HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1911-02-09, Page 8Z 60, 11 IV, C.7 1* k February 9tht 191t . Q. 1D. 90TA00AIM ,##"#0"*#*#090.6#*"#"# 301. I). X0TAQ4ART I I I'l , 0 1 1 1 . . I . . . Bogs I , fdcTaggart Bros.' 11 N I —RANKERS--, I A 0 , I � 1G*F1 0 1 I I 8 1, . 'A %4"RAL 03.,&NxIN,(4 :sUrn- I Sboul 1 4 learn those subjects by - , . . I '. . � Cantoo Nom-R000liol 7 1111 11 ___l 0 ___ - ' fighting that precetl(d the fall of Be. Klein, to 000 fbel� "beToyed country once more- Nven th,� children, wide- .­­ �. --1-1__-_____ groano ana IiAtki.lAt,ti orleo that Cainf; all night from tho house of,surrows. . q uln A "UMM'S ADVICE vaptopol. On the next day the sepoy army, though 1dared eyed Innocents, could not fall to be thankful that tho noise of the guns Some of then, I]Ave. )Oft records of sights and sounds too horrible to . I TO WOMEN 00 boastful and vainglorious ,had ce0ed, while the wounded were translate from tb-zir Eastern Vangue, Ing, and It Was found that glowing to make their first attempt t4' carry the eutroucliment by ,aupgult. cheered by tile belief that food and stores In Plenty Would Soon be AV411- But the rumWe of distant guns told the.degtroycr that his short-live4 hour . I . TAKIC QIN- Pli,L6 . By one bold charSe they must have, crushed the defenders, It by sheer able, &t the 'foot of a tree-cla4 ravine leading of triumph was nearly Sped. IA,% , par- oxysm of rage and fear, he gave the I . � TYXIM00 P.O,, Qxr., I 411 voceivea your "ample 'Of Gil; weight .of numbem a!Qne. They Ad. vanced, with fiendish yells and much to the Ganges were stationed a numb�r of heavy native boats, with final order, and the well of cawn. Pore thereby Attained Ito ghastly Jolt- I PILLS and after using them, I felt so, xuucb better th;t I got ,%, box gt my I seeming confidence, But they could not face those Stem warriors who, thatched roots to shield the occupants from the Sun. I They were partly mortality. I BY his command all that Piteous OOMPAUY of women And chil- , , druggist% and now I sta taking tile � third bag. . . I llike(L the shattered wall. After a short but fierce struggle they fled, leaving drawn lip Oil ,the Vaud at the water's. Ldge to render ea , sy the work of ,am- dren, the living and.the dead together, were thrown into a deep well that Tile ptin a if �croa my back And kidneys . I has almost eatirelyRone I , the plaft% littered with corpses. � $0 the safer bombardme . barkation. Without burry or confit- sion, the, wounded, AU,d the �, women and Ftfnod In the garden of Bibigarb—the House of t4 Woman. . and, Aux better than, I have been for years, I was a great sufferer from "juagatism but it , eavenQ, t Tiewed, Its fury med bythe con- ehildren, were placed oil board. - IM . It was thus th . at Nana Sahib str9v- has All left me. I stronglyadvi sit . #WSS TRANSACTED. 140TES which they can, earn a V UK. � � I spottott louslaoss Collegei; are I hundred ll of unhappy beingo, who, thought that sclous disparity Of a Peslegers when they tried to prepa home , - the attack. nd that the I thatcli'On one'of the boats was smok� to oloak, his crime. Yet never did foul mur4crer flaunt deed more women-, who suffer fromilain In The� Back and Weak Kidneys. to try GIN the largest train. era in Catla,da, I Z UUtII moment they would be spared the dreadful fate that Each day the garrison dwindled; each Ing, and It Was found that glowing glar- Ingly In the face of Heaven, i�lfty I PILLS. Mus. T. 1URRis. DISCOUNTED, DR&FTS ISSUED And our graduates -secure the best positions. You can study I . I I I had befalleu other stations. Oddly enough, the high-born Bralt, day the rebels received fresh accao- slona of strength. Of the few guns ,,harcoAl had been thrust Jut*j the � straw. About the. same time It was years have passed, myriads ofibuman beings have lived and died sifice tile Thousand of women, right here its C3114da, Ows e their imbuit health, their . VJTE1.,EST ALLOWED 0111 OF- At bonle, or partly at home Anil (Inish at tile Oollege. rain who now saw his hopes of regal in fair mounted In the British Position, ,one had lost its muzzle, another was discovered that the boats had neither oars, nor rudders, nor sUPPIlesof food. well swallowed the Nana,$ victims, but tbo memory of those streagth and vigor, their bright eyes and I rosy ebeelck—to G1' , PILLS. Andthey . I' I Power a way towards reali7a," tion, placed one act of oldlerly cour. a . thrown from -its carriage And two , I Before the dread significance of these . gracious wo. - men, of those golden -haired -children, know that ,J GIN PILLS wilt cure the POSITS. SALE NOMA PILIU011- INDIVIDUAL INSTRUCTION re made his were so battered by the ellemy's artll - ' things became clear, a bug4e-call rang of those .dear little Infants born while Kidney and Bladder Troubles- witis - . . � Enter Any Day. I ,be . name a synonym for al 'that Is base despicable lery that they could not be used , W11 Th a hospital fire had destroyed he t . out. At once, both banks of the river � became alive with armed sepoyq, And the guns thundered around the an- , treuchment, shall egdure forever 'WhIcb, so many womem suffer. � . I D ' t 0 Ills as Mrs. Harris did—first, I 4LSRD. — — — — — — — — — 0� and in the conduct o . f war- fare. He wrote vh letter to Sir Hugh . urgica a , ,I ' Instruments and medical a murderous rifle,flre wAls opened on. , . The Nana sought oblivion and fo �� v ito I . of GIN ,m .or a free sample box .1 , . L __ *­ "� . ILI I � Wheeler warning, the gallant old geu- stores, so the wounded Ilad to lie -lie crowded boats, Guns,, hidden I getfuluess for his On. He earned the PILI,S, and try theta. Then, if they 4cp - � ­­ " - " 11 I 11111111111111111011111111 I I eral that he might expect to be at- waiting for death, while tiles e who among the trees, belched red-hot shot anger of the gods and the maledic- od, get itte regular 5m boxes at YOU $P- I , , , 1-1. T. RANCE, - - - I : CLINTON . tacked forthwith. Perhaps it is , Still bore arms eked out'existence on a daily dole handful and grape at them, and the Smoulder- . , ng Straw of the tion of the world then and for Q Is ,I vQur dealer's. Your in , qptl,y I I , oney. prot L refunded if GIN PILLS t . straining a point to credit him' with of a of flour and a 'few thatched roofs burst ;nto flames. time. fail to gi*vo �� relief, National Drug . NOTARY PUBLIC, CONVEY" I I 0 I Business College, , I any sense of fair PLAY. The letter may have been last flicker ounces of split peas. Yet the men of Cawnpore fought on, Awalkened to the urspeakable trea- , . — , CHAPTER VII. and Chemical � .. Co.. Dept. A. Toronto. 56 I ANCER, FINANCIAL.. REAL : : 4, of respect for I the power of Britain, and Inspired 4y while their wives and sisters and ;hFrY of their foe, officers and men . . I ESTATE AND FIRE INSUR- $ GEO, SPOTTON, PRIN. I a haunting fear of the consequences if .daughters helped unqomplatulngly - ,ul-shed into the water and strove with .-Lucknow T9 . I . . . . . ANCE AGENT. RV'PRHSEN� " , � #*6*44*#"*4&0**" ##" the Mutiny failed, It Is probable he wished to provide written proof, of -a up PA i making ckets of anununitlo�: loading rifles for the man to firo,and ,ilght and main to shove the boats nto deep water - They failed, for the The tragedy of Massacre Gbat, In- I tensified by the crowning infamy of , I . . — 1. . . I . TING 14 FIRE INSURANCE! . . plea that he was uuwllllni Agent even giving their stockings to the .gun� , nweildy craft had b�en hauled pill% . .the Well, brougg-t a new element into . -rj.e.Kc�j COMPANIES. — I I . .an in tile. clutch of a mutinous arm y,. ners to provide cases'for grapelshot, I . There -was on ly one well Inside the ,asely too high, Here Ashe and Moor e, and Bolton, tlid'struggle. Hitherto not one Euro- pean In a hundred in India regarded tiown U 4,,j"..::__ 1-1 1,4-%, .. .�, y I I . Frank was tho only Europea-a in AtcL- . . DIVISION COURT OFFICE, D. N. WATSON However that may be, he wrote, And never dIdletter carry morie bitter die- entrenchment. Knowing Its para- I ere of that lonely ridn through the the � Mutiny As other than a local, rut Who would employ the wall, I CLINTON. . , CLINTON, - - ONT. LICENSYED AUCTIONEER appointment to a; Christian, commun. mount Importance, the rebels mounted guns In such wise that a constant fl re nemy's country, fell, Here, too, men hot their wives and children rather though serious, attempt to revive a fallen dynasty, The excesses At Mee- I whose extraordinary appearance went I . against him. Cross-eyed, wlde-mouth- 1. � .__ . . I 11 � ­— for the, County of Huron, Corres- ity. . Sir Hugh Wheeler having decided, could be I kept up throughout the night ban Permit .them. to fall Into the rut, Delhi, And other towns were look-. � 'as �4, and broken-nooed, with a strag� gling WacX beard that ill I . 0ondence promptly answered, Charg- most unfortunately As it happened, Oil that special point. Yet there never was lacking a volunteer, either man or angs of the flends who had planned be massacre. Savage troopers urged ad upon the work of unbridled mobs. Sepoys who revolte eQneeal,d the tokens On his face of the dread W, BRYDONEw . as moderate and satir,factlon guaran- against occupying the sirongiy-bullt magazine on the rlvcr bank as a re- woman, to go to that well and obtain lle r and I Ir horses Into the w4te their officers. came under a different disease from which lie bad suffered, I Chumru look . BARRISTER, P30LICITOR, I teed. Immediate arrangements !OIC . sale dates may be made by calling fuge, ]lad constructed A flilroy an- trenbhineut the precious water, It remains to this I day a mournful rel4e of the siege, ;lkslied cowerflig women with their 14bers. Infants were torn from their category to the slayers of tender w , O_ men and children. But the planned - d a . cut-thrcat of the worst type, "a hungry, lean-fae'd vil- at The News-Reeord Office or on on a level plain oLse to the fiative lines. He was sure the ie- with its broken gear and shattered . circular wall, while the indentations liothers' arms, and tossed by sepv,vs 'rom bayonet to bayonet. The slbW And ordered treachery of Cawnpore All 0 oh g d all that. Thenceforth every IRin, a irere anatomy." Aware of his own Ill r7lyate, li-� made the mos.t NOTARY,,PUBLIC. ETC, � Frank Watson at. McEwauls groc- . 17 PoYs would rev61t, but lie believed they would hurry off to Delhi, and. lie mad6 by such of the cannon balls as 'ind wounded, lying helpless In the British -born; man In � the country not Of 1L He tied his turban with an .ag- , . . 'was 4 OFFICE -Sloane Rlpck.-01 INTONO . ery. I 1 � . . I refused to give, them an excuse for j�ailed to dislodge the masonry Are plain to be.seen. 1)urning craft, dird in the' agony of fire, and the few bold spirits who even � only realized that the� government had been.forced into a Titanic contest, but gressive twist, a, -,d wout to, scowl so vindictively at the mes3 . I . _. , . � - rebellion by seizing Lue Wa.44AIA .' Towards. the end of May he wrote to The, sepoys sparzd none. Tiny . 'n thatzhastly hour tried -to beat oft ibeir I . he was also'swayed by a personal and absorbing lust for khawgarrab tbat his master, quite un- consciously, Always securLd the wing . I CHARLES B. HALE . . 'HOMAS BROWN: LIC4N,13VD AUC- Henry Lawrence at Luqknow for . children, tottcrlug to. the well in broad daylight, weee' with muek try, cowardly assafants were our. ,ounded And shot dowil by over- vengeance. Offl- . cars and men, regulars and volunteers . � of a chicken or the h.st,cnt Of the I . . . ... tioneer for the coufftibs (if Huron help, -and Lawrence genc-rOLS.y Sent I . . . ,r,e:ted Conceivably that might be war. Wl�.en wh0ming numb�-rs. . alike, took the tiQld with the fixed joint. . . . I REAL ESTATE' . . . and Perth, (16rrespondence prompt- him fifty men of the 32ad and half a battery of though this , beleagured people ,will net yield hu- One licavily-laden boat was draV,ed Intent of exacting an expiatory- life . Yet this gnome -like creature -was - I I . And I ly answeled. , Inimoiate arraage- ments can be ioade for sale 'dates at guns, even small force could Id be spar,d-frou) manity must stand asld3 and weep, . . , There was a decd to come that .was -�nto the stream , and a few officers and men, clambered on board. The for each h4ir .on.the head of thbse unhappy victims. And they' kept the true to his salt at a time When be: . must have feit that his Sahib, toge- .. . INSURANCE . The News-Recqrd, Clinton, or by - ,9,,L the capital Of Oudh. Sir Hugh made the further mistake of crediting Nana ii�t war, but the Wack horror of.ab.:mIna, tionj the ;oYage they made would supply Ma- terial for an, They vow they mad?. To this day, tbough half a.century has the fertile ther with every other sabib in India . was doomed; his eyes now shot fiery" . calling phone , ,, Seafofth, Charges moderate and satissfactloA ,34hib,s professions of� loyalty, lie actually entrusted the Treas�ry to the worthy of cx0cssc s r f a man, eating tiger, though sh!arn of the tiger s . I ePic. were follow, 2d along tb.2 banks and,pursued . by. passed, plain of the Doati-that great tract be I if oblique, shafts of Indignation as he . . 9FFICE - -- - HURON ST, . ., gus,ran- � . teed, . . � - protection of the Nana's mtainers, Ili excuse that he ki-Is in ordt r -that I,,. may The wall In the clitrench- arme& craft on the river. They fought al,day and throughout the night, And, tween the Gange* and the Jumna-is dotted with the ruins of gutted towns mutter" Ills thrilling news. � Malcolrrw did not attempt to, ques- I .. 11 . . . I . .4pite . of Lawrence's plain.y-w-:rded - that the Brahmin's recent ,live. - atent was the Well of ttf,e. 'There was ' . when the ungoverned boat ran ashore . ,and depopulated villages. Blat that tion tim. He glanced at the sawars, . . DR. W. GUN19 1. �. . I I ,__­ ­ . I DR. OVR&S, M. D.., 1.'R. C. P., ..warning ' movements placed him tinder grave I : . another well in Cawnpore di�stired to ,b I the Well 6f Death. . during a wild squall of . wind and rain at.daybreak, the soldiers, a. was not yet., . India -was fated to be almost lost before it was won again, and saw that their carbines wera . a . lung aerc as. their shoulders. Chumm � � . L. R. C. P., L. It', C. S. ' Etc., Specialist in Diseases of the, � suspicion. . . . Neve . ,rthelless, Wheeler acted. with ..a If proof, were needed of the extra- ,surviving sergeant and eleven. men, headed by MOwNray-Thomson On the night of June 4th, when the . roomy btidgerow Ing Interpreted thQ look correctly. , . . . n ted those Shim . I � . . � . . � Eye,. . Earo Nose and� Threat, . method. His Judgment was clear, If ordinary condition of India duk'ng the early period of. the Mutiny, it of the 56th, and Del4fOsse of tile &3rd, sprang out. and carr Winifred Y . Mayne and her escort drifted awa I � . ou and Mayne- I Edinburg . . . I . . .., I - will be at Holmes Drug Store, Clinton, on Tuesday, - March occasionally -mistaken, . and he h . .ad reason to believe that the only, was given . by an Incident that occurred charged some hundreds of sepoys and from the walls of the Nana's palace Dithoor, . . Sahib," wcrit on the low murmur- ,, . I . Thvy said, huzoor. that the Natim. I Ofllc&-Outario street, Cliatcm, NiglA . � .1st, . 29th, April -26h, May 24th'. June .every attacks he would.be called on to repel soon after the first assault -was beaten off. In broad daylight, while the gar, hostile villagers who had gathered on , the -bank, . . � * at there was not a breath of wind on the river. The mat sail .wai. . Wanted the miss-sahlb. and that they' � . ,� calls at front door of office. or -. at 21st. If you .-require G:asses don't :fail would be made by the bazaar mob. On the night of June 4th, the ,thou- I rlsonvere maintaining the unceasing The eniven-bearted gang yielded be. useless, but a four-mile-an,bour cur. I were fools to help you in taking her away, but Akhab Khan ' residence on'Rattenbury street., to see Dr.. Ovens. sand men, women and chiWeni .who duel of cannon and smaT arms, they - tore the Englishmen's fierce on- rent carried' the unwieldy craft slow- ly down swore he - would fight on ' Yo'Ur honor's side it . . .. 4 . I 1. 6 1 .. had gathered behind the four -foot mud were astounded by the spedtacle of a British -officer gallop -ng across the slaught. The' tiny batid turned to fight. ,their way ba4,. and' found that Stream, and there. was not the. slightest doubt in" the 'minds of � . . . I they unslung tb�ir guns. They do not I . I . . ,� � .. . *--DR. J. W. SHAW— : . .. . . . . . wall that,.�formed the entrenchment. w ere left unmolested - by ..the mutl- plain. HO was'flmd- at by the �epoys, . the.boat had.dritted off again! Than. . they either of the Englishmen on board as to their course of action. know , I beard them M I was sitthar. . behind the mast and I tdok - eare tow I . - . Tn - e MCK1110D WIN Fire nears. During the 5th they watched, of course, but horse and wall escaped untouched and the IQw barrier was seized a Hindu temp �le on, the bank and held It until the SODOYS Piled . , Xr' .Mayne was acquainted �rlt I L . I creep off wbeit.their he;%ds,w�ere tttrn� -OFFICPr- . . .. . . . � Insula, , the destruction of, their. bungiulows, and knew. that. the rebels were plun- leaped without effort. The newc ar .burning timber against the rear walls Cawnpore and Sir Hugh 'Wheeler was an . old iric.nd his. ad toward ttt,-, shore." I I I . . "Here -we are," cried'Mayne, who . � . . , RATTENBURY ST� EAST. I . . I -Farm and Tsulated Tuwn Property_ . daring the city, robbing rich native merchants quite an readily as they was Lieutenant Bo!ton of- the 7th av alry. Sent out from Lucknow on dis, and threw bags of powder on the flee! , Fixing bayonets and leaYiag the, ser- of . "Wheeler has no great fore'e * at. his . . .1 I . . . - llt#e guessed what Chumrups - mumb-' . . L . . li Is the . . . . � � . I . . - I -Only Itisured- I . I . killed any,.Europeaus who .were not . trict duty he was suddenly deserted . by big men, and he -rode alone towar,Is geant dead In the doorway, they charged again into the mass of the disposal," said ho to.Malcolm, ,,.It is evidbut that twQ ifative regiments. ghaL . . . , If ,it were uot.for the mist we coulti . I . . . . ­ -CLINTON.- I . . -OFFA IERS . - under Wheeler's charge. Late that Cawnpore. the n(arest BrIt!sh eneimy. Six- The. remainder . ' have just, brokon, out here, but, by- see'the Magazine just below, on the. . - . . � . - ,. I ;* 13. 14, MoLe4n, Piesident, SeafOrth P. - . � 0.'; If. HeRwen, Vicb-Preiident day came Nana Sahib's letter. It was a bitter disappointment, but "the vail- eta., tion. Unhappily the story . of that a.d. I , .fell. reached the river, ,threw, Aside ,their . 'and , this time' our people in the cgnton-� ment mu�t have heard.of events else- . � . . . � left:' . . �. . Assuredly� Frank Malcolut's hulliant , " " . 1. I I . . I . � DR. C. W. 17HOMPSON. - P 6. ;, T. E. flays,' Se�.- ant never taste'd"th but once," and Britons ventur ,ous ride Is lost for ever. Poor Bolton -supplied Cawnpore's last re. guns, plunged boldly In. Two were shot while swimming, and one, where, and they have surely seized . . , clay was being tested -In'the furnace - . . - . .Bruceheld. Treasurer, Seaforth P. 0, ' I t,,e in Cawnpore resol�ed to teach the mutineers thatthe men ;Oho Inforcement. - . . ! I � man, unable .to swim *any distance, the MagAzIne, which Is well fortified that -night. He had to decide Watantlk ., , . what -line to follow. . � . � In *ml4ute , PHYSICIAL, SURGEON, ETC.-. ' � . . --�Directors­.- . - . ' had conquered them many times In Sir"Rukh Wheeler, ably second d In' co011y'made his way ashore again and raced,his and, stands on the river. - If I can be.. lieve a word that the'Nana Said, the . a _or . . . � . less the boat would bump against the ' . Special attention g'ren to' dis- Williatri Chesney, Scalorth , John' 'Grle'V'1-',' -the field could repeat the lesson again , . . the defense -by ,Captain Moore of the 39nd, 'emissArles, Eurasians. murderers until he sank be- .. neath their blows. sepoys will rush off to Delhi to -night .1 . lowermost steps, and. It Akhab Khali, . . . . eases of the Eye, Eai r. Nose and Winthrop - George D�lei Sea- l forth ,,, ohn ' Harlock John and again. . I , About ten o'clock on themorning'di, sent out � and natives, td seek aid from Lu'cknow Mowbrsty,Thomson, Delafosse, and I just as they did at Meeru t, Aligarh, Etawab. and his qompatiloas were, indeed , ! * - .1 .. . . - traitors, the others On board were ,,� . . Threat. . ' r1m carefully examined, and suitab Is ,Watt, ; . Writiewies,.Brodbagafn ; James Evans. the 6th4 flames rlsIr,, from .houses . near at )land ve of the and Allahabad. the one- a�bout thfity- five, the., other a, hunWrbd miles dia- Privates. Murphy and Sullivan', Wain sik--miles'with the stream, and were and I am convinced that our best tian is to hug.the righ't ban .k .. . ' I completel at their mercy. Mayne' . 1. .Y . . was '- - . glasses prescribed. I � Beechwood - Janies Connolly', , . ., � 6oderich. * , , ga evidence l . , ap- - . . preach of the rebe's. IrregularsprutA. tant. Lawrence wrote "with'a break- - finally rescued and' helped by a I � disembark ncar the Magazine" and :. "is it far?" Malcolm. unarmed. ting;'. ! - � . Chuntru's - figh , � equipment lay wholly ill his aspect, . . � I Office and residence : idooi:3 vest of . .. . I . .1 -AGENT&_ . . . of musketry. hera!i1ed the, Appearance of confused masses of armed men. Lug heart" that be could arare no troops from Lucknow. The meseen- friendly native, .. . Th ose fdu� wf.,re:all who came. alive asked I "About eig fit miles." � "I 'Why while lValcolm's re Ivers'were In tlle�- . . .. vo . . . holsters, and his ded . the Commercial Hotel, -Hurcia St. Robert SmY .h, - Harlock ; E. tl-in- -A cannon -ball crashed through the inud . gers never -evert reached Allababad . ' I . lut of the Infcrno of Cawnpore, The ')oat, -after wondei the Begum was S3 Insistent that we should - -o ba�k sword was. too . � ..� � . Neldi's saddle, its Scabbard and bel.t . . . . . � .. . chley, Seaforth , James Cvmmings . � '-J. wall and bounded across the enclor - .On June 23 the Nana's hosts a�aiu elcarIng the S110ail, was aptured by the- ' . � along th6 Grand Trunk Road?" � - having bTen thrown aside while Abdul . .. . — I . .. I . . Egmondville ; -'W. Yen, HolmoZ . . I sure. ,A bugle sounded shrilly and.the defenders to nerved themselves for a desperate . attkeki and again. were they.flung off , mutineers, MaJot libart of the 2nd Cavalry, who was* � Mayne hesitated. He knew. th .,. a' � . . . . . Huq wis.xotibing him.. . - . . ... . � � 'The ' . . .1. . I DR. F..A. AXONT. ville.. .. Any' money to I b . e, . paid in ma - 1) y I ran their pos�s. Tile' WAiling of woman and the crics of. from that . - tumble-down wall, Then, . . SO severely wounded that -be could 'lot Winifred was listening. � . "It is hard t6 account for the vagar. -broad-beamed budgerow . Prot I . Isented 'a -strangely accurate micro- � . . . � � . I I - . I uaid to -Tozer,& B 1. rown, Clinton, or frightened children helpless ,.creatures only' halt protected by two barracks. all, their valor fled, they fell ba0g on .. A foul device. ' A: white woman, Mrs, Join Ili the earlier fighting, and lowe eighty helpless souls - under his. � � les.of a woman's mind, or, shall I say, cosm og indla at that Inoment, ThG; * � .English her deck . . . . DENTIST. . . I . at Cutt's grocery, God'erich. . , . . .. � . Parties desirous'to . 'situated in the of'the .. -w �Xe,nry Jacobi,' ..ho'had been take� . ,,,onirrand, were -brought back to the of tbe mind of suell a womani"'h'. , answered lightly. � "You. Will remem. people ort. wero . . I., mimerical"ly inferior to the. nativest, ' . - . I .. I ... . . . . . Specialist in Crown aad Bridge effect insurance . .. . � . I I or transact, .other business will be, antrencliment,-mingled wi-th the din of the answering gugs, and in that fatal prisoner early In.- the'moh li, crossed t the plain hoiding.a white. flag. .NVIieel- lity of death, There, b Y orders of � the. Nana, ,the ;men were slain forth-, . . ber:tb&t . when you came to our _as-sis- : � - s . ­ And deprived by accident of th� arms . . I . . that might have equalized matters. , Work. Graduate of. C.C.D.S., I pr=Dtly; attended to (in applicatidn . hour the siege of Ca�vupo're'b2san. . . . e n other senior' offin with and ,:the women and children � ,tA ut she was &-ter- mined to take* us, willy-nilly, to D I ' . . I ' I � . I . I.. Their little army was breathing nut- - . I I . . Chicago.j and R.O.D.S., Toronto.' . to art of the!above, � y ofticers addressed to their resp�cti . vL, postefficeg- Losses In -the te'ar-stained story of humanity there has'.never been Aught to surpass cars went.to meet her. She.carried a letter from Nana Sahib, offering safe Vera taken .to' a -buf1dilig' In which - . , hey found One fi6idred and twenty- hl,, - . . e A, ' r 1. .. . ,.' . . I . .. .. . . . . tiny,.but was itself divided, If Chumrtt� . . . 'Were I not. - mistakenj seeing. that all , I . . . I I . . . . I . , . . , , inspected by the director who livos � the thrilling 'recoid of Cawnpora. It conduct to Allahabad for all the gar. ' �Ivd others, who had been spared for . -Malcolin, who- bad heard Roshi. . nar4's impassioned -speech and lobice d . . I - were for rTvolt, but one held out that .. Bayfield on Mondays from * May. to . ticarest the .r,ceiie . . . I. . . contains every elevidtit of heroism and frigedy.* Four hundred risen "except" those who were con-, nected. with the Lord Dal- - tile Brahmin's ow!l.,terrible Purposes . from tile butchery. Massacre. Ghat - . . I .1 I Into her -blazing eyes, thought that lie"- I the 'foringbis' lives should be spared.- . .; ... ibere, . . � . . . . D&exuber. - . . . . . .1 I . .. . I . . � -- — � __. I hfizilsh -Sol- diers, seventy of whom were invalids, � ' acts of . I . . . .. hOusie." ' . . -at' on'tbe 2.7th. - . % ` ' , ' . I .. 0 .in tived were stronger than mere ca I price.. :Ae hever dreamed`of the true' Andi even # a. cruel dileautra, . . . that offered itself. to' the ruler, of' . .. . . . .. . .� . � . . . . . .� . � . .1 I with a few'dozeus of clvlliau� and , Now . Dalhousie resigned the vice- Returning to Bithoor the; Nana ' . reason, but. hd that she knev I. . . . everY lEbropean community in die" I . . .1 . I I . I- - � , I I Clinton News- Recor faithful sepoys-,Standing7 behind a' br,ai;t-bigh royalty Ili February, 1856. It was ho . bad fefused proclaimed Pelghwa, amid was the booming of cannon the - .feared Cawhpore'had fallen 'and her curious, country. was. aot to be.avolded, fbr� if I ' . . . . - I I . , —.717 � � . ..a fortification .that'. would who to contin_up to Nana . and plaudits his ly . friendly. regard fo r himself might - Malcolm tried to obtain his weapons. - I .� I . I � " - I I MINE*, I CLINTON '.' ' not stop a bullet�exiiosrd to the fierce Sabib.the Pelshw'a's pension; assurect- ,)f retalneis. . He. pas sed a week . ' t, . . .11ave inspired her advice. Here. �. his .action might be the signal for a '' I & 'I'll, RT , . ,� . . - ONT . . -I,ays.of an ln&an.sun�ill-fed, almost I � . ly there,was none In ChwUpore r s- . . .e )n drun'keh revels . and deb I auc iery, . .again Win,ifr-d.,s presence tied his murderous attack, while, if he made , � .."', . k 'ok . I Lum F . . . . .- ... . . I ULLUM of subseription-s.1 waterless, and driven t3 numb despair by ponsible for. the acts of a former vice- .. . At'any -rat,�, 'that ind when, in ignorance of. its' fate, -a I I small company ' to ' �. . , ngue. I*', I I . I . no- 111-641. be Ir,.ft It entirely at �the-. . I . . . E ,TABL-: . . . pc�r .yea . � advance $1.50.' may. . be charged _. .. it the sufferings of their 1ov.0d ones- these men, enduring all and daring all, toy. �vhaisoevar . curious reservation..meant, the. inaJDr-* of .E'uroDean fugt- tives from Fategarh siught refuge At "'Well" he said, with a cheerless laugh', " 'I, at any rat,?, troopers' discretion whether or not, ha. . . � � I and Mayne should. be shot down with- . I . . Trains wili arrive at and . d0ari I tiot. so paid, No paper discolitinve held at bay four thousand weil-armed, Ity of the staff.were opposed tosur- Cawnpore, . lie amused himself.. by ' muk endeavor to - teach -Wheeler. - I am supposed to I out the power to strike a: blaNir hL self--. I from Clinton Station as iollaws , until all artlears are paiid,, unle.so at well -housed and well -.fed tioo.ps for rdnd�r. Unf6rtunatelY Captain a in - 1, V1 g all the�men but three killed in 'Th0se be hearing despatches, but they were defence. . .. . . . � I . 'liad the o inion ' . ,l) of the-.Publishpr , twenty-one days, . I . Mo6rej whose bravery was in . tile h ,Is Presence. three and the . taken from me, when - I was knocked - Luckify he . .. I � . the gift'af prompt . SUFFALO AND GOI)ERIC DIV - 'IH . .. date to ,which every �ub:;cripticn - Is, Not for a-monictit was the strain re- inouths of all, who, though wounded 'been wqmen� and children who accompan- � " of . I . I f my horse In'the village --- :-11 . . decision that I . Is.nine-tenths Of general- ' . . Going East 7.35 a. in paid is denoted on the label, laxed. Day aitd-night the rebels pour- 'entrenchment and ill, had "the life and soul led them, were sent to, 4 . - small house 'which . i'Were you atiacked?" asked Whil. ship Saying not a word to alaxin . . � 1. I � ' I., 44 ' I 3.01i p.m. . Advertising ' rates-Transielit ad into. the a massless 11 of the defense," persuaded Sir Rug.. 'and known as the Bibigarh, In the whole the . fred, and the quiet solicitude in her M ayne , who was still weak from the . .. 46 44 . - . . � 5.15 P. M. . ,07et- tisements, 10 cents per noupirlil ' ball, of Iron and, Icad. Calltion,balls solid ,and red-hot, shells with carefull; Wheeler the others that ail hon- orable .0apItulation was their Sole- to- Of captives, now number- dred and :eleven, were voice was, sweetest music. in :her lov-. er's - ears, .' . . . . wound received. on. hour earlier, ]it& .. I crossed The deck, halting on the .way, I . . Going West 1.1.01 � a. m. I tine for first insertion and � cer , arranged tim.e. fuses, and bullets from source. . Succor, could not. arrive, he Imprison6d. � I . - I � .. . . . ... I . . to rub Neidi's black muzzle. - - * - . . . � is to . . I . �1.25 - p. in. I � pq line for L each subseq�ent insert. those self -same cartrldgps that the . argued, and'Ahey wore In duty bound, . Many died, and they. were happl- His brief recital of the night's ad- . , . The sowiirs were watching . him . . I I I . &% 84 . ' 9.40 ; p.m. I - . . [on. 81tiall ad vertNements not, to supl-rflne feelings of Brahmin soldiers. to -save the ourviming civilians and'the est. The' ,survivors were subjected veniures was f6ilowed :by the story . . � . With steady thrust Of.the port,s*0ejp � , $I SA � . . . 11.28 p. in, . . . exceed one inch, such as "Lost 11 - forbade them to touch, were hurled it vVoirferl and childfen. . � . . to ever indignity, given.the codrse Y at of' the others' Jourfi. y and detention . e . , budgeraw to� ­'� . . I they were heading the . . . LONDON, )HURON & BtIUCE D1141. - I "Strayed,11 or' I'St6len,11. ote., - in- the hapless garrison from a Iguhriers. In. the first week every.guaner W -the So Ali armistice. was agreed on to; June 26, and representatives . food, and forced. to grind corn ft)r their conqueror, who, early in July,. at Bithoor. - It, may be thbught that Mr. - Mayne, with his long experlene. ward the gliat , , � � I .1 � - . I . I He wo-lit � the , . I a..�l Going South 7.50 . - sorted, once for 35 cents and e,wh . I . � . plac,,e was kilied oi, wounded. Woini�n 'sides met to discuss terms. It 'was took up his abode in a large building of India, should have read more.clear- . eutt , � ' . . of the li�avy gar- ' . I It. 64 l$ .. � . '. 4.23 p. tn. subs&xu6nt insertion 10 cents. ' and children were shot as though they arranged that the garrison sbould at Csw11por& oterlookifig the house ly the sinister lesson- to. be, derived . . "Pull'liard, now.". fie said encour-L- ' � Going North 11.00 a. M. ommonicati:ms intmded for ptiblfc . a- . were in the front line of defense.. .No . evacuate thell' position, surr6nder .In which-.thp unha PY,.Peoi)le we . P . ,to .from the tr.catrr.Tnt meted out' that . . 911gy Ut Of tha . . I I , "and. we wilf.- be 0 grrent." . #4 it I , tibn must,.as.a gilarante6 of. good corner was safe from the eneiny's fire. their guns and treasure, retain their . penned. . 1. n Ight -to a British Officer by the tie . 1. . .. . I I � I . 6.35 p. W. . '�Aith, be acco mOani6d by the name Every hu an 'being behind that ab- - rifles and A quantity of aininunition, I I But the period of their earthly suf- tilchment of sowars, ainplified, as it 'their . . . I - He, was facing the three men, and .. . . . - ­ . . I . k1ter. - . ,%f the w. . surdly ,,in ... xposed ad ate wall was e :". and be provided with river,.transport . ferings was drawing to a closo. Art Was, by open ieference to the 'Nana 6 Maharajah. But � . his,order Wits A� quit6 naturat -one un-I . .. . ER 65 YN:ARS* , , . � , W. J. MITCHELL, . . . I to c6netant and equal danger, Her,) Is an extract from Holmes's to Allababad. . � . The Nana asked that the defenders, avenging army was moving swiftly up the Grand Trunk Road froin Alla- as he was not Yet disillusioned. . And,, if Ills der tbe.cirdurnstattem Obviously, heo . meant to bel.p. Stretching their E - EXPERIENCE . X , � . E41tOT and roPrietor � I alatory: . "A ,Shouldriliftrob'out that night. Wheeler . babad. The Nana's nephew and two . �. in Judg ant wore at fault, fi,�� erred In . for Sir arm,,o I . � . for - a long and strong stroke, - they , � . . . . I - .. . I I . I . private was walking with his. refused. I .of big lieutenants, leodhig- a large good ,company, Arilry Law- . . laid. on with A Will. Instantly, hei . I .. . . - wife when a, single bullet kill --d him, "I. shall renew the bombardment, force against thp British, Were badly 'On rence; Chief Commissioner At Lueh- I . � . . Dressed tbb oar downwards, thus tore- - - 11 I . - I I 11 broke both her arms, and wounded aid' and put every one of you to 4egth in I defeated, the 15th Of July came. .now, was even then resisting the ap- .. Ing' tho 'blAde Out Of the water, and I I .. . 41 A I k13 i 11:1xill . Infant she was varrying. An officer a few days,"'. threatened the. Brahmin. the alarming tilibigs that the Fering� peals, the almost Insubordinate urg- thre* $ill his strength into its unex- . I � .1 � I .. , . ,* ,* * 6 0 * * was talking with a comrade at the main guard when a musket -ball struck "Try it," said the Englisbitan. "I still have enough powder left -to blow his we I re only a day's march from the city. ... . . Ing, of the headstrong' Mart In Giib bins that the sepoys In. the capital of pected Yielding. Before they could' - . I 110 much as utter a yeil, Akhab Khan ' . I TRADC NAW6 * WIN'TER * , him, and, as he was )inipizig pain- fully both armies Into the air.01 � . _ The ruries,must have chosen that . Oudh should be dlsarmed� - lie' Meanwhile the boat lure d . and another were swept beadloiig into , %Ihe.rivef, '. ,,I,r,r DESIGNS . COPYRIGHts &c. * TOURS * to the barracks to have his wound dressed, LiLutenant Mowbray. But the Nana meant ti hav'e no more fighting on.equal terms. He � date. The Nana, the trian who. on- ward. Soon a red, glow Ili the sky pro. While the third man lay O2z , . . Anyone ophdinie a sketeb and deserl Von me), free 4- * 0- � * * * - TO - * * * * * * * Thowson of the 66th, Who Was SUPA signed the treaty, the gur.'s 'WOrc gi�'ell thought himself fit to be a king, de- aided that Havelock Would turn back claimed that they were nearing Cawn- . . . . . . . . , 1111ekly ascOM1111 Our opinton w at or an wyoution to pr6bably rmten, uhlea. a Ible, 001111 tionestriat Ia. HA 000 f on Patenta Mexico, Colorado, California Ail d- Pacific porting him, was struck also, and both fell helplessly to the Pre. up;, and, on the night of June 26th, If there were no wore English left Ili pore. Though well aware that European houses were on fire, 1116y (To ISE CONTINUED i . sreonfident , � .?,. Id sent Ir" est encyto secAlrivaetonts. III tAk tn t 0 rin & U0061T6 Coast Points * . ground. sell tlYs'as Thomson lay woefully sick peace- reigned within the tulned en. I trenchment. . Cawnpore! So tie a preliminary to were confident that flift Magazine . . I .XPA onts Wt im, �& twt I WitboUtue ',A.1 A &A . . arge, In Me I The Grand Truhk Railva � y I%ys- tem iSths,- Popular Route from Df his wound another officer came to - Next morning that glorlours garri- the greater tragedy, five men who had escaped death thus far -110 One would be held. They helped Akbar Xbax, Churnru, iand . I � . I .1 .. . ... . I 1. . It 'Kigali ficafto all pojnt�q east through Canada i condole with'him, and be teo received a wound from which* he died before son quitted the shot -torn plain they had ballowed by their deeds, And knows Whence tW6 of them caU30- tho two troopers to rig A pair of long s*eeps, and pre. . I Whooping I A b I i stdd weekly. rArgeit c1r, tal pn af,gLny neleptillo joun.al. Tigins for . . via Chi 1 . the end of the "siege, Young Godfrey .even tile rebels pitled them. -,'All the . were brought forth and f C slaughtered , at the a t of tile renowned Peishwa. pared to giilde tile budgerow to the Coiugh . I 11, 0 16 y sa prep" Sold by 4017 M FI0AtVItI-1,.14. * ..... �4'"'"" - Wheeler, a son of the General, Was ly. Ing wound,W In aile of the barracks ll ged column filed along . the road the women and children. in Then a squad of sepoys were t6ld to "shoot landing -place. I . Winifred was stationed at (lie rud- CROUP I ASTIfMA ,COUGHS '� BROUCHrriS "TAkRH coLos I UNN08019m,"y. New Ytrk btAnch OM M &A IP At� WA0WiCWt00. A Do, ble Tta<�k, liast Serv(N�, Fin- vvhell 0 round shot crasbed through the walls of the room and his bullook-carriages or on elephants, the all the Women and children in the 131bigarh through the windows der, As It chanced the thre took one oar and Cliumt-u W ,?,p1,04Wt11,re . . — est Roadbed, Viod(-rn 14'AluiPmont, . carried off head In the Sight of his mo� ter and wounded In palanquins, the fighting men on jo,ot, sapoys came clustering of th h I a Ouse.$ ' sahibs with- thc other, and the two . 9 � cmm�d^� I _,__ __ � . I � . . I U exeelled Ivi Dining Car .Servirt-. sisters. Little dhildren, straggling poor. wretches _they were afraid gets of rowers were partly Screened I . - - —1 I � All elcments of safety and com- ' outside the wall, were deliberately round thle officers they had - betrayed, to refuge, yet their gorge rose at the deed, they fr6nx each other. by the horses. Mal. ' fOTt- , shot (10 11" . w and talked In wonder And admiration and fired at the ceiling! . Such colm was saying something to Wini- : '9SVAXNJ1A0t0 19" . URINOUS TO.TFIF, SX',NN *N'S0V'rlT. On tile night O� June the 11th. a red- 'hot cannon -ball Sot fire to the of the. surpassing heroism of the de�L .the .weakness . was annoying to puissant Brahmin. He. selected fl -ad when the native bent near him And whispered: � . A Rhnpl� m&abd i e6caitrefttmentilarbroh- ehillWx��avQWmx&Uat. VppwitedCresq- I " i MON'THLY MAGAZINL one of barrac�s which Was used as, A bospl' fense.11 . Those inen Of the rank all d file at two Mohammedan butchers, ail RV to Talk oil, Sahib, but listen! Your lond'Amps .%I* tMm"mi booping C*119h mad ftiteves c�m** at qn&6 OVE f& boom to iguf- I ferdrif"mAwlma. Th4africuderedatton . I No more dmirable rout'N tban via tal. The flames inspired the enemy's ledst were soldiers, They knew noth- ghan, and two out-CAste ,Hindu$, to do m an intend to jump ashore And leave 7 . . "tWptfe. itut)imd 1*1Lh m4ty btratti, inags I . A FAMILY L161HARY The Best in Current Grand Trunk and connecting lines. VEMY LOW TIATM. 9;utiners to fresh eftotta and ptovidcd tbAm with'tul eme'lent target, yet the Ing of tho awful project concocted by the Nana and his chtef UsSoelates, his bidding. Armcd with long kniVes, these five fiends entered the you. They -have- bven bitten by the Wolf. Don't,. try to stop th0n. NaUiLA b"thi 2XITY, tmaflbmthavoro tbilvalenrl 0603 . hisinvalu- I .j==Nd7,btd. In, = dilld.."h. Lltar*m ,arrlson darod 411 perils o, gun-firo RAO Sahib, Tantla Topi, and Azlm- I shambles. Mas how clan the scene of Allah let them -go!" : r..)Ad"ooadsardaw4givel)oG�l,�'t� �ft I 19 COMPUft NOVELs YEA14LY I 8e�ure tickets and full particulars and falling rafters and masonry, wj)lle ullall. . that followed be described! Yet, not even then WAS the ' Prank's heart throbbed tinder this ALL I)2.UQGMT$ etty em"Iftiti Atiti- . MANY SHOAT STORIES AND from :- - . . , 0a me untaks. It Is on to- - 44t .ord tt tile gallant mt-n of the 82n T, ly The Procession made its way slow- towards the river, three quarters SeLert- fie# complete. Some ,who Vera dramatic development. He had. to, reason to doubt his Servant's state. 1s69iU6'A!A,-o,.%t*94b- zeta i,ae tto +wItAw "a PAMAS ON TIMELY TOPICS I J011IN RANISPORD, tiptown. Agt. a n in. f�am(-s had o.bo'd d. 0ough ,of A mile to tho east, No doubt th ere wounded but tot killed, a few chil- m6lit. The faithful fellow had nurse d t t. ctreti 6fT6CGV4 Anti -I 'r- �. $2-450 PiCh YKAR' , 96 01M. A OOPV I I I . . . 0. PATTISONT, 116pot Agent. i h(avy fusElptiv %%as still kcpt lip by 'hall were Jbyful hearts In that sorrow- dren who crept under the garments hlM through a fever with the devotion Of 7()Ixr fcjri�t 6C xrorztkta.l - ift7 - %.040 CONTINUICO ST0AJE:S,* 1� , I or tiddovss .1. 1). McDonald, Djs)tritt lio rdiols wore, s,,t ii raking -the s laden I band. Men and women must Of' their dead mothers lived until of A brother, And Malcolm bad recl. I Valp Cre.seleat C& . itVZRV NUM09ft COMPLItTi: IM I-rSELP . llawrlger Agdtt, Vniou St�atlon, To- 9 11 WIWI" 11) M'd their 1. at tnedals, th.i OILY 11Rd have thought of far-off homes In Eng. , the morning, Not all the native sol- Pro were so. lost to human sympoi. proeatod this fidelity by refusing to I Lc(.,tt,11w14Wes tWis. # ,e I I 11 I � - �01__t_ ----I -1, ! 1, , toitto. Oat. ­udals won In the dt.adly land, and hono4 tl-.qt Qzd.would Aoaro Ut",A# thot fhAv AM n(v gLl,L11ad0r.At th(3 %--'Pt with him vhpn Lip- $n� L%!�-t% waa I I -1 .. . I . �� I � 0 r I . . immk. . ­­ ­ L- - 4—'' "' ­­ "" ' ' ­­ - ' ­­­ ­­_ ­ .- .- _ _­ "' - ­­ "' ­­­- L ­­ --11 ­...,­­ ­ _­ ­­­­ ­­ .1, � - ­ .11, L- I -111- ­­­ . � 11I.I.- I � . -111 . ­­­­ ­ . . - ..1. ­_­ .., - ­­ .. � - . ­_ _ ... . - ."! , I., - .1 I '11 . I -1111'.. . 1. � I ..... I � � ----1. - I. ,. , —