HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1911-02-09, Page 4�4
February 9th, 191 i,
--____1 1-1 _�
ONLY A 'PIN ''--'-
, , " - , , , , __.�.. v� �_
A Clerics '
I '
at the Trade of Pin -Making,
-Camplen Machinery Used
. __1 �,
A very lour. bridjo of years, In'Oeed,
�", SPans jime,
the since a la4y's "Pin
money" was really used for,the ob,
I .
lect Ito name a sts. And there I is I
'uggo I
An equally wide difference between I Some of King George's Speeches aro_
the pins used by "My lady" of those Models of Lucidity, Happy 9x,
days and the almost invaluable little and Eloquence
article we should fl4d it so hard to �
do without to�day.
. I . . I .
I . I . I
WORKS . . I ...
At one period In our blotory the Im, Although King Cearge, like his
portation of pins into this owntry was
11amented Royal father, is by xiatura
forbidden by law, although so august
. �
a Personage as Queea Catherine . re-
aptitude and- long training a ready
ceived hers from France, where, at
and eloquent speaker, he has raturally
that time most of the pins were made..
neither the tinto nor the knowledge
They were expensive articles, and
.1 Pin money" was a consideration, and
necessary to li�epare many of tbe
speeches he has to, deliver. Tak�,, for
one with which no lady of any preten-
example, the opening of a new,V74ng tD
tions to fashion could afford to dis�
a hospital, for which it is noccZary
to give a history of the hospital and
Another law with regard to pins was
Its work, to refer to the distinguish(d
passed in 1543, and It enacted that tile
men It has given to, the world, and to
sale of pins should be prohibit ' d un-
the part It has played in advancing
less "double -beaded," or with "!leads
Medical and surgical science,
fast soldered to the shanIc." Ass; ull-
These are matters wlalch call for ex -
less it be provided with a firm bead, 4
pert knowledge, and of which the King
pin is practically useless to us. This
Is naturally as ignorant as ,the aver�
law will b� read with considerable
kge layman. 'Here, the hospital autnor-
-amusement by ladies of to -day.
Itles come gallantly to his assist e .
When, in 1626, the pin -making trade
and practically prepare his speeclonfor
was Introduced Into Great Britain by
him. A committee of the principal
,One Tilaby, the manufacture of the
officials Is formed, the records of the
article was for some time confined to
hospital are carefully searched,
Stroud, but it quickly spread' to Lon-
the result of the committee's work Is
,don, Bristol, and Birmingham; and it
embodied in a speech of perhaps all
Is at the great metropolis of the Mid-
hour's duration. The speech, or state -
lands that most of our pins come from
ment Isthen .carefully revised and cut
nowadays, although some are still
down'to the irequired compass of about
made In Warrington and Dublin,
Most complex is the machinery used
a quarter of 44 hour at the outside,*
-now in pin -making. It is a wonderful
and invested with as much Interest
and literary merit as the committe I e
I thing where all the pins go to, and
can put Into It. . -
bow scarce they are when they are
Purple Letters on Vellum
wanted. And the wonder becomes all
the greater when we remember that a
Four typewritten copies of the fln�
large factory will turn out many mil-
Ished speech are then made, and,
armed with these, the, committee Ar -I
lions of pins In a day and that there
are many factories keeping up th Is
range a conference with the King's
Secretary,. wito, ,makes such sugges-
In older pattern machines there used
tious and amendments as he thinks
advisable. The revised proof is then
to be eighteen processes, but these
'have superseded, and now the wal
submitted to His Majestys who fre-
ful mechanisms not only make the-
Quently re -writes it ig satisfy his Judi-
,�omplete, but stick them in the famil-
, . I
iar pale blue papers. that everyone
knows so well.
Black pins and ladies' hairpins are
given their hue by being placpd In a
' .
revolving chamber so that they are
.. .1 -
�1� I
. .-We A I:% �
.1. �
kept on the move all the while the
....... ..... �� .. _�.�44`1.*,All"k A
enamelling process is going on . By
,;%� i'......
I.A -
this means the enamel settles quite
. � .. .
'i4t: �
evenly, and a -smooth black lustre on
,�.4,%� ,I *
. :T__1
... , .. .
..... �i�., I
tile pins is the result.
, ._....
I I �..,;.` . - I. �
"It's only a pin," is a remark so,me-
. .
times heard. Yes, it's only a pin, but
. time of the whereupon
the following question was handed up
it represents, nev�,rtheless, the out-
I .
come of one of the greatest triumphs.
man's inventive gen-ius has ever won,
77:2 ,
72.4 � -
and an article, humble though it be,
to be answered-.. "is the candidate
that few would care to be without.
. ---------
. 11�'," : ... M ..."
_�& , .. I
Alligator Hunting Not a Suitable Occu.
.....% n
� 1,11-1-1
. le
. pation for Timid I
.. . v .4
�% � ..4 .
That one-half of the world does not
� � i...-1 -
I �
: iii,� ,
I, -,�
. . .
know how the other half lives is a
!�-i,2 -W
good deal truer than some people
Imagine, There are dozens of at -ange
, �'
I .. miNG timuRGE V., - . I
I � - .I .-, - . .
I � .
ways of earning a living which those
. . .. . - I . � . �_ - I �
following the more common -place oc-
vidual tast�, and'when it has thus -
cupations never dream of. Among
re�.elved the Iftokal approval the man-.
these surely aligator catching is one
useript. -is sent' to the printers and
,on the strangest. , �
reproduced 4n' purple letters on vel-,
The commercial value of these
lum, in which gorgeous fortult is sent '
strange reptiles is, of course, their
to His Majesty, �
-skins, and for this reason quite a small
i Iii hi's earlier years King Edward
Army of men hunt them regularly in .
used to learn these prepared speeches.
the tropical regions among the rivers
by heaft; and, aided by an excellent.,
and swamps of the Nile and Ganges.
. i
'memory, was able.to deliver them
*They live to a great age -some are
with all the natural effect of. impromp- I
known to be 500 years old, and by the
tu utterances. On one occasion, it Is �
tremendous strength which they can
said -tile speech was to b?� delivered �
-exert when occasion calls for it, one
at the Royal. Academy I banqd�t-he
-would Imagine that the older they live
had owitted this precaution and, fur, j
ft tile stronger they grow.
ther, found,to his,dismay &i he had. -
Besides an unusual amount of pluck
forgotten to take' the copy with him. ]
-and resource in handling the alliga-
He pr0ied, however, more than equal :
tDr, one needs to have a keen eye and
to the emergency, -trying as It was to � ,
a sharp hand. For holding shut the
fin inexppr= speaker, and de- ,
. .Jaws of an alligator one and a halt
livered one Ildst-speech4s of his �J
times your own length Is life with the
like, to,the surprise and delight of Ills (
Joy left in; trying to hold those @ame
auditors, to :Whom he Confessed. his.
. jaws open is experience gained too
predicantent. .� . .. . . �
late to be of use. And- the alligator In ,. In later yrars, when experience had 11
its native land is not as it appears to 1.
begott confidence, His 1. Majesty was I
be at the Zoo, a sleepy and slow-
contenetuto waster the faCt3 and figures .
moving creature, but very quick and.
Df his speech, and to trust - to'the. in-
lively in all its movements . -
_# +1- __,__& *--.I,- "__ �_
- GrontoA Nows-Recom
________. - 3
� 6 I'; ;;.;� �z4;4. _ — —, - __ I-
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,., � , ,
.. ._ 1.
1� -4- - ,---- " --
I "', ._�.���._ . I 1, � -� , s" , -_ -
, — . - .... I . I
I -
11 1- .- . - �
, N� 60TCH WAS WISE 4`04"11 . Second Class
KEPT HAPPENJ ' ROV. J. X. Millyard wall in Torou G'or�' "' SU
, last week attftdiug the Convention. 0 1 1 v, i A toPp"bPv" "
Thinks one Writer, Qlg6usaing Hl$,. Mr. Mothorwell of Glasgow, Scot, ClINTON. PUB110 willter osbailleston, 77
. BY Helen Help Handing Over of Title land, visited Mr. yule, last. week. . A"'er' "e"It" W .
James came into the ,house In the . Mr. Garnet Cudmore, mlieving a&. unie L. Ker, '.Veacher.
darkness of night, lie moved very Frank GOtch's action Ili handing ent, who h" beenat London East for I — 1" �
quietly and carefully, feeling in his over the tItIQ of champion wrestler In some time, isbonke. �b $ I %
Pocket for his match box. it was Mr. Fred. 111auns is putting in a ner secret,
there--deCeitful. thing -but I the world to Mahmout-explodeis .any , Report for January of Clinton Publie
I watell Jack and uplight School. A verage attendance 2Q1.
-a Watch In It. , I fancy tile fatto who follow the wrest- beater, in MW $he Always L*Oked ,So. Youv$
SO James continued to move about I ling game rvir,ht have bad that the conlie0ion with hisbarber shop, also. Seniors. First Division
a supply tank. . . BVeryoue referp to her as. one or
in his little home neSt with We: 4ir I big lowain would return to the game Carman Hoare 79 percent tho must attractive women in
- inva( - Mrs. Herb. Brooks, who has � town.
of a burglai Ilug the domicile Of I and take on Ilaelcenschm'dt, Afall been Celli Beacom 72 It wasn't her features, for while resu-
another. mOut, visiting her fathep-ill-lAw, Mr. George Harvey Walker 69 Jar, they were not unusual. j3ut the
��ybysko lit one grand .Carnival of Brooka, has returned to he Pearl i u nor 08 charm lay In .theA bead of lsplendl_cl,
James bad not been out tog late tot r home in vlgoroUs hall' that Made a veritabio
Peace -it was his own, well-earned, r,l)ort. Gotill, It." no d�oubt concluded. Montreal. Helen Rodaway 64 crown It had that Peculiar lurtre,
.. Lulu Howe 07 _yO tin 94V0 It an added brilliance
that ilicr,� is niore honor In seplulslon .Miss Stella Robson, who has been Ii. couldn't look at
Perfectly acknowledged lodge night at the has un- and ti;o 8
and the Only One he claimed In a week ,present juncture and Harold Kilty ,her witbou
. 611 Unconsciously commenting on ,
Of Cozy home evenings. And yet, b%v_ doubtedly shown greater omm, 11 visiting her sister, Mrs. Harry Arn- Juniors beauty Of ]ter haLr.
. a to Harry Sbaw When asited llolv she k,
�Pt it so
inadvertently loaned Jon his BU,8o than Jeffries who wa uveigled old, has retUrned to her home, Ailsa 07 beautiful she ropilp(i that 4 was no
1119 � es into a nght with jack Johnson wh(n Craig. Margaret AeUggartoa-
last match, he moved among his own
furniture with a wonderful solicitude. the .Californian should have been The wait -1119 room and office of the Second Division secret, simPly Proper shampooing, reg -
"13z' cOInblng and the Consclentloupt
It was not so much that he endea- working on Ills ranch. Seniors ust� Of IfIrsutone. $he admitted it
G.T.R. has been greatly WProved by Frank Ponnebaker 89, bad not always been in that condittola.
vored to be silent as that he was mit. Had the prorrioters been successful having a new floor put in and also a I Fostel Copp, 71 but that She found ITIrsutone the best
tions -that is the word -cautious, He in getting Gotch to re-enter the mat, desk.pbouc. Jennie Miller 71 thing "lle ever got for the hair. it
went about the seemingly fsimpl , e task the wrcstlIng game would unqucstion . Rave. tile scalp, Buell a cool' refreshed
riot Vantelon 70 feelln 'd the hall. wa;' so mucU
of getting from the front door to the ably have undergone a big revival f,r D. D. Cr. Jolla Stewart and his In- liar easle 9, a). .
Charlie OantelQn 07 r to dress after Its use.
staircase with a certain circumspec- with a, return match with Ha�ke_n4 Stallation 'team were here last Thurs- Giffora Beaton 05 There are plenty of beado that
Would be Just as attractive for ITIrsu-
tion. And right here something lisp- schmidt in right and with Mallmout day to install the newly elected 1.0� 3 unlors tone soon brings the hair and, scalp
peried, something he . had seemed to and ZYbYskO to dispose of, Gotch �O.p Officers, . Arnold GlAzler 78 ; into ,good condition. .
fea, I r was going to happeo from the would certainly have enough on his iW F. XcL Smit-�a,d wife t . Oliv6rJohnson 76 : Your Nyal Drug Store will cheer -
moment he slipped the latchkey home. hands to whet the appetite of all who L . . were . UlArs Twitchel I 70 f.u.11� ,,, e
, . t guarantee IfIrsutons to do all
In short, James fell over a chair. v follow the game. Hackenachmidt and : in Toronto last week attending the ',aimed for it, and everl IWO-
Nora Kennedy 67 . 11111,11 ,owes It to herself to try
It was a. chair that had not been ,Zybysko would probably be not taken convention of christian workers, pre- Milton Streets 66 --------- -
there. when he left the house that glad seriously, a. western Canada 'Writer sided over by, Dr. Chapmn, . Mervyn Elliott M . . 0% . I
May morning. He muttered softly to thinks, the former because Gotch. bad Mr, C. IlOgarth and bride, who have . Clinton Cook 65 . .
himselfis "Genevieve hao been at it already beaten him decisively, and the 'been sfilcoding a few days, with the lat,- Eva Carter 64 . I — 0 'I
Again," and steored on another tack latter because he does not rate up to Norval blao Loan 02 � . I
I This time he got the hat -rack. 'It -the Gotch standard. ter's, parents, T. Murdock and wife, Willie Gould 60 I . W.,�,Iv I . �
was a tall hat -rack with many pro. In the case of Mahmout, however, left last week for Calgary by way, of Prances Reynolds 60 I., I AAM I OLV - 11�
tuberances and a malignant I disposi. Gotch would be ,called upon to allow Chicago and St. Paul. . -M. H. Chidley, Teacher. . � . 0 1 . 0 I
tion. . I all the skill he at one time had, and George Joynt has teams haulAng Seniors Third Division 0 ,��rm . ._
"Ow," remarked James In sudden 'it is probably the possibility that the gray0l to his farm, where he intends Ofte for ewll,eVeryday afteft
. .
and - Indescribable arigufall 40 a bat Turk mJght be just a little too good Irene Cole 90 . �
. , ,
peg hit him Ili the eye. for the former champion that has de- raising the butbilildings an -d putting . Lydik Morrish 812 - Sold and Guaranteed by W. S. R,
. . He, dodged, I I I
and got a. stlie,swipes with the, um- elfled Gotch to steer clear of all the .cement stables under.:, He also �ou_ Percy Ladd 81 Mimes, J, B. Hovey, W, A.
brella stand. . . I battles, If Gotch took on any one of templates other improvements which Doreen Stephenson 81) I McConnell, Clinton. .
� Margaret Walker 74 �
I . .
Grabbing % wildly for something upon . the three this public would of course will rt�ake his farm one of the finest In .. Harold Hill I i 74 1 .
which lie might depend for safety, , demand that he meet the trio, and this; section. - Winnie Draper -
t mental portion of' naturally the Turk would have his . .171 1
the mirror frame and hungon for dear chance. I I - I I I EdwinJudd . , 1 71 If it 'delights others so Much
life. But the mirror'frame was gin Perhaps It to better that G*b. has . - . Juniors (Jordon McCartney 67 1 I .
- �
unreliable thing Bud hated to 'have its I decided to remain In seclusion. * � What O. A. C. Renews Its Offer of Mary Chidley 87 it will surely please you. ,
varnish blurred anyway-, so It simply happened to. Jeffries 14 still fresli in .. Assistance In Drainage. Mariorie McMath 82 The regular price. is tell cerits a copy,
til!ped ,,I - towards James. . tile minds of sports who follow the � , Mal;el Hewitt 79 1 but it will be seist on trial to ne
,,,,,!ht ovei _n't broken it-7that prize -ring, and while Gotc4 rniglit be Elenor Konip ' 76 .
beautifu you ha -4 I I In July. 1909 the D6partmellt of - w
I hall tree that Aunt Mary able to take the measure of the three . Eiskine Evans 71 . ilibscribers - only sixty five Cents a
gave mo?" There was a hint of storm Of them, tb� possibilities of staging Physics at the �O.A.C.. prepared a plan Leona Nediger 1 70 � vear-and full inoney back if In a
in the 'Voice of Genevieve. I another fiasco of the dimensions' of , of drains for a 52 acre. block of land Lnis Holines . AQ nonth the new subsci-iber writes that
. � to dotis not like his harkaiti. Address
"Oil, no, Genevieve," sighed James the'Seffries-Johnson memory Is avoid. Qatt liad never growrl a crop -it, was Kathleen Dowzer 67 1
from Ills cosy corner on -the stairs. ed, and, after all, the sports should be tO wet. The drains were laid that - � " Bertha Yates - It -1 . I'lie Pictorial Publishing 0o., 14:4 8t�
"Oh, no, I havon't'hurt It. I'm holding thankful, The misfortune of the whole. autil, . .. . . & I - 4-leter Street, Montreal.. � -
the sweet thing In my lap right now affair seems to be that Mahmo nrit. In 3.910 that 52 aer(is yie',Id- . . -.T. Wilson, Teac .e.r. . . .
lit ap- Faurth Division � . . . �
because -it seems -to hate so to leave peared, on the scene Just a little too ed potatocs and corn w the'value of 'Senior Th I rd . - -1 . . I .
me!." And" Janteg spoke* to the hat- late: to' tackle Gotch when he was at $2250 I The farm lies within, five * Marian Gibbings 02-. �1, . .. .
rack, lifting it up to. an obligato of 4iB. best, Gotch has exhibited good miles of'the city of London. Why had Lvota I -lit, litild . OL . 11. 1, I I TRIED REMEDY
pot names that would'have startled. sense when lie decided to hand the this land lain useless for gcncr�tlons? . . .� Elsie HoltzhKuer 00 _� I
his pastor. And James isn't a man *'title over to .the Turks and the Turk Pothaps, the, previotis''owne Eugene 8heeley . %X) � F0R THE GRIP. -
who ever uses a rough wordi either. , should be satisfied, for he comes Into . rg thought Tvilitbel N111'r,411itli 87 . I !11
Then he went. up -stairs. the laurels worn by Gotch without it could not bc drained -as a. mabter . Jim Mccreary 85 111�
. They have no electric lights at the 1 having to even li�at Gotch's � famous 01 fact it.was a difficult problem, for I � Aileen Artuoily 8.1.) - 11 , ,
iome of James and Genevieve. They , toehold. ... . .. � . this land was very flat. and the out- RlIssel orich 80 .. 11 - . . I I
�XPect io put them In noxf year. So � - , . lot poor. . Perhaps they. did-iiot be- 1-. Fdtda Wallis *79 1 1� , ..
� *
Tames paused irresolur,ely at the bed- I " - . . I ?!eve drainage would pa-y-thig om I ,; I .. . Ina TrOWhill ' 7,9 . . 1 . III I .� . . .
,Oom door. "Where are you, dear?" - . . . . 1. -1; �,, . � . Hope Brown . 78 � C; -� .
_4 crop 'should �onvinco t-bem.: Or per,- Joe Nelson 76 . . �
" � ' I - .
iailed James, meekly. � ,,���, .,; , �, ; ,� - .,:�;' &, 1.
. , ._.�� * .y. believed in driainage ' but . -gent 70 -
The answer came from art entirel-v - 1�k � 11 , , haps t1h( Han n all At . . .
inexpeoted angle, causing him to turni . I. , ;11. . .. did not knOw. just how- to undertaL-b' Will 810111all 76 M �
. 1.11?". . � I . . Clifford Graelis 70 1 .
its head with an abruptness that al- , .. [I.- such exten . . .
- neck '-I the name :....�.�- sive .drainage opeliatious, . I . �, - - I
nost broke, his . . I ral College is Juniorg � - .
.. I
if Mike," breathed Kmeg,n'bow'd you /I QW.W16 il"ifil . . .. SAdis Walsh 05 - . .119 .
set over th6ro?" ' ' I . � , � �� ..�.--;: endeavoring to help those in doubt Relen.Forester 1 94 , -
� .
is . ,? X Marjorie Barge P2 ,��
"Light -the gas, dear, soothed his .,:�,,,;,_ �111MN;�i, . I 174
� ;. � . ,,, H about drainage. Any. farmer in On- I
:;:,, .. -Z; 'I T y, .: �
. ,.. .�_ . tario, wishing assistance in his drain- I
.,�!�.��.�; ,.- '. .. ' ar y
.. ", � � , .�
.��zj ."'zi "' $
�rlenevieve,, collecting her kindness of . i z" �� ' P , I .. M , Rathwell R) .
. . -,'� j. I I
. :i� yJ � .
. '. I'M", .* - . age problems may have the same by arc . '11 __
&:,�4'i, . I Id", �'. '.. 1.
Leart from the wreck of the hat -'rack. , ?.).'v..-W,,i1, - H Id Manning 90 i - i�
�.� . .. i;,11 , W .
all..rigilt. 0 ,i i: �fi:,Vi-,:�.`, 6�'qm.kpxffir ... ... F, . J i m Reid - 87 . - . . .
11:1% -.4...., 1;�d� ': '. - V
,Ight. the gas and yau'll: be � . -b61.;'�.!f;.1,71V ,P1 voR 'i".�i'v".Y1.7-11ah u..'r making application to the Depart- Murray McNeil .86 .
.. -
. -. ,
-Jantes steered straight for th -gas 'I!i'.',!�-'..!� -'1.--,.,,; ,, 1 !!. ., W: F,:Td1y%1,,r,
��n .
X ,., 'J"i'llil .
. _e ,,'. -,, � , il, � . As Ruth HeMath 82 , - .
sracket beside the. dresser. On'the -. :' �"`:�,i'ij'.. -, qr,v qq 11) . mmt .of Physics. O.A.C-.,. Guelph. Nettie Glazier 82 - . I. W
. - f ' a . 11
oad he met the rocking chair in - - .. waggli .1% jy), . soon aspossible alter receipt Of,' the I . ' I � ,
," 54 -adviser is sent I . �
�., ... application a drainage
I.. . -8,5 ., % ag. "' : . Ernie Little so - - OR
*rce but'sil6ait oombat,'Und the rock : .... a ... q .,2 to mak6 a. survey of the land, after A�nes Fair . 81 F
* chair threw him down and kicked. ,!v!':Im�l� � ... - , Y,Q . � . �
. 1 9 'V-,.!--"' i
. ; I. �';01,0'., � 0,9 . . � Willena, Keyes 80 I
r:1 ... "V, 4F, , ' - 7 9
lm V101erltlY, while Genevieve sat up . .9. V, 1-1.
rid screamed. . '. - .� i.."i X- which hemakes a, complete, 'map aow- . Elsie Gracile OUGH3.
11 .
. ' F1 , �, ....1. � tug the location of the drains, ihe . � . ... -(Lue'Stevens,) Teacher. .
Emerging from the ruins, . James . I #...g I I . I Fifth Division I . � .
..... ... � a grade, s1ze of tile, *etc. , When . CA.0111- . . �**
athered to his.bos6m a coru6r of the ....I.; 1,4L,A,R .. . I $enios . .. COLD
hiffdriler which seemed to have wan- � ''; .1. !NI.-Ri. 0; plated the in,�Lp is sent to the ownerl,
1, i%. ... S . . ,has an. accurate guide .to . . Cleta Dunford 92 . . - . �
ered over casually and which tossed ... .. Is""'. . W that EL I .
.�� 11 .- I I . Margaret Kelly - . Ask your druggist for a. Perulla Cal -
tin lightly against a wall. whIch* had . I., ill follow in putting in his. drains ' As in - Ernest Livermore-, I .
. . .
N I I . I . . . I endar. .
e6n moved eipressly for this occa- U...... I .previous years, the only outlay to the Ethel Wasmann 88 .. . I � . : I . .. . � .1 .
Ion, Rebounding, ..James 'was -gar- . % ... I . ' Harry Lawrence .1 87 � . . I . � -, . . - . .
ored. In by the stand with the forik, __. . .. :farmer is * the.necess%iry trtavellink. ex- ' � 'Wilfred Seely 87 � . . I
shile the lace curtain wrapped itself . . I . penses of one. man,in 'connection with . . Harry - Rance 1 87, 1 . ,. ..
' . . I . ..
wingly about his feet.. '.. ., . . AgE ATTELL . I the survey. The railways give a rate '- .. Bessie Hi&rland 85 . I .. . .
,., . . . . .
James." shrieked his alartnedGene- . � �_ ___ � I of acenta:mile for thiswork, F Lida Livermore . . I .
. ' � ,o thato I . 85 - ,
(eve, "what on earth is the �ivatter. * . - .. Alex Saglesor 8.4 - : .
rith. 70 ?. *Cafi't You. find your way In TWENTY BEST fIGHTS - OF ..]910 the travelling expenses -'are light. I : Mad6lonShaw ' -. 821 . . �
u. I � . ,�
, 11 . I . Aftl6r'.6e �urveyin, eacb. locality a - Hkdie Draper . - 81 , . . I : �
- - . — . . I . . I I I . . I . �W901 , I ,
Ili Perfectly familiar -room? 011,111ttle I. . . . I - . G S
I � . . . . . I 1 .. . . I I
. . . I
Id. I think- tbat*.t*hat horrid lodge"- . . . . ,. I � .. . . Drainage De'litonstration is beld'rigbt .: Earle Livermore � -80 , . .. . . . . .1 � .
,nd then as the curtain m
� pped fro * in
JaCK . JOI111SOn, ,WOrju 9 heavyweight,
Pugilist, defeated Jim Jeffries at Reno,
in the field. surveyed to which all tfi6
' ' . I
. Ernest Hall '
rating Hellyar'
78. 1 �
. I � � . . -
. .
� . . I
. . —AT - � I . . I . I
I . .
. . . . .
. I � I �
�e pole--s'Don't. You dare to move
,ain. I'll get ,up and light the. gas
I . I
Nev july 4, 15 rounds- knockout�
, " �aa
Ad Wolgast, -Ameri
neighbors are invited.: �':.At this in�
I 't-.
ing simple methods,'are. demoilattal�,d�
, , As& eaves
� ,
. -
. 77' " * -
� . I -
. . I .
1�self 1 " . . .
. ..
"Don't ' . : -
. . lightweight
champion, defeated Battling Nelson at
. .. I ' ' .
of'm;aking a taindge',.survey, . fin ' ding
Juniors ,- ,
� Robbie Schrenk
� .
,... :
. 89 , .
. I . . I .
I . I . I
WORKS . . I ...
You do, it," begged James,
Ionst You do it! I can stand this.
. I . I
Port Richmond, Cal., , F eb. .22, -40
,,,,,,�,i,i. lmlrf * 1. I . I
the fail of, j...ditch, determining . t1he
- �_ q_A� .!�,_
---'A. A—— I
. Wong '
. � . Chuen,
1..-_."_ "7-4-
� 8T
. co
.. .
. . T . I
. : I . i I . I . I
.. - . I � . .. I
: .
� NOT A HENRY V1,11.
JJAI�y LL11b A11VkkL-.1kLUJy Was-
'x ` - `x
[low natural and gracefully eXpress'6d
uld 'you mind '' - " -" - -1� Ikj�.S 1111�'
ss, son at San rrancisco, NOV. 26, 11
telling me by points of the -coin a .
*rounds; '
se.Wl��,Jtln,g to MaKe app tl
'J'noS Ilea Pit
fo a survey Rbould writ;�, the Depart,
jKrl�.. tlrl�x
Miller *
- ou ". .
75 � .
. . -
. � - � , . I 11 . . .
. Custom work sellicited. . ' ' �
. .
those NOW - were pifvj . ged . to hear
him well know. "King Edward's
where the dres eri is? Isn't it by the
knockout. . I 1.
. . .
I)lgger Stafiley, * English - bantam-
mont of Physics, 0. A..C., Guelph,
- '
. Willie Fulford .
MrAlny Walker
70' .'
. . .
.. 69, -
. .
. I . .
. . . . . I I . .
. .1 . . . .
A Good Story In Which Sonar Law
I - I Figured .
1 appiest rffarts, however," Lord Rose-
"Wer � .
any more911 - . I
n ear; rea e . . e, ie e.
-weight champion, defeated Joe, Bow'ker
whereupon regular a' licati:on forms
. . pp.
' . ' Etilahe 4-1111 - ..
� 69 , -
. .- . , . � . . . �
I . . . .
bery says, e those ..which -were
,julte. innocent of any preparation.. In
.- it .
r Y oil see, I always. thought t t r.c -
at London, Eng., Oct. 17, .8 rounds, --will
- .Ir
- knockout, � - .
be sent �
. '. I . . .. �
. � . I
. . .
� ..
. . . H. Oourtice, Teacher.
What the Press S .
. . ays:,
As his name indicates, Mr. Andrew
� -
grace and simplicity of language, dell-
ot most unbecoming, in e I ..
J,t cast on the mirror, so I . .
. . .
. Stanley Ketchel and Sam Langford,.
. . I . . . .
, , . . �
. . .... . .
.1 'Sixth Division - ' I
' � I
Seniors � .
. I . - .
. "The Caiiadi '
an Pictorial is the nlost�,
- Bonar Law, M.P., who has completed
his fifty-second year, is a Scot. HOW-
cacy of huntor, and dignity of utter-
ince, the King's Impr p
OmPtu sPeakilig
dresser where' We'd get the I � I
I . .
Philadelphia, Apkil 27; 6 rounds; no
I .
de,fsioll. I . I I., � I . .
. � .
'To heart aj i
. a ni�n s the other
. . .
. I
. . Beryl Cociper
. , .
. I 02.4
o.xpensively Produced. illustrated pub. ' .
.it 4a"p-Mail and'R ' * . :
cation In Oana
ever, he can also claim to be a Cana-
tri t well Challenge corkiparlson with
, .
- "Where?" gasped James. '1s. the
. . I
Diggqr Stanley defeated � Johnn y
- -
morning that the ,�bbr�vlation for
. . '
I . Hel;n Rnss .
� .. more
Hattie Liver
. 02 1, .
I �
itupire, . .
rorouto. . . . ..,
, . .
$I . 11 .
dian, for be first saw the light in the
Dominion, father
tbat of.any after -.dinner speake r I have.
light of that- bracket 'never going to
Condon' at London, Enj.,. Dec., 6, .20
. -; � 11 I I
'�,rnruary�Feb �Ineans, Frceze. every,
�., � Willie Bell �
: .
87.8 .
peryear, but worth twice ,
his being the Rev.
. ever iwarlJ," :� . . .
.1 shine again before the furiniture...kills.
,rounds n. . . .
. decisio
body, andthat nian lonked frozen in
.. Mildred Livermore
87 �
,I altiount"'-ftepcorteits -Xingsville, � . . �
I .. I.,
Jam,es Law, M.A., of New Brunswick.
Mr. Bonar Law first entered Parlia-
On many subjects, too, Xing Edwird
was ai, export who needed no help Ili
I . .
me?" . �
"James!" -exclalih�d Genevieve,
Owen.. Moran and Abe. Attoll, Phila,
Aelphia, Nov. 9, 6 rounds; no�declsion.
his I)L4i.r. Jt was appare'tit that .Ili,
. I . �
I I Willis Cooper .
I , .
� George Shipley
-Olit. . I I .. ,..
"Tile I .
picture.sil the Pittol.ial .are .1.
ment in 1900. At 'a demonstration in
pre . paring his i0eeches; and many of
verely. Then the got up,: lit a match,
Al Kaufman aad Bill Lang, Philad,l�
nctldcd thv�.kind of warmth t.hat �fty4,
Annie Lawrence
. .
1, 82.4 . � I
)alongr tile filaest, that have bei'.11 pr6- . I I
. :11'ecl(I."-Woi-ld§,Vaii,c()Ilv.ex.
Glasgow lie referred to Mr. iffalfour's
Ills best offorts, on such wide -apart
gathon�d James could.not even g uess
phia, Sept. .15-6 rounds; no decision. .
warnith that reac�es fr&m head
. Earl Johnso n
. I :
13W... - - . ., I :
"'I'lle 'has
attitude on the fiscal question. Fle
subjects as art and agriculture, -were
whence, steered a straight uninter�,
Freddie'Velsli, English lightweight.
�-o foot'i- all-ovtr Cite body, We could
I ..
I . George Walker
8 .. .
("alladi-all 'Pictorial . .
been .
pointed out that "the English people
love a coin promise," and instanc,-d the
- entirely ot. Ills owti production; and,,
like all,bis speeches, gained donaider-
. .
rupted course for - the'' g as bracket I
lighted it' and pr6ceeded to
hampion, defeated.11m Driscoll, -.1101n . ,
0 ,,
lish featherweight champion, -Cardihi
I .
haVe t�'d hint I'min pqrsonal
. , 'know-
I.(-tIg(,, ' '
I too(l,ss Sarsaparilla
. � . . .
. G. W.'Bargo-
. Stewart lVief3elon
1 70.6 . .
77.8 .
I Avadil,'� illlF3['0ViTlg With each year of . . .
. , .
it."existenee and isa credit to 0"), lad-. .
course taken by Henry Vill. at the
ably from his blear enunciation .and
James out from under the itlins.
..Wales Dec. 20, 10 rounds; foul. . �per-
.that gives
. . .
in,in,,int'.waralth, it Invigoratios,the
- .
.1 France4 Ye�l)ee -
' ,
tall jollirlia.11811I.P-The Prosb�rteriart i, �
. - .
witnes.;, Halifax,
. time of the whereupon
the following question was handed up
his beautiful, well -modulated voice.
The King Is a-Borh Speaker'
I . . . .. .. . I
. . .1. . : I �
. 1 __--7---7-7—,. -
. Jo&ny -Coulon`and' Frankle Burns
Now York, June 8; 16 rounds; not deel'
I .. .. . .
blood . long' through ar- I
and ",peeds. it a ,
, . Bert Slniiinn:: .
. n
Be estBradshaw':
77:2 ,
72.4 � -
N 8
., . .1 . ... I . .
. . . �. -
. I .1 .1 . I . . � �
. . � .
to be answered-.. "is the candidate
. King Gmef,e. is, if possible, an even
slon. . .. I . I I ,wry
. . .
and vt,in, and really. fits, men and
Juniers' . .
. ..
- . . .
. .. . . __________________-1_ . . : �
.1 . . . I 1. I
aware that Mr. Balfour is .
it bachelors
that Henry Vill. Was much
better spoaker than Ilis' Royal'%father.
. .. . . .
'' . . . —
Jimmy Wa!sbs, American bantam-
wont rn .bo�-s in(fgirls, to enjoy 'cold .
Agnes Walker -
. 'M 2, -
I . . � � I
. . .
The handsol)2L, . ,
and the
Indeed, some of Ills speeches are per. .
l. . �: .
weight champibn,'-aefeated Pal Moore,.
Well f and ic-sist. the, attacks 0
� , Alice Fluker
4' -
.1lel?),odisi �chu'
rell ai, .
reverse?" "Yes." replied the candi-
feet models of lucidity, happy exprea-
Sixtben Houm on. a Partially SubJ
Boston, May 31, 12 rounds; decision.
' '
I . I I
disease. It. gives the right khTd of.
. . , Helen Crawford
- #194 .
Maryssille, N. -B., was d(str6ycd .- by . ... ..
date, possibly Mr. Balfour might
not be a bachelor it he could be sure
sion, and natural eloquence. Although
*the'�materlal for many of them is sup-..
. .
merged Boat . I I
Jimmy Gardner, defeated Frank
Klaus, Boston, Dec. 20, 12 rounds; de.
warmth, .'stimulates and streng '
, theils, '
G Rathwell. .,
- Charlie Cole
U41 ( I
. pire. . . � . . .
.. �. . I I
of getting rid of his wives as easily as
plied on lines sini.ilar io those des-
'At all Inquest at Yarmouth, Isle of
C'slon' . I � I .
4t th0s,ame Unic, and all Itz benefits
. I . I
. � -E, 0; Til)lady, Teacher.
Mrs. Martha Aikens of -
I LiStowel,was , I I.
Henry Vill." . I
cribed above, lie has" long passed the
�,Vi .ght, oil the body , of Frank Russel,
Hugo Kelly defeated Pralikl(laus,
arie lastin g. Irbere my be a %tig, ges6-
I., Seventh Division I
found burned to death by neighbors . �
� --- __
stage when lie had to r6ly on Ills mem-
pawnbrokers one of tile four victims
Boston Dec, 20, 12 iounds; decision.
Con in this for you., � ..
Seniors Total rnarks 230
Jabez ga-tids
who broice into licr house. . � .
ory- A perfect master of his facts, jle.
of the Dourtielklouth boating disaster,
Sam., Lan ford defeated Joe Jean-
. . . . . I
. I
Bessie hfurphy
Niagara fruitmen-de,cided t* . . .
o. send. a
Daniel was frequently ptin.
boy for
is able to Clothe them in words which,
a thrilling Story Of heroism Was told
notte, Boston Sept. 6,45 rounds; de-
? .
. I . I
. .
200 .
, .
big delegation. t,o ()j.tawa to-. -,. .
1Bhed when a appearing at
school with dirty hands. Oil one occa-
by their happy choice and smooth,
flow, proclalm the born speaker, In.,
by Mr. I,' ,dwin Sidney'Cassel, the sole ,
survivor of the accident, who was reg.
clsfon. . . I
PackOY McFarland and Freddie
� � 1. .
. 1% ..
11 he. �
I -Etta Mennol
203 .
Protest I
. against- the proposed tra e arrange- - . .
d ,
sion it occurred to him As lie was
the school that his flands were
deed. in perfection of expression many
of them
cued after clinging to the artiall
P y
Welsh, London, May 30, 20 rowills;
draw. . I .
. . .
I .
New 'Northern
. MaJorie BeMon
-49ally WcOre.try
199. . �
nient with the United States. � .. . .
. � . . .
. . . . .,
are�well entitled to rank with
submerged sailing boat for sixtee n
I . I
. . George Levy
- .1 . . �
hardly likely to pass muster, and
the finest. examples of English oratory:
hours. He said that when about three
Albert Delmont and Jimmy Walsh,
� .
PeaK Carrick
. . � �__. � . �
. I I I
having no other means of cleaning .
I .
and a half infles. from shore the boat
Boston, Mirch 15, 8 rounds; draw.
Messong,ers"41, .
Juniors Total marks 200
1 . .
1. . I
� . . .
them, proceeded to lick one of them
was overturned, being struck both by
Matty Baldwin defeated Owen Mor.
. I
. I Ainy Hellyar
4 1 . 1. � .
as clean as be could.. On reaching,
Tile first Step in all important
a heavy squall and a heavy sea. The '
an, Boston, Jan. 25, 12 rounds; dect-
'ri I
Our good old on the Northern �
Willie Mutch,
L 1.
It L
school he was interrogated as to the
condition of Ills bands, both of which
scheme of houging has been taken in
occupAnts were, thrown Into the water,
but all managed to regain the boat
Sign. . .
Jimmy Barry -defeated Sandy Fergu.
Mossen or, publ .
ish , d �y John Dougall
& Son, W ittless Office, Montreal,
. FerguEz Reynolds �
. I
. 173
. I
... . .
were carefully concealed behind him,
South Londou. A large Island block
of old-fashioned houses facing on HI_
within a few minutes, only to be wash-
son, NOW Orleans, Oct. 16, 14 rounds; tot-
oVerforby years a favorite with
, Dixie Fair
. Lottle 3udd
171, .
. �
I *
whereupon he produced the cleaner of
lie two for tile inspection of the mas�
sted Street, in the Rodney Road dis-
trict, Walworth,
ed out again, and Davis, the boatman,
disappeared. Russel and Gough, two
knockout. I the
Billy Pilpke. defeated Xack (Twin) on
Canadian people, has recently tak.
on sticli an altered ApPearance
. Dorothy Rorke
. Hugh Maguire
. Itklt
. I -
has been Acquired by
the trustees - of a fund for the better
of the.party Who Wore not good swim.
Sullivan, Boston, June 21, 12 rounds, it
realy looks like a now publication.
John. Yesbec
.156 ,
. � .
said the master sternly,
tr you nan find a dirtier hand than
housing of ,the Working classes, and
mers, wore, brought ,back to the boat
by the witness and Mr. Barnett. They
Tommy Murphy defeated Owen lWor.
Colored illustrations Made possible
by' tile IneW press recently installed
Joseph Yeshec
-M. Wiltse,
155 .
� . �
that In all the school, I'll let you off,"
Within it year some 200 of these houses
will be replaced by nine huge blocks
wore washed. out of the boat several
an, San Francisco, Feb. 28, 20 rounds, add
very greatly to the attractivenesg
. tight Division
I .. .
The answer was Immediate.
"Here It is, Daniel,
of modern dwellings, Capable of ac-
times, and at length Gough and Rua,
decisions . as
- .
also does the fact that it is now
Fourth CIABS
. I
is not a little, niessy box '
air," said and
with the exclamation 'he produced t1k.
commOdating More than 600 persons.
The ground acquired consist *a of 60,000
eel dis&ppiiarod, the latter oinkingjust
before the witneafl, could reach him,
- The now grou ' Pasted
nds of the New York es
and cut and the numbers of p4g.
increased to- sixteen for ordinary
Agnes Reynolds
Geollge Carter
of powder that has to bd .
Airtier hand from behind his back.
. . . .... .
square feet.
Paritett, who Was exhausted by his
NatfOI3919 at Marlin Springs, Tex. are issue
alid twenty-four for special nurn.
Kenbeth Carter
: mixed with water, 'nor a ..
efforts to Savo Gough, ,�lso dropped
. I
ready for play, .
le MMWI! contained In this .
ebby Sloman
. -
hard cake that hag to be
OM . .
L . . . Eopkilar
little woekly is of the game ,
ellie Rutledge
� . . .
�. I, .. .
I I I ... .
igh character as ever and whether
� Scr�lped. It is a generous
I - .
- -
. .
. I for
�, bath
the indivi
'dual subscriber or Sob.
school distribution it cannot fail
Doi!& biulholl&nd
lex McRae
. Icin of paste, easily
� .
. . L
Jean Miller
109 *
applitd and magical in 1.
� I . . .
While entirely Bill
ItAble to all classes -
Sunday seho6la Its offers ofie of the
Cecil Turner ,
Twrd Class
its results. Vor stoves, *
. Ivory
'bool work I
best aids to Sunday So
Russell[ )3ailoy
pipes, grates anct irott- I
. 1. 40
'The News-Roecord gro WS in
. 0 1 in
all] 0.X00 S inAtional.Xaper
eirou, la -t -ion beb Se It
new districts where, tin undenorn.
adapted to ail'
. Luct Levy .
Rut Evans
I work.
Lillian .hd
im ,
If your dealer tioeg not carry
. . is
greatl e We6ko'
r4dy Livotnor6
Oy 13sinch
6.111slik Knight" Stove Polish in
I s I I free
� othred
for Town Township News,
trai and specially low raeob are
to any Sunday schools in Cab.
I iday Nedfoor so
uteace whomlioy 14
Stock, send ua his name and toc,
kild we will eend & full tire tin
b" MAI ,
. I ad&
and publishers' special ofyer
r", utn
. to
new school if; Well Worth A note of
. r6ld
Douglas Tomer
M to F. VA= co.so 1119ftft
. inqUiry.
Annual subscription rate for
subseribora is tot-ty Ceuta
Jlel6h Robort,orl
UNIT", "T. 129
if0etv 00
a year,
Abble Oatrick
0tw,4*00us ig 11, .%' k As".
--J-.,— � _. .110L,