HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1911-02-02, Page 1C �■ 4k+ t r 1 1y',ESLEY C11URCII. )3A1 DIST Cli'f;IICI . A C'IiANG :. IIS C`Iii RC'Ii , _ WILLIS , - g gave n Irish social on , A Recognition of Melrit. ; The League ve a The ,Rev, W. Wylie, who has just bin.• John Short, ton.�orfal artist The Cluild held their monthly Diis- a and will �� � Rieducing ��� Monday evenr,ng. Tho pastor acctipicd epme from Sepal , preach in the Whitti:head block, dispascd of sionany melting onMonday everting. o kthe chair filling the position with h}s morning and eventing on Sun- hiss business yesterday to Mn, CI s, •v usual tact and humor. Those taking day. Dir. Wylie. comos, wfth Rundell of Sarnia, � to H: f #Tonne preached in the [� part • in the fnterewts of the Upper Canada Tract Jen program were : Miss strong reco�mmendatpns�, hav- THE LOCAL MARKET, Society on ,Sunday morning, �� Merle Moore who rendered a pfama ing• been much engaged in evangelistic 2 salon }cry nfe*ly ; Mastre'r Lloyd t�4ilken work. As he is ,coming with a view "THE BRITI,SII l A�"Y." �+► W'heat 83c , VQt r Sang "Tho Old Grey Bonnet" but al to a call to the pastorate of flits though loudly encored, could .not be church, it. is desired that there should Oats 28c to 30c, The next meeting of hal Literary Peas 65c to 70c. Club will be held is the hall over the s�.� rices until ebrua�r . Ist. persuaded to respond. Miss Cunning- be a goad congregation to heat him Barley die to 47c. library next 'Tuesday evening at �►'lar�Ceai p� � � ' haute gave a humorous xeadin th occasions. Butter, 18c to 10c, eight o'clock; Dir, Ilarticy will aci. } "The Minutes of the last Ladies Aid !. " � �. ' l lil�:on RFIB•1,. BRIGADE. Eggs 23c to 2•lc, dress the meeting on "Thr Llnikish t DIe*ting, A chorus was,, given by � Tbls sale in-l•udes all goods in our store, but „ Tuve Hogs $7 Navy."Reports will also be received several Dublin Girls, Mx, Irwin, This Fire Brigade held its annual from the comnritt'c•e on current events Ingersoll $ watches, Waterman s fountain. pens and ,whose, nationality is seldom in doubt THP, SA l.I�: OF 1}f,)RSF.S, Gillette razors: If OU Heed a W tCh CZ()Ck piece after you have in him mee ting. an :Monday evening when the .political and commercial, The, meet- Y , , p i ,; gave an. ad- officers for the year were re -appoint- The auction sale of horses held by lags are being well attended and are Prof. W. Brown. of jewelery or some silverware, cut glass or clalina t dress' • Miss Mary Chants piano solo ed as follows : Mr. ('• J. Wallis on Satnarday last p q en to all who are interested, Note - prof. Brown goes to Galt tgre ('n,4 Jt it llt)w. Terms—Cash. was, much enjoyed and the chorus the date. g �, „ w; ' Captain, Bert herr. was largely attended and fain pricey The Little Green Shamrock" as of this mon.th.to became organist an ` well rendered lav a number of young A horse sale Aow;�- ' , , chcs:r master of Knox church at a I 1.ROiViISINC I3O1 C'AIII'D lti:1Y. .teutrnant, Jas. Finch. rvei�a realucd. :ladies all "wearing the'green," ' Re. Treasurer, harry liarttifi. days attracts greater attention than '' J salary of seven hundred dollars. 441 g Secretary, 1larry Glazier. a low years ago and is attended by ' On Thursday last Leonard Reid �+ Pl freshmenbs eonsistin of an abun- The thief is appoi�nt'ed by the town peoplo Who rrlai'ry have no+.intention of was an active student at the C*oi- � --------- --'--f wo :I►i��� dance of potato salad, buttermilk and council and will in all probability be buying but are curious to know what le iate h N other goad . things were then served g were lie has continued his tT101, WOMAN'S I:r•STITI,.TE: by the same charming Irish maidens Holit• A. Downs who. has been at the a flight prices will take anyway, studies for going on four years. Tho JEWELER AND 0}?TICIAIV Y and were much relished b . 'thow tread of the Brigade for some four next moaning lie., complained .of not The Woman's Institute met, on years or mbte. No one takes more O: T, ST. CI'Ii:RCIL feeling well and the doctor was call- Thursday aft trnoan at the homy oI present, whether .of Irish, extraction g Y or not, The proceeds; which amount, i enernst an the brigade than does the Rev, JI, R. fiame, Smretaty o{ the ed in, Rapidly though he grew worst', airs. Dodd. M.rs, AleMurrav read aro genial ittb and to looking after its .t' y, p cam lieations sett'in r;xcellent paper on "Thou•giits ort the l ed to something over fifteen dollars, pper Canada Tract Societ . rtrwetvt P gin, and at an. many little details: he devotes murk L,ant hour estc•rda morning he ass- Opening year.,, There were also samt� • will be devoted to the Forward Move- rd the claims of that society at the `Y y Y g P g Y " meat fund. of his tcime, eveniita service on Sunday, ed down Clie dark valley, His death very. useful hiuts, given. on tlie soon - Harry lace at the residence of 'Mr, D. to-be-all-absorbiitg subject of spring y harry Glazier and Jimmy Flinch are Next ,5unday ttie fiaeaament of the P 0 On Thursda . evening last the Warn, {,he old Uniers, the term here being Lord's supper will be administered -at ileaeom where. he made his home sewing,' A dainty lunch was served ROYAL BANK -of CANAIDA en's Missionary . Society Of Wesley applicable not to actnal •age but the close of tlup ,kilo in town. b Lh church seined a ' banquet fn the school years of service. It is int'*resttin to marnPng preaching y t hostess after which a• sticatl g servioe. Love feast comrncneing at ;'0 Ile was the .thirdson .of Mr, and , half hour was spent, INCORPORATED 1869. room to the men of the congregation, watch them, sprint for a fila, when the o'clock. The official quarterly board lTrs. James Reid of the Bayfield Line, , about seventy of whom sat down at alarm sounds and they are. always w^iil inlet on Monday evening: Stanley, and was a in, b O C . L BOARD, RE:-ORGANI;6ES. , Capital Paid Up 86,2oo,000. sex=thfrt ro swell -cooked su•bstan- a i g boy f Reserve and Undivided Profits $6,,000 oqo, Y umono the irrst arrfvals. After a short, prayer -meeting con: alnrost eighteen y�earl of age. Fie The Collegiate Board met last ev- Total Assets - - $gz,000,000 t,:al and appetizing meal.. 'Tlie ladies - The firemen: are paid fifteen dollars, ducted by the pastor last evening, the had bean preparing for the teaching ening and reorganized. Major ;A, cTa - were on hand to see {ltab there wen© J f 8 READ O.•FFICB, MON.TREAI,r a sum so .Munif�eent that they find Epworth League under ihc.leadership Prufvmion and purposed writing: at Bart, who •has been a member for Plenty of good things provided, the some difficulty in spending it. If they. of Dir. C'harlt:s Hawke repeated . the the departmeptal examinations at, several years, was chosen chairinaan 175 Branches and Correspondents throughout the World. I Young men waited on tables and did were to ask for more the council account of "T:te Man with the White midsummer, Ile . was much liked b and Principal Treleaven again a it, well. When the wants of the inn- would , robabr . Commn'en,d them for ++ Y � p" p Y Hat in story tinct in song. This those who knew hfm, repecially by pointed sec, -treasurer. The pioperty en man had been satisfiod the pastor, doing so, unique service proved very interesting his chumis at tht: Collegiate who gaz- committee consists of Messrs, W„ Rev. J. E. Fond, called. tbee.meeting 1 and suggestive and was well attend ed upon his face for the last time at Jackson, H. M, McLean, Dr, Tiro2tig- Interest allowed'on Having accounts. Courteous treat,- 'to order and explained that the feast, DEATH OV ISAAC BROWNL,EI'., Ito -ended was only ednoon- yesterday" cite the retrains were son, and. the discipline coanmittee al ment accorded to all customers. y a perliminary, pn Frida last after an illness of , P that .the real feaa'r, :waij yet.,to come, y "I LOVE THE SFA." re)noved to tho 'homestead in. Stan:ay Pos'la faster Scott, R. U. Manning ax4 - nearly. three years Isaac Brownlee from whence. the funeral will take Dr. Thompson. H�e •said that, as pearl everyone P R E. MANNING, Ms►na er Clinton Brfsnch. y r3' passed into the Cheat Beyond. The following lace on Friday afternoon to Bay= knew, the gathering was, called in, or, ng is part of a priva,tc Y der to talk aver- the rcitu�ssianar sit- Th(sugh only -a resident of . •Clintan letter received by. iYlr. Wm. Robb the field cemetery, , Y far about three .years, during all of other day and was written ' aboard. Rev, T, W. %osens conducted a sex- More Local New of me and to }earn the n -afar as which timo B was somas We' of an ship by Mr.. .John Ramsford, who is vice at, tae house.-cre•the remains � of meeting that situation as far as; now In !'Dleri`io• : England." Out started for the old home, Invalid, Mn, Brownlee was w^el4 known 1 Wosley church was. concerned. Mr. J. throughout the surrounding eouuttr Page A, Irwin was them appointed to. the g g Y' tawnsinan is evidently a good sailor • The �VtOiONS B chain a being a native of Iiuliett, Fon years. as he so thoroughly enjoyed the vOy- ANK pasition :which he filled With he farmed an the Bawe Line them the. easy grace" ''Which bespoke .famil- after spending a couple of cars in 8g0 riven, But'hc sbotild he a. good' A.'t3WF3 depends targelu for It 8 prosperity . fattitry:. After a.. few remarks upon . United.. y saiFor, -as he has crossed' the Atlan- tic INCORPORATED 1855. P the t•nited.. States, 'he• kept store in do tw<»it. sex times. Mr. Ransfoixl. upon the10 .aY support Capital Paid up - $,x,000,000 Rost Fund $4,400000. the subject al' .the L•ayman'S• .M�ovo - h t�f the farmers. Sum fur several writes ; 1 have had a pIcasani . voy- years umtr"1 �� meaty a sutsject, whfcir always calls itl-health compelled him to. dispose of age. I love tite sea, It, is J ' Greew Has 78 Branches In Canada forth that gentleman's eloquence, the the'. liusiness there and he . reemved g grand,'and Rev. , and Agents and Qorrespondeni•s in all the principal cities chalrman called upon Mr'. A. T. Coop when gazing in awe at the billows, to Clinton, The funeral took plac". 'which at .'Ifis word are lifted up,' one in the world. Or, who, in a •few: well-turned seater- on Monday afternoon, the services cannot forget that It. artcfculn,rly 'in The, . heading .,Buying:at ,, A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. ; � explained the causes which paid being conducted.liv Rev. T west so . ` P f Home, tt►o town.. lead up to the . gathering. dile+ con- J' a. sen , rs Iiia; and He made . it. r m an articlu' in ,. tate paper Cosens. The pallbearers were . mem- of Dire of ,Dun` leading Take .thd. case of the towns referred gratulatM the. pastor upon the re- r A'nd t:xuly .the workr, of men, won '.towns, t0 SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT suits of his efforts to bring the mat- bens of the Clinton Circle ,of Chosen derf�ul as they are, are but as chaff, is suggestive of nidal serious What' would it mean to.the busi-• AT ALL BRANCi3E8. : ter to a successful issue and recall- Friends, of whitsh deceased way also a When you. they one Of their marvels, thought at the present � time. The ar ?less men and to the to generally r member, being : Messrs. Robt. Draper, -the, modern ocean ;finer, just taken ticle.referre*d Lo gives the 'names e1 cl if the 5700.000 were spent At hmnerr, Interest allowed :at Highest Current Rate. ed the fact'that Wesley church and D. Cask, D. Cantel'on, pian: Ifunter, ' it hero in Clinton complaints- are .inane; as well the old Ratteribui�y si'rcet like a .Cockle shv l and flung hither pila inenb towns in t r province !winch ' ' congregation had always been inter- Rich. CTovier and 0. Johnson. ;VfAny and thither, now cast u , . now I' tmtinirsr of lack of enterprise, and int hcautifirl ftoraI tributes were: sent h P, piung- serif out during' the last )ear;, in mon- May' . y y ed down, flow rolled 'around as though :ey .orders, oVet $7.00,000 -in one case be we, the rank and file, are to some. Cii>,ton Branch C. E. Dowding, Manager es'ted in the cause of mission,% and svtn.pathising.. friends, Mr. T. BTowu- ,,t were a feathers ci as hi has , 79 2911. � , extent. iesponsi'ble:. ' We slay not real - 116 remarked that in. his .opinion there . ' w ght•. •It. i5 g t These„ we • may was much reason for-encouragement,]ce of Toronto, . Miss Mary Brownlee then you .rea'1:ze. , irian's: nolhingti*sy 're'asonably suppose, are Fair sam les ize the strain which our leading bust- p riess men are •under in order to kee o slid Air",, Juror of Ilanixnitan. brother of w4iat is takIn lace in man otbvi:. L in the steady. growth of.than interest. and tt.lrp David 'Of old ,vont 'wonder, g p X and sisters of •deceased attoni ded the + j.thvir own end in: good shape, and - ab Mr. Kerr gave the solo; "Hold Thou Ob,. drat men would praise. the Lord instances, and what. does it, meati for.. M Hand; funeral, also the A7essrs. Stewart,, for. his• goodness and fob the `w,onder- or against the true •interests. of the the sante time caber tel ;our needs: L'et Y . ,, ialitchelt,.% ?,:fir. and -Mrs.. Somers; Sea- Cul. works . that .he do(•tb.' But i,•hev towns ? us stand by them and do our, share in One wQuarter I. Mr, Dingman of the Stratiford ler- forth, and Mr. Mitetiell of Goderioh, don't. I trust ' �knd f 'a. such 'ir+tping-oiir town to become the best: t St tthen I return I shall n �n as our -own town is. tlw14i' �� Aldi ivas then called. Ile .went 'into Mr; and Mrs..14.. Wallace, and Mr. fid a in . ude health.'.': now sufft=ring frnin th.e I heard it, sttftld for a .fact, that (M i n v 1; same, cause, it the :matter deeply,- recalling the ,'first' and Mrs: ,'Watkins- of Wilkie, Sask. . •On,t:-day rt•cently, there -went front orae ��� Christ br'otller and sister of Mrs. Brownlee, was much in . place ibri' the large num niissfonary efforts of the earlq rownlee, :t1L'CH. AF`FLIC`TION, ter :ctF business men: at tlrtir su office here, in money orders, at ' leash ppe: a tiara. church and calling at++,cation to besides many friends from t'he sur- few evenin w ago, $:'J0• That being true -even apprgx the growing�interest,•,at.times almost rounding district." ` Early on Fi►:ciay manning last the g,' t; to gave. it a fair iniatoly—, the thousands of dollars. spirit of.'Katie, second daughter - of discussion Aside from the fact.tliat �inpreceptable,. in the question u,atil Mrs. Brownlee wishes. to thank all Y m some, ' .instances the lar a whieh a•re , leaving the town yearly is p„ llr; William anti firs. Gunn took its g depart having its effect, how it had bt cptre a vi`val art - of the friends for their' kindness to her Hight .W the "betti r . country. Katie mental stores do sell' cheaper (they the .church's endeavor.' He urged .tip- during, the illness of. her husband can afford to 'a , had . been ailing for sola© little time, ) yet'it can be demon What I say. will apply to the farm de his' hearers y-foa •Gin the ln. or-Iand air the time of his death. but .only, the past 'few weeks bad she strated that the person who deals at Ing mmin>.uniby as well.. We have 'a der to, be of .any force in tlt2 vvgrld, l C'ni.''� T1' STOCK S116W. been considered dangenoutlyriii. The home will in the long run be as fat fine farming. Constituency, and depend must be. a missionary church, bir;l,l > ahead as.the others:' ITOwa ver be lar el a on their su ort and . ilic told, how the missionary Lica had cause of death was :heart YOuble: A ' , g y P pport, y " Y .rho annual m*�•ting of -the Huron' �jirl of a saved, and '-gentl;e naturn, that as it may, it is something to are, Anterested in having as .their mar- . gripped him.' T used: t0. go LO 'a. Count .stock Shaw was held on know. that you are helping to build up ket•tbwn and not to be ashamed of. rdissicnany meeting ocoa5iontLlly," y , Katfe was much beloved not Only in 0 Vere'' Thursday last, }resident, ,Tames - dats << her awn' family'.but by all w�hO knew • said he, and cantri ' support" .a` few 'dol ,5ne11 ptesided. her, The funeral. took place .on. ,$at- lars annually to the'suppoxf"of the The different.. •reports. as, presented urda afternoon to Clinton cemcter',. The .�armler Is perfectlil Justified- in buying, cause, but I never took any panticul- by t'ho secretary, Mr. C. I:. D6*ding, The pallbearers- were you -ng school- i >ttr interost•in- it. I was content to local manager cif malsons Bank, and selling where he 'can . to the best ' let the women. of tho..church :do the showed. the Society to tee in a:, pros- girl r�iend of dice d the ser studying and' praying, anal," con�tin- perous condition.. vicpsf .wem couduetcdsedbynRev. Dr: advantage. ued the speaker, • "the women hive The date of this ear's,. -Show is' Stewart. : Waldron, I. n certain. shown us the tva in this. • y During the -short; period af• gone y ear ByronW . n. ondon ad. Y Y (Thursday, April 6.th and the. manage, three' brothers ` all brathenr of Dr. - aubin many:anothtk matter . and, lite mient have decid;d upon ,a :vigorous (turn of town, passed away, one See' rt' .b f0hoW in the pat h.the y biari'd ush. to make it bi Seeing an article in that. valuable ;produce are higher now .than teal p ggcp and better death being the result of. an`accidemt, r -for us, But about' three. or four g home paper, The News -Record•, , under' years ago yet the price of farm pro-• than ever. Afid` within the space of t 6o Mand a the heading "If the Iiortie Trait Were petty, fw much' lower. I ask' why -is. years ago,. he went on, I: began to. nor. .James Snell, was re-elected laak intra the matt+ez� and I rcaifutti ba?; years, two cbiW-An, •a nephew, a + Ruined, i' 'I. felt. that I .,would like to. that. Ibis because there are note ass Dust ing the month Of President. lie has. filled this poli' noice and a cousin, besides these bra make a few renihrk's about -same. many eanma rs farming as there used that it was ono of. the greatc�t ;riot,- tion.wfth such satgsfac.tfon since ;flitg theses have been claimed b death. Ill loins 'qf file .age, A 'Subject. worthy a ; Soelet was. or niz(d that.no other, ' Y NOW, the citizens of Clinton - who to be,, xm, Ontario at least. _ Conti man's thought and worthy his best name rs even 'bintrd at for the >s seldom, indeed, that a family is are. so wise -and level headed ought to quently t1here is not as much food Audi, support. But I am not here,". said Mr. called upon to .pass through 'wuch an raiment produced per acre on the av-• Presidency know: distinctly and clearly that, the Ditignian, "to tell any mann how much r' oxper+ic-rice and to Dr. Gunn and hiy fanner is the su mage as. formerly, •resulting in high: The ice-Pmsiticnt is Mr. George PaJri•il ppotter off all trades g be should. give to missions: "rhat hp y goes nut the sincere syin- prices of,food and everything efr:e int Ttoar0 who is always willing to .help • and industries because the greaten must settle for laiins*If," Iia then + pathY of a range circle of fiiepds in proportion., Along the. Society in every tvav Va."- Part of what we eat and wear is pri= Clinton and sutnOunditng vicinity, madly grown FEBRUARY pointer out that if Dare the np.ijO_!ty. viiile. It lits no better' .friend . than y g wn own the farm. The restr . Now, it is said that when you send of the people really became tntere,tect he is, ;IILMONS' OFFICERS MEET. a -dollar to the city you don't . get . of the community, . merchants, doet- ii'.Y• in the question the money' would, be As Secretary Mr. Dowding is not The 47th annual meeting of the of Ory, lawyers,. manufacturers; rail- anything but the goods', but if youi forthcoming: Ile. said that the aint of excelled. It was in no small tneasitre flier+, Of the iumn Ragiincmt W. roads, steamship lines, etc:, no triatr spend it at home'you got a let of the promoters of the movement was due to his; energyter ho'w useful the are to society things as the home merchant bu(Ids. the contribution of five dollars per and tact that Last itcld at tiro i-, wi h Col Hoose on Y y aro churches roads schools etc. But 1 • I year`s :5'hOw was such a snceess acid :Thttritday Iasi-, with Colonel 'Wilson of simply parieites, because they pea + +' + We will give a discount of 75 per cent, on member - of the entire church to the when he expresml a dusirp on Tbnm- Seaforth in the .chair, duce nothing but simply dist'ribuute, 'bag to stay, dear, gentle reader, that, cause of missions. clay last t,O rc!it't the nianagc*mi�ltt Among those present were : Majors keep iu order, chatigo the form of 'or the kind merchant simply eliarges Rev, Mr, Greene, who was !`i ferr•ed raiwed such a pretest that be eonsen- Combe, Ranec' McTaggart• and Shaw, early around the products of, i+he more for his goods•; in other wordy to by the 'ehait"ntan as the "vounge;ct, ted to act whereat. °they rejoiced. Clinton ; Captains McPhail and Roug- farm. for what he gives us in roads, etc„ hoe old mart, dr the oldest young pian •in fir_ Iteuben :Graham is again Treas- vie, Godc'rich township ; oaptdin Ilea- So that it may be seen that every Si*ly adds a .little to the prier; of ALL the church," then also to minply tray turf, Ile. is another Of the SoMety's malt, Exeter ; Captain Dunlop, God- .person working on farms is support- what he sells, us so that we, the con - than hili hearty wwmpathy was tvitit staunch friends. erich. ing Another person in town. I think set's' pay for all these advatatg0<0 the work. Mr, Kerr also spoke* The dir*ctors rate : Majors Rano*, M'c'T•a-ggarb and'Ahaw this is about whore it averages up at ourselvto. And the merchant, Taw- on aw • --� `—" present. ' Taking statist+:cs you will yer, doctor, and manufacturer tells � on the subject as did Rev, 1). Itogem of Clinton—Jas. Fair, O, Johnson, Dr. were Appointed Reeinxntal rainnttti'tcca Overcoats Seaibrt�h'auci Mr. R, E. Manning. Shaw,WW. V. :myth, I1. C*antelan,'.l. Captains Dunlap and Rou.gvic find about 40 percent, at' the people how kind he is, ow hhe helps uw !. ' while C, Ptrpa~e The pastor in ;t few closing te- A, Ford, J. Taylot,, A, .1. McMurray, and Lieut. Sate constituto the Hand fatmingi and 00 pot tent. living in to -suit much mooey he spends for otic lYen+zfff ,. IA,w4 , p hfs 1*asure in the W. W'heatle , } � , whereas the truth of the itrat;f*r is. ��� marks expressed p y 1. Churchill, committee. wham flit, farnrcpn� support. SO you ran i suceoss of th* l atliering and his In- ITullett°•-•1T. 11. Bill, J. Leiphtr, C. The ofirc••ers decided to purchase new sea Uhat with our tiiodern telephonts, E that t4hoy used our money t'tp d0 H. lief that it would result in a greatly Mc(rrcgor, 'f, Me.iiichael, Jos. Rey Dervice uniforms. telegraphs, railroads and the tUti- Now, yOti business men get,busy arra . help the farmer to et Iaws era:': -4 increased interest in the work and a noltiw, T. 'McMillan, J. C'arbert, J. The usual rate wAry given the q i . r�4 i�r.rtir Regi se u*mt r,lintitiatfon of distance there. that will bel+lp hint, Henprmber Mali consequently inc+re•ased giving. fie :,cid hale, W. Minn, mental band to which the Government is some 'tendency to eliminate many he as s i Cruse lttm the that the mfssfattcaty' <oin.tnftte (rt' (ltpdc rticli Tr,ta^trslritp-�(`. Lovett, f:, c'aittributes+ w+:evtmty-five dollars for Cf rho slntatter parisitm. Cotismuently � pporting yo Wesly had fixed upon the Turn Of 4i1<.r�, S. ,`dturdv music, These grants .anti ranking pay when tlita pitblie find they ran btry reciprocity And fre� trade, I)on't THI three dollars per =mnbor as An end 5twantcry�-14'. Cali n, J. �rlacfaxlane, A. tyh'ilt in ramp constitute the pa•• of chrapet+ in Toronto and Motltr*al;t,ty hog everything wfth prntrettoi,' : tel be aim(ti at :incl hoped that this Innes. Ow mcambers of the band. than then ran' in Clinton or Seaforth , as you have been doing m that a, tow M'OHRISH'. CLOTHING CON amount would bt re.alizod, but he fur- 7`uckcr4mith--{}. dale, A. V41004 It. All the Majors of the Regiment, and incidentally sell aro better advan-, of you },rt rich and the,farru(r get. uroll ' ther* stud that it wets not• only tape nfeKi1r. that is Majors Combe,R�anto, II bTag- tape, they are going to give the eity ; poor and worn out supporting Iou, argest Clothiers money which he wanted for t1e cause McHillop--Jas. l.van% hart acid Shaw, Are residents of the proferencea and lot the sinal) tner. i I say protect acid envouragi, tau* fartn•- tt � but 'the► interest. find flit• prayers of IJensall—W'. J:ldrr,. Clinton. Maior C*onibe. is next in elinnt fir thea small country towns . o i'*r the right %av'Aud cry hp bce4imes + . Square Deal fol` It yen.- Y Man" t e*vetry m'an in the wmgregation, Ile 14tte1•et*••-Tlarry ;•;mitis. point of sctriori'ty to the ColOnel and down. g oomfort:ablp anal rich you wiII Lind :1 also heartily thanked the ladies, who W,iwancrvhy-.1. to Diannid in course of thile is expeetiA to N'ow 'tt ar . l elm dividing l 1 prV nIC1 to In yrrtt. Tti s<x willingly oonie to their bed t r i far regardto PO d*cr*I in ! ttl�.b he+ will havtt tncrv+ mane tom. ' p C;Odc�ricn�••-lt. 141rI.r an, J; C annolly', cxpritntand the tlurohs, .atL honor for r4�tZue of farm pmltrrt I don'ti Y arid had provided the exc'ollcbt t;upper I;russ(�tw 1'. Scer,tt. An . r!t:tn, *sprcfally iter a tvativtr of tr y itrona in cv'mfortq and lusurim attic y thin that is due to the public buying , , which all bad mjoycd, Auburn—C. llowsoa. -the old colAnty. its, goods iii the city. friers of tam) aOtt ire �'e harts will get the benefit„ ' y it Fair *xclp,•tngC. r ' j