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The Clinton News-Record, 1911-02-09, Page 7
i 6 C.flii4t411 Ne,ot s -Record. ]February A .�- .. ...-. ,r. a... -w.. .. •�...� ....,.mow-n.r 7r j 1. O THE OLD LAND, (j .DEATH CLAIMED t ittfe Items of News From England, ,A,, wi, �„ rr'''tirti MSN sosE ",n Ireland and Scotland ---A S Atilt Patterson]Rich as Pathetic Story ._ * to t and orf. �,^,. .._, - called The Silence Room' has xvholeJeomo t The r,moval of the pauper dfsquali- . last Year Saw the Passing of a Num• c London, a sorely needed inasitubteenn T'he most digestible of nourishing beverages �'~ In a lar a intlrcantlle oatablishtner- ' fication In respect to old -age pensions bor of Mot, Prominent in the installed. Out of this room; came a I is to b: celebrated by a thanksgiving enroll British matron, her feta hushed ` I M ! g 'World of Athletics to the _her spirits in newly is Vy/,/Z service at rho Brotrnin Hall, SYa[ guxpie red of ztewl crushed worth. alt grapes, tate of perturbation as the British . • x` Many notable paracme identified . ; ' During a storm, which broke over the _ matron ever permits herself to reach. ! Canaries a house on the island of Gor- with the various branches .of sport Convoyed by 'ter were four middle. W , aged, middle-class matrons like her , p n©xa was vndt rmined by water and linseed away In X910. Professional 4elf, s collapsed, Twenty-two persons, mostly quare of figure and stolid of Y baseball lost among others John I.�'' arlC, 5�tivrT �'•.,, children, were crushed to death. a Rogers, once chief owner of the Phlla- face. Straight ht t0 the bureau of infer, g Creates. o .a t" _� oration went the small matron, fol. appetite; makes. 1lleali; taste - R. 31`. Murphy, of Caolmarc, who ;:'��`x y, delpftia National League Club and one lowed by four large ones. better;bishealth sleep.Kee it bred the s#caplet linear Ftomanoff, fell " of the best known lawyers in the State ,, I .'want to know," she inquired, always in the house Your P 11 you dont have to keg AI• Annie Ciobesk o1 Guelph, lvhb was from his horse at the tract of lite 'I'i ''� s of Pennsylvania; l±'raztk V. Dunn a whether p.,dealer perar p Y lance in the silence room. I have told Bells: it, or you CaII order dueCt. injured 1n stepping from train at;" y Hounds on Monday mornin., \ � J����: theatrical man and baseball fan. who these women so, but they won't be 21 1 acid whe.ad. picked up he tuns found to Neve it, They were talking In there,. John Labatt �1' Clifton Junction,, has disappeared be dead, " � •' '`> � 1. tried to buythe Boston National League Club from Soden, Billings. and and I told therm I couldn't stand it, 1OMPON ^ CANADA } from. Niagara Falls ITOopital, and her s * "' ' $#DUTCH" RICHARD$ N -, Conant before they sold it to the Dovey and I can't•" Scottish whisky statistics strew that . • father as unable to lend her. Captain of 5t. 11:lcha,e) s, ,Toronto, brothers and John P. Harris; Bug Hal. ,,,You were quite right, madame," re- . is year 1the was the worst u tate liday, for many years a member of the piled the bureau of information in the History of too trade. The Production senior O.#f,A• team, Cincinnati Reds and once considered a person of a trig young woman with 33h1f a million dollars will be dc- decreased by 2,100,000 gallons, and stat outfielder; Mike Hines, the old alert eyes, "That room is reserved duettd. from the contractors on. the total$ only 22,000,000 gallons, the low- f Boston catcher,: who handled. the can. for absolute silence."' KiN� S PLATE IN QUEIG - o.-. ` . co for sixteen years. nonball curves of Grasshopper Jim returned ' hat's. what I told these women,, T' eastern secEion of the rational Trans- Whitney back in 1883 when ,tie 13ean• the flushed matron. I said �+ •`+ "`+,-",`+•+ • ,+"" `\% ..' � .++c + eputinenbal Railway for aver,classffl- Thirty^seven weddings in seventy. ""-` eaters won "> come r ;` `,' ; . "� • ,•••\•���� \��` \„+ cation, according to the report of too n the National League gen- lie a every afternoon to get \. ,eve mintitcs-seventy four people Has Sanction of His Majesty -Races ant ;Thomas J. Loftus, well known as what I can't have In my'own home-- ar'bitrators. -.a an' hour OL \ V.� 1.•`� .� \:\�,�, \\, � '\•� � � . ,rade happy at the rate of one a min- foie irianager gF:tire Chicago Cubs aft r peace and quiet, all tq my to bo Herd in En^land self,", .. \ ,+ , Is,*\, \�, >\,•. \,:`\�+\�c�, " >> me --was the broad record achieved A. C. Anon was released and later ,� #, .` �� ,� •�1 ,� A big cockfighU at Charlt+moire was by the Vicar of St. Luke's, Canning the manager of the iVashington Amerf• .' The indignant little woman express `.; :, ��\, broken up -by officers from Montreal. Town, "the Cathedral of the East," and cans; Dan McGann,. who played first ed openly and publicly what every ��.1 ` "; \ �\, . ;. his curate, woman of bus life ,, ; ��\;' : \ Three hundred birds were captured and The official, if formai, consent of base for the Brookiyns and then be, y fe has cried out in came a member of the Giants, was her heart. "An hour of peace and '\ ` about cne hundred inert witJ be sun;, * '' ' fling George to rho running of the an- ,., :. , 8 p won the world's Championship From Y , .`,� moned for attendin Amon the articles reported to Scot- quietness all to m self " is one of the , g' land Yard as left in cabs and omni- Waal "King's Plate' has been rect'Ived the Athletics In 1906; Joe Nealon, chiefest � needs Of a woman. The `fir. Honesty, Ability, 1 nergy and Thrift a e P ur buses during Christmas Eve were:_ by the Montrcal Jockey Club. former first baseman of the Pittsburg Children s Hour is recognized in the \ , the most important Success Qualities. r o of X21 turkeys, s, 43. dr«11y life of the. busiest household ��ti c ss t� a ittes, Cultivate y geese,. 33 fowls, 112 Secretary Northey, of the Montreal Pirates, who. retired from the game to , t,„ them all Industriously. Start • developing Thrift THIS kIOW'S THIS 2 joints of. meat, many braces of poet#• .Jockey Club, received the following make his permanent home in Califpr• The hour is given over wholly and un `X` week. filet the habit of placing a rt of sante and rabbits, two sucking pigs, uta and for whom Boots Darnell named questionably to the children. One of ,,`\ P g . Pa your weekly, ' We offer. One hundred Dollars ire- and a gramophone. letter from Lord Carrington, the keep- a racehorse which won thousands of the greatest American editors. told me :v,\\\ or monthly salary to our Savings Dept., where ft will ward for any ease of Catarrh that + * *. er Of His Majesty's purse; dollar's in wagers for John W, Gates; that .he might miss a morning engage- � . work night a%d 6y earning interest for you. Then, Mr. Chamberlain has recently Inter. Bob Pettit, who played right field for meat with his Pu'Ulishera or with a ��� when YOCl1i opportunity arrives you'll have the• cannot bo cured by Hall's Catarrh ested himself in the lana. of a gale Buckingham Palace the Chicagos in X 88 and gent around coveted contributor but nothing less, f I'll\ money necessary to take advantage of it: Zq \ Cure. i+'. J. CI3EN]:Y dr CO., Tol- course which it is proposed to lay out SIr--I have ft insco December, n 191.0. than 'a fatal railway wreck could make .'N Assets over $12,500,000; Paid-up Ca it t 1 00000.• \\ the world that year as a member of Command a to say him forego the "Children's Hour.' ++'\�`\ Reserve $1,S00,p00. p a $ �! ' ' in the grounds at Highbury, The l the Spalding Tourists; Harry Staley, „ „ �-,;,\, We, the under.srigned, have .lenerwq scheme provides for that the King is graciously pleased to It is from flue to six he said, $std " ` P a nine -bole t former pitcher of the Pittsburg and,'l, F. J. Cht'ne for the last 15 grant permiFs on for 'a race beim held, Boston National League teams; Alan my wife and I always visit the little � i \ y years course, and .four or Five holes will be during His N aj . ty's pleasura, over the' Storlio of A ones in the; nursery at that time roin \, \�� ,���'� \\\ \ + Newton, Maas., who was a , p «. \\\�.\\+��\\I ��\\ \ '\�\���\\ \\\\'�• �` a>Rd believe him .perfectly honorable fn prepared immediately. Blue Bonnets Coarse, to be known as ' ' with them,, tell thorn storis, and chat IN +` �, all business transactions and finan- "" " " The King's Plato of the Province pf member of the Pittsburg, St. Louis and with them while the eat their a :' ` ' ` �� \ ` • The engagement is announced of uebee, and fr:-r her th I lJ Cincinnati teams -during his eller, dia- .i , Y i uprer. „g\ �\ ; \ \ „ � \ I �` eiaily able to. carry out• any oblige- t at I s lal3sty VC hen we have l,.ft the little ones , \ ` \ \ \ Miss Stella Campbell, daughter.of Mrs, will be ilcascd to Fifty Guincas to mond Career after leaving college, andp;tucke.d into bcd we o too r o ,+" . � � � ,dans madeby hisfirm. ll- I. give I ' g u own din- . \� �, 1\\ yH. Y. Lucas., wire lost a fortune in ro-. \ \�� �\��\ Patrick Campbell tIrP famous actress, • -lite owner of t'ie winner. p tier; refreshcti by the 'Childr, n's H•attr `` �Valding, Kinnon S. Marvin, meting the TJnlpn 'Baseball Ass cia 1.. \ ,� ���, ,,�\ �� to Mr,. Mervyn Worcester Howard, son , am, sir, Q sixty minutes that have washed awn -. ?'4�, ` \.. \ �`\ \� holrsale Druggists, Toledo -:.0, tion in 1884.. y ` \ \ \\ \ �\ �. ���\ \ \ \\�� g>; r tlf a Suffolk vicar. Miss' Campbell, hour obedient servant, Amorz the sordid dust. of the Ozy. ��: \ '� .\ �\\\ fFali's C'atJzt'xh. Cure is taken iniexn- like ,tier gifted mother, has. ma S s g the leading melt of the prize !> \\ \,, de a (Signed) CATtl�1NGr1'ON. The cdrildt. n reed this hour: The \, , .a>. ;.\�\� \, •,, \ ally, actin directly upon .ilia' 1 reputation on the eta I^ ring:' were° Tani Mace, once champion ;� \ .: ,\ \�`�\:,,;, ��� `\`•"' }, g y p blood p ge weeper of Itis 1<Iaje tY s Fr'ivy Pux:e• of L aI yazents need it. .l;ut lite mother's clay+Ii�!t-�\\\ ,:��:�\\ `\ \,` nil id, who was coitsidere h + , �\.., �• I * * d t e�•,• ,+ and mucuous surfaces of the s stem. * has been wither, its need and its AA�� �y, �v,; \` \ , : ` �+ 3 : ' "r'>tld teal .yaw Q1ic ,* A. recent issue of the Racing Calen greatest barer of his time, and inti meed if s11r, has not had her haat .of :\" , "' \*;\•+`•++•,,+•`••+,,, . a. ,N \ , Test!monials sent free. Price 75e. After a voyage of 24,000 miles the dentally brought Herbert Slade., the ", \�" "" ' "\ u dar, tate official .journal of the langlish' a liberal ft•. inion of ail hour in pcaci, per bottle.. Sold by all Druggists. Pacific liner Orcoma Lias reached Jockoy.Club, contained,deta;ls of the Maori, to this country in 1382; Stanley anti . t _ Liverpool, A baby girl born during iietchell, wol9d's middleweight .quiet. 'Cake Hall's Family I ills for const.i= etnries for next sensor's meetings gilt 'chem- The Silence Boort , to whose inva- - ' ' the voyage, received many presents. that 'leave be:n already entered into pion,' irho had nerve enough to, tackle sten,, by rltatkerink; sounds etre so Dotson. Though her mother is a Chilian, she dacic Johnson, and, stayed 12 rounds. . m behalf of the Iifng. The- engage strenuously objected, is a small oasts • itas been registered as a British sub- marts feint^ to kli;* Newmarket fit>cond . UeFore:. ire ryas 'put to sleep; Tommy, of quiet til a sea, of.noise.. Outside the „• . sem' . ject and christened Orcomita. McCarthy, who was fatally injured in 1 I. .�. For Good• 1tcad * •- GeEf October, lath, I,fbury Club, Doncaster multiple noise of the greatest city iii • * " Spring', �Catwiek, October, Hurst .Pat.. about with Owen llZorazt tri San bran- the world beats against the building It The, Rev. C: B. 'Chard, rector of Whidsun, Newbury Summer and San- cisco, and the veteran Joe Gans, for- as the waves of the sea, beat against ' � Spitalfields, has converted the crypt: :town .'Park First' Summer meetings. mer lightweight . champion of the a rock, Within the little room is L IPPINCOTT Gills & BOBS world, who was a victim of tuber- FIOTrON OF QUALITY 'of his church' into a stere what's poor FIis Majesty also subscribes to several. silence -silence not comparative but people whose ho ies are. broken u culosis. ' , absolute. It. Is .a square room whose �Uf eofnplxr MONTHLY` MAGAZINE ! p important. weigh#-faritge. races, to ,be' Q((�" l2okti fs may .deposit their. furniture, free of decided in 1912 and 1913., i he Prominent turfinen were 'Lucien •colors are. those .of. the "peace and ,.charge; until they are in a osition to 1 O. Appleby,' a well-known breeder and. " �Ge w11a1 makesVVINTEW p ACcardzng.t0 th_ pons' already laid quiet. of the. matron's craving. The Each Xrsue Com late rn Itre1set up- house'again. At present 'the..for this season,.tho ting and C2tieeri former bookmaker, who was known. wainscoting is of slate-coIoxed wood, Lippincott'ssapooular, A i i crypt is .full of Furniture:. • tui , everywhere as a square dealer~ Phil some or Its greatasl . ll b- pre.ent at the..>JPsom races on , The walls. .are of. a light 'grey.' The nonisandshortslorles :, Its contents is of such a compelling nature as . I]erby and Oaks days; and the ottani . 'Daly, long identified with sporting. .full -Length windows doubled to deaden �- matters at Long Branch; James Gal. -the street sounds. are 'draped - with have Iirst appeared Id to cause the reader• to bap one number and Want inerts for the city of the court to Ascot ryas, a member OL tine Jockey: Club and cream ' silk foto this maDa��na, ret . A few minutes dela in treating ,viii b: fire same as during the ret 'n y ugh which the after- o' the next LIpPINCOTT'S now covers a wide STEADY W4,12•K• y of Kin Edward. It is very like] that a breeder of many famous racehorses; 'noon sunshine 'pours softened rays. "' ., d I. field of discriminating readers who seek only . some . ca:ses of croup, even-lbe.longth i y. John Littlewood, a veteran Jockey:; y the King will. attend the Goodwood '" ? baht in Fiction, Fact, erld Fern. ' g Lucien L j The chairs are bread, low -seated and that which fa ('jOQp WAiYF,"5. of .time it takes, bo go .'fora descto> of- races on three days of the meeting, and. Lyne, who rode the great Rose- Inviting. There Is •,a. willow 'lounge' ten proves dangerous, The safest In the autumn Itis' Majesty may be ben when the son of Ben Strome was with a rose-colored screen before- 'It ONE YEARS SUBSCRIPT10N WILL BRING70 YOU . way is tq ke.ep Chamberlain's 'Cough seen at Newmarket during the second the champion sprinter and who passed t>ie.quieteat coiner oP, this quiet raonr. 12 GREAT COMPLETE NAVELS=cite fn each issue, Reinedy in the house, and at the first' October or the T-Ioughtou meeting. away in Germany; David T. Pulsifer, A glance at the face of a woman the owner of the never to be forgotten shows whether she enjoys the quiet 50 TIMELY ARTICLES by competent writers. Clinton Knitting Co. indicatrion of croup give ,tie child a , Tenny, the swayback, who ran a mem. .or whether existence Is but -for. her a 75 SHORT STORIES -clever, clean-cut, and vital. dose.. Pleasant to take, .and .always orable match race. with the great Sal- continual performance of noise Anil $0 PLEASING POEMS that need, no interpreter. . - cures. Sold by all dealers, i'1 SULLIVAN, V L Li I HI i STORY vator; Edward Purser, a turf specula- , interruption, that ends only In noise : for .who rani a, shoestring into a for and sleep, Alienists `say that the ma. 200.PAGES OF NEW AMERICAN HUMOR in "Walntits and 0 L alto MIN RIPW&II111113MI111111 s -- --- tune and then went to the wall; Robert jbrity of women who fill' our insane Wine," the most widely,quoted humor section in America. Former Champion 'Recalls a Fight In Tucker, a plunging trainer, who sad- asylums are farmers wives and others 2000 Pages yearly of eahilarating'reading.. . Albert .Smith of London township, British ,Columbia died the late S. S. Brown's. Broomstick who lead_ what the great men, ,who tents per,cnpy $2.50 aye. . 25 o h see*»s*cess*r***s►* *r«***•' when he omni up the worlds record know well the map of the human iYtin Send all orders to this paper or to . • who had been given up as dead by, his WINTER TOURS T O . -. . ' for, mile and a quarter, and W. S. call monotonous lives. ' . famii returned unexpectedly ; _ E. Washingion sq. xpectedl the otlr Wiliams, a veteran owner, whose best But,, de pate their monotony;: they. . . L'."INCOTT'S MAGAZINE Phnadelphta. Pa, CALIFORNIA John L. Sullivan is full of reminis• horse.' was' Ram's horn, winner of a .are busy, MEXICO er day. While sitting in his _brother'. s' crowded, noisy lives• where, SEND poR armsPEctAt LitGaZnvE oerEits ' r,11 house. he dropped- dead. tenses. Brighton Ha» dfcap; thsa:'a'<riek of children arid. the chorus AND FLO'RI'DA pp "The funniest. fight I ever had," said were.. of r recurring ;demands, minute- b • The best -known football men eve y •At Low. Rates . N Tho , great powers are co-olserating JOhn L. Sutliian, "ryas duff ng n►y big F'rancia .Burr, former captaip of the minute, arti. in their ears, A silence -- - . _ to st p g Harvard eleven, and Jim Hogan, the room efts silent hour would diminish aimlP out' fa ue in China. tour in 18'83. , When .we struck Vic- .. Full par�iculars and tickets from Yale captain.. and tackle; wile was the number tlP tired faces with abndr. . p mall g . - torla, B.C. , the first man we Met was Deputy. Street Cleanitig Commissloner y bright eyes and premature grey JOHN RANSFOiZD, Town A t �. _.r :�.. the.mayoE He'wanted.to know if the under Big. Bill 9dwards at the time of hairs, the Paces.of women .distraught, A. .. PATTISOT�T, Depot Age (�. that we see in those melancholy insti- i SAV A �j $1,000 ,I hung up for anybody. . who his death: • _,there who died were +,i Jacob Schaefer; .once the Champion tutions would stay tour rounds vi as a genuine billiard player; John A. Albert, a Every woman :should claim such an one -thousand note. . famous 'swimmer; Willie Anderson hour as her right. It her` life is an "'.There's only one real way of con the golfer; • Tobin 'De' Hymel and Al. indoor one, her hour alone may be a 1 ,, • yincing you,'•'I answered. 'Here's the •Livingston, auto drivers; R. P; Doherty walk in quiet streets or•in the country, ; THE NEWS-RECORW'S , F NO •'` and JOhn.A. Ryerson, the tennis la If her life.is pressed close with stra- ( . •' money. Bold it yourself l' That p y tart upon stratum of r . ers;' L.'C: Willard, the trap shooter; practical .duty,-. , I 1 • • , pleased trie mayor and'gave: us an Andrew M. Walsh,,a prominent Phila- the hour might be spent in' her own �' I. T official standing.In the. town.. But.ti.le delphia : cricketer, . and Big Jim Ken room with a book to�her taste. If she , GLUBBING LIS 1 • .mayor got on my nerves and I didn't` nedy of Buffalo, widely . known as a choose it might • be spent' at the piano . .• .1 - bookmaker. and gambler. . with the music she loves: if she is.i. _ like him a little" bit. - He, was a sawed-. _ physically worn it should be spent `�� off Irishman, . so small •I could` have i . inher darkened bed -chamber upona Whru Ilr �` There That Vet"` V"..,- ry . FOR ��10-11 .'4luch good. reading for little m mey. - 1 WUML1Ey Neevs-RAcord•arid Mail and • Empire...: .. $1.50 News -Record and Gt•lolie 1.60 News -Record and Fatnifv Herald and Star with . Premium,-. • 1.75 News -Record and •.Witess 1.75 Nervs-Rsoord and Sun.'.... . 1.73- News-Record .73 News-Record and . I� ree - Press. 1.75 News -Record sand Adver. tiser.... ... 1.73' News -Record and Toronto Saturday Night ....... 2.30 News -Record and Favrnws :.. .. 2.25 News -Record and l''arin and Dairy.., 1=7s.` 1�•Pivs-Record and Cana- dian ..... 1,75 DAILI98 Newg-R c rd anti M '1 d • - CONTAINS NORIIKA1Oftaa FAT 1. MY HiNE^ l„ ipiniinual 11 rt1 i. Mrs.. 19. E. Bo4weli, of 337 Pro- venalrcr Ave,, St. Boniface, Winnipeg, . says ; "Sonia time ago wy chiicirou_. ,took diphtheria ,:and' whil0 ' ttending" them the poison entorodasnlatlscratch on the second finger of my left hand, This bocame verysore and blood•poisuti• Ing soon cutin. For months after the children were quite well Y was stiffer, iug from a Ahoek;eegly had fin -ur. Tile scratolr'was caused originally y a p'n, and in itself, Was not at s,U,sorious, The consegfienees, howeverpof no,lcet• ing this soratch,wero very sarlous torte, "When the blood-Uutaonin setinitried ppo�UILWOa and a salve I had n the houao.. Thcoo, howevor, did net f avo tho doylred L, feet rf tt tucked him away In one of my pockets. ,!'A Frenchman ace..pted -my 'ehal- lenge, and be had a pretty fair repu. tatfon in town as a boxer'. He ,wag fairly. crazy to win the thousand, and when -bo was about to enter the`_ring'.1 discovered that his body and arms had been bat.hod in 'ofI so that my munches would 'Slip off and he would not be In- jured... The. Frenchman had a crowd of friends on hand; who expected to .see h hi'iri stay the' limit.. During the flay, they had l+ought a lot of .bard stuff for me, with- the idea that I wouldn't be in any land of -form when I faced .their fighter.. But i was there with the punch; and knocked F'renchy down three times in the first round. The, third knockdown k^pt'hlm. ori the floor half an hour, dead to tile world. Whcn he came to he asked •to sce roe, and. while. eve' worn talking I askoq him how it: felt to go to sleep.so suddenly: 1%e replied:. • "'When you hit me one time I think i see One French soldier! When you hit. iR1t'' three tirnFs I thfnk I sce ,one whole army!' Then wfping the oil tout of his eyes, he looked- at my mauleys and exclaimed: . ,1 dAT fht s' . I lounge or a bed, her eyes closed, her Ca . •. . garments loose, the muscles that have been stretched .to painful tension, for N. the shadowy ranks of those who marched to defeat or.death:or victory fifty. I years, ago in the mighty conflict 'that, convulsed this great nation, is there those blessed sixty minutes relaxed. £ather;or grandfather or uncle. of. yourO, Would you like to see a photograph. But howevel` she spends it her. • •• of him in that long* ago day of his youth -a photograph that be never knew was . .for bodily or mental• refreshment, a, silent taken? Perhaps we can show you one; and in any case, we can tell you a ` • . hcur Is her right.. Every tired woman story, stranger' than any detective, fiction, of 3,500 priceless photographs that, ' should insist' • upon the "Mother's were lost and ate found again. I . . Hour." 3,500 Lon Buried Photo ra hs g S. P y., 12 of Those • i', R EE _ .. . '. . •of the. Civil - War - Pia.reea . . Por the Cost of-Msflinq * e " Ma•, t,ollilil;1vood Ingratri has dfs- HEY lucre talcen.by the greatest photographer in the States of bought by the ' in order to give you some Wei • of the Greatness of this worn we will sendyoul2 superb reproduc- novated in• lire pine cVOtrt a Of CountyUnited that day; they were frob •Sligo, Ireland, ail' tnitlrr'v :new f i- nd . United States'Governrnentfor$30,000; theywerpburied tionsof the photographs of . charge in a handsome portfolio. genous bird. The new bird is allied to in the War hepattmont'for 50 years -they are buried there still. But a duplicate set was kept by.. the photographer -who •Ihcsc: photographs are very ex- and valuable, but t)le coal -.tit' (Pai-us ater) , but ' differ : s from the -other codl'-'tits In � that its died poa and broken down; that 'duplicate set was knocked; pensive you ., scud only 10 cents to cover .the . Theyare . cheeks are. of a sulphurous "YOOw true from pillar to post for nearly 5o years, until it was discovered by n New England collector. J. Pierpont -Morgan tried to cost of mailing. notouly _ interesting front a historic stlnd- Instead of pure white. secure the collection-Ex•Presidetit 0trfieid and General point,uut.fruned; malceasplen- did addition to your Hbrary walls, ' a * • . Ilenjamin T'. huller said it' was 'worth $W,000 -yet with the help of."tlie Itnvtrsw op I nvimvs, t)te entire collection p ,the en,ne time we wtw ten-ypu .how the iteview• of. Reviewa con . has boon gathered into 10 creat volumes and is Plated within nlfor this $150,00 rollortian of your reach at lessthan,tho v51ue of one of the photographs: d,500photogrnphoetthoprice tno United 8tatee Govern. • r A Good Id illi' I gr- it is the accurate history of the Civil War- lie, 'story the War Ent paid for throe of the piaturea. Review . reatm�ent,, ' for the camera cannot It tells the of you never heard before. Taken under protection of the Secret Service,.these photographs bring to light thousands of little- Send the coupon of Reviews at cyte, company, known phases of the war; they penetrate to strange plaas.and . 13 Astor NAM . Tile trouble with most women's hair h record strange things. to New York, N. Y. that 'lYwon't take the time to Proper treatment.. It you want Your hair REMI3MBER..-Our privilede of soliing these hooks ii' limited se to time. Our supply of Free Portfolios ,s luntfed Send ma, free ofebarge, ue I2 roprovero eus• to have that look, of lustre and it li in qusndty. You must be prompt to secure cithor. Better your nowrydinrnverwi Brady y i, r . can break ze wood v a W, you must, take care. oe it, mail this coupon Way. civil War photographd ready e .o al ail U e n Lha to swoty the flu er YvU cannot expect t0 11aV0 s for framing nud contatUcd In a 1; became more fend nlore swollon and c is• fences with 1ry fee$ts, 'but' you; 1Cxon- "W11^DFAlV.G'" hair it you simply splendid hanaaame pertfnun.. Aieo arnd ma empire...•.. . d•25 colored. It theta 6r, ply run a Comb through teahoomeporaolio., is Ana toll News=Record and Gr1oF>P.., . '4.25 to callin a doctor. 1I0lanbed too finger steal Sullivan, can break ze stone 7'h0 Berlin Serappor.whb achieved u it in too inornini�-give it a dais • mo how, rnrwhnttho nnraru,nant Newsitteeord'and News ... 2,430 t t lot out the pim. olid you can imagrfl,a ,Falls With yoursl are reputation a ct ite the outer edge with a brush -throw • • • s . paid fpr hnlf a dor.«n prints, I can palofltf the ion _ _ n n round z,Tew York, but it into a braid -switch it .around the make the whoia rouo.Alon myown. News -Record and Star-. .. 2,30 ger was! DOsplte tin Ianrlotolbcsata tocnvcrthocoatol care, hovpov^r, it afSafnt festered tend Lha who isi now up in his home town get- _Ilead--jab in a few hair pins -•-and let • « milting. News-Ri-cotd and World .. 3,2.5 opvraontq, iinimenw, and otbor•propara• tin:,+ used. to domestic life,10, hot -Poet it go at that. Astor Nemo ...........................0 ..........:. News-Decord tend Morning tiuns which the doetnr gave me acotnod CRAPE iS CHSAP �Rair is like any other growing thing 3 25 ebirntolyunabtotobringabrrutnnyroltot. Ii'rlend:•--"HOW delighted you mustatter Ililtiard Lang or any otfter it. needs attention ---it needs care-- eddrose............... i� #'ee 3?I'esa........ . . . . . . The advised mete o welterweight. The bUteliman made deeds thorough grooming regularly- it - 4* News -Record and Hvening « Into tile tdt, B0111tace ii0apital. I feared be that your husband recovered so his first a ear nee { 1 riot only tots hair u fi t t,r nn a n t IQ ring in b E foe, scalp'.. �,,�,�.r r,� �rr,,,,.�. W.66- ,.•.,.a, - . Vree Press;:........... „2.75 • that it I wont to the Heapital the. An: or wonderfully, door, the city championsh(p tournament If you have the time and llationce ^ would 60 amnuiated. We wore told o{ & 'Young Matron: --- " Yves - es . You wont need any hair tonic -•-but oaAeettteilarto inYO"igw•hiohZaln.Bult „ y ' Of when tie Was beaten by Tuekwell. Ile most .women haven t. The next best nTews•RecOrd and .Adve>- lladel'footedaourevrhon ever thin a:se course; but --11 - .thing is Nyal's 'E•Tirsutone. It is the .tiger........ , ....... d has improved greatly since. then, and 3:Oi3 hal tailed and the deotor rind eat t}inb friend: -"What, attar?"hini bundouaht thing offered' to take the place t' - t� ■ Yl�� •. ouit amputation could bare the pereon5t 'Young Matron: ----,'You can't ,]limit ant ttgh� customerang . W{1 risdl.v find of hours oP combing and brushing. HURON COUNTY lt7.p jury hated. * what wonderful bargains theY'vt« f; has a color.' tones up the roots, brightens the " We, .herelort, dooldod to giveZarfi. got victory over Frank Carroll to his proves the texture and ,makes .' News -Record and Li not- B'ikairlal. Annpp)vwmprodUted, and to Crape at Snippet & Twothree%." r -Aft it stag gracefully where it is put, ppwe commenced the Zam•Bnk trot►tmant litrautone literally revitaliage the C_ colt's Magizine, ......: 3.2� It only needed a fever da a to show the YY With the exception of the returning nekk)toted hair, andinflammlget0p. xhte,loua.pahtp4lg offieer's fee, Mr. J. MAcV6Agh's elee- XOur NY&I bruggi9t cheerfully red. andinflammetion r►ero lte9ueed, thepein tion as Nationalist M.P.ttlr South ommends Hirsutone because he kn6wo, O O Wcams 10411 &0146 and it •oras evident An . attack of the r4p is often fol In arEistfo bottleb 61,00 and GOc, 1£ what 7011 want ill not in vtrlr bhortly that the trouble WM being g Down cost him Nothing, He was re - this list let us khoW abottt it. reduced too, le4a and (still loss ere&: W6 lowed by a persis'tennt cough, which to turned without expending a Copper er on `--- -•- - - . ptr�severed with the Zam-Belk tend In thou pp 'nV'e Can Bap ly you tot less tlnatl •nd the te11terinlr sore sae thor0unhly many proves a great annoyance, agents, literature, postage, printing, or - ppenin cleaned chert h6alod. 1t» a»dor throb , even on thel ,esus of ptllling cards, i� ' worth.'p-rintin ;<t would coa�ygtt to send direct. eks ,"tarn nr4it eomrne»oing 4r[ah Zatn• Cehamberlarn s Cough Remedy Inas been . Not a single elector was canvassed, - . Ito retnittin lease do so b nfik, the Anger Orae entirely well; and exter,sivbly used and with good sum r ,11 Arab . J oCA,Offite (order, Pogtat Xote, instesd a teying ordinart preperatlan,te'� g p J' had catnap lief hould hat31114 n the a cep's h for the relief and Cube of thia Durfrig :altorationq to a building at �«�(srftw Expreel C3r'dbr or Registered ne donut ehoald hate saIf myself honrsandltoatxot&euter#efts. (Irigt'e Ileal one of thin oldest liven iiettex'and address. +,►u mothers shetaa tree* this 11T. I s►ht.l0n7t g Many cases Have been Cut'ed a uhatrt, known -until recently as tho . agar all other remedies had failed, eed soo,i.enw«treu•"••ara•e•f i. et a wr11 our tot bit bit ed *it, ,"seen»g, . hounds in tho town the front of it watt are alwill S ,rifted in noir, 11at+rtchr• trent brbed vrlre, hroleek, .. Sold by all df+alc>rs, ��' for eA�1A �' ��y �y �tjj�y,�y�e « etosesiw,rashef, totter,11ran therm, f«e4i "d, f0tch C to lnbv6 two esifInge of -lath 1itnti OVel'YdAy A� eftt + �t�t a J4 iIM11ifthell • ala* - /disk, Lt@ Ite, VRA6oN TeI and all 0 .4 injudob.. »d 01100 N, 1t0e A boz, ell dra , leater . tlndermbt;t was a trannewbrk ' I +Jtivbrltbcdwd r Gt�i(NtOt�t ��tt.wrndrtbror0rpgvttr.4ktro;n Ath'i'll ce, , 61aft 109' `to the fourteefith 6t fit= Sold bind &uarantCtad bq W S - 'Yeratnta; tet prtea. ,fond n0 s4otnp for t 11il+ teelatln berntur which has no beekn l Ioltnes, ,. " " _. ... al free, tial boil,,Ra, Afmillimitation". f. The Capi lllati6l, of .7t1a1e2, CriCb, Yr +f• F` ilbi'C�, iaiil, "__ I .Lto the ilt5tilcnts is imrilftletlt, 1111 voted i e trcCotineil, Cllaton. �1 l�'� S '"` qtr -1 titbit