HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1911-02-02, Page 81 ■ 0. Clinton News -Recent ANNUAL NOOK TAKING Fred. Jackson's- Our ackson's - Our February Sale has thus tar been a great success We have yet a litlited"supply, of winter goods which we will clear out regardless of profit Every pair mut go acid the prices will move them, See our Men's Rubbers at Ladies' Rubbers at • Ladies' kid lace with fleece lining at Another line similar for Boys heavy shoes warm lined for Men's " " *5 5. Men's " Buckle rubbers for 75e ,5Oc $1.25 $1.00 $1.50 $2,00 $1.50 You cannot judge of the values we are offering unless you come and see for yourself. To investigate is to invest. We know that our prices are right there. fore its a pleasure to show our goods. Repairs While You Wait. FRED. JACKSON •►NN: t Traveller's Sample I I 0 -NT M IR,00AT S In Mien's and Boys' At Less Than I- Manufacture's Prices. iA few days ago we were fortunate enough •to secure first Zchoosing from all the Sample Overcoats of one of Canada's•Lar- gest Manufacturers at ridiculously low price and rather than 1 carry them over for another season we will place the entire lot on Sale commencing Saturday at such wonderfully low prices that a few days must see a general clear up of every coat. Remember — This is not a cleating out of undesirable gar- ments but a genuine Sacrifice Sale of tip-to-the-mtnute•goods. Don't fail to see these coats if you need one for the balance 04 of this winter or are going to need one for next. i i i PLUMSTEEL • B RCIr) ' SMALL PROFITS INN MORE BUSINESS -•—�. •rtt>r.t�ls y ALMOST AT OUST As we are removing, from :our pres-., ent premises we must reduce our stock an d to do so we have. cut the prices. Here are a few of the bargains for our customers 3.n Ladies' Kid Blucher, regular $3.'2 Sale price 2.6� Ladies'. Kid Bluchers, regular :$1.75 149. and $2. Sale price MISSES. Misses Kid Bluchers, regular $2.00 16 (� Sale -price . �7 Misses Chocolate Bluchers, regularqa 1.75. Sale price .. . I ere u Childs' Box Calf and Kid Bluchers,n I' V . iegular $1.35 and $1.50. Sale priceI I. Childs' Kid Bluchers, . regular $1 • 9Q and 1.10. . Sale price rice 75e awn .9 $ a RUBBERS., Men's Rubbers..._ .85 Ladies' Rubbers .SO Misses Storm Rubbers.. .... .45 MEN'S Men's Patent Blucher; regular $d and $4.50. Sale price 17, . Men's heavy winter calf, tan and A n black, regular $5. Sale price ,. 'T. Lin Men's Velour calf, regular $8.50 and n - . $4. Sale rice b .0In Men'sPBox Calf,regular •2,50. Sale price $ 1,98 SeC. R• A.THWL ..EEE. _ LL N••N4•••••••Nl1N••N•NNNNN44N••N••IrN41004,41 J. B Hoover Nelsen Bali I • 100' Fl _l<--,_ — 4_ Affords d an part of the 1 quality. = For Parlor, There are complete oin excellence t • .....r.11 �, Our rrany of U of furni-ture i �. 3 , f • Furniture • - _ - - Stile oPPor unr t for the thrifty tY to refurnish the whole house at did saving, not made at the expense Dining, Bed Room or. Kitchen. lete outfits and ethnic leers that are marvels and econottty. Better see them. The cheapest spot in Huron County to buy viii kinds of furniture, i Hoover Ball 1 vvirtaTervietxri .114.111ZT IsTlieTleill...6,„Z.. rixAvowolts �Y�1►lY l.l.dr Jam... .�ta4...Y..a r iia:. i ....'._ .. - .i... .. .. .. ._ ,.... Perhaps ijou are not buying from us. itrnI-'htbe to your advantage to do so We sell at honest prices—you like that. You want to see a liberal as- sortment when you buy. Our endeavor is to always have it for you, Perhaps you have a reason for not giving us a share . of your purchases. • Are you willing to tell us what your reason is. We want to know our faults. W. D. FAIR 00, Often Cheapest Always the Best tri L , �"Ili 1 lI1N1HUUtllllnl llllllllll 0')4 ;.r,....- .� m,ulU III,. Mr. Wnt. Elliott, Bayfield, was in Clinton Tuesday. Mrs. F. McCartney of Goderich visit- ed Clinton friends on Saturday last. Miss - Janette Gunn of Toronto is the guest this -week of .Dr. and -Mrs. Gunn Mr. Alex; Osbanieston, Oodoriele vis- ited his brother, Mr_. A.:Osbaldes- ton, yesterday. Prof, and Mrs. Brown spent the week end in Galt the guests of Mr: and Mrs. L. C. Fleming, Miss Mabel Vodden of Huniett visited with her aunt, Mrs. Bert Langford, during thepast week. Miss Jennie Robertson left last Thursday for a fortnight'svisit with Brentford friends: Miss Mabel Erratt of Auburn was a guest rat the . home of. Mr, and Mm, C. J. Wallis for a few days this -:week. Mr. Chas. Hovey was called to St. Thomas on Monday to attend the funeral of. his. , sister, Mrs. Mary Macdonald. • - Miss Burke of St. Thomas: • has been the guest of'. Miss Hattie Courtice for •tthe past -week,1ner many friends were gladtb meet her., Miss Beatrice Greene has been . con-' fined, to the house during the past week suffering from the, prevailing cold.. She is recovering, we - are glad to state: Robbie Lawson 'came up from Petro • lie. on Friday to attend' the fu'nenai of. hid emit, Mrs. Joseph Lawson, Auburn, on Sunday -and returned to Petrous 'oh Monday. ' ` Mr. Chas. Slemanon, Moosejaw,- Sask., of the. C.P.R. bridge building staff,' and his - brother, Mr. - Weil. Slemenon of Ethel were. guests of Mr. and Mrs. John' Govett yesterday. - Re,v: Alex. -MacMillan 'and -Mrs. Mae - Milian of Toronto were in town! couple 'of days .last • week, , ha'Ylt conic' up to attend the funeral of their' neice, Miss Katie Gunn. Mr. Will; . Downs, - Toronto, ' and Mr. Richard Downs, Port. Huron, who ,attended : the funeral of their sister, Mrs. J • Lawson, Auburn, on •Sun- day, were the guests of their 'bro- ther, Mr. R. A; -Downs, .on Mon- day and Tuesday. Mr.. J. T. Clark of Toronto, who; was a: visitor •over. Sunday with friends in' town, left on -- Monday niorting tor home.-' Miss Mabel ao- cornpan.ied' him, bitt Mrs. Clark and Master • Arthur are remaining until the • end of the week., - Mr. Frank Kydd, who has been on the . staff of the Doherty Co., near- ly a year, left yesterday for Cuba, • 'where his 'family reside. He was accompanied by Mr. Gordon Cun- inghanie,who will spend a couple •oi ,months in the land of sunshine, fruit and: flowers, . Mr. V. C. French, editor oP-.The .Tem - es has . been confined, to his• - •bed 'e for the past ten days, the result of a retapse from .the la grippe, which nearly resulted in typhoid fever. We arepleased to report thathe is re- covering as rapidly as can be ex- pected, Well.nva- and trust he tigrl be ra 1. eseent in a few days.---W:etaskiwin, . Alta., Times: • Mr. Chas. Donaldson of ' Winghani ' was in town on Friday Iasi on bus- tnss b nt for'the I. Case Come parry, Ile 'has had a successful year so much so that - the Company gave him a tangible recognition and he will continue to pushits interests for at least another twelve months. Mr. Donaldson returned a few days ago from a visit to the Company's nienereoth plant at Racine, Wis., where its chief agents from the U. S. and Canada were entertained. Prof. lirown, who has had charge of the organ An Wesley church for the past couple of years, has sent in his tesagnation, having accepted the. organ in Knox church, Galt, which, by the way, is the. largest Presby- terian congregation in Canada, The pastor of this church is leev. Mr. Knowles, the well-known Canadian - author. l o Mr.Drown •n succeeds Mr. Geo. Lethbridge, who goes to Eur- ope the last week in February to conid ae his studies,s, at which time Mr. Brown will assume the position. Ile will' Ili. also take over Mn. t� I.CIt bridge'ss class in music+. Mr. Brown's Clinton friends congratu- late him upon the appointment and wish him every success. More Personals Page S. February 1191lt rAfel ,JR4FLAR 5rJR)ff/ We're�:-� l � y Cutling L Every Vestage of Winter Goods for a Great January Clean UP And remember, this is not a clean up ,of undesirables --every garment and every article mentioned in the fol- lowing list is the wry best value obtainable at regular prices. Every article must go—yours the pre it. This will be•the greatest opportunity ever offered men, women and children of Clinton: and vicinity to get acquainted with the high class of merchandise which• we carry. We are driving the knife in deep and prices will be topped off in big chunks, The reason for this great slaughter sale is the fact that we make each season clean up its oWn stock, PURCHASE AT OUR STORES DURING JANUARY AND SAT MONEY. • 25 .Ladies' Wate. roof Coats -Special $5 25 Ladies' Waterproof Coats of cravenette and tweeds, full length, good style, all sizes. Reg $7.50 to . $12, bale price $5 10 Men's Waterproof Coats Special $5 10 only Men's. Waterproof Coats, dark grey, all sizes. . Reg $10, sale price - - $5 5t1c and 6Oc • Dress .Goods 39c • 500 yds -all pure wool' Deese Goods in plein'colers, stripes and cheeks, black, blue, red, brown, rose, wines, green, greys, etc., serge, fancy . wnrstede, weaves. • Venetians box clothe,- etc:; • splendid wearing qualities, suit. bfor le f r Itil ' lasses a - c of weer ev- ening. street or school. Rep 50e. and 60c, sale price - 39 . • Special Dress Goods 25,c 10 ;pieces Dress Goods. Just a clean up lot from the dept.. Good colors and, strong wearing• qualities. : Reg 35c, and 50e, while they Jaen you choice as $1.50 Corsets' - -- $t D&A Corset special for Sat- urday only. White ,Batiste, all . sizes, very daintier trimmed. Reg -$1.50, special 51 25c Ladies' Belts 19e. Clearing -out the balance of our Christmas Belts, leather, elastic and silk in black,, brown, red, . grey, • blues. etc. Reg 25c and 35p,' sale price - 19 50c Ladies' Belts 39c Ladies' Fancy Belts in leath- er. elastic and silk. fancybuckles in all the popular colors -the balance of our Xmas buying. Reg 50c. sale price 39 . 35c Children's Uuder. • • wear 25c • 5 doz Children's Wool Un- derwear vests and drawers; well made and trimmer). with inser- tion and ribbon. Splendid value at reg price 35e, sale price a!s $1:50 Black.. - Sateen Waists -$1 Ladies' Blacle Sateen waist; good quality,. fast black. latest' style, all sizes. :Reg $1.50, - ale price ' Sl 35 Ladies' Astrachan Fur Coats . 29 Ladies' Black Astrachan Fur Coats, silk quilt- ed lining with Timber Sable collars and - self collars, three good styles to choose from., sizes 34 to 40, Reg $45, $50 and $60, sale price - - $35 3 only Bocharan 'Fur Coats, Alaska Sable collars: Reg $75, sale price - - $55 3 only Astrachan Coats. Reg $25, sale price $15 Ladies' Coats •' Half Price - 25 Ladies' Winter Coats made of beaver and rough tweeds, colors black, blue, grey, brown, etc.,. very newest style. Reg $10; $12, $15, and $18, sale price : - Half Price 50 percent' off e Ci l h ldlren s Coasts About 25 Children's Winter, Coate meetly 'fancy a tweeds, blanket•cloth • and heavers, all new styles, Sale price -. SO percent. off Millinery 50 percent off Clearing out the balance of our Millinery at half price. Some good styles left. 50c Toques 25c About 2 dozen Children's. Toques, assorted colors, honey- coinbe weave, doubled. Reg 50e, sale price:: . . _ 15c Wrapperrett 1.Oc 10 pieces Fancy Wrapper- rett, good designs, .good color. ings, suitable for house ' gowns, dressing sttrgiles, etc., 27 inches 'abide. Reg 15e, sale price. Remnants of • Flannelette. IMa'nufacturer'p remnants of white and pine 'Flannelette. End,. run ficin 2 to 10 yds, worth regularly 10c and 12- c. clear ins them up at - 7 Remnants of Cotton Manufacturer's remnants of white Cotton, good width, splen- did value. Ends run ft one 2 to 10, yds, worth 12tc, 15e and 18e. . clearing them at one. price; - 8 Re_mnants.•of Apron Ginghams Manufacturer's remnants of Apron Gingharns, . splendid •• width • and duality, worth 12te, lye and '18c,.clearing 'them at 8 • OLZER 44_41-A9011Ar Hullett Happenings The News From Londesboro Miss Mabel • Vodden visited' . .last are ;assembled here tonight asa fes- week as 'the guest of Mrs. Bert tive gathering'., there is a, touch of Miss A. Bell returned Saturday an Alts. Thos. Millar •was laid up wine' Langford of Clinton. I sadness mingled with our joy, know ter a ten days visit with Toronto and an attack of lumbago the forepart of 'Mr. Jas. Shobbtook bought aBrie Ling, that we are about to ince you Woodstock ,friends, this week. • • Mr. Chas. Manning was under tire weathera• few days •last week, Mrs. J:.* S. Carter entertained . a few of 1,err friends to tea oil- Tues- day eve,n:ng of this week. On Tuesday afternoon of ' this week at 3 o'clock a marriage. took place • Temperance at the- Londesboro Manse, when 5u.- House and ,who: is acting, as agent for a London • tea firm,' received and delivered a 'quantity of. tea, coffees, spines,. etc,, last' week. - Mi ,- Thos. Nott is laid' up, with . a severeattackc• . grippe.. ofg PP Mr, Thos. Millar received a car ' of coal Monday of this week. . horse at' Mr. Chas,' Wallis' sale • -in , from our.neighborhood. We are sor- Mrs. John Tamblyn spent' Monday Clinton on Saturday; Mr, Shobbrook,1 ny to have you leave our. midst, as and Tuesday with her .'sisrter; Mrs. keeps the right kind. you have ever been kind and obliging (Dr.) Medd of Godetkch. Mr. 'Thos. Nott' Le at present laid to each and every one, of us ever_ Mr, D. Cantelon. of Clinton shipped ':p with an attack of. grippe which ready'to lend a helping hand to the a, carload of potatoes this week. is so common. needful, ready also witit a kind word This is the. fourth car Mr. Cantelon 'Mr:. Will, Stephens sold a, horse and to cheer the sorrowful.and in a multi- has purchased in this . vicinity, ., this has also replaced it. tude of ways to make yourselves felt season, Mrs. Thos. Nott, who has. had an• for goad in this 'community. There- Mr, A Iiazum of the Te -roper • attack of pleurisy, is better again.. fore, realizing this we have taken this Mr Albert Carter of Red Deer,. In the midst of it . Miss' Maggie Alta.; who is spending the. winter in opportunity • of showing our. appreoia- Ontario, is visiting his brother, Mr,.: tion of your kindness, love and..good- ie R nand Carter. .. Will l to us to present you with this clock andS chert i w t this Mn. pin,as a Robert. Br ' t own, Jr.,Jx.who .has been. visiting his brother, William,in small tokenof our respect for von and Detroit fora month, has returned our 'gratitude to you for the . _ iany home. , ' favors • you have shown to us. "e And Mr. J. C, Henry has sold his fine we ask of you to accept the gifts, not farm of 150 acres on the 13th con• for the money value they contain, but subject in the morning was "The the future honer. of Mr, and 4lrs. Mc- as1'ndeven- a reminnerof happy� theM 1 C r ", rde on a art n 'n th daysyou o 1•, n and i The price was excellence a, modest• . oneg g Ewing where -they gave a v cry, enjoy- in view of the of the place, have spent in this neighborhood, That nig . "The Evangelical Campaign' ne.W able evening to their'marry friends, and it is the earns figure, by the way, . whereat wishes may accompany . you being held in Toronto.. Owing to, who esti ndtd to the newly married wherever rcongregations w eel t o ' weather conditions ns the, that lilt. Henry's father paid for it yourmay becastandC n acouple sfntrrest good wishes for . thirty-tive yearn ago. It is' .slab woe- that success may crown your labors both morning and evening were not long and happy mart ed life• here in this: World and that you may large. thyof notingthat r•+ t a M .Walter Cure- r. Hamm ,Sr, of Myth t a ., ,gin w a M Y P Ion he to n' enjoy the' Sgift and ••t- inghame, the present purchaser, lived sparedj y'Sunday last ryas held as :17rs.,ut t few days this week at the 'i'etnl,cr- upon the fauna when it. was bought by that when called upon to' leave the any Sunday in the Methodist. Sun- ante Tronas. .ofThe this 1 Mr. Henry. It is not often that a thingsworld that perish, you day school, usual mis- man returns' to the old place after .so may with joy ;enter upon that glor sio>yary collection. was taken and an iaus world where parting is unknown, interesting address on the work of Ions an interval, Mr. Con years. Auburn ,. is the sincere desire and wish wsof every sgiven the has .been. in the west for a few years. • the Deaconess Home was by Mr, Henrye of us. Signed on behalf of the D'ntendcnt', Special music teas . r3' parted with the farm On Friday hest Mrs. Joseph Latin with regret and only, did stein view of • friends• supplied by the orchestra, Y i son, a much esteemed resident oh the foot that his only son, now a t Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Patterson, Auburn, where site spent her whole • t tud�en'E of the Clinton Collegiate, has Mr. and Mrs, R. Thinking, Auburn life, pas', d into the Crreat' Beyond at, decided upon another occupation. i. Mr. and Mrs• II. itlog-ridge,t`ite age of forty -rine years. 5hc hac3 Mr. and Mrs, llehry will take up R• Scour Those interested Ln the Baptist lx°en in poor health for somee time their residence in Clinton where they, RobI Morrison, church here will be glad to hear that ;tad the cosi was not unexpected, She expect to move during the course of John �V, J'ackson, the debt has been the month. Mr, and Mrs. Witmer,: poli off' by the sub- was the daughter of,t;he late Robert scriptions which were ctrcu.ated Downs, a1one�-time resident of this On Friday evening last they enter- Mr. and Mrs. John F'ingland, This, church was erected ata cost of village' and subseciuently of Clinton tamed their neighbors among whom Mr, and Mrs. J. A. Webster, about $4,Ot10 and dedicated two years where he departed this' life a few they have lived so long .and so happily Porter Wright, ago .s 'it will be at ante seen that years -ago. Mrs. Lannon is survived and in music, games and in partaking The recipients, who bad expected the congregation has been exceedingly by her husband and their two child - at s c [ Howson <�: atvS h fine ud rLawson, thes Onset which Mrs. HenryHiepr•y only a pleasant parting evening, were liberal. They have a lilacs of wet.- . rl rt, 1: �r had provided, the evcntngg passed all taken completely by surprise, and Mr. ship that is an ornament;. to the ,Auburn, and Mrs. Walter Moore, Cod - too t'edY• Henry wasenabled but orielly to village of which h o oe g otd p_�erreI. The largely -attended ced funeral wee suppluneeted by the preee station press their appreciation of the kind fist friends have every reason to be took pure on Sunday at Locution tee. Jaekson, on behalf of those assent- sentiments contained in the address proud. They are to be congratulated hall's re•nlet•t'ry, the se•rvicc being eon- s • the .steerof the Methodist Ic ducted d h t c bel read ed p 'r. th folia" wi'ft's which accompanied 't which � ng address wliirh and of the gifts n . upon the zeal and t`ouitiage whr h Y sbcYorMe tsqnranota ;J c ttof a very hand- TIrYwouldney r regret andprc-p prompted tclthen tott reef theirband- d . ct mtc t here. i10 three brothers i5 o f tie clock to Mr, and Mrs. sent kindnesses, They were sorry to some odif:'ce and upon the succuss the deceased, Mr. Pobt. Downs, C"lin- Iletny :incl a pretty monogram pin tis tf leave a neighborhood where all had which han erown their efforts. ton ; Mr. William Downs, Toronto , Llleir sort, Se:hert. dwelt SO happily together hat as'they The pulpit of the ' Baptist church and Mr. Richard Downs, Port Nitron, The• Address :,Were tot moving far away they would will be Oeeupied next Sunday by Rev were all present at the funeral, To To Mr. and Mrs. J. f', Flcnry and be enabled to 41v/trete keep old friend- W. Wylie, recently out from Scot- the be�eeiserl ones the sympathy of HORN. : Dear F'riendss,—Whilst we i ships green. 'land. thewhole_ ccsn.ittuttity is extended, an Campbell became the 'wife of. Anee • ander Mek:wieg, both of the 11'th ton. . of Hullett, near ilarlock. The' erre-• #bony was performed -• by the Rev. Walter T. Pearcy, Al-. A., ' and . wan Witnessed only by immediate relativ- es. The bn:de was' becomingly gown- ed in. white net mer.'white--silk and the couple were unattended. - When. Rev. , J.• II. Osterhoet preached tw.o the wedding party had spent' -a little' - very instructive sermons' Sunday..' he time at the manse they returned to .-