HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1911-02-09, Page 2P
On. Friday evening of next wee
Pvofessor Brown will give his fare-
well concert in Wesley church who
he will have tyle assistance of his
choirt and' such local favorites as Miss
Sbiplcy, Miss Cleta Ford, Mr. Mc-
Rae and Mr, herr.
-ti's heat 830.
Gats 28C to $00.
Peas. 65c to 70c.
Barley 43c to 47c.
Butter 18c to 190.
Eggs 23c to 24c•
Eggs 23C to 240.
Live Hogs $7.
Rev, W. II, Dunbar has n;sligned the
incumbency of the Middleton-Iiolines-
ville-Summerhill parish, to take e£ -
e til about the foist of March, . and has
accepted the call to Bervie in ltrucr„
county. Tha parishoners are unanim-
ously sorry that, the rime for parting
is clot, at hand for Mr. Dunbar is In-
deed popular and his wife ;vhares wit -ll
00 said to be Irl (sxce erre preacher. '
M oomicq to this charge with an
'excellent rCputratilon as an earuest, un-
tTHE MOORISH CLOTHING Cos'iring and tactful pastor. ,
Mai, Wyllie's wife and family are yeti
y Scotland but are axpeot,,A out as
Hurons Largr�st Clothier's soon "he gets settled here,
On behalf of our citizens in gvnera'!
ei A �Inaire Deal fob, Every l►�an,f'' and t1lose, of Auburn as weD, The
H �i M NcWr,-VX,oard bids the now pastor
-•h _ _ ....._... ...._.... w0torntt and vxPresses the hope that
hia labors,nihy be crowned with sue-
arasr :
him the regard of all with whom they
Four hundred reserved seat tickets
have already beau sold for the Royal
fir. Edward Merman, :for many
yearn a resident of ('lintotz, passed
have came in contact.
Welsh Cboir concert tonight.
The funerrtl will take Place Saturday
Y K Dt
o CA A Ab
A N � Nm
most respected- citizens of Clinton
will appear on this page next weak.
Sir. V. Hoare• has within the past
frBAo he re
t ...T
t: i�
prompt action an of the
f(nv days made sales of Doherty
t TNews-Record, our valuable
Bone Paper, of last Week from Mr,
Exeter i;scl brigade and the-splt•ndfd
Pianos, to IV. J. Stevenson, C. Mitts
II. 1VZcl3rien,
Byron Waldron of the London ii:oad.
„Ttcieney of Uw new waterworks sys-
Capital Paid Up - $6,200,000,
Reserve and UndividedProfits$6,900,00o.
-We admire Mr, Waldron's courage
t" recently installed, there, the
Jackson Aqf g.. .Co. Would no doubt
Total Assets - • - . $92;000,000
and manliness ill writing over his
have sustained serious loss in its I.x-
As this is the terccantenary of tho
own signature.
«°e shall pass over at once she• vein
oter branch oil Tuesday morning whcn
' fire broke out in the building. caused
publ3cat3an of the Eaglish Bible all
175 Branches and Correspondents throughout the World.
of bittern('ss running through his
+ by • an explosion in the engine room,
the churches haver been asked to ob-
scree next Sunday as Bible Sun-
of btu+ sister, Mrs. (Rev.) C'osens.
Communication regretting dirt lie has
. As it is the loss was samut•Ei:n.g like
day," and the executive of tha Clin-
lies. 11. Bass, lies. '1;'eleavicel MI s
failed to catch the fraternal spirit of
$1000 from damago to goods and to
ton branch of tics society re:luest, the
01,Ntlil, Miss Lizzie Beed
. and other music lovers iil� town
the tilizcs which has beta rte one of ; awn locality, and' are annually driven
the strongest factors in rite develop- by the thousand to the place tt'hc•rer
machinery, besides the suspension 'of
were. in Toronto this.,week, attend-
Interest allowed an Savin accounts. Courteous treat-
ST. l';3t'Ia'S CIIL'RC"II.
businoss 'for a few weeks wnile 'new
:kir: Waldron says that prices $pee i business which should be :able to em -
xnexit accorded to all customers.
Principal Treleaven anis a ntimber of
tho C'ollegiat(c students drove to
machines; are being installed. The
of the services in. -St. Paul's s church
'Varna on friday after000n last to
once farm values lower. yes, :t i1
and fa there are fourtceli ' :ttt•.R:i,l
loss is, 'we uiudera;tand, covered by in-
during the remainder of February.
Owing to the storiny weather
R. E. MANNING, Manager Clinton Branch.
country town merchants and ot-her.,;
surance. and this enterprising , com-
Monday the Ladies' C;olid tea was
and The also shut a ecru
handsome wreath,
less in the count of Iluroti than
pang is to be congratuhated that it
postpclitd for one week,
firs. Deeridg of Winnipeg, -who has
was not serious. The sup(,rintendant
filen will ta1..e from Mr, Waldron two,
The young lien's Ptible Class twill
of the Exeter branch, .Mr. Davis, HIM-
peaPle who create
Value, farms stave gone down in price
I °tincts of wool, value' five cents, an+l
tain•+d. 'a'severe burn in one hand,
' Fitgsinions t)).1 past+ 'Jew weeks,
i and tows property still itiore and ju.,t
� by . Ills Ic3�ur(1 t,ngE,r:l or inventive
which was the only accident,
leaves on 4londay for hex. western
ge nlus he convert's it intra a iabric'
home. Mrs. a '
l S De ren v': • Dash- I)a.li
g d
., ••
neo tet .
is ere•
d c ass i
P I ill this 1
- Y t i acali Y.
rustle a ntarkct valor of two dollars.
Appropriate -Bible Tercentenary
wood friends thisweek.
!and. a Surely parasite is
services will be held next- Sunday,
lir. John Forbcs of Woodstock' has
Capital Paid up �- $4t00e,009. - Rest Fund $4,400,000 :•
mispenier for such a Ivan,
I� It is ilio fariter
The pastor will speak on t'hc follow
been in town this week in the inter-
Ha.s 78 Branches in Canada
and tile, nzerehant�
ng. subjects : Morning, "The Transla-
c:t.s of the Sons of Scotland, and
iail'road and -the steam -boat, . the
A farmer from near Toronto told
offidial • board meets on Friday even-
tion; Publication and Circulation of
nufacturer Incl the mechanic, thq
the writer last week that. Oiere is a � school master and the
and Agents and Correspondents in all the principal cities
Jos. Fair. Mr. l' orbev way turnkey
thq Word of God;" Evening,' "The
minister, the-
i doctor and the legislator, that'ter
in the world.
in Woodstock golf during tho ,time
Mutilated Bible." - .
go o
complete :our sbcial fabric. Is Isolate
that Burchell was Incarcerated there
At the m0eiing,ot the .Junior_ League
any ono froln all the others anis 1l;
the pastor gave an inspiring little
and on trite !light before hi,, cx0eu-
Wild on Friday evening a Very £ntcres-
becomes no better than tine North
tion the; condemned pian gave his
ting Missionary program was given.
The W.M.S. will meet. next Tuesday
Ante*scan Indian and thus we reTietr
gold wal h to 1Ir. Forbes, who still
evening 'at 8 o'clock at the lzcm , of
that an p pie sitaulcl: sa l`tift to hory
interest allowed at Highest Curren` Rate...
carries it'.
Mrs. . E. G. • Courtice, The young
ntu.:ual our interests are and how de_.
sermons in Blyth on Sunda -next•
ladies of the Societtv will have charge
pendent.. we are.' - one upon the (.thea-
Clinton. Branch C. E. Dowding, Manager
of, the program, and an offering trill.
that he would say of any section of
vices in Wesley.
be t ke f " ,, ,
.a nor the Rcst Fund,.
At the regular : meeting •of'r1�ie
cant get ut under fifty dollars per the tiommunity "lct them go. d.awu.,*1-
`-- ..:
Quarterly, official 13oard held, on lion-.
day evening; 'Rev; T,. Wesley .Co'sens
- _.. _ _ . _
?Sirs. W. Hatilblyn. had a. number of
unanimously invited to to.
annual moe(ting of the County
Orange Lodge of South Fluron ' was
matrons and. maids to tea on Friday
0 „
ne uartec
for the third, year and acoeptod the
invitation, subject to the approval of
theStationing eommlttu,a.
on accoudancent
account of the blockaded state. of
Abouts twenty .farmers who, have ! received- and 3t, .is ex pected
pe ted good ro,- .
the roads after thcr storm but the
1�TI0N CALL. .
.delivered stone to tilt+ corporation re'- ;.sults will, follow. .
various reports were of a gratifying
nature.- The officers'. for the, year
�� C. Club at their holm$ on Thursday
ceived their pay this week, ill(! ac-
counts Passing thee. council 1'londay
.In r k;a,rtl to the taxat' n
ton of farixs
'lands .within. the limits of h
t corpar- '
tEditior of. The. News -Record: -All
liiglit,. Thti amounts ran' Yrcari six to
$tion, Mr. GiblAngs ..said that h �
who . are interested in the work :' : of
Mrs.. Fnank Mall entcrtai.ncd a num
bar other lady fri.c.tds Friday
. forty-five dollars. A big pile ' of:
g P
most �
ecJrlijable soler+:on .would be a
Temperance and Moral Ra"onn should
on tsv-
n>ateirial' has. thus accumulated blit it,
forty-five percent. reduction anti a fix-• :
Chaplain; Rev. Win. Lowe, �,uean.
1� cr�ry jolly gathering'was. that
listen to the above Call, anri respond
ul asisemdefit foil;ffve iyncars, A resofu-
Deputy, R,'J, Cluff, Clinton'.
Rec. - Secretary, Peter C'antelon,
young girls and• a I,(w..matrons who
any Thomas 'doubting rite oad intttn-
tion to that effect was adopted. -
At present to enter the conzmi'ttcv
as circumstances will permit', 7 ha
were',bidxita too. afternoon tea by. Miss
E: Cbidleg,on•
to "in from tfi' council clzambep-is im-
Saturday. A. pleasant
feature the ,,. „
c i f r-
al iso t e
h annual Convention of
Possible except by going .througJz..tlxts•
the On�ti, Branch' of the Dominican Tem-
view Clic+ daily prow3ng pile of mater-
C'lerk's 'office. ZIhis seemed an unriec-
perance A:'lfance, to be hold i:n Cooke.'s
Saturday. of this week. It' was a
i Presbyterian church, Toronto, oil
Lille. �
D. of- C., Geo. Vanderburg, 'Fort-
Tuesday, tVednesday and Thursday of
tion of 1f'r. Jackson a door, will b .
Isom the council: chamber, -
numerous . useful articles' which . wi11
help furnish the, ne•w home. The parts'
next week; which promise% to be one
Th' appointment of officials re§ttltcr2''
Lecttirera, Robit. -McMurray, Bay-
was one of the jolliest of the season•
r £ the l r s
FV a e t -and most '
a mo important
g o ant
follows :
(1 rk Treasurer, '
field, W. J. Davis, Sal
t4 at has yet been held, Every church
that a surveyor be en-
aIId D.. Macpite'
congregation and Tcm:pgrance Society
gaged to set stakes. • Ill$ worship �.
-yoa, and every body of citizens des-
'held in Exeter.
iring 'the deliverance of our .land from
.: Chief o[ Police, :7,_ Wheatley, $4F0.
Vie evils of strong drink should try
arrangoinent may lie nracic �yitli tiIr.
Night Watch, R. Welsh $450.
and be representnl. We :stave e.vr_ry
A. Valentine will.bo held
Bayley for graval;:fraii� ;h �i property
reason to expect' a single fare' ticket,
Next •• Sunday ntia : wilI e z
b r n muni �n
y cz 0
Tu •%d evening �
Tuesday c rn ng next in •thl; bas0tnenb
!as ther(+ will be a large' attendance.'
Asss(ssor, T.. Cottle, $85,
Wa,t:•rtvorl.s `. Engineer, 1V.
Sunday. • . The Sacrament. of the Lord's
Any and all who will purchase a iAn-
ilei 1♦`orcl aired lire views of Chi f
$500'. .
gle ticket.. and get a certifzcate�-pre-
meets .will be• serve(1 and an enjoyable
is. expect. id. Admission I5e:'
.' e
Downs of the fine brigade tvtio objc!cts.
!senting the same to the Secretary at
irons tvfll'hc y
preached b Rev. J. Ric-
Dula Ing the month Of
the Convention --will secure tale . IV -
LILO., Dr. Shaw, $30,
l'oundkeeper, R. i4lenneI Fees..
hardsoti of Ki cn on Friday
pp y after-
duction. -J, Greene.
without permission of: tile proper par-
tit's, and is
Fire Tri•:,;adn.,
R W. %� PTS,
church Sunday lasts. '
what about as censer-
able dem '
In s
p g hose on the floor
Rev, W. Wyllie, Edinburg, Scotland,
On Sunda evenin Ret W. T.
Y g
?4Iiss Lula R'eston., who has s cnt
returned. What would happen, en
( apt ,
" Kerr.
Iyearcy of Lolidci,liaro will preach.
Mx. Ford for, the Chief, and they bodz
cayizle to. this country seven weeks ago.
bast Sunday he was unanimously call-
turned bonla.last week„
Mr. Robert 1VTclIun'ay dict
agreed, if a first should break out with
order w<ts rendered by tri c choir. Mrs.
(. hatveli took the sola
' past in tree an-
Country meeting of. the L.(),L, at; Ex-
waisted lengths of hose missing.
The council *crt+ of One mind and
Treasurer, FL: Bartt,iff.
II. Mellri�en, IV. 1lcilaa, 6V.. Whea!! ,
them in the. morning'and in tele Wren-
ed ito the pastorate of. the Clinton and
emphasized a forriicr' resolution that
ley, N. Kc-nnedy, :J. J. UacdonalJ,
Ing., fit addition to thea than, a
Air. John l ick s nt
o n I of t ( a. fete days
P y
hash. can only be gbtaiiicd by. perfn�is-.
W. 141arlowe, L. Laws•bn, tJ. Frcn;.•>
mala quartette Was given with excel-
,this past, week with friends at lien-
Auburn &d+pti�st churches 'and accept- J
len, 11. tIcEwen, J, Fair, W. J.
lent effecti by Dr. Gaiidier and Messrs:
J. McRae, J. Saunders and IL 'Ray-
ed and has already entered upon his
chairman of the' property eom!:nittCe
Tho pay of the tirem:m from' elle
pastoral duties.. YestlendaV. he wag
reoord the death of one) of our oldest
'resadmts 'lite
ThO Pub:.c.. School Board asked for
five thousand dollars foilyear's
in Auburn meeting the members' of
ardson of. Varna, who sang: so charm-
and most respect.d .:illi
the flourishing church thera and this
to $20. per annum.
in 1 at the anniversar services here
g Y Y
v at local Church Pastor evening a o oca pa o and
We will give a discount of 25 per cent, on
people will cultivate curb other's a(-
panted this life on Sunday evening
Salaries ........,$396.1
foal, 250
last: at the •,• ripe age• of eighty-two
Next Sunday. afternoon be. will oc-
T1i(I' Guild held their monthly, levo-
years. Deceased _was. born in Lands-
cupy the Auburn pulpit but in the
tiorial meeting on Sunday dvening -at-
jmorning and evening will p coach in
Cali see what is to be. done and wiles
ter ...elle sttrvice.. Mrs. McEachrrn
i Clinton,
it without }ic!:ng told.
Mr, Wyllie trgt saw the light: of the
the of Stanley In May 1850
, P Y . Y+
nPainting denal .,
Incidentals,,..... 2CC
day in the land o' the heather over
week the Guild will. meet, on: Tiidsday:
forty yoars-ago. There he grew to
manhood, received his oducat'ion, was .
which now the village of Bay-
ordained m; a minister of the Baptist
Tlt•+ annual Sunday school `sleigh-
church and labored 'for several years.
.nide .will be given on Tusk,da after-
dent for almost silty -ane years, • Be-
ing a man of sterling eliaractur.; }tc
Tltc amount; is five hundred dollars
But for Hitt past two ears be has
P y
npoit, followed sty a tea in the school.
greater than last year, the cause .be-
been doing evangelistic work in Eng-
and being of industrious habits,. : he
Ile is;0 man of good address and is
00 said to be Irl (sxce erre preacher. '
M oomicq to this charge with an
'excellent rCputratilon as an earuest, un-
tTHE MOORISH CLOTHING Cos'iring and tactful pastor. ,
Mai, Wyllie's wife and family are yeti
y Scotland but are axpeot,,A out as
Hurons Largr�st Clothier's soon "he gets settled here,
On behalf of our citizens in gvnera'!
ei A �Inaire Deal fob, Every l►�an,f'' and t1lose, of Auburn as weD, The
H �i M NcWr,-VX,oard bids the now pastor
-•h _ _ ....._... ...._.... w0torntt and vxPresses the hope that
hia labors,nihy be crowned with sue-
arasr :
,As the Market Town. Prospers so do the
Four hundred reserved seat tickets
have already beau sold for the Royal
fir. Edward Merman, :for many
yearn a resident of ('lintotz, passed
Farm Lands Adjoining Grow lin Value.
Welsh Cboir concert tonight.
away this morning Ili his 65th year.
A bdogragbical skatch of one of the
The funerrtl will take Place Saturday
'^-''-a. A. Irwin
most respected- citizens of Clinton
will appear on this page next weak.
Sir. V. Hoare• has within the past
Regarding thearticle, which appear- � foot, while a nzan in ('Linton %vanted
f(nv days made sales of Doherty
t TNews-Record, our valuable
Bone Paper, of last Week from Mr,
to sell what hes tcraud his three
(thvusand dollar Boise this
Pianos, to IV. J. Stevenson, C. Mitts
II. 1VZcl3rien,
Byron Waldron of the London ii:oad.
very week
f for seventeen hundred dollar:;, thirtx
Mr. Luac Barr has been exceedingly
-We admire Mr, Waldron's courage
i een hundred dollars Joss to evcty sim�
Ill but we are very plaised to sce
and manliness ill writing over his
.liar property holder in town antic
As this is the terccantenary of tho
his cheery face out, again.
31iss ,Jean Govenlvck of Seafortlt
own signature.
«°e shall pass over at once she• vein
, country by the pcnny-wl:e and pound
fo0lislz policy That leas drivEn iourtt p
publ3cat3an of the Eaglish Bible all
spent Saturday in town, Idle gut'St
of bittern('ss running through his
thousand people from .our county.
the churches haver been asked to ob-
scree next Sunday as Bible Sun-
of btu+ sister, Mrs. (Rev.) C'osens.
Communication regretting dirt lie has
j . Ouz young men and wt•onzen , rvho�
day," and the executive of tha Clin-
lies. 11. Bass, lies. '1;'eleavicel MI s
failed to catch the fraternal spirit of
� should to able_ to find wopc in thein
ton branch of tics society re:luest, the
01,Ntlil, Miss Lizzie Beed
. and other music lovers iil� town
the tilizcs which has beta rte one of ; awn locality, and' are annually driven
the strongest factors in rite develop- by the thousand to the place tt'hc•rer
citureli -s of the town to fall in line,
were. in Toronto this.,week, attend-
latent of our civilization, f till money is in circulation, becaust, a
ST. l';3t'Ia'S CIIL'RC"II.
ing the lIendtlssvhn choir concerts.
:kir: Waldron says that prices $pee i business which should be :able to em -
Mr. Wiz. Dunbar will bavt; Charge
Principal Treleaven anis a ntimber of
tho C'ollegiat(c students drove to
higher than they tvcre ten rears age I Ploy from tc a to lifteeri arc couipell•- .
ed to reduce thc•3r staff to thrie
of the services in. -St. Paul's s church
'Varna on friday after000n last to
once farm values lower. yes, :t i1
and fa there are fourtceli ' :ttt•.R:i,l
, or
tour. Mr, Waldron says. that, eyc•ry,
during the remainder of February.
Owing to the storiny weather
attend the funeral of the lat'ta Lc'on-.
Reid.. C.,I..
country town merchants and ot-her.,;
? man not a farmer is a parasite. I,Iie•
subject is t(;o
Monday the Ladies' C;olid tea was
and The also shut a ecru
handsome wreath,
less in the count of Iluroti than
large to discuss here.
I(?nt+ itlusftati;,li will, sutiicc•: One
postpclitd for one week,
firs. Deeridg of Winnipeg, -who has
there were t�F°eery years ago, as it is
it any 'caninlunity
filen will ta1..e from Mr, Waldron two,
The young lien's Ptible Class twill
been visiting her sister, llrs..Rclbi'•
peaPle who create
Value, farms stave gone down in price
I °tincts of wool, value' five cents, an+l
hold their monthly social evening in
' Fitgsinions t)).1 past+ 'Jew weeks,
i and tows property still itiore and ju.,t
� by . Ills Ic3�ur(1 t,ngE,r:l or inventive
the ,School room Friday night,
leaves on 4londay for hex. western
in pen ortioti as town incl c untr
C 0 )
ge nlus he convert's it intra a iabric'
.. • r
I I L Tl i'ItC�IJ:
home. Mrs. a '
l S De ren v': • Dash- I)a.li
g d
., ••
neo tet .
is ere•
d c ass i
P I ill this 1
- Y t i acali Y.
rustle a ntarkct valor of two dollars.
wood friends thisweek.
it is Increasing 3n the. locality tw�here,
!and. a Surely parasite is
Quarterly service was held on Sun-
lir. John Forbcs of Woodstock' has
lir. Wlildron's tnnncay Js In eircula-
mispenier for such a Ivan,
I� It is ilio fariter
day last,.the ,Sacrenient being admin-
been in town this week in the inter-
and tile, nzerehant�
istered at the morningtmathe
, servlet•. The
c:t.s of the Sons of Scotland, and
iail'road and -the steam -boat, . the
A farmer from near Toronto told
offidial • board meets on Friday even-
yp:cit yestepday with his friend, !kir.
nufacturer Incl the mechanic, thq
the writer last week that. Oiere is a � school master and the
Jos. Fair. Mr. l' orbev way turnkey
great boom in farm lands within
minister, the-
i doctor and the legislator, that'ter
lIotiday was consecration meeting
in Woodstock golf during tho ,time
t-Weut'y miles of the cit -c• as a synth-
go o
complete :our sbcial fabric. Is Isolate
in connection with the League, when
that Burchell was Incarcerated there
Cate of specialists are buyin u the
P g P
any ono froln all the others anis 1l;
the pastor gave an inspiring little
and on trite !light before hi,, cx0eu-
farius to cultivate them for tote Tor-
becomes no better than tine North
talk. The attendance+ was small on
tion the; condemned pian gave his
onto maiikctts. A traveller told the
Ante*scan Indian and thus we reTietr
account of -the storin.
gold wal h to 1Ir. Forbes, who still
writ.'r this week that. lie was offered
that an p pie sitaulcl: sa l`tift to hory
Rev. ;lir, Ford preaches missionary
carries it'.
erre lot ad g
joinin his home .in. Toronto
ntu.:ual our interests are and how de_.
sermons in Blyth on Sunda -next•
two years ago for ern dollars per
pendent.. we are.' - one upon the (.thea-
Rev. \1r. Greene will take both . ser-
foot. Fits wants to buy -it now and
that he would say of any section of
vices in Wesley.
cant get ut under fifty dollars per the tiommunity "lct them go. d.awu.,*1-
- _.. _ _ . _
?Sirs. W. Hatilblyn. had a. number of
The . Town Council Is, Leaving no Stone Un-'
annual moe(ting of the County
Orange Lodge of South Fluron ' was
matrons and. maids to tea on Friday
turn ed in Preparing for Good Roasts.
ho'.d. in Ewcter on Tuesday, The atm,
was not so large: as' usual
r. and 'firs. C. J. Wallis entert�3in-
on accoudancent
account of the blockaded state. of
ed a number of their friends- to tea oil
Abouts twenty .farmers who, have ! received- and 3t, .is ex pected
pe ted good ro,- .
the roads after thcr storm but the
The 'Misses Mudd entert�aincd the A.,
.delivered stone to tilt+ corporation re'- ;.sults will, follow. .
various reports were of a gratifying
nature.- The officers'. for the, year
�� C. Club at their holm$ on Thursday
ceived their pay this week, ill(! ac-
counts Passing thee. council 1'londay
.In r k;a,rtl to the taxat' n
ton of farixs
'lands .within. the limits of h
t corpar- '
were elected as follows': ♦:'
liiglit,. Thti amounts ran' Yrcari six to
$tion, Mr. GiblAngs ..said that h �
Master; Walter Cokirsey, Luean.
Mrs.. Fnank Mall entcrtai.ncd a num
bar other lady fri.c.tds Friday
. forty-five dollars. A big pile ' of:
g P
most �
ecJrlijable soler+:on .would be a
Deputy; D. P. 6a.lbraith, Bayfieit.
on tsv-
n>ateirial' has. thus accumulated blit it,
forty-five percent. reduction anti a fix-• :
Chaplain; Rev. Win. Lowe, �,uean.
1� cr�ry jolly gathering'was. that
is expected it w ill be twice. as large
bcfo•ro the winter, tvancr�, there is
ul asisemdefit foil;ffve iyncars, A resofu-
Deputy, R,'J, Cluff, Clinton'.
Rec. - Secretary, Peter C'antelon,
young girls and• a I,(w..matrons who
any Thomas 'doubting rite oad intttn-
tion to that effect was adopted. -
At present to enter the conzmi'ttcv
were',bidxita too. afternoon tea by. Miss
E: Cbidleg,on•
tions .o£ .Viis years council in regard
to "in from tfi' council clzambep-is im-
Fin.-Scesetary,Thos. Flynn, ;4Iag-
Saturday. A. pleasant
feature the ,,. „
.to, road.makin let him. o over and
g� g
Possible except by going .througJz..tlxts•
}las . showering of .:one
of the -guests, who is td be a on
view Clic+ daily prow3ng pile of mater-
C'lerk's 'office. ZIhis seemed an unriec-
Treasurer, Acializ C!antelon, 'Ilolmes�
Saturday. of this week. It' was a
essary roundabout and on •the sugges
Lille. �
D. of- C., Geo. Vanderburg, 'Fort-
"kitohen shower" and couslstcd• . of
And the corporation -gravel i,.
'too, 3sreceiving pattuntion In order lout
tion of 1f'r. Jackson a door, will b .
Isom the council: chamber, -
ter's Hill,
numerous . useful articles' which . wi11
help furnish the, ne•w home. The parts'
that+ the meads Intl bounds bF. tho.pft
Th' appointment of officials re§ttltcr2''
Lecttirera, Robit. -McMurray, Bay-
was one of the jolliest of the season•
near be definitely known. klayar, `i'ai-.
loll. suggested �
follows :
(1 rk Treasurer, '
field, W. J. Davis, Sal
that a surveyor be en-
aIId D.. Macpite'
The celebration this .year «i11 be
gaged to set stakes. • Ill$ worship �.
son, Salary $4'50,
'held in Exeter.
also sbated:that. it 'is expect l an
.: Chief o[ Police, :7,_ Wheatley, $4F0.
• Bii�ll field
arrangoinent may lie nracic �yitli tiIr.
Night Watch, R. Welsh $450.
A. Valentine will.bo held
Bayley for graval;:fraii� ;h �i property
C euuaery Supt.', O. Crielt, $375.
Next •• Sunday ntia : wilI e z
b r n muni �n
y cz 0
Tu •%d evening �
Tuesday c rn ng next in •thl; bas0tnenb
adjoiliillg; tile pit, but that.. .price. i
note being asl�ed is suite pt•oh3bitive:,
Asss(ssor, T.. Cottle, $85,
Wa,t:•rtvorl.s `. Engineer, 1V.
Sunday. • . The Sacrament. of the Lord's
of tho Presbyterian churvh•, • Refresh-
ilei 1♦`orcl aired lire views of Chi f
$500'. .
Supper will bre administered at- the
utprninl, .service: Preparatory ser:
meets .will be• serve(1 and an enjoyable
is. expect. id. Admission I5e:'
.' e
Downs of the fine brigade tvtio objc!cts.
Engineer, 0. .Tohnson,
irons tvfll'hc y
preached b Rev. J. Ric-
.evening ) _
.Rev. 'Mr,'MaFarlarle of Collingwood
to base ,
being taken from the fire hall
LILO., Dr. Shaw, $30,
l'oundkeeper, R. i4lenneI Fees..
hardsoti of Ki cn on Friday
pp y after-
ocenpicd the pulpit' of Jt. Andreas
without permission of: tile proper par-
tit's, and is
Fire Tri•:,;adn.,
Moon 'and evening.
church Sunday lasts. '
what about as censer-
able dem '
In s
p g hose on the floor
C'itief, R..1: Do:vn., 5•L3.
On Sunda evenin Ret W. T.
Y g
?4Iiss Lula R'eston., who has s cnt
returned. What would happen, en
( apt ,
" Kerr.
Iyearcy of Lolidci,liaro will preach.
the Past few' months at Detroit, ra
Mx. Ford for, the Chief, and they bodz
l,i t Itennnt J. Finch.
•Ori Sunday special muse :of a high
turned bonla.last week„
Mr. Robert 1VTclIun'ay dict
agreed, if a first should break out with
titer(.tary, II. Cllariox
order w<ts rendered by tri c choir. Mrs.
(. hatveli took the sola
' past in tree an-
Country meeting of. the L.(),L, at; Ex-
waisted lengths of hose missing.
The council *crt+ of One mind and
Treasurer, FL: Bartt,iff.
II. Mellri�en, IV. 1lcilaa, 6V.. Whea!! ,
them in the. morning'and in tele Wren-
eter on Tuesday,
emphasized a forriicr' resolution that
ley, N. Kc-nnedy, :J. J. UacdonalJ,
Ing., fit addition to thea than, a
Air. John l ick s nt
o n I of t ( a. fete days
P y
hash. can only be gbtaiiicd by. perfn�is-.
W. 141arlowe, L. Laws•bn, tJ. Frcn;.•>
mala quartette Was given with excel-
,this past, week with friends at lien-
cion of tele Chief of the brigade or the
len, 11. tIcEwen, J, Fair, W. J.
lent effecti by Dr. Gaiidier and Messrs:
J. McRae, J. Saunders and IL 'Ray-
We. are called upon this week to.
chairman of the' property eom!:nittCe
Tho pay of the tirem:m from' elle
ner.. Ncet Sunday. Miss Laura Rich=
reoord the death of one) of our oldest
'resadmts 'lite
ThO Pub:.c.. School Board asked for
five thousand dollars foilyear's
Captain down was advanced from $15,
ardson of. Varna, who sang: so charm-
and most respect.d .:illi
to be applied as follows:
to $20. per annum.
in 1 at the anniversar services here
g Y Y
person of George McDonald, who dc-
11'Ir. T: Jackson, Jr., made a 'ham -
in May.last.,' . will sing at. both , ser-
panted this life on Sunday evening
Salaries ........,$396.1
foal, 250
mer -ori the-ita3i f+, marls, wh n; during
last: at the •,• ripe age• of eighty-two
= _ tilt'• appointment of the corporation'j
Caretaker:....... 250 !
T1i(I' Guild held their monthly, levo-
years. Deceased _was. born in Lands-
Secretor 30 officers, lie lie said : We want men • who,
tiorial meeting on Sunday dvening -at-
down township- Cotint,y of Leeds,
xnting 40
Cali see what is to be. done and wiles
ter ...elle sttrvice.. Mrs. McEachrrn
.ant•,' in the year 1823 ,and carie to.
`townshi �
it without }ic!:ng told.
fiavc! a "paPOz' on the subject. Next
the of Stanley In May 1850
, P Y . Y+
nPainting denal .,
Incidentals,,..... 2CC
Mr. Coo per, eha3i•ma.lt• , of tdie water=
week the Guild will. meet, on: Tiidsday:
g on the farm .where he .diets,
'r:s 'in
New 13oaf,.:...,. 400
works '. commit+tee, reported .as fol-'
which now the village of Bay-
law's :.'I`ire power plant has been: op-- . .
Tlt•+ annual Sunday school `sleigh-
field. I•Ie bad, therefore, been a resi-
erated• duringthd'' inonth of Januar
.nide .will be given on Tusk,da after-
dent for almost silty -ane years, • Be-
ing a man of sterling eliaractur.; }tc
Tltc amount; is five hundred dollars
with the following results : averago�
tiuio •running, 22, hours per day av-
npoit, followed sty a tea in the school.
had won the. respect of his fellows,
greater than last year, the cause .be-
n+_•age arRount of coal us,al par day
and being of industrious habits,. : he
.Ing a new roof, which is said to be an:
$25. lbs., or cost of less than COs..
had succeeded in gaining considerabld
absolute necessity, and to the ,solar•-
per day. The.aderago quantity of
of this world's goods and was in corn-
it's being on • the slightly -advancing
wat,tr used per day was slightly less•
No hockey match this season has
fortable' circumstances. The funeral
scale: The council received the do- ,than
10,000 gallons; lowest
excited so much local inteposst as the
tools place on Tuesday afternoon and
mand Ina .resigned sort of way. They
pressure was 50lbs. and the highest
one played last night between the
was .largely at+tended by old friends
would apply the pruning knife if they
56 lbs, 'But in future wu expect+ that
Pa,gt•imo boys and the Doherty tram.
and ncighbon., who wore anxious to
could, but not, having that power they
the pressure will not be less than 5&
When last thoy met victory went to
pay a laot tribute of respect to a fel-
'laid the matter over for a month . to
lbs, We aro now in consultatfor,s;
the. DohUrty's and thiy very natural-
low=pioneer. Rev, Mr. Laws conduct-
Permit of a conference with the Board:
with the Proparty committee looking;
ly wanted to win again. On the. oth-
ed the services at house and omi!6tery,
Mr. Gibbings advised the is-
to the securing of a sanitary drink -
tor hand, the Pastime buys were an-_
The pallbearers were : Messrs, Thos.
suo 'of a debentr tt, for such a perr»la•
Ing fountain, pubif0 drinking trough,
ious to put in their claim to that cup,
Cameron, Chas. Parker, Saimuel Iloh-
nent improvement as a four -hundred
water connection in town hall and at -
and as they were short tint, of their,
ne>1 John Beard ' Robt. Reid and
dollar .roof would be.. IIe was of ithe
soan additional deep veli pump• and
best players, • "Tiny" Twitcholl hav-
Aobt, Penba''r. Two sons and one
same opinion last year'aud had tined
these will be reported on at the next.
ing had his shoulder hurt ata prac-
daughter survive, his w fe having •
to bring the Board around to his way
moating: V oz+ the informing of alae
tice game on Monday night, they were
pasted .away in Jund of 1009. The
of 'thinking but without+ avail,
council and -the public we give the fol-
001n0w;h4tJ shakcy as to the result•
children area, Charles of Toronto,
Mr. Cantelon also urged that a de-
lowing information
The game was fast from start to fin-
John athome and Mm. itobert Me-
berlture issue should be resorted to
Filty-four thousand dollars~ 60 4%t •
ish.. Fifteen second% after starting
Kinley of EIgmondville.
whom hecavy oxknditures are deemed
crworks debentures have limn send,
Dot r
the tet ane n Scored a l " nd
y goal a ,
- --�
which realizad in cash the amount of
a.t a member'of the Pastime team Iv-
nwarked .this, morning, "We gazod at
Nbw that the auditors have Conn-
phited then report the council hardly
$53,490. To Deo, 31st1910 wo•
have spent on watooworka system, as.
the ring of faces,, the beams of the
knew what to do with it. Mr. Gib-
originally planned, thesum of
ceiling, everywhere, and saw no sym,-
Mort, Lendesboro News page 4.
ping% nattier favored putl,i•ng it oil
378.43, %:xtras; (for services $1500,.
pathy ahywhire, so we start(.11 in to
Mps, T. Lawson of Clinkm spent a
nip in tate olork's .office where any.
metres $500, sUdc Ott hand $350 $ST.-•
win." And so wall slid they, carry
few days with her mother, Mrs.
ratepayer could t a peep an a lioa-
� P p pP
350. ,To'tal invL%,tln' ,
ent $52,928.4+.x,
out this resolve that when time was
Brown, her(*.
tion. Mr, Cooper would, on that
which lc.iveq a balance on hand of
called the senior stood 17-8 in 'favor
peeve Leiper and Mr, Wm. Moon
Conor"•try, throw' on the expenditure
$561.57, which will about square the -
of the Pastip.+n;, Eitrh tt`am ha +1 a
went on a bushims trip to Stratthroy
,aU$ thr.1i14hl, possible. Mr. Ford and
small accounts still aut�standfn .
Number of rootins, twho' cheered their,
VCetinea)day of this weep,.
'1Tr, C'antelou , were also in favor of
Waterworks . m'aintt"nance • acrall�!;
niom. The crowd was the larguit at
Mrs. J. 0. I,ounsbery rntertained a '
the lime light• tend to give the report
shows a ;surplus of $1919.00, bet'idoz
any hockey watch herC this season,
f ►w of heir friends 'Tuesday evening of
the greatest publicity would have it
the $750 raised in taxes. Water-
Tlw result waai soinewhat of ,a gur-
this Week.
appear in thea column of The People's
workq.. has added to thew debenture
prisn to many. One of the Doherty
Thil Epworth Lea'g'ue of iDt% Method-
debt of the town the sum, of $54,000,
corn was scmtowhat soarer:t'y hurt and
Ist church will bold a box social on
:41r. Jadvnnn said the speeisl Coir- 'and
of this amount two ddhentum.
had to rvtirc. It was clean play,
t,riday evening of this week at the
tnit,tett have been won(ing over 01ine
have been paid amounting to $3,313(1,•
however, and will harp to deve:oilhome
of 'Mr, John Tarnblyn, 13th
alt rogard tel the, Thresher Compatiny+4
18, 1mving the net dubb at $51,013.-
good sportrsinen.
works. Many; enquiries hav0 been $2.