131y11, on Feb. 8th, to Mr. and Mr. MeTaggart, son, . 0- BLANCHARD-In Egoroitdville, ou Feb. 7th, to Mr: and Mrs. C. Blan- chard, a daughter: . • HORN -In Seaforth, -on Feb. 7th, to Mr. and Mrs. 11, Horn, a son. LaPORTE-At the Sauble Line, Hay, on Feb, 7th, to Mr. and Mos, John Laporte, a daughter. 1VIATHERS-aI0 'Morris, on Feb.' 4tit, toi Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mathers, a son. • JENKINS-In East Wawanosb, on Jan. 18th, to Mr. and. Mrs. Wm. T. Jenkins, a son. • HARN-In Seaforth, on Feb. 9th, to Mr. and .Mrs. E. 0. Ham, a c•ion. Deaths • • • wrEw RT -In Stanley Township, 00 Feb, • 12111, .tantes ,Stewart, • nged 86 years and 3 months. - IIKR.MAN-T.n Clint.on; 0» Feb.7th, Edward Cherles :tier:nate 'aged 61 years. . FOSTER -45 Pigeon, ieh., on. Feb. eith, . wile of John Foeter, formerle of Clinton, LADD-In Auburn, on Feb. 80, Jelin- - Ladd, aged 48 years, 1 month • and JOdays'. • . SPOIL -RS -In Hallett, . on Feb. etle, Mary Spuhl, relict or the late Wm. .Spuhl, ; aged • 81 years, 4 maths and• 19 days. • PETRIE-en Stanley, on, Feb.' 101h, Janet • Mustard, wife of. Junius Petrie, aged. 56 plats and 4 • ' • iticKAY-In Stanley, oh Feb. 10th, Maas McKay, • aged 85 years and 7 menthe: . • - ANDERSON -in StertleY Township,. ott Feh.• 70, George. Anderson, • 'aged 91 years, • IREIANG--Th Mcg ou Fele 7th, :Mary McMurray, wife teethe late Wm. Ireland,, TtickerSmith; aged. • 69 years end 1 'month. • BROADPOOT-In Moose jaW, Sask., O on Feb. • -4 te, Edit is, 'youngest daughter • of Mr: and: Mrs: Ake; - Broadfoot, lege(' 10 years. ROBERTSON -In Grey, on Feb. 2nd, Margaret McNab, aeliet of the late Thos. Robertson,. aged. 87 :Years and 22 dee s, SHORTREED-In 'Morris, on • levb, 4th, Mary Darling,. wife ot • ,John Seoetreed, aged 80 years, 4. m,onths arid 70 days.' RAMSAY-,•-ln Otderieh, on Feb. lth, ..Perey Wilford. liernsay, aged IP ycars, 3 minabe :and •. . • - SEED .0.1TS FOR .S.11.E.-CDOICE seed . oats fer eig7 . eerystiff eteawed oat, will yield from 10 to 15 hie -Ines per acre Mow than wrist varieties ah the Insark are very leiree averaging one-third more oats per bush( 1 Urea most varieties. Pelee 40 cents pee b.usle 1. .1 ohn %eel den , Lot gee, Con. 8, Ilullett. bore P.C. 0 -67-3 !rot 78E: 'rt) It ENT ON 'MAPLE strer't,li teoms, hard and soft wat- er, good gardi;re• w'oodslted. PosSes- shot can be given at (31(03 -M os. S t an tei ry London Road, Clio t on Itsiverwitttoe.......”naset4, stow.** 'FARM, FOR SALE -Lot north. half 28, con. 12, Hullett, coneisting of 50 :Ica s. All seeteel • doe n (NATIO 10 ac,res. .orcharl. • Frame boner: and bank barn with stabling. On Gra7c1 road 1 mile north of Londegboro, e mile from school. APPtv 017 the promses or address O Richard Shaddick, Lotulesboro P.O. -75 FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN -17 acres of good ehry loam. Nie brick house, htell and soft water, bank barn, drive house, hog pen. Good orchard, all kinds fruit. Sit- uated On 13115V Linn, Otliside corpor- ation el the town of Clitilott. Ap- ply on the prtmises or le Isaac Darr, Clinton P.O. -67 'FRAME 1 1.0I"SE FOR SALE ON the farm of 'the undersigued on the Oth eon. of 1 litllnt t. Will he sold neap The 1 ell 10 1 IOUr 1 ani the k 11(71+1.1i 4 x. I . May he !olive(' at / ENEI441. i ince. ---le. Dirowir. Lotel404)01:0 (,/ E llama/ell, Va MERCHANT len of_ PC. --to; WANTED AT ONCE -DRIVER. FOR 13rerad Wagon. Good chance to tear the baking. -w, II. Agnew. -66 COTTAGE TO LET FROM MAUCH 1st. Also cooker and two • box stovee fon sale -Apply Prof. Brown • es -60 NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS -Tend- ers will be received up to February 21th for the ereetion of a new school house it: Scheol Section No, 4, Hullett. Plans and specifica- tions ean be seen at' the residence ot the Secret:me-Wm, Carter, See.- Treasuree, Constance P.O. -66 STEERS FOR SALE. -TEN YEAR - ling Western steers. Apply to T. and R. Dunbar, Bayfield Road, °W- ean% township, Clinton P. 0. -65 SEED OATS FOR SALE.. -The nu- dersigned has a limited quantity of Bumper King Seed Oats for sale, One of Rennie's best varieties,. Weigh about forty pounds • to the bushel wee perfectly clean. Price 45 cents per hushela-Lorete Tyndall, 2nd con. aluilett, Clinton I'. 0. -65 FOR SALE. -1), JUNOR'S LARGE house, barn and garden on Ontario O street, Clinton. Apply at house. or Clinton P. 0. HUNTING AND SHOOTING ON lots 12 and 13, con. 9, Hu:lett, are forbidden. Parties found trespaesing , will be prosecuted according to Owners. Oct. 18th. -51 FARM FOR SALE•g-Let 16, c ;.16, Goderieh Township, consist ing 01 80 acres, Welt:- watered. • Three 'acres of good bearing orchard mostly wire - ter fruit. clothe 'melee and outbuild- • inge, • Good stabling. . New *silo. School • aeress the road. • •Within five Mites of Clinton. Lob 14 on the. .1 6 th con. is alSo offered to rent for pasture: Apply to C. S.' Lowery, Box. 144, 'Medicine fiat, Alta., ..op lo W. Bredone, Clinton. -65 NOTICE. —.ANYONE •WA,NTI'NG- . Custom Sawing done in 'Om spring of 1911 ..can. have the same done on ehe farm of 'Thos. .Wallis, 4th eon. of Goderieh Township., or st John Stewart's, Beyileld Lille. For fur- 0.iher information . Address elcEwen • Bros., hayfield. • • • FARM. FOR SALE. -LOTS 24 •AND O 25, con. 5, Goderich township, consisting of e20 acres: ' Well Watered and all freshly seed- ed . down excerpt 10 acres now being plowed, and 5 acres bush. ' Concrete lieuse, barn 55x80 with: stone foimdation. ,Good stabling.- James Hamilton, Coal Merchant; Clinton. 0 41 3 BREAD Janttary is no Metre long, Many a friend has died and gone; Be a good judge, wbether man or Wife, Buy "Agnew's Bread" and prolOwg your life. 42 PHONE 42 W. Agnew CAKES,. PASTRY AND WEDDING CAKES' 71. SPECIALTY, MR. FARMER! ARE YOU.A HEAVY FEEDER? We cen supply you with the choicest SHORTS AND BRAN at all times in 500 lb., one ton or five ton lots. Sound, sweet corn for sale. Best lines offlour in stock. Ilighesb market prices for all grain L. MUTER CO. Telephone 64 THE ELEVATOR, CLINTON Save, oney„, By buying the Berlin Fuel Say- er for which I am agent, FURNACE INSTALLING, is our specialty. Mr. Hugh Rorke is very well pleased O with our work and price. PLUMB/NG, TINSIVIITIUNG AND REPAIRING. • .Promptly, ettended to. Leave orders at residence, 76 Victoria O Street. Phone No. 139. W. H WEBB ogs Wanted Highest Price PAID FOR LOGS. BASSWOOD, SOFT ELM, ROCK ELM AND • HARD MAPLE ESPECIALLY WANTED, f3UT Ail, KINDS WILL BE PURCHASED. W. DohertyIP ANOcecoORGAN - Limited. 6111111116 .After':•:St0.k;Tkintit•:Sale• Commencing at once and for the balance of this month please remember that many articles in this list are priced at less them manufactures. cost as an inducement not only to reduce our overpins 'stock 'but to sell other lines as' well. • 'The present advereised prices are foe this. month only. A new list again 'next month and everything as near as possible will be narked in Plain Price Tickets making.ita lot easier for the customer. Our prices for this month A good band saw, 20 inches—. 50c Steel claw hammers 41ki Brad hammers Ides. Potts' sad irons- ' Nickel plated iro•ns, .Potatoe ricers. round Potatoe meets Sql18.re • 15e 78c 91e 30c 20e Dover egg beaters. ........ 8c Toaster 12e School eimscgranito • 5c sehool ones Jappan ned.....2 Tor 5e 3 Only Coopers. inizee....', 40e 2 ()nly Conners axes 35e 1 1004 Soeket chisel brindle.... 4(0Wonder shine for cleaning gold and silver. *)5e • Instant rroekery mender - 2ac Vol. peel: mends holes in any thing ')5e See. our tinware bargains ..25.88 50e '4- Gal. Galv. pump oil cans only, .ReF.1.50: filled with oil for.. 1.75 Bandied- axes 75C and $1.00 15. per cent.. oft mitts .and' gloves • ...Hand eleigbs at gest: • .- leuewOod Cold Blase lateens . . - '.• • :Regular -fee 1 Farmers vice 3.,00 2.00 • scissors best (malita 61)•- • .41). • .70 • .50 . . • .75 .55 .. Kiog eat:tee razors 1 50 1.25 7Betcheeri • special . . • .. rawIrs- ... .. • . .85 fl.raittf ord. special .rakois '..63. Joseph . Al tans • .• • 1 00 .. Clothes raeks • 1 CO 100 Nevada' 10(3, Spoon etre11,• 4c Nes-ada desert epoon eecle, _10 tt Ai •6 t t I . Call and see a lot of other lines displayed on tables, marked in plain price tickets. I 1--rA.IR.a.J.A.1\T3D STOVES and HARDWARE (AN'AD-LN FLA 'X AIILLS leer). OF CLINTON A1111 Wanting -in addition to what they already secured tt fp* 1M Ore 77(40S nf .111414 4(3 romplete theie complement forgrowing Flax For the season of Bill, We would, therefore, be pleaqed to meet at MIT 0111C0.11.11V 111' the farmers who eon template breaking up old pasture land. or new virgin soil tills spring that arrangements may lie„ mink. Canadian Flax Ms Ltd, 01117ton AlirINTBJR SA. . OF STAPLES D FANCY GOODS In order to Oh car out tis voason's stock we have. decided to reduce- prices on everything, Come early if yon would have first choice, BARGAINS EVERY DAY