HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1911-01-26, Page 2a
Clinton News-woor0l
Unds, For The Settlers Still Another
Postmaster Tells. n Coun
Large areas of 'rias agricultural --T--
lo.odsi, convenient to railways, are WITY IIE PINS 1118 FAITH TO
law i4yailable for settlement fn Nor- DODD'S F•IDIvVY PILLS.
t7;cm Ontario. Doctors failed to Cure his Bright's0
Disease, but he found relief izs the
F'ar full particulars regarding set- ews,*Record Readers
colonization rates Great Canadian Kidney Remedy.s,., free. laudguides ides write to
aet'tiers andClam Point, Shelburne Co., N,S., -
g Jan. 23rd. (Special) -Joshua Nick- Belgravej At the meeting of tits Executive of
`... Director of Colonization Pazlia- erson, postmaster here, is among the
Mr. Jas, McCallum is ill at p present,. PLUCKY
the South Ontario Ligiral Aswia-
man in this utxi. hborhood who tell of W . Y g &la's.. T: Pettier ]s lilt roving, .after ���"������ ��� -tion held at Oshawa Air. Fowke M.
merit Bu>iMings•, pains relieved and disease banished b P'
• her severe illness. •--•--•---- P., w^as prtwnicd with a rine portrait
Toronto. DO Id's a Kidney ill years old," says Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Brandon visited An incident qn a Passenger Steamer of himself by Mn, Ilorbert• Trull, the
in Hullett one oay this week. Sn Route to St John, N.B. COMPARISON artist.
the postmaster, "'And I'll tell you Mrs. G, B. Wray and Aiaster AIor '
%vhy I think so highly of Dodd's Kid- gar, are visiting Mrs. Win. Wray.
w Jessie Wheeler is now learning how R. McBride, Glasgow, relates the
ucy Pills- Awing to a bad cold my I 11 It } 11 The Prince of Wales: Compared to His
E•, r P.
Kidney., eomitnenced to bother me, and
to handle 13: Al. mai sin t.te O,
fo owing story of a Plucky steward-
Grandfather, the Late King Ed-
' ♦ r M '
the trouble developed into Baekache,
Air. Sproat has secured Mrs. Wra 's
++ Some years ago, when serving as,
ward, When the Latter Was
wag confirmed a year earlier than was
-King, Edward, but his Royal Highness
stiffness of the joints, and ,finally
house and will move to at the end of
an assistant engineer on board a pas-
a Prince
,� • • ,�•,:
Bright's disease.
"I was treated b , a doctor, but that
rs. C•easar, who had the utisfc':rt-
uric to fall and break her arm recently,
senger steamer en route to St. John,
N.B., we ran into brie of those impene•
In; appearance the Prince of Wales
has not, perhaps, attended many.
did not help me much, and if; was six
Kidney :'ills t fiat
is doing nicely.
1Fiiss Met:al`tuaxi of Milton. is
trab]e fogs
g. so prevalent in the 134y of
Fundy+ Suddenly, as if on the rocks,
bears a distinct likeness to the late
•. r".`'
boxes of Poid's
brought rite relief•"
amen her friends the Aleasrs, 1Mc-
the ship bumped heavily several times
when his Majesty was his a get
ables, there is, of course his Majesty's ' till. Lord Leitrim, who is one of -the
(.alluin and Allison here.
close by where I stood in the engine-
though. his Royal Highness Is rather
Our sale of Flour,
Every where you, go in Canada peo-
The inany friends of Mr. Goo, Del-
room, followed by the telegraph sig-
falrer and of slighter build than was
ple tell you of the great work Dodd';
o are sorry to ]tear of his illness at
nal from the bridge, 'Full speed astern,'
I was relived by the chief engineer,
King Edward whr. n a boy: and the
KidneyPills- arc doing, and ever one
g, Y
his son-in-law s Geo. Robinson.
his son -in-la'w's
and ordered to take. a good look round,
Prince's features are sharper; but the
who ;tells you Can give the reason.
wily. That reason simply is that
The congregation of Knox church
held ]ts.annua meeting nn Tueselayof
and see it any excess water was rising
in the bilges. Descending two or three
heir to the Throne has unquestionably
this season Over last
there is no case of Kidney Disease
last week. Most of the old officers were
steps to the shaft tunnel convineed me
. inherited his grandfather's expressive
eyes. This fact is especially notice
� y
+ i
dAjr Or night. fit. all the world there is Moth -
Dodds 'Kidney Pills cannot .cure.
fratrt a visit of L weeks with relatives
that it was, and rapidly, toot as 1 found
able when the Prince is amused; then
What better ev' idelil a
These people have tried them and pro-
and friends• at Wingliarri ant} , .Bel-
myself up to the knees in sea water,
After putting tri:, pumps to work, I
his eyes become laughter -lit and the
1+ '� + 1'I:E'rF� AND
ved this true. Backache, Rhcuma-
tism Drops Diabetics Lumba o,
Morris Townshi A
hastened to file stokehole, to find that
blue .deepens, and his whole expres
very recalls that of the
��C �
Y ,
tl1W firemen on watch had already
114vart Uiseava and Bright's Diseases
Yr. =►1. D, Shedden has bought back
the old home; 4th line from Jas. Shed-
Cleared out and first the fires were
[ .-ince of Wales of fifty-three years
ago, says a writer In M. A, P,
are some of the more serious troubles
burning low, On going In search of
The upbringing and education of the
Is your face covered with
that Dodd'., Kidney Pills always pure,
Air. Neil Black, 4th line, ]tax leased
thew on deck, I was just in time to
notIO6 their heads vanish down the
future monarch is being eafollo ed on
pimples, bioxheaorrush? Poor
simply ,becua,se these arc all either
the Mrs. Kellington farm near by for
stokehole ]adder, while the voice of
different lines from those followed in
condition of your blood will
Kidney diseases or are caused by dis-
a terns of 3 years and will utilize it as
our stewardess was raised in angry
`the early training of the late Icing,
cause these facial disfigurements
eased Kidneys..
a run for stock,
At the Township Council meeting
tones, denouncing them as cowardly
]lin$ Edward, I believe, was always
of the opinion .that lie himself was
rt this iseazon of tha Year.-, A
rood medicine for your blood
the officiary of the past year was re-
dogs for deserting their pont at the
first sign of danger, 41t her feet stood
brought up over strictly.
wil cictr your complexion like
appointed at the sante salaries. The
list is its follows:-Assesscit John Wat:
a partly -filled bucket of hot water, and
in her hand she flourished the gal_ey
Severe Discipline
. sou; Collector, 13.ichard Procter; And-
soup -ladle;, and I learned that she had
the ages of ten and cigh-
Of the tnarz blood purifiers
lir, and Mrs, Alex. M. Smith and
hors, it. Johnston and P. McNabb;
been liberally. douching thein, with
teen his late Majesty was .allowed
rrc cc_1 P.oxefE D100d Tab.
son, k dw fn, of Saskatoon.; Saslc., for-
Boa of 13ealth, Robt, Taylor, David
boiling water from the bucket on find
Tittle persona] liberty, and had to
Lata aro undoubtcdl7 tho most
inerly of ,Seaforth, are visiting their
Laidlaw and lieury.Johnston, Dr, Ste,
wart,. Medical Health Officer A. tile-
Ing them. Praparin to char away on
g y
strictly conform to. a severe code of
discipline, tinder which Queen Vic-
cffcctive. �J: a facie.'^r with
the fornic.a ci.'t_.:a reaic�'7 grid
old friends in Sealortli and vicinity.
1$tven is 7'u�vnship. Clerk and A. Shaw
one of the boats, They had evidently
slunk back to work; and the risks en-
toric and the Prince Consort tlioi:i;Iit
L-rzora tv:.et it �r':1 do.. It puri-
Mr. Smith has prospered since going
tailed r
rather than brave the tilting
it wise to place him, but. which the
flea a=d en -:c: -co the blood
to the great west.
Lulu Aiiies wife of fi+ C. Cave. A'lile-
stone, Sash., youngest dmighter of
lash of the infuriated woman s tongue
'and the
young Prince found irritating, and
which certainly seemed to him some -
the c ,t;;4: Jetcri and'
Mrs.. John Dodds was in Excler.Iast
week'vis'ttin , her cousin Mr, Robert-
Win. Antes, former] of Morris town-
the, compellinginfluenco of
scalding water. To her timely and,
times unnecessarily severe,
and lips. : ol1 with taro Retail
son, who has recently returned from
ship, died on December 1st, aged ''-.:3
years, 10 inontlis rind 1:3 days, r tiueral
heroic conduct our salvation, from
The Present heir to the Throne has
been, and is being, allowed to exer-
gaar`autec. Pcr package, Soc+
Dawson, Yukon, and whom she has
took place the following Sunday after-
foundering was undoubtedly due, as
we all had our work cut out iii. bring-
else his own judgment in .many mat -
not seen for some years.
noon, service being held in the :Uethod-
in-- the ship safely to Halifax dry dock
ters which the late Ding had ilecided
.January, 26th, 19111
Cures all blood hurnors, all
eruptions, clears the complex.
ion, creates an appetite, aids
digestion; relieves that tired
;feeling, gives vigor'and vim.
Accept no substitute; insist on hav-
ing Hood's Sarsaparilla. Get It today,
McKillop Towns
(Intended for last week's issue.)
Mr. Egerton Roe is getting hoarse
lumber for building purposes the com-
ing summer.
The last motrthly meeting of thc*
Ladies' Aid society of Bethel was held
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Mc -
Gavin, There was a good attendance.
Quite a large number from McXillop�
went to t'he 544-hodist tea meeting at
- Among those who returned from.
Western Canada recently were I.Ter-
bert Irvine, James Cou'ts, Emerson;
Fulton and John and Peter Robert-
Mr. and Mrs. Snell of 'M}Iestone,
.Sask., are visiting tate lady's par-
ents, 11Ir. and Mrs. MoCutcheon, and
other i•elativis here. They intend
remaining here until Manch.
The.. old reeve and council were el-
ected in McKillop with, the exception
of James Smith, who takes the place,
of Albert Dundas.
Mrs. McLean (nee Miss Alie'e Dun-
das;, and two children of Toronto are
yisiting relatives in this section.
The school its section No. 8 is vac-
ant up to the present owing to a
:scarcity of teachers.
Cbainberlain's Cough Remedy is riot
a common, every -day cough mixture
It is a meritorious remedy for all. the
troublesome and dan'gerom' complica-
tions *resulting from'.cold in The head,.
throat, chest oil lungs.'. Sold by al".
W. S. R. HOLMES The annual instarlation of Malloch ist church, Alilestoite. Deceased was where it was found that besides being forhini by his tutors or parents.
Chapter,, Nlo• 66, . G.R•C., took piste only III four days from pueinnonia. badly strained and fractured, several P6r exhmple, when. thl later Kin,_-:,
,,,%_eD She was married four years ago and plates In the ships bottom 'had been was a toy, all his intim ate friends T�/ p
.- on :Monday everi:ng in the Masonic tea�'es a little son. two. years old. broken, through which the water was were chosen for him, and the co'rp.an• TYPE E -WRITTEN WILLS Leadll�ury
i;IE STOI:. Hall. The officers were installed - "as
• rushingin. ionsliip of ons. or two were :not s•ta-
follows by G. R. McMichael, I.P.Z.
cial]y welcome to the young Pring (Intended for last week's issue.):
Dr. II. H. Koss, Z. May.. Established in Court, But
Dungannon H EN N i K ER . H EATO N But the friends of the present Prince '_lir. B. Sale of St. Xarys visited aD
G. - It. MciVIichael; I,P.Z Dti>tp P1QA011 of Wales are entirely of his own shoos- Handwriting is Preferred the home of Mr. Jahn• Scarlct+t lasti
1I,'F:, Jeffrey, Pai.. Bert Roach, of Goderich has been Ing.' Nothing has been done to force '-' week.
XXXXXiXXXXXXXXXXXXX?+XXXX T, •S,. Bluets, PAJ, ' visiting frierids here. Has Four Times .Declined the; Honor the companionship of anyone on him' while typewritten wills may be A very quiet wedding took place at'.
whom he did not personally desire io _ established in court, yet should they w ' .
X X :Mrs. ,Jackson anti son Will,. of .Ain- of it Knighthood have as an intimate friend, yet in es at#steed, $.-eater difficulty might' the parsonage in' Brussels, when Miss.
R S. Ilaps, S.F.' berley, visited at D. Glenn's last week.
D J, McCallum, S.N., and Tres, 'p}te i�lisHes Thutupson, of St. Augur- -` Lord Wendover and Mr, hdward linos- arise in establishing their genuine- Anna, only daughter of Vlr, and Mrs.
CENTRAL. Keith McLean, F.S: , The City of. London conferred rte iys, the Prince has tive friends Whom. mess than if written with pen and ink. A. (tanstablo, was united in marriage•
tine, visited recently it Mrs.. Ryan's.
a Dr. Burrows, S.S. John yhephard and family, of UoW= , freedom'' upon Mr. Henniker Heaton their Majesties would certainly have . For . this reason careful )awyera pre to .lir. David .Ilan of SaskatehR.tvan.
C. Abet;hart, J;S per, hlatish., are visiting at S.' b`.. Tee- eleven Years ago; and successive Gov- .'selected themselves to be his assn, ter that wills be drafted by the latter Their ninny friends wish them a. long
:RATFORD. ONT. crates. means. If, however, a will be type- ,
After the installation and exem li leavens. ernments have happy ro a e
X X p Jack Ryan started work in -the Brad- Pressed a I{,C,1VLG•' A Studious Prince . written, and .of sufficient length; bothP'PY Y !a o er .the 'sea.: of life.
fication of the . M. IM. and 1M: E. de- fo I -blacksmith she last week. upon him. But . Mr. Heaton has four sides of the paper should be used: lt, I.and
Mr. and ,Mrs. J. J. McGavin enter -
X Write us at once for our free X rtes an adjournment was made to P r 'times declined, the honor. - There is a The .'heir to the Throne, however,
X ta•1 ue and learn .what ' X `g 1 1vlr. and Mrs: Begley returned from � is thought that this lessens the danger• ttained�a fNw of their £.-fends on Ft�i-•
, , joke to connection with Mr. Heaton's Is of a more reserved disposition than of." forgery, as, should one or more; day oven iig,
Nefi s: restaurant, w here an oyster their months visit to their -sou Will in friendship. with Mr. Marconi which was his grandfather as a boy. The
• being done in t•he leading busi- X supper was served sand a pleasant' soc- Iiamlilton. vacant pages intervene, fraudulent; Miss Taylor, our village teacher,.
FP might .bear.repetition,. When rte .was late F{ing certainly desired to have -a .
R iness college in Western Out.. X ial hour sent. Airs, Barber has returned from Ay1= made a .Freeman of the City of Lon- larger circle of friends than does . the provisions might be surreptitiously -in -
X Our graduates secure.good cad .- X P ' spent Sunsiay at her home: near Hai,
Er g Po A uicb wed•dhi took lace t ' the mer far a visit to her friends here. don Mir. Marconi accompanied him, g reefed upon. the, tytiewriter, lock.
q g P a Rev. W. $iemner, of Ripley,. ecce Present Prince of wales•, and,. no -•-••-- ---•
T. 'ittions, • and meet with success, . X p y p- and when. the Tatter's turn came -and doubt,. this. made the choice of asso- The proof of the pudding is in'°th. Sevei d from around here are attenr-
hom�e•of Mrs. J. P.• Shaw of Regina, ed the pulltit of the -Presbyterian he received the freedom of Rome, he .elates for. the then eldest son of the amount thattsn't left over.
X business men say they are. the X. daughter of Air. W. G. Duii, formerly church Stinda ding the •evangelistic meetings- con-
:� best. «ic have three depart- X y' insisted that Mr: Heaton should re- Sovereign rather a difficult matter. The things. that seem to last long
p of• Seaforth, 'on December 29th, 'when' - The annual nieetin of the West dticted by:1Mr. Amos of Atwood in the-
turn ,the • compliment by going with The present. Prince of Wales is, un est with us are the s iortco.nings o Presbyterian, church, Winthrop; this
i meets : X Miss Agnts Bays; daughter of Mr. Wawanosh Mutual Fire- Insurance Co' -him to home. Some little. time before doubtedly, more studious than was ]i's other People.
Y COMMERCIAL, X and Mrs. 'T. Yip. •Hays of Soaforth; was was held in the dnesd }sural Hail, Dee. this Sir Benjamin Stone bad photo- .grandsire when a boy; but, I believe, �wock.
Si-IOR'1 HAND X Bannon, on Wednesday of last week.
united in marriage w]th.Mr. E. C• A goodly number of those interested •graphed them toG4ther on the .terrace that is because .hfa Royal. Highness -
X and t &Munro of Watrous, Sask.. The core- . in the affa>rs of the company were to of the House. of Commons in the cog- has never been. forced to study as was
tu'mes of their res ectiv C_".+7. M tri 1 t KI h t
X We give individual instruction �X
X and you may enter at any time. Y
x Y ]Pastor
X D. A. McLACHLAN, Principal X
mony was performed. by Rev. Mr. Ross
'af Grand Coulee, who.wast Miss Hays
when she was tciachfng, in the
west.` Only the imunediate`fr}ends
wkDrc resent at the cerem it , amen
W. T being, the bride's . broAtcr, . Mr.
W. T.• Flaps of Regina, , After - t•]ta
cerrniony AIx: and. 1Jrs. Munro went
to their home -in Watrous.
attendance. were: Messrs, Reed. Lock-
hart andAlcI}ail»r wereelectPddirect=
o sfor 1911: W. A. Wilsonand Jo ,u `'V}. -
boli werere-eleced'ilnditors f<n auuthei
year. The financial. statement was.
presented frier sTrutved the slily balance
:ou hand of $a,•Liw."
Alex. Stuart was. re=elected pre-
sident uud.John H. Kuake vice .ire
p e ou s, r.
Marconi sent a copy of this«to.an nal-
ran newspaper, and the latter publish-
ed it on the day, lir. Maroon received-
the freedom of Rome over the inscrip-:
tion; "Mr., Ma •cont`and King Edward
the Seventh." One of Mr. Heaton's
. most treasured possessions -and he.
only received it during ..his, election
campaign this .year-- Is a letter from
Mr.Chamberlain wishing him success,
V. a e_ ng. upon ry om F, ea pre.•
sure was put by his tutors 'in his early
..As a, matter .of fact,• t:haugh the.
]'r}rice of..Wales could read and write
at- five years old, no pressure. at ail
was put on him to acquire any` know -
ledge from.. books until he 'was' six•.
years .old, and even their his, studies
:were never made unduly severe.
.' It may b.e noticed that the Pr -Ince.
This is a photo of the two- year-old "Steer the property of
Mr. John Barr Blyth P.O! which won ' the p`1,urt i
t Urtl
Championship at the• Fat Sto p SY�ow itI Ciuell,ii in l�ec ,
19081. Mr. Barr now bas for sale four. bulls.,,' ' ( t
l .,. I) t l 1,1
months old) of -til, same breed and t3>pE; and horn ilsa-.
ported sire,.
- •
Mrs. Nlatthews'Of Edmonton is liere
tlia with her
Lord Desborough has chosen the fol-
lowing' extract: from it as an Inserip-
wag confirmed a year earlier than was
-King, Edward, but his Royal Highness
Our iiotto This Year is The Best Yet
Spending winter _•parents,
ner,and het• eyesight andhearing•havc
been iuiusttally t11is, Cox was
tion for Mr. Season's '.at
dru fist's or postpaid from the prop.
Mr.. and Mrs. George I-Iabkirk, of :tic-
and some exqulstte Dresden china, .a acres, Ile .offers every -encourage
has not, perhaps, attended many.
Kill�op, and other relatives.
'11iss Mar Lamont was vieiitin with
file ,MeCallurti i'tLtuily itr'H•tt11,i lash•
has been . tv p
g' en to few men to promote-
.reforms • Independently, and to see
them in their lifetime
functions, or, been as much before trio"
public as t{ing ildevard had when his
fu ni ure. n addition to these valu- ! to become owners of the land theyQ
adopted own
late Majesty his sixteenth
ables, there is, of course his Majesty's ' till. Lord Leitrim, who is one of -the
Geo rge 1]aiin fs home from the 1Vest
with universal approval." There is an
Our sale of Flour,
P A R I S I A V 5 A' G_ E
looking as if lie was enjoying the very
best tai health.
amusing anecdote. in connection with
a I arliamentary chess match which-
'The love of his home 'Is, indeed;
playing a. very important part.]n the
Feeds, Seed G"raid:,
_1r, Ideal flair Tonic.
Miss Sadie, ,Tames and John: Itiley
the famous postal reformer got up be-
tween Great: 13rftaim America :in
formation of tkio character of the heir
Etc has doubled
Parisian Sage is compounded on the
were visitors with their sisitef•` :Airs.
Iiuffmau, of (ior•rie, .over 5tinduy
1907. `It was played by cable, and at
to the British Throne, and his great
affection fol his only sister has .been
niost' advanced scientific ti,nci les•
P P '
one stage of the game everything
a. .potent influence for good in his
this season Over last
and, nothing oh site market to -day can
tiles. Jiro. bake, !tri con,,' is back
Pointed to The defeat of the Yankees.
voting life. Pond as Icing Edward was
� y
+ i
dAjr Or night. fit. all the world there is Moth -
compare with it; It accomplishes so.
fratrt a visit of L weeks with relatives
Realizing this, they wired "You're too
of his sisters; he never, as a boy, made .
What better ev' idelil a
much more . than .the ordinary • tonics
and friends• at Wingliarri ant} , .Bel-
&ood for us, we'll play you at poker.
a companion' of any of the Princesses
1+ '� + 1'I:E'rF� AND
and docs itso quickly. that, users are
1. A Wei ht maria —f the Bank
The game, however, ended. in a draw,
and the offer to play poker has not
as the. Prince of Wales has. of the
princess Mary who -has joined him in
cant ere be that cur
stock and prices a r
• -
Parisian Sage kills . 'the dandruff
germs, and .eradicates, dandruff, .•.tops
falling hair; itching. of tate scalp ' and
lite,fi hairs'in two .iveeks• or we.
sp g t
will rtifunil`your money.
PariFvan :. Sage gives a• tascinating
lustre to women's hair and makes it
beautiful, It . Drakes the hair grow
] tl 't . • ..tri da' tiest and
of Harnilton, I'rixwZc Albert, has been
a guest at the horite of li; and lies.
Albert Carter. a well known torwor
resident, is here onaholiday visit :from
in aloin nicely out theve. ifis."house
g i
is atInnisfall,Alberta.
Mrs, HArrietFletcher(kix, I2thcou..
who been,a resident on the same
faun for the ast Jl Cars cole.:
been accepted:
THE r . .
Guarded Beyond the .Hopes of the
;y; ost .Daring Burglar.
Special precautions :were taken to
safeguard the Royal treasures during
countless shorting expeditions with
gait and rod; and. these Home in-
tl.uences In the PT life have tend
ed to strengthen, not to :weaken, his
manliness. of character.
�—`— 6
He Offers Every . Enoouragemnt to
His Tenants
This is a photo of the two- year-old "Steer the property of
Mr. John Barr Blyth P.O! which won ' the p`1,urt i
t Urtl
Championship at the• Fat Sto p SY�ow itI Ciuell,ii in l�ec ,
19081. Mr. Barr now bas for sale four. bulls.,,' ' ( t
l .,. I) t l 1,1
months old) of -til, same breed and t3>pE; and horn ilsa-.
ported sire,.
- •
usurian y , r is c tri.
most refreshing hair dressing that
brated her 92ud' i •thday ou,.Decein,
her 10th. She was Vie first school tea•
their" removal` from Marlborough
w �►w�rwt VV1MI1/V
science has produced, and has not a.
cherin S. S. No. 10. She hits retained
House . to Buckingham Palace. Four The liar]° of Leitrim .has always
particle of grease or stickiness fn . it,
}ter visite in a most astonishiui; matt•
detectives were. especially detailed to taken a deep personal interest in the '
guard them. These personal treasures inane gement and improvement of. his'.'
Our iiotto This Year is The Best Yet
Parisian Sage Costs 50 cents at, .your
ner,and het• eyesight andhearing•havc
been iuiusttally t11is, Cox was
consist of'gold.and silver works of art estate in Donegal; which covers, 52,000
dru fist's or postpaid from the prop.
horn and married iu t�iieeii'a Co., Ire-
and some exqulstte Dresden china, .a acres, Ile .offers every -encourage
rietors, The Giroux . Aifg, t;p•;. 'Fort
1•.K ; Ont., The girl with the A liar t
land, and she and Mr. COX Mute tet
America (iii years a};o. 'They lived at
number of valuable pictures, and it ment to his tenants to avail them,
laget quani�ity of very rare antique !. selves -of the Land Purchase Acts; and
hair is on every and
fu ni ure. n addition to these valu- ! to become owners of the land theyQ
package,. .gold
by 11,. S. R. liolmrs.
Pittsl)urf , Penn., anti Tlull.et•t town-
ship lie#cit°e coming tit Grey Mr. • Cox
ables, there is, of course his Majesty's ' till. Lord Leitrim, who is one of -the
died fn ISM aged Ili years. The. child-
r•en ai a ,11rs. it, A. Bain,1 of Petrolia;.
collection of :stamps anis a big library largest landowners in 'the North of
containing a. number of extremely rare .Ireland, is .great-nephew to the third
N% -s R. (1, Ennis. of yaskii,tehrwan;
George,. of Vancouver, 11, C., Ilarry.
editions. • Har1, whose murder on his own. es
There is only one attempt on record fate caused. so profound a densatioti
Paper hanger. Al' work done guar-
deceased; Richard and. -bliss 11u:rriet.
In the past hundred years to burgle, about thirty years ago,' He succeeded
NO• matter how neeesSar it is for you to l linW
anteed satisfactory and prices
of (xi°ey. !etch+ Cox 1ta1a been a lni}�ht
active, industrion4wtyrm>nWhu,en o s .
1 y.
Buckingham , Palace, which is most to the title when a boy of thirteen.•
carefully watched night and day by � The Ears fought in South Africa with
the precis e, exact time t0 file zaeC.ond, you 11'lil
moderate. nearlyopposite
estc•etii of a tvitli t trcle <tf fri<'irds..
the police detectives both Inside and ! the Trish Yeomanry* and Celebrated
Collegiate Institute, Clinton. 83
out The private entrance used by i iris .majority, in the Boer prison at
find the Counter Watch. on the Job an time -cif
. •.. -•-. •�-•----•
members of the Royal h•arnily was i Nooitgedaeht,
one eventing left' ajar by the Prinec�' - ----' ----
Consort, and almo:;t Immediately afte-r- , "THE CHILORLN AT THE GATE
� y
+ i
dAjr Or night. fit. all the world there is Moth -
,x' �J ��J �+
W. 17. Watts & Son'
Motto for cabmen: "Por wheel or
wards It was entered by a nian who. ' 1 say that the world is bitter -slyest,
was permitted by ilio servant at the i its fortunes late;
il]g; better, few if an,,r equal. 1t SOCIits it) +�Q '
Dentists extract a lot of fey froth
And come -too
enfi:tntre to pass, Subaci uently, tiie But twilight falls with the puttering
1+ '� + 1'I:E'rF� AND
}fives of dressmakers are only
sew -sew
Iran Hits se.toplwd when attempting to i feet
enter, otic of the Private apartments ( Of the' children at the gate.
and 25 year cases fitted With a Coutlter :Hove -
_ y Firemen must o to blazes. + , P lice And I know whatever my toil my be, meet froth 15 u We .sell it• to you It'1t.h the
0 T iL P.R� Drd.1JT Mit I NRIAL and was f,rt r:n 111,014190 of the o de p
'THAT MONEY CAN BUY WiIC1I fi a plan of the, I nlave was found on, i ,their arms in the evening will nook -
Coal dealers have a sham weigh hint,
F.NASI.1•.S 118 TO 30 GOOD WORK with them. , t � lace me. ( understanding that it will do exaetl�+ as Ive tell
It may be t•emr ttbered that some ,
AND iGI DO 1T 1'ItO1M1'TI.Y. Farman I'le a trying time. Years ago, when sotno of Queen Alex, T say'that file world has stormy i§k ea, .
Bring. your Shoe Repairing For bankrupts: sow wild i oats andrits collection of miniatures wereshine-, Oil or you et another ` ateli. (ill yes It Is �
p u the dat of life heist to be refrauicd, four of them And faintly the sad stars y
here and we wllL prove what we are in debt. ` nut night brings stars when the ahil-
:were stolen. They were, however, dren's eyes safe for us to do this is it counter Watch Hever
ri.i:overed vc r,
,T we say. 1Vloney]eirdt:ra take i;r<•nt interest In ,. v t,hortly afterwards. Look tenderly into mine.
1F YOU WANT' THE 13EST lite. disa dints.
i�1�J ATaSO :4t�K1: Ii0r7TS TO (117- C"nderlakr�rs are uravc+ :nrr�t. .1s a lute, the Tt,tyai tit;isutes are to And I know, wti>xtover my tor} may be, '. �c p�
COAL ANT'PRamp'r DE1.1�- 1)1•;li t1N1) IN FROM .ONI�, TO Doctors, to be smetrssi'u1, uii:i~t itch enrctuliy date -NA and. guarded that Whose eyes are welcoming lights to
ERY-SECUIIE YOUR SUP- TI1RI.l�', DAYS, cess patience. the tttosk damn;; and ambitious burglar mat
-PLY FROM US, t;arderleto air srrdy indiviclrals. ticvarr ltflUS to --IT7re them.' I •.-Prank L. Stanton.
bRI)i RS I.1�:1�"f' Jl'T oAYYS t'a11 on u� when in need of A black kine; is Drat all r�boity rill, r. t3tJ3S1AIV 1lOi''f A t , �rRY Gr�O[) PRiNCiPi_B, 't'00
do 'ttOWLAND'S `IARDWAU10, anything in our line. Actors b:ar no malice; tht•y always We R. COUNTER
... snake up, 1 ht.rt are no fewer than eighty-six qty cardinal principle has been to
ST'OR'E PROMPTLY AT- moral holidays in a year In Russia. -
�,.'rriNbEb TO. Lawyers slave stele fi li:c�K. t� . avoid trouble.---AIr. Roosevelt.
19oolttttal.ers ar e odd felt..
l Wr, ". watts & ��� 'Violinists irtanago to twrallt� ti licit:I;,Jeweler Issuer Marriage Uc.etif;e:5
1 If you Want a be]ltr: ring her..._ —_..- -----_._.. 00 +tJ +i • thftevensoll OrPOSTTF; POSTOFF'TCL Porgers have eheOtter, d t ^rears. ,SOI` Q1Ta11tiitti� QllilllClt Of H111'OCl NL'WS TIIC �TQWS-RECoI(� Excels.
+w.� r�AiiiArtirrVK+�rwvv+t+irre+r�+ +�wte