The Clinton News-Record, 1911-02-02, Page 2f
at the annual meeting. of the Blyth.
''I .got a doctor and be helped me, it 60 fectt square and cement founda-
Rifle Club:
Pull a,trair out of your head; if trite•
bulb at the end of the` root . wNto
but the swelling never entirely left, tion with up-to-date stabling, etc.,
Captain, N. Taylor.
Now and again one Bears authentic
He said it was because my heart• was will be put in. Contractor Heaney
Secretary, A. W. Robinson.
instances of large sums having been
weak. Then I decided to try Dodd's will do the frame work and L. Frain
Treasurer, Fred. McPherson.
won at the gaming -tables at Monte
Kidney Pills and, as I said before, will be in charge of the cement. When
!.'at Lieut;, D, Stalker.
r Have You
BroXen Out 4),i
Ia your face covered with
pimples, blotches or rash? Poor
condition of your blood will
cause these facial disfigurcments
at this season of the year. A
good medicine for your blood
will clear your complexion like
magic. ,
Of the tiffany blood purifiers
we sell Rexa14 Blood 7104,
Ilefs are undoubtedly the most
effective, We arc familiar with
the formula of- this remedy and
know what It will do. It puri-
fies and enriches the blood,
builds up the entire system and
imparts a healthy color to rheeks.
And lips. $old with the: Rexall
,guarantee. Per package,. 50c.
X :
' CEI�TR�1,
X Write us at once for our free Vis'.
X catalogue and learn what is X
X being done in the leading busi- ••X
X nesse college it, Western Ont. `Y
X Our graduates secure good pos- X
X: ittions, and meet with success, X
X business men say they•ar-. the X
X best. We .. have three depart- X
X m.ents : . C X
X and tY
X We give individual instruction X.
X and you may enter at any time. X
X D. A. McLACIILAN, Principal X
W. H. Watts +& Son
Bring your Shoe . Repairing
here and we , will prove what. -
we say,
Gall onus when .in. need of.
anything in our line.
W. H. Watts Son. .
Our sale "of Flour,
Feeds, Seed Grain,
Etc., has doubled
this season over last
What bet '
ter evidence
can there be that our
stock and prices are
for sale
Coal ierchant
Th -B lcg'
STORP, RFt,(iM')"''TI,,Y AT-
Clinton News-R,eeord
February grid.. 1911
Worked Wonders Tenrible Suffering
=Ivs fere of SsWere atim.Yn This case'Gathered " I suffered terribly for about
years from rheuFriends told ;Dto tra trace
CURED B5' DOOD'h KIDNEY me up, Friends told me to try this
medicine and the other until I aban-
doned all medicines and telt very de -
PILLS. for
spondent. At last a friend came to
_ see me and after I told her how I wasThe Doctor lteiped IFIrs. Stephen ewsowRecord etroubled she told me to try Ilood'a Sar- sapariila. After taking one bottle 1:Roy, but there was. no Ccrtipletc.began to Peel better and I :arzl Hove
cure t!iIlshe tried Dodd's Kidney J'D, --� _.. ._. _ ' .., ._ thanks
cured and I return many
-....r__.._._.,,• ths�nka to I•iocd.'s Sarsaparilla. I am
never wlthouC' Jtt." C, Macauley, 04
Dills. GreyTownship BlutlTi
Three Inch were killed by an explo- Richmond St.,a Qua.
- Get Hood's Sarsaparilla, today. Sol$:
Rock 70111S, 'Grey Co-, Ont., Feb, Reeve LiNtIlgaton and Ilcputy Reeve Miss Alice Watson bas taken a pos-' SENSATIONAL sion in tate llchM (nine, and a fourth by All druggists. everywhere.
6th. ($pecial)--"I must say Dedd'S Brawn were in Goderich last week at, man probably fatally iniured.
ti (tion with Mr. Neil Taylor. Rev. Ilector Currie td
Kidney Pills worked wonders in my . tending Huroar Ca. Council. ,pastor of Thed- _
Mr. Jas. Barr,. who has been renew- RUNS
O � �� � � rcase, says Mxe. Stephen Roy of this ford, Ont., far 3a years, is dead. �ur���
Place. "I suffered. witai Inflammatory Duncan McCallum of Hullett - was ung odd friendships in Blyth andrici-
renewingi old friendships in. thus 1ta-• nity during the,past few weeks, ro AIC. J. A. Clarke was stricken with
1boug'h I tr in ev right arm, and. Cali( for a few'da s Paralysis while attending 'lir,
though I tried several remedies the y Y turned . to Porcupine, New Ontario, � K -' • ;;chw-it- :FIC. C. (.olosky lies bought a lot an
swelling increased and was very pain-
The barn on the farm of Chas. La- last week. : One of the Latest '"Wins" at Monte zees funeral at Ottawa. Centre street, from Mrs. Adam FausSt.
ful. My hands and limbs were, also ((tont, 4th Cott., will be split riextl The following officers were elected Carlo is Darnbrough, who Mr. Napoleon Lebeau and Mr, Cad -
badly swollen. , suramer, 20 feet added to it', making
at the annual meeting. of the Blyth.
Made $320,000
''I .got a doctor and be helped me, it 60 fectt square and cement founda-
Rifle Club:
Pull a,trair out of your head; if trite•
bulb at the end of the` root . wNto
but the swelling never entirely left, tion with up-to-date stabling, etc.,
Captain, N. Taylor.
Now and again one Bears authentic
He said it was because my heart• was will be put in. Contractor Heaney
Secretary, A. W. Robinson.
instances of large sums having been
weak. Then I decided to try Dodd's will do the frame work and L. Frain
Treasurer, Fred. McPherson.
won at the gaming -tables at Monte
Kidney Pills and, as I said before, will be in charge of the cement. When
!.'at Lieut;, D, Stalker.
they workcul wonders. „ complelted Mr, Lamont will have ex-
'client and up-to-date buildings.
2nd. Lieut. I3. Herrington.
' ,
Managing (anunittee, 13r. McTag-
One of the most fortunate players at
Monte Carlo for a considerable time
Rheumatism of any kind fs caused
by disordered Kidneys failing to The Euchre Club of Brussels held
gait, J. Watson, with the Capt.,
past has been Mr, W. Darnbrough,
whose exploits figured in, the news -
strain the uric acid out of the blood. their annual Oyster Supper at the
Secretary and Treasurer,
papers a few days ago.
Dodd's Kidney.Pills cure it by curing home of Mrs•. John McKinnon, 8th
It was 004cd to give a ball short-
A Fortune in a Month
the. Kidneys. The also cure the weak can•,, one evening recently and before
y y
ly and a committee was appointed to
According to one of the
dailies he left with, $320,00.0 in his
heart b making pure blood and les- taking their departure presented Miss
y g p Sadie with. a purse of gold, Miss Me-
iiiako axrangcunt*nts..
The annual meeting of the Blyth
pockets, as the result of a :month's
Bening that organs }cork of Propel!•-
Ing the blood through the body• Kinnon eaa is le on trip to the
Agricultural ciety was held the
stay and play. .But thisdid net repre- .
sent all Mr. Darnbrough's winnings.
west shortly.
other evening when the following of-
To go. a little Into details, on the
.Dodd's Kidney fills only cure the A quiet marriage ceremony was sol,
ficers wer•e'elected :
opening day of his play he staked
Kidneys, but they always do that. emrf.zed at the. Methodist parsonage,
President, R. B. McCowan.
$6,000, and. won all along the line.
And with healthy Kidneys you can't Mel, on Jan. 18th by Roy. iylr, Wren
1st Vice, W. Pollock,
Emboldened by this success, lie con -
have Rheumatism, Lumbago, Heart when Garfield Baker was married too
2nd Vice, D. Laidlaw.
tinned playing, winning. again and
again marvellous luck.
Dlsewk• , Dropsy or Bright's Disease. Miss Ida J• Sbarpe, both of Grey+
Directors, D, Laidlaw, J, . Parrett,
period his credit balance
toww1lp. The bride wore Bream san.
T. Ii. Taylor, R. lIafrison, R. G.
amounted to no less than $465,000, but
toy net and silk. They were unatten-
' McGowan, John Barr, R. Ander-
from this point Dame -Fortune ceased
Leadhury d(d, B'ride's going away suit was
son, A. B. Carr, J. Denholm.
to smile upon him. he steadily lost
: blue ladies' cloth with hat to match,
Auditors, L. Bender, F. Metcalf,
from $60,000 to $80,000 per day, until,
recognizing that luck had turned
week revival meetings will The happy couple visited Ili. Granton,
in Bethel Methodist church
against hien, he had sufficient strength
commcnic Landon suer other points lint on their
Under the leadership of the minister, return will make their ]ionic on the
wingha' l ,
of mind to turn Ills back on the tables
and strike for home with the very sub -
Rev. 11lr, Lacland; 9th con. of Grey, on the groom's
ness in: this, .district' and the doctors
stantial winnings that still remained,
Mrs. Driscoll and faml.v have mov- farm.
Reeve McDonal'a was Ili 0,oderich at-.
On another occasion a certain well -
cd into their new home at Leadbury.
tending. County Council last week.
known inember of the London Stock
frsmMon was said to have walked off
Messrs. Wlittenian and Finlater of
Mr. John Gillespie, formerly of
fro>Yi. Monte Carlo with little slioi•C of,
Broderick, Sask., visited at lir. l4�Opi'It3 i`OWnShlip
11'in h , �
g ant now of the, west bas been
$2o0,000. 't'hfs remarkable perfor-
Tohn Scarhtt's last week.
visiting -friends in town anti district.
mance occasioned no small amount of
Airs. \.esbftt of I.fsto�vel is visiting " Reeve. Shortreed attended - Co.
Mr. and Mrs, J. L. Muir, who, have
excitement fn .tile rooms, as such an
htr mother, Mrs. Kinny. Council last week •at. Goderieit.
been visiting in Winghaua vicini-
unusual incident invariably sloes.
Bent on embarking in mor(: or.i^ss
Th.' i:adies' Aid of Walton . Floihod� George Jackson has been calling on
old friends. Isis honk is `i'iiva llllis,
ty, left for- their honk Ili Iiamiota,.
Flan:, last week.
' of a. "plunge;' he Went.from one table
churdh Hirt at the hone of Mrs. Sask.
M. kI. Musgiave, AI,I.,:4.,, fn •Tor=
ta' another, placing the maximum oilist
the same nuiiiber, 'Marvellous to iG-`
C. I}arrows an Thursday: AIrs, ' Geo. Peacock, I.A line, is not
onto, attending the scsstan of I'arlia-.
late, at each' table this .number came
deux returned from Texas recently.,
and may locate in this section again. i
At the Orst meeting of the police
trustees Mr. Albert Hi ideman was ed- i
ected chairman of the Board:, and Mr.
Iless, Sr., secretary. Mr. Andrew,
Thiel was re -appointed constable for 1
the year.
Mr. J. Krllersnan has purchased the
shoe stock of Mr. Alfred Galknan and
is moving it to Ills store at Davll-
Mr. II, Volland, Jr., bad the trds-
for•tune to lose a good -work lionie re- I
cently• f
Mtss, Amelia Laporte, after a six
weeks' visit with her parents . here,
has returned to Detroit where she
holils, a good position.
3dr. F. Hess, Sr., who was recently
rr-clecttd school trust,.e,. on thej ex-
piration of this tern will have given
the sv. ti(,n thirty-nine years Contin•-
uous service.
Precautions are being taken to . pre-
' 'vent thespiiad of the bubonic plagua
into Europe.
• I
Now to Tell if. Your Mair is
Diseased. .
Even r if you have a Wxui !ant . hearuu .
of ]fair you may want to know wheth-
hvr .it is in a healthy condition or
not. 98 per cent, of the people need a.
hair tonic.
citlloying nrstclass Health, We are
sorry to state. •
E Wallace Agar; who was in Allingham
The Man Who Broke -the Bank
special evangelistic servir<s.
Pull a,trair out of your head; if trite•
bulb at the end of the` root . wNto
Alex, Smith of Tuckcrsmith was a
hospital For several wccks suifturing
Recognizing that perhaps this !night
be his lucky day, the fortunate player.
P1J1t•t Albe.Tt
.'is i
and shrunkcui, it proves that the
matter -of lite estate of lunk-
visitor at John Mason',., 4th line; for
ft'onr typhoid, fever; ]Yes recovered and
wended his -Sway tb the gaming room,
. .
hair: ie .discos<••d, and regrlires prohtl�pt
ing of the Township of Hullett. in
a few days.
returned to.his haute in Morris.,
and put the maximinn on titre' of the
. (Inteaded for last'issue: )
treatment If Its •IosS•would be avoid- .
the County of Huron, Yeoman, De-
IIu h . Fors th' Jr. is here, from -the
g y ,
Miss Lizzic Barber has been, again
tables tbeY•e, To his amazement lie
Mr, Gc�tu. Richardson, •who haS, been
ed, If the bulb is pink and full the
Ceased.= -;Notice is hereby given pur-
west a holidayvisit.
vri ed as stenographer in Toronto
found that at vacli he had selected the
to his room; is again• able to
hair is healthy. e
suant to Sec, 38 of Chap, 129, R.S,
Ilicha:d Johnston, lst line, intends
during the'session .of .parliament :and
Acco'rdigg to one of the head croup-
get up for a •while each day.
' �'e .wren( every one whose' hair r.e- I
0. 1'897 that all crsons�. Ravin
> p g
,going .. wrest �ritli a Ga[ load of hoxsrs
went down last week. to assume her
lets, this was the worst da that the
a , '
Miss Eielyn Fiaydcn
quires treatment to try Rexall "11;3"
claims -or demands against tile,, es-
in, a Yew; weeks, . -
rooms had had for. sem time. lie
left last tveck
( Hair :Tonic. We promise 'that it shall
tate, of'tbe said. Henry Ilunking, de-
iLlrs, W. J:'Jolinsta Sr",
n, Sr" is ill at
A nuti>ber of oft o .ie
y ng pr p members
"gave it as his apinion,.too, that wits(
for St•. Thomaswfiere she ie attend -
t not cost anything if it does•not a• ,
ceased, who died. on or about lite
tho. home of. her daughter, Mrs. Geo.
of the A.Y.P,A. of St, Paul's clu rclt,
the London stockbroker had netted by
'hig'the Ladies College:
satisfactory It is designed
7th day of January,, 191'1; are re-
11lathers,' lst line,
were entertained ver .. leasantl at
p. ' y
his spirited play was. Tittle less than
There has. been quite a lot .af sick-
to overcome dandruff, relieve scalp
qu red to send .by post, prepaid, or.
Thos.. Matltcrs has 'returned to his
t'he home of 1Fir. and Mrs, .John A1C-
the amotint'above mentioned.
One of the most successful players
ness in: this, .district' and the doctors
irritation; to stimulate the hair roots,
deliver to the undersigned l xtcut,
home Ili Escanaba, Mich., alter a
C?rackcii, Road, gull evening
at fife 1F4.onte Carlo tables was Wells,.
have been in attendance in many
tt:ghten •the haft already in the head,
ors on or before the 18th day.. of
short visit with ' friends on the 1st'
who, aecording• to, the once popular
grow hair anal cure Baldness.
February., ,1911, their christfan and
'Mr, J. P. Lennox has sold. his gro-
musfe-hall . song, "broke the bank"
William . and Jcssie . Grey attended
I Ii is because of what Rexal'• "`93"'
surnames and addresses'. wi4h. full
Wallace Agar, who has been ill with
Cery 5usinm. to Mrs. Grastlale, ', who
t there. He 'was at the zenith of his
the funeral of their brother John at
'Hair Tonic has done and cursincere;
particulars in • writing of their
p g
typhoid in 11'inghani Iiospitai` fat; the
wi'1 take possession about the lst• of
fame about twenty years ago, when his
Oxford C niti�:
faith in its .goodness that we wanv '
claims, and statement of their ac-
past, six weeks returned lromie, last.
March. ' lir.. Iennox intends $elft$
=and bout winnings were widely
talked about and envied.
Miss Tena Hawkins has ' to
you to try it at our rfsh. Two sizes,
counts and the nature of tole securi�-
ties. (if. any) held by them duly vert-
west in the spring...
In. ten days he was said to have
visit her sister at .,Franklin',, Tenn.,
. 50c. and $1.00. Sold only at cur
.thorn' bred young Yorkshire
Messrs, Chas. of Santiago,
made upwards of $200,000 at the tablet
and her uncle at in the same
store—The Rexall: W. S. R. �
fied by statutory declaration. And
.sows hate been 'sold 'by James Speir,
Cal., and SfeNmrt Wilson of Fair-
after starting .w•lth so modest a capi .
Holmes. ;
'fake Notice that'after. filo said 18th,6th. 'The p ie])ascrs. were Duncan
light, Alta,, have been v.i.shing• friends
i tai as $2,000: It must not be forgotten
- -----
day of February;. 1911, said Execut- McCallum of Iiullott and John Bar-
and relatives in the vicinity..
however, that Wells denied this at bi
'Il d t d" tr'b # `the
!trial, stating that• all lie. made was
or w i r Cee o as t u t
s p.o oaks of iFfchtllop
assets of the said deceased among the Friends in `4lorris (f ere :so.ory to
.17t, and-,tilr5. :1, Ci•ardon of C)ttniva
are' assisting Rev, •D'r, : Ruticclgc in
$35,000 at. three or. lour consecutive
sittings> : Even then be claimed to hav
part;ic.� entttlyd thereto flavin. re,- .t
g ` -'earn of ,the dcaLh`trf-Janes illcCal-.
special evangelistic servir<s.
In the cnd run .out a loser.
•gard• only to the claims:of which Juni in Fast jvaji iciiosh an Jan. 23rd.
.11r. .Jolla Barl',, i31 tIr P.U.. Fvl]]Ch I'oti t '
ti he Sborthorn
The r •ade.r can taste ills choice of the
they .sba1:' then have notice, and the 11-e are; pleased to report• . fav-
alleged offensive letter. which 84.. de.
JouvenaI •.r
to civet from A7, I-Ititin after
two statements; but amongst fr. •
said .Executors will] not be liable for . orable progrers in the condition of
If troubled -with illdigestion,. consti-
cluentevs of the . rooms at A4onte Carl(
'it generally cohsideled impossibl.
said a,•!sets or any pari thereof, to Miss Jertnie; dd ughter of Robert and
pation, : no a-ppotite . or ' feeI :bilious,..
'to amass. large winnings without risk
any, ptlrsoit ar.persons of whose :FJrs.. Seot't, .6th 'r nc, who was so til
give C'hamberlain's, Stomach and Liv-
ink large stakes. Even then * the.
claim notice, shall, not havd been re- °witir pneumonia.
er Tablets tx i.4nil and you dill be
c+fiances are a thousand to one in face;
celved by them or tlieir. Solicitor -atof
pleased with the result . Thtsc tale
the bank.
the time of such c1i5tribut°}on.: Tlated
lots mvigoratc tdu; stomach and liver,
'Yet there Undoubtedly are, occasion•
at Clinton, Jana 20th; 1911. W,
slid siren $then t'he di estion, So1ci.
s �
ally wins running itlto four or ' five
I3rydone, ,Solicitor For the Estate ;
-by alt dcaIers.
ti"m. C#refugee, Jol>r►.Grafnger, I:x-('uihert.has moved into, lois house
�� � �� � �„�,(
centers. in th;, village,
- Miss Lizzie P•n is has been S (siting
at -Mrs. 11Wilson's, Godesich
A.UCTION SALE OF FAR -11 STOCK . Mrs. T. T arku visited her sister in
French Editors Fight While an 0-pera-
and Inuplements --Tiros. Gundry'has Gocierich last week,
At a special meeting of t'he town
for Takes pictures of a Rebs
received instructions from ,
the un
m, - Mrs. B. J. recently re,-
council held last, week Mr. J. Me.tar-
dersigned to sell by .public auction turned front her visit t' ith Clodericli.
tri ivas'rc�--appbintcd market cl(rk and
' T
at Lot 28, Con, 4, Ilttldttt, on 1'uesl •relatives.
caretaker of this town hall,
the' favorite�duoltifi g_ ground of
Paris ---the enclosure surreundin= the.
day, Fob, .'7th, -at :' oarlock; Clic AIC, and firs. I Slteppltar<1 and favi-
Fir. Arthur Broadfoot has returned
Great CVlreel--•-an encounter teak. place
following : Horses�l. heavy draught ily el' the west:are .visiting relatives.
froni a pleasure trip to Texas,
on Boling morning between two well
goldtnl t•i�t'ng 5 years old 1 Itcary in this vicinit f
1FIrs. John Abell fr't on ttue icy walk
known I?aris journalists --M, i J
draught `'mare, rising 8 1 ' heavy T. Culbert e •
b , y ( b .rt enter'#•slued a fele• of Iris
the other dal and. •fractured her arm..
venal, editor of the "Matin,” and A?. '
Al r 1
ace Rutin, editor of the 'Echo
chis is it photo) of tlle'two' ` eat• -ales Steer the property'
y p y
mare rising 4 supposed to -be in friends on evenin . recently.
g y
foal to Red. Ticket, •.1' heavy. ' Mm... 'Y. -of
Mrs, P.
I ..McLaren is spending : • a
couple of weeks with Toronto;frfends,:
Parls.' The duel was provoked by an
.11r. .Jolla Barl',, i31 tIr P.U.. Fvl]]Ch I'oti t '
ti he Sborthorn
-Dunkeld Crodinich vi:titcd
: draught gelding 2 years by. Imp�r='her mother,', Mrs..11cGrattan -last
Mrs. Oco,. Shortreed and two sods
alleged offensive letter. which 84.. de.
JouvenaI •.r
to civet from A7, I-Ititin after
�y '� : ,
Champit)l�ship a:t the .1�atStock show in Cxuel h in llec
p r
ial,. � carriage marc 10. years �olc[ .week.
f Gr ii'V'
o an few 14Iati. r
are visiting at
an int}cfent.l_•tltelobby of the Cham-
��tlii. 1I r. filter now hey. for Yale fOir ' Mills lU to 14
supposed to be it ,foal to "Prodi- 1I'c are glad to hear' ileal Robt.
the home of Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Scott,
her Iyeputies,
n1loDths alt! Of' tkae calm 3 '
e bl �ecl Arlcl typo from ils1-
gal Son," 1 driving, made 8 •ears I-laMilton is ettin well a ,r
g `" • gain• elft.
The officers eleebed at the annual
An announcement that nobody would
mcctim of the I3tcuard of Trade areas
be allowed to see the duel• whlch, by ?pol Led sires,
old,' I driving horse 7 years old by his rectnt illness, g the way had h n d
follows: + ee announce several)
;Sidney, i' driving llcrse 7 years old, Mil, and i4Irs, It. Kir:tpatriek of Nile . days previously --naturally made
1 working horse 10 years old. , Cat have It:ft for llt•pworth where they 1. resident, Wt. Broderick. everybody anxious to be: present and
tic, -5, cows i supposed •t'o•bc in. calf will reside in future. Vice, W. T. Box. accordfnbly when the encounter.
W thoroughbred .bulls one due in Iler many friends are sorry to hear Secretary, T G; 1Neelin. there was quite a crowd of the ord4• ;
February, 3 yearling stress,:' 3 that. Miss Ulla ,Ryan, who has been Treasurer; W. D.. Mci,ean: and . � ublic, pressmen; photographers, Our 110to This Year Is =
Counedl 1V, Duncan; Jas, Wattle, even a. cinematograph operator The Best Yet
yearling lieifers, 4 spring calves. attending the Ilusiness College in ,. _ Y F. present.
Sills, f
' r •
Sills ,)... ! �
. 5�- r tis 1 r I•�. Box, h v-
], ug 1 brood saw, u pits 7 weeks {i'ingham, has had to give Up -iter stn- + o �• De I The principals Were not . ',peel
ald. About 50 Belts: Implements•-- dies and return home oil account of hreux, A. F. Clufi', A,' Archibald, I swordsmen, and the. seconds seemed ,a
A. 'D: Sutherland. J. E' ter us
Massey-llarris binder 6 -Coot cut, illn(•ss. .. g an, g be in the most clanger from the , � ��
Mwscy-Flarrls mower, Massey -Mar- Ernest Duff lids r tited Mrs, ,Smith's J. Finlay:son,. (:, A. Sills, II, Ig
weapons, What advantage yo
ris sed drill nearly new, horse rake, house in the village and movedla:s gb;wart•, F#. Bell, FI. Ilartry, John in skill there was rested With Jouve•
nal, who touched M. liutin on :the ON A COUNTER WATCH
Mann cultivator, 2 waggons, 1 houseliold eflects into it -last uvt•ek. Ileattir, 0. Neil,, .I. McTavish, U. chest, and fora moment everybody was
nearly new, land roller, 2 buggies, 2 The house to vacated and which is Stewart, II. F;dge and J. 11, Reid• afraid that lie had really been hurt,
nearly new, 2 walking ploughs% owned by Mr, Abe Culbert of. Ash- Mrs, T. II. abitller and children, Oral The seconds, however, intr:rvened in No matter how necessar '
double fat+row plough, cutter nearly field will be occupied by the latter. and Thomas, of 13randon have beet, time, rushed forward and tore open his t
y It is for you to know
new, hay rack, gravel box',• fannitiThe annual m(lef.hi cf the Dungall- vivitin+g her mother, 1lts. Andrew Cal, shirt, and found that he was not c .
g g g dcr, James Street scratched, the pre�i, e, exact time to the sec(n:l, yeti WYIT
mill, pulper, stone boat, pig crate, non Agricultural :sorirty was held on. r At the fourth engagement ,}til, de
set diamond harrows, "pair bob Prfday last with. a good att-endance, Mr. A, F1, Stewart c.f the CJgilvfc Jouvenal succeeded in seratshingM. fitid the Counter Watch oto the o)b ally time of
1,sleighs,, wheelbarrow, water. trough, The roporte presented showed the So- Milling ionlpany wets in. the recent; Hutin's forearm, and the battle was j y
110 fta41 ncry rope, ear, sling ropes ciety to bet in a flourishing condition. Mash -up between Toronto and Owen over, The two mon were reconciled, day or night, Tn Illi the World there , noth-
and embraced each other before leay. is
'and luulirys, set rltrubi�c harness, set The old officers ii•cre re-elected, as `+cunei. He was fortunate to escape .
of plough harness, st't single harness follows: with a gtnerall shaking up and sonle Ing the ground. 1) better, fete if any equal. It cotlletl in] 2U
new, -fortis, shovels, eltafns and a Prfsidctut, 1Vni. Bailie. bruises about the shoulder.I M'1LUON5 OF :>` r.
number r,f other articles too num- first Vic,-Presidcnt, Jos. Mall•ou:gh •Scott Hays, son of Air. and lrrs, T. 1 SN11ti:S aii(1 25 year uses fitted With a L•ounter NfoVe,
Brous fon mention, A quantity, of Second .Vice-I'ta�siclrnt, ,l ts. Ira den R. Hay% who leas been teller in (fie, A plague of sttafls on the coast of i
mangols anti a ,. y Ceylon is assuming serious proper ment from $15 ill), W`e,.sell it to you �sith the
quantity of mixed Secret arv, R. 'Nlellwain. Bank of CtotnmenCe, Ilttmboldt', ,Sack •, tlonfl, U1111ans of .snail,( are to be l �
grain (cash.J Purniture---cooking Treat-urer, J. M', Roberts, hall bon transferral to "Watson, :`�ask,i found, and some of them weigh as will glove, glass cttpbnard, table, 2 bed.' ,1nlitors, Dr. Case. and T. Cr. Allyn, .and hasbeen promoted to the post- much as a pound, "rhe snails have
t1IIderstancliiig that it \'tilt (10 exactly Its We tell
steads, ntat'lYrss, dnisy churn. All llircetorw, Thos, Sto•thers, Jas..Vl- tion of arrount,unt. begun feeding on the young cocoanut' .
i19r, Janes, C aide n, who has burn you ()t you et : tiother watch. C ill yes it is S+
will br sold without reserve as tltr..� inn, Arthur Culbert, ,Jamb I?t^exl, � frees, and it is feared that they may � �
proprietor is icaving the , Iarm. Isaac lieihctirr�tan 1Vnt. 1V'itsan visiting his moth -or, :Firs ,4nclrew C'al_ attack tile young tubber trees. r .,
Terms -:411 sums of $ln and under,
d g ;` der Jatnes Street• hits returned ' 1 tofCN for uq to coo) this its a (otiuier Watch (lev'e'r.
n rr, ,tnhn Dustow, Rohl, (,len, ('leas. ., to his 1 His LSF
cash ; ovi r that amount 8 mantles' liomt+ to Winnipeg, accompanitil by : LAST retAsT
' A. wedding at Berwick on Boxing
rreclit tin approv, cl joint Heirs tux _ .` ]tow nice;', llis5, Leila 1Flay MacDonald. � g • � � .
Day was followed by a tra;edy. At the
• rash. �'ltos• Gundry,
itttr .nils, - - .....,.
breakfast the bridegroom's father, Mr.
• , Thomas A1arKenvIci, sixty-nine, quay
W11 Ile it is often ,fnt ossrbtr #ct .
p pre- TiItlYl .SIIAItI.,S AT I I2?'tlll til, Master of North Shields, rose to pro. ;
r i crit tin ac' Alit, it is never impossi- National Drug AFL 011.11 tical (.'o. of o se p COUNTER i
I AINTER. AND blr to be prrparrd�-tt is not, beyond Cana<la tl per c{° t � f , 1' tits h,altlt of the bride and a *
p _..
11aper . h;ati f Aly wnrlc dcuttr guar- ,sky one's puree, Invr•wt 25 Petits Ili a , Obarew of £1 each arenow quoted Erton denly�and tic � lie fell back bud•
antecrul ts. I stt'tcury attcl pfiet:s.l luoitle of ('ltnrnheriain's Linimebt and the London n _ --�--� ..:-_-- l`I`1ff a ,>le'et e
ntr,tl: r«!tt'. Rr:sicicnu' nearly apps:,i0 , you are prepared for sprains, bruises ' •�2 iarkct at a prrtuiltItr elf l -- �(;Vye�Ot" li Ssti� l" � � S
('allt�yiatrt Ir,stitutr, 'i'liututu. 8:3 itnd like injuries, Sold' by all dvalers. 2s ra o', the ptcstnt price belie$ Ll a `Nis Ilerniman
]toteTtitted suicide. ut
$ OW.. x,* Mal+li~AO%O /1/MAAO%A~AWItMtAAwk*,WAAlti;w►A�AI`NNriAi