HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1911-02-02, Page 31*0
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Ft�bruary 2nd, 1911
HU Dr. -VVilford, Medical Misslonarg In China,, l'ormerlU of
. BlUth, Ont. .
. #-I,
Q1ntoANaw*4Wot4 ,
Do Women W'nt
. _.. , a
. . 9 *
I I Vote 0
%� . - .
139, Rev. Hislop Dickson for some time Pastor of
Willis Church, Olinton.
� � ,;� ..�! 1; , .
0 INEMOM"now- -
. .1 � ; - - I I I . I � . I ; r - � r ,
I I I r - I. r � � - I I - � I. I - - � -I r I _��
wmt "49, vanoraff q0t To
Do WO Baldness ?
TO at
that 'the"""theet; &toMNa7dtnevQr�stW_
4r "so of ess
11 7� 0. " 43 'a ildr I t '
T U11 often
departure of the hair. 'Precedoo tho,
It 118 0
'Inc. wltf�1141j'IIXY trXull ofthtl Yoyu uk ,.w
b4rdly I ,h.c air 0 'IQ il
carried "u" 3 comb through wh. hav,
around a dandruff lh4.4 00114'r
as Ion%,
You 4,,O�'ou ,,�a,,,e ltnoWn �,hwn,,,,
was Ic v lso seen me. w .0 ,
,hair el.)t sl%cle4d ,a whose
.Was u Ir � as a baby
That dandruff t'a 'o.n S W031' and
convince$ , 0- 1��ooll I Y of Us, but let
Us not foo, .1r.11il.1,1111
Of course dandruff isn't a good thing
I Ito carry around. but, it Is only an in
I dication. '
Tzoliuts,ing, Szechwan, is aroused, (perillaps from a comfort- they would b6� calkid ill a few minutes. The blem of Women Suffrage is mAn-a Winston Churchill it may be 1 far I tile women of their nation, The Mmo trouble that cuuggs th
. . PIO � a at limir to fall out usually causes dant
West China, Dec. 24d, 110. able nap) and is requested to, go again Not. 0, they are not called for sev� not of the same imporVance in Canada -wera to frustrate some plan of theirs Vbat would women do wital the Oruff, iso it you get at the cause ancT
, I
I to the ,magistrate with the paper and cral days. Then a board is hung out as in Great Britain, for the simple or oppose their views, be, will not on- franollise it t -bey had it ? They toII arrest the loss 09 liair, you will Stop,,
dandruff too. .
mar Friends:- ask him to'stamp it with his seal and With the, notice of the mses written reason that there are differences be- ly be sarcastically condemned be them u1i that they would aim at removing Those who Ilse Nyal's llirsutone find
p eS,t ,he M -4 sath4factory hair beater
I have been studying for the, Past, ,sign with the vermilion pencil, jo. in in vermilion ink, "Lee versus; Wong" tween the W.011WA of these IWO Conn- but MaY even need the continual de- the great evils of the r , - t day, lLtn dt Ot
hair dressing they have ever used.
few days some lessons of our Fi,ng- regular official style. The official run- comes third. The runners burry the tries and differences also in IlOnielife. fence of policeman as a body guard.. They would abolish the drink traffic It d0eil stoP the hair from falling
guago course ou "Litii-gation," cr ners names are g1so.to be writit(A. on plaintiff, .defendant and wituessc,s�, all Unless we are prejudiced, we must One speaker on the eve of the Decem- andthey woullimake poverty to be lt �Arfll also stop dandruff,
cor� the warrant. The runners are giv,en into thecourt lzow�e once more, 1,,�acli admit t4latlin.Great Britain there is ber electionexpresSed the wish, not unkn<.)Wn in the land. 'The writer ins Your XYal Druggist cheerfully ree-
I-aw, and I was so struck by the . . l 0 ds It -U.06 and 50e in sprinkle
ruptneos of the clhilxese motbods'A,at the warrant, after having -been found has to wear a proper dress, suitable an intu,*Ilectua? and a political atmes- only that the Liberal Call,inct, Would 'Sincere sympathy with this a . im, fop b Tot _tl ee U . r
, a. 11
1, thought some of my friends might'. by tile gateman, and are toW to find for the ocleavion. Before long the Pheres superior to that of Canada. I be defeated, but futitbor that they any Canadian who visits the Motht-r - , -
appreciate hearing a Aescription of the defendant, Woug. But instead, man in charge of the court cries Out, This atmovilhere is breathed not by would be .%imply s -vv, ept from off the Country must deplore the appalling I . i
t he, same. they go and te�l Lee that. they want "Stand in the Court.11 The clerk, nien alone but to a very great extent -fact Of the earth, At the time @I tbi�i n).ibvry and degradation resulting from I -_ . *0 "
I .
!-"Starve to dcatb, but donIt 1000 cash for "delivery" money. Be- tile black clothed -attendant-, and the by womenalso, and the question of election, their cry was, -"just as the poverty and drink in the slums,of such: , i .
I . Id this, lie had to pay 200 cash to runners on duty for the day,, all gath- L women suffrage is the natural outcome House of Lords has vetoed tho power a city as Glasgow. . FAmiLYVI - , I",
steal ; die of yage, but don't go . sl e0 'her and stand, Some one in of this fact. The Toronto , girl reads of the Liberal Gov ril t, in the a I., iI I
to law." the manonduty inthe.Office o(Rites er toget e Men Criticism. I . -
�' deep like for writilng-the .warrant', ;100 cash to the chief gatvinan's office cries out, her thrilling novel while the Glasgow same way the Liberal Cabinet bar, vet- In closing, 1 venture to indicate ,0QK"MVKW'. M. . .
2-I'The court house P the in" in charge of the Receiving and "Let, ,all be in readinc." They all girl ponders Qver the deep sayings of (X44 the Conciliation Bill," which ibree respects lowhicb.
the sea ; its corrupt practices are 'nglish poets ; the Toronto girl would have granted the franchise to a rage, fail$,,- - WO'zlen� Suff- 01W Zor ft,cb e."rydgly ao,M40W .
great like the heavens." Despatching office tor sending thu respond, "We are all bere.11 Inside the L . .
� . . "-)*aid and Guaranteed by W.. S, R.
3-11Easy to face the official, official endorsation. . the inner doors the sounding board enjoys a leisure hour With the Ladies' considerable portion of the women. 2. They have defective views of ,
hard to face his dogs." In due time Wong is found . and sounds once, and the black -robed at- Home Journal while the Glasgow girl U(Nnee the suffragists have done their the power of m( -re legislation. To 110111'es, J. X. Hovey, W. A.
The word "dogs" here refers to brought to.bhe offidal's house, which tendantq give their cry, indicatting reads the Daily newspaper-, the Tor- utmost to influence voters to oppose Imagine that the British Parliament, )Xccormell, Clinton.
underlings. in Canada a parallel often servesaiga jail. Ile is lodged that, the magistrate is, at'hand and onto - girl grows entbu-,iast,jo in des- the retlurn to power of the Liberal ad- can at one strokcT stop the manufact- . -_ I
may be found in a politican and his here safely and the runners return the all, must stand at atterition and ev- cribing her now bat to a companion, rnini&rtration. It you were to form ure and consuXuptig.n. of intpxicating
helpers. . I warrant. Their work is tiben. finished, erything be in order. As .soon as the while the Glasgow girl manifests as your opinion at Mr. Asquith, Mr. liquor or - bring into being . Tho Keeley min� has beert in a �
4-I'The Court House doors open 1but ,nottheir "squeozing"-probably middle door is opened t�bc magiGt,rat,6 greiat an enthusiasm in disviis'sing Tar- Lloyd George and. Mr. Win" ,ton Churn- ideal poori laws, is as absurd as it 'state of slew by strikinK pickets,
wide like the let -ter I'V," but. you* you havo hea,rd of the "squeeze." sysir comes 6ut fit his official robes and iff Reform. 4 bill, from what has been said abrout would be radical. In a cotintry where
It sits down. The runner in charge or Noticing these, . facts one n William Allan fell one hundred fett.
cannot get in without cash though Som that prevails in the Last. At"PallY them in the suffragist mkvtings to Public Opinion counts for so , much, in the Terniskaming mine at Cobalt; .
you are in tile riglit."! - - � rn,qy be compared to the "graft" sys,- t -be court oriqs, "Please ascend the thinks thattliewomen or Great Bri- which I have referred, you would come no Statesman would dreavi of .�uch a and received injuiries that will probab-
In the original proverb, 6f course, tam, of the home officia I Is, or the 11tip- .judgment seat-" The drum in the tain are justified in their struggle for to the conchudOn, that tho,. tliree worst move. Yet that is my, impression of .
they do not say "N"' but "Pah", one Ping" 01's0tvdMts, only here the tip- great, court round . s thrice in !�ucees- the franchise itud to come to a fair scoundrels in Great Britain Nyere plac- what the women propose to do. One ly prove fatal. . .
, .
' .. �
�Of their characters which is like V, ping isn't. opional. . �. sion i; illic, blac�-roded attendants conclusion in the matter. The writer ed at the bead ofthe government of spoakcr boldly denounced church or- Official aDuounci-nient js� Tuade thati �
again give their, cry in a land voice ; of this, article attended thre," public . . I
inverted. A friend� or Wong comes vo see him I I .tile nation. Thvt most kwatching sar- ganizations and charity agencies as till' King and Queen, will visit, Dubka
5 -"The living Pluto does nO t before long. Ile appeals to the lium- tlz�i liotors also bring their instru- meetings on Woltizen Suffrago at which casni was meted out to each of tlic-ic almost of no, value, and emphasized and Ettinburgh. . . . I
despise a thin gli-ost, lie is able ane feelings of ibe runners to get his meats. of punishment and arKang6 addresses; werb delivered by such lead- men. Talk about men in political legislation as the one cert,ai'ri ' cure . . I I . � .
to scrape out fat from the drum- friend out at bail. '�he runners re- them. The magistrate puts a mar -k ers in. the movement as Mrs. Despard, speeches uttering words of personal for. these.existing evils. . � � ''. - __ . - I
stick" of a chicken." I peatedly refuse till lip talks ,'cash." ,with vermilion ink against, the, name Mrs. Billington -Grigg, '.Mrs. Henry abuse ! Wily, men. Simply cannot be '2. Tliey. give us no guarantee of .' '
� . T lbR I
generally appeals more forcibl. . . their ability to legislate. Vndoubt- .
This provorb indicates 'that all's This of. the plainlifi'. The runners *then Fawcett, L.L.D., Miss Niolands, AliNs compared wd,1I the sullragists wheu*it KIDNEY TROUBAwjjax
'flw .y call the.plaintiff to conic tip and kneel A badam and Miss Christabol 11 . ank- is a question of personal abuse. . villy A. is true that no one knows' Ills Sgfferid Thg.yea lieved in 7hree � .
lish that gets into � inagistmte's JO a Chinaman's livant, .(as well. as to � . . . . AfohNis Thar.14 to ,PE7-BU_A(A,, , . .
net and he knows )low to "strikL some people wil down, (poW,t-he posit-loil') Magi*- burst, L,L.D. . Thair Tactic.s. . -' ' , full power and -ability untill he has oc-
0 have a different ' col- . . � I I - __ I � .
� ' -
il" in unlikely places. � tia W then examines. plaintiff and then . . , ,
I ()I d epidermis.) They say, "We must . �, ' . - on to EW(rcise that power and ahil- , qg -.T .
I ' ( 9 �
,O . - Their Assumptions And now I canw, to their tactics', In.' cast - ed. ,J 6Z*m� ,
. I roo , �::i:ii:i���i��:i�i�ii�i��'.7.,I�,.? , . 9
8 -"Ile has won w. � defendant, is also calli-d it - - - ity�. Ilence .1 am optiniis,WZ, about , ,�:,i�i�*.':ii;���i:i:ii��iiii::i:!:i:,
suit, 11
the la, No 16,000, cash before, we can agree . p anti he al In all ihese .public addresses Ilion, considering which,'wic must remember R , -.11. ., I
- . so 1�n&h , 911KH �:-i . ... I
;, Ile too, is examined, women'q judgm-ent in national affairs. . AID .
but l,ost money," to priva,tc bail," .Tile friend keeps say- ' . Then ivere 'two fundamental assumptions that the women who seek the fran- , , .. N 1-1 � iii�i��'.1i�ii,�-iii�ii:i:i:::... �
. , 2.,B I
. , I
. all .the witnesses come tip and kneel. and.as to the trutili of the . 1:11to , wo clas.ws- Yet sureiv Nve must took for sonic - ...�...,.",�........,r:i:i:i:�:j:�:�:�:�i��i�ii�,�:.�.,:�:. I.
ing that lie has onIN - 9000 cash, .So the so the writ- chise are divided t I . 411 . �. . �ii:ii:ii:iii�iii:i:iiiiiiiiiiii::iiii:ii:iiii:ii..,i-�,i� �!
� '. g I
. a typical lawsuit.1 I , .
Let mc describe . I ssuran , 116 ,.:j:�;::j;.:j!;:�:j;�;� .
, ' I together to bi� oxamilled. The Inagis- . they the Suffragists and the Suffrag(tte, a ve and when we turn to the' ,,? �
. ' ,runners, socing that. they cannot get, or is.not voL,' convinced.. First, , l,'�..�....."..,.............:i�i:::�:�::ii�:i:i:.,.i:i:i:i:�:i:i:j:j:j�,j:j:j:�:i:i:...
. " , �iiiiiiiiii�ii��ii::�i::�:ii*�,���i!:,�l. . I
.\Ir. Lee kept a rice shop. Me Wong � . trate, having examincd all concerned, ass ine that it Is women's right roptv,(i I public - speeches of saiftragist.$) we (ind ' "$ ""'**"""""""*"""::i:::i:�:i:i:i�
' [more, agrecto accept. thistUtli alldw to It is the latter.clahs I'liat. has Ad, I ., g� -,-.-.-,-;-.-.-.,.-;,.-;-.�:i:��..:i:i:�:�:i:i:i:;:i:i:i:i:i:i:i��:j'�,':j:j:j:j:j *::,.,.*: . I
1yought, some rice on credit, promising orders tile dviendant to-settiv the ae, . u I I . . . LoO much silence O � .. '..."'.......". . . . . . .. .:* I
.....'...'. ........
to Settle at the end uf the month, Ile Wong to go I onic but is cliargett to I . d a national . ques- ZZ -,�60 ::*5.,-,..,!�:.-*::,.-,.:-X i:�:�:i:i:i:;.:.:-:-:-:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:-:�:.:.:-:.:. t .
I ote, They make the �tat,enicnt -tllgt militant,tact'les to achievv th�,ir (,n s..1 . I 11.-........-..1.,.'....1 ......... ..,
. � ; I g ......... :.1, I I
appear oil tfi,,� day (it the trial. - Let count in full Within ,I fl%t,d tilriv_ Ile .we cannot Irivo represehlative, govern- I ti * I. ion.s. We look at their attitudt, to i M::;::;:::;:::-,.::ii:i:::- - I
. .....N... , I .
failed 16 do so but promised faithful- . . . ,vais that lie cannot is from Ili's class that so. -many I lt,,�* an d w an titter disregard or -:N :::::
ly to pay Lip at the end at the njext me just here tell You thn difference be- .1 . . � . Ijay., Then. tbU ment without Women hav*Ing votes. Ilieroic' wornenhave foitlid their Way . - e SET �; .�. . . .
. I 4'. : � i � r? "... , _N MM,iliili��, I ,
. .
. . ina-gi.,d-rate ordtrs him to he kept - deflance Of law. if Mlil .X..� .. ...W,p . ... .
H ....:, .. _.R -iiii�,�
I . I .. ii:ii�*i�ii:..�.-.'i�iii?��.:i�:i��:i�iiiiiiiii., . .
inonth. Again lie failed to find *the t1ween Chinese -bail and English, In in Behind this statenicrit they never ven- to ilie, enjoyabfv - prison -cell. The * S,ur-: even ait olicli _� .1'.., ;...i!i:i�i:�..�i�':::���.i:i:�iii,*�i�j:jiji�.j:j:"-- I''
.,�.. X. I
I custody and pressed for the. 'Inioney. � every -one acted as they are doing, if i*i*i*", "'..,i:i:�:i:i:i:::::::i:iz::�:��: I . I
Becessary cash, so they c t the 31atter if the nian appears'lic. re- t ure to go,. But- has representation fria-gt�st.y a:vc a�nlore Peaceful and harni, . . . .R.I....".., .
I . ..'.4"Z- .. .- -� I I
(I el"(ry ,;�.�-., - - � �� i .`,': ..:: - 11; * :� .
. "', ,
-omann- , . . . , . . . -, i:... �.,:iiiii:% -
.6 At .the end of tile time fix d -for pay- to do With mere numbers 8 - . . . .0, .1 , . I .
s the - Ciiincsp offiri'al I . . only ? Ilas iv one with: a grievamen against :--04---.� , , .11
% � �� � :-X-%.X::::.::::::j- _.:j:;:::`.*. -:%.'1
luarrel. ThLI amount, of t1w debt Was 'a"' . bail, bill, ill( inent. Wong suJI says lie cannot pay, % tollcet I,(: pi bt to .thrang, frowning on -inilitant.tac' the goverawnt reluscd to pay taxes ; , . 1,0,11-11'....... - i �
'3�;9'1.1'. ..
about 5000 cash. A "cash" has Bear- keeps the bail in any case, . Ilow .is . . in ) A Ile considered ` tio.� but yet:st riving by ol"her iniethods I gu.,� �; X:::;j::. ,:'..`..':I I
. I � _,y
. : 2:
. . * .:
("llillauL4.1 0.) . 'tile accoulil is not liald in two weeks S , ? Is' - began tothrow stones, . .. Q. 6.
Iv the same value to a that for justice ? * . This fline . .. . if every ono, who did not get h L,� Z %� ) I:* 41 1 ...
. the magistrate .says that it Has business ability* no claim, to can- for the samo� goal.. I , ,..*j:�::::::
I :: ,
. I . I , ideratio . . . . . wishes granted, . I � 9 " * ,*:*.,
-1 .."
.11 et,nt has to a Canadian. Lee dd- One (lay. t4le runnevi go and.tvIl tile be.will be beat,un. At'the Csndof I two - tween R A,here no differenc� be- Briefly stated, the angtiiiient for at the houses M those who oppo.,*ed .1 :..."�I.",.........'..."....... FIZEn; . . �
'cided to go to law WithWong Witne��$L . refleetive andintuitive �Ilollgllt? I , .. . I;. . .
and plaintiff, defendant ,and E's t 0 weeks, -Wong manages to scrape up th�, I Is r' militant tactics I's tlliS�-I-bat alkv PeO- I their requests; in short, . �
� L .1 I . I - ple, not being able to get a reasonable of tile suffragetics it tbe actio.ns C., B, F1ZZR,, Mt. Sterling, Ky.Psa":. L � I I
. , -
First .heL come quickly. They all come aiidL Wait ncbr�gaiiy cash. I IL� has 140 get a de- to tile Country than. the intellec.tnal ? - . werr*, Suddenly to .
force him to pay t1he debt. I � I -lip v . motional of groate . value. I I'll' have" a 'r h be One .
. , consideration of their demands, aile becolim, the guiding. rulv for all - sub- bladder s ffe ed w" k1d y I
bas toolitain-a blank form.' Th ' is in th& Office of 'Rites. The man fi�- posit form to pdy.the money in courb.. L-,.ntil ved 'a fdv�orable, I . trouble for ten y I
chiargo: L ' j.0 _ L bh6y havo. recel . .&Sr
Vosts him 200 cash. The magi.5trate's says, "I must write out . for Thd' iwo,. having agrecd a - . justified in rctortilng. to physical force. ts in Great, Britain, -what an tin- . . .S.PfiSt L' I
. . I . ccop�, -the verdict fibin iftiblic opinion -on these The ,'Suff rogettIcs claim that the Lib- I - - '.'Last March I commenced.. Using ..
clerk chArges, him TOO cash for draw-. you. a de laration -and send up to the, magNtrate's deeislo�n as final and sat- . . liecy ,-rnobi ! -What � an unreawnable Perubaan'dc ntiriue for three months.4
.ng tip and writ 19 . . . , and maiiy6tl*r questions, let them. rul . 0 d I - �
- . .
I -ing the charge, also magistrate so that lie can tall for .an isfactlory, then invite magistrate IAO be . eral Cabinet has ,posiponed VhCL ade_ ,%trkigglo- ! -� What cliaos would re.milt 1 f b ave. n � 01P . 11-1 U. ainoe;,nor h"wla felL I
' I
. 600 for afixing the seal. Another invest . gation.11 b 11 , * . a r v c a re -f u I in r eg avl to.. such .A qua e . , . . . I . .
. � . � Ile thelb ' '."illrvil es have a rolicaring of the case, rho ,ad ... ' . � t -considc�ation of their denaunds & They are in too nipch-of a hur- 6�11ai"�?P' I I
00 . I . ical assumption.' .. .. . I . - L I Ask your I druggist fall al P'Rr.Uaa,'LC1 .. 'L 1.
.3 .is wanted for. handing in - his, .them to give. a little "on the. iivk mon- magistrate, on.. taking his seat � in A - second assumption easily Bolficed to ,such 4n extent that, theit patience Ty. They. lack patience. .Hore : than I I alv� .-
I .
. I is evilausted; Del�egates of wainenLaiv ono speaker for Women - Suffrage . Ila,,; :� . , ; . - end4c; , I . I . I . I
. L . .
. I . . -
. .
�(.&Se and for another, seal indicating'. ey" -so. that all J/ble'Loffice band.& may. pourt, receives the. money and.,, deliv�' * i :not, given a, hearing as are atilier del- rt-ferred to, the overwhelming thiport- 1. . . .
. . in Unit, addresses is.. tlii§�Iliat the
that he canie in person. Ile was told 'get a share. So Lee. gives 3000 cash ors, . it Ovek. to tj . . .
L ' ie plaintiff, They great - majority0r.women want to I . .
,to "Come back in a few days Jo see and' Wong, who is so good at paying then both say in court. - that th, egations. Ilenoo ,women are compelled ' of their cause, compared wil-li . L � ' '..
' . , L . , c. case vote, This is not readily believed * in 3.. I . ance . . '. .
whether the mugistrate will vndoumii his. debts, gives 6000. The Lde.clara- is Settled, and all leave. Oil the v�ay , CW L; Of'tjle preSead' to utter t1leir demands' by throwing which all such ques:tiQns as tile, V .
V 0 . vi . . . , ,of, anti -suffrage Way -of tile 11ouse ol"Lords, Tar Ill— RefoL ml
our plaint, or not," Now see all the tqon having becii filled ' ut each has to i -out, thp bloLod (cash) thirlity. under- * ILstones and in ,.every conceivablp 6to .
il 'tape." that has to . societies and the great number of ad-. anno is L .. .. .
I ,
.be gone sign it. This palier is then sent, to I linlis �gAln, approach, thwili and' ask beL . . . In and Home Rule for Ireland, are Lillite L b.
red malley L_ rents in sympathy with this, side,.. ying tild Cabinet Min trers. - . I . I
. % I I for" a .'#Tttle "congratulation', . they follow the 'same method Insignificant. If that be so, should. .
through. I will try to describici hope tho'chief girteman* wbor asks thei as- f C', L Many women, I venture. to bilieve, sbort-2 . . . . . . . - � .
y - 'Ir all A-nglo-Sa'xon ,would be As -that expressed in the Words of theL ihey not be willin.'r ,to take more tilne . I S .
ou will have the necessary patience ' ' sistant to qamine it'. lie next calls- I still regand the home, a% their on'e, im- ' - I . I 91, G ., W8191 . I
to read. After a few days- the official the runnert to bring up tihe "'Furnish- tempted to gve them, a loan of his , . Premier in .dis�solving -parliament,.- in settlin such a. niamentous issue. , . - . L .
L I . shoo I qtoe) f L pontint . Sphere of life and service. " I X . I I AVI' �' , .
endorses the petition and sends, it to Ing the Court" cash. They go :'and or a brief interval, . w even Manv women "'have still Sufficient can- They resort to a state 'Of war.' All great questions should meet . tile - . I . . . . 1. . . 1. L . . . L .. .
' I . .
the "Receiving and Despatchfilg" 6fr. find L Qe - plaintiff and demand this though said A -S - be a . .missionary. I . L , Theill. annoyance extends beyond- stone- approval- of Ilublic' Opi Inion before be-� . . . . .
I I iult�s � t, _ .. . . fidence in man to -feel ,6afe in - lcaving� throwin . g. They know that the gov-� Ing . .. L .' ISTAPLETON SA LT. L . . .,
flee from wb'cli it is again sent . % - on' irfqhtjy .which, L amo o 3000,. cash. L NOW that I have described a- i-ypieal . I be affairs of the �natlon in itheir. hand . 1. I . s�tflrd by Parl'iame.n.t. Tile Brit . I 1, . I . . I
L i ,
to the "Office of Rite's." The .Office Duiping those Payments. there � is ' al�- lawsuit -1 think you w011 b6 able ' ' I' . . .. I S. ernment cannot prosper without mon-� 1 11 � Pai.fll . . . : , . .. - I .Iwo� L . I I I
. . . I . 0 "Ot, eve wo� -ay feels S ament has always proceeded .. ! . � , � . L . .
'of Rites draws up a draft at. the Sum- ways the inevitibic changing, , bad. * . IN ry men at tod . ., that v� ;. hence they urge .all women who deliberately .and slowly anL'. . I . . I I . . . � . L �
* L understand -, as well as see the', truth she would bethe equal, of filap an. the. L . � . . � all' import- I . . . .L, . I ... . . .
' * ,
Tims and appoints one, of the. men.*.an coin.q, cto. After the pakmeut ' .the irk tl�ose pr . ovubg I quoted at the b ' . , I have taxes to. pay, to coase - pa�ing ant� issuIes.*,Let, * us hopo Riat. .. 1. . . Highest prices pal& .. . . � .
. . I c� battle --field. Not every wife is'anxious I . � they �
, �Z� L - " L - . . . . . I .� . I L
. .
, t
their Ja.Xcs'MiSebeVioIIs methods are will do the same in th�.5 c4se. r .e .
. .
duty for t -he . day to . take it t1ri the chief ga�cinan takes the dobuniftt, to. ginning. I perhaps should bav�,_quot, io know as rn�ucb *about politics as her . . . .: -customc,lork solicitedL . .. . .
I .
,chief gateman. This man is chictsuli- the niagistratc.' Lee, -Wong, otc�- are ed All . even .provided by which a. woman May .great majority of,.the people at- Gr6it I .L .
. 1. I 1. em at - the end*, bi.it if YOU ' will buiDband, so that Elie will.-bavb 'groat- , I - . . . 1. . I I . .� �
.ordingtB official in a magistrate's es-- then Invited by. tbeir -bid frilends, - the read. thdm again you Will remedy. my -or - opportunit� Or quarrel . ling, with got her busband free from Paying WT- Britain. are not "yet irr favor of wonfell . . I - 1. .. - . . . 1.
. . I * . . ' . . . ,
. . �
'Aabli4lunent. His duty is to liand'the runnefs, to giv6 them some. k'Standing i�,istake. .: I -you inay find this rather him. L _, , �L 11 I I .M. Perhaps naturally the � reader may having t1he fralic-hisv. : The'wri'tt.r I& . I L' '' . .m , I . . I I..
-draft to the ma s- in the Money." So MxLec, gefs : a. dry reading, inEngligh,, butlet, . ,me . . . . I ; . . ask-dothey not dreadbeing sent -to.. in favor of the Women. being admitt�. I � L I I .- . . I . . 11 � .
L . . . .. . � - .
- I . Their Policy. - � . ison for thus defying. the laws of the , YOUR . . . .. .. . .
led. The chief gatemail than takes it divorSO), from -dilother 500, his fif.end, remind you 'that it -is not quitv so ted- - . pr I I ed to any - sphere of influence,in which ': - . I ..
i ' .. . . I
I . . . I .
back to the Office of Rites. The man Wong, ,gives them' 20 percent. at ' tilo..L ins as, reading it ill *.Chinese. 1. . The policy followed by the 16aders: land? The 'answer, is that these wom- men. are pMeed., * . But if 'wise they will . . � ,
on duty fop the day at this .office re- anl6unt o0he original d6bt. At tdx- I intended' t * ' 1 . of Wonien Suffrage Ili their wild 01- cn'-tuke Avillfight, i7r being sefit . to Pris- proceed slowly, Will educate tile WO111- - Ailew4ftee - lot clotbes. - . �
ceivEz blic draft and writes tile " sum- wards they -are f6ld to Wait in ,*a 6JEC b p,writc about something orts to a6hive thair end, 18 Well ddin- on, It adds to their, reputatloa: . It i,n by me. s ' L . . � L . . .L .
. esides this. litigation, but. it .has . I L . ' an of' public. mectings and . . I I I
mons for the man according to the I .,until called for. ' sp n - Rai I L � '.ed (in oheol- their numerous. Aiattug makes them feel that they arc..suff e'r- -but the �L will do via ledp- suppose-tbat yotm aflai4y your- , � : . I.. .
. ne; gliticiring inn . L. U Out SO long.that I must. news9ap(Ts,? y .. ,Self $W),00 0, Yetut foz: alotlles�ho W, � .
draft. Once again tile chilef gateman. ')�oq , wo -y think that I . I displaVed in'.a in "Ile Ing Ili the interests of a great .cause. Ing. antil they itre sure that they walk. (1q, y � ou. think yo.0 evuld got -the . '
I . I , uld naturall -conclude, . . . . . , public hWet , I . . .. _ I I. I
- . .. . 1, . .. I ,% .1 --dre." - - Here indeed .,ire hundreds at, brave t L -,d , . �
. I I : . . I I I I .. .� . . . . . . .1. I . . ,who's L for us, for hiTn We. , 11 T - advance slowly i%'.good, ro most worth,for your Illolley . . L I. . I .
L . .. . . I
- A __ I If a member, of parliament Npea,IC3 I- . I L
-.0--ee-e . 'ILIlictrorims just waiting to have t i, wnegs' sake., but that, thev- nia'y - Uil(L)j I
---.. - L .. 'w - - - � 0 . i I � i , I 7ioer` "'. I 0 0 . ibtedky Nr luiving . two . .
I, . � � I I . . . -7- -_ -",---- � I --- - L O.tei-iiii, I namcs* I* annal.4 I I . .
� . . 1 t h . L I � . . . . - ': favor of their cause, their 14 � . nsc ri bled: in, ' t h c . 0 I's- be �'ekmrer -in, their a.InTs, wiser in their Suits hei,P---:-by.4jwLu1hag: flici, *hole I I . �
A Victorg for a Man W' Idea's . - Wing�hami ' ' I remarks about him would, ,seelin. to I torv.- as woni . ,en who wvr�L:wiWng 'to walk- . . . . fifty olvjpst twbAslifts.. , . . .. . .
. . . 1. 1, . . I . . I � � � . I I
1. I
. . . . . I . I I L . . . . . . I - angels, but it that. I i; * a, evc 11 to � d io - for tile weir .L . .
. . . place him With Ili suffell'- I L Y. OU would pet. flia.,11wie servico- - L
L . I . - , . . I Y�c . . Cilasgow, January t21h, 191:1.
I . I . I Tax -Collector: Griffin -has rtturned - 1. � . L ' . I I .... . .. .. .. . . . .1 L . . I &om those tAvo, snitis than yolt .
. . L
. . . . . . � . .. -
. . I � �
- , ills roll, the t1axes being paid zip full L I L � Wi)tlla� froill.four at hair the cost, I
. Tho Ottawa Frec-Press, Liberal, I -roil Mr. vxing's� bill on Thursday. L _y !1___ *t!� _ �. .____7____ _____ .-- __� -.- - . oaob. I . . . . � .1 .
I . . . � � . . . . � I. - . * . . ____ __7 -_ ----. _�7 L .. . . I
had tile following reference -to tile last.% .. . 1.- - . .. I . . . . � Mccllb � in one cai�e where they .are ,m� . . � L L I . " ... . I . I - .. 1, . - . . . . � I . . . .
, " .. . 1. CAUSES �95 TER CENT. OF_DIS_ - I Seaforth .. . N'ni Ilatupshlre has, abolished 'tile 11, 's �. : , �
Mcmb,er for West 11-ul'of" . turned against the propert,y. . I . � . . m I � . � L. e L . L .lds isilVill";t, blill)".111111d. VLJiIL its
. I "There 14; - no. pot�ttics about'any, of � - I L .. 1111INS11PIS., , .. , . . .. .1 . . � . I use ofthe public-drinliIng culi.-. . � '11,�1'11-ynle.11 haveprovelilL Soillay '� , - :
The re -introduction of the bill by I - . I I � . J en conduct- )'oll". L' . � .
the propogal.s of.'E, N. Lowig. , I hey I Mr. John A. ,',�-',im-pson, M.L..A. OlIn, . . . . al se i,4&fs haw; be n . . 11. . . I . .
. I nisfail, A i,a.L,. ViSitt�d his Sister , ' Speci . San Ignacio, in Moxico, has , . . I .
- tile public I L, 1�'JrS., .'�dViee I , , , f,mlcli I I
E. N. Lewis, INIJI., for West Illiron,* a:rc all designed loi , . wval , I .. . . Concerning , Stomach Trombles.r.d in.the. FreslivUriah,church the L I . . hot, 1* - tUlk . I
. . .
- 'I-',. graye, a few I Th011 . � -lie -s (if - i rt. - . _ -1 . IS it over ,with yo,it - soine .
to into I hand , Or surgent*s .
to compel the placing ofload* line,, as InAlince his n1c"asures i.0, 'prohlbl� 'A. .. Mus -days 2ast, wc4*. and Ilow to. Reinedy .. . pas r L:. . . . day., . . .. .
. . - . . 1. . . . .. . . . j),w-t coup -le (if -weeks. Th& .1 . . I 1. L I . . I I . . I : I .
. ... I . . . �: I ,. .. , I I I . I q
)lpon occaii gc ing. vestells, a L m!easure tile,.' S�ile of pois6w,,,, except iander eft -11 , The two-year-old twinL son:of, Mr Do notne Iuct Ahdikestion which has bv"11 a�s sted by Rev. Mr. Tait . . L I �. .. I I. I 1. �. .
.. � , 9 - L I I . . I I . . . � . . : L .. L: . I . . .
. .
which took .eight years to get tain provisions, �is1ffll': lio make the 'and .Mrs, John Ledlet dil-cl, oil Thurs- leads to all .Sorts of ills and � Conl. "(if Tv��Watvr.. .. . . .:1 I ... . � . I I I .11 ... .
lbrough the British Ilouse of Com)- -Orlininal Code more effective as' Ile- day last, ' . . I . I L . I ! . 1 4 I I . 0 L ' ' L, *
. -An. 'eminvrit doctur. -ollev Mr. Robi, CIrrieve met with, a riccul- '' . : I . . . . �
" . plications. ' , . I . ' . ..i.O. We BARGE AND .L.0 0 .
. . .
-five per cent of all iar and SC-lijouS accide y.last . L . .
nions, and which has been before the gards Illocarrying of offensive- -,v,eap- 1 ori the l7th Insl'. then, passi,d away said that ninety * . . . .
I ,
. . L . .
Canadian IjLouse for five year.%:, was ' ons, and other proposdis Of the na.me nme Of the earliest,settlers of � Wing- tile ills of thv'hinnail body have tbRi: Week � . while driving out to McKillop �� 1, .. 3 . ,1-1,lt,it.,(-it.,t.NrT�tti,iiii�4. -
to n arenot jdt,a%LwbiC � I . . - 11 : . . .
s 11", . ' It I L . .... I . . ..
.-incidoit . with. the a'nounceti.ient' tort.. ' They h 'ham, Mr; Geo. 13- 0 '01, for. nearly origin -An -a disordered stomach. - for Wood. 'While passing Munh's Mil : .. 9 I . . . .
' . . ST . I . I
that the .11inisler cf Marine had de- Would strike flit, avevage niember of rift), years idnitified'with the business A physician who- made a speatalty, a tv,.Itni standing the,re started to run I .. I - . L ,.. : , I
cided toaccept tile bill of tile Sallie Parliament, who is 'too husied With , inte.re,,ts. of tile tovit. . Mr. (11rcen at stomach troubles,' particularly dy L ,,,- . away. Mr. Grieve, (lid iiot nolf-Ice ... I . � . . 1. .1� I
. . L
.. '.
Inlember, which was ffitroduced lal,� .the details of party pollil". to rernem-:., cam.c to M,'inghani in 3962 and for pcpsia, .after years', of study perfected 'them behind *him until tlicy. were at- *'11 . . . I . .
vear and which IS again before the hen these ",.mail" thing.%. But the i years' conductrd a general store in . . )y&, most tipon him and an account . t)[L * . A - I . . . . . .. . I .
-umms of Mr. Lewi%-in getting ilito'.1 .thv ]ower town. I at(.r ill, in,oved , I,() IetsL teams alicad Ill, was unable to get Out - I
House this year, to compel the. ills- s , the forraula train '-which Rexall I . : Y our -
. I I
. I
tallation of wireless iTlegraphy upon .of Ili.% bills accepted Ili two Successive I tho.'upper t1own. an� has hice.been I'll- * pepsia Tab are. made. .. . and I . h L e ho - crii * � . . . L I
alF passanger steamers plying upon ,�vssions, ' sliow�,tliat a . man. . with gaged - in tile 8 . Our uxpenionev. with Rexall Dys of -tho Way , ,rses Shed in- . . I
. . I Shot. trade. Deceaewd * .. to his Sleigh. Mr., (4rieve had a le%r - a Patronage I
ibe great lakes and upon tidal waters idea.,;,' no matter what his politics I %�a.cy .atypical Irishman, an Orange pvp�qia Tablet% l6a�lsy US to believe. broken and was oflierwise hurt. an& -
(�ontiguous to Canada. , . . - L of St. Paull' thvni to b.o th.e greatest remedy known . . . .
, - . , pay be, can alway�h leave his wark Inan and a . invinber 8 . and I will be laid tip for.some litue, .
The acceptance of tile latt,(r meas,- up(,ti the legislative prograinme of tile, church. Besidi,s Ills wife lie. leaves a for the relief or acute indigestion At tile aiiiiiial niceting of the Sea- I .
live Is not only a triumph for the Dolninion. . .. I I I faiiiii y - of ,,I IL'. - The sons are : George clir'onie dys,pepsia. Their ingredients S011,0ted- I
principle which is involved -that Ila,., . I of N'ancouver, &C, ; Charles and Ed- .are �40otlling and healing to, the in- forth Agricultural Society the follow. ... I .
already been assured bv the develop- . I flamed inombraties of tile stomach,; Ing officer.% Were elected . � . L ft14%1%11ft1
Ment,s on each of our ccists� since Mr. I . gar of Srattle. -.'I'll(- daughtvrs ' are , They art, rich in pepsin, on dent, ,I, P. Daly. - I I HAVING PURCHASE D Tilia . .
mn vix SITOMACII .Nlrs. Walk(r of Oorriq '; Mrs. Hamil-
I L . attle greatest digesilve aids known ter med- Vice, W, Chariers., . � . . . . .
Lewis first brought it, forward fivi, ' ton of 8c, and Mrs. Warivii. of BLACKSMITHING BUSINE SS OF -
,,it, it f,s flere's 'an Off(r Veu Should N�Ot OvOr� North Auglitsta.. . Tile funeval took c' . .
years ago -it is more than th ., . . tit,. Tho relief -they afford isi almost, 2nd Vice, J. Mcf)o�vcll.
-** .a recognition of tile fact that, when' a - look. . place to Winghaill conetery on 'I'litirs- jBilue,diate. ' Their use with persis- Secretary, N1, Broderick, . . . . MR. JAMPIS FLYNN, WE WOULD .
good idea is presented to Parilarnmit day, being und(r 11fle dir%,.eti ' I teney,and regularity for a Short time Tnmsurvr, A, E'. Colson. . 11as the "131ack- Knight" . I �
. 1 Rexall Dyspepsia TablAs renictly 611 of L.O. - I RESPECITPULLY SOLICIT , THm . I I
no matt cr from which side it `00111t'�s, stoinach troulilts by Supplying I tile fl. No, 70-1. 1 hringn about a 08satiolft at tbo pains Direetors, W. Anient, Sea,forth ; 1), come to your holue ? - .
the Government is ready,. fit its own (),,(,. element, the abkence, of which On Sunday wP(-kXtr: Wm Armour, caused by stomach disorders. ' . Patheringbam, A. Broadfoot and I Let I I lint show you the . PATRONAGE OP THE TOWN OP .
I , W. Wallace, Tuekerstnith ; J. L. .
'good time, to accept. it. ,is Its own. Ili the gastpic juiett causes in(fges- Sr., in early .�ptticr of - X'ast Wawan- Rexall Dyspepsia Tablet-, will in- Brown, John Dortanee, Jas. I.Iv- quick and easy Way to shitle CLINTON AND VICINITY,
The success at Mr. A,ewis in this tion and dyspepsia. , Thvy aid tile m4l, pass(d away at: the-homp of Sis sune healthy appetite, aid Aigpestion the stoves. .
. I . ans and Jas. Car]lin, MleXillop ; We make a specialty 01' -
ViTeless telegraphy matter is, a Sig- Stomach to digmt, Ecod'and to uoick- son, Mr. John Atiniour Ili ilown. Dc-' and promote nutrition, As evidence Win. Rinn, Mullett, . "Black Xnight'l takes ...
-t- ninety vearsi of lige. of out, sincere fattli in Rexall 1) .
nificant proof of what a man With all .1y ccnvert it into rich red biond ,like. ceased was ow ,yocp� Honorary Director,,;, It. Scarlett, J. all the hard work and dirty Shoeing Lame atid: hiteree, .
idea -in the case of .I,',. K. Lewis it maicrial nec"%ary for Overcoming Flewas 'as feringHorses and gttar.
. n .Potchman by birth, com-o ,Aa Taqlets, wt- ask you to try them - .S. N'mith and James (Iowan, Me- work ontof stove polishing..
-should be .said of a man with ideas- natural body,waste, . Is country Ili I 01 Ills wife at ,our it'sk. It they do not -give you , '
� !ng to t,h X.filop ; R. Charters, W. R. Smil- Xt's a Paste -so there is antee satisfaction ln.thaik
can accomplish. Ile bas orliginality' Carry a packagc, at 11exall Ilyspo
il.,died about twenty-three yean, ago. 110, entire satfislaotion, we Will return you I ie, J - 11. MeLoan and, Georigo :no watery mixture to be little. I . I
Ile knows the right time to bring his, .Ya Tablets In your vest pocki t 0 IN was a m�tnber of tile �lcihodist church gle nioncy you paid as for them, with- Dale, Tulckersinith ; James Dick, . prepared.
ideas to the public attentio'll, and lit keep them fit your room, To,lk I Ili, and until lie became too Infirm, del- out, iltle.tition or formality. They come T M. Tlay.c.-, Tho%. Stephe-us, D. , W, Ill cloth or , , I .
c 0 t. , 50 ,
keeps on "pegging away" until lie -ach li,.avy Ildiges- ighted to attend tile, setivic(s. TWO .in thr* sizes, prices 25 con q I T� Pinkey and Geo. Che6tey, Sea- 1 rush brings cL juirroit-like shine .
gets there. after c Ineal iind I sons and two daughters Survive : John cents and $1.00. Renim-ber you can , b ,uA, it &W rub. CAURIA(Itt' MAKING AND .
I ticn. will not bother you, forth. , that I 'You Call sea your fact ift". hHPAIRINO 011 ALL XINDS
of Wingban); 3wnes of Nutang, Sask.; obtain thpm only .at our vlcrp_--�Tha ,q P Boll has sold ill(- Seaforth And the shine lasts I , . � . .
,Not only has he secured tile adop- We "know what Revall Dyspepsia Z r, J. , . ,
tioft Of his wireless telegraphy - PrO- Tablet's am And what they will do. �tr.q. Mcl&!'an at Saskatchewan and , Rexall Store, , W. S. it. Holmes. , 4teain laundry to Mr, IVillard E ,Ilio,tt, MOM 4eiderg liAndle Abd recoln-t I AEED TO. . I I
' __ - * -
4,!2�2F%A1t1LV -.� i
_____ _ _ �
! ,
, 4
� "
1, .",�
S, J n MCC tint, I of North bak- . 311lend 1111lack 9niglit" stove PoI1911. GIVE, 'LIS A CAIX. I
posal, but Ile has tile satit,iftetion Of We guarantee tbenl to frilleve indiges, Nfr� Oh I 0 1 1 son of Mrs. J. J., Elliott, who took 1(yotirdefilf6retilliftotstipply It'sefid * I
,,nowil, I lbab his principle of making flon and dyspepsia. It they f.0 we o t a, po,.%Resqion last, Week. . I . xoc. for a big cda-sitit postpaid, CITARGE,S AlODERATM
tile mg
e of cocaine a criminal Oikince, will refund your money, T`hrec .Sizes. I The offices of -tile Doomiltlion Ste,el Mr. Jamos G. INMeliael, Who
(introdui,ed on NoVeniber 26) has bee�t%' 1999 r. V. JDA"Ev CO. LIMITim, � 4%1411.�*qlb
25 cents, 56 cents and $1,00. Re- Company .1tt Sydney were butiml and broke bis let about a motith ago by, Hkiniltolill, OnL I .
taken oirer by I.he government, And Ila<, n*4liber you ean obtain Reiall. Iteirle- Buchanan Yttill, G.T.11. ilreman, a lot of valuable paptra were lc&t or - ,0�i ,ii , I
airtailt . rtceivi tile (lips only it Vire wiped outa I fillitig nit Itafn street, has sufficiontly *AV-af4efh#J411A00*1'_61A ?,,&do . . �
I -
,d the sanefton of -Thp, Rexall ,Store. W. wa.4 kiXed Mille, st,opp'llp, on his en. * do;troyed, 14M recovered to be ablelo conic out to I . ... _ 11-1-1 ,.. . 11 . ...1-11.1....., I it om 1INDE, /?8N_
Commons b7 the. %etond r6adifig Or S. It. 11olines, � gine at Prcicott. I S0091.011 of Gow9anda milling Camp. town, __ L .