HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1911-02-02, Page 4[ ' f
sunnwelrbill "
CoderIch, Township,
Miss Aine Lobb is visiting blends
. A meeting of those isteresteit in the ,
A meeting of the Wore 's• Institute
* London and district,
extorsion of the Godertich Township
will be held at the home of the Prev-
Mr. and •Mrs. Witt. Johnston of 'Rural
Telephone .Systema -was heX in
isent, Mrs. Spaoktnan, on Wednesday
lFQrter s Hill visited friends here
the schoolhouse at Taylor's Corners
afternoon,, Feb. Ull, at half ;past two
ttist weer.. (on
Wednesday of last, week, with a 'O'clock.
-M. F; Casnnbell, Secretzary.
Mr., T. Mason purchased,' a horse
large attendance of those interested In
The annual congregational mpeTr
groin Mr. C. J. Wallis.
the Matter.
ing of St. Andrew's church was belci
Miss Trick spent Sunday under the.
Councillor W. 11. Labb presided and
on Wednesday afternoon of last
pon the Huron Road.
President holland and. Secretorarent4l,roof y „
week. Mr. John Whiddon was 4p -
Urs. W. 11. Rall, has returned after
stir were :present to explain the work-
ing, I of the system. Mr. George ort-
pointed chairman. The reports of the
week's visit with friends in God-
er .carne out from. Goderich'to repre-
various coniornittees showed the of
fairs of the congregation to be in a
sent the Bell Company as to Central
healthy condition. The foliovving were
A uantler fro i a our e, a ttend-
appointed an the board as managers
ed the funeral of -Mr. I. 13tawnlce fn
The meeting was. unanimous for the
for 1911' : Messrs. Robert Reid,
Clinton .on :►Monday•
extension of the lystem over the
Arahie Atm!str ngJohn Stewart,
Mrs;. Ellis and little son from . the
north and west sides of the township
Samuel Huston with Messrs. James
,west are visiting at the house of
and the following. were appointed to
Campbell, Murdock Ross, James
Mrs..T. C. Lindsay,
canvas for subscribers : Toth. Amey,
wax -and Thomas 1lrowidett. Mrs.
Mr. Jas: Cousins from near Benmil-
Bert Orr, Ham �lcl►tgomery,. James
James Ferguson was re -appointed or -
ter has engaged with Mr. N. Ball for
Jolinst'one, Herb . Lamprey, 'Tont.
gariit and Mr. John Whiddon super -
Johnstone, Oswald Ginn.
'Th'eto thorough
inteardent of 5. sehoal'. Steps were
Mr. W. 11. I,obb returned on Sat-
intention is !rake a
taken to, proceed with a call . for a
vrrday from London. township where
at once. e so that the directors
may order supplies and have the ex -
the bought another load• of Durham
pushed thsotigh as soon as
Mr. Iadvvard Merrier, Zurich, who
grade cows which he is disposing -of
the season permits.
has purchased the Mock of Reid
by private sale: They are said to be
In all probability our township. will
Bros., moved his family to the
the best. bunch Air. Lobb has yet
a network of Jural telephones be-
village last, week and they have tak-
brought in winch :is saying -a good
rn the 12th of July next.
en up their abode in the residence for -
Dir. W. H: 'Lobb has brought ten
merly occupied by Rev. John McNeil,
sitting. of `binders, mowers, plows, hay.
carloads of cows into this township in
Prevtcus to leaving r4or'ich Mr. Mit
rakes,. cream seperators, fence'. wire
the st t e - and M Geor
ner was presented by the Your
Ifolland equalas many so. that be
Men's Adult BibleClass with a very
twixt them they alit dolgg;•'thcir best'
handsome leather bound chair. And
to make this snore a",dairying dis~
to Mrs,. Merner a Bible was given,
trtet• than heretofore.. The 'good re -
suits are already apparent 'but will
eulogistic address signed by W,
be, more so by and bv.
O'Brien and J,: llunipbreys, Prest-
Mrs. P. McCartney of Caoderieh
dent and Secretary, respectively, of
spent the week end among old friends
the Zurich :Brotherhood Bible Clans.
on the Ma,it•land,Mrs.
James Ferguson -entortalned a
Mr. D. J. Cantelon, who has been
few of her friends on Monday evening.
visiting at the old honwstcad.; on ;the
Miss Floy Edwards entc•.rtained a
9th ccn., will pay a business visit' to
number of her young friends ori Fri -
Woodstock on Friday.
day evening last.
• The young people of St. James'
Mrs, 1', Campbe:'1 and scn, Mast"
church, Middleton, have, prepared for
Duncan and neiee', Miss Florence Mar -
the public for Friday, . tomorrow ev-.
tin, spent; a few days the past week
ening, in the form of )Urs. Jarley's
at the holire of :firs. Robert Orr of
Wax Works; Colne 'along and have a
good laugh.
Miss Lizzle Ferguson of Toronto is
Mr. Frans and .Miss Violet Cole
visiting her patents, 'Mr. and Mrs.
spent a; .few days in Goderich.
John Ferguson.
Master: Lloyd Millar has been un-
Mr, John. I?au of Zurich spent Tues -
der the Wcatht.r all ' week,
day in . the vMage.
ATr. Grip has been visiting ,this
Mr. Derwin Cart -or sports a new
pant of the country. .We will all be -
pleased to see him' go -again .for he
is not pleasant company
Miss Ruby ,�llswortlli is vlsifing her
At the. annual meeting of. the
fel nd, Miss Edna AiilIar.
Clicese and,, Butter Company the. re-
Mr..and Mrs. George Cooper atten-
signat'iohi of. the worthy'swrctary,
ded the party at lin. Jack Stewart's.
Mr, N, W. Trewartdha was accepted
Miss Annie Cooper has;been ill. Her
and Mr. John 1,6werf chosen toAill
friends will. alts be glad to see. }ler
the vacancy. Mr. Trewartha did
better main..
Rood work..and ft is, fully expected
`.iliac i, Standing a few
Mr. Lowery. will also give satisfac,
days• under., parental roof, Mr.
Wo.The directors are : George 1101-
George A4illaT'�.
W.Ii. Lobb, .J. W. Yeo, . (1•.
W..Acheson and Geo. P...G•ould. The
' In Britian itself, World Wide is . the
only publication of its kind.in Canada.
auditor is Mr. T. R. Jenkins who
was rc-elected:
Miss Snell of 1lullett was last
Telephone subscribers.' who have
week.the guest of her cousin, , .Miss
ota. yet. received tlieirphones may..do.'Stahley.
treat;" Regular readers of World Wide
o at Mr. Rouatt's next 141onday at-
Mr. and Mrs. W. Pickard were in
Fullart+on on '['uesdav att7,ndfng the
wedding of .Miss Kathleen $,% an.
-------------�.�._' M'� D r d s f Cid h
rs. rape an on 0 . o eric
spent a few days with her parpnts,
Mr. and Mrs. Mulbolland.
Miss King of -\? carton is visiting
her aunt, . Mrs.' F; Leonard.
• Mrs.. Geo, Crooks is in Toronto vis-
iting friends.
Mrs. Leonard and Miss King spent
Monday in London.
Miss Tessa Crooks spent several
days in .'Goderich visiting friends.
.Miss Jennie Holmes of Clinton vts-
ited Mrs. 1)•. A. Holmes :recently.
Good Health For
:`.Ron' Doom men,
If You are Weak and Easily Tired
Tris- Dr. Williams' rink Tills.
Anaensia is a- state into. which one
falls because of Iacki.of. blood, or. . be-
ieause the blood s poor, weak and
watery. The• mah or woman who
has not enough blood. is pale, languid,
easily tired and easily depressed. As
the trouble progresses other symp-
toms show themscl'ves, and the life
of the s►iffger is one of misery. An-
aemia opens talc door to consumption,
and gives victims tb..all .rhe epidemic
maladies, beeause the whole body is
weakened anei unable to resist the in
roads, -of disease.Dr, Williams' Pink
Pills are the bast. remedy' in the world
for- the cure of anaemia, and all its
attendant miseries. They . make the
blond rich,rod. acid * pure, tliusi bring-.
Ing health and strength to weak,•des-
pondent 'hien and 'women, We do not
know of a single case of anaemia'
where. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have
failed t'o cure if given'a fair. trial. Mr.
John Hastings, Venn, Sask,, , was a
victim of this trouble and found new
health through Dr, 1l'illrlams' Pink
Pills. Iie says: "I was working on,a
railway driving a team and found my-
self gradually running down.. I did
not pay much attention to it, at first,
but soon I began to lose my apps--
b!teand it was a trial to gtet
through ni:y day's work. I got med=
icing from the •doetor on the works:,
but; it did not help me, and finally I
got so bad I told the foreman I
would have -to quit. He told. me. not
to lose hope, that he would .get some
medicine that would soon 9make mo all
right. That night he went to town
and bought me three boxes of Dr. Wil-
liams' Pink fills. I had . not taken
more than three bones when I began
to feel better, and after i used five
boxes I was as well and strong as
Ivor, and could do a day's work with
aW man On, the job, I may Just add
that beforwl - began 'taking the Dills
T was so run down that I weighed on-
ly 122 pounds, and wllild'Uaking thilm I
!'anted 22 pounds. 1: cannot::.y too
tfiuch in favor of Dr.. Williams' bink
Pills and strongly recd n=end them
to all run lown men.+'
' •'fou ' can .get these Fills throussl►
tiny medicine dealer or by nV 41 at 50
bmts a boat or six boxes, for $2.60
fr6m. The Dr. Williams' Utdicine Co,,•
Br6alrille, 'ort.
Clinton Nevus -Record
Htantev Township
The Leader of Marlette, Mich:, had
the following reference to Mr. Albert
Redmond, a, foctuer xesident of this
to -Wil hip : "Albert Redmond. w'asl olne
Of those to come home from the Auto
show with a sure ena•ugli sting. He
simply must have one and will pro-
bably, buy a Ford."
Mr. hickey and Mr. McClinchey of
Stephen are visiting friends on the
Babylon and Goshen Lium this week.
Mr.' David Johnson drove over to
Clinton on Saturday for 4s sister,
iVliss Agnes l~., who is taittng a course
In the Business College there.
Mr. anst Mrs. Joseph Hayter and
two children attended, the funeral ' of
Mrs, Y. N. Hayter in Stephen on
Tuesday of iast week.
Mr. Chester punkin vitsited Babylon
Line friends. Sunday and part of Mon-
day Tart.
We all join in congratulating the
trustees of S.S. No. 13, they haying
secured the services of Mr. J. F.
Hamiwell as their teacher.
Air. herb. Dunkin talks of taking
vocal lessons tin the near future , and
nnay also take lessons on the guitar as
that, is his favorite Instrument.
Mrs. Samuel Johnson visited lien -
salt friends .last week.
Ai F k:•11 . t
Live Stock Market. ] London Mond
Toronto, Jan, s0th,_Uecelpts of live
at, the Unfort Stock ii
Mrs, J. McKnight, Sr. has beim very
Ards were,
65 cat loads, consisting of -4439 cattle.
Ill this week, ^
19 hogs, 216 sheep and and 4
l�•rs; Arthur Stephenson :has also
The quant of fat cattle was as A
ride better than a week
been on *o sick list.
Bliss Pea•tl Wise has been vfsiting
Early In the day, and us to the noon
, )
at, Mr. Pearstan a lit Stall oy,
!tout, trade was inactive to, exporters
A sleigh load of young people from
and stone too good ;for the butchers'
Varna Wednesday evening of
classes. but later on in. the day a little
Iast weeds at Mr. A. Stephenson's.
thong activity ed tipped and every-
thing was cleaned tip,
Air, Arthur Wiltse had a wood bee
The export trade was the worst thus
on Wednesday,
far for
a1911. r
ccs we from is ,
s re ore, c t 2a
o c
h ti
meeting of the
g 1 0
e t
per cwt. lower than on Monday last,
have been held. at Mr. McKnight's.oa +
Butchers' cattle were firth at last
Thursday's decline, as will be seen by
Tuesday evening was postponed ow -
ing tor the illness Mrs.
the malty sales reported,
of McKnight.
It Is intended to ]told it at . Mr.
Hardy's Thursday evening.
F. L. 'Woodward brought 300 cattle
for Swift & Co, as follows: 115 steers
Mrs. Herbert .Crich has also been
for London, 13141bs average weight,
,.very 07.
tit 0.05 average price, or a range of 6,90
11:t the Close of the sermon. at
to 6.130; also '10 also bulls, 1700 to 1900„
'Turner'$ church on Sundav afternoon
at 3.20 .to 6.60, Foa Liverpool 185
steers, 1260 lbs., eit 0 average priop, or
next, the quarterly. love feast and
a range of 5.76 to 6..16;15 bulls, 1500 to
1600 lbs., at 5 to 5,25,
communion will be held.
George B. Campbell bought for
Morris& Cu. 100cattierforManchester,
HUIle�tt ToWnShi p
as follows; 95 steers,. 1160 lbs , at 5.82;
5 bulls, 1450 lbs., at 5,26, For Liver-
Pool, Air. Morris bought 141 steers,
Mr. Derwin Cart -or sports a new
1'150 lbs, each nt 5 90 8 b 11
February 2tid, 1911
SINCE the days
of ra t
a h
. l
u the
HowAitn Watch has been the chosen
timepiece with Americals men of action
.-in both war and peace.
The Hownnv saw service in the
Civil War and the Spanish-American
War, - 1t went round the world with.
the American battleship fleet.
In big industrial plants -•••-on the
American railroads—wherever accurate
time is a factor, you will find. the Howwnn:
Watch the court of final resort,
HOWARD watchmakers make and adjust every,
HOWARD as a fine watch. eascd at the factory
and timed in its own .case.
Printed ticket jims the price— �}o to St so,
Let us.show you this distinctive watch.
at 5.20. , , u a, 17601bs., d Mr, Saaiiuol MCC has started to A >�
r. .. T.M. ,• who has been, teach-
nn$ S011001at Copp@r _Cliff, is at pre-
raw gravel for the wall which he ` •
intends putting under hisbarn
sent confined to his room•• at the home
his brother
Prime picked lots of butchers, . and
thers were few of theta, sold at 5..75 'sumaner.
Jeweler and Optician
on the Babylon Line
to e; loads of good, 5,6,0 to 5.75; med-
Mr. Lorne Tyndall the other day
with inflammatory rheumatism.
A number of the young people of '
inns, 5.25 to 5.50; common, 5 to 5,25;
cows, 3.50 to 4.911: with a few good en- •
sold a seven -months' frilly for $125,
That was alt. Issuer of Marriage Licensee
this section spent a very enjoyable
()ugh export at 5 W 5.16 bulls,
Oto 5.
time at the home of Air. and Mrs. Ar-
thur Stephenson of the London Road
lash Wednesday evening. , Mr. W. R.
A limited number sold at 40 to 65
Steprienson of the Parr Line had wme
and'one at 70,
difficulty in securing a team and sleigh
to draw the merry crowd, but Mr.
Four veal calves sold at 3.50 to 8 per
Chas. Rathwell' kindly consented to
take his team• and rel►'eve Mr. St,ph-
horse, who was driving five
Wesley Dunn bought all offered as
in a single cutter.
follows; shecni, ewes at 4 to 4.50; rams,
Messrs, Herb. Dunkin and 11aurice
at 3 to 3,75; lambs, 0 to.6;30, and one
Johnston -have broken the record e•f
lot at•6,35 .per cwt'
this season, they having cut, ,pM void
piled eight cords of wood in seven and
W. S. Johnston reports prices afi
follows; Selects, fed
one half hours:
and waterad, 7.40
and 7,05 to 7, 10, to drovers for hogs,
Miss Pearl Dunkin visited 1t tin. A
f, o. b.; cars at country paints.
Reid's9 Saturday and Sunday Iasi'.
Bliss Cora Peebles of Ilarristan,
who is attending the Clinton Business
College, w•as the guest of Miss Nlannif�
Ablest Writers
Johnson on Sunday last.
Best Reading Big Bargain
" High Thinking and Low
Living'+. -
Mr. William, McQueen of Snover,
Mich., who is visiting relatives here,
no. ,you kn6w World Wide? The
spenb the past..:. two .weeks renewing.,
cleverest wriUrs•of Britian and Amer -
old friendships in Clinton •and on the
►ca contribute to the gltccess,of World
second concession' of Stanley,. many
«ide-a weekly magazine of the
best, and ' only the: bust • articles
of. whorl were his old chooll.nates of
and eatoons of each week 'on the
fifty-five years ago.. It is tweilty-six
live subjects-, of. the days selected
years since Mr. McQueen left our.
vvith•great ability and :fairness from
bounds and became an inhabitant. of
the leading British and American lour-
Yankee territory. His. farm Is. sit,
noted one and a half .miles from, .the
nals and reviewss
The English and. Canadian editors
of World Wide assure its covering the
village .. of Srlover, whish is a very
British and Cananian "point of view.
thriving . and prosperous place on the
This.canuot . be • said of . any eclectic
thumb of Michigan. T,he. village in
published it'thP United States, or even
itself contains two large dry goods
' In Britian itself, World Wide is . the
only publication of its kind.in Canada.
and y
grocer stores, •a boot and shoe
As someone •has•said,"World wide
store, • a hardware , store,,also an inti-
is a 'feast of reason-•
an intellectual
portant warehouse. which handles a
treat;" Regular readers of World Wide
great amount of .farm machinery, con-
.are kept in touch with the world's
sitting. of `binders, mowers, plows, hay.
thinl0rig. Acomplete index at the end
of each valumie greatly enhances its
rakes,. cream seperators, fence'. wire
value for reference.
and even; automobiles. • Snover also.
If you do not know this 'splendid
boasts of two - d.octors, a , b.lacksm•ith.
picblieation; send one dollar for a year's
shop, •drug storq, bank, harness shop,.
trial -the rater to new subscribers
butcher shop, a targe furniture house;
(regularrate$1.50)-and, if in a mon-
th s time yoit notify the publishers
a church and a :graded school.OE se.v-
that you do.- not like your : bargain,
enty-five scholars, also a Grange..hall,•
-with a membership :two
they have ppromised to promptly `re-.
fiirid our fd I that's fair, is
bC hundred•
farmers. Air. McQueen. has held the
y money. it
not? Address. to
office . of Chaplain of this Orange ever
World. Wide, 'LVitness . Block . Mon -
since its organ7
itation in 1900. lie
country adjoining Snover .is a p'ros-
perous andthriving part of Michigan.
The d•istance•to.'Marlette is fourtrl^n.
Second Term Exam
ma.1cs and to Sandusky, nine, miles; the
' . lnatioln
latter town being .the Countv Seat of
Sanflac .County... The people of S.,lov-
Clinton Collegiate Institute.:
or and vicinity are principally Canad-
ians. Thep • have free mail • delly„ry
and. `the rural telephone- systeem•. .Air:'!
iYIc(�ucen's son; William` A., ,twenty-
. First Glass (over 75 per cent.)> -•E.
three , }years of age, and w°ho was mar-
$eacom 85.7, W. McGregor 80.5.
Second Class over 66 per .cent,)-�-•G.
tied a year. ago, *i.§ situated ons the (. tt .
homestead • and is conducting:t•he . al- MOTaggart 74:5, Al. McGowan 74.4, A.
Hoare 71.4, .IF. AicArthur 72.3; O. "dale M E E a
fairs there, «rile ills father is spend- 72, F, Elliott 70.,5, ,I. Wilken 68.9,. Aland
Ing a pleasant visit among his friends Cook 67.3,.
in the.County of Iliiron among whom 'Third (lliiss'(ovt•r 60 per .cent) -F,
are Wm.,Glenn, reeve of .Stanley ; his. Ford 03,2, W. Walker 63.2; N., David- '
brother,. . Edward Cllcnn, and i4Irs, soil 63, L. Miller 62.4, M. fates 61:6, N. u
Miller 60, M. Gunn 59.7. V. Evans 59,1, 1
Frank O'Nei? of Clinton. Cv.I3arlandi58.8, W. Nelson' 58.6 W.
;, ,
The Bruceficld Rovers” .:.lirn:key Sutidcrcock '57,9 V. Hearn57.4, E
Nteam team will +
journey to Iien5a11 Gtaha,rir 57.1, M. Elliott 50.9, l�..licott .
on Friday night of..his week and tiicre .50.7, 1+..:Cantelob 56.5,, FThompson .
clash with the I'Stalwart Ila s'h. of 56-3W McNaughton 50.2,1..l Ross 55.2. J �,,
Dashwood . in a sodden, death game Mortis 55.2, S.
Rile5. 55.1; J. cool THE PEOPLES STORE
g' dletor►.64.1, S. Henryy � 5L.6, C. 1►tcCod>l O P
for. the championship of ITurori Coun 52.5, V. Phillips 52 3, A. Swim lil.l, W.
ty Town League hockey: The "Stal- Rutledge 61,1• K. Goviet 5U.6, '
„ of'bfl; I+'OI;i,M 2 • .
husky* iG•eyrmans, team,
are fearless, ex- First Class (over, 75 _per
celilent players, and who so far this .Veit 78.2), 140. Holland 76.2. s>:
season Have never lost a gbrne•.• 'i'he Second Class (over 66 per cont) ---,T.
"Rovers" Aiken head 73, E. Lyolh 72.7, 141: Chow. *� �p �T
Iirucefield Rovers are busy arrang- ell 68.9, N„ Turner 67.1, F,Slozrian 06.5. _U R- .lr j T U R
ing a very ' solid and forcible Bine :up Third Class ('over 50 per cent.) --.E.
and at every . available; opportunity Kelly 64,5, N. Garrett 62.7, W.Wallis .
are oil the local "frog pond" practis- 02.5. G. Walker 01.7, A. McOwitiell
ing several` new hits and rushes, and 60A R, Dewar 60.7, . L. Flynn 60.7, M,
Reynolds 60.5, D. Copp, 60.4•, L. Mae -
by :patting the same into reality at (101"1111 59.5, I+', Browhh•59.4, M. Patter.
Rensall on Friday night claim that soil 58 t, G. Draper 67,2, C. Nicholson
they can. overthrow the sturdy 50.5, 10. Watsolh 65.0, 1). McClinchey -••"�•
"Dutolimen" of the south. To the 54.9, M. Shirley 5.1.9, C. East 54•.7, 13,
residents of Brucefield and. vicinity we Cantelon 5:3.6, L. Ford 52.6; D. Barr We thank our custotners
askou to recall the lionor which the 51.4' L. Greig 61.1, U. McAllister, 00.
y F0RM 3 for their generous patron'
"Rovers" football team brought to Class 1 over 75 per cent.) --L. `
the bur las'! summer, grid were and ( p ) L, Srnil-: age during l9l4 and S(illCit •�
g y lie 83.3, I, Taylor 78.8, AL Brown 75.1. a contlnuaitce of. the satire
defeated in the finals, and a sudden Class 2 (over 06 per cent.) ----M Tay
death game at that by the Colonials lor728, Jr. Buchanan 71.6,. S. sturdy during X91 1. Our greatest
of Niagara Falls, who were later the 08, f3. Copp 66.4.
endeavor is t4 give them
Class 3 (aver 50 per cont.) -F. Turn- champions of all Canada. In this od .$"QOdS at R' reasonable 02.7, L. Wasman 61.7, M. LAtnont go
recollection let the sports of this 61.5, E. Brown 80, L, Beaton_ 69.7, R.
coml¢rthinity ginger up and come with Cautelon 57.6, I. Glen 57.1, 18. Brogden price.
us on Priday evening and cheer the 50.9, L Lavis 541 L Reid 60.4. . .�
boys to victory. The executive cord- FORM 4
mittee , -have prepared tho following Part 1 Faculty Entrance: �
line up : Clark, goal Turner, point; Second Class .(over 66 percent) -D
G. Swan, cover ; W. Swan, raver i Cosens 71.4, E Willis 60, 5.
centre 1lowey, right ; Mein, Third Class -•-8 _held 64 S. V". i'Welshtos�h,left ; Raiser, spare player. Win. 6I 7, 1t Denholtx► 60 8.A.-4LL
Sheppard of Hensail will roloree. part 2 Faculty l4ntranee:
At y Per cont) -C1: _
Prevb terilangchurch M41 s envie Mo- Cop
t C1, (oval• , 7G' W Tamblyn'
Coof the y 9i 1 N wols1i98 6,
Bc?th of•Hensall was once more unan- ' Second Clams (over (10 per Brent)-�15 iris Ettore Resldeirtce
11he ly elected to the esday to ertin s Miller 72 8 t'he church•. Ott 'CVednesday ovetvings, Tltird Crass (over ,50 per dcttt:)•--•'V" M (jq>riiity. walkef Eyiitano '
'iWhen tlho avid -week . stervices aro held, "Welsh 03 9, F 'Tamblyn N3 AAL IN
Miss Mabel Swan will aot as procent. Hon. Mattlenlatiort: ftoluo 28 Parrlitan D ialor and Uwdrrtak6r 140
gr; and Ml" Nettie~ Simpson will All ' Class i_N CSlutt 10 6
t e gime position for the Sabbath Cidss P, --•S 80tt 614
aclioe>1, Class 3-- r O'Neil tiv 8, ,70ltidley G2'u •