HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1911-01-26, Page 8° M ANNUAL STOCK TAKING AT Fred. Jackson's Our February Sale has thus far been a great success. We have yet a limited supply of winter goods which we will clear out regardless of profit. Every pair must go, and the prices will move them. See our Men's Rubbers. at 75,e Ladies' Robbers at 40c L,tdfes' kid lace with fleece lining at $1.25 Another line similar for $1.00 Boys heavy shoes warin lined for $1,50 plan's. „ " ' " " 82,00 Men's Buckle rubbers fot $1,50 You cannot judge of the values we are offering unless you come and. see for yourself, To investigate is to invest. We know that our prices are right there- fore its a pleasule to ",how our goods, Repairs While You Wait. FREM JACKSON Traveller's Sample In flen's and Bays' At Less Than Manufacture's prices. A few days ago wewere fortunate enough to secure first choosing fro mall the Sample Overcoats'of one of Ca.nada's Lar- gest'Maniifacturers at ridiculously low oriee and rather than carry them over foran . other season we will place the entire lot . on Sale commencing Saturday tit such wonderfully low prices that a few days must,2ee a general.clear up of every coat. Remember —.This is not a cleat Ing out of undesirable gar- ments but. a genuine Sacrifice Sate of ap-to the -minute -goods. Don't fail to see these 6oats if you need one for the balance of this winter dr are going to Beed one for next, , SMALL �PLUBVISTEEL M PROFITS BUSINESS �LVO�'F .T COST As we are removing from. ..our p es- ent .premises we must reduce our stock and to do to we have cut the prices: Here are a few -of the :bargains: for our customers Ladies'. .Kid Blucher, regular $3.` p n . 2.2 5 Stile price •. ... .. . Ladies' Kid Bluchers, regular $1.75 /1 and -$2,, Sale price MISSES Misses Kid I3luchevs, regular $2.0.0 . •. •1.69 Sale price, . , , ..., ......... . b[tsses Chocol:ire Bluclicxs,re;;ultt.r 1.75. Salleprice 99 • u1 Childs'. Box Calf and Kid Bluchers, regular $1.35 and $1.50. Sale price .. ldc7�► Chis Kid Bluchers, regular $1, 9 and , 1.10. ,Sale price, ... , ..75c and . 9 9 0 kt'CJB.[3EKS Men's Rubbers, .. .. , ....... . -8� Ladies' Rubbers.. • - .48 Blisses Storni Rubbers.. , MEN Men's Patent Bluel161,, regular $•t Q r .. 3.5® and $1.a0. , 'Sale price.:. , , , Men's heavy 4winter Calf,, tan . and black, regultir:$v, bale price ... ,`.. Men's Velour.caIf, regular $3.50 and moo o A $•1, Sale price tri Men's,13ox Calf, regular $2.50, Sale �.� price... ... . , ... .. S. C 11- AT H W C L/ •N� wNwwN� NwwNw4NN/i�NNN�O�►� NNN#� iN�Nw+ J. B Hoover Nelson Vall • Our. w • F r` F1r itut e UQL , if sate Affords: altrrpporttutity for the+ thrifty'to refurnish.ihr whole or any part of the liutrss= at. it . irk ndfd :;avtnti, not xxiadu at the expense of- quality. fquality. 1a For Parlor, Diningi, Sed Room or Kitchen, w ti i. MOP r ..rr t civ It .=t:int . rn 1 that airmarvels n t (tis of tfit i o ft rr, ar(r u 7 tf trni- '.1"' H h f, Ir h re excellence and rci►rwxix I3ett(�t= see tlicixx. >tu e y The theapest spot in Huron County to buy all kinds of furnituro,, 'T Pk P Hoov, er BAII AD�►o+l•�►�'r(►s�r i►sw+►�►,t+r•1r�*�+i�i�,f►�p►�,•fl►++rrN��c►1►+►�tt,rw►l►r��► , 1 Perhaps you are not klyiny from us, It might be to your advantage to rho so We sell at hottest prices—you like that. You want to see a liberal as- sortmcnt when you buy. Our endeavor is to always have it •for you. Perhaps you have a reason for not, giving us a share of your purchases.' Are you willing to tell us what, ,your' reason is. We wane; to know our faults, Wo D. FAIR CO, Often Cheapest - Always the Best Y n , r6ltitlunu,uxwrtunttnp, il�nt t � „��►l. ,Mil, B. A. McEwen has left for Kind- ersley, .Sack, Mr. John Cuningliame was in Toron- to •farm Saturday until Monday.. Mrs. C. 1).:ticTaggart went' to Toron- to yesterday for a fc.w days' visit. Mrs. Mcliardy .Smith and Master Frank returned from Torow.0 , on Monday;. Mi. Percy 'Calton of Goderich was a guest- over, Sunday of his sister, Mrs J, C. krmour. 41r. ands Naliaffy 'atl ended the wedding of a nephew of the for- xper in Croxuarty yesterday. Mrs. II: Pennebaker and Tdastor Frank here guests over the week end of the former''s sist.r, Mrs, Bogie, Goder- ich. Mrs. Ilugh Noss and little son of• Goorich w ere'the gueats - over Sun day of NTr. and Mrs.. J.olm Emmer- ton.. 1i'rg. t3. J, t"rawford of Dungannon and Mrs, D. B'iekle of Goderich vis- ited Mrs, J. I:. Can' felon on. Sat- urday last Mr, and.iMrs. And:vxson Content', Alta.,' spent a few.aays last week the guests of their cousin, Alfss L. o son Richardf town. . Richardson Master Lloyd Rice, who has been coli- , fined tib, his bed and. under the ,doc, tor's 'care for the past ,few days, 'is able to be around: again. - Mr.. ,Harry Stevens, baker, 'is home for a few weeks after which .be ex- pects to go to Tliessalon Or' some other point on the North Shore Miss Agu % Saw ers of Bxucefie;ld Vis- ited isiced Hiss Florence Cuninghame 14ist week and was a gueii at the latter's ' very charm.iiig afteizoan tea oil Thursday:. Mrs. . Arthur McCreary, .who udder went an operation .in. the. hospital ;some days ago, is improving. sat is- factomly but it will be some time yet 'before she will be able to lie re- tnovcd to, her home.. Mr. W. 'G-. Snlgth has been ill for elle past couple of weeks with ' cotiges- tion of the lungs, ' 'Por. a fele , days lie was in a dangerous condition but has taken a change for the better - and is now doing nicely. Mr. Chas. Mel{tenon of the fort I1- gin high .School staff was in town an *Saturday. IIe was an applicant for the.position made vacant by the resignation- of Inspector Robb. Mr. lTcliinnon was formerly classical master, at the C.C.I. Mr.' and•Mrls: J. L: ITovey aiid Master Billie 'deft this week• for Burlington where they will.'visit the forzner's brother, Rev. JMr, �. Ilovey. Dr, Worthington and 11ir. 11.:1. TTpvey are in charge of the drug store dur- ing Mr. Ho.vey's 'absence. Mr, Russell,Andrews, who: cane borne from :5asl,atchew:an. several. weeks t vi: it `s parents and other ,ago o s, ht pa t a relatives and friends, left on Tuvs-. day for:Edison`in Eastern• Alberta to attain take ftp. newspaper work. Mrs: An, and child will' remain here fora few weeks lunger.. Mr. W. Jackson has been attending to business: the past .week after four week's confinement to the house ow Ing to illness. Though having lost somewhat in weight -Air. Jackson seemsto have fully recovered and Itis genial presence and cheery voice was welcomed by his many friends In town who had nlissvd slim Bur- s Ing his .enforced day indoors, Air. E. H. Cooper, manager of the London, I ng ,•. branch of thee Auto ,strap Razor Co. of. New pork, youngest son of Mrs, wm, Cooper, spent a few days in • town the past! week. Mr. Cooper makes his home in I')ngland but being on a business, trip to the head office in New York he ran over to see his ni,other and oilier fri(rnds in Toronto and Clut- ton. It is, several years since he Iastg, visited the old home town and. his moeting with old friends was a mutual pleasure. Me;asrs, henry Maker and' A, C'atAclon left yesterday morning for St,, Catharines to attend la annual meeting of the stockholders of the Willow Rim Timber Company pan y which has large limits near Form Georgat, i.n Britush Columbia on tho line of the Grand Trunk Pacific. Mr. Baker will while in thefruit belt confer with •a numb of rr t i the, & orchardists so its, to gather further information that will bo of service in the spring hen lie bretitel plant— Ing tete` acne r of the, bmt vatActies of printer apples lie calx fin+i. And remember, this is not a clean rip, of undesirables—every garment and every article mentioned in the fol- lowing list is the very best value obtainable at regular prices. Every article must go --yours the prefit. This will be the greatest opportunity ever offered men, women and .children of Clinton and vicinity to get acquainted with the high class of marebandise which we carry. We are dri' ling the knife in deep and prlces will be topped off in big chunks. The reasoi! for this great slaughter sale is the fact that we make each season clean lap its own. stock, PURCHASE AT OUR STORES DURING .JANUARY AND SAVE MONEY - 5 Ladies es' Water roof 35 L dies' Astrachain. Fur coats - Special 5 Coats 20 Ladies' Black ,Astrachan Fur Coats, silk quilt - 25 Ladies' Waterproof Coats of cravenette and ed lining with Timber Sable collareand' self collars, tweeds, full length, good style, all sizes: Reg $7,50 to three good styles to 'choose frow, sizes 34 to 40. Reg $12, sale price - - $5 $45, $50 and $60, sale price - - $35 10 Men's Waterproof ' Goats -Special $S 3 only Bochartin Fur Coats, Alaska Sable collars: 1.0 only Men's Waterproof Coats, dark grey; all R,g $75, sale price -- $55 sizes. Reg $10, sale price - $5 :3 only Astrachan Coats. Reg $25, sale price - $1.5 50c and 60c Dress 25c. Ladies' Belts 19c Ladies' Coats '05c Wrapperrett lop Clearing out the balance of Half Price i0 testis 'Panay Wrapper - our Hr- Goods 39c . • p pp our C•hristmis. Beits, leather, , tett, trod Berri ns edastto and silk in black, brown, brown, ; i � T.adies, %Vinter Coats g • g geed color red, grey. bine, etc, 'Reg 25c' made of heaver' and rodgli Ings, subrable. for housy gowns, 500 yds all pure wool Drefi9 ) • ,* , dressing wwquee, etc„ `7 inches Goads in lain colors, striper, and and 35c, sale pt ice - 19 , .'tweNds, colors black, blue, trey, wide, ; Re 13% sale rice - 10 p A brawn. etc.. very,rewest style, g price ch. ticks, black, blue, red, brown,. , R• g $10, $12, $15, and $18, ,+rale rose, wines, green, greys, etc 50c Ladies Belts 09C.. ..pries . - Half Price Remnants Of serge, fnncv . worsteds, weaves; "Frenetians. 'box cloths, etc., Ladies' i+anevBelts in leath- (�* el'Ge17t i�ff Flannelette splendid wearing qualities, scot• er. elastic and silk, fancy hnckl "' .5 � , able for all classes of wear ev- in all the noptilar eolors—the Children's Coats lltanufactarpr's remnants of ening, street or school. step :50c balance of oar Xtnas baying.. - rvhit.e and pints; Flannelette. and (10c, sale price - 39 Reg 5()c, sale. p r}c& - 39 About -45 Children's Winter' Rod, run f+otrr `1 to 10 yds, worth (;outs tnostiy' .fancy tweed.;,regularly Ioc an(1 121c, clearing: Children's ' blanket cloth and heavers, all there up at - 7 Special .Dress Goods 35c U'uder` new styles. Sale price - so wear. 25c pt•reent..off Remnants. of Cotton 25C dot Children'iv WoolLTn- Nlillinery '50 percent Nanufacturer s remnants of. 10 ;nieces. Drees Goods, Just dexwear veist9 and drawets, well off white Cotton,.good width, splen- . if clean up lot from' the dept, mrtde and trimmed with - hist -r- did value. Ends run from •2 to, Gond colors and strop weariu tion -and ribl16n, Splendid value' 10 cls worth 123c; lye and 18c, qualities; . Reg . 85candri0c,, at reg price 35c sale rice 26 Clearing out. the balance •of y ' p clesuing lhetn atoxle price - 8 while they last you choice 2£. curt ilillinery at half price, Some $1.50 BIack • Sateen nnd styleslefr, Remnants. of Apron $1.50 Corsets $1. Wafsts $1 50c Toques 25c Ginghams; ' D&A Corset special for Sat- Ladies' Bieck Sateen waist, About 2', dozen Children'si•Manufacturer's remnants of urdk,y.only. White Batiste; all good, quality,- first black,' latest Toques, assorted colors: •hionev. , Apron - Gingbarng.. splendid sizes, very daintly trimmAd. style, ixlIsizes. Reg $1.50, .,,ale combe weave, doubled.. Reg 60e„ width inn;giirxlity, wartla,l2 c, Reg $1.50, special - $1 price. - 1 sale price - 25 .15c and 18c, clearing them at 8 1 tC _Z,.T_1K?"0Ar P.ersonnls Hulbbtt ' owinshi.p The Nees From Londesboro Mrs. Macpherson and son � Clfardv% of The News-Rcacord Ieads for Ilulleht ' Goderich. srpent, Saturday in town township new,,;... It, easily leads. 1Ifss: Minnie Brown has rM�urned to The regular rustling of. the Woman's With friends. liTr, VVnl. 13ryattt of the' town .line London after spending a few wecks at Institute mild bo held on Thursday af- Miss Ilana►ah Harrison visited at her was a visitor ' at the, ;haiu(i of. his her home here, ternoon next at .2,30 at the home of betas Bear Bayfield ille. latter. end mother at Mt. Forest last week, Ile. � ,_ 3Lrs. Dz: Young. Subject "flow 'to. of last week.. report's 'her being in lxcr usual hoaith, Mr. Batt,xsby of Barrie has engab Miss Mildred Stevenson returned from ed with Mr. John Hutton as miller, makb cur Institute meetings simpPc, Toronto on Saturday. for e tom The box social held under tine axis- entertaining anti interesting,'; to be y. taken -by Mrs, J. Manning. All ladies weeks' holiday: pices of the 11,ptvprtdi :I:eague at the cOnstaanc+e. arca cordially invited to' attend, Miss Rogers of .Seaforth was 'the parsonage. Friday evening of.last,, week. Miss. Cooxtibs of List•owe:l is. visit - guest of miss Lucile (Train . a few Miss, Coult'es of Calgary spend a %vas a success. A very enjoyable ev- ..days last iveek. few da s the guest of her.auntn Mrs. ening ices spent, by all. The receipts tag her. sister; ithe ho Arm,stthe y.. g ri niintber of the phones in 'tile. vil- Mr. M.L. 1.&Tntyrc, Toronto, was W. B. VQok, of the evening amounted to nearly lagfl have been connected this Week. . the uest of Mr. and Mrs. A. VC, 4izss:. J. 1I': Ii in of Bhi(�vale is vis- X30. It' is the .int(:ntich. to .hold an= g g Mr. Wnl. Griffiths left Monday :for Kron on Wednesday and Thursday iting acquaintanoes in and. around the otl" r bad social in the near future. Lyndtm where he is assisting in tit(, last.. village. 3Ir: Tl. C'antolon shipped a car of erection o£ the ixew G,T.lt. station. teh{bald who hal been; '.the q y; h Britton left'0. Satuixla potatoes Monday of this:week;,. 1tTr.s,'`• 11t .Tr, Jon Y Mr. J, C. Mutton• spent Sunday. uU guest of Mrs: F arran for the pastfor' a'bric4 visit, _ to Stouffville' betore• Rev,. J•, 11. osterhout aosistod «ith .'iris home here. ` few wecks 'returned to Toronto .on. she left for the west, on Tuesday. .• revival services at Bl .ih .Honda • and -'.Mr, John Hutton, loaded wear of F y y '1Trs, dJyil e Rabcrtsvn :oE Hamilton Air: -George Clark` is at presieent .pour Tlkis(lay' evenings of this week.... flour, this weep. Tuesday g) on ly. is spending the remainder' of the Xr, Will. Wyatts has left for New winter in town, . a guest -.at 1•I01:e1 Liskeard after spending some time. �lle�# elj�pi�inngs Normandie, vistt.ing` relatives here; �� 1�' Mra,'Hugh Simpson of Turford, Sask., Mr. It. 13. Rogerson is at prescrut and 'Mrs. Jack Simpson of Seaforth suffering with an. attach- of grippe. 11Tr, and firs: John I3aylep, of the A westerntYx. has beet through this are this week the gtiests of Mrs, Mr. Mathew Arnrs.trong. shipped. a 3rd . con. entertained.a few of . their township the past week buying tip Will. Simpson, Iiuron St, carload of cattle from Londesboro to neighbors on Thursday evening last cults of frena seven months. old. up - Toronto and lTrs: Douglas G. Wheeler, .on Saturday• when ti few hours were very pleasant- Nvar-ds for shipment; to the. ranching late of London, note occupy Mrs.cly spent, The. AWfieler _ __ _ _ genial host and his toiletry. ITe expects to tet a car- Alt, engaged in tare �1T.. II.lf, Barge's cottage. Mr.�Wb eclec brother, Ift, Richaied 13tayley, gave load anti among his purchases. are bakery. �it<tbtilr'E1 seeeral violin selections Affording tilt two, draughts of about nina month,,t Mrs, T. X. Iligglins of Toronto was neighbors a musical treat which they, for which he paid T. Me) ichael & Son k f :lir, attd Mrs: Rev, Mr.. Miller preaclied on lilt. `thoraukhly enjoyed no less a, sum. than $500.. That seems t : , this wee v the. guest, ti area circuits on Sunday las{• incl a_ big' prise to a for. youngsters but,. Wm. Ga•rallanl, .Site .was accotnpan- Y The invitations are out for the mar- pay Y g' h rse. v Y titin ui a s towel known, e r • •rl on l n g is 1 rd •� Y Varna a Mr. T•x l t of i ".1i s Nettie Tyndall of Rev. � , 0 n is c i.. t T r r > W. J. I ii - Y g Y •w :VIr. yy -her (hc ., .flesh, i >d b n g e ,is n r• •ha :1 sr lata Y;tilclitc t • bout Torn. �• , �a n "tT' � 'Vl{lice s r etas, n r. '�; "1 •. r� f n Educational. „( to o .,.nuth , hill to .Ii Colbert o tai gins, barrister, of. Winnipeg. !'first -•class fit to travel in -an com- Mr, and Mrs,. C;corge Brownlee of circuit.; Duni anniut, the happy gyred to take , y 5 f f r h have been uests of :Vers, Mrs, ,Ioc* Lawson is at present Mery place r,1i I -err first of February. The pony, , '1'ho colt,4 were hath sired by ..coot g . week and were res- sir..k ' but we' hope she may sit<t,n be hrid,g-{',,-bc, ix eery prpular young lady,. CTlrnrar, :VIr. A2cNiichacl s prize-win- 'iihitettrad this c n ent at the double welding which convaIMPtit, is known by manv of our people in the ring Canadian draught; tic I k dk: tools place at iliac lady's residenec 1Vir, llarry I� remlin ane: Hiss; ltolrtu southern partof this township. One eclat s and,ct a 3o cs� '['lm first lanihs of the season in few appreciate and, at tfxllcs, leas of last evening, son of Clinton Sundsxyed at the betas Y of the Star ,fc � r rtrr+on. tit: sr part.:. tai°rf•vrd nn the farm of ;VTr, all the playrrr, was played an, .say, a' tutor f :1 John I r .lark e o i . n Sunday night lv'Ir+ J T. Clark, ct r t, 'r, Mc:iliebael 'on ,Jan. 1Gth. This is Srafoi•ilt young man a ay g Weekly, Toronto, Urs•. Clark an lsliss 'SIay I)etistcadt is . at ltrescnt last Ile had driven up to see his two children are expected on Sat -'I vfsfting her •sister, tits. 'i ra t:,�'r, of the t}r<< lilac in lir. M1Trilichacl's life ulvlay arr•rT will visit curt h5tulclay in Strbrfngvier Lung on the farm that. lambs have ar- bis girt, who lives on tilt confines at town bite Bursts of over and Mrs. rived so early, 'rbey are of the Le- Clinton, and while there his cutter Vr. John Ladd is still in very feeble v •is rr rt•cal find' it ma be bltat yr, and robe tvcrn taken away, brought: T. Jackson Jr : and Mir. and Vlrs, r t and his friends are anxious t f }► Y up the Gravel Road to about than: J. 1', ('antrlon, ,}tial h r1r11ieh,tel will exhibit theeu, .fit the watelting far a ehatl;e for the better: ,. I miles north of toren where they were )2'eP n ter. r ell t l , =•ei blt� n Citta : } t last r t. la, our f f rater s a�rds. 1 ref one of o. aoc a = of Stanley in v • Macfarlane[L issY to g Y �iriir. I2obt, and :hiss Thompson •nf '4Ir, l�rlirtk liilt'v, a mctrnbeY of a week for a three-nranths' visit to (Tadcrirh townshit) vis•(r.ed Sunday fantil which formerly lived' on the Jt is Kzlltgrd that tilt practical jolter the ()Id ('ountry, retaking the r trip with friends in this vieiltity, Aid roll, of lluflett ern the rctrrtt nt lives in file tort& part• of Mullett and .across lire .ltlantic ill tlrr t". F . dt. Mr. J. D. 4lurdock of ;:eslct:toon ,(i ley VTr. ,4. (llidtlan, that jealousy was t,licrause of his. steatnslilp �1':lnpress of llritain. r 1 prt sent` (Welipfc rank. "1"ratlsporta{ion vas procured from visit^d las. week at the honk. of :Vit. has been Visiting old friends Ila tlltprank * ra cal e ,cnf• m 1'• A. l,rratt. crtd nrigltborlmod. 11r. fiilty fast $Iessrs. Win. Rinn and .John 'Watt Mr. W. Jackson' the IT(it ".lit'. Bowman war, lis;tebtd to with went tit �Ianttuba t�tcr,:ty ung ycat t alr,'on the directorate of lite 1VIttI+;illbp •C xtrtn ,. r Fire tee tilt Company. .Ili. I r o n Y f;rcat intt.res:t in dila Il+.tlltisis cinu•clt• af;c► lrut ryas star,. tour years ativ tit n,,tt atria Company from titter on Sutiday last. After the sermon hr 40.111"1 near I)auphin. Mr. fiilty has; township. Perry hits rented Alit:. mndtmd one of hist favorite sola:,, Ill'' also, been Visiting his another and Mrs. W. 5.1. 'Carqubar of near Har - "i r. John T)( r „• •I } Y Alicock'ss r6sidenre into which lit, will attain occulty the pulpit, r►ix ` t;11. Sister at. ffillsF*,rtert, Mrs. Kilty anis �lvit \rsitO at' kjr. George Farquhar, u - will move shortly. ►dtty nett, wSTr<t. Tho.".h,xrquhar, tesppetively. of the (travel Road last wetic. '.I