HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1911-01-26, Page 5M�
J44uary 20th, 19t I
Clintoo News-Rcaoo
__ �
11����_.Fs Z � ___ , � �. , , . , , It ��' 1 - . 6 , I 1. � 10 i I I 11 .1 , . . Ili : . - - - - � 5
I ; � , : P, . , .. . . - - _;,�_ �9 ,� - .4"�.;" , - , P _�_ — P , , I � . I
1"_"P*#" $6$0##"*_#"# . . .. ___ 9 - - .��_ w--------------------_-;_ . I .. � 999 .. - . 1:� - , - .
� "#,* .11 ------, -
, _ ",go —
I . , 10 I MUST 11AVE THE ORDER, .I.. .....", 1 . ... RM -ell -L M I 'wwwm""=w�
4 I Those, about'. town who do work for :
TbO News Froin, Goderich . ,, ANNUhl MEETING the� municipal council are reque,sted to FORTY-FIRST ANNUAL
bear in mind that in preseaLe-Aig the STATEMENT
i . . I I account it must � be accompanied by : I I
I .
I .
el 'a _" - RLOISH A. SKMINGS Correspondent .. t lei order. No order no money. I —OF- — � I
. ----�W#*"**"�*0****'"W***$**$**"�**"�"*�L�., " I 11 WLIL[ISCHURCH THE" LOCAL MARKE.T.
1 41*#"##" . .
Tile annual congregational mteting, Wilvait 83c. 1 9 THE ROYAL, BANK OF CANADA
Misisi 'Grace Stewart, who has been The funeral of the late Archibald C. of Willis church was )lei Iw9t � I .
Visititig rela 11;gllt. oats 28c to 30c.
� tiveg In t'OWR, left foil Macdonald of 31acdonaid, Ilouso, took Reports ivere read from ihp w1ric,us peas 65C to 700.
'her home in Toronto oil ,Saturday,. placej on Friday last. , Rev. Goo, E'. departments and, being pat - . . I _,_�', _ �-;;___---��.Z�Z-'�-_-_- - I
, i6factory, Bapley 43c to 4%. - � - ��,-�7 —7_---7 7 7-;7-_;;. 777 .
WSS -Stewart is an acccuiplishod voc- Ross; conducted tile services, at tile were received. The rtput-Is hilowcol, Butter 20e to 2_"�. � . i I
alist but'heil medical adviser ordered house. Prof. Hunter prcs�lded at the the affairs of tllc� con;r-,,-!,1i I t b E .
her totake arest 9 ol 0 e gg; 30e to 83c. . .
I ' piano and a couple of favorite hymns in a healthy condholo.a. rno )i,cm- Live Hogs $7. GENERAL AND COMPARATIVE STATEMENT
Mr. and Mrs. Rood were the guests of tilt- deceased wpw sung. Many bership is a fraction suiOler than . .
. .
. . . .
. last week of the lady's parcuts at beautiful, floral tributes- were laid 'last year, but this, 't. d,,.,. le " I . I .
Dungannon. I c. , I
upon the, casket, from the family, the lliovals and deaths, a 'imilber of now . LIABILITIE'S � .
The Daughters of tile Empire )told a Ladies' Aid of Kuo�,.,,- church, tile names havirl' Marriages. ,
, 9 been adle-i ll� evrtifi- I ' "
Te4 to be� held next r1son, StIncoo, and Postonastvi: (,,ralt in GrLEW-LITTLE-Ta Clinton on JDn. .11 ....I...".- ...�� ....... 1. . ...... $33,450,828.K5 $51,709,181.00 I
for a Vallittine the "",I(, , - Dep. 31, '09. Dow, 31, '10
11 11 ' 9 "I"t .... I.
special -meeting oil Monday to gxraugge Woman's Institute,, I%Irs,,J, C. liar- cate and by profession .)I i.lith dur� . De ,F bear"'
Tribiath. g the yeay. . 25th, by Rev. Dr. Stewart, at the ,lot b, ............. 1- ......... I ................. 16,05i-),1)%).()71 19,737,130,44 .
Of toWn. The pallbearers were : Tit(- retiring trustees, Messrs. 1). residence of Mrs. Whitelica the Deposit � , , , �a`lng "Itell"t ........... .. ... 6118(93.16 318,:-.39.13
Prof. Hunter, orga KnON Messrs., Ja%. Ill"`1r1.`9tt�ac 'Ill( (I )11 11) )o I I . . .. . �
, nist in vd, -b y Oth
Buchanan, Jar. Me- McCorvie, John Torrance. and W. Dry- Dpposits c,� Banel'i. ilutciti ':': ::::::':: *: - - - - - 314,50741.3
church, has succeeded Bandmaster Crackerl, R. (,ut bride's sister, Amelia, daughterol � . . ladu` ..... ::::::: *:::: - 315,055.75, ,
—.-- — _
t, David Stod- done were, ii, spite a protest from the late Thos. Little, to ellacies Total Deposits ........ ... ... - I ...... ... � ........................... $50,8:)2,112-9.31 �
Schade as leader of the Urd Rcgi- dart, Inglesi and John . 'Xacdon- the . I Notes of the B �$72 070,607.27 .
meat Band. latter, who was lit tAe cliairi Glew of Ilullett, ank lit Cir"(114lon ......................... 4,579,678,65 5:9' 20,8W.27
Prof, Hunter seems to be ald, Those from a distance -who. at- and a suggestion that the honor CLUF F-LITTLE'-Ia Clinton on Balance due to Agents, ete ...................... ......... :::.:::::::::::,. '�41,178-65 ..1-11.. .
. � Balances due to Agencies of the Batik unit other Banks lit toe * .
a Man of many parts and is not af- flended the funeral Were : Mr. Dougald shoulld. be passed ,around, n-clected Jan. 251h, by Rev. Dr. Ste%art, tries ....................
raid of hard work. � . elgil coull- .
-Macdona?.I, a brother, Blac-k Horse'; unanimously. . - � ............. % .................. I .............. . 215,724.2110 '
9 ' � 6rj,035.70
. .
The fohowing officers were elected Mr. Macdougall, Wingham, aild. Mr. Mention was made of the good work at) the residence of TUrs. . . � ____ � . �
at the annual nice Whitehead,. the bride's sister, . $55,5M,710.877 $78,6521,ii.33.27
ting Of tile Citizen's and Mrs. 'Andrew Johnston, Carlow. done by the Woman's Asbociation and: Louisa, daughter,. of the la to I., ho.s. To tit(-, Shareholders ; . . . .
Marine Band the other evening : Aftet the service at the house the the various organizations conducted Capital Paid-np. .
. ' . eserve Fqnd ... - . - . I ........ I., ........................ � ...................... 510C010WAX) 0,200,0W.00
President, Jas. F. Thomson. - by the women of the congregation, SM9 itph., . . f . Dividend No. 89 (at , P .............. � ....... _ - f'),700,000.00 UN1000.0)
Hon, Presidmt, Dr. Macklin, proceeded bir train to Wing I -c t tic, to s. ciuff of T, rher. it
hani., interment taking, place in id , , , , " * , , * , " * , * * * * , , I , I
Vice, J. 11. McClinton, I . I thal and a votle of thauka� was, tendered , er cent. per annuill) 4 - � I ....... II0,0157.74 .... .....
cemetiory there on Sa,turday ill'orning. them. . I I MacKENXIF - BARQ' F --At Wesley Dividend No. 0.3 (at 12 per cent.. per annuni, payable 3ird Jainiii�;.,,� � 1611), ....,i]I�16� 1 174,000.00- . .
-Secretary, John Small. The two daagliters parsonage, Clinton, on ,Tait. 25th, V orloner Dividends Uriclainied ............................... ... ........ I -::: . 582.75
Treasurer, J. 0. Slieeardo,,vu. . of t1be dmiased, The most intPtlosting fvatitre of the by Rev. J. 14',., Ford, Mrs. A, j, 9 Rebate on Bills Discounted, nob yet due .............. I I
Mrs. Bellb ��*th and Miss Mitbel Mae.- meeting was the fol � Balance of Profits carried for;waia ...................... ... . 140,000.W 2101000-00 1
Conductor, Frank Smith. donald, besides other friends, accom- moved by .1 lowing resolution, Barge, Clinton, .to Roderick Mae- . :*..*1'1:::.'.:::'.',:::. 2,28,393.94 =,?30.03 .
Manager, Goo. Stewart. Am T. Jackson, Jr,, and Kenzie of Ashrield. . . — _.—
parlivol the remains, which ,were but- seconded bir Mr. A. Innis : . .
,Committee, L. M. Mabee, A. . EILBER-GTRVIN-In Lucknow, on . $07,051, 102.0u) $ftl 510,340,95 1
Cook, G.,M. Elliott, Wni. Tho,mp- , ew Of tile fact of tile. long re- Jan. 18th, by Rev. W. J. Joiliff . ASSETS . I � I
E. ied from thellome' of T 9
Nfr. Peter Link- Ity vi t
� e G lid and Silver Coin .......... . .
. lattr. The I'late Mr. Macdonald -was cord of the good and faithful work Mary Lindsay Girvin to Herbprt ( . . ......................................... I ... 02 4,141,664 06
son,, Ja,8- Y.0Rn9,. Geo, Smith, Roy married thirty-seven years ago to done by our esteemed pastor, of tilts on Government Notes .... .1, ... I—— .............. .............. 4,09.3,5,n>.a5 815113014W253 . .
I I ; I Domini . 3,560,347.
Jones, I Win. Spatir. K. Ellber, only �son of Henry F,il- Deposit with Dominion Government .......... 1-1 ... I ........ 1.:..J...-- 200,wo.00:. 310,000.00 1
Miss Margaret Linklater of Wingilan, congregation, the Rev. Dr, Stewart, 'bell, M.L,A., Ciediton, and Mrs. Notes of and C ,heques on other Banks .......
The Woman's Institute are giving- and for sOlue. tillID taught school near that We, the members and. adherents . ''.... ...... I .... -1 ... ...1.1. ,3,746,087,84 4,21-5,937-06
their annual oyster supper in GdolfeN that town. Later lie began the Eilher, .. . Balances due from other Banks in Canada,_. . ....................... I ... 49,308,08 .
lows hall this evening. study of Willis church, ass4mbled att our all- KRAUTER-SPE,NCE-At the home Balances due from Agents ill GreatBritain ......................... ...... 5(1,8.10,77 ,
. .1.1. .... . 401,341.30
of medicine, butivas obliged because nual congregational meeting desire to of thebride'.o inotlicr, 1I.SpruCL- Balances due front Agencies of the Bank and other Banks in foreigi) coull- .
The third concert iin the course 'ar- of -failing �IPAILII to 'give that lip. Ile place oil record the high appreciation Lawn," on Jan.- 11th, 1191T, by trip% ..................... ...................................... � ...... 753,827.60 ,
ranged by the Y.M.C.A. will be given took an agency in Goderich arid with and esic(Ill in whiell lie is held by Government and Municipatt Securities ................. .... . � '�,060,811.Vi I
I .... ... - - '342,186.60
in the opera house oil Tuesday . Rev. D. 11, McRae, George C, , , _ ... 1,633 1A).20 2,
eveii.7- his family removed here, where lie has us, as our pas.1or and to extend to . . Railway and other Bonds, I)vl)ellttlz.e.,;Itllil.lit,o(�k-s ............ I''.... ...... (f,gil:437.03 7:070,844.35
Krauter, hardware merchant, Eth- Call and Short Loans. on Stocks and Bond ...... -
ing. The Royal Welsh Ladies' Cl . ioir continued to live since. Though not him our sinvere ivishes for a contin- I . . I s ............ I .... .... I..".. 0,638,309.02. 7,178,574.43
will furnish the program. in robust health lie ,was ibILA to , * ,el, to Laura, daughter of the )a*te I � . . . � .
All lit- uarice of Ili.% w rk aniongst us and . Willi- .. . . .
9 .0 am. Spellce, ,,the,. . . I : --.--. _________ . .
the old officers were re -,elected tendAd business; ana was iftlich re- " I � ' . . 91.1' .
" Loans to otber Batik.,; in Canada ......... I.,— 9 $31,406,6 .f $37,226,670.:Z,
' also for a long . life of pollee and. irAL.L-CONSTABLE'.4-At the '%.fetho- *",, 371,921,44 _- :3�37,003.88 . .
1 9.
nual mecting. A 'low temple is to be . tow and we also as dist. parsonage, Bru Sels, 0i Loaris to ProVincial Gover .......... 11.1.1 .. I ....... ... 157,951.17 05-53,409-72
,tit an- spected b I late 1111lents .............
in the Masonic lodge at the reeL v. a large'eire-le of friend%, in prospprity, Soo
� n and country. Ilis death iva.s� . Jan, -rent, Loansaod Discoulit,,; ....... I ... ............. I , . . . . I . . 11-111. ... - I � 9 .
s� Provided for) .. � .
erected tile. coming season . W i till till I S, .1 Ovevilito Debts (Lo. . 5.10 52, 208.08' .
, s approcial ion h4; good :ivife, . . .. on, DaAJd Cia . . .
II-Irs ,01111ONVing Mali.. ,Stewart, for her valuable assis- . ... I ....................... I., .... ., 25,657.09 45), 107.7 I .
. ' duv- to pneumonia. Nis s Ilt'll,' - by Rev. Dr. Oat 33,644,70i Z 471,2
ITall, of Regina, Sash.', to Annat'. 9 Bank prelifl8p.,;� ...... � .... .............. 1. 1-1 I ... I ... .... v � ......... I.— � .
. (Dr.) Holmes helda grandre- ividow aildfaiililv have the sympathy tanc6 arid worli in ,ill jililigs � . 1,144,216.60 3,875,980.31 ..
. I 1 9 9 I . �
L 11 6lMonday last. I of all in their bereavement, . taining.to ( . � . C, ( � I on- , . . .. . 1. 9 1 �
c(lPtio . Or -4 ',X., daught r-of.Mr, Albert I 1. ........ W_ . 9 .
,;� . . �. I . . . I '_ — ' " __ __ . -
. U � � I �iir chur0i. -table, -of MeKillo)p township, . . 1 9 1 9 1 0 29, W
. . . .. .9 9 the r � esvlution 'M . r. Ja( s . . I . I . . . . . 17),510,316,95 � �
q ire Morris ,is busy visiting . the . , .'. . � Ill -ni(Y'vin" $67,051 i �,
lodges of A.OX.W. in tile - -k� .A1cDO,NALD�IlI ON, -At Myth, 'on . . �
, county- in- . ' 9 - . N a S . . I ' . . . .
. I . . .
. � 9
stalling the newly elected officers . . 1, . . .1 Son* wont - briefly into. the history of .. PROFIT AND LOSS- ACCOUNT' � . . .
' 9 i I tile origi . lial 'call of the hono . red pas- . � . ,Jan 10th, by Rev. . J. L. Small * � . . . .1 . . P
- K Hop Township j. Gordon. McDonald of l3russels: - By Ne,t 1�ii%)fiis foi- tile ypal., &fto * ' . . .
It waswith regret thatthe v rd Mc . . r deoluotilig Clifty.ges of'Managenient, Ac- . I . . .
. � . .. tot, Dr. Stlowart,, who -was illduvte -ured' fliterest, on Deposits, full provisk )r-*.aff oad auddou6t,foi , . I
infant son of 'Mr. aud Mrs. A. 1 s charge ill ,July, 1878. He Mr.' O'Carge Ifillolls, of Blyth, , - . 1. � debts, aod rebate of"illtevest on 111111intured bili".. !, � ........ ......... * soi,ii'm(im � I
was. received here of thv,death olvot'116 71flq'inild January weather seems, to into 111i . Invillay, second daughter. .of . ( in f(
9 P.PicOt have. given many of tile . people a6vore Plentioned.the fact t.hai out of the I . � . . I . . Balance of,Profi� and Loss'Ai,count, Deeviliber ,31, 19U8 ...................... w, � 1.
of Corinne, Sash. . colds. , � I . P * . . - - .. .. I. . . . I . . .9 . . 2L)8,. ,3.().� P 9 $ 9 1,170 730,93 . . .
. --.-- �
AV'�- are glad to report tile. reco' . .. .. . I . 221 PeOple.who Signed tile call'.01ily Births. � - ' . . I I..
very I I . . Appropriated its follows .,--...- , I I v .
C', elderly w . .
.As Mr. Robert QrIcIv an s xteen are how� connected with the . I I . I �. I . . I I
,of Mr. .J. Brindley of the Huron Road 11 . - 1 9 . - Dividends, Nos.'90, 01, 92 (at Uper cont. per alillmil) and No. M (atl2per ' . I
l'im, ivas driviliA east. orf tliv, 12th church, most, of whoni. have liven re- -XIARSTIALL-In Clintoiti, Oil ,Tait. . . . . � .
. I .1
�from aveTy serious case of blood pois- 0onevssibn . : cent. per.milluill) ....... ;..: .............. _ , . . I., , , . r)86,r)00.0o . � . I .
. oil Thursilay lastla rillia-, moved by,death: 'lle-also ca?.ed at- , 19th, , to,Mr. .and Mrs. Win. J. . Written off Bank' Promises Account ...... ................... ! ' " .
. . . . . 9 . � ... I .:1 . � ... ; .......... � . . .., . . . .
onir6g. The doctor wag just called in wav te�-nl, which 'had escaped from tile tv"t-i0a to the -fact that Dr.' Stewart Marshall,, a son.'. - , � . * � � I Transferred to. Offteers'-Penslon Funtl .......... . .2()(),(;()().()() . .
. ... ..... I � ............. . .
- . . � , � .
the nick of time, as it were, but the dri* . . ... -Ili Cievela d, Ohio, I Tritalsferred to Reserve Pund. ....... . � 50"wou) .
- . ver eanic tip behind alia leaped on is. tf�o oldest, a*Ai)r- in the Prtsby- ANDREWS -n ................ ...... 10o,ow:oo .
� � p s . . . n o . � ..... ,..�. - 1. . I
,patient is now considered out of dall- Gricv*cls, sloigh tirallipling hini. under leU; that is,, . � I . Balance of Profit, and Loss carried i; ) �,ward ... I .,.,� ......... �..;.....;.., .. 243,=.03 . I . .
:gcr. I ' lie has been . fb�. . tile Jan.. 23rd, to Yr. and 'Mrs. It. It.. . . . I . . 9 . . . . . . . . . - I
I �
. .1 . . . . . . . .. .. - I � . � . . . _ 1. -- . . . . .
'%Ir. foot.breaking one of his legs and hurt- longest period in 'charge -of -ohe . Andrews, a son. I . . .. � . .1 I .. � . I - . - $1,179,730,93.
� . .
. � . . . . .
I and ,Mrs. Chao. Walters and ing him internally. Ile ivas:driv6i to ehuroh, 'Ile also spoke' of I . . E-Z-Iro Morris, on Jan. 1.1th,- to' � 9 . . .1 . . . : . . . . _. ..
" , ,is devo. WOLF, , . 9. � 9 . . .. I
- 9 P . . . .. I . I RESERVE FUND'. - .. I . .
family now occupy the Miller rcM , his ' home ficar Seaforth whore J)r-, tion' to the welfare .of fit congolega4 Mr. and Mrs, . ' , . . � .. . . . I . . . ... . .
ence on East street . . � � . Q II., Wolfe, a san�..4 . . Balance at credit 31st Decent bet, i900_ ` ' .. I . � . .. � '. . I �
Scott iltttendvdtd� Ills injuries. .' . tiou and .to ..the' seculle plaqe.lie holds 'FIE ARSON -In Godeiich. tk�wnsthip, on I . . ...'� ..... i. . ...'. : ...... ....... �.... � $.5,- 700,000M 9 . . . . .. �. . . . �
On Thursday evening the Thrpe-liak -turned in .t loir affections. Mr. . Innis also . . I .NN n 11'reillillin oil Now 'Stock, -9 ...., I.... � ......... .... I ................. s ......... . - .
� . Mr. ' Henry Dennervies �.. lia&. . .1 . � J�n, 17tli, to Ali,., and ' Its. Ile . . ,vol fr a o -s Account... � i l"am,wom) . ., . . —
club gave a dance in their own Judi. . . , . . . � Wanafet oill Profit ;;(i h ....... I ................. � I 100,000.00 ,. . : I �
. I over his farina, to his sons and * has spoke wartilly.. . Ile said 'that.. lie, with , - Pearson, a daughter. - - 1 , . ........ . . I., .
rt . I - * .Balance at credit 314 Docenilier, 1910 ...... ...... I ......... � ........ 4*�, � ... � . —_ $7.000,000.00 - . .
,Messrs. Robt, Standish and Albe gone: to resioic at Brodliagen, , where lie the mover, was. one of the sign6rs of LAUNDY�-Ift Blygi, On Jan. 13ill, t O.. . . 'Averilge Paid-up Oapital during -1910, $5,200,tM. I . . . 9 �.. I 9 . . I
. . . . . . . . , - . . . 9 . . . ': � . . . I . � . .
Agnew are the new lessrcs Of St, built a fine house,lkast summer. . I the call noarly' thirty-tlird� - years ., Mr. and Mrs. E,'. Q. Lautioly, a . � I I . . .. . . � .. . . .1 . . � � . � . .
. .. . . . .� . . . . . I . . .
David's open air rink , . . 9 , . . . I . . - . . I . . . . . . . . . I I . . � I . � . . . . . . . �
' . 11r. Win, Knedel was callo�d to Chic- 0,90,... but. re . ferred' fo� - t -he fa'dt . daughter. . . I . � . . I . �- - . - � ------ -.-- _ _ . �_ . . . .
I. - � . I I . . . 1. 9 . . . .
Air. Wilfred Armstrong, who fell 1, ago diving to. -the illness arid death of that the. present. congregation was'! '2VTARC'IfAND--:1n . Rxet0r, . bn Jan., I I . . I I . I . . . I . .
1 9 . � . - . I . I . I � I
. . . . I � . 9 I � . ..
from the roof of the elevator a coup.1 ' , . . . I . . . 9 . . . .
e I his briolher'in that city. .. just as loyal as the original one Siad. 15th, to '%It. and 311ks. A. M,;Lr- . . � . I � . � . . I . ... � . 9 .
,of ive-eks ago, is improving nicely, and � I ` ' . , I , . 1. I W. B.- Torrance.. . . . — . . . . 9 . . .: . .
Quarterly meeting'' services ate an and9poke feelingly. of th . I . . . . . Edson L. Pease . � . . .
tt is thouglit will soon be all .. - been c splen- chand,'. a, soft, . : . . I . . , . I . . I . I . 9 I
� . . . . . . . . . . . 9
1 ..ri . ght I nounced to. be .held on Walton - circuit dit.1 vecord of faithful' and imromit-� . .. . . . I. I. .. . . Chief Inspector. . � . I . � 9 . . . .. . � ' ' . .
' . . . . . . - - .. .. , . . .. . 9 � q . . . .�. General Manager.' �9 . �
again. Deaths. I . . . . . I . I . . I 1. . . I .
. next Sabbath. Rev. D. Rogertsi the flng. 'Work which Dr.. Stewart had be- . � . . 1 9 1 � 11 . . I .� . . . .
. 9
.. . . .
I . 9 . � . . . .
I . 99 � ,
Mrs. Hugh Bain, who bas, been . an chairman of the - d4trict, , will . conduct hindihim, a -ad hopefully, of the years . I I .. I .1 . . . � �M_Wmn_wnw
inmate of the hospital foT same thrie, the meetings. : . . ' ROBERTSON7-Tri. Goderich on t Jan, , , 9 - . I . . 9 .. I . . . - . . . � � . .
I . aihvad� The resolution -was passed ITY 9 No - - I � . I . . . . � I ,� .
suffering from a oldslocatedship, has ,. - . , . . 9 . . �. I . . � I 22nd, Jessie Morse, . youngest . � . . . I .1 . 9 — . . .. 9 1 ; - � --------------- I ----------- �_ I I
. 9 . . � . . I 19 1 . . . . . .. . . . 9 1 .
. . �
.almost recovvrod. . I . . 9' 1 ., . a. standing vote. Dr.., Stewart thank- daughter of Mr. IV. R. Robertson. NbTlr�_E .' - ANYONE WM NTING ' ' � ' � Olt SALE -A T110110,911ED JE)R-' - . ..
9 ______� ed,* the eongregabi6n liM, rtilir for their . - . . . P
I . . . .9 . . .. ' I St Parson- Civ;toroi Sawi'g done in th 11 . �
ittle Howard Mellroy while pi - � � . * I 3ON-A L ,liedi , , r I
L, � ,
,P jig
ay . -indn n Of Mra. Stew- WILS N the Met . n . or cow due to calve abotit Jan Ift.. .
. h ess,boitli f behalf . . . P .
. I age 1-lespoler, Oil Jan, 13th, - Mar- of 1911 can have the -sa:me done � . I ..
Aft ,%Iih other Tioys at School was As Good. As 'Having A , - P art and himself. -1-16 said that some- - l . oil I Logris Wanted -'g'17eX. Foster, Varna .1)".O. -5� , -
. . .. . � . ,. .
. � .
ItIrrown and received injuries that pre- . � . . - - Ith n . . . . I I . I . .. �. . . �
. . garlet Cruise, relict, of the lato the farm of Thos. Wallis co . I . .
Doctor I meg,, bVing hupian, -lie became some- - .- I . � �. ... , " . . I A., . , , * , I . I .
. .� . � p Thellouse ti . � � . fiest-Pric - I - .- = .o .. � . I , , . I -
vented him atteriuling school' for Some - , ,. . . .. . �.. . I �.. " I , Rev, Jwiper Wilson, in her 5 7 th ,of Cxloderioli 'T0*nSllip,or at ,!John, .� I .Hig .� . � .e ,. . .1 . . I . . ...'. ... . I I 1 11
days. . . . . . . . I .1. .. , . � What ilis6ptlrageol, alld 11�a,t� sliell $1 � . .1 . 1. . . . . . .. . I.. . � ' ' I . I . . I - . . I P . . I � . . . .
. .. � 1. - . . I I
. . : 1. . I I Year. . %. : . . . '$�tewart;s, Da ftp�l Line. For fur� p ' :* - . I .
' . lilanifeslatioll (A appr6clati.on from. TI�0,NI.I),1;0-N_111 1Y addioss McEwen AID FOR LOGS. -JJ&SSW000, - HUNTMIO . A&I) gtlobtiwl i4 - .. 1 I . . . .
Good congregations attended tibe That is what thousands . 'ic, �N - " ther.. information � .. 19OFT: ELM, ROCK-, ELM AND .
I of 1110thtt's hiai -Pt30P would do intleb to Inspire . Ulh, Calli - .,t�Xfflop, oil .Tan, Os., 13ayfleld , 1. . . .. - . lots 12 #� 13i con., 9 11u:Iett, .are ; . . I I I
last ireek, . tt - , �-clicLt, .pf .13r . . .11 . I I ... 62 - � 14ARD MA:PLE, ESPRICULLY, - u I d 1reipassing; , I � .
. . . 111h*6 lid held 'him to; coutintle. ilis Avotk. the late Jalln 1, libincsoh, aged ,76 � . . .
evangelistic services; in Knox church- ,-.3ay .013dby's, Own Tablets . I ithle Beattie, . . . . WANTED, BUT.Ai,L KINDS . - forbidilth. Parties fo I .1
The pastor, Rev.. Geo., E. Tablets Pt011iptly. and surely cure.all lltt. said ' Ithat w1lite W,ty. feNv O� , . - . . . : __ - .. � -w-ill . I � .
. . . . , _ . VVILL BE PURCHASED. . . be Prosecuted according to . .
P.oss�, was assisted by Rev. Mr. .El- the' minor ills of babyhood and child- years and 3 Months, ' - - .. .. . �, . �- - �"_. I - � P I - � - . -_ - . . . .1 I . . . - �
. thoso!- Who had le . . I . . . .. . � . . 6: J I .� I ... � . la*;=m�Thc. Owners. Oct. 18th. -51 1 .
. . : I .. . I . . . .
' . . . oiiiginaffy call d, hlll� CAVt,-At Mile,4fone, 8asX., on Dec. - I . . I . . . �. I . ." . .
hiatt of Hamilton and Rev. W. W. hood, and what is more 'they ar,e.al)so-. were no%; aiigociated with him in the . . . I . . .. I 1. i . . . . . . . � . I . . . . .
. ' Ut, Lulu wife of 11 C.. GIRL WANTD) N`ERAL - — .
Stoddart, who was On a visit to his lately '-safe--they. have . never been -k- . Allies, ,464' 'G-E'� ., I � — -
. � . I '
home here. The campaign was known to haria . de YOUU'geSt - ba I by�. Ivor of the 41hutch that ,1;6 had beclii Cave, an . d daughter. of -Win. Ames, housework. Duffesi� .to, connuence I PIANOA ORGAN ' � . .. . I � . . � I . .. . 1. .
I "called" llwie� qfiice that time, ,w,hen. . . W.' DAM' ... .. . ,. . . . _
brought to a close on Sunday by a they ' never; itill harm an onc- 'll S e . formerly of Morris towrf.qhip,. aged 8th Dec., 1910.-Allpf�. .to Mrs'. Ivr. . . . Y.- - - 60. , . . , I
thanksgiving service. --v .. are .good for baf;ies- of y t'lley - c fii. b ing invited. to other charges 2?, year$., 10 montlis and 13 d' P '� T, � . . . � - . . ..L
I all* ages. . Con- i I a s. - mc agg"at: . . -50 1 1 1 . . . I . .
the congregation had unanimously . . . . . I SaVe__Z=___ . I � ..
*Vfr .1, I . y . . � . .. . Limited.i' - - . . f , . I .
- .. J. W. Smith is having his bak� coming them Mrs...W1111119gins , Rairn, vo t oil to have him rompLi ri " . lip, sp.ckc ELLIOTI-In Wingliam, .on .Jan. _A_; . . 1. . . I I I .. - I . I . . . ,. — . .. �, ... . . . I .
. . L . . .
-cry decorated. - Ont,, writes:�-111 shall never be Ivith- I I . . . 180, Mary.Ahn !-4male, wile. 11 of . . .. .. __ -, . . . I . . . . . . I . I . . . � .
� I 0 rolation's - . L I . I . . I
� . f the plea'sant which had . . . . . * . . . . . .
Miss Irene Saultz lort last week to out Baby's O,vn Tablets in the � liou.q.� .always existed eN and Mr. Fli Elliott, aged 65. years, I 3 I � � I � .
--visit her uncle, Mr. Ge6. 11. S9,167. of as , long ,is;, lietwoen *11illis I . , months and . .9 (lay . ,,, ... . _ 1. '_ . I . I . . I . I I I . .: . . a � ,_ , . .1 .
. � . .
. my children are sniall, the inenibers�,. official arid lay, and . I TE,NDRERS WA\TF,D, TENDERS1 , . � I .. . . .1
'Winnipeg. She will algo visit Chic�ago They are a wrinderful. medicine .and - . AIIMOUR-�-Tn, Whighoam; on Jan. . I N, O'Bu. ___iZ7___.
.- again thankcid -thern for this neir ex- .. rmo I tit, . a I ged 90 will be received by the council oi I I . � . . .. ... . I . * . I . 11
I as having a dottor in the pression of appreciation. The trive 11ullett for the .Wllppl� ot. 3000 feet � 1. * I . . . I
!,friend%. . I are as goo, - � t- 15th, William A � � ... By buying the Berlin Fuel Say.: . . .
' -3nont . , , . ... . .1
Mrs. D. Bickle and ber guest, Mrs. house. 1 gave thern to -nif little boy -as clorell by tho .4inging � Of tile. . - yPMl§, 7 lis ,and 26 da ' ` . of rook eln'i-plink to'be. ... . BREID � . . . .
, in.g ,.N - Y�. 1 6. ft long, , . . I - . I .6r for which I anf,ageht. I .
I Crawford of Dungannon, vioited on for colic and they quickly. cured hill), I ok-ology. and the 'benediction. ' CAWPAEML-In �Jorrjs, -on .; Jan. 1. . � .1 . . I . . . I .
I c I d . ,and 21, in. thick tobe doliverod 'on. I . . ... ____!�- --.--- . . . . . .
- .
. Saturdav with Clinton fri rids. , . I am always glad to" recoi6iend tlidni . . .. . . . .13ifi, �Tia'ria- 6qniPb6ll, daughter of or before tilt, Ist Alay" If.)Il, at the BREAD the Sitaff of LIFE "FURNAC . E IN - STALLING . . . _. I
� . ,
La grippe has been alniost epidemic to �other lnotbcr,,�..11 - The Table'ts are - T � ' ' � . 111r; and Mrs. J-�ini% ,ITCGve, � a col �.f.oll' I _. .
� .. I I I . . I . . 1.9 Owing plaves : , 7550 feet at. J. .* - . . . . .. . . . I �
. . . I .
. �
in town during the past couple .of sold by niedicine dealer's or at. 25'ec'uts AUCTION ,83ALI�,' ol?'FAR'7% STO . CIK � � 35� yev"A. . I I , '. . . . .� � Fingland's ,-750 fee t . at W. J. Mill- - - . . . . . . . . 1 .: .. . . . .� i , Ilugll
I . ' " . � I w " . 7 1 '. - 8 out Specialty.,, Air.
. . . .
. � G11111181-N-'Iri . Wingliain, �" n * . , . . '' . .. I Rork is very -well pleased - .. . �. . � I
weri's. . . b x fro"", Tlie-'Dr. Wiflianls;l 311voli- and ITTIPIQlnents.-Thos.. Oundry has . 0 . Jan. .1 6 th i er'z ; 500 feet at �. .1. Tanililvn'si 4; .6
. ..�aught " . . , ways buy "Ag , . . .
. .
. .
Mrs. Thos. Lawson and , " )9'� , �Mckvlllc, Ont. received instructio * ' . . George- Bi. Orreell, agvil .712 years. . 500. .feet. " t- R. 'Clark'.�-'., - 500. fevl. At. . � ,new's" and * plea-% itith our.work'and, price.
" . �
- 'er t cine lo. I I ki ,. - I . . I
.. I I . .1 . � . . � .
,closed timir li.duse for the season. Mrs_1 . .1 .1 I . I � . .. . ns froni, the Ur� KNI'll,'T CI f T R, I I * . . , .- � your -t6fe. . . . . . I . ,: . � . � �. I . . . � .1.
. . . I . . . qv.rsigried I - rell- by, alietioll � . -In Chicago, on Jan. J. I ellw'st: .Tpwkrs,N_Vill.bV* cipelled . It nihko:*s. you Ilvalthr, .110MIst . I . � .
Laws,on will spend tilt, wintef with a . � . _ -_ I �. 0 IL . - publi6 , .- . . . and . , . ., I
. . I - . .1 . . I I 11th, Ditniel, sollof Ills. Knc;ehvI - ,,I'lilv tow-n,.�-fiip. hall'im Monday, , . I 1. I . 1.), ;.� (I " -' . �
� , . at L'i u, I . I . .. . I . I . . _ I
inarried ,daughter in StratfiDrol, Miss . . I . . . 0 Con. 4, 111111VIt, 6n Tu6,f- . i�f Senforth" aged ` -, ) 1. strolig: . ... . . 1XIMI. TIN'.S1IITI1,ING..._, . AND - , . .
. , 58 � pars and 12 � yvii, ( ,; , . 1 I ' .. ... .
� � day, �. Feb. 1 7 th, at �2 .(), cloeli, tile. I . .. I U01, 1.1111'._J,afi�iv. Caitipli.ell, . . I .. ' ') .,,, * .,
. . � . � . . ary . I � I
Lawson is willi Cleveland friends. . Market. I . .. . I . I � And W� Janu, .. livelis 'i ,)if v�arnl,. TIET AIRINC , . .. . .
. . I � I . . . . . �
I I I . I I . .
re- . . . � � , . : in . on . ths. . . ,. Clerk. - : * � . 6 3 -3 . . I . . I Promptly, rttviided to. .
Mrs. Jas. '.%Iartvn and daughter following ` llorses 1 heavy draught ,- 1. .
I . I . I . .
I .
. . . . .
' * golding r,W:hg 5 years oldi 1 heavy . 11 . - .1 . _: , . . . , .� � .1 .. . . I � . . .. . . . . . ., ..
turned last week from Toifouto where Tordlitp, Jail. 23rd.� Vnion Stovk . I . .. . . . I P I - I I .— . . I . I . .1 . . I - . _�., . � . . . . . . :
. - .
Yard,�,-Recvipts for today's makkiA draught, mare riring, �, I rlc,av� I . � I . . . I .. . . I � . I I . . .
they atten-cled tbo, .silver ,wedding an- . .. . I .. . . .. .- I 1. � . . . . . . -e. ordL I . . I ..
mare rising , 4 supposed .. FOR SALE -4 Thorobred. Barred L . I . � Phone .1 2. . . . � Lew ,rs sit resiolvriee 76 Victoria
I . I
niversary of Mrs. -_Nlaftyn'S Sister, were 04 cars, I -with 567 -alieppi lin.1 . . I � - to be .111 . . cI' it tak- TIARal F Olt 9;� i,E,,-LOT'.t4 21 AND . . . . I I . . L L . 0 ., . . . .
. . , foal to' Roil. rrickpt*� ': .1, 11 avy Rock Cockerels. 11.06 oa I . I I . I., -Street. .1111611c. No. 139. I
Mrs. W. J. Pearson. Iambs, 31 cilves, and 21 horses, . . . I . � .. . . L. . I
. I -do wa od- for export ('Aill(l, . ig. 2 years by' -Th Per- ruary 3rd -11.. 'Well *111 A41pnew I H, WEBB . . 1.
Tra S go ' p A, 25,,. , con. .5, Godeiielt township, W -, . L
� Clatsole Ifurray had a narrow escap�, . draugtit goldit I om before F bj) . 6,1-1 consisting ., of �120. acre%. . 10 IIN3 . . .
L I ' .,All 'it(, I 0 ars,. I L ,- . . .
11 catiriage . ye, old . I . I
recently from svr1o,u% injurT or death and prices we�rc 5c to 10c flonim" ill ial, - . 111, Hovey, Clinton . . . - 1. . I L. � W, I .L
- L port it) ,. - . I . . . . waterod. anit all treslilir s . ,
last week. Tile offeiings of -ox Supposed to be in foal to ,,pr,o)di 1 1. , eed- — — Now -W . I I . . .
. ____ — — - ---.--. __ __ L
while * coup)'ng cars. Tic war ,drag- - i . gill 8011"'. I driving made 8 , ;.ear% . . .. ed (1()Wll except 10 " acres I I L . ,. IL . I .,��� L I . . .
gcd some disitance before lie 'sueceeded I cluded some very nice quality eatt!c, � old, I dr L iving *)iorse 7 yea" old by NOTI C Ii, TO I . I I now being plowed, and 5 acres bush . - � . . . I
acating him'self. . I t1lie, avVralge showing a better' finis,heii cJu,DITOR,S,:--I\' . THE, ' 1. . I ' .. . . .
in extr, I Sidney, ,11 driving, herso 1 years old, niatter of tile e . I , arn 5 with , . .
Mrs. I lorney, who has bevil very ill t class of cattle, than for sofile w� cks , . state oillenry Ilunk-� Concrete house, b 55x80. . I
for the past, 'month, was ablE, to conle Past* A fi I no load of extra choice - 10 ycars old. ('at- Ing of the Township Of flali.ott'L ill L Good stabling.- . 7 *.- ..Ing - 17 . . L
I . 1 workin'9 hailst I . Storic foundation, . 11 I Stock. Ta * . . .
L ' Mr. Campbell tle5 CowS suppos'ed to be in call t . James; Hamilton, �oal Merchant, � . . ,
tip town last wec,k. . . quality ivis bo,ught, by . L . he Count), of Huron, Yeoman, ]Do- Clinton.. . . I . . -117 STOVES L .STOVE SA- . I . STOVES -L . . .
? wris Clo' to tbotouglibred bulls one duo -in v(:aswd.-Xoti(-c isliereby given pu I .. . boo"CONWAMWM 6 I , . .
Nliss S t rachan, basi resumed lift for ill(. .It( . at $6.35. r- . .. 'L . - 00-1 � . .
. .
ollitieS in the office of die .town troa. The butcher cattle trade was a littlp Fobrtlar�, 3 yearling . suers,. . -rj -suant to Sec, 39.0f Chaly, 129, it's. I . . . . AT COST PRICES . FOR CASH
s- yearling lietfors, .j .,jprillg C,Aiv(.,.,, O. ;,8 9 1, t . I
liter aft-er-a pleasant visit; in . Now. lipavy arid dull, with prices averaging hat all pprs(m,,�: having � L . L . . ,---- . I . L L .
. I ,
i'ork. about 5_V off from la,4 week'% prices. I ligs-I brood %ow,.5 pig,; 7 weeks olaim.s or demands against the, es- . . We' hftve A ant,I)lusstock of Seventeen Stover that we want to (Ili,- I . .
' ; There . werp lailgj,', offerings ill this old. About 50 livits. Implement,,- tato Of tile Said Henry Ituliking, de- AUCTIO�� ,%ALI,,' OF COLTS�-Tlll-,' - stock book. .
,�Irs. Strang Is rreovering from a �Muwswy-flarris. binder 0 -foot' cat, ceased, wl' Pose of before February First when we finish till out .
class, giving bu�vrs a.freer choice in io died on 6r about. the undersigned will selt at lil,,4 own � If your old stove or rat-.ge is not giving good sMisfaction now isi .
severe attach, of grill Dr. Strangi , sucurinp the cat tie s.pecially suited for 111alMsvy-Ilarris inower, Massey-Ilar. 711i (lay of January, 1,911, are . ro� stabler, iln Clititoii beginning at 1.30 YoUr (1hance, we will take it in Oart pay and give yoll something .
who suffered a rvlapso, is also 1m- ' ris sevol dilill n(arly .new, horse rake, quired t10 send by posit, prepaid, or o'clock on Saturday, Jan, . 28th, a
. their ruquirements. The qpiality al'I , tha I t will, and allow you its; full vttluo. 'It will pay to buir even if
Tow,ing. . around was a fair average. Malin cultivator, 2 waggons, I deliver to the undersigned 14' webut-1 carload of C114ice F,illiolis and Gold- . notneeded.forsorrietime, '
1,itUe Mrs Lroina Mertyn, ,aged The lamb trade is ngain off, sliour- . nearly iww, land roller, 2 buggics, I' ' ors' ou or before the 18th. day of - lngs� from 2 to 4 years old, .also sev- . � THRI LIST . .
r1lier decline of alicut 30c froin n hey To . I .,
four, I,,, developing into quite a. MUsI- e.ng a fit early nvw,. 2 walking ploughs, February, '.011, their cbristlan. and - eral Drivers and Work Ilor"s, T � I Pandoralla ge with Rescrvoir .�tkjd 111gli Cuset, Rog. $.')o, rot, $.I,-,, .
I 1 44 go 44 9. ': High Shelf, 'Reg. 'fil. rot, 141, -
cian. It is very intoresting to listen, last week, Quotation-,; this week are, double flivrow plough, ,vutt(r nearly surnames and addresst% witil full are all choice stock and in color are I . 64 . .i .t .4 , Low . Shelf, Reg. 40, for 36,
to ber playing. The little lady Is Iambs $5,60 to.$5,80, new, hay rack, gravel boi!, fanning part-leulars in writinp of- their gtays�, bays, browns and roan -9. A . of to .
Will, piltPor, stone boat, pig cratv., Claims, and statement o t I HitppyThoughtRange with " High Closet. 5 41 I 1 48 . I
not allow0d to sing now for a while Sheep are 25c easior, at $4,25 to , I holt, ae- ,number of tile colt,s, arc broken, I 0. Is . it ad 44 ShOlf, " 60, 11 44' I .
. . set diamond harrows, pair bob � counts. and the naturc o. 4. 1 of is .
owing to some trouble in ber, throat $4,50. 1 ' I Me secarl- Irerms : 3 montilis criedit or' 2 per I L :: square Low :, .138, " s2, ..
. I
but her friends conflid er CaM,s, are ofdoted 50c easier at, $3 ,-I(igliqP, wlivelbartiow, water trough, ties (if any) held by poll duly veri- cent., discount for cAsh, or it re- , I 46 st sel . I of it High 49 1: 54, " 48
� I
to make her mark in 'tile tnufdCAI to $8. ' 140 f(vt, new rope, cat-, sling: ropes tied by statutory doe!1411ration. . And quired .9 rroonths credit with 3 peri I Chilp . 4. if 1# is is s, A." it ,
. 301
I I .. .�
world. arid pulleys, ret doub! barriers, set � Take Notice that after tile said It No 9 marvel P st 44 64 49 .9 28. ,- 2:j .
: . Ilogs-Varket easier and 10c to 15a 1 R, I � 1801 cent, added. T. Gundry, Auction- I 44 4# square it it A- . , *# 25 to ol'� .
, , of Plough hartlem, s"Pt .single harness day of February, 1911, said VIxecut- (,or -) V. J. Wallis, Proprietor, I " Ideal ld$ 94 . 9. to
lustrated lecture on clitolnell in North I arid i7.,40 led and watered at, Toron ors, will ProePv�l to distribute. tit(- 41 t, if 'i: �
Rev. Dr. Dougall gave a second il- low,pr ,"Meets (pioted at $7.15 f -o -b : - now, forks, shovels, ebahis and a �p . is � 46 *9 '40: I' 2
.1 "' 0arland 40, 11 3.3
%treet, cliumh on Monday- evening; to. I a number of other -article,,; too lium. a8set% of tile said decoased aniongibo . I 11 Magic steel rarigo and 11 19 , :. w. . .
Prous too. inention. Aquant4tv. of partieo entitled theretoL 11 V . I XO 12 Belle Oak, coal or. Wood heatet, 41 "" 0, 50,
Mrs. King sang Ili fine voleti ' "The 1 1,11xport eat'06 $0 to $6.35, bull', $4,- a ing re- . 46 I I-) , - L�j
I N0,15 Special 11 " - " : 0,50.
mlingols and a quantity of mixed gard only to Ille clallnq Of which AVPLWATIO4��S FOR OFFIC1141- I Dandy cold beitter I lit 01 . �
Holy City," Dr. Dougall has a '75 to $5.50. graili (va-ill.) Furniture -cooking Ilipy sliall1the.ii have notice nd tbO Applilcationg ,addressed to the und- I Maple Leaf wood heater I 9, I i: : 8 i)o
Ill fte momory and the details of hl�r I Buteliers, choice $5.50 to $5A5, , a . � . I'], $-Soo' I
-trip abol tho impressions, received P bulls; niodium $5 to $6.125, Cows $4 stove, glass cupboard, t4ble, 2, bed sald X'xvcutoils will not be liable tot emigned and marked "Applications I
. steads, matftoss, (lalsy churn. All said a-4iets or any part, tbercof, to for. Office" will be received lip to . we also %visit to Annesubee 010 in tit(% Monti, (If l4,(j1)luaey,tVo %vili I)n . . .,
were given with pereisioll. At the I to $5.25, bulls $1 to 0,2117. On fib —APTER STOCK-TAKINO SAL63-- " including .
% T a 0 Arid other .
conclusion of the lecture a fine por- , will Ile sold without, reserve as flie any person or perrour- Of witore noon oft yri,dgy, Rob. SrA for the tuany novelties in Hardwaro. Kitchen (Ttotisiis, Glarlitew r
trait of ibe Dr, wasl thrown oil tfio,, Proprietor is, leaving the , jarrii. ClAilli noflcr�s,halll nothave bet'llre- following posit.lorlq, : (Ilork, T1701141tr`- specialties, Look for it as it will no doubt Ile intevesting Atid protifable . I
of 1�
I . )]A
Al iw�i I
'I I
I y
'Jlllls� of $10 and 11 ' .
I I Terixis-All ., I rider, ceived by theni. or their �%oljcltor iLt Qr,.A,ssoqsor, Chief Constable, otc., to the pUrchaser. I . I
vanvag and war rpeeive(L with . gteab I .1 A I .
applause. Zurith eash , ov(-r that amount 8 VA011ths' tile thile of 1weh diiiiribuillon. Dated Tait Collector, Night, Wat I rian, 11 d 1, . *11"o, 10-*�
S c ... ... 11 J=A, I
credit oil approV(�d joint note,, or at, Clinton, .1,111, 20til, 1011, W. Assistant. Watorwork 1.�,ni,n,illlwrf I XZT.jA1__\T_n' :S n,C)81
Mr. R,. R. Wigle attended the Phar. Dr. 11R,Xinnoh spent sovoral Maligolms and, Ilrydoliv, Solicitor for tlie V,stgte ; Cemetery Superlutt'lidell " I I W I
days , (it 3 px. stralghl. �tl, 'n1'1.u.d--'
maeelitic COU11011 l7e0ent?y held inTo-,Iast weekvisiting relatives In Toron- little 111gs, easli.--.1,110s. Gundry, I Wm. Grainger, .7ohn (Irainner, L'x- keover, Waterworks V,ngtfiew.-T). STOVES- aild HARDWARE �
Tonto. I 11 11 ''I 1, .1 . --1 I...", ''..1.1, 11. . I 11-1 ... . I.., . I
to and east', auc.; John Dailby, prop. ecutors. L. Macpherson, Clerk, Jan. 11th. . __ __ __,__._ _;_ I - - __ i .1 1. - 11, . . I
. I