HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1911-01-26, Page 6r i e 0 January Zotho'IQ11 _.... '4n. Stephen 11. Penfoid, who lived ! 'LAlidl: BACK, alone near Taltleytown, ryas foundJ r ` " ' dead in bed by, neighbors - who broke t To have a lame: back or paigiul into the house. I stitches, means di.iordered Kidneys, I and the .soouer you lta.ve the-Kidaeya The new Westside' Aletilodist Church { and Bladdev in a perfectly :healthy at OWIZ Sound. was dedicated. By ' condition the sooner you Will enics,� raising .$10,000 n;eently the $38,000 klife. As far as we know there is o1'"�` strurtut+e is practicail-v, free from, ' ly one remedy that Is guaranteed to debt'. I ' cure you, and that is FIG PILLS. If they don't make you a strong, bealthy President Taft in a speech on Sats , person in two weeks, your irmtley will urday insj3,ted;on the •fortification of be refunded. 25c a box, at A1cColl- the I-fananla Canal, Bell's thug store, At Your weals, and at bedtime, drink this sparkling agreeable brew. Your digestion will improve. Your slumber will better refresh you. Every drop gratifies. Ask For 2 A L E STOUT 17 . Better for invalids than ordinary tonics or patent medicines, It is wholesome as well as pure Made• of selected JOHN LA;BATT Order from any barley -Matt, choic- dealer Art beverages estbfendedhops,aod of or direct from the tested spring water, LONDON, CANADA brewery in London, Invest your spare cash in Tturon and .);rte Debentures and get 4 per cent. per annum, Inter'*, est instead of the 3 per cent, allowed on Savings Accounts, The security is guaranteed by Assets of over $12,600,000. Huron and Erie Debentures are issued . for sums of .$too and upward; for terms of one year or longer, , Wrlte for Debenture Booklet, tvhlch gives full, particulars,' XORO)( DE.BTnN1 " Assets over - $12,600,000 Paid-up .Capital - $1,900,000 Reserve - - - $1,800,000 • Huron '& Erie Loan . & Savings Compaxiv Incorporated 1864, '442 Richmond St., London. 366 Talbot St., St. Thomas. 24 I T � � •� Who Was There That`ou HOCKEY NOTES L" FIRST CANADIATIOLIrvI- 'ill' the shaclowy ranits of those who marched to defeat or death or victory fifty 'years _ .. _. father or grandfather or Uncle of yours? Would you like to see a photograph of, lli:n in -that long ago day of his youth�a photograph that lie nover knew was taken? Perhaps we can ,how you one; •acid. im any. case, we, can tell you .a ' story, stranger thar any detective fictions, of 3,500 priceless photographs that A Few Stories 711x' are Told o . , - The Toronto C%noo Club juntora do HORSE . of Th -0 12 FREE' ..Of the 'Civil • War . ' IH 01-BBY.I HE`!' wero taltem by ela-rreatest photographer in the Ili order to•give you some idea of the greatness of this work we United Ctate, of ':tat &Y, -they wero bought bir the Jan Kubelik UsitedStatoailovcrnnegt,fo*r 36,000; thcywere.burted tionsof the photographs free -of' not play agaiauntil ,Tan. 27,. is the war Pepartmeat'for 50 years—they are buried there charge ip a hatidsomo potffoife. Iheae are very e -- still. But a duplicate set was l:eritby the pbototrapher—wSo still. .yh and valplisue s:d valuable, bit rot, died poor sad bra`.an don•n; `hat duplicate'set was'tl:aocl:cd •,_,i only 30 cents to cover thu front pillar to Pont for nearly 50 ,cars, Y1.nt:l it was d.scoverad. c ot of :na:,.n„ T'hegam not only Itr int resting from a historic stand-. necure the eol'octi6:i—Lx•I1rna'lent Car'*,eld and C:eseral C o0ti ;oalkeepera ars agar; e, mS --- - i3enjam(n i', l:uticr-ca:d it v:aa rJdrt:t 8150,0••0—:•ct w'th ........ ,.%% I - 11 ., .. 11 ". Many amusing .and interesting "tor the help of t'1e Fnw1w; ov ilnvr%vs. the enttre collection et Cha sem. ttrmlwn win :r)) y,n ' bow the Review .1. Review rua etas beanrathe d late 10 Creat volumeo and is placed within i3ocrle Ou[arip n:agnat+ s have found _I, yo= reach at 10.3 than the value of one of the .photo; raplis. ' lea are told of Rubelik, the .great vio 1 * for the camera cannot lie. It tells the story of the war you out. Classic Event of 1011; Entered by Can. Send the coupon of Revlews liAist. flare are a few of them: ' known phases of the war; they penetrate to strange place:; and * * « P.uniol:s jumped th'� Vanlsleek Bill dtdate Born in Saskatchewan-- "- _r NetrYoek, N.N. REMEMBER --Our privilege of selling these honks is One of Uubefik's most treasure( f the Is reproductions of team last wc*'k and will play for S1re or Dam Never 1Taced mail -this cotipon today.. - � - F .; s' possessions ryas 'a violin made b7 • t i!"'ctLrloo in the Ontario Pro, I.tiagae. s t • 0 P . ml) how, Inc whxt-tbe governinerit, . Psid (nr halt a do'.Au prints, I cart MW ­W. <� ' � Guatnerirts, for which he aid £2000 I nilrle.011) ca:,t4-W cover the caet (11 * . _� . { I. Some time ago Young Franz you ire(: ' • •� ,. ----_ .�. _ _ _ -- ,� --,--w-� - Waterloo will not stared' for Buck The 1911 Derby will be of special n r .:, «t set, the Prodigy, visited Kubefik, ane was permitted to play upon the costly It h 2.3 Irving ire any shade, says a despatch, At a league meeting his proj.; et was interest to horsemen of the overseas `" �� ;- P instrument. When the boy lied fin DIE turned down. Dominions and more so to Canadian s .. rt { iahed, Kubelik -deprived flim of hit * * * horsemen, because in that event the a .`.. . xX n". . breath by presenting film with the violin. Xubeiik "Strad," ClE?veJand, Detroit Chicago and To- first British candidate. from. over the T% ..I` _., s "I F uses a the gift of blas. 'Walter Palmer, ar-d a routo are to make up a major league circuit a cordilig to lsert Mie• Seas for tliµ .classic honor of winning x. , ; • �ourte bow which belonged to the Fire at St'. David's destroyed Mr. Creath C *cath, of the T.A.A,G, ; Elie Derby will compete. ar t: �V famous violinist, Ernst, arid -was giveu William R'ylie's boarding-house. St'Y- * * u lie is a Sasl.atclietvatr fixed horse, r ,-�• . : to hire by that artistes widow. At a very small London pa ` y a lady Brae of the boarders had t0 jump from. n A Varsity IV. t.am may be organ- and several facts in isle breeding at• „ .1. a , a 1 i t 4 4 r f: gave a start oil opening ,= . pro• t the windows to save themselves. 'i'tvo ized to play the junior intercollogfats schedule, as the - junior O.H.A. team tach urilque interest to ,his candlda, torr, Ue is bet tl from a sire and dam J :t. r� ;' ## `` i gramme. "Oh, Tfiubelik," she exclaim ..d, flow delightful! I Ila heard ail tanks at the Intperial Ct11 liorl s will have aro time. * + * neither of which .has ever raced, Rol " rr ` i ;; r x ',;,k r-. r a so much of 1>ubeltit. But what is it" t . s it a new at Sarnia tvcre also burned. The Ilalifax pros, 'von from the d'Or Is i•lle"'ame of the candidate. His, JERRY LAFLAMME game.) A kind of ping. hong, 1 suppose'?" The succession of the Duke of (,On- Moncton Victories at Ilaltfax before sire is Rolston and the dam is Drowsy, Kel d'Or was foaled Irl th0 spring of ;'r't'e ('entre of the St.:1liehaet's, Turon- At a reception at the Waldorf As - aauglit to F are Grey is highly • fmpro- 5,000 people, by the scare of 7 to 5, r i'11is was khe first of A series. 100b. IIB was bred by Raymond M. tug tvho 'von for 'tie first 'lois an toz'ia, New York, ltubelf k retired to a corner after) playing, rather ill Sable, says The London Express, * ' lisle, of (u'Appelle, where he owns a :;xratfurd ire haat week. at easq g. and silent, A ydonb approaching The U.S. naval investigation com- The other day a Belleville resident was stud of about thirty-five mares and horses. Mr. Dale hag bred his colt him, said, "Pardon ha acre, sir, but your e, handkerchief hanging out mittec have reported that Capt. Yea- 'his asked holy pro. hockey was taking there, and replied slat he didn't know purely on the .pedigrees of the sire and dam, The mare WINTER BASEBAIL DOSS}P of your a pocket." "Thank you," said ICubelik � ry, Instruments not being, tin Ord- t., came within a utile of the iv0rtli that Belleville had a pro. seven, was seven years old when. the cold Rol d'Or was foaled and '�`"` --"thank you for this warning. You know the company better than I dol„ Pole. * * * Bert Lindsay, the gealer of the Ren- tied never b^en raced or even saddled, Kelston, the sire, was fourteen Byars Manager- Hugh Duffy, the White In the cause of charity, Kubellk Is ever ready with his art. • Once he frees Hockey Club, will likely be re- old when lie begat I'*el d'Or, and had v Sox, is a golf fiend, );yen a lre4vy was asked to play in a lunatic asylum be, parted by Ottawa for assaulting a goal been raced, Drowsy is a very snowstorm dot=s not stop fiugh play' Ing the $cotetl cause the resident medico thought, cannot be too careful. lou Cannot umpire In tile match at Renfrew. large mare, standing 17 hands, while game• - fi , with Congreve, that music lead charms begin treatment too early. Each, cold " * * Kelston, is over 16 hands; so that it * * * to "sof[en rocks," The violinist. mai[es you :Bore Itable,to another and C'liesley is proles Ing Wlerton, of size . counts: for anything In twinning Jlr,my Cleary, who twirled for the mounted the improvised platform and the last is always the harder to cure. Junior O.H,A. Group -,a. 12, charging that Georg; A, Simm#� for the Derby, Kel d'Or should have some advantage in his forebears. Indians the later part of lest season. is the first rr•-dskin to sign up for the played a lively Slav dance. The pa. tients seated RbOUt the If you will take Cham�beriainW Cougb. played I'aitncl stop in th e \orthern 1 Eague. The pmmllwl interest which will at- coming championship battle, concert -room seemed deeply lntorested, and beat Remedy at the. outset You will be say, .. * *, tach to th•, colt's performance is in « * time with l'ef't and heads, When Ku - ed std much trouble. Sold by all dealers. Cobalt wi:l ploy no more pen, hockey the fart that neither' sire nor dam has been a performer. George Moliarity, third baseman o! belik finished, a pretty young woman . account of non•supp )rt, at.d Halley bury and New I r l can finish out Ketstoa was son of Longfellow, a the Detroit Tigers, recently received $1,000 fov a song wiiich lie wrote for rose and beckoned to him. The must- clan Imagined that she wanted an en. trey etre schedule if #hey like. One pro.. great horse, the best of lits clay, and also the best oP his •day �tB Amer- Harry Hastings. - The song -is entitled, core, and asked the doctor to inquire what she would like. ?.agt.e going, * « . .si)•c iva, Kolston comes from the famous ..1 Can't .hiss that Ball Gumc." Before the doe. for could aPI)roach her she cried at Harry 4rtlaryh,.th; `1'.r,CJ. goalkeeper, p , is going to I''lar.da, and Reatiey, for- 1 etrly farni';r, Levity tva3 tlrf> foun (1: r Of a family that . haft n0 ,supr ri,r T. * * Aln>eida, the Cuban third baseman,, Elle top of her voice: -Well, to think of -tile likes of me being .here, while � Mer y Of' tl'^ St. i out s, will p.ay In goon t.:e American turf.. A great who lilt ;2112 In Tris games asa;nst the ties likes of hill) should be at large In g tPOW Of Ilio ncti for the remaining. Itnri'l'1'. OP � ltl"'11-r1ASS race 1101'SeS 7'igel'a arid ,:190 against ilt/i Atlitetiea ti20 wOl`ld!" ')'tits was I•:ubE?lfk's first i LONDON, ONTARIO all): s. ll'r•rl tral, t.) thi:i fa)rrty. r)rotvsy pitcthel's, el)sides p'ayillG. a sensational and last. eS.t1(`r'lElrt'E'- OF ri lunatic asy- n * *. , f rrE +: '- to l:r ), ti.III)ti, A Brie. to which t i 1?a:1ot•r•r *;sole' on the fi_Id and on .the base lune• ' �"F�•"r•p @ �° [Il�s Shorthand C i:ef T: nee, of, rho Cobalt, pro: trw,ey. Uncover' being the t;, bnr:;e lines, fray b,� a member of. the lic;ds Knbelik's b.)I;lisli eras not always 69i. 4 66))ii., tcan)' L., til_ Tamilrcamiut; League, has ;;t ray•^ and sire of h:s (lay in 1)n'1+ a.. C�', of Iirl)eavrr's dal}l;titers next Season, according to Frank Baa- � <:roft,• been so rood as It is now indeed, he sp arcs % ' it;rii.cnlY SUBJECTS ?,alch0cl Up i.le, outtit with new melt and will Is ila n of Orby, %v;'vnr•r of the Epsom * * * i( sail. titi'hen he was a gt.esl of Canon• I'lerning at Resident and Mail Course3 :nE.eavor to finish as origl uaJy draft.d, ,11,-ri)y, Skc rs a'so clam' of Itilotlori{, a Although tele tiochest^r• magnate York, and Nvaii beim;. shown round the Catalounals Free *. * llNlr-( 5 n•al _' i» i:ngland, hull), > > Nt as out Paz I . 'f'. I Owers !or prosident c`anoe's illi'sE>, he shook his luxuriant J. 7V. •1—tcrvelt, J, 7J y1catervelt, Jr.. C.A., .. At a iu1 ,c-tit.ig of the Dfaniteba. A.A.A.. t,oldc n flown, N71vo of Drawsy, 'vas a Oil ul I ';, d'Or, Winn, r c,F the Derby, of tho I ague, -arid -necessarily agatrist Parrow, lie has the most friendly 'f. el, head of flair in front of (lie .Canon's parrot, The bill naturally Expressed, Prin ' �, al u Vice -Principal,, )t w i Ad dE C 2 ad t not t0 sani.ti an ill a 1,OCJ[t y of A. A. at , it of f_)1 nl nIl .h. horse of the telt• lulu for rice .n'_vr tncu]itbt nt. "You eau considerable sl.rprise. Iia," ex , owl lllal:ililn:; 01t'IIl�" t0 aJ.`r!;�e(t pt'OFP.SSloll al!nlled l allsln pP solre of the J3ra»don ally, 119tH 1, sy Morn Try It sl-n-itrlail• 1tt:t;ktr1'1'!all N%'o% wlull.r Of toe C niter- Say for 'n)e," '.Ell•, Chapin declared, - *'that the ltochester•- club will give Mr,' claimed tiro violinist, "Ile link. I am are Oul'an,--011fang!" players. •lou • Str,lc_ s, .A!l nged i:falWs, New; Darrow every st:pport," _ . ,. . .- .. Is Gills & Bous * * 'LL It is tx1"' that C'Orbeau and Ronan,. who jitsrped #'rola, Toronto tivo years !n-wl;ut, Val* C rp. As:or Stakes and •elle. ar.dla. P?lir:, Cl Ir?c:l IJott'n nevor star cd . There 1'ntr� ilfE'n lnstaflres * ' Tom Needham, forcil12r Gintit wild It lI I; 1 .1T t1 T I:� 3T a 'o., had Co stick( 'vide Hailey bury this of first-:''.iss Thirsts fr;tl:p sir's 'soft thirst Stitcher of the Chicago Cubs, etas C turd by Booth's s. I> idnfii fills. winter or loss their lnteres.t 3l) ase*- rain "'Inc. ltpnan did want to play in :'a:r's 1'1,3'1) »:••c) rcECE>rl, notably :'W","ren* tai icy. ri.firsotabls etepped to bat with fits signed. 1.911 contract. Chance thinks a great deal , T. E.l+osler;.of St..John St., Fred - 1 i 4� �D Otta;va.. * * * • :1,01 "aeir 1101 '?. and till ''\'(Ment sir , Ornilnient tv)n four I),qt Sys, 11rooklyrl of Needham. Charles Mui wiry would have Its believe that (lie peerles loader elictan0 N.B. sacs : "I have found more actual relief from! Booth's Kid- . - . Brantford I -Pay yet see professional and lit-40ir m Fiindiraps, etc., aced• doesn't- use ...Tom much—except ,to )ler Pills than in'all else I have hockey this seaso_ n. "B.uck'". Irving�s new eastern league $�A,flot, 116 el 'n r ii:h t ec-asons• f1.Oti ' warm up elotergen^y twirlers, .ever tried for rlic,uniatisnl, The Pa -ins in __-___ pro, has.' proved a cllsappointutellt• in many ways, and it 6'4) rag c ti r.d 17 i,a: ,t.. --"--'--`-- * * * Zvlurl>1)y is 'a lim nay. . limbs, have wv STEADY WORK is now planned to take the pick'of the . .bound to, make little' dbange out of Ilia spring exhibition. lt'vs. .gYe GOOD WAGES. four teams,to Brantford, and revise the. schedule before It Is too late. Too - r games to Loutsville, where the .01jibs' play, the C'olonela on llarell 30 31 / / and I arse better much O.H,A. is given as the reason for the eastern f and and April 1 arid 2,. Charles Webb, you and .stronger than fn ' . break: up.. , see, hasn't a chance to lose, 'or it is • .years `-""" .: 'r general]) understood that ,William ' previous Illy ap- Ciintan'Knittin Co. Chamberlain's Cough: Remedy is a , ' ' i Grayson is only one of the ('hubby . petite has built very valuable medicine for bliroat and 'r •. figure Ones figure l,eacls - to the American tip and Teat lung trouble, quickly relieves and cur- e'+ holdings.. sad steep better ' 21 s es painful breathing and a dangerously sounding cough which' indicates con1. ;:, , * * Manager. •Rogan, of t1•e -Lancaster than I have in over three years, My general health e. 111:14 gcsted lungs. Sold by all dealers, a i."� Tri-State learn, is trying to secure First llasematl .lactic'. Jeal. Prp)i' Syracuse. is greatly; improved and I can credit, **«.«*****««*««**•■«*««««*« �,_, !logon recei. <I cele signed contract of Infielder Richtin, of Bellefonte,. this only to Booth's iifdntiy Pills' This Is'tie Booth 1> idne Pill way. y " I N T E R TOURS T O t who comes highly recommended. g Y n ended. Lances- These wonderful Pills are sold tinder oa CALIFORNIA WOULD NOT FOLLOW HIM �.• . ':, ter added another clew pitcher for next guarankv ` to refund your money if MEXICO Chedomir Mllkoviteli, a Bel rad Belgrade e `'' season, Guy. Parsons of Catitmi Ohio. they' fail to reliovc"an sufferer.- frpm y AND FLORIDA policeman,, committed - suicide after his A ,. � - He is SIX fent• tall . and weighs 185. pounds, ai,d has considerable seed. cum 11 .ati, n or. an trouble liavin its y g At Low Rates sweetheart lied informed him site . r n. . origin in the kidne s. Th c t;• y.. They orc. ituI'I particulars and tickets from— could not leave .Pct situation to foil*'� tow: him on Ills n w beat. a 4 ;, LA % . i - - . (� NO PLA (��1 ! GE iT backache [lull. sho thin o . g parrs, three' arid cloudy'urine, gravel and stone, .?011e RANSFORD, Town Apt .EATER FAMILY ,., . . . •FOR rheumatism and all discasos- of the A. O. 1'ATTISON, Depot Agt. .Frederick Parker, .of Hanley; .vein l•idneys acid bladder. . has just died from injuries received • In: a fall Prom a ladder, the third ,;'s 1{l�„lji; ,y. Anr Toronto .Cannot Have that Match Eli's Kidney Pil(r; age sold .ii • u[l y MUMof .was a family of. four brothers—all. house- i,' �i lilt+rt .” , , ' `.a, s,,t;tis ';:. lw Between Roller and Rogers . druggists, and dealers, 500 box or ' 1. paenter•s—to dio in this manner. , , t rti+)` 1+ :: _..b ..• 1nttt.tL.<v.. .. -L postpaid from 'fire R: T. Bootie• C'o:, NIURROHO'S CATTLE. Gp TO CHURCH PETER SPRAT There are others besides the puck•, Ltd., Fort' Erie, Ont. 'Sold and guar- anteed b tiV.S.R. holm 'THE Two bullocks .entered• Emmanuel Tile,voung• oint )laver P i on the:. t, mteh- chasers who are worrying over th g e y es Church, Nottingham, during the ser• eel s, ,Tnronto; 5eniol O.Ii. lack of a suitable structure ll) -Toronto _ BLUBBING LIST man. After:vigiting'the baptistry they .'.'Barre, for athletic purposes. Genial Tom • . , left without loin any g y dams e- g FF PR PROMOTER Platiagan is in tele sem e boat, Tie is "FEARLESS d'esirorta of 'staging a finish matchbe- .. Mrs. Furby (d tlri { ng a squabble) :- 1019-11 A MO�EA �,�1��(d:� i --- ttveen .Ut`. Rallrr and Yankee Rogers, but lit> to date haS clot sue (ceded in ��Didn't you pkotrlise before we wero•. married to tr+• h,artl.to by worthy ofFOR t„ Is Hugh Mcintosh, Who Staged Burns••. seeui•ittg a' hall targe 'enough. to make Vie' . UC(l g;000I reading RB Had Eczema 25 Years and Doctors Johnson Fight !t tvort►r while putting on the •pair. They Paye both signed u soli ost p Mr. herby:—"lea,- and what's. the result ---I ovct•did the job and made my. for little rr1'3ney-.. Said No.CI're. .. ,d p e forfeit Por the contest arid are awalt- self a'hang sight better than you de '• --=-----. Yet -Buk sap. Worked Coln,Plote Hugli McIntosh, the fearless .Inter- Ing notification as to the tiNe and c etve." . - - . YVt rKr,uys I Cure. national fight )romot-r , tx 1 O ,•ha5 bt.eh the place. :rt. N' Mr. htanagan's 'Intention n not only to pull off this. matcTi;.but A NIN7'FOR SMOKERS News -Record and lvlaiT means of stirringti i interest I . r,• i fir bo. ire,,, ' to bung ilacltenscbrnidt along a aC,aln 1jIace a slnall'tnetaC. button at tl)e suet I;mpile1$1,s,0 ` This is the o exIlerleric.O 'of a n An of 'reputation, rho lrlatte ±• what,part o1` the i;i0bc he with i n either th_ b g '1'urlt, or ZybysCo. bottom of the bowl- of our i y, pipe. It . ........... . .... high News -Record and Cholic I,tso .widely, known In happens to bo,. .lie :'mould III c. to Itave the 'I4ttssiari ,will not Only effect a saving of t6bae- ; , , News -Record and Family bi= Montreal, and whose' case can rear it i ) investigated. `the M6lrrtosll "tubo i s a short; thick -set take rfi either rho Pole nr . tel -co, a '`un- but ensur0 E leanliness; a»d .prevent the pipe 'becoming. clogged. 'a Herald and Star with fierltleman ,ler, T. iT. Aiat'sh, 'referred to, lives man tvitll air in'donlii'able spllit Gild. an r speakable" one iti a championship Coll test, .It is post useful atul rollv0n.1 nig plug. Premimn............. . t,i,i Netvs-Reeordand �G"itnesa 1,75 at 102 Delorimier Avenue, Montreal, and has unrelenting :y jaw, first came into promf. nence by Staging the Burns-Sollnsoll .. ...... .--.�___- S.MALL,EST TREE News -Record and 5un...., 1;75 lived there for, year's. Tor twenty- match in Australia. He stood to win s Y, ' News -Record once 5 flue years the had eczema on his, Pontis or lose a fortune o» this bout, Sending i( The smallest tree that grows in and Press ................ L7,i. wrists. . T•he dlSease first :started thousands o1' dollars to therrinci pals 1 t Creat Britain may be .seen oil the very ..... tri News -Record aped .Adyet red blotches, which itched,'eLnd ,principals fog' eXpelise money to make the. long - "'� tori of .Bon Lomond, It Is the dwarf, User ..................• 1.7:5 When Scratched became painful, ` Bad 'trip to the antipodes: , willow, r'e'tch et maturity re es a able News -Record and sores trta:.) followed, which .discharged, and ° At -.the Mast minute the fight rues ! height of only two inches. t ... the Saturday Night .. , . , . , ...30 lits discharge spread the disease until hands 'were almost called off, for Burns all[] ,lotto• ;" . . ' • . News-Rer.Orcl and I+tlrtrtnz''s one raw; Painful mass son couldcl't as;ree an a referee. EV1lIle 1 , Advocate ...:.......... `>,nS of sore,ic Just think of this state of. they were quarreling, :it2c(»tosh said: :> News0. -Record and I+'acro affairs continuing. for twenty-five . I i`.tl refeiee .tires azltl ;vpt1 men 'sfa x and Dairy Years' y'""'"" 1'a') .bout 'veil get what' is coming to you and flcl , � , A G Idea in Flair NFws-RP.Cord and (valla- In that bine four eminent medical notllin! tool*e." than Farm ..... ......, 1.7u" men tried to Cure him, and each gave Tice rrerve Of. the promoter iook the Troatmenta DnIT.ihla Up Naturally, the case as hopeless In the end. Mr, Marsh tried remedies combatants by sarprts�, slice they wel-e trl4el[ afterward. '1"itis right lrlorO that) s` , ' The trouble with most women's hair News -Record arid Mail and Of It all hinds, but he, also, at last gave up, For two years he had to any other.pay.d the way for Johnson's > Is " '' that they wont take tlte. tinge to give it Proper treatment. If You tYatre Empire .... . .. . . . . . . ... 4.1 News -Record and Globe, 4.25 gloves wear day and night so terrible ions greAl.est honors. hits victory drew Jeffries out of retirenmtlf, arid ll'fs im• Your an halt to have that looIt. of :lustre vital ity, you must take ea of it. yon , I News -Record and News , .. 2.:30 the too paiti and, Itching when the air got the sores, pressive vonqucst On July 4 foret'el' apt hair cannot espoct to: have splondltl if you simply run a comb through and Star ,. . 2.30 News -Record NP.tyR-Rf'E:ot'dand "4)VOr'ld 3.25 %'lien cane 7,am•73u1t1 lie tried ,it ' (;leafed the doubt In the heavywei"llt situation. It, . the it, the neorr)int;•-•-giveft a dab on - outer edge.'with a brush --throw ,. News-Berord and Morning just medies ag he lied tried hunttreds fit re., before. But he soon NptV 41rintesh is su[:crssfuily opEr' it tread Into a brala--switch It around the --Jab in a few hair pins—and lot Free Press ............. 3.25 that .found out Zam-Burt WAS different. sting a club in I,ondon, acrd has matt .. "` it 90 at that. . T;air is litre News -Record and Evening . a Within tew weeks itirere wer0 distinct signs suall a lilt wit it tb. '1100111.; there that teen an.y other ';cawing thin ---it needs attention• -it needs care 2.75 ' lot with benefit, and a. little perseverance 'hitt great herbal balm staid old National Sporting ', t g C lt.i; has ds+aided to Inertarc tilt+ size of Ito --it needs tborough grooming regularl •-., not only the flair but the sial Y News attcl 1ldver- Ltser3.00 En resulted what he had' given up art hope of-• club let order to cera n 3#e preslige, rCvou .)save the time and paptienao YOU won't neod ant halt ebut .. . ...... . ......... ,M0x,=LV a Ino complete cure! And the cure rWam tem'porat•y Cure. It waif �- - _ �� It requires a great deal of tact to WINNET "T"HOMPSON tonic most women haven't, 'Tho ;,ext best thing' 1s Nyal';a BirsutoTh It is rho lie permanent. Wag cured nearly three Years ago, know Mien just to laugh when a wo• . The celebrated goal -let epee of St llliltes, who had is retire' Prom best thing . rrfered' to thea the place of hour)' Of Combing• and brushfng. . News -Record and Lippin-' Interviewed the other day, Mr. Marsh ►Ban Is telling a funny. story. 'lad geri5e It tones UP the roots, brightens the #,out's magizine........ 3.25 aaltl: *Worked "The cure' 'which Zam•Euk lzatt been Absolutely . !E loo, improves the texture and ntalces IAtrsutonzCefultly whely itais put, ' t►nt. german• p'roffi the fiat that Y was cuireti ire netrleetecl hair. the . 1f rv'IlfiivettA.i+at,t Is not ftr 'h i t t A. b trace at eezelnmtaa Alma 1,#.&I�e >yad no i C'lrambrrlain's C`otl(+,h Itemed never y - Your NYII'1 Drugttlat cheerfully ree. ominends xlrsnttpne lzecause he Itnbwb January Zotho'IQ11 _.... '4n. Stephen 11. Penfoid, who lived ! 'LAlidl: BACK, alone near Taltleytown, ryas foundJ r ` " ' dead in bed by, neighbors - who broke t To have a lame: back or paigiul into the house. I stitches, means di.iordered Kidneys, I and the .soouer you lta.ve the-Kidaeya The new Westside' Aletilodist Church { and Bladdev in a perfectly :healthy at OWIZ Sound. was dedicated. By ' condition the sooner you Will enics,� raising .$10,000 n;eently the $38,000 klife. As far as we know there is o1'"�` strurtut+e is practicail-v, free from, ' ly one remedy that Is guaranteed to debt'. I ' cure you, and that is FIG PILLS. If they don't make you a strong, bealthy President Taft in a speech on Sats , person in two weeks, your irmtley will urday insj3,ted;on the •fortification of be refunded. 25c a box, at A1cColl- the I-fananla Canal, Bell's thug store, At Your weals, and at bedtime, drink this sparkling agreeable brew. Your digestion will improve. Your slumber will better refresh you. Every drop gratifies. Ask For 2 A L E STOUT 17 . Better for invalids than ordinary tonics or patent medicines, It is wholesome as well as pure Made• of selected JOHN LA;BATT Order from any barley -Matt, choic- dealer Art beverages estbfendedhops,aod of or direct from the tested spring water, LONDON, CANADA brewery in London, Invest your spare cash in Tturon and .);rte Debentures and get 4 per cent. per annum, Inter'*, est instead of the 3 per cent, allowed on Savings Accounts, The security is guaranteed by Assets of over $12,600,000. Huron and Erie Debentures are issued . for sums of .$too and upward; for terms of one year or longer, , Wrlte for Debenture Booklet, tvhlch gives full, particulars,' XORO)( DE.BTnN1 " Assets over - $12,600,000 Paid-up .Capital - $1,900,000 Reserve - - - $1,800,000 • Huron '& Erie Loan . & Savings Compaxiv Incorporated 1864, '442 Richmond St., London. 366 Talbot St., St. Thomas. 24 I T � � •� Who Was There That`ou Knew . ' 'ill' the shaclowy ranits of those who marched to defeat or death or victory fifty 'years ayo in the mighty. conflict that, convulsed. this great natiob, is there father or grandfather or Uncle of yours? Would you like to see a photograph of, lli:n in -that long ago day of his youth�a photograph that lie nover knew was taken? Perhaps we can ,how you one; •acid. im any. case, we, can tell you .a ' story, stranger thar any detective fictions, of 3,500 priceless photographs that were lost and are found agaiti: . , "3,540 Long Buried Photographs . of Th -0 12 FREE' ..Of the 'Civil • War . ' .Pieture.a' For the Cost of Maililas HE`!' wero taltem by ela-rreatest photographer in the Ili order to•give you some idea of the greatness of this work we United Ctate, of ':tat &Y, -they wero bought bir the ' will send you rMsuperb reproduc- UsitedStatoailovcrnnegt,fo*r 36,000; thcywere.burted tionsof the photographs free -of' is the war Pepartmeat'for 50 years—they are buried there charge ip a hatidsomo potffoife. Iheae are very e -- still. But a duplicate set was l:eritby the pbototrapher—wSo still. .yh and valplisue s:d valuable, bit rot, died poor sad bra`.an don•n; `hat duplicate'set was'tl:aocl:cd •,_,i only 30 cents to cover thu front pillar to Pont for nearly 50 ,cars, Y1.nt:l it was d.scoverad. c ot of :na:,.n„ T'hegam not only by'a 1Qe:v in;lead collactdr. J. Picrpost 1\rorgan tread to int resting from a historic stand-. necure the eol'octi6:i—Lx•I1rna'lent Car'*,eld and C:eseral t+dat,Gut, :rained, snake n splen- i3enjam(n i', l:uticr-ca:d it v:aa rJdrt:t 8150,0••0—:•ct w'th d.daildittoatoyourlitirarf:vratls: , the help of t'1e Fnw1w; ov ilnvr%vs. the enttre collection et Cha sem. ttrmlwn win :r)) y,n ' bow the Review .1. Review rua etas beanrathe d late 10 Creat volumeo and is placed within nrysr this stbn.atlo eolleettwl »f . yo= reach at 10.3 than the value of one of the .photo; raplis. 3.60 hbtogrn pit$ At tho price the t d e r• It h the one accurate.im artial histo of tho Civil war--. p ry P.lult moot paid for threo for th eo of for the camera cannot lie. It tells the story of the war you the pictures•. Revli* . never heard before. Taken under protection of the Secret Send the coupon of Revlews Service, there pbotographs bring to light thousands of little• at once. company, known phases of the war; they penetrate to strange place:; and 13 ksMr Place, record strange things: "- _r NetrYoek, N.N. REMEMBER --Our privilege of selling these honks is goodm,•,frebofchbrp, as to time. Our supply of Free Pott(diios is thnited the Is reproductions of .' in quantity. You must be prompt to secure either. Better - in ysuruewlydincover'A Brady mail -this cotipon today.. - � - Bion wnr pbotograP)lo r•>ndl for &smtri,t and roatbtneit ht u hbndeotbo porth)lte. also Hedd No rha .tory of those ptetures and -tail s t • 0 P . ml) how, Inc whxt-tbe governinerit, . Psid (nr halt a do'.Au prints, I cart n.ske the, whop• tollordl)n my nwn.' I nilrle.011) ca:,t4-W cover the caet (11 Name,' ................_... ....::..... 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I rig arttstte bottle 9 3t.ao and soc, . ra la ry us stottr h out z , 0 xe t ~Will disappoints those who use it for ohs• mightiest little -- "" We can sup ly .you at Tess than 3roYai' return. Having eurtered for The htlsfr�t and tui A wound (cyst year to send direct. olude . th� yet; y T Troll naturally con• 3tlnate roughs, colds and irrftafd0ns thfttt~ that ever We$ made fs C'hamber- � � I"I I��O� (±(���`li� ciudod that my case ryas dneurable, of the throat and lungs. It' Stands lain'si Stomach and Liver Tablets, � .. W .. • Ill) remitting please da ao by and 1` regard myf cure 'aa a moderrt unriva-ltlyd as a• remody foe all throat 'iit5at•oiet� Order, I�astal 1Vote, iracle,t' f; Thry do fire work tyllrttcvrr you 10 - and Tan diseases. bald b all deal- .cExppresp CirilPr az' trglatered' Dolt yen suffer front any Itkin trouble, ers y ufre tisrir ofd, mhese tablets than r i`aiilit, .txetiter ante �daress, tout them grtiele, write aoross It '1111 q g! "atne cif thio isaPer, acrd mail it, with ivraknr;� RntO stfrngtlt, listlessness It ' Otte cent stamp try.lacy return poefte, taottl•onmcvsttastw+ta�a�t°""K" . "in "Penings Worth'� rinting' Wo J. 1I 1 to ani l ulr Co., q'orbnto, VVe wrltl tot- into energy, gloominss into joyous- ChiE1 I'pr. OOC OV .paid you by return a 'tree ictal box tr. Turks err, said to bet planning an. qday 'llefllt • Mewm.teeard CLINTON Mort -Bak. All druggists and mtoros moil atfrrr tliassderc of rtrntctnfattY, liras. it:err action Esso gentle one Sold and Guaranteed by 1 . I4, It, are ltlws yS noted Ytt 11 thiel famous Yentedy, GOB, box, or three In a railway wtrck fn W,alrs eleven tlnn'if'calf**'trey have taken a pur�ga 1101110, J. X. Hovey, W. A. fOT' ;41,25. It.ofut0 harmful subetltutei. 1<teconnell, Minton. ++���+«, ��+ `�'� �+1 C portly aero killed uttd many injured. tfvr. .Sold by all fleitlers.THE N1 ;r W. " 1'F . i «r