HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1911-02-09, Page 5Clinton News -Record Fobruaryq, Qth, 1911 • Varna A grand -concert b to be e,tv-en eete. town. hall, Varna, on Friday of *vat wee*, under the auspicea or • Court Varna, C.O.F. A first class prograne has been arranged, %wee tale flag pare being: Loule'e MeLellene treader and actress, who .gives several numbers, Mrs. McGuire- of Soaforth :awl Miss Laura lifehardoon„ soloists, and also the Forester's .orchictra. An aeajoyable time is assured, SUMInerhill. • Miss Minnie Lobb visited friends at Vorter'e Hill several days last weelt. Mr. Henry Beacom of Clinton was .a -visitor at Robt. Thompson's during the week. Mr. and Mrs. C. 11. Holland were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Lowery on Friday evening last. The Ladies' Guild met at the home of Mrs. W. Ball on Friday last. • Several from this vicinity attended the funeral of the late 2,Irs; C. Teb- butt in Clinton on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. 'Fred. Clark, who had been visiting at Mr. and. Mrs. W. Lewson's, left for their home in Sask. this week. FOR ST. VALENTINE'S DAY FEB. 14TH 1111111111MMO We have Val- ent nes grave and gay. Post cards ill great variety. Pick them early as stock is limit= ed, sed1111111111111 COOPER'S BOOK STORE CLINTON Surnmerhill. Mr. V. Clifton spent. Sunday the guest of hie father, Mr. J. Clifton, of Prosperity. The many friends of Mr. Orvile Rapsoor are pleaeed to hear that he is recovering. A great number of people are suffer- ing from severe wide. Thia. Searlett spent Saturday and .Sunday at Mr. T. Tyner's. Mr. A. McBrien spent Sunday at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. Fisher are guerts of Mr. C. Beacom at present. Much rtgret was. felt on Sunday when at the regular service of St. Peter's church, Mr. Wm. Dunbar read the eesignation of Rev. W. H. Dunbar as' incumbent of the Suminerhill„ Ilelaresville and Middleton parish. Mr. Dunbar's removal will be a dia tinct loss as he by faithful effort was bringing vhe affairs of the .perish tha high standard or perfeetion. Though • regretting bis removal his friends will follow himeto his new field of labor with their bese wishes. ' • ' The following is the report of 'Union. S.S. No. 1:2 for the month of January, The • names are arranged in order of class standene : Sr. 4th.—Etta McBrien, Willie Townebend, Lynn Mair, Edith Har- vey. . • • Jr.. 4th.—Alvin Townshend, Sword MeBriea, -Effie Rath, Bertie Beacom. 1 110101eSVIlle Mro. W. Pickard t:s in Toronto this week attending the Mendelseohn cen- certs. The, following', resolution was pass- ed at the annual meeting of aoderich Diretriet Orange Lodge, recently held in Bayfield, anda copy e.,ert. to Mrs. Elliott : "To Mrs. Elliott, widow of our late Brother R. IL Elliott: —Dear Madam : At the antral meeting ot Goderich District Lodge assembled in the hail of L.O.L. No, 306, Bay :Line, Goderiele Township, the follow- ing resolution was moved, secondel and unanimously carried. 'We, the tams' and members or this District Lodge take tiesway of conveying to yore our heartfelt sympathy in the be -eavement 'you have gone through during nearly the. last year in -.the death of your beloved husband. Dur- ing his long membership of over thir- ty plus he seldom missed a meeting of the District Lodge, and for a num- her of years he was Treasurer, and would have been to his threth but for. the affliction of his, failing eyesight, 1,4hich became so great that we • had to accent his resignation. We trust that God, in hie infinate wisdom may so guide each and all of us- that we may .tneet your loved one. in that up- per and better world where there is no -tleouble or sorrow. Signed on be- half of Goderich District, Lodge : Gm.). Vanderburg, Dia -Masten, Adam Can- eelon, Disaficeretary." - Thefollowing is the school report for January : e 4th Class—Lottie Lavis, Harold Lavis, Carl Mair, Frank - Jenkins, Clifford -Bolland, Clarence Connett; -Ormond Aleock. Sr.,3rd.-Ilattie Ostrom,' Elva Proc- tor, Verna Jte:ris, Roy eiluntilegs, Harold ('ole. jr. 3rd—L(i,lie ITulier, Datriel .Glid- doe,. Milton Holland, Stewart alaie, Alvin Leonard, Leslie Jervis, Clif- ton !erecter. • • 2nd—Free. Levis, William Al- .eock. , Jr.. . 2nd—,loll • . Ostrom, Norman Mair, Altalind McCartney'. Part 1—Wiliree Jervis.; Willie 'Mil- ler, Elsie Ferguson, Percy Fleming: —J. 11. Lowell!, Teacher, • Sr. 3rd.—Mabel Haeeey, Florence Lawson, Neville Forbes., Fanny Lov- ett, Temee 'Marquis, Calvin Lovett. Jr. 3rd.—May Saviflo, Oline Wright, Jean Lindsay, 11da Mahe Sr. 2nd,—Mereyn Farquhar, Wilson Rath. Jr, •2nd.— Jervis,' Dorothy Mat- quis, Fred. o mson, James John- son. Part 2.—Bessie Lindsay, Amy Mc - Brien, Mary Wrigba . . Part i,—Nellie Beacom, Eddie John- son, Hilda Forbes, 'Mary McBrieu. • . —H. E. Trick; Teacher. • Blgth To mark their apprecieticn 1 the, succeseful labors of .thein worthy'*pitt;- tor, Rev. J, L. Small, the Board of the Presbyterianchurch has, added. one', hundred dollar's to his salary which will now •.be eleven hundred dol- lars. At the meeting • of the Quarterly Board or the Methedist church on Monday a unanimous 'invitation to re - titre for another year was ••extt nded to ItcV. 1'.A, .Fear. ; . • . The Rural Telephone Company is now• running' their wires into the Cen- tral,: . ... • ., . • Mr: Isaac Brown was, in Wingham last week making „preparatioes t0. bated an evaporator of ceinent next gyring, • . . .. .. • The village zotincil met the Other hi evening. Stanieg Township Mrs. Eeirart of IVIaritharre is visiting Mende in this vicinity. Miss Maggie Clarke is misiting friend e in Hensel', Exeter and Credi- ton. Mies Agnes Johnston is ill at time of writing bet we hope to hear of her speedy recovery. Mr. ('has. Rathwelt and Mies Edith Rathwell, who have been visiting !tends near Luo'keow, returnee on Friday. Mr. Robt. Young still continues to be very. ill but we hope he will soon recover. Miss Martha Taylor or Fort Huron, Who has been visiting her brother, Mr. W. J. Taylot, left on Saturday to spend a few weeks: with friends in Stephan. The funeral cf one of our. brightest boys, Leonard Reid, took place, on Friday afternoon to Bayfield ceme- tery. The pallbearers were three brothers of deceased : Nelson, Thos. and Fred., and -Frank Whitmore, and Harvey and Geo. Reid. Among the many friends from a distance who at- tendee the funeral were : Messrs. Robt., James and Edward Webster and Mrs, Blake all of near Lucknow, A memorial service was held in Varna Mathodists church on Sunday evening, when Rev. Mr, Taylor preached from the text, "Precious in the sight . of the Lord is teo death of his saints." The choir sang, "Will the Circle Be Broken ?" Mr. 0. Ward sang by. re- quest: "No Burdens Yonder." Messrs. Christian Hough_ and Harry Iloward were in Bayfield on Tuesday. Mr. J. J. leferner of Zurich was through this -township buying a car load of betels. The slippery condition of the roads is giving blacksmiths a busy time horse shoeing. We extend congratulations. to Mr. and. Mrs. ROA. hicKinnley who joined hearts and hands lase week. The township council meets at two o'clock on Saturday. Blake village is having another at- tempt at opening the long -lased blacksmith shop, Mr. Sam. Ht'y or near Zurich has leased the shop and is now preparing lo open up for busi- ness. e • • . • Miss Emily Drysdale of •Iit•nsall is spemEng some holidays in this town- ship. ' if the present state of affairs con - there the Separate School Supporters Will.soon be Public Sehool Sepport- ers.. Throe new families have •left the former and associated themselves with the latter. Mr. Harecy Boasenbury of Grand Bend is supplying in one or etie Separate Schools. . • ' . Mr. John Johnston, . passed the Model at Christmas:end secured a school near Exeter, has been • too iU to take tharge. • A substitute is aew in charge until. such time as he can ga. . Me. and Mrs. Rules Keyes of Clin- ton visited friends on Babylon Lino WednoSday' last. A daughter of, Samuel Pollock .of Seek. and her husband from that 'pro - 'Vince have been visiting friend a in tho township. They ante on their honey- moon trip. Mr. and Aire. _Edward Johnson and-. Mrs: Chas, E. Johnston visited at the home, of Mr. and Mrs, Nelson Keyes on Friday last. Mr. Chas. Rathwell and • sister, lens% . Edith, ;visited around St. Helens and leteknoWthe past week. , • . 'The many friends . of Mr. • J. T. Keyes will be pleased to., see Min' around again after a severe attack of blocd.poieening.' . Couch ..••=11, SWEEF'-01UT PRICES ON FURS rlake it easy for you to own a Handsome Set. Our method of doing business is to continually offer you the newest and most desirable furs and to do this we must keep our stock clean and free from all old goods. This is why we offer the new up to date wear- ing apparal at cost price and in many cases less. Come in and see for yourself ,the saving you can make by buying Furs here. Saturday was the largest fur day the history of this store. That shows we have the right goods at the right prices. Opposom Scarfs $4,25 4 Brown Oppnsnin Scarfs, fur on both sides, trimmed with heads and tails, 11t'g. $8, Sale Price • 54 25. • Your voice of any Lad- ies' Cloth Coat on rack ' $4.48 • Mink Marmot Ties $3.75 1 Mink Marmot Ties, 14 inches long, satin lined, Sale price $:3.75 . • Sable Scarfs. Sairle Souls. best quality Sable fur no both sides, trimmed with heads and tnile, u very heod some scarf, Reg $22, Sete price $11 Sable Muffs Jtigt 2141051P Mulls left, first dual. it y Sable, Empire sheer., reg $22, Sale price $10.50, Persian Lamb Scarf4 $6 Just 3 Persia; iLeaeintal: Scarfs lef t. nice small curl. Reg $10, Sale Isabella Fox Scarfs 2 only Isabella Fox Seneca trim- med with head and tail, Reg $15, Sale Price 510, Isabella Fox Ruffs g only Isabella Fox Muffs, !Ernj. pire style, t handsome fur, Iteg. $20, Sale priee $18.50 Mack Hare Muffs " • $3.98 Black Hare Muffs in rug shape, satin lined, Sale price 3.08. EVERY COURTESY AND AVENTION AWAITS YOU HERE. Ooderich Township Londesboro, Mrs. Brown of the village' is suffer ing from a severe attack of pneumon- ia. Mr. Jas. Cummings of Blyth and Mr. Matt. Armstrong of Constanc:, each shipped a car of cattle Saturday of last Week. Messrs. Iloward Brunsdon and Adams delivered a horse to Mr. Swan of 13ruceheld last week. Mr. livery Lear has sold his !erne on'the 13th eon. to Mr. 11. Watson of the Boundary line for a piece in the neighborhood of $7000. Jas. A meeting or the Women's Institute will be held in the Temperance house. on Friday, Feb. 17th, at 2 p.m. when Mrs. Parsons of Foreet will give an addresa. All ladies are cordially in- vited to attend. The nernbees of the Institute intend baying a pie social in the near future. A young daughter has arrived. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Johnstone. To 1‘,/r. and Mrs. Chas. H. Manning a daughter wee born on Sunday last. Rev: W. 11 Dunbar, incumbent of Hohaeseille parish, has decided to g� to Bervie, in the county of Bruce, and wile likely take eharge or the services there on the first Sunday ie March. Messrs. Lobb eind Sinclair Will have an auction sale Of cows, young cat- tle and horses on..Thursday U. next* week, The cows number tweneve Iaht and .are a choice lot or steer: reed dainy Durham greclos,• just the kind our farmers need More of, th The enteriminmeet given by the. Young Ladies' Guild • of St. James eherch, 'Middleton, wesa decided sue - cess and much praiso• is due to the young . people for thee talentoi way in which they rendered the program. ' • Porter's Hill Miss •Minnie'.Lobb returned ' home Sunday afeef spending a week with. Miss Maggio Cox, Mins Daisy Currie spent a few days leecntly at Mrs. Charles McGee- gor'S.• • • a . • Satre •Ethreerson and his brotb- eee James, ' who has been :visiting around tervie for tm day.s.,. returned home Thursday evening: . Miss Fisher nee -riled to 'fie:Word af- ter: spermitag a week at Mrs. Jerdenes. We are, sorry to hear that' :Mr. Reid Torrance is under. the weather'. • We hope to .hear Of Lis .speedy recovwee . On Friday evening the members - of the congregation ot Bethel church. gathered' at •the home. of -Mr. John Woods : and presented Miss Jennie Woods with a handsome gold', -watch and fob, accompanied by an: addroos: The Presentation was madeas a mark of appreciaelon of eeiss• Wood's valu- able strvices as organist in the thumb. Tit 0 ugh taken -compe..t y by surprise Mitt Woods made a suitable rcfply 'thanking -her friends for . their kindness. The rethainder or the ev- ening teas -spent in games, rnusic,re- citabio8, et. The ladies had -pro- vided, luncb -whet was. duly serail and after a pleasant evening the eom- pany dispnrscdin good time. , . Brucef101d. Mr. Thos. McMillan and Mr. Thos. Shillinglaw will speak on Reciprocity with the lenited States itt fleucedeld on Saturday evening. $25.00 FOR A LETTER CAN YOU WRITE -ONE?. Stanieg Township Farmers along the Sauble Line have been teaming out clover seed and beans and thus swelling their bank aCeetnit. Some person noticed a light in Mr. Rufus Keya's house one night last week and upon investigating tne cause it was. found thit a number of old tramps had gained entrance through a back door. It was supposed they were marching southward and had taken shelter for the night, but next morning biscuits and cheese, broken drinking vessels and glass from the window were scattered around the room. Mr. Hayter's stove was also damaged. An empty beer keg was found near by but its beart's blood had been sucked out, therefore it is unable to tell any tales. But 011, you tramps, beware, beware! Mr.. James Pollock of Indian Head, Sask., is visiWng friends on Goshen and Babylon. Lines this week. Miss Aggie .Johnson is ithproving, her many friends will be glad to hear. Statistics of the township of -Stan- .ley for the year 1910 : The area of the township is 43,3e3 acres, and tho' total Assessment for the year was $1,960,910. On this asseresment were levied the following sums : For Coun- ty taxes $3,921.82, -township taxes $4,902.10,• General school tax. $3,- 731.37, Special school taxes $2,037.- 88, the Big Drain taxes $662,65, S(.11)- erate school debenture $33.20, and the Dog tax wag $218. Eight Prizes to , he Awarded in a Letter Writing Contest Open to Every One 14 Ontario. • Dr. Williams' Pink Pills fon Pale People have been used .in Ontario , for a generation. Hundreds of remark- able cures Irma been reported during that time and there is nearcely family • itt whieft the remedy has not been tried with beneficial results; This fernisbee the material for the letter .to be written in this wiriest. There le no:demand. upon the image elation ; every lettet must deal with facts and facts only. • • ' PRIZES Mr. John Stephenson is under tho weather those days. His mane friendshope to sees hire around again very soon. • : Quite a number of young people attended the retinal of Leonard . Reid on -Fredae fast. , The January monthly .report' of S.'S, No. 1.1, Stanley, is as follows. Nanies are in order of merit' : Fifth—A Petrie, -11.. A. Fisher, Ada MeBeath. •' Sen.. Fourth -4. M. 1110Clymont, Meelymont, W. efel3eath: Jan., Fourth—J. Collins, J. Col lins; • Anna :IMO& • Sen. • Third—A. MeMur tries L. E. Wasman, G, Ross. Jun. Third—W. Cceper, Fisher, C. Johnston: • ' . • Seeond. Part, Syn. -13. Collins E elniripe. et . Cooper. • ' . Seemed Part, Jun.—N. II0ock Gracie, Cooper. • • • . First Pare—Willie Itax-vey, Wilfred ROSR: The. best spellisrs in the monthly spelling matches were :, • Fifth—Herbert Keihl. Sen. Four h—Itl a It ati men Jun, Fourth—Jessie Collins. Sen. Third—nan'rence 'Wrisman. ,l'un. Third -Anna Fisher. ' Second Part—Bella Collins. Report. of S.S. No. 13, Stanley, for the month of ,Tanuary • s . 4th Class,—Marks obtainable 625— Myrtle .Johnston 524, Bertha, Keys •52e, Rena Stephenson 484, Earl Johnston 471, Della Keys 146, Lloyd Keys 398, Sherlock Keys 352; Will. Johnston 313. 3rd Class,—Marks obtainable 425. -- Vale Elliott 294, Roy Keys 281. 2n1 Class,—Marks obtaitieble 300. -- Irene Elliott 222, Elmore Keys 204. 1st Class,—Marks obtainable 250— Reese' 'Wright 188, Wilbur Keys, ill, unable to attend exam. —3, E. Harnwell, Teadter The following report shows the rel- ative, standingof the pupils, of U.S.S. No. 9 ter JanuarY, based on regulani- ty, punctuality and gontral deport- 1114elitie Nieholsen, Jakie Brenterrian, Pearl McBride. Sr. 3rd.—Lorne. Manson, Emanuel Moyer', aide Moyer. ar• 814,..—ga11cy trentieraat, Bby McBride, Clara Zapfe. Sr. Manson., Gladys nottglia9, Abraham zoo. Jr. 2nd.—Itutil "Zirk, John Moyer, Acta Kennel. Pt. 2.--tIarvey Moyer, Sara Ftb. Pt. 1,—Ilerbie Moyer. • .-41. S. Itoward, Tetieher. London Road • Miss Ruby Wise epent the week -end with. ,Neies Ruth .Walkinshaw' of Clin- ton. • Mr, and Mrs. W. (1. Plewes•of • the -Cariadiair Soo are visiting friends in the West End. We regret to heal:that •I‘Irs. Mc- Knight, Sr., is critically 111. Mr: Harry Cudmore has sold his eighty -acre farm on the second eon. L.R.S. ta Mr, Albert Pepper and pur- poses moving la Egmondvillo. The League met on Thursday, eveh- ing at the ironic of Mr, Wiltse. The Preeident, Mr, Arthur Stevenson, was in ebarge. • Mr, Ed. Plewes expects to hive for his home at Moossnin, Sask., this week and will visit at the Soo on his way back, Mts. Ovessman also leaves for Moos - min this Week. Miss Tillie Nott has retuned from Bayfield where she spent a month. Miss McMichael, Hullette has been the guest of Miss Lulu Wiltse, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stanbure visited Mr. and Mrti. Wm. Vhapman, Tee:bete Male on Sinday. Mrs. Stevenson, mother of. Mr. Ar- thur Stevenson, observed the seventy-fifth anniversary of her birthday on Friday last Among -those who were present at the family gathering were Mrs. Johnston a and Sergi:nit+ and Mrs. Welsh, Clinton, and Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Welsh of the Bayfield Line. The Dr. efedicine C'o., of Brockville, Ont., wile award a prize or $25.00' for the• best letter received on •or befare. the 20th day of March, 1911, .from residents of the province or • Ontario, on the subject, . "Why' I Reoommend . Dr, Williatne' • 'Pink Pills." • .A ,prize•.01 $10-.00 will , be awarded • for the second 'best . letter :received.; a prise of $5.00 ". for • the tided -best letter. and flee prizes of $2.00 each for the next; best five • let- ters: • CONDITIONS . The cure or benefit from: the use of Dr. - Williams' Pink Fills 'described in the letter may be in the writer's own ease, .or one that has come under his or her .pereonal observation. . ' More than one cute may • be de- scribed in the letter, but every state- ment must be literally and absolute- ly trie. • • The letter should be no longer'. _than is necessary to relate the benefit • • ob- tained froni the reakdy in the edse', deseribee. • Every •letter must be. signed by the full name and ecorrect . addressof the persoe sending 11'. If it describes the cure of some 'person other than the writer of the 'letter, it must also • be. signed by the person whose cure is deneribed an a -guarantee of the truth of the statement made. The writer of each letter meet state, the name and date of the, paper • . in which be or she saw' this. announce- ment Fine writing will' not Win Idle prize unless yau have a „genet ease. to • dee ecribe. •The strength of the recom- inundation • and not the Style of the letter Will bethe basis of the award. It is understood • that The Dr.. , Wil - lime' Medicine (70.shall! have the right to publish any letter entered in .this Contest if they • desire. to do so whether it wins t prize or not. The eontest will close on March_ 20th, .1511, • .-and the priz( s will ewarded as 80011 ae possible thereaft- er. Do' not .delay. If you know.' of a 'cure write yowl letter NOW.. Ob- serve- . the above. conditions carefully or your letter may be thrown out. Aderee; all letters as follows : The -Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., • Brocksite, Ont. Letters Conttst Depattmcnt. • The Islews-Iteeord fads for Town, iind 'Township News. INCE the days of Farragut the BowMu Watch,has been the chosen timepiece with America's men of action —in both war and peace. • The flowaan saw service in the Civil War and the Spanish-American War. e. It went round the world with the American battleship fleet. In big industrial plants --on the American railroads—wherever accurate time is a factor, you will find the /fawns') Watch the court of final resort. flowAno watchmakers make and adjust every Hownan as aline watch. Cased at the factory and timed in its own case. Printed ticket fires the price -44o to # so.' f -et us show you this distinctive watch A. J. GRIGG Jeweler and Optician Issuer of. Marriage Licenses The British press comments on the Duke or Connaught's aepointneent and the trade agreement between Canada and the United States, Terms CASH IRWIN S .1•11,11.1=m,•••••••••••.. • ONE PRICE ONLY 4=1•11.11•1•11.10. Dungannon, Miss L. Dunkeld, nf Goderich, spent Sunday week with friends here.. Ernest Doff has moved into Mrs. Smith's hone in the village, Rev. S. IL Moyer, of St. Helens, preached in E, -kine church last SIM - day. Iler many friends are sorry to hear of the serious illness of Mrs. B. Aug- ustine. Gordon Stothers and Fred Savagel of ()Merida, visited with friends here recentiy. E. Westbrook and T. Steel left last week for Petetboto, to work in the woods for T. O. Allen. L. Saunders, of Mafeking, spent a few days with het brother, James Whyard, lest week. JA load of friends from Ebenezer were mitt:tined one evening last week at the home of IL A. McKenzie. . The box social held in the Orange Hall Jan, ph, under the auspieee of the A. ?, . of St. Paul's church Was a sucesei eonsidering the weather and roads. A good program was, given and the boxes were auetioned alt by John Forvis, of liolyrood. The pro- ceeds amounted to $21, r KEEPING BUSY _1 We've been kee pifig 1 t (3 Jr( tp. the dull season by selling wanted goods at low prices. When you want to econom- ize you know where to come. We're af- ter your trade, our interests are mutual, we intend to make them more so. Dress Skirt Lengths Four only all wool grey check tweed yds wide worth $1.25 per yd, 3 yds to skirt length $3.75, fox $1.50 per length. • 5 Doz. Pairs Only Ladies' and Children's mitts and Gloves black and colored, worth 25e, 30c, 35c per pair, clearing at per pair 19c. Table Linens . . The -first delivery of our spring stock is now on our counters, they are pure linen from the landof the shamrock,. We know the merits of the goods we sell. Your money back if not sat- isfied. Bleached damask with napkins to match • cloths ; ,and. Napkins and Fancy Linens is great variety. It is necessary to see the qualities to appreciate the values, We solicit an inspec- tion. • E.. AT • IRWIN 7.,S THE PEOPLE'S STORE FURNITURE 0 • We thank our customers for their generous patron- • age during 1910 and solicit • a continuance of the same • during 1911. Our greatest endeavor is to give them good goods at a reasonable price. • • 0I • A NEVI YEAH TO ALL • The Store of (Nullity, PhOni, 28 Walker Furniture Deskr and Undertaker Residence Phone 140